Page Six H IL L S B O R O ARG US, H IL L S B O R O , OR EGO Thursday, August 21>, 1935 Social News of Local Folk - - - and ______ cuast and n very enjoyable vnea- and granddaughter, Lorruin» Lee Wauneta, Nehr and Mrs Hattie tlon Miss l.enore Putnam , ein of Coffee Creek. Mont , are visiting ploye of the local Sprouse Heil.- Mrs t ' l i i i i u n ' s parents. Mr ami Mis C hrlstener of Palisade. N eb r. lett s," ,e ' had h«r 'u eatlo n at the same A. Mulchow. and sister Mis llallie Monday for their homes after ten -y-, ' . r- . , Ibne so that the family might all Ireland They arrived Suturdav weeks’ visit with Mis Christen i day at. Carlton by slaughtering the I h e ir r r ie tlil'i together Miss Theonu rem ained i fit.»» I i i u t U » H „ h rctativvs s.Uem foi mt, Miss Ophelia Wismer left ee - e r’a sister, Mrs. J. C Kuininvr, I Verboort baseball squad 14 to 5 in __ W ...J iiesday for a few days' vacation and family They are very pleased fuir. ! the play-off game The first of the , !d Ocean Park. W ash, after which with Oregon and plan to return ' three-gam e series for the 1935 league Mr and Mrs. William Sm ith and L . l ;,1 '" a1 \ ' Miss Putty Lomax she will go to Tillamook for a ' championship is scheduled for next son William Jr. of Port Huron. and W. H Dlerdorff spout t li e week Elmer Johnson J r and Robert Softball le a g u e Sunday on the Amity diamond. Mich., w ere guests recently of Mr Collyer left Friday for Palo Alto week-end at O tter Bock near New - W L Pet! W L Pet h . H E. and Mrs Fred Caldwell and fam purl They returned via Corvallis Douglas Nosier of Portland Is Cal . after a w e e k s visit at the K 4 I . li f t Safew ay 9 9 Amity 14 It 2 W unjr 4 9 .671 S .tla W orks » 5 375 ily. Mr Smith is a cousin of Mr 6 4 ' Arg mt Sunday and visited the Frank Moll 'i-ttln g his grandparents. Mr and I- Johnson home Joos’ Squad Turns in 11-6 Kattcricw: Hel»er, Wood« and HttUkin Caldwell and they had not met for Ireland» 4 4 .6tH> Guards 2 4 .2« home near Toledo Mr. Moll propa Mrs C II Nosier, tins week while Mrs E C Coinan pent the week ! e o n ; Sahnow , Kemper and \ aiulvrxan Fairw ay held its lead in the lo- J? Zea’5 The Sm i,hs « ''r e visiting gales coast huckleberries for shrubs bis t’rotlier Danny is with Mr. uiid end with her mother, Mrs I,. M Victory Over Rivals den. eal softball league Thursday eye- VeUowstone park. W ashington and and is in charge of the L uicoli Mrs Carl Hickson, near Taft, Phillips, in Portland. mug by turning back the National ' ' r''Ki'n, en route to San Diego to county exhibit for the state fail' Hillsboro’s Sunset leaguers, cham ­ Mr. and Mrs II J. D ltter arrived G uard squad 12 to 5 The Argus “,'c falt ■ a'ld, accom panied by this year. pions of the second-half, defeated Tuesday from Seattle. W ash. for nosed out Irelands 6 to 5 w ith a ”J ISM'S Thelma McCandless and Aloha, first-half title-holders, 11 to Mrs Frank Baker and daughter a” Indefinite stay with Mr. and SEED CONTRACTS ti Sunday afternoon on the loser's t n Y 7inCiAl 1 v r r taU>’ in the final inning after com- \ cra. ,ortJT1, i n t h e Jeanne, who spent a week at Sea Mrs. S. K Olsen, If you want to grow Peas mid lO V a n t O U X t r OC|l «1(1 ing from behind to tie the score Normal school A.U were diamond in the initial game of Vetch on contract see us now! side, and Shirley Baker, who has] Mrs. Lucy Sigler spent the week- Laurel lost _____ a close 6 to 4 game in the fifth Safeway also squeezed d<'J ^ hted " »th Oregon the series to decide the w inner of _____ ______ very tim « th« t tr « been a guest of her grandm other, end in Portland with Mr and Mrs. A. M. HAND HKEU t (>.. Ine. the 1935 pennant A double-header to the Vancouver Barracks baseball out a close 11 to 10 victory over the Mr and Mrs J K Cowell and Mrs M yrtle Huthrauff. of Seaside. Dale Sigler They brought lie- gang ring«. It n at 707 N K. Union Ave. between the two teams is schedul- team on the Laurel field Sunday Soda Works. 'son Don of Spokane. Wash., spent returned home Sunday Mr and i home Sunday. ed on the Shule park diamond afternoon The score was tied at 2 Due to early darkness, four of the w eek-end with Mr. and Mrs. J Mrs Hay Baker of Forest Grove Portlund Oregon o n ly znnouncei a l ir a Mrs. „ M M, , )f Chehulem Sunday afternoon, bu. the locals t o 2 at the start of the eighth the six team s played Tuesday eve- M Persun en route to California « o m e w h • r « but It are determ ined to win the firs: frame. Laurel came through w ith ning in order to speed up the com- Mrs Cowell and Mrs Person are the iveekke i ^ kth e » *h * Ci’y SPtnl Mou," i,,n ' '» ‘'ed her brothel and sister-in-law. Mr. mid Mrs E 1. lo u n d i ■ w a rn in g to game and clinch the series two tallies on a single by Dailey pletion of the second-half schedule sisters. Their mother. Mrs N. Nye tlii w eek-end there Wifi liK A I. IN M í A l. KSTATK Lieutenant-Com m ander mid Mrs McCormick, this w e e k Hillsboro opened the scoring in anc( a home ru n by Deaville. Van- The Argus clouted itself into sec- accompanied the Cowells when they thoae w h o hava be«n W rits Harry Harding left Thursday fur Mrs I w C i-..u i . .. i ....... . the first inning w ith two runs couver again tied the score in its end place w ith a 17 to 8 win over left Monday. Kirs slid Auton,,4.11s lu su rsn es so fo rtu n a te as to •»• when Joos and Hanna walked and half of the inning and then cinched the Soda Works, white the Guards- P J V anderzanden and son Ed- v r H l m K\’h e',h n fto J Sutherland mid Mrs N. H Mr. and Mrs L. 1. S. s Campbe v umpbell re-i Schiedel. the lead in the third with a tally vs. Fairway, north Ju n io r high dia- tions as being good in that sec- maha sure th a t y o u r turned Sunday from a week*» v « -, scored on a hit by Barron w ith ( o il f lt V 1 OlHliTStCrS mond. Suda Works vs National tlon M rs Ada Patterson was a guest -, ». », „ . . . . . cation at Newport, and Mrs. Ny Bohnson on base. The fourth and / & Guards, Hilhi diamond, and Argus fir s Insurance la sals, of Miss Eloise Dorner at luncheon M Jrs En'm a McR‘o'>ry «otertaineil HrHtol and children, who Safewav. south Ju n io r high Friday evening w ith « dinner and tTe“ ‘wei-k"” heV é."M »¿m ^,‘ Monda"’ fifth frames went scoreless and A c tiv e ill FiUf H cfC ' vs. llnrorporutedl Po,',la,ld Mond«.' sound, and sufficien t. field. then the locals opened up w ith a bridge party, guests being Mes with Mr. Bristol, w ho was th e r e ! Mr und Mrs. Hallie Ireland vis- t UoUertlmu — Credit Reports pow erful hitting attack. (Continued from page one) dames Dora Nelson. H enrietta M or­ for the week-end. I de— AB to n Nelson. He w ill return to the silver cup offered by the First N a­ ne week-end at the coast. Mr and Mrs Claud Morley mov- aAnd pla>Yx, b< ’ l*b»cr,b ‘nX '« T ,ll: J . Barron. 2b Mr and Mrs C. Trachsel and hospital Septem ber 3. tional bank of Forest Grove will ed this week to Dayton, w here Mr AMERICAN BOY magazine and MTORM1CKDEERINC See Our Display t o jb e aw arded to the high team and family picnicked at Avalon P ark Mr and Mrs R upert Kennedy ol Morley will have an Oregor.i.m i following the sports interview s und A. Barron, if ...........................5 fiction stories that appear each ribbons will be presented to other Sunday, route. FARM MACHINES The Dalles visited Mr and Mrs Leverett. rf . ... 4 month. high teams and for outstanding in- ' Mrs. C. M D urm at fell Monday Carl Millet Sunday and Monday. of * ... 3 Warren Burt Barnes J r of Cor- "When I was In high school," imple S ents and sprained her arm. dividual performances. Bohnson. lb ..........................3 Mr K ennedy returned xa a home M this 5 W week vy r iu m v a« x o s ,, n -' i nelius ll- u . i is a guest C» x o » »111 f *x* ffv of h i» ls Hoarser, so says a famous decathlon champion. Displays will include shop work. I Vivian 'in c h entertained Marian day evening while Mrs. Kennedy grandparents, Mr. and Mrs B ------------------ --------- Jubitx. p " ! "I read a track article In THE McCormick-Deer- projects and livestock exhibits. T h e , Isaacson. Helen Becker and Hazel will spend the week with Miss Barnes, AMERICAN BOY that gave me my work will be under the direction of Churchley w ith a tea at her home Lucille Rood, who will accompany Mr and Mr« Brown, p ...........................2 O »» A ^ ln w x a . W p n n i'g r la v a fffs m .A X x * « a >T'i V , >• g i l l . U U U 1V11S J Miller of Mil- first clear-cut idea of the w estern Wednesday afternoon. R. M. Adams o f Forest Grove. ing Machinery her to The Dalles Saturday. r. r. 1 'v«u«»e w ere guests Sunday of Mr style of high jum ping At practice T o t a l ..................... Mrs. Sue Isaacson, who had Smith-Hughes agricultural instruc­ and a Mrs. George n. s e r io u s nneriatinr. c -.o i-,.. .u a Judge u u g e dim ir s, ueorge tsag- ana airs j o D Ar I! Bag- ' and Mrs J Anderson and Mrs I laid the open magazine on the Batted for Howaer in 8th. tor. Good ' S a X i t ï n hospital, is ,m- }'*' Valerie and Georße Ba*' 1 Ludema Anderson, Inninira pitched by Brandaw. 4 ; R»w>ky. j grass and studied it as 1 worked Girls' Program Given 3. Credit victory to Brandaw. Charge de­ K enneth L inklater of Portland Jou*- That afternoon 1 increased ■ y J r are vacationing at Bay Exhibits, dem onstrations a n d proving. fea t to Jubitx. Struck out by Jubit« 6 Ocean. Mrs. A H. Hills of St the height of my jum p t h r e e Brow n. 1 ; Rosky. 2 ; Brandaw. 7. Base- judging contests in the 4-H home A. Dant of P ortland visited his Helens spent the week end there m n n Tl,vsday ot Mr and inches." on ball» o ff Brandaw, 7; Rosky. 1 ; Jubitr. economics departm ent will d e mother. Mrs Emma Dant, last week. a i,.„ ,t n fM ,™ " Mrs. B. W. Barnes, 6. Three-base hit», Hanna. Two-base hits. x . . . . . . .x - . .. ... .. I Mrs M. N. S atterlee and daugh- 8 Bagley. ------ A .... ------- T hat was a long tim e ago, but I. X. L. Poultry and Dairy Feeds Mr. and Mrs. . W . . C. Christensen H anna, Ronky. 2 ; R. Brandaw. 2 ; Lever­ housed in the 4-H club building a?d i ?,rs: Jam es T Beach of ant| fam ily returned Sunday evening today thousands of future cham- i ett, 2 ; A. Barron. 1; Rosebraugh. S acri­ Canning, cooking, sewing and room ter of Oregon City w ere week-end „ Phone 271 160 W. Mnin St. im provem ent projects will be dis- guests of Mrs W M Snipes. I ortland called on the H S Rog- J from a week's vacation at Newport P‘ons as eagerly follow THE fic e hit», C lo y « , Rocky. Scrofford. e . North crs Sundav evening e v e n in g Mr » m . r . . . , played in the eastern part of the 1 „ Ro>' Gaines of Sandford, i»rs fam i[y Sunday Mr. JOn n ‘ la n ir c v i . i i e a 1 i AMERICAN BOY. Mr and at Mrs John C i t Laurs visited r...ThlaJy car' s,atcs G riffith Ogden building, while the dem onstration Carolina, is visiting his uncle, W ? eaS? ls. depoftnjent commander re latives |atives Oregon T h iu s iiiv City v Thursday. will be conducted on the stage at Snipes He will rem ain for sev- f y 'h e state of Oregon of the U. xr • r at i, Oregon r- * Ellis, editor, "our staff w riters have Mrs. John Crum m and son Gale, gone to the two greatest football eral weeks. S- W. V. the south end of the hall. team s of the country— Minnesota Mrs. Goble of Orenco spent Wed- ; Mr and Mrs. R. F. Taylor and Opening feature of th e girls’ and P ittsburgh for first-hand tips nesday, August 21, w ith Mrs W Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Rogers a t­ SAXTON A LOONEY Amity won the second half title home economics program w ill be M. o n strategy, blocking, tackling, Snipes. tended the annual picnic of John I of the Tualatin Valley league Sun- the dress style revue in the main Producer, of Quality pussing, and the fine points of play Barlow camp No. 6, U. S. W V . at I auditorium at 2:15 p. m. t o d a y They have interview ed Jack Medi- Vancouver, Wash., Sunday. SAND and GRAVEL (Thursday). Washable school cos­ WILLIAM MOGENSEN PAPERHANGING pion» „ ..u • « ca' the world's fastest swimmer, tumes, w inter school costumes and j F uneral services f o r William Miss Leona Rogers came down P lant located 4 miles north of For- a n a his coach n„» al party dresses w ill b e Mogensen. 83. of G arden Home were from Eugene Friday to attend the est Grove on Gales Creek. Phone J- d , coach. Ray D aughters Hillsboro Decorating Co. inform 16O9R r i« « « Gone to Eastern High School ol modeled by the girls and awards held at Pegg's chapel in Beaver- wedding of her sister Jean, return- B R. Nickeson. Prop. Washington. D C., Eastern In ter­ w ill be made for these three d i­ ton Wednesday afternoon and in- in8 to her studies at the university scholastic basketball champions. In "We Cover Surfaces” visions and for the best dress. W in­ term ent was in Crescent Grove ° n Sunday. — the past they have followed the ners w ill be sent to th e state fair cemetery. I Mr and Mrs A L Amacher and Phone 2102 USED and NEW PARTS ° rapefruit C ircuit of the major! j to enter the competition there. K athryn Cawrse in an a m -,^,i fam i|y made a ‘rip to The Dalles j For less. Tire«, batteries, w h e e ls - k'aKaes j.r' F1,.’rida' 531 ,he b tn f h Demonstrations will start at 3 j ing p m. dur- Ä the today ¿ t e m and o « will and continue Friday. Betty S Kahte o T s c h Ä ’ S Sunday, w here they visited f U h ^ the 0 1 I wire, wood disc, all sizes. Trailers I?1 the Rose bowL sou“ht out thl' made to order 'fam ous runners, divers, All-Amerl- DR. R. J. NICOL u - h . . A , can ends, tackles and backfield ,, „ . _ Jean Davis and Evelyn Schumaker, p. m. Winners in the cooking and men. to bring their story of how both of Laurel, will put on the first sewing divisions w ill be sent to p .“ 1?? « ¿ ‘’«rta Barnes and Miss, rlillS D o ro A u t o W r e c k e r » DR. E. W. ALMQUIST 156 Second Ave to play the game to the young men Dorothy Snyder h a v e recovered W. M ain dem onstration, "Making the Spool- the state fair. of America Home economics judging contest irom recen t illnesses and are again | H older" A t 3:40 p m. Lorieta Smith Veterinarians "In .-.,1,111 h n to our fic'.ion, u.l ( and Hazel Sm ith of Glenwood will in four divisions, canning, clothing, at tf>eir duties at Goar's Woman's ■ venture, exploration, hobby coun­ Telephone 643 and 642 I put on “Color Problem s in Dress' cooking, h&memaking a n d room shoP- Guns, Ammunition sel. and vocational help, we shall __________ . .... m. ________________ 1 and at 4:20 r p. G eraldine Down im provement, will start at 3 p. m J R?v - a“ d Mrs. George Reule and I continue to encourage young men Fishing T ackle + ing and Hazel Sm ith of Glenwood Competition in all f o u r divisions fam ily and Miss Grace Sahnow re- I to im prove their game in e v e ry ! 1, will put on a cooking demonstra - WiB conducted simultaneously. [turned Wednesday from a week’s CORWIN HARDW ARE ' line of sport." tion, “Toast.” ! Jean Ann Connell of N orth Plains | vacation at Cannon Beach. Phone 72 Send your subscription to T llE i Demonstrations w ill be continued : the only contestant to date i n ' Mr. and Mrs. William Cuddy and 128 2nd Ave. AMERICAN BOY. 7430 S e c o n d ) Agent Long Radios on Friday at 10 a. m. with "Mak- ¡ l“ e dollar-dinner competition and ’ two children of the Cornelius Pas Blvd., Detroit, Mich. Enclose with ing Ice-Box Cookies” by Eunice is scheduled to p u t on her w ork | road were guests Sunday of Mr ^ o u r nam e and address $1 for u ! Sahnow and M ildred K ahle o f between a and 8 p. m. F rid a y ., and Mrs. A. L. Brock. Everything in Insurance year's subscription, $2 f o r th re e ' Schefflin. O ther dem onstrations will Other entrants, however, are antic- Misses M arcaret a n d F l l » a h i.ih years, and add 50 cents a year if I Phene I7»l 1J32 W ashington he as follows: "Becoming Colors 'P ated- The event consists of pro- j Unor of Portland formerly of = = — ¡¿ i - • w u . i ¡ > £ » B , - . « „ ¡ . i o , : . a s , you w ant the subscription to go to a foreign address. On newsstands, j of not to exceed Jl. i m®he their future home. 10c a copy.—Paid adv. Judging of six divisions of sew- ?4r and Mrs- B F Taylor, Rob­ TO THE PEOPLE OF HILLS­ ing exhibits was conducted by Mrs ert and Rona Taylor of Reedville BORO and VICINITY: Blanche Bride of Hillsboro while I ^.eTe „gucsts Monday of Mr. and Miss Alice Malin of Corvallis', home Mrs' Fay H uIitt' FOR P A R T IC U L A R L A D IE S T here has been organized In - demonstrator, will judge exhibits Mr and Mrs. Ray Thomas were Hillsboro w hat is known as the in canning and cooking this morn- quests Sunday of Mrs. Thomas Washington County B uilders’ ning. A pproxim ately 350 exhibits brother, M. V. Sprague, and fam- Exchange, composed of w ork­ men who understand the trades representing the w ork of 4-H club ily- they represent. You are cordial­ groups in the county during the A freak cucumber, resem bling an ly invited to discuss your build­ past year, are expected. Place win-1 animal, was brought in the last of ing problem s with the members ning exhibits will be sent to the the week by Joe Routsong of West of this organization for estimates state fair im m ediately after the ¡ Oak street close of the county event and advice. Ju st send a postal a n S ^ T X ’ T ? ’¿ Ve^ n S a- - r w « k -e n d Wg S of card to the Secretary of The B uilders' Exchange; Hillsboro, turm g company and ih e ‘ K err c i a » i o ^ , t T f l m 'i l y “ " WU‘iam Tre8' “Any Woman Can Look Lovelier stating the nature of the im prove­ m ents required to get in touch M anufacturing company. The girl 1 x» ,, selected as the outstanding club MrS' Mol,le HuKh<»s of Portland w ith t h e different tradesm en KRAMIEN'S member, will also be sent to t h e ' W Bi est the ,ast of the week qualified to perform your work state fair for two days 1 ot M rs' ®mma McNelly. satifactorily The B uilders’ Ex­ That the 4-H club building will Dr w H- Pastey and daughter change guarantees the w orkm an­ ship of any mem ber of their o r­ not be open Sunday m orning a s , •fean Ann and Velma Abendroth PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS PHONE 266 ganization—WE THANK YOU. announced in the prem ium list was R- L. Putnam , Christian minister tne statem ent this week of Mrs. | and fam ily returned Monday front WASHINGTON COUNTY Marry it Morgan, assistant county a week's outing on the coast. They BUILDERS' EXCHANGE. school superintendent. Club mem- report lovely w eather along the bers may rem ove th eir e x h i b i t s -------------------------------------------------- Saturday evening after 10 o'clock if they want them before Mondav morning. Hillsboro-Aloha Clash Here Sunday IN S U R E --- Fairway Holds Lead in Softball League Locals Take Initial Game Laurel Drops Game E Credit Bureaus Reedville School Opens September 3 CHAS. L. WALKER DELTA DRUG STORE WHILE AT THE FAIR I a ii HILLSBORO FEED CO Amity Team Wins Second Half Title Jelfes ^Most Empori a nt Sveni I RUSH LOW An Invitation Barbara Qould T O IL E T R IE S PALM DRUG STORE You are Invited to bring in your ideas for a new Basement, Pump House, Milk IIous€, Root ( ollnr or what have you and we will gladly give you an accurate estimate of cost. NO OBLIGATION ON YOUR PART Our stock of Drain Tile is complete and we will meet all competitive prices. SCHOLLS TILE CO. YARD Plant at Scholl«, Oregon O ur M otto—"F riendly Service . . . Fair Prices" W ashington S treet betw een 1st and 2nd Hillsboro Coffee Needs Good Cream Hillsboro Argus contains all the news of Hillsboro and the su r­ rounding communities. Read l t and keep inform ed on w hat is happening at home. tif S H I N G L E S --- A N D the best cream is F ir Grove Dairy C r e a m ! Rich, sw eet and pure— and delivered to your h o m e , COUNTRY-FRESH! There is a difference -order some to­ day and discover this pleas­ ant fact! New supply of Shingles—Will have at all times. No. 1 and 2s Mountain Red Cedar. Can supply the largest order. E G G M A S H --- HARRISON D. HUGGINS M. D. It is tim e to change the Pullets to Egg Producer. Change to the best! EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT SPECIALIST GLA SSES Room FITTED Phon«« Hour» » 90 «. m to 12 m. ] ¡30 p, m. to 5 p. m. D E L IV E R Y FIR GROVE E. B. Anderson & Son 1 Commercial National Rank Annex R esidence 2&72 O ffice 2971 FREE Hillsboro Millers of Q uality Feeds W arehouse—Oregon Electric Depot Phone Bethany Store—Phone Hillsboro IR4 (Venetian ticket, H. L. M erickle, Hillsboro) O u r verrç Leat w iJieg to each o f ou - tkc gcn.yon a B ride» . . , may your .appiest dreams come truel I J he lie new new ‘A oin t” so socially A r r t t P Foint" cia lly cor­ rect Invitations and .Announcements are very interesting - and quite reasonable in cost — it w ill he n pleasure to li ta v e you inspect them. DAIRY 1142 XFiltebortj|fc?Är (j us Grade A MII.K and ('REAM Phone 4RX1 Visiting Cards the newer styles