H IL L S B O R O R llls b o n H ^ Ä rg u s W iik W k lc k b C M B klnC I k . H ill.k o r . ■ lllabo ro A rvua ««tab. 1SS4 H ilb b o ru tn d e p .n d .lit ««tab. IS t* P u b llih ed M r K lN N K V A M r K lN N K V . I ’ .klle k e re Tkurada». Entered a» «econd-ela»« m a tte r la poatuffire at Hilleboro. Oregon MRS verne M c K inney Editor O F F IC IA I. NEW SPAPER OF the E. C. M c K IN N E Y Asaociate E ditor t tK S H l\G T O \ C H IM I Subscription Ratee S tric tly Cash in Advance __ . . ~ ea 1 \k" ..ek.aea.et.an Ctxinty O uUtJo W ashington W ith in WMhtmrt*>a County U S . per year — |t.0 0 Per year .... Il- W Foreign countries 3.50 Six month* —---- —--- — •*** MEMBER O w n State E d ito rial Aa»«ciatíon and N a tio n al E d ito rial A w * lion. F irs t Audited Paper Largest Audited W eek­ ly C irculation in O re­ gon. T h e H illeboro Argo» aaaume. no fina ncia l reap..* 1928 Chevrolet per cent for engineering and con­ aw arded to all club m em bers who started near Meadow Lake. 1ft miles Portland Ro.ary Septem ber 10 was T ru c k Xzijf? tingencies. bringing th e gross to have taken outstanding parts west of Carlton. A nother small announced during the meeting $133.540. fire was reported near the old Brix this agricultural program. 1931 Ford T ru ck Births operations and another near Muun- McGee's report also contem plated taindale. Lyda To Mr a:iJ Mi» W E with hyd. dum p I hm I W I M the m anufacture of the pipe and man-holes for the system by hiring R 7 , S®,e’ , . ------------------------ L y d u o f Hillsboro, route 3. August or renting a plant and using WPA M ade by J. W h ite la w x ,» i |- , 1929 l ord 27, a girl. common labor He estim ated that Best business month in the his- I K ill I'.tlU S Simmons To Mr und Mrs John Truck 60 per cent of the cost of the en- • Hillsboro Motor com -. Simmons of North Plains, August tire system would be in labor and pany was reported this week by, I A M 'til IV' i . l I l i r t l t l V 27. u girl. 1931 Ford Jam es Whitelaw, H that m anufacture of oiDe locallv proprietor. He / / Forbis To Mr anti Mrs William pipe I er rentals. Such a plan would call be,ng I beln« used al ,hc lime to burn gun, fo r th« County of W ashington, ! 1927 Pontiac J Q ff ------------------------- carbon out of a motor. t'ro h a t* Departm ent. for an annual rental of $5 in th, Demonxtrstion Held In the M atter of the Eatat« of K a rl , Sedan .......... »J ♦ * new sew er districts for new con- Demonstration of the D yrr dual ( Haefliiger. Deceased. N e w S e w e r P la n S tu d ie d b y C o u n c il $4| 1 /b $07^* O Ö dUvt/ 2vV - 2 ■ 5? HOC While an A m erican Communist boasts in Mos­ cow of plans for a widespread strik e this fall, long­ shoremen are m eeting in P ortland to determ ine w hether or not they w ill continue w ith the w ork­ ing agreem ent reached last year. Lives and millions of dollars w ere lost in the w aterfront strike of last summer, prospects of another such strike are now arising. The International Longshorem en’s Union vows there are no connections w ith the Communist party. Yet individual m em bers of th e union will adm it readily the organization is communistic in nature, not unw illing to listen to the blandishm ents of avowed radicals. Such a man is H arry Bridges, San Francisco leader of the union. When Bridges came to the United States from A ustralia for the sole purpose of organizing longshoremen, .h e took over long­ shorem en's union on the Pacific coast w ith a high hand. Bridges at present is the union in the west, and Bridges cannot deny his radicalism. Sam uel Darcy charges in Moscow th at Com­ m unists have the strike situation in the United States under th eir thumbs. Bridges’ activities d u r­ ing the past year would tend to bear out his state­ ments. Darcy, born D arah in th e Russian Ukraine, may be exaggerating. On the other hand, he is in a position to know. W hether or not his conduct violates the Roose- velt-Litvinoff agreem ent is beside the point. If his predictions m ean the beginning of another strike, costing A m erican lives and A m erican money, is of decided im portance to all citizens. Communists have been perm itted to carry on th eir activities in the United States unhindered. ‘T h e re are only 120,000 of them ,” has been the ex ­ cuse. Only 120,000 of them, but th at num ber, w ork­ ing insiduously and w ithout halt, has contacted millions of workingmen, planting germs of Com­ munism in th eir minds. Millions of Americans have come to accept certain tenets of th e Communist party, although they are unw illing to openly align them selves w ith such an organization. Why not give all American Communists an op­ S - 5 - p o rtunity to live in Russia? Such m easures have thly costs on ^hisenp la n 'w o u ld °be L5 interested P is o n s watch- T hirty-five Washington county cured many ard en t radicals who protested they in the presen? sewer d £ ed the dem onstration. {"’“ ' ‘T " * " and ‘h,e,r loved Communism w ith a great love.—Oregon Demo­ 21 crat. trict and 63 cents in the new d is -! v tended annual picnic whicn ♦ ricts Marriage Licenses was held at Avalon park last Sun- i___ » J M artin Stadelm an of C ornelius day. approval of Councilman J O Robb M arle DuyCk I i the *rou.p C ritic ism a S a f e g u a r d Banks. August 22. enjoyed an informal discussion with He declared that the system would Drevent anv Dossible ' confiscation I „ Rob,ert 9 Enschede and M arie F G. C. Keeney, manager of the Pa Over at Ontario, George Aiken, editor of the S ^ ^ r t ^ a n ^ t h M after th“ ^ | ^ ^ t’^ ‘h ° f H1,lsboro r° UtC i cK i' C o-o.x'n.tivc , Pouitry Produc- O ntario Argus, has been cited for contem pt because er's association, who was principal was paid for, the rentals would he comm itted the aw ful crim e of adversely com­ ject assist m aterially in hparins the I A1,red Eric Heeley Taplin o f guest at the picnic. Ice cream was m enting on a judge's grant of a parole to a local costs1 ofHgovernment an^in^rediic! re ^ V rV y 1^ ' iUrni’ ht‘d X i V k ' " " ”uth Second ■ n extension of activities among trade unions and avenue. GRAINS unemployed. It is well known th at Communists have Council will meet in regular ses­ been inciting factors in some of the m ajor strikes sion Tuesday evening We are cash buyers of all grains and seeds. It will on the Pacific coast. pay you to see us before you sell. Communists are glad to report these activities to their international headquarters in Russia. Informed L eisyville Pay Cash and Save — T ra d e w ith Im p erial observers think these efforts to Incite industrial dis­ (B y M r i. John Gtile« J r.) putes in America are a violation of the spirit if not Mrs. H arriet Ford has returned the letter of the agreem ent under which President to the community, after spending Roosevelt recognized the Soviet goverenm nt in 1933, the sum m er with her mother in in which th Soviet officials agreed to refrain from Umatilla, to arrange for the Leisy­ Phone 01 Millers of Quality Feeds South Second Ave. any subversive comm unistic activities in this coun­ ville 4-H club demonstration Friday try Gresham Outlook. at 10 a m. at the fair. Mrs. Ford S S County Poultrymen . Picnic on Sunday STOMACH ULCERS OC OVxJ NIC JLXv A / «7f? ' 2«F V $9-1 vJO f? Notice is hereby given that the under signed, as R ieeu to r of the Ktaate of K a rl H aefliger. deceased, has filed his fin a l aorount In the County Court of the Htate of Oregon, fo r W ashington County, and that Monday, the 30th day of Heptemher. 1935, at the hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon of said day and the court room o f said ro u rt has tieen appointed by said court as the tim e and place fo r the hearing of objections there- to and the settlem ent thereof. Dated and fir s t published August 29. 1935. Date of last publication September 25. 1935. D. T H C IIA H U L D . K««ciil.,r. ZS-JJ Imperial Feed 8C Grain Co. 1927 P ackard Sedan $ « (? (» 2c?V » 1926 Ford D elivery .................. I I 1 1934 Chevrolet Tow n Sedan .......... " O l d P a in te r ” House Paint Gosts less than repairs. See us today! $9B . O« V $4 IL* ff » X JUTz M odel T Ford ....................... 1 Roadster 1925 Buick Coupe ....................... 1923 Star Touring ..................... $4 /I X ’r lOOC 2 2 S C ffB VVv $AA $OC . 1929 G ra h am - Paige S e d a n ............... O f? 1929 DeSoto Coach V *? 1933 C hevrolet Coach .................. 1925 Ford Coupe .................................MV? Dairyman Stock Feeders. . . Communists Observe No Treaty ' I 1927 Ford Coupe ........................ 12 attractive colors and white. In 5-gal. cans 90 Per gallon Single G allon ............. ’1 $4 1 .95 Apply Old I’slnter now. It Is durable, dependable and economical. BRISTOL 1932 C hevrolet Coach 1926 O aklan d Coach «•: »j 1927 Ch«‘vrolet Coach vz*? EASY TERMS W E TRADE Open S aturday Evenings and any tim e by appointm ent. HARDWARE COM PAHr HillsboroMolorCo. SEE OUR LOT ON SECOND AVENUE Next door to Venetian (heater Hillsboro Open until 9 P. M. Every Saturday Night JAMES WHITELAW, Prop C hevrolet and M ain St. Oldsmobile Phone 444 ■■■ *