Don't Miss— The Hillsboro Argun for All-County News Willsbun VJ of O L‘brary Volume 42, No. 29. S ta te C a p ito l N e w s L e tte r It lllM b u r u Fine Printing- The Argun H u One of the Best Equipped Plants W ith W hich is Combined the H illsb o ro Independent fc la h lia b a d 1M7Í4 H iìuboro A rifu» Katabliah«ri m y 4 Hillsboro, Oregon, T hursday, »September 5, 1935 Brothers Club Events Wilcox Win Sweepstakes City Appi ies Feature of in Twin Contest Federal Aid Sewer Plan County Fair Variety of Dogs Compete "Mutt" Show Saturday j Dog« of all sizes, shapes and col- Wilcox twin*, R. J of Forest 1 ors were entered for prizes in the Grove and Fred <»f Bunks, won the annual “M utt Dog Show" at the SWeepstukeH prize Suturduy ufter- county fair Saturday afternoon The noon ut the unnuul "Twin R ound­ Planning Boards Act event, sponsored by the Hillsboro up" held in connection with the I Rotary club, attracted m u c h a t­ WttKhington county fair Twenty Advisory Capacity tention among children and grown- sets of twins, all residing in Wash D o m e s tic A r t E x h ib its H o ld mgton county, entered the com- A p p lic a t io n $ 1 8 4 ,0 0 0 G r a n t UP* Only, Say» Head Prize w inners were: Constance petition sponsored by the H ills­ a n d L o a n M a d e T u e s d a y I Jo Connell, Fritzie Plapp, Junior S p o t lig h t O p e n Classes boro Business a n d Professional Plapp, M argaret Havens, Teddy Women's club. U n d e r P W A P ro g ra m ALEM—County planning bourds, at A n n u a l E vent G ardner, M arian Meek. Melvin The sweepstakes w inners won which have now been set up In I VunDomelen, Buddy Gully, Jean four out ot the 30 aw ards made most of the counties throughout j Hatchelar, A ubrey and M arvin Van during tho annual event this year. Loo, Elaine Barber, K enneth Logan, They have lived in Washington „ u r r w arrens. Helen Laver. functnaur Thui^polnt w £ e ip ia '.n -i county 53 years; were the tallest _________ Walter McKinney, Anna Schmidt, by Governor Murtin this week In twins, w ere the oldest twins, be­ Jack Howe. Evelyn Schmidt, Sam s letter to the lam e coutjty plan­ ing 09 yeurs of age, und reside the . i»„ G r a n g e , F a r m U n io n B o o th s greatest distance apart The special C o u n c il A u t h o r iz e s C h a r g e t 'ny .C<.’!'rad I ?,kl.t y ' Nan5y a" d ,GiJ' ning commission. . • f offer.-d bv the o ■ v r • . bert Melvln Schlaefli, Lois “The functions of county p la n -! G iv e n F a v o r a b le C o m m e n t sponsoring organization R u r a l h ir e E q u ip m e n t and Donald Meier, Dick Jossy, nlng commissions are prim arily to ic k S m ith C la r e n r e W o o lf o lt r I 1 D Dick Smith, Clarence Woolfolk, form ulate plans and reconimendu O ther prize w inners were as fol- Kenneth Coon, Eugene Feldt and lions for the future development O utstanding 4-H club contests iow? : C] “îr 11V‘ lx;d ' Application to the Public Works Wesley Lincoln. of their county." the governor ex ­ . , G rove' , fattest tw ins adm ------------------------------------ inistration for a $184.000 grant were awarded to the boy plained. {and (I exhibits p proved the ItllV tl. .w .e u sssw I highlight i i f t . i o f t i i . . f“rd I , ----------------------------- --------- ---------------- * Prizes • " ' ' * L- a w a iU O J tU IliV D U / "County planning com m issions! of the ninth annual W ashington “nd y ^ n g e s t tw ins whose parents und toan for construction of the and girl ow ners of the following vo not been usked to approve or county fulr Thursday, Friday und * erc und Aux“ ‘a ry mem- proposed extension of the municipal dogs: Blackest, whitest, cleanest, h a v e ----------- — reject projects, but to act ia» ad Saturday at Shute park In Hills- , *i t u ? ce “*“} Vernice Sahnow sew er system was filed Tuesday dirtiest, largest, smallest, longest, 1 orneiius. girl tw ins nearest 20 afternoon by the city of Hillsboro shortest, longest haired, shortest visors to the PWA und WPA by boro Domestic arts und science of u aar. ...... ™..,i «»»•-» .. .. . . . . . . . . giving their comment«, «uggeitiona und recom mendations on the pro­ ject.” The lust leglaUuture refused to a u ­ thorise the creation of county p lan­ , . .w « » .. . . m ... v..v - - — ------------- ---- — ning boards. Thctic groups uh now „ ...w M---- . j . coo it Ruled ure purely voluntary, * tracted u crowd estimuted at up- «?ona , n?.’ and gCw er project was made through com m ittee in charge. but are given a color of authority proxim ately (KMX) during the three " IlZar or r orest u ro v e. youngest the j > w a because regulations re- ------------------------ through appointm ent by the guv- day . vent boy, boy twins hoiking qulre , ha, any wo, ks program to. „ . , rnor K‘* k Creek Calf club with Fred « d m u2 it t D,u n i,‘' ‘ tallng mure than $25,000 must be • • ’ Jossy as leader won the C arna- M',1'1" 1“ "I Beaverton route 2 s e c fiR.d undcr , he pw A claaaificatjon 1 Formal application for a federal tion Milk Products company "Calf VP., .J/’o!1*4’ st b‘7 u'*« n?' Huzt . a , according to George McGee, city w - h T T • grant of >600.000 for tlie construe M inna trophy for the M-cond con ' ''1 ’ : 1 rou!' L manager If the application is tu rn H1 *1 F t T I P t * I I t t l f V tion and rem odeling o f Oregon secutive year The aw arding of the V’.o twins and tw ins down, the program will prob- X I I I A. L L IX D B IO « S Test Plant Proposed ,R„bble Large CrOWtl AttCIlds Two »Sections, Twelve Pages Players Road Work All-Star Duck to Victory Fall School Donkeyball Tilt Sought for Term Opens Short Route on Monday Washington county A ll-Stars scor ed the most runs Wednesday night in the "Donkeyball" game at Shute park, but the Hillsboro business > men won honors for taking the ---------------- most falls by a wide margin. 11 \ , the contest had °hly been a w rest- P r o je c t P ro p o s e d to E m p lo y I ling match instead of a hilarious. H i l h i a n d L o c a l E le m e n t a r y unorthodox baseball game, the lo- 3 0 0 0 M e n W ils o n R iv e r cals would have come out of the [ In s titu tio n s W i l l O p e n i melee w ith something t o show R o u te T h is W in t e r other than bruises and a potent D o o rs S e p te m b e r 9 | odor of arnica. Incidentally, no I I casualties were reported among the f T -s i i n t i i » « f i t - i l t t p r a f p burros. r> «-ounues OuUmarting the Hillsboro ag Bus Routings Listed gregation w ith baseball strategy i . and aided by Referee J. H. Gar- j S ta te H ig h w a y M e n S tu d y rett's inability to keep track of c la s s L o c a tio n . k the outs, the All-Stars bounced and v ,a a a L o c a tio n s G iv e n by R o a d s C o n n e c tin g R o u te s jolted their way to a four-run lead S u n e rin te n d e n i ________ ho 1 r u .n l« , got » » .♦ , the knack P IX before » the locals of z 1 picking them selves up gracefully , Plans to speed up w ork on the and rP.m ounting t h e i r*'bucking Summer holidays for students at Wilson River and Wolf Creek Hillsboro's bid came in the .............- ................. ...................... .................. short 31FVU 3. n iH W U lU S U 1U C U m e IO in -* M ilH i rsrvci « U If II U l ----- — roads to the sea and to provide fourth ¡nnjng when Clem Eslinger 2,»,7, i . H|U . r0 elem entary jobs for unemployed in Washing- herded his burro around the bases 7 7 2 7 , _ con^ tO. uan. cbd Mon' ton. Tillamook, Columbia and Mult with a minim um num ber of forced m , wh " S superintendent. and as a result three members of m U o tV AM, semng day Classes wiU be dis­ tem connecting w ith the short c u t , u*a r ' 7i‘S ^ d at thc grade “ h00* at at>ou‘ routes ‘b e 25,000 each a n d ' r . . . ., . frorn McNamer s camp to Glen- bring the home team ’s total to three All but two of the busses serving White, comm ander o f the tire- the county fuir Line-up of livestock B^nks. darkest conudexioned twins; gubmitted under the Works Pro- F a r m U n io n H e a d Sees N e e d wood this w inter if his proposed ^ m g m e nome ream s total io tnree Donald and Grace project is approved, according to ... c . . Hilhi students will operate on the ss adm inistration, he said. H D. Kerkman. county commis- f‘? aL -A * u WaS d same schedule 88 last year. One bus to F o r g e t P a r t y L in e s rant to be or T h e Portland P o r t la n d engineer e n e i n e e r sug- s u e - c l a s s l c , ° ? Srace. M artin Hermens will g o to Scholls, Lau- Lau- sioner. The “ go to Reedville. Keedv.lle. Scholls. grant am ounting to 45 the total project, or U„ M and common peonie osier W P ottS A PleilQS IC<1U3 In citi«*» for which new arm orh are approved the community will be exjiccted to provide a suitable site. ClUes on the lint for new arm ories include LaGrande, The Dulles, G rants Pass, Hillsboro and h’orest G rove Reconstruction of ex ­ isting arm ories is proposed f o 1 Marshfield, M» dford. Dallas, \\ ood- burn und eight other communltle.. • • • The state departm ent of agrlcul« tore is moving against quack vet- erinarians who ure said to be op- crating throughout the state. With- in the past month two men hav«* been arrested in Jack < n county for practicing veterinary medicine and surgery w ithout a been c On. arrest has been m ud- in Washing ton county and on. in Yamhill county Other ai:« ---ts ui ♦ e x p e c t e d rrting to Dr W. to f o llo w w o n . terinunan. H Lytle, state on Showman” trophy was p r e- tw ins looking most alike; Vance sented to Cluylon Nyberg of T u al­ and Ju n e Boswell of Beaverton, atin. W inners in the Forest Grove (C ontinued on par«' 2. colum n 4) Cream ery special hog feeding con­ test were ns follows: .Mildred Mead, legislative representatives who were the federal governm ent to provid. mate on the project based W. on £ 8CC° rd With the inte"es,i ot CamPS al° n * first. M errill Mend, second; Billy the original report was of John W° TkeI Kelly, third, und C harles Davis, common man and not bound to O ther Work Asked fourth All four w inners were mem« Delegation from North Plains bers of the Bald Mountain Pig organization of bas asked for im provem ent of the club. Relief Clients n«.,_W 7 ork j Given vv Thugs Assault \ / 11 F? house in district 115 joint, go to Laurel and then to the school house in district 80. The Helvetia bus will go to the Helvetia store via the Jackson school and Connell corner. The bus will then go to P eter Gros- sen corner, thence east one mile, i then south to K ent’s corner via the b y Baptist church and then west to V a lle y / P ariTlOr -------- was also declared w inner of thc z-s r. »» n . Chester White gilt offered b v H a r v e s t W o r k C v je o r g e B a r r e t t B e a te n z\clnun H orneeker of Hillsboro to T w o M a s k e d A s s a ila n ts ili't^ m e s t^ r" “ “ r° “ te “ t ju . boy or girl making the be,, E n o u g h to C l record ' with C lu ster White hogs -------- Students not yet registered at a( Hu. fa|r *rh<. n G j,4| | v pi,re - , .. t t w— ---- ------ - Believed to be the victim of Hilhi are urged to do so before Sufficient calls for harvest work bred Jersey heifer calf was aw ard- ,.(1 t(1 Hagg of Reedville ers and hop pickers to more than m way wouid Present . X u n d i n g bonded debt i^ iS ^ n T m o ^ L T ^ o rk «* This .«ward was nmde bv the For- provide work for all employable families listed on the W ashington Cfit Grove dnirymun to the boy or iffs deputies that he had been will be necessary for all pupils ^ |r | th a | exhibited the highest scor county relief rolls have been re ­ of the city totals approxim ately declaration. would be grading and grubbing. beaten and tied Tuesday evening planning to attend Hilhi during the $155.000, coming w ithin about 314 Principles of the Farm Union Appers-m favors the project but by two masked men. Escaping from year to be m classes on the oDen- ing grade Jersey heifer at the fair ceived during the past week, ac­ 000 of the debt lim itation ot Hills- organizatiun w ere cited by Pott; right cf way would be needed. The his bonds, he craw led to thc home ing day. Special bre<*d aw ards and rib ­ cording to H W. Weil, county (C ontinued on 2. colum n 6| He d .d a re d that the body N, rth Plains delegation indicate; of a neighbor and was then taken F ountain pen ink will be fum ish- bons wen* pffsented to w inners in chairm an As a result the com m it­ full accord w ith the Frazier-Lem ke (C ontinued on p a g e 2, colum n 7) to the county hospital for treat ed students at Hilhi, a container Fifteen unem ployed Oregon a r­ tho Hoi slam G uernsey and Jer- tee has issued an «diet th at all bill and lauded the m easure as a able-bodied men who refuse to a c ­ ment. will be located in each room and » lists ar to be provided with tern- sey classes. m eans of insuring farm ers of not B arrett stated that two men. one study hall. All freshmen and soph- porary johs reproducing the por O utstanding 4-H club members cept these seasonal jobs when o f­ being forced off their farms througn fered w ill be taken from the tall and one short and both wear- omores will be required to take 11 units of forme» Oregon governors for the year were Marvin Heyn- thc untim ely foreclosure of m o rt­ ing red masks, broke into his home physical education this year Th»F The work will be done under th« derlckx of Schefflin and John Hun- relief rolls. gages. He also stated that the Farm __ ____ _____ Tins ___ ____ Relief clients taking udvnntogc at about 8 p. m. and im mediately will consist of two periods each WPA program with the state __b sup sen of Rock Creek. recogni- Union had taken an active pari attacked him w ith a sap and club, week of gymnasium and one period plying the paint, brushes, can v as. tion was based upon the records ld si-asunal employment will not ,,, , ■_ , u„ »¡„u. . u. ,mv‘‘n preference on the new le d e ra l Reserve Hoard Scored aeposits. Men Arrested Night Club Raid not know w hether or not he hit be required to provide tennis shoe* Selection of Murk 11 Skinner as John Hansen won five firsts and Works Progress adm inistration pro- ----- , Id a t Pr° sPerKy 7 . . u ,S Plean Not Guilty to Charges either of the men. They tied him and gym suits. th«* new superintendent of Dunks two seconds with his exhibits dur Rr.nn which is expected to go into Elim ination by the Banking act h n cin -?0 a!lce t 0 in *a y°re r» ----- w ith blankets and left him help- Beginners who will be six years came as somewhat of a surprise In ing the county fair in addition to operation about Septem ber 15 Cull* of 1935 of the requirem ent that w ,n n » h U an an ¡«ling in thc county will be con- Thursday before the local Rotar» nounced th a t’ petitions for orgam- ‘rock which plunged into the Tual- night according to a report to the ‘he first two weeks. im mediately upon the return of the i —-—-------— ¡f t,- ? . s x s r j a r u ’i h r s a s ; s s . Hr, S i s s s zation of s the . people’s Dower dis atin river near the Jackson bottom sheriff. Entrance was gained through Division of grades in the ele- , . . u , . ---------- trict would heH rrolafoH bridge recently, was indicted on an open back window and the loot m entary system will be as follows: Io Pendleton. Accompanying' uii comm ittee from state headquarters. > party to obtain control of the ft- , , h countv ,hortlv He ureed a reckless driving charge and plead consisted of a b a n k containing David H ill—Beginning first, second, A a A J . r und’ >rc not available to start nanctal system of the country. ° " ‘r b0“ " 1/ had voted at guiHy Thursday about $2 and a box containing a third, fourth, 5A and 5B. Peter announcem ent was the explanation i that thc ehoice had been unanimous. bein,. Pm ^ ” tob eMnenlM^ d V T « h 1 Spced Wl,h w hich the govern- last election to s^gn the' petitions Two men from the northw estern valuable ot jew elry. " hose Boscow—Beginning second, 7 b s P now under wav Thos^ m t" ' ,d‘‘bA “ P‘“ " k “ p , was also M u T a i n u m b e X n the% “ am county * ere iined 5100 quantity Tbeft °< of 100 *arde ‘h‘rd7A4A7 and „ « V i first, T Report about the eapitul, however, I has it that the iinunimity on thc I net ,i„iii„.d i„ .............i,„r i5 .... c,,ed by Cram er. He declared that included music by the C edar Mill each and sentenced to 60 days in and a 33-foot steel tape from an 6B- 7A’ 78 a" d 8A. All pupils, ex- pari of the board was not acconi- Mrs. (.ro rg e llan ew k I'ninnseiiius not finished by Septem ber are expenditures w ere being made at Farm Union band. Cedar Mill Farm the county jail T hursday w h e n oil tank last Wednesday was r e - ; ceP‘‘ng in Junior high, who live ,d 15 ,o «,» pained by any great enthusiasm at Smith Hospital Here m ‘° ,raPsfcrred ‘c will ' nci is lbe ra,e oi «,3 00° Per m inute and Union baseball team defeated Carl- ‘hey plead guilty before Judge , ported by Cecil Barnes, m anager of s“ui b ^ e e * w d* register ___ WPA. No new works projects III fact it is understood that Stut.- driving while the G plant at a^ fJav*d Hill - school - and - all those ............ ‘ eneral Petroleum ' .............. - be started until after the sentence in in Beaverton. R r a v r r ln n (C on tin u al on p » k » 1. colum n g, season Weil stuted — .. »,»v even tne playoff series for the 1935 drunk. Execution of f sentence _________________ Protects to b e c o n t i n u e d u n t i l t h e m e n I l s f a r f r o m l n s o l v e n ‘ - but it championship. both cases was postponed for six Mrs. Helen Stauffer of Beaver- . , . a for Skinner, but had w ithheld it she was riding w ent into the ditch - ¡ j j , , .u i i a .u ' “ is “ tim «“« e *"■ a ia . ____________________ for people w to uuiuv think, , n he e s said ________________ months. The two men arraigned ton route 2 reported the loss of N i l t l V C l i f l U g n t P I * from publication upon s e c o n d east of Hillsboro. Mrs George Han- mlddl‘ of ,h c Include the Details of the banklne act w h i c h w ere G lenn Lee of Glenwood and five tires, a battery and gasoline rasolinc O L. G Meeklem of Vernonia. from her autom obile Friday night, “ t t t e . c— O .................. . ¡ a ^ = 7 3 urday when signed by President A I J f a W aiving grand ju ry indictments. The same evening, George Van- sored by Governor Martin. Holman I in the Smith hospital here. Three I (C ontin u a l on p w 4, column t) Roosevelt. that affect the averag A S K C i l l O r A f T O O r V lhe SIX men arres‘ ed August In domelen. who lives close by, re- ___ hud supported Clarence Sewell of j other people w ere hu rt in the ac- citizen w ere explained by Cram er * whcn s‘ate officers raided t h e ported the theft of a quantity of l’ortland while Snell was appar- eldent. Mrs Louise Cochrane, school O p e n in g W in d o w D is p la y The first section of the measure ----- "Spinning Wheel" near Tigard en auto tools from his garage. »«*»•«• Mrs. I.u d rn u Anderson Conducted Here Tuesday ently content to leave well enough teacher of Cornelius, suffertng a S et b y M is s S c h r a m e l "lakes the federal insurance o f Details Proposed National Guard ,ered Ple?s of n0‘ Suil‘y charges Alleged to Vslz. have sold 100 chick- alone and leave A. A. Schram m j badly mashed knee and torn lign ' ___ a . » -n z o v _ __ .. n n n r a l in a n n m h lin n u o m o c U .’ n r L o n e lo ft in of operating gambling games Wed- ens left in his care, George Mc- ,,lve<1 Miss M argaret Schram el will have bank deposits up to $5000 perma- Building Received Locally Mrs. Ludema K atherine Michalce . on the Job. This was the situation ments; her daughter, Beth, rei eiveo nesday before C ircuit Judge R. Mann of Tigard route 1 was ar- h,e ‘;i pLaln,edK A,n ““ essmen. ----- when the board took off from Sa-1 severe scalp wounds and f a c e iacer ____ her opening window photographic Frank Peters. The men arraigned rested Saturday m orning on a oi If,.rcd display at her studio in the Com- of < ’>w-‘w elith o£ the total deposits Request to the federal govern- 1cm for Pendleton lust Thursday, j attons; and Mr Hancock suffere w ere J. I Woolley, O akland. Cal,; charge of larceny by bailee. He died F n d ay al Hillsboro Funeral services w ere The change In sentim ent occurred shock, body bruises and "a deep m ereial block Saturday and she in- ^n rr‘<^ , I s " iadc UKa,nit e,acb ba" k m™‘ for a d ir« -‘ K™n< of $25.000 Mike Bradley, C harles Melville, (Continued on p w 4, column 21 r‘ !« " " ’ ■ '» - so y a - a p a , „ T o w ;. conducted Tuesday afternoon from som ewhere en route. the Donelson & Sewell chapel with The new banking superintendent ^ ’ nesi “nd Joe R C o u n ty B u d g e t G r o u p Rev. H. A. Deck officiating. In- is slated to take over his job on October l, succeeding Schram m Portland. indicted to be A p p o in te d Soon ‘S™ enl * as at r ‘r ^ awn cemetery. who occupied the office for the _ _ _ ----------- -------------- - ... K roeger of th e local !u" • .2 ”° " F , “ Jling shee‘s for ertlm ates of ( ¿ o ’ ° "» «*«* past eight years. increase the burden on other in- headquarters company Plans for ; an anlmal affected w ith infectious, expenditures for 1936 are being Pall-bearers were E J McAlear • • • Stitu'ions. a building 86 by 88 feet in dimen contagious and com m unicable dis- distributed to county officials this r r ^ e r F?id CorneUu» Cal » Friends of Governor M artin — Liquidation of bank failures since sions have also been subm itted, the S?se'.. Plead hot guilty to th ech arg e week. The budget comm ittee w ill ; Jack, j w Connell and G Rus political and personal are protest­ the Civil w ar have averaged 85 communication stated. Thursday w hen arraigned before be appointed by the county court I s e ll Morgan R II Kellv was soloist ing against his frequent flying (rips p e rcen t, according to Cram er. This Tenative plans of the building in- Cl.r ?u ? ¿ udge P ete” ' . _ ’ w ithin the next 10 days, Donald T. y and urging that he stay out of the air except in emergencies ju stify ­ ing the additional hazard of an C ontinuing the good work begun n producing cow; and Bill Robin- airplane flight. Within the past two at the county fair, Washington son of Tigard route 1, sixth with weeks the governor has made four county 4-H club and open class ex- a producing cow. The county herd flight»—one to The Dalles to attend hibitors at the state fair in Salem won a second place ribbon." t hP regular luncheon ing is planned to provide space for “ l r , JtldglnR tcam s won the fo,low,ng ““ ,uneneo“ ' the American Legion convention; this week won th eir share of pre- to M arshfield to nttend the Paul mlums and : ribbons. Livestock juaging. judging, nazei Hazel- .......................... . . . , Signal r , honors . i honors: h . iiu in izivvsitHK . ¡^ X n T e W o p o se s^ V e t c h C fO D S A d v i S e d (C ontinued on pnire colum n ft) were won by John Hansen of Hoc I. dale club consisting of Bernie Al- 810 National GuaVd a r m o r i e i i,r ° m AdolPh N.e laon ° f Vernonia. T t - t V l l V . t U |J 3 / V U V 1 3 C U Creek and Marvin Ileynderiekx ot thlshln, Joe Berger and C harles * throughout the country and Hills- ^ re a rr^ ‘ed near Aloha Iasi Cornelius, outstanding county 4-H Shaper, second. Crops judging. Rock boro has as been m entioned as on«- Wednesday w ith the ham m er in club boys for the year. Creek team consisting of Albert I / of the proposed sites their possession, according to the Young Hansen won first w ith h is , Grog!len, John Hansen and J i m 1 W ashington county d a i r y m e n proposed sites. sheriff's office, ’ i" ' .U Cou."'y *«•"»! a the first season the land seeded r Sentence of 10 days in the coun- z Brown Swiss heifer calf, second Davidson, third. Rabbit judging, particularly "B" grade shippers on ty jail was meted out to Jam es F. farm ers are frequently’ asking about °atS a" d Vetch the SPCOnd George Joseph Wilcox, 71, died at with his Brown Nwiss producing Tualatin team of Clayton, W ilbur the P ortland m arket are Interested L O l l g i v C S l d C t l t O I „ u; phey of ™ - s are .requenuv asKmgabout fall and thp Same treatm ent fol- Miimnov nf Aloha Alonn Tuesda rr’« . amz « n» ” he„ . - .... . ... . . _ and third with his yearlin ; an d Willis Nyberg, first. Poultry in a m eeting called by D. G. Lilly _ _ his home near Ranks Tuesday cow B r o w n S w i s s T h e n r n d n r in t f e o u . .. .1.. .. »«. . ».x Forest . * z-- Grove m Cham ber o"f judging. o i Shady Brook . team , o f r for the M < n u n t i l • i n r I h f l r D ip « he Plead 8u i“ >' before A w Hav- ing /lo ry a n d Canadian th isth ’ ° Wedi 3 S€C°?i1 sVm m er- the mor"" morning and funeral services wiil Brown Swiss. The producing eov Charles Kay, H erbert and Stanley Commerce at 8 p. m. Friday. This 4. „ Most of the E™e been bar- " f . ,:niU usua,ly b" be held at thc Forest Grove Con­ also took third In the open classes , .. , just about cleaned up. 1 is the first of a series of m eet-, Mrs Samuel Raffety. 68. who had, gregational church at 2 p. in. F ri­ In the Holstein division he won Schneider, ninth. 1 vested and the wild morning glory ... , The Hillsboro building and con- mgs Io be held in the Portland resided near M ountaindale for 4f T lx « » .z4 is now coming up nice and green. e,jough tim e elapses between day with Rev. C. P. Sabin officiat­ "•'•'»t»' with his producing cow and -I U l r Q x _ z l l « i r t t t I 3 X The idea of getting rid of it so cultivations to allow the weeds «0 ing. Interm ent will be In the Banks third wllli a senior calf. He_ wn« slruetion club placed first w ith it.; milkshed to discuss the new pool- years, died in Hillsboro Tuesday, also a member of the R<’ck Creek group of model buildings ing regulations. after a year’s illness. Funeral serv- ta z -< 1 . _ that it will not bother another s e a -! 7 ,me up and K«-‘ above the ground, cemetery. crops Judging team which w o n Following awnrris w ere announced The purpose of t h e meeting irps wil1 bc held at the Forest D l l C S c p tC lU D C F H He was born nt Galena, Nevada, third son’s crops is prom inent in the *nu Vei w? Th®Y place honors. m the girls' 4-H club division: stales Lilly, who is president of Grove Congregational church at 2 r August 7, 1863, settled at G reen­ minds of those farm ers who have mus^ *)e kept out of sight. took first place with Margaret Sehwanke, ScheH I^.Vook "he Portland Independent'"B " Grad"> p r m. S ...................................... aturday w ith Rev .......... H A Third , . Q uarter „ paym „ K ent on the ‘ d J , 1 ville 35 years ago and homesteaded U Ileynderiekx Chemicals, particularly .„1. >s_4i__ T . Interm . . ______ ent * will >1« • be r n r r p n t t n v r n ll w i l l h o r V e n n in g " ^ ti ^ H o . , * I n d i f e n " ' e a k e " " . ^ ! MacnD?w r" ' Milk Producers' ^ s s X i o n , I. to ^ n e o H r d im ^ n nrtrl /" " For “ ther °< ‘he weeds men- j chlorate, will kill out y i^ d sodium s. b u t a place three miles north of Banks dlSCn “ ' bp provl.ions of the new A ndale X Cem T"V MOU" ’ MI m G la d y s E is n e r ’ U x deputy r ' Cdi?i? °? ,,S, a,nd J et^ ° n t° " P,a “"7 “ is 51 years ago, w here he had resided X lm i. tldrii w ith"a y e „ "in « »iamp- HHl,b«/o eam p c ^ k e r v " J S rd ever since. Mr. Wilcox and Miss . h i r e s h o e » a n d f i f t h w i t h » H „ m ., T .° 7 ? ,T P , b , r d ' (’•«’"n g order recently issued by “ J* r _ Dl„, ft) the' fact , ha, , h p [ the land In ‘he fall is the b e g in -1‘‘rely too expensive to use Nor Emma Rufli w ere m arried near A 1 , 2 ? a t .in S n n r H v n n v n w n f « K« rvxnzj,, nin* of what should prove one of c»n it be used in orchards or Banks October P, 1889. Four chil­ m ♦ |AJ ri J - ' 1867’ and I on Septem ber 14 in order to avoid the most economical methods of around shrubbery Weeds have been M ountaindale 47 years ago. in ; w il^ the moisture s»PPlX n e x t previously. When this method failed children. Ralph Wilcox and Mrs. Bernard Sellers of Bnnks, besides Moore of Banks took second with W i / B urke of Hillsboro won the i .. .u county........... no>'‘hern part of the S( ' • spring. This means that when th e <‘ was usually because cultivation« two sisters and two brothers ns P «rade shippers on ‘h e , _ Collectiong of arp about hay c r o p j s j a k e n _off t h ^ ground were ‘- J n r ^ a p a r t j n d . l e . v e . follows: Mrs. Fred O'Connor. C a t­ a junior calf In the Ih.lslein class following prizes in the land p ro d -. Pl r' and ma ke are welcome to wbi.1'’ P 1’”’ ’" " '" " i I“'1" departm ent nt the state fair: n„ Pnt, , he mert ina w h k l wH? I P illo, Wash ; Mrs J. P. Tamlesie, route was seventh with a senior Beans, green, first Portland; Fred Wilcox, Bnnks, and calf In 2 the bad weed Jersey division Maxine first; slicing cucumbers, R. J. Wilcox, Forest Grove Waldron of Hillsboro route 2 placed pers, green, first the sum« | third with her ju n io r yearling G reen H ubbard, first; carrots, nnv ------- 1----- ------- - _ Dry plowing Is, Oshkosh, Wis„ Mrs. Henry C o u n ty F a r m U n io n M e e t early in the spring. is one of thc most effective control Place w inners In th e Guernsey class variety, second; garlic, first; onions, Schwalch, Milwaukie, Wig.; M iss: Fees Reported By repeating cultivation frequent- measure« for quads grass. Weeds S la te d H e r e on S a t u r d a y were Clayton N yberg of Tualatin, globe type, second. Aimer Seolt, Madison, Wis., and Delta Installs Neon ! ly enough so that no green grow th that set seed and are either b i­ Collections totaling $661.92 f o r Dr. J. R. Scott, Chalavista, Cal « Washington county unit of the ninth with n Junior calf; Willis Five aw ards in the domestic b ak ­ Delta D rug store has installed a appears, the weeds may be killed Farm Union will hold its reguln.- Nyberg of Tualatin, fifth with a ing division w ere won by Mrs. F. the m onth of August w ere reported Mrs. R affety had been at the new Neon sign on the front of i out, although more than one sea- ennial or annual In habit are much monthly meeting at the Legion hall Junior yearling; M erle Pennington S. Reed of Beaverton. She won Wednesday to the county court by Jones hospital here much of the their store, adding to the b rig h t-! son will usually be required If more easily controlled, as all that is then necessary is to prevent them in Hillsboro Saturday at 8:30 p. m. of Sherwood route 1, seventh witn Edward C, Luce, county clerk. (Continued on page eolumn $> tim e during the last year. ness of Main street. | the suggested method Is followed from going Io seed. : » 0* * Cramer Outlines New Bank Measures Judge Peters Fines Three Drivers Here Grove Woman Hurt in Auto Accident Government Grant Dies Here Friday County Exhibitors Win Prizes During State Fair Competition 4, George J. Wilcox Dies on Tuesday COlintV DairVIlien W ill Meet Frill«lV Thistle, Morning Glory Control j r> • J *7» iviountainaalc Ules T-... 4,