Page Two H IL L S B O R O Surprise Held for Birthdays Carl Watson at Newport last week Mr. and Mrs. A rthur Fisher of Sunset camp were Buxton visitors Sunday. Operates Camp Otis Johnson of Banks is oper­ ating a logging camp on the A. S. Ohlem iller place. The logs are be-I ing taken to the Elwood mill for ARG U S. H IL L S B O R O , Thursday, Septem ber fi, 193*» OREGON Portland Sunday and attended state fair Monday. Scholls Church to Hold Rally Mrs. Arland w bltm ore of near z~s « ry • f'' £ ? 1 __ 1 Raid Peak has spei lit the past two Sunday: uroner School weeks assisting her he mother, Mis / ' Repair I Rose Jackson, with liarvest work. toon. Canada, spent Sunday at Bon­ neville dam Medford Persons went to E sta­ cada for a few days* visit this Cedar Mill won the third |n d do week elding game in the Farm Union Morning worship services at the league championship series Sunday from Carlton 27 to tt on the Cedar Mill field Carlton took a four-run fÁ< jfa J tr ! lead in the first Inning but Cedar Mill scored five runs in the second and held the advantage during the balance of the game. Barry, w in­ ning pitcher, held C arlton to six hits w hile his team mates smashed out 26 safe bingles. Carlton, w inner of the first half schedule, won the first game 11 to 10 and then Cedar Mill evened the score last Friday on the Hillsboro diamond w ith a 16 to 0 victory. Cedar Mill Team Wins Union Title Most of the prunes in this local­ ity are being sold to the canneries instead of being dried us usual Sam Frost has returned from the ^ M rs Varley, cook a t th e Elwood! V eterans hospital and has charge mill, has given up her position as 1 ------------------------- of the peach harvest at the Midway BUXTON - A surprise birthday (By , B twmmin) i left Friday to spend a week at {nursery farm. n a il ; was given for George Fish- cook owing to poor health. Mr and Mrs. D C onnett went to SCHOLLS A return to church Vancouver. B C. - « . Jesne Meyers and Gilbert Frost The Roy W hitford family a t the Harry Simonton home A u­ Woodland, Wash., to spend t h e and Sunday school rally will be Humboldt. Kansas, and the Billy held at the church Sunday. gust 28 The three were presented week-end. _ T. Alex Allen was home from Bray. Bus service trom_ Portland to Whitford family of Hiirtington. w ith a large birthday cake (dec- N e b . v .'ite d Mr and Mrs 1’b erlo N 1IW W lIlS F C nilaT Ilt •rated in pink and w hite and bear- Cal., for a vacation. He was called i Scholls was started Tuesday, 1 Hanson last week. . . School Repaired iag each of their namest by Mr back to his work Saturday. G roner school ground and build-1 Mr and Mrs E P. Vntirz of Bak- (CoeUaurf fnw p « . — I and Mrs R W Manley. The eve- Dcan p hinips o( Portland, who K s r s r 4 ciean- s L iid 'v 11 a* ,h " Dick T ay,or *.....w rung waa spent in playing cards | and dancing Present were M essi' M lx r ± T V £ m “ " e- h- | edMdrU sr,« ^ H f r r t and two ie Christensen „had his ton- opponent If the locals win Sun- and Mesdanies R W. Manley and returned to his home. of Portland spent last 1 sils removed August 2< at St. \ in- day, thc> will probably pia> tin Bonnie. Alex Allen. M WaUon. Stanley Pongratz has returned to [daughters ie Samuel Selffert home, cent hospital. second round of games at V nughii ( lly M m lltiwh |liin l«< t«| rx..■ wr Cearley and Waunetta. b the home of his aunt, Mrs. Ken- week at the i-ppard of Forest Grove Mrs. Ruth Christensen returned Street park in 1 ortlund the fol- Mrs Art Taylor and daughter Kelly. J. Lane, Victor White and after an 'ex ten d ed vLnt" w ith^iclu- spent the week-end at the Ed Hoi- from Sm ith's hospital in Hillsboro lowing week Bonnie of Portland visited Mr. and Beverly and Shirley. Fred Bene- com home. Mr. and Mi-s. W. B. Tuesday, w here she has been the A go—- Eastman. Russell, llda. Gerald and received the scholarship, winning 1 0 0 0 McGuire Island laibor day. and Don H dav erd spent Melvin Powell, Robert Place. Lu­ by a small margin over Miss Kelly. Four Corners mi on the the Scholls Seholls load road Chad Haynes k ^ „ d a„ d Labor on ., J»«««. if ,r Mrs. Clea Drake and Earl Obei cille Retherford. Lucille P ed er­ . ..... > li.w kv All Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ross and Evelyn for a general store and service 3b fishing trip to Wilson river and Kooky. of Portland spent Wednesday at the It. It™ inlaw , p son. G ilbert and Oren Frost, w il­ of Portland visited relatives here lion W H. King home liam and Delmar Riggle. Elton In ­ Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jennings gram, Alvan Sanstrom. Cecil Lane. Dav and sons Hubert and Klden of Hurry Webb, David Edwards, Ken- ¿ s i , rj t are Portland and Miss Freda Alplanalp. noth Albrecht and Mr and Mt- S c h O O l ilt D C lld Sny also of Portland, visited the G a ll! H arry Simonton and Dorothy a n d : J t i s ' s n d ^ M i s s ^ Harney’ Holcom j Tuesday to pick hops for the sea K arns home last week A rthur. T otal Mr. and Mrs William J Peterson • Bat teil for Jo Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Peterson I spr,n, .,h e »V,lu ,n 't a n d atJ^n c Holcom ’ m t and M rs X G. Heaton went of San Diego, C al. and Miss Rob­ (By Mm. O. H. Peterson) A H It 11 K and Mrs. C. M. Christenson of BENEX—The local school will op- a n d ' Buford ' Deford visited state j erta Morrison of Pullman. W ash. ^ e h a t l e n ^ J ° ¿ £ * 5 ¿ ' ...rr,«, zb Portland visited Mr. 1 eterson » en Septem ber 9 with Miss Frances Lee Shipley to ef o i .spent a few days last week ut the fair Monday. brother, who is ill at his home Post £ teacher the home of his parents, Mr. and churvhl»y. 3 1 H E Burdette home Mrs Peterson n«Mr Independence August .5_ Mr and Mr$ O liver Clark and v Hl’rb:'rth ,snT tlir la m id a y frOw here M a & r i Shipi’e y ^ T h e y ’ called at v B arn., If J and Miss Morrison are Mrs Bur- Mrs. Earl Locke has returned to chi]dren returned last week from Vincent ,«v*r«Ct, r f ia th e C hris L auner home near Tilla- ¡.- u detU-'s nieces. was o Derated on ior nernta. , a . Hohnsun. lb her home at Williams, La ., . their trip to the mountains, where he Mrs Mr. and Mrs. John Livingston 0 Mary Whisnand is visiting niook en route home I Cloy««. spending several months with her they ¡,; k e d hurkleberrles. Mr o ; Sa union, c and fumily art- moving into the the R Top. B. Whisnand home ' at ' [ SchoUa’ Rev. Ladies’ Smith to A i/w F U l be en- Jubila, p sponsored by W. | -- U . e _ Bon* i " " mother. . . o William Keehn place Mrs Living 0 A picnic was • S lf B r w i ston is Mr K eehn's granddaughter, j - M r and Mrs. H. N. Whisnand and tertatned at the Rev. S. Revnor K A. ladies at the home of ----- Mrs. ne\ llle dam. Mrs Freda Digmnn of Dilley tS I 3 1 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Borovtcka and j , jly and Mrs. Mary Whisnand Sm ith residence in Tigard this Mollie Tallman August 28. Several . . . , nld iamuy *«iu «*«•. •• spent Labor day with Mm W 11 ' children of Portland \ isited old w eek-end at Snohomhtsh, King. friends around here last week and visitin , Mrs B ernard Aam- . r.l„,\ kolcuui in tho Hr-trs riaxlHc il uon., • •*' a Miss Yousisk of Saskatoon. Cun David Edwards and infant son at «d«w. i». Jabtta. 1» udu, spent a few days lust week at j Rubv of Param ount, Falls Mrs. is C. K g B at ro u the n of A K ath T it«.,, ltr«nd «w , S; J obits, 1. S M S r. T d F.,rxih,-dp\ a ^ t a r t t e r -it t Forest Grove *e" Mr' days. &nd A lbert Sco,t M Miss b S ? cam eS u S n tark d ay for an indefin- v irttm B. lam Flint h r ^ on b - hall* Mu. o ff J-bhK T-o-1 the J P Rogers home. 011c a n y la s t w e e x . C ^ „ o ' , h m i h . r a n d c o i n r . m . . » in n ., t - a i l l. OO ■____ I t_____ k ||, ll„«kv. H a n n a. St-rvfford. g a n - ' Mr. ---- and -------- Mrs. — L Vermillion 7 «»«rk-Allen home i home. .. . . . . . , ---- - - ....... ...... o - - f, 1 Mrs Homer Hawes of near Eu­ Mrs. Scott's brother and sister-in- i and L orcthy Yedd of) Mrs. Leland Flint returned last i u r n m ^ tiX | Portland spent Sunday at the J P.l gene was a guest of Mrs. E. L. law. Mr. and Mrs. Del Clark Portland spent the past week v is -, , - . . returned home after Wednesday from several weeks at ball.. Saindon. brand«» Rogers home. R ucker several days last week. . u e . S tark home. I ! Yuba and Marvsville. ----- I Mr. and Mrs. C. P Beck and , I i W^ r t “ v iS t \ t ’ th Marysville. Cal. Mrs Mary S tuart of Portland iting several beaches. | G. J. Beck of Portland spent Labor S econ d (»aate Miss Ethel Clark spent several ' . Eveivn Hatfield Stanford I Mr. and Mrs. Harold Herd re ­ visited her mother, Mrs J. Bellish. days I l i l l . boro— AB it II K day at Bonneville dam in Portland last week visiting and -Joe s tr e tcher were turned Saturday from a wedding Maison. 2b recently. * » • 0 B Cornilles of Portland and Fred Watson is employed near her unc‘e. K Stober and family, “ eek-end guests at the H. L. Flint to u r of the beaches and a visit H anna, cf l l j Miss Magna Lessing of Portland Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Eisner and cottage w ith friends at Sunset and Coos Newport Mr*. Watson and Vernon children l i „ visited Mrs. Gail Kurils Thursday and Mrs. Eisner's parents. [ oeacn col“*»e- „ , . , Bay points They w ere entertained H. Hrandaar, If and Merlin visited Mr. and Mr;. Mr and Mrs. R. M. Scott, and son Hesses E ntertain I I a | Mr and Mrs MacDonald and Flor- w ith a wedding dinner at the home [ “ W alter o f T ualatin visited Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. H. T Hesse e"*er- of her parents. Mr. and Mrs S. A J c "nraJidim c “ 1 u ence of Portland visited old friends Eisner’s grandparents. Mr. and M rs. \ tained a num ber of relatives Sun- G otter Sunday and friends and I smheriand. ib i i a here Monday William B artlett, at Fisher. Wash.,’day *n honor of the Tony ” e ’ neighbors gave them a charivari v.»lk»r. Sb u i » Mr. and Mrs. J. P Rogers und Sunday. I nesw ki fam ily of Taft, who spent party Monday evening. u u u u Ira and Mrs. Someviltea of Suska- -R um Mr. and Mrs. William Hielman the w eek-end at the W. C. Heaton L uther M iller and Mr and Mrs. J ts 7 a i and son Robert left last week o n ! home. Miss D ons Heaton returned Sutherland took a load of fruit and Tutal Replaced Sutherland in 7th. a motor trip w ith th eir new auto with them for a week s• «’a y vegetables to the C hris Launer Aloha- AB K II K to visit relatives and friends in the Miss Ada Albright, who has 1 ^ome near Tillamook Sunday as J l<«rr«»n. 21» eastern states. visiting the past several weeks at a goodwiI, donatiOn from the form- ct Mr and Mrs. Henry Stober and the E P Lindow home vr Scholls friends and neighbors A ii.r” k * u daughter Alice and son Marvin of to h er home last week at Pains; llle. o{ (hp fatn,|y Mr. L auner».m. ib Portland visited Mr. Stober's sister. Minn. has been bedfast for 18 months M. i.««n. rf Mrs. Oliver Clark, and family Sun- Program at iarm in g to n with back and hip injuries received “ day “A radio program, a Bible when a log rolled over him. The jjb",,. p No m atter how little you cat, you Quite a num ber from here at- drama, will be given as a special Lincoln I. O O. F. lodge sponsored „ should relish your food to feel your tended the county fair at Hillsboro feature at the Farm ington churcn the trip. Mr L auner is a mem­ •C loy» ! iast week-end. ! social this Friday evening. Ice ber of a P ortland lodge. best and get the most enjoyment It 1 4 t out of living. If clogged-up bowels T o tal ................ ............ _ Early hops on the H. Nixon and cream and cake w ill be served. A Mr. and Mrs Lloyd M urray were • Karplared H o w w r in 7th. Mildred Steinhoff ranches were tree will offering will be taken, and Inactive kidneys are poisoning Labor day visitors of their daugh­ .timi Juhltc in - h picked last week and picking of Doris W hittle of Laurel spent ter. Mrs. R. O. Keith, and family. 1 D 1 I I t " 0 your system, causing you to have Aloha Ü 0 1 0 U 0 1 0 0 j the late hops will start Septem ber several days last week visiting Lor- finicky appetite, and family. J a a. a t- In n in » , pitched by J u b lU . 7 . Lever- a "puny." 6 on the Nixon ranch. The early raine Demmin. MlSS W inmfred Johnson of Spo- 2 thani. Ue,ml JubUt 8lru,.k ,,ul m aking you feel run-down, slug­ hops are a fairly good yield. Rich- Club Meets Tuesday kane, Wash , came Tuesday to v is -(by Jubiti. io. R.»by. is. li»..« bail, gish. w ithout ambition or zest for I ard Anderson of P ortland spent Scholls Woman's club will meet it the C harles DeVoure home. thc good things in life -ta k e a few ”7f Jubitx, 2. Thrw-ba»« biu. 1 several days last week at the home at the church Tuesday. A 1 o'clock Mrs C lara Wohlschlegel of New- i “1*1“ - H-»"«. dOMS of good old Williams S I, K of his aunt and uncle, Mildred a n d 1 pot luck luncheon will be served, berg spent Saturday and Sunday Form ula and see how much better hall, M ,,rarn llranilaw j Ferd Steinhoff, and picked hops. The program will include a lim- at the C arl Wohlschlegel home. you feel. ________________ Miss Lucille Peterson returned erick contest and vacation trip Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gedosh of Williams S L. K. Form ula Is I home from the A. B. Flint home stories. A guest speaker is expected Yakima ______ visited at the E. P. Lindow compounded from the prescription ! near Scholls, where she »’as em- Mr and Mrs. Raymond Casey home last week of a form er arm y doctor and con­ with confidence in a ployed for a month, to go back and children of McMinnville were Clean up Tuesday tains valuable ingredients which a c - ! Tigard high school, which starts Labor day guests a t the J. C. Hat- An all day clean-up program will suit freshly cleaned by . to complish their work in four bene­ Septem ber 9. field home. ■ be held at the Jacktow n school O pportunity to exchange Fourth ficial ways: As a mild tonic, stom­ Mrs. Charles Deverell spent all Miss Ava Howard returned Sun- Tuesday. A new woodshed will be our high quality d r y ach stim ulant, laxative, and diuretic [ Liberty Loan bonds, called for re ­ last week at the home of M rs., day after a m onth's stay w ith Mrs. built and the inside of the build- cleaning process. The 1 Olive demption October 15 and with s e r­ stim ulant for the kidneys. Many K ercher in Portland. Recent I Charles W ymuller at Cannon beach. ‘‘‘.VJ ial num bers ending in “3” or “4", take Williams S L. K. Form ula also visitors at the Deverell home were w in ^ ¡ d >(Ome results will m erit the Grandm a Jack Honored for other governm ent securities will for indigestion, nausea, l o s s o f Mr. and Mrs. Scher, Oscar D everell.! Mr and Mrs Hugh Lewis and About 35 relatives and friends at- i be available for a limited time, yveight and s a l l o w complexion. ’ small cost. Miss Eloise Stapleton. Mr. and Mrs. Mr and Mrs Sanford Rogers ot a b irthday party in honor j according to R. J. Seearcc. m anager w here a mild tonic, lnxatlve, atom- j Vermillion, and Mrs. E. H. Mund- Beaverton were visitors at Rubv tended of G randm a Jack of Jacktow n on of the Hillsboro Branch, F irst Na- achic, and diuretic is needed Don't I lin of Portland. | Rebekah lodge August 28. Mrs. Lu- her 81st birthday August 28 j tional Dank of Portland. Holders of take too harsh drugs which jo l t . ~~ ~~ ~~ 1 cille Flint won the speech contest Mrs. Jackson Honored ! the bonds may exchange them your system and upset your »loin- [ Gives ( onfidence sponsored by the good of the order Mrs. Rose Jackson was given a ] either for 10-12 year 2% per cent ach. Ask The Delta Drug Store to­ The decision of longshoremen to committee. Mrs. A udrey Heaton bonds of 1945-47 or for day for Williams S. L. K Form ula avoid a strike the end of Septem- was surprise hostess to the club surprise birthday dinner in honor 3 treasury 4 -year m p ercen t treasury notes The first bottle must satisfy or ber has done much to give busi- ancj entertained w ith ice cream, of her 53rd birthday Sunday Pres­ series money back.—Adv. C-1939 were Mr. and Mrs. Mike Jack- ness confidence, according to M p ians w ere made to can fru it for ent L. Gilbert, who spent Friday w ith the j o o F home and thc m ak. son J r . Mr and Mrs Alex Scott his tw o agents in Hillsboro—Rob - ing of a wool quHt in the near and Nancy May of Gaston. Mr and ert H. Kelly and F. O. Eagon. rep- future. Visitors from Hillsboro and Mrs. Mike Y unker and Ruth Coy of Forest Grove. Mr. and Mrs John Hillsboro, Ore. Telephone <7 C entral Union In s u r-, Beaverton attended Lincoln lodge Struzm ick and Mary Lou Fay of ance company. August 28 when plans w ere made Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Arland for the W ashington county conven­ W hitmore of Bald Peak. Say you saw it in the Argus. ti o n of which Ju liu s Christensen Mr and Mrs. J. E Bennett re­ is the president. turned from Blue Lake park Tues­ Mrs Etta H ackenberry and day w here they spent the sum mer daughter Evelyn of South Pasa­ assisting with boating concessions. dena, Cal., visited at the Lloyd Mrs Ernest Nelson and two girls M urray and Ed Wohlschlegel homes spent last week visiting her par­ Tuesday en route to Monroe, Wash., ents, Mr and Mrs. John Rosen- to visit her daughter', Mrs. Vincent balm. at Amity. Widney, and family. A large crowd from Scholls S un­ Mr and Mrs. George Candeaux day school attended the picnic at of Newberg visited at the Lloyd L aurel Labor day. M urray home and with them called Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Twigg and at the Herm an Shaffer home in two sons K enneth and Leland visit­ P ortland Sunday evening. ed at the Joe Sandiforth home in Mr. and Mrs. Francis Rowell spent the week-end at Newport. if Over 50,000 men and women in Oregon gain their HILLSBORO PAINT & Birthday Celebrated livelihood from the production, transportation, m anu­ Mr and Mrs. Ralph Christensen | W ALLPAPER STORE facture and sale of dairy products. entertained August 21 w ith a [ Q uality M aterial for Less birthday party in honor of their I tí Cheese is one of th e leading products m anufac­ Paperhanging and Decorating daughter Esther's eighth birthday. M aterial, Work G uaranteed tu red and sold, Oregon ranking third among cheese Present were Frances, Ethel and j F o r fuo weeJ:s only can you b u y these Phone 1032X Bertha Waibel, Pearl, Frances and 159 8. 2nd Ave. producing states in the Union. F uller Paints a t special price reductions. Betty Lou Burke, Evelyn Allen, T h is is a real o p p o rtu n ity to re-new Wallace Boleen, Erw in and Phyllis ; 11 Ideal clim atic conditions in many sections of the yo u r in te rio r walls, woodwork, floors, Christensen and R uth and Donald [ state m ake fo r easier curing and a better flavored Christensen. etc. — a t t ig sating.,. Stock u p now on product, as well as low cost feed for dairy herds. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. G otter and I the finest paints. T h is sale w ill n o t he sons Sammy and Stanford attended 1 Phone 953 : Hillsboro repeated this year. if W herever Oregon cheese is used you will find it state fair Monday. FUNERAL DIRECTORS W illmar Hanson spent several a prime favorite. and days last week at Seaside. LICENSED EMBALMERS Mr. and Mrs. Therlo Hansen and | 1Í Be sure to visit the Pacific International Livestock son joined relatives in a fam ily re- ] Exposition this year, Portland, October 5 to 12. It’s union at the David Whitford home Dally Trips to Portland the Silver Anniversary and promises to be the g reat­ in Durham August 25. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. G otter and I Hillsboro Auto Freight est event in the Exposition’s history. See the fine FULLERCLO FLOOR ENAMEL son Sammy, Mrs. J. W. Burge, [ Bonded and Insured Carrier displays of Oregon Cheese and other dairy products, with Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Burge oi j The West’s most pop­ F w lle r w e a r F lo o r Hillsboro, took a trip around Mt. Serving Beaverton, Aloha, Reed- also exhibits of the best pure bred dairy cattle from ville, Hillsboro, Cornelius and ular finish for interior EoarrH Btandx hard Hood August 25. leading dairy farm s in the Pacific Northwest. Forest Grove Mr and Mrs. M. B. Bozorth with walls and woodwork. wear. Gives a porcep Pickup and Delivery Service at 1Í As an entertainm ent featu re there will again be Semi-lustrous. Wash­ lain-like surface. Easy Mr. and Mrs. M ark Wolfe of Port- [ £Ull.€R K ill « Package Kates land joined friends at a picnic [ »«IfclTS P o in t s the spectacular combined Dorse Show and Rodeo. able. Choice of colors. to wash. Quirk-drying. dinner at Taft Sunday. Hillsboro Phone 542 Mrs J. W. Burge with Mr. and [ E ast Side Term inal Portland if Take the entire family. It’s an educational oppor­ QUART QUART Mrs. L. G. Burge of Hillsboro and ; Phone EAst 9131 tunity which will afford benefit to all. Mrs. Coe Swely of Roosevelt, Wash , I special price special price B uxtsn Folk Honored: Oti» Joknson Operate» Camp A pplegate Complete» Building at Farm ington Corners: Radio Program Farm ington School Friday I llllsboi‘O SllllSt t FULL€R P A IN T SAL€ S€PT. 3rd It's as hard to work in a dull ami dreary k ilt lien as it is with a sore thumb. But paint is as cheer­ ing as a salve is healing. Satin Eggshell I'inish makes kitchens, breakfast rooms, bathroom», nurseries and other hard use rooms easy to clean and keep dean. Its soft colors are sunny ami pleasing; its semi gloss washes like glass. fo r waits a m i woodwork Oregon Ranks Third in Production of Cheese Donelson 86 Sewell Reduced Prices 5 CLOTWÌS BASKETS P in t....5 2 c Gallon. 82.98 Half-Gallon »1.59 INTERIOR VARNISH STOVE ENAMEL Speedite puts a liaril. tough, glossy finish on furniture, floors, wood­ work, etc. Stands hard wear. Quick drying. Decoret gives a hard, glossy finish to stoves and pipe*. Kesistsheat. D o e sn ’t b a rn or smoke. Easily applied. . Q u a rt.. . . . , 99c 58 O9p C edar Polish. (iuitrntiteed. pt. Throw R u r h . $-« .95 24-in. x 48-in. 12 patterns to choose from. X 23c W ater Buckets. Tin Electric Soldering Iron Complete with v.H- cord Mixing Bowls Nest of fi Paint Now— Pay l-ater Under the Nutional IIuu» ing Act Plan you cun re­ paint and modernize your home o n deferretl pay­ m ent! We can help you get a loan. Come in and axk for complete detail*. Selfridge Furniture Co. Phone 21 X X 136 S. Third Ave, v _____ ___________ y "Keep Your Credit Good” The Man Who Robs Himself ’’POOR PA Y”- costs the man who does not pay— the most. THE man who takes on a $10 or $10,000 obli­ gation today— pays promptly when due— can en­ joy good credit convenience— again and again. And his good name extends his credit— m ultiplies it. His emergencies are taken care of— before they happen. BUT the man who does not pay—shackles him­ s e lf — weakens his self-respect — kills his b i g chance when he needs it most. EVEN for purely selfish reasons— pay up and keep your credit good! PIONEER SERVICE COMPANY Slate Office P IN T special price Half Pint 29c Eugene, Oregon Watch for Green and Black H andbill, w ith A rrounta For Sale HILLSBORO BUSINESS ANU PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY BEAUTY SHOPS . 42' Quarter P in t. 20c You are In v ite d General Beauty Work P e rm an en t, anil alt kind« beatitz work. Tolvphona to bring in your ideas for a new Basement, Pump House, Milk House, Root C ellar or w hat have you, and we will gladly give you an accurate estim ate of cost. NO OBLIGATION ON YOUR PART SCHOLLS TILE CO. YARD ® Dliaaal w on ran Plant a a t # Scholia, O Oregon O ur M otto—"Friendly Service . . . F air Prices" Washington S treet betw een 1st and 2nd Hillsboro FRA N CH ISE FULLER DEALER 151 W eal Baaeline St. Phone 2691 X -R a y ltf lIX kinds of Henutr O ffic e W ork a Rpeelalty Telephone 1471 W f t t t / S A P A IIT M K .N T R Téléphona Oregon Hillsboro *,_-> « nn ivininimiim* r n Tir UH. «kWh Ml JbJRkJkRkK .JgUV1 1 S’ j Rank Residence fd«1 GARBAGE COLLECTION G arbage Collection AND CANS 44 D. P. CORRIERI Appointm ent Telephone 2325 STAMPS GEORGE T. McGRATH BUY YOUR County A y an r ia . IN S U R A N C E S E R V IC I P ira l N a tio n al Hank PhoM Per In fo rm atio n ñ utidlo » Hillsboro .b o a , Hid». DR. D. E. WILEY. M. D. INSURANCE tV a .h ln tto n ■ taita ■ ■ bw 1 N a tio n al Telephone« Ile« Mence 701Z O ffic e 8SH2 Commercial Building Hondaya by and Phyale-Therapy Telephone. Rchand.l Dentist Evening«. SURORON Wells Building DENTISTS "The Largest Independent Bank In W ashington County" A2S1 and Physician and Surgnnn PERMANENTS Mabel D, A. O. PITMAN, M. Commandai DR. RALPH DRESSER O ur stock of Drain Tile is com plete and we will m eet all com petitive prices. P o o l-G ard n er Lumber Co. of Sanitary Beauty Shop A ll AND SURGEON P H Y S IC IA N at lllll.h o ro Pharm acy 1Í Remember, this bank is alw ays ready to co-operate in the im provem ent of farm production. Commercial National Bank PHYSICIAN EVE’S BEAUTY SHOP 89' 891 P IN T special price SATIN EGGSHELL FINISH ot $1.00 Gal $3.30 ,14th f /n c j Gallon. . .4 2 .7 9 P L u isiu » » Liberty Loan Bond Exchange Stated Home Laundrv 8C Dry Cleaners SPCCIflL now to the Argua. In < •.tiul s $1 80 .1 y . . B3c. T hree iikmi U is inonttis 38 cents. A SORE THUMB Will Open Monday Step Out! Subscribe \ \ , l u l l , J . .11 Six months cents. Two Don't let your kitchen be Orenco PEP UP APPETITE; RELISH Your FOOD Community church will be resumed next Sunday morning at 10 3() n ire rt^ w RUBBER STAMPS from HILI,SBORO ARGUÌ A 4 , . rtlMWa A rt[>.