Thursday, August 29, 1935 H IL L S B O R O AR G U S. H IL L S B O R O , OREGON at the University of Oregon, com­ petitive exam inations for hix job rateifories. | The exaniinutionx, n part of the program of the federal governm ent in eoooperution wit!» state«, will be Civv«» in Oregon Septem ber 20-21, D s n c s Saturday; Miss Crop in Portland, Pendleton, Medford Plans for Fair; School to Mr». Vanderzanden Hurt; j and Eugene, und are open to both Honor Guest at Party men and women. Hride-Elect Honored Start September 9 Full information and application (lly Ml«" M u r'lia V a tx la rta m la n ) MOUNTAINDALE A b e n e fit '* J * ’ ‘»blamed from Di I l l y M r». J. A. McCoy I dance will be given at the com U («jiiiert, room 8, Com­ HOY Mrs Henry M Vaixivr- KANSAS CITY Kansas City munity fiall Saturday evening to ,n<*1 ’ building, University of Ore- Farm ers’ Union met at the Royal zanclen received a brnken arm In n which the public Is Invited Lunch Eugene. The blanks must be Neighbor hall in Banks Wednesday full nt her Imine Tliursduy will be reived at midnight Ml*'d " ul returned to Dr. Gil evening They discussed plans for Mr. anil Mr«. J A Moore and Ivan Peaehle left Sunday for In- l h nut ,a‘« >han Septern- the fan Mrs. M J Vanderzanden, family spent the week visiting at depi-ndeiicc to work m the hop ,{4, H*-1-’’ the beaches Ml«« Mary Moore wus Carl Schaffer and Elijah Beaman yurd. I he job categories are ax follows. were elected to look after the In charge of the «tore during their Mix. Jam es Mathicsen sp en tsev -I E ic M supervisor; age at least 25 ubaeii co. booth for Kansas City local. ernl days in Astoria last week vb years, high school graduation, or Many people of the Hoy vicinity Ell Pi«- of Forest Grove visited ¡ling relatives and friends Mai y equivalent, and B years of pi rtlnent attended the Foresters' picnic In Mr and Mrs J A, McCoy Friday. U nder-Inflated Tires Schairer returned home with them l~u,*i‘nt'ss experience, or college and the Balm Grove park Sunday Mr and Mrs. Tony Kemper and When the front tires are under- for a w eek’s visit 4 years of pertinent business ex- sons Warren and Merlin and Miss Mr. und Mr». I.oul« Kueygen spent inflated there Is u possibility that Mi h Frances Brandenburg of Of pci fence; salary $2000 to $2400 a u few day« lust week at the Frances VanLoo of Forest Grove- the ru r will not steer properly, ac­ enco is staying with her father, J. ¡year beaches. visited at the Louis Strohm ayer cording to A. K Shearer, manager <’ Kaffety, while his daughter “Manager: Age at least 25 years, home Monday evening. Guests at Ilrldr Elect llanurrd of the emergency road service of Marie is on a vacation. school graduation or equiva- the Strohm ayer home Saturday Miss Kcglnu Ouyck, bride-elect of the Oregon State Motor association lent and 8 years of pertinent busi­ were Mr Strohm ayer's sister, Mrs. | Miss Crop Honored Martin Stadleinan was honorej U nder-inflated rear tires perm it too Miss Lena Crop was the honor ness experience, or college and 4 with a shower at the home of her much side motion or sway und guests at a shower given for her years of pertinent business exper- Mary Esh. and son Paul and daugh- ters of Portland Mr. and Mrs. Bert parents, Mr. and Mr» Henry Ouyck. cause discomfort to passenger at thi' home of her sister, Mrs Joe lenee. salary $2000 to $.3000 a year. Bennett were over night guests at 'Junior und senior Interviewer: the Strohm ayer ranch Friday. Huker, Thursday afternoon. Guest« uiso quilted a quill for Miss Crop )A<* at leMt 21 year»; high school Misses Gladys arid Ethel McCoy Present were Mesdames C. W J «radl'atlon or equivalent and 3 were over night guests Friday of Spierlng, Torn Sligum, Jam es D u - 1 years of pertinent business exper- friends in Forest Grove. vis, G. Herggren, B ert Walters, >enee. °c college and I year of Mr and Mrs. Roy Oglesby of Carl Christener. Julius Schoenberg lH I’inent business experience; sal- Yamhill were guests of Mr. and) I. Cypher, Elmer Muyes, J Nus: i ar^'a $HX«l to $2000 a year, Mr i. Charles Waddles Sunday a ft­ baumer, A Thompson, M. Jack- ' Statistician: Age at least 29 years, ernoon. son. A. Vanderzanden, T. Meeuwsen hiifh school graduation or equlva- Mrs E. B. Webb and Mrs J o e ; und daughter. Frank Meeuwscn. I11nt and B years of pertinent busi- Hopson and son Jack motored to Joe Schmldlekofer, B Ghent. T ' experience, or college and 4 Woodburn Sunday and visited Malheur, Floyd Huffcty, Lawrenc • Iy< ,rs pertinent business exper- friends. T hursday they visited Crop, Clarence Meek. Louise Bleu *ence; salary $lB00 to $2400 a yeai friends in Newberg er, Bose Crop and Misses Florence) Statistical assistant: age at least Mr. and Mrs. J A. McCoy and. Vanderzanden of Portland, M an 121 '■ high school graduation or equi laughter Ethel visited Mr. and Mrs on Cypher, Ethel Spierlng, Mary I valent; 2 years of business exper Charlie McCoy at the Masonic home- j Ann Schmldlekofer, Thelma, A lm .illenee' or a un” college course in Tuesday morning. and Velda Raffety and Mi J 'a statistics and 1 year of business ex Mr and Mrs. I. P. Brady enter-1| Baker. ) perience. Salaries $1080 to $1444 m a d S u n d a e fo r Mi- Irin a B ra d y Mr and Mrs. Kurl Hollenbeck, y*ar,- and M. Woodruff of Portland. Helen Hollenbeck, and Mr. a n d ' , L lerk-typist-stenographer; age at Mr and Mrs. M J. Vanderzanden I Mrs. Leonard VunDoinelcn of Hoy h ast 18: high school or equivalent and little son Wayne attended a visited Mi s. D A Keen of Pol l - education, und 1 year of pertinent Royal Neighbor picnic Sunday at land Sunday. business experience. Salaries $840 Rippling Waters. sady to tuipply you Mr and Mrs. J Ilergdahl a n d ;'0 ,144° a year." Danny V anderzanden of Roy wa:. daughter Astrid of Portland vis-1 " a visitor at the J. P. Vanderzanden with the lied at the Jam es Mathicsen home home Sunday. Sunday evening Mr and Mrs. William Buell and ST MEATS AT THE Mr. and Mrs Loel Hollenbeck two children of Jew el w ere w eek­ and son Howard visited Mr. and LEAST COST! end guests of Mrs. Buel's mother, Mrs. Henry C ypher and Mr. and H arvey Rogers, and daughter PENDLETON —Reservations f o i Mrs. Mrs Andy C hristener Saturday eve­ Louise of Gales Creek. the Pendleton Round-Up, Septem ning ... — . ----- - School Begins Soon Mrs. Archie Thompson and Helen I2> 13 and 14' are *he heaviest Kansas City school will start Krady to advise you In purchasing. Hollenbeck visited friends in Banks they have b,‘t n for »everal years. Septem ber 9 with Miss M argaret Krady to give real values. Friday. according to Roy W. Ritner, secre- Kellogg of Forest Grove as the Mrs Katie McCloud, Mrs. Min- ,a ry of ,he Pendicle« Round-Up teacher for the year. me McCloud. Eleanor and Otis Me- association A greatly increased in Mr and Mrs J. A McCoy en ter­ Cloud of Patton Valley visited Mi ’crest has been manifested by east- tained at dinner Sunday Mrs. Mc­ meaU Inspected by Dr. Nicol aiul Mis Floyd Stovall Sunday *rn stutes, approxim ately 600 In- Coy's brother and wife, Mr. and Mr und Mrs Frank Corey and oulries having been received dur- and Dr. A I inquisì. Mrs Clifford Rice, of Shady Brook famliy visiter! Mr und Mrs W il-|*nB tt,c Past ,nonlh from Atlantic and Zelbert B aker of F air View. Hum Pieren of P ortland Sunday seaboard states. Miss Ethel McCoy returned home HOME CURED. Glenn Sandford of Hillsboro is Special trains to the Round-Up with Mr. and Mrs. Rice for a week's Half or whole, lb. Spending several days wilh Howard from Spokane and Port or longer. Hollenbeck ; land ’his year and, In addition, sev- visit Mr. and Mrs. W arner Cropp and Mr and Mrs O liver Wescott and *'ral sPeciaI cars to accommodate daughter Doris and Mrs. Cropp's family visited at the Archie Thomp- convention groups taking in the father, Mr. Barber, went to Mt u . son home Sunday Mrs. Wescott Round-Up have been lined up by Hood morning and re ­ and children remained for a »hurt ,he Un‘on Pacific. Possibility of turned Saturday home Monday evening. visit. *be Round-Up grandstands a n d Mr and Mrs. Louis Strohm ayer Mrs. Thor Gronbeck of Ver bleachers, seating 30.000, b e i n g Mr Strohm ayer's sister, Mrs nonla visited at the Jam es Mathie packed to capacity for all three took sen home Thursday days of th e exhibition, is foreseen Mary Esh, and little daughter Mil­ dred home Sunday m orning to Mrs. J. L. VanDomclen and chil- for several reasons Freer spend- Portland. On their retu rn home | dren spent the week-end with Mrs lnK has Prevailed this year, sum- they were guests of Mrs. S tro h ­ A T Smith at Woodland Wash n,er ,ouris‘ travel on railroads has mayer's daughter and family, Mr. ) Mrs Smith formerly resided at virtually doubled and other west- Mounlalndale. ern exhibitions have enjoyed rec- and Mrs Tony Kemper, and Miss Frances Vanloo of Forest Grove. ' ord-breaking crowds. In the evening they w ere visitors at the William V anderzanden home Building New Playshed of Roy Mason Hill school is having new playshed. 20 by 30 feet, con- UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Eu- ” ruc,ed ________________ gene, August 14—As another step I towards clearing u p unemplov- » , Unofficial News — m ent the Oremm m ute P,,,,,!, I- A that is fit to print in Hillsboro m ^ n ' s - r v ie e nnH | En P y ' and ‘ h • county - Court, arrests, A Townsend picnic and grand X w L e n t sS rv irl m ‘ n He-ein- schools, taxes, weddings, b i r t h s . rally will be held Monday. Labor n .imeei * ih r L o t ,,L Or**on' deaths, society.—Every week in the Day, in Blue Lake park^ tw elve nounces, through Dr. Jam es H. Argus. tf miles east of Portland, near Fair- I i Gilbert, special repersentative In I _________________________________ Unlit ,1 Slab Phone 651 5 Deliveries Daily Res. Phone 321Z j partnient of labor, and dean of [ i Venetian ticket, Mary Zimmerman. Rl 1. Forest Grove) the college of social science and ! head of the economics departm ent Roy Woman Breaks Arm Thursday afternoon There were about thirty-five friend» present and many beautiful und useful gifts were received Bill and Bob Blake left for then home In Sun Francisco Friday after spending the sum m er In Washing ton und Oregon, Misses Louisa and K atherine Ed­ mond mid Earl Edmond.« J r ic turned to their home In Portland Sunday after spending a week with Misses M artha und Agnes V ander­ zanden. Mrs C. F Jesse Is spending a few days with her son und duugh- ter-in-luw . Mr und Mrs. Harvey Jesse, In Hillsboro. Miss Johanna IJIerlekx left Wed­ nesday to pick hops In Mt Angel Plan Benefit Mountaindale Page Three view and Columbia river highway, I **2*’“ K“th‘!rln»” of lhe season. , quartet, singing and dancing Chin sponsored by the Fairview Tow n­ he principal addresses of the ese girls, und other musical num- send club, and assisted by the P o n - day will be given by Judge John bers. larid Townsend band of 30 pieces. A. Jeffrey and Jam es Logan, with ------ All clubs in the surrounding coun­ j short talks by the m em bers of t h e ! O ur classified columns may have ties are particularly invited to turn congressional board, interspersed Just w hat you arc looking for_ out and help make this one of the with band music. Jacobsen male Read them. Kansas City Union Meets tf S afeway S tores LABOR DAY SALE! We hold this big sale for two big reasons— First to honor Labor Day—Second to give every body an opportunity to stock up for the Double Holi­ day—at extra savings. J Buy for the Double Holiday! MEAT SPECIALS At Y our S e r v ic e Reservations for Round-Up Heaviest HAMS 27c PICN ICS 19c M U T T O N R O A ST Lb 9c BEEF R O A ST Lb 10c SIRLO IN STEA K Lb 15c RIB STEAK Lb 14c LARD COM,’°U'">- 3 ibs. 2 5 c arc comin8 Chance for Work Cited by Gilbert Townsend Picnic Bine Lake Park FRED’S SUPERIOR MARKET MEATS Cjûwn&aCZèüif G>. LABO R DAY PORK 8C BEANS (Medium cans. 3 for ............................ 14c SA R D IN ES 2 u± s , , r ' u ’- 15c DILL PICKLES 15c M A Y O N N A ISE Ï Ï J ''y '8- 2 5 c CO RN ED BEEF i2r™uV..n.29c SA LM O N 'ï:k',;T"c.,J""'ht- 10c T'A'TQTTD De 14-oz. l Monte . 13c bottle PIN E A PPL E 'N?,k2n,s""ï’..„, 2 9 c 25c) (2s. 2 cans Pineapple— Del Monte 17c or Sweet Treat. 2 ^8 . Can Pineapple- -Crushed or Tidbit». 6c 8-oz. can .. Salad Time Dressing Nalley’s. Pint ...........23c Quart ................ 37c French’s Mustard— B„°aU 12C 15c Potato Chips. Large pkg........ Marshmallows 1-lb. cello pkg. Paper Plates, Napkins. COFFEE Columbia Best 1-lb..................... (3 lbs. .... ....... 65c) Economy. 1-lb. (3 lbs. ........... 49c) PINEAPPLE JUICE 23c -i A il M ILK 43c Del Monte or Florida- gold, picnic. 43c (2 for ............ 15c) Pickles. Libby’s sweet (6-oz. 10c) .. Quart ............ Libby’s Home Style. Pint Alpine, Darigold, All Pure, -4 |l7x> Borden’s, Carnation. 3 tall cans J. I V» 15c or Del Monte. T U N A White (H. 2 Star cans 27c) %s, 3 cansí Mexican or BEANS Red Small White. 4 lbs. 19c AlfV- Ginger Ale — Cliquot s= ........19c T O M A T O JU IC E V IN EG A R Gallon s 29c l% .',‘b.‘,u. ; “ei o r MILK Mt. Vernon Tall cans C O RN ED BEEF 2 A for rmour“ 25c 12-oz. can Can .......... CLEANSER SU G A R 1 100-fb. >"recane' sack ’4.98 COFFFF a irway . (Lb. i5 c ) 3 ibs. _____________________^ 45c TFT I O JELL-WELL or FLAVO- jell . Aworted flavon. Pkg. FLOUR « £■ DC 4 2 C (Limit) ..5 c Wheat Puffs 5-oz. pkg. 5c Each ^ Z X 4 9 a CHOCOLATE 8c DEVILED FEAT— Armour's, »A cans. 4 for ................................. MATCHES Highway 6-box Carton PICNIC ITEMS for your Labor Day Outing 15c -4 A KJ PORK & BEANS— Van Camp’s. Large cans. 3 f o r ................................... Baking Powd. KIPPERED SNACKS. 3 cans ......................................................... K. C., bulk WHITE STAR TUNA. cans ....................................................... BEER— Rainier, 11-oz. bottles. 3 for ............................................................ RITZ CRACKERS— Large size. Pkg................................................................. 10c Lb. CRACKERS CAKE FLOUR—Swansdown. All Crisp Sodas Pkg................................................................. BAKING POWDER— Calumet. Lb. tin ......................................................... ....2 2 c BRAN FLAKES— Post’s. 2 pkgs........................................................... PRODUCE FEATURES 6 25c 1QC O R A N G ES CELERY eachl ,... c ^ . bu ,, c . h “;. 3c CAN LOCAL PEACHES NOW! m a d i d • J u d t o ut SALMON BABY CHINOOK. 3 to 5-lb. Average Half or Whole. POUND ....................... 10c HILLSBORO CASH GROCERY Independently Owned and Operated Free Delivery Friday and Saturday Specials S H O R T E N IN G HIGH GRADE. JLQf» 4 pounds ................................................................ LARD Rendered ............... 3 ,b.. 48c 33c 15c 14c POT ROAST ?«"nd*nd Me*'1' 10c M INCED HAM Bologna & Liver Sausage Lb. Cx* MACARONI /¿g"*____ 15c AifU 2 pkgs................ Beets. Libby’s. <1 Diced. No.2 can Bnbo. Can free -4 with 2 cans at A e z U No wonder the HILLSBORO MEAT CO. “takes” with the housewives of Hillsboro. We feature high-grade meats . . . charge right prices and render PER­ SONAL, enthusiastic service. i j j (2 cans 15c) 6 cans .......... GRAPEFRUIT JUICE T \ / U C Wyandotte, ripe. <71^1 V E d Is, tall. Can V FRIDAY and SATURDAY Del Monte or Dole’s Is. TrrryCr? Kraft American, Brick i C D u D Pimiento. Vi-lb. pkg. OATS BANANAS.0^ “ .™:.... While at Seaside make yoqr headquarters nt our Broadway Columbia M arket there “Ü.15C 7 ¡ ¡ £ See Our Handbill for Additional Values Are Getting Cheaper . This Year Indicates Better Times Ahead! . Prices for Fri., and Sat., Aug. 30 and 31 FREE DELIVERY Prices effective Friday and Saturday, Aug. 30, 31 17c filisi WR0 M eai ( i X S T g k ' s ate. EAT THE B E S T- PAY THE LEAST Jones Cider Vinegar. 10-graiii. ............................... 1 7 c Wheaties, Puffed Rice, Rice Krispies, Bran Flakes, K ellogg’s Whole Wheat Biscuit, Quaker -4 Oats, small. Your choice, pkg...................... JLV^* i 0 Telephone 2001 COFFEE A. M. P. M., Fresh. 1 ± PICKLES SALT SWEET, in bulk. Quart ....................... 1 3 c 25c 13c tWe Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities) PRODUCE FEATURES ONIONS 5 , sc POTATOES 5» "• ' 4 9 c ORANGES 2 do..»............... 2 5 c