Page Eight H IL L S B O R O Annual County Exhibit Opens A P .G U S , H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Buxton School Opens Monday T h rills o f P en d leto n R ou n d-U p Soon Due A ttr a c t iv e D is p la y s , M a n y E vents D ra w In te re s t T o w n s e n d C lu b Selects A d v is o ry C o m m itte e When Jackasses Play Ball m ii 'Sv one! 1 Py Mr.. Jr««« Meyer.) soled by the Hillsboro Business A BUXTON Buxton school opens Professional Women's club; the September 2 with Miss Gladys Ov mutt dog show under the direction orton of Creswell as teacher for of the Hillsboro Rotary club; and the upper grades ami Miss Mamie the colt show. The latter event is Sandy of Banks for the primary being put on for the first time this grades. Both teachers have taught year and Manager Minton expects several years in tins district. ,1 at least 15 purebred and crossbred Meyers is delivering the wuikt to colts in the show. Merchandise the schoolhouse. prizes are planned for the twin ? A boy. David Bruce, was born to round-up and the mutt dog show. ([« P J Mr and Mrs. David Edwards at while ribbons will be awarded in Forest Grove August 23. the coll show. Booths prepared by the Farm Move to Portland Union and Grange are particularly Mr and Mrs A Martin and outstanding this year, each exhibit daughter have moved to Portland depicting the products character­ Tlie Martins have been living on istic of area of the groups origin the W II. Hlddtnk farm known J men", n i 'ü ? ’1** n ,n,blvS " ,al “ c ilh*'nd of Hillsboro busln, Booths will not be required to con­ as the old West place form to standard requirements as in men and the county all-star teams when they meet Wednesday evi Mr and Mrs. Fred Benefiel and mug at the Shute ball park in the popular donkey-ball game past years and a large number of son Ray Glenn. Kenneth Albrecht, attractive and unique displays have. Mrs Jesse Meyers and Elsie drove been prepared 11 ty of entertainment for the nudi to Birkenfeld with Miss Edna Rig Grange booths are located in the etice. gle of San Fernando, Cal., who was agricultural building and have been Mayor J H Garrett will act visiting relatives there. prepared by the following subord­ umpire for the game, while A.t | Move to Vernonia inate granges: Leedv, Gale. Buxton Mlltenbcrger will handle announce­ A ' Mr. and Mrs Robert Hilliker Hillsboro. Tigard. Beaverton. Cedar "Everything sold bul the ment* over the loud speaker. have moved to Vernonia, Mill and Aloha. Booths of the fol­ pullets You are a fine medi­ Select Advisory Group lowing Farm Union locals are lo- ! um for ails. Please insert In cated in building B; Blooming A meeting of the Townsend club classified for this week.'1 Cedar Mill. Kansas City, Laurel- was held at the grange hall August! Thus w rote A. A Fisher of Scholls, Gaston. Middleton. Ver- 21. The following persons were »'TW» Beaverton route 1 after run­ boort and West Union. chosen to serve on the advisory ning three advertisements in Commercial displays have been l C .ia llh ii..) |,s v e m t .) committee Harry Seabold S r. Joe the Argus of August 1. He installed on the west side of the consisting of E I. Johnson. I. T Pongratz Sr.. 11. Quier, Sam Stow-; used eight lines under "Farm agricultural building and building McPhccters. W Verne McKinney < ell. Mrs. G. E. Beers and Mrs ! Machinery," fixe lines under B. Exhibits in the open classes for Rev. J T Cnattdloo and llolznngvi Alice Estepp. "Poultry ' and 16 lines under crops and fruits are located in the Elsie Meyers and Harold Fisher Tile new building Is a one story "Cuttle." His comment and agricultural building with h o m e were overnight visitors at the Earl structure with a brick and stone Insertion order for another economies displays on the floor Fisher home at Sunset camp Friday exterior Dimensions are 66 by 52 advertisement came for the above. Future Farmer exhibits are night. feet. next issue. in building B. while boys' a n d ; Mr and Mrs Carl Watson o f ! Seven .postmasters have serve I j Use of the classified col­ girls' 4-H club displays are in the Newport spent the week-end here here since the first poatofflee wax 4-H club building. Stock exhibits umns of the Argus will prove M r and M rs M W atson, Elsie extublished in 1875 Miss Mary A are housed in the barns at the Meyers and Harold Fisher visited profitable to all who use Brown was the first, serving from south of the grounds. Cash prem­ Mi and Mrs. Earl Fisher at Sun them consistently. Occasion­ 1875 until I8!8i Site was followed iums totaling approximately $2.009 set eamp Saturday night ally results may not l»e ob­ by Herman Schulrnerlch. who was and .ribbons are offered in the var­ Mr and Mrs Louie Dober of tained hut these cases are II) office from IHtWJ lo ItWk) Others ious’ events. Banks attended the dance here , only rare and c a n n o t h e In the order of their appointments Buildings have been cleaned ar.d Saturday night. ascribed to any luck of read­ are It Waggener. B P Cornellua, renovated for the event and the ers, rather to a lack of de­ J C. I.amkin. 11 A. Ball, anil Hole grounds have been put in firs: mand. nagel. All but the latter two are class shape for the convenience of i Queen of the 193,3 Pendleton Round-Up. Helen Hansell of Ithrnn. Oregon, beckons one and all to the ' now deceased. visitors. Minton urges county folk time honored leader of all frontier exhibitions which will be held September 12, 13 and 11. invite friends from outside of th e , A rg ils classified ads get results. county to attend and "show them a ; Inviting all lovers of the old Parade Director George Strand I being given, Last year's field of real fair.” (Continued from pare__ West to the 26th annual Pendleton has even sent abroad for boots of competitors drawn from nearly Cedar Mill Farm Union band will Round-Up, September 12, 13 and a certain cut to insure the histor­ every state in the Union and from in Cedar Mill, three each in For­ play this afternoon and evening to­ est Grove and Beaverton and the fCtmtImiesf from |»**e on«| day and Friday, while the Forest 14. Dr. Wilson D. McNary, presi­ ical accuracy of one of the many Canada, numbered 215. Thia year remainder in rural communities. but it is anticipated that the semi- Grove band will play Saturday aft­ dent of the Pendleton Round-Up sections of the "Westward Ho" pa- more than 300 aro expected, ac­ Cost of one of the Hillsboro darkness will add to the confusion Association, draws attention to a ! rade which will be staged on Frt- cording to E. N. "Pinky" Boylen. j homes was $18.000 and one in For­ ernoon and evening. Other enter­ tainment features will include con­ ; seven point program of Improve-j Jay. September 13th. The parade Arena Director, and John Hales, est Grove cost $10,000. Total in­ and excitement of the game. Lawai players who have already - ment which will make this year's , will be sponsored by the granges Competitive Events Director. cessions, rides, shows, etc. vestment in new construction was signed as candidates for the Hills- j Aft* Here Again” for the Department superintendents are show greater than ever. The of Umatilla county this year and, Three of the new bucking hor­ placed at $68.300. boro team include T W McDonald. i poultry men and dairymen. as follows: Livestock, R. M Banks , points of improvement are: still ] with all the pioneer characters of ses purchased this year by the lieve that the thief knew where <) O C o s le it, E Hornbeck. J M Poultry and dairy product.« of Banks: farm crops, vegetables I better bucking contests: the finest stagecoach and covered wagon Round-Up are "Pilot Rock," "Jack the funds were located. Person. P I, Patterson. Jake Weil. and granges, H. T. Hesse of Hills­ Ho” parade in Round- i days, wilt be more elaborate and 'O Spades" and "Mystery." "Pilot Theft of a $175 diamond and Nye O Bristol. 1. C. Kramjen. W higher, feed choaper. Why boro route 2; domestic science. I "Westward Up history; Increased prize money colorful than ever before. No Rock," a 1300 pound sensation, sapphire ring sometime the first of Verne McKinney, James M Wells. not start that flock of pu|. Mrs. H. W. McDonald of Tigard, domestic art, Mrs. Elizabeth M. for contestants; more Indians en­ other western exhibition bas as was acquired from Waiter Sni.ili last week was reported Saturday I A l Busch. Claude Cook. Jack Mur- j lets on Hodgcn - Brewster camped on the grounds; popular many Indian participants as the-of Pilot Rock. The other two, of to Sheriff Connell by Mrs David ton. Orange Phelps, John Gardner, ! Vincent of Tigard: floral, Mrs. Jean Warrens. Forest Grove; boys’ and ticket prices; $10,600 spent to im­ Pendleton Round-Up and nowhere which great things are expected Almont of Reedvilie. The ring h ail1 George McGee, Lee Oakes. Clem Egg Mash and produce eggs been hidden in a camera and placed Eslinger and C. 1. Campbell Olli tit lower cost? Try it and bi girls' club work, O. B. Kraus and prove grandstands and arena; a is a parade put oo of the caliber by Livestock Director H erb L. E. Francis; Future Farmers, R. larger field of entries In racing. | of the "Westward Ho.” parade In Thompson, were acquired at Union, j in a dresser drawer, according to crs wishing to tryout for places I 1 convinced. the report. are asked to register with Wilbur M Adams of Forest Grove. roping and bulldngging; and the opinion of thousands who have Oregon. Sentence on Robert W Osborn of Dillon at the fire hall, Members of the fair board in­ more attractive "Happy Canyon” i seen it. Advance reservations, according neat Sherman s mill, who plead) The gume has proven immensely clude Minton, president and man | The thing that Insures world's to Roy W. Ritner. Round-Up as­ guilty Monday to a charge of lar- popular in other Oregon cities and ager: Hesse, first vice-president; pageant and night show. "Roosevelt Trophy” and "Phillip ' championship performers in bronc and Banks, second vice-president. sociation secretary, are far In ex­ ceny by bailee, will be imposed the frantic antics of the players Feed • Seed • Wool and Poultry "Better Housing” booth will be Rollins," will have to look to their ' riding, bulldoggtng and roping cess of previous years and a heavy this morning (Thursday). Osbor.i as they attempt to direct their Telephone 3061 is alleged lo have borrowed a rifle long-eared steeds toward the regu- sponsored during the fair by the laurels this year for the Round- ¡contests is the $3,000 prize list for Federal Housing administration, ac­ Up will have 100 head of buckers this year's exhibition.—the largest attendance from the East Is In­ and used it as security for an auto- lar duties of baseball provide plen- _ cording to T. G. Bronleewe. county dicated. When the Round-l p mobile repair bill. chairman. Information regarding to d r w from. Among them are amount offered since just after the makes Its bow September 12. 13 new dis«,,ieries loaded with equine World War. In addition, $1,500 keeping a dog without a license, the program will be available and Y o u r A p p e tite D em an ds , worth of merchandise awards are and 14, packed stands are assured. Mrs M A James of near Huber a number of model houses will be dynamite. was fined $10 and costs in the local on display. Plans are also being justice of peace court. The fine was made to have moving pictures at the Veterans' hospital, following an suspended upon purchase of the least one evening. operation. necessary license Four other con-! Showing of dairy cattle that have T 'ie o r l I-»»z Mr. Atchenson was a member of victions on similar charges were not been tested and found free v^ILC U D y ¿ jjJ L c lK C r Scout Harrington camp, U. S. W. V returned recently, according to the from Bang's disease will not be al­ ; at Hillsboro, and was a veteran of (Continued from page one! dog control board. One each was' (Continued from page one lowed this year by the fair man­ Its flavor tempts you . . . its Co. D, Second Oregon volunteer agement. While this decision may a sugar substitute from dahlias and infantry. He was quartermaster back, he was met by two other handled by the Tigard and Forest! passengers and a fight ensued artichokes; alcohol for use as mo­ Grove courts and two at Beaverton.1 the favorite for parties . . . reduce the showing the manage­ sergeant of that company. Suit for $1110 damages was filed Mecklen was bound over to the ment feels that it is worthwhile tor fuel from coal, shale and farm its the perfect dessert. Try a Funeral services will be held at grand jury Wednesday following a in the circuit court Wednesday b y ; to protect the valuable dairy in­ products; wood pulp in its many Rose Home, East Sixth and preliminary hearing before Don­ the Southern Hardware & Seed dish today or treat y o u r dustry of the county, according to uses and possibilities, a n d soy Alder Funeral Portland. Friday aft­ ald T. Templeton, county judge. Stores against E B. Anderson. The Minton. Washington county is the beans for paint oils. He declared ernoon streets, at 3 o'clock, and interment taste with pie or cuke Siber- that the farmer must be willing plaintiff alleges that he contracted Bail was set at $250. first to place this regulation on to shift to take advantage of his I will be in the veterans' plot at with the defendant July 23 of this rianated at showing at county fairs. Charges of reckless driving and Lincoln Memorial cemetery in that opportunities. for delivery within a reason­ failing to obtain an operator's li­ year time of 60,000 pounds of hairy A real opportunity for industrial city. cense were filed against E B able He is survived by his widow. | alcohol was visioned by the speak- Hendricks of Carlton Monday in vetch seed at $8 15 per hundred. T _ , _ , . er. who said the country faced a Bertha Atchenson. and one sister in the Beaverton justice of the peace When delivery was not made, the Jefferson, New York. plaintiff was forced to buy other gasoline shortage in ten years un- court. Hendricks was arrested Sun­ seed at $10 per hundred, according / less some new discoveries were day by state police after he had (Continued from page one) to the complaint. made. In order to hold our own, he First and Baseline, Hillsboro allegedly collided with another car would have reduced such net re­ said, it would be necessary to dis­ Probate orders in the estates of driven by John Knepper of Beaver­ Joseph turn, to 3.08 per cent. Galbreath, Oscar S. Hund­ cover as much oil as has been dis­ ton. Joe Miono. also of Carlton and ley, Catherine M Payne, J a n e "It can well be said that 3.08 covered in the last 70 years. Use companion of Hendricks, was held Eliza per cent is not a fair return, but of alcohol as a blend with gasoline Andrews, Richard F. Gleason. Responsibility for th e . collapse on a charge of being drunk in a John C. Bechen, J M. Hiatt, Georg« so also can the same be said of the was cited as an outlet and as an return of 3.56 per cent. It is not opportunity to conserve the sup­ of the Little Baldwin creek bridge public place. Heynderickx. Flora C Hiilier. Wil­ Cate Motor company at Forest liam H. Williams. John Galbreath, the proposed ordinance which re­ ply. He described the alcohol mix­ under a 38-car train August 6. re­ duces the net return below a fair ed in with gasoline as a splendid sulting in the death of five South­ Grove was broken into sometime Rosella Hathorn and Charity Cox and reasonable one—obviously it anti-knock agency, which was be­ ern Pacific employes and injury to Saturday evening and approximate- were issued this week. Guardian- three more, was fixed by the in­ 2r ,*58_in cash and checks were ship orders were issued for Julia is other matters a n d conditions ing used in 21 foreign countries. which are responsible. vestigating board on the head of stolen Entrance was gained through Bryan. Smith minors. Luella Smith Dr. Christensen said a blend of “L therefore, find that the pro­ in . . . . . . . , the repair crew working on the a broken back window and an Mary E. Decks, Lucille Quaintance ? t,n«hE L been brid«e' R Andrews: his supervisor. open window to the office. The and Lester Gumm posed ordinance does not violate ».------— interest' ------ .... the mean- Put about 100,000 m en ( O. V. Chesney, and Bridge Inspec- money was hidden in the stock _____________ 'public within ing of section 62-261, Oregon Code work ?nd J*“ UP the Present; tor H. C. Jones. room, leading authorities to be- Argus classified ads get results. 1930, as amended. All parties are arm surPlus oi products. , Cause of the wreck, it was dc hereby notified that the public i termined by the investigating board utilities commissioner, for the rea­ was in permitting operation of sons stated, will not file objections train over the trestle when two bents of the structure were not to the proposed ordinance.” longitudinally braced. (Continued from pa ire r .t CD s' K “You Are a Fine Medium for Ads” Hillsboro Postal Service to Move » Gain County Building ., Operations Expected Donkevbali Game Wednesday Night "Happy Days Farmers’ Cash Store Agricultural Needs S IB E R R IA N CREAM Bus Driver Charged With Drunk Driving Hillsboro Sustained Hydrant Rental Act Coslctt’s Bar-B-Q Responsibility for Bridge Crash Placed FULLER Varied Program Set Annual State Fair (Continued from pare one) Poultry House Bums at Aloha Thursday (Continued from page ene) Ask your attorney to send your flames would spread to adjoining legal advertising to the Argus. buildings. A bucket brigade o f! neighbors attempted to control the fire, but were unsuccessful. Flames, believed to have recur­ red from the fire which swept the area August 12, 13 and 14. en­ dangered a large tract of mer- chantable timber and several homes jn the vicinity of Scholls Friday afternoon and night. Fanned by a stiff wind, the blaze gained rapid headway and burned over a strip of cut over land a mile long and B o u g h t and Sold more than a quarter mile wide before it was brought under con- trol Saturday. 1928 B u ic k 4 -d o o r Sedan Th_ .. nr f L H p quarter 192 9 Essex C oupe {. ¡. K .® **« k' Cr h° rne a. m.. livestock judging contest; 10 a. m., judging of handicraft, home beautification and crops ex­ hibits; 1:30 p. m., crops judging contest, 1.30 p. m., judging of dairy cattle; 3 p. m.. poultry judging contest; 3:30 p. m., rabbit judging contest Tuesday, September 3, 9 a m. judging of gardeb exhibits: 1:30 p. m„ Judging of sheep, goats poultry and rabbits. Wednesday, September 4. 9 a. m.. Washington county livestock demonstration; 1:30 p. m., judging of hogs. Thursday September 5. 9 a. m„ Washington county crops demonstration; 9 a. m , hog showmanship; 10 a. m.. sheep J%'e: d ?tr'ct ',re 1 wa’’den. 1 9 2 8 Essex Coupe showmanship; 1:30 p. m„ cattle , ^ t , ir! n,d „ volunteers I 2 192 9 F o rd R oadsters showmanship, Friday, September 6 on 1bc 1 re lnc' 192 9 W h ip p e t 11 a. m., Washington county mtscel- .. „ . . . . ' laneous demonstration; 7 p. m , WILLIAM S. ATCHENSON 1927 Essex Coach special awards, which arc presented William S. Atchenson of Albany, in the main arena at the night formerly of Pendleton and Hills- Several other cars horse show. ! boro, died Tuesday afternoon at | $15 and up USED CARS Fire, Flood, Storm and Decay will never harm the homes and buildings made of our Ix f* * ! * I f i f Concrete Building Tile. They improve with age and the first and only cost is within your reach. We try to be honest and we make an hon­ est product. All kinds of Top Work, Painting and Body Work. C ars W a s h e d P olished W illy s and Agent for an d G ra h a m -P a ig e G ra h a m -P a ig e S edan $8C 9 D e liv e re d H e re W illy s 4 -d o o r Sedan $ 5 7 9 D e liv e re d H e re H illsboro Concrete Brick Qi Tile Co. G as - O il - Accessories (Venetian ticket. F. W. Weldon. Hillsboro Rt. 1) Used Car Exchange North o f Cannery, across W . W a s h in g to n S t., P h o n e 1341 P A IN T Powers Grocery I S fl L€ S€PT. M A IN For tun weeii only can you buy these Puller Paintsst special price reductions. This is a real opportunity to re-new your interior walls, woodwork, floors, etc. a t iiig Mvinm. Stock up now on the finest paints. This sale will not he repeated this year. STREET P H O N E 81 Prompt Service . . . S pecials fo r A u g u s t 3 0 an d 31 Corn F lak es M ilk Red & White, large cans. 17c 3 fo r Pancake F lou r Red & White. L a rg e p k g . SYRUP Red & White cane and maple. P in t ju g P otato C hips P ork and Beans Van Camp’s, with Tomato Sauce. 2 fo r 2n d an d W a s h . P hone 2641 19c 15c L a rg e size pkgs. 22-oz. tins 19c FULLERGLO TTic W ent’n mont p o p . ulur ( ìnìm I i for interior wall« and woolwork. Semi-liifltrouA. Waa l i ­ able. Choice o f colora. QUART special price FLOOR ENAMEL F v lle rw e a r F lo o r E e s e ifl .r JK tii (a tt hard QUART special price P in t ...5 2 c Calion $2.911 llalf-Cnllon $1.59 INTERIOR VARNISH STOVE EHAMEL Sperrlite put« a hard, traigh, gloMny finish on furniture, floor*, wood- work, etc. Stand* hard wear. Quick-drying. PIN T special price stands wear. Givea a pnree- lain-likn snrfare. Easy to wash. Quick-drying. 89' C a lio n ... $2.79 ffne) ReducedPrices SPCCiflL 20c Red & White. 3 pkgs. 3 rJ -l4