H IL L S B O R O Banks Couple Honor Guests A. C. Wahls Surprised; El­ wood Camp Closing (B r Mr» Fred W olfordl BANKS Mr. and Mrs. A C. Wahl w ere pleasantly surprised Sunday w hen a group of relatives brought basket dinners and helped them celebrate th eir wedding anniver­ sary L ater the group went to the Schram el cabin on Gales creek and enioved a swim Present were Mrs S Gibson. Dr. and Mrs. G. G. G ib­ son. Mrs M Schramel. Paul and M artha Schram el, Ethel Smith. Mr. and Mrs. A rthur Reeher and chil­ dren Edith and Jim m y of Forest Grove, Lynn Locke o f Tacoma. Wash . and Mr and Mrs A C. Wahl and sons. Banks Boy Scouts and Scout­ m aster A C Wahl and Fred Wol- ford w ent to Balm G rove Monday night, w here they enjoyed a swim and a waterm elon feed. Mr. and Mrs. George McGraw of Banks. John Lee and two grand children of Green Mountain vis­ ited Mr and Mrs Howard b ee and fam ily in Portland Sunday. Son Married Mr and Mrs. H arry Davidson have received word of the m arriage of th eir son Wilson. August 13 in New Hampshire, w here he is sta­ tioned with the U. S. marines M arie Rinck returned to her home here Sunday evening from Yam­ hill. w here she spent two weeks at the Fritz K nute home. Mr. and Mrs John H artw ick and baby Joyce visited at the IL A Kennedy home north of Mountain- dale Sunday. Mrs C B. Carstens visited Mr and Mrs. Barney Roscoe at Mc­ M innville Sunday. Mr and Mrs F rank Rinck and children M arte and Jim m y visited in Portland Monday. Mrs. Caroline A rm entrout of Seat­ tle visited Mr and M rs B. W. Ar- inenlrout Monday She was called to Forest Grove last week by the death of her father. J. M. Hiatt. Mr. and Mrs B. B Tresham re ­ turned home August 21 from a ten- day trip to California. They went as far as San Francisco. Mrs. Dwight Sellers of Hillsboro spent several days the first of the week w ith Mr and Mrs. W. T. Selle, s. Mrs. Flora Munford of Banks and h er son. Kenneth Munford of Cor­ vallis. left Tuesday for a few weeks' visit in California. Mr and Mrs W. T Sellers and Manne Sandy visited Mr. and Mrs Charles Sellers and daughters at Iowa H.ll August 21. Mrs. Ellis McGraw and children and Mrs. Frank H artw ick a n d daugh er of V ernonia visited Mr and Mrs. W G. W alker Friday. Mrs. Hattie Davidson of Forest Grove visited relatives in Banks Monday night and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. George McGraw returned home S aturday after a few days' outing at Seaside, Flor­ ence and other beaches Mr and Mrs. H enry Atlee and Mrs. Atlee's sister. Mrs Florence Shuiter, who is visiting here from Michigan, spent the week-end at Taft. Mrs. George Woods and daugh­ te r Zelma of Dallas visited Mr. and Mrs N. Berdan Thursday. Logging Finished Elwood Logging company has finished logging out the tim ber on G reen M ountain and is taking out the m achinery. Mr and Mrs W G Walker, Mr and Mrs. Cass Wilson. Mr and Mrs. William Davies and Mrs. T o m Engen attended the Hillsboro R N. A picnic at Rippling W aters Sun­ day. Betty Jane and Norma Gene Heltzel returned to th eir home in P ortland Sunday after a few weeks' visit w ith their grandparents, Mr and Mrs W G W alker J. J. H utchens attended a reunion Sunday at the B aptist church at West Union. Babe Lyda of Glenwood visited at the Cliff Thompson home S un­ day. Mrs. C. B Hall. Mrs Tom Qualls. Mrs. Cass Wilson and Miss Lena Taylor attended an R. N A. silver tea in Hillsboro August 21. Mr. and Mrs W alter Beard vis­ ited Mrs. Beard's mother. Mrs. Ella Mizner, in Portland Sunday. Church Meet Planned m Hillsboro. Alvcna Parm ley re ­ turned home w ith them after a two weeks' stay in Hillsboro Mrs. George Moss and son Roy of Philom ath spent the week-end with Mr and Mrs. Vern Prickett and children. Miss Theresa Paetsch returned home T hursday from the Emanuel hospital in Portland, w here she re ­ cently underw ent an appendicitis operation. She is getting along nice ly and is able to be up and around. Mr. and Mrs Guy Sanders of Los Angeles. Cal., and Mr. and Mrs A E Utecht of San Pedro, Cal., left for th eir homes Monday after a visit w ith Mr. and Mrs Chris Ulecht in Banks. Mr. and Mrs Cliff Sandy. Mr and Mrs. B. W. A rm entrout, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Marr. Mamie L a­ m ar and Mary Sandy of Banks. Frances Thompson of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Thompson and baby of V ernonia picnicked S un­ day' at Big Eddy near Vernonia. Mrs H arry Whitfield of Timber spent Sunday and Monday at the N. J. G riffen home. Her sister. Mrs. Oscar Delaunev. and baby returned home w ith her for a w eek's visit. Mrs. Maurice Thompson and baby daughter are visiting at the Cliff Sandy home here this week. Missions Demontration on Sunday; Family Moves Christian Church Unified service Lord's Day. 9:45- 11:13 a m. Worship, 9 :43 10; class (Hz Mr». H ush R ,ird*lt»l period. 10-10:30; re assembly and ORENCO A short National Mis­ | pastor's message. "What Did Jesus sions dem onstration will be given Mean When He Said. 'Blessed Are at the close of Sunday school ses­ They That Mourn".'" at the L ords sion next Sunday at 10:30. Mrs. H Table, 11-1115. C hristian Endeavor, E Scheldt, Mrs M J McEntee and 6:30 p m Evening worship, 7:30 Mrs. O F. Anderson are the p rin ­ : Song service assisted by young pen cipal characters ' pie's choir Sermon. "Our Great Mrs. Som erville from Saskatoon. Divine Saviour " Weekly Hirelings Canada, is visiting her sister. Mrs. I Hoard meeting. Tuesday at 7:30 p J. P. Rogers. m amt Ladies' Aid meeting in C Picnic Held E room. 2 3(1 p. in , Wednesday. A pleasant day was spent at the ' 7 30 p m . w orkers' church school ______________ Ernest W ilfert pri v a t e p i c n i c I conference; Thursday, 7:30 p. i n . grounds, just off the Baseline road Levers Brothers company bus and canvassers who will distribuii mid w eek meeting Summer is Just by m em bers of the Missionary so ci-, coupons to housewives throughout the Hillsboro trading area. about over and a new church year etv August 21. T hirteen members faces us. so let's come to alt these and six children were in atten d ­ meetings that we may plan for ance Mrs, Robert Johnston and by failure of the PWA to act on Evening service at 7:30. "What We definite tilings we want to ac­ Owe to Christ " Sunday morning applications for federal funds Ap­ children of Beaverton w ere guests complish in the next few months Elmo and Allison Gibbs left S un­ plications for the federal grant have I in our worship service we will A hearty welcome to friends ami been on file for tw o months. Word consider our indebtedness to God day for Stevensville, Texas, to vis­ strangers It I. l'utiiam . pastor it their sister and work in the cot­ from W ashington this week had it 1 for the privilege of work The eve­ that the request for funds for im- ; ning message will be a continua­ ton fields. Pilgrim House Mr. and Mrs. Russell G ram m er provem ents at the tuberculosis hos­ tion of the uncompleted series ot Septem ber 1: Reception of radio and M arjorie and Bobbie G ram m er pital at Salem would have to be messages started earlier In the slim ­ broadcast o f Dr. Frederick K of Portland spent Saturday evening i modified before meeting l ’WA ap ­ mer We invite you to worship with Stamm, pastor of Clinton Avenue at the G. A Robson home. Lois proval O ther institutions at which us next Sunday -C harles M Reed, Congregational church. Brooklyn. Robson accompanied them home to new buildings are planned are the minister. N Y . at 9:30 a. i n , followed im ­ state hospital for insane, the tu b e r­ spend a few days. mediately by chapel service yf w or­ (B y M m . L o u W r ig h t) culosis hospital at The Dalles ami M. E. C hurch (Bethany) Move Back THATCHER -A n SERA crew has On G erm antow n road. Sunday ship "Religion in the News" topics Mr. and Mrs. Louie Madden and the school for • blind • • finished shingling and painting the children have moved hack to their school every Sunday. 10 a. m ; G er­ "President Challenges Youth o f The job of clearing away the man service, 11 a. m.. first a n d America." "Evangelist Wins P oliti­ T hatcher school. It was all done home in Orenco after living a year ruins of the old capitol will be third Sundays; English service. 11 cal Campaign in A lberta,” a n d with little cost to the school dis­ in Portland. trict above cost of the m aterial. ' Virginia Robson retu rn ed home completed this week. H undreds of a. in., second and fourth Sundays. •'Stanley High Changes His Turn­ tf on Prohibition " Pastor will speak Mrs. Louise McDonald was given Friday after spending a few days truckloads of broken brick and —E. Julius Traglio. pastor. briefly on "Work for the Day." an a birthday party at Balm Grove last week w ith Jen n ie W arren of m ortar from the historic old build­ ing are scattered about over Salem Tualatin Plains Presbyterian Church interpretation of Edwin M arkham's Sunday. Present w ere Mrs. M ettie Portland poem, observing Labor Sunday S ep ­ (Four miles north of Hillsboro! McQuein and son Glenn of O kano­ Mrs. W. F H unter was a lunch­ as ''fill'' for vacant lots. Good brick Sunday services: Bible school at tem ber 8: Chapel services will be gan. Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Homer eon guest last Wednesday at the from the ruins have been stored returned to the 10:30 o'clock hour, P urdin and son Billy of Purdin. sum mer home of Dr Clifford H. at state institutions and will be 10:15; preaching at 11 a. m.; junior used in the construction of small C E. at 11:20; C. E. at 8 p. m w ith observance of the birthday Mr and Mrs. Lou Ju n k er and son Moore at Oswego Lake. of St Mary, the Mother of Jesus Lolo. Mrs. Gilpin. Mrs. Cummings. Mr and Mrs. Robert Clark of buildings on state property as the Women's M issionary society, last of Nazareth Homecoming day. Sep Mr. and Mrs. Ted Haney and sons Portland and Miss C lara Bell Davis need arises. Wednesday of each m onth ut 2 p. ¡vinber 13- Dedication of new house • • • W alter and Everett. F A Bennett, of H eppner spent Friday at the | Septem ber 22 AU young people's Jerry Wagner of Forest Grove. Mr. home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H Ring At least eight county-w ide Peo­ The Congregational Church and Mrs. H enry McDonald and ple's Utility districts are in pro-1 Regular services of the Congrega­ groups of C hristian Council will Ifugh Ring Honored begin regular m eetings with the sons Alex and Howard. Mr. and Mrs. W. H Ring gave a cess of organization to take adv an ­ tional church will be resum ed Sep­ opening of school Pastor Henry S Mrs. McQuen and son Glenn of party in honor of th eir son Hugh, tage of cheap pow er from Bonne­ tem ber 8, a week from next Sun­ Okanogan. Wash., arriv ed S atu r­ the occasion being his tw elfth b irth ­ ville according to inform ation reach­ day. The building has been re­ Haller may be consulted any m orn­ day for a few days' visit with her day. Present w ere Sherwood and ing the state engineer's office here decorated w ith new paper a n a ing between 10 o'clock and noon, brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Helen Wilfert. Norman and Elva Most of these districts are located paint. Rev. A rthur T. Dungan will or by appointm ent ut the house office. 232 North T hird avenue M artin Lull, and other relatives. Bradley. Bernice and Billy Ensley. in the W illam ette valley or along continue to serve as pastor The Mrs. Lucy LaSalle and son M au­ Dorothy W arren. Lois Robson. Es­ the coast. church has been fortunate in se­ • • • All Saints Church (Episcopal) rice and daughter Cora spent last th er Bella. Steven McEntee, Car- curing Mrs. Dungan to direct the Tuesday afternoon w ith her daugh­ mille Goodman, G racie Karns, Joy Eleventh Sunday after Trinity: Sportsmen of the Rogue river young people's choir during the Holy Eucharist and sermon nt 11 ter, Mrs. Bruce McCann, and fam ­ and Lee Hoague. district, displeased w ith the ballot week and Sundays Rev U H Gibbs, celebrant ily n ear Manning. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Doucet cf title prepared by A ttorney G eneral Mrs. Jim W right and son H ar­ Portland and Miss Eileen Doucet VanW inkle for the comm ercial fish­ Pentecostal Tabernacle old of Dilley visited Mrs. L. Wright from Salem visited the J. P. Rogers ing bill, are understood to be con­ Sunday: Sunday school, 10 a Saturday. tem plating an appeal to the su­ m ; morning worship. 11 o'clock; family Sunday. Picking S tarts Soon prem e court to have the title re ­ illy Catherln« fine«) and Mrs. A. L indgren of F or­ young people's service. 6:45 p m.; O. T. M urphy expects to begin est Mr. Mr and Mrs. Ed Boge und son Grove visited the B. A Mitchell w ritten. The bill, a n initiative evangelistic service. 8 p. m Tues­ picking hops Septem ber 3. measure, seeks to open the Rogue day. prayer meeting. 8 p m. T hurs­ Cecil. Mr and Mrs John Boge and and John McGee homes Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Soderberg of P o rt­ to commercial fishing at certain day Bible study. 8 p m Saturday, family, and Mr und Mrs. C harles Plan Townsend Meet land visited Mr. and Mrs. O. T of Portland made a trip to A Townsend meeting will be seasons. evangelistic service. 8 p. m. Harry Coffin Murphy Sunday Bonneville Sunday They went ov­ held in Orenco Septem ber 5 at 8 Downey, pastor. Mr and Mrs. W arren Barnes and o'clock. er the North Bank or Evergreen A speaker from Hillsboro children of Cornelius spent S un­ will explain the Townsend plan. highway and returned over C ol­ Beaverton Church of C hrist day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. A short musical program will also river highway Bible school. 9 45 a. in . T H umbia Will Haney. Buddy rem ained over be given. More details in next First Church of C hrist (Scirntistl Margaret and M aurlne Putnam Harris, superintendent: Communion Services are held every Sunday until Monday. were last week guests of t h e i r w eek's Argus. at 11 a. m.; W ednesday evening service. 11. and the m orning serin- grandparents Mr and Mrs George Mr. and Mrs. Ed Davis went to K arns B arn Burns services at 8 o'clock; Sunday school on by pastor at 11:30. Young people's Biersdorf of ScheffUn. Their m oth­ The Dalles Monday to visit their F ire of undeterm ined origin de­ at 11 a. m. P upils up to the age meeting at 7, sermon by pastor at ¿on. Claude, and fam ily . er. Mrs W T. Putnam , was also stroyed the Floyd K arns barn short­ Mr. and Mrs. E. Place and Mr. ly after one o'clock Tuesday m orn­ of 20 years are welcomed. Free 8. Sisterhood meets every Wednes­ a guest there over the week-end day during the day for work. Bible reading room open on Wednesdays and Mrs. W alter W right spent S un­ ing. A large quantity of hay and C aptain Nelson left last week Wednesday evening at 8 We for Tncoma, w here he will sail out day afternoon w ith M r and Mrs. straw w ere burned. The barn was and Saturdays from 2 until 4 p. m hour invite you cordially to all of these Sunday's topic. "C hrist Jesus." on the ship H erm an S W hitten Jim Place in Kansas City and Mr. being remodeled. services.—M Putm an, pastor and Mrs. A rt B raun near Banks. the first of September. Banks M. E. C hurch Webster Dalby spent Wednesday Mr and Mrs. Jack M atthews and Whosoever Will C hurch Sunday school every Sunday. 9:45 Doris Douglas of Oak Grove vis­ and Thursday at his parental home (Above North Plains) a. m.. Mrs. Fred Wolford, super­ ited Mr. and Mrs Ruton Sunday. here Sunday school, 10 a. m. The Jun­ intendent. Preaching services bv (C ontinued from pane one I Ed Wirtz of Hillside visited G the new men if the project is ap­ Ellsw orth Tilton, pastor, every S un­ ior classes are gaining attendance. Paulsen Sunday. proved by White and the WPA. day evening at 8 o'clock. Ladies' The harvest tim e is here but S un­ F ranklin Cushinon of D ufur spent • • • Aid meets first and third Wednes­ day school attendance is keeping from T hursday to Monday with Mr. M Conrardy is building a new An effort to preserve a portion days a t 2 p. m. tf up Sermon. 11 a. m., by the pastor and Mrs. E. Place. T arry service to seek the Lord for house on tim ber land he has leased Mr. an_ Mrs. Ed King returned of the ruins of the old capitol as deeper C hristian walk, 3 p. m several miles northeast of the school Methodist Episcopal Church home last Mopday from Montana, "Pillars of Y esterday” was frus­ C hurch school. 9:45: Miss Rose Evangelistic service. 8 p. m , a house where they had been visiting Mrs. trated when a tru ck backed into Mrs. B Lickus and daughters blessing aw aits everyone in the King's mother. Mr. and Mrs. R alph the segm ent which had already Cave, superintendent. Divine w or­ song service. The sermon by the Hilda and Violet are moving back King and children of G aribaldi been undercut, and knocked it j ship at 11, "The Joy of L abor " looked after things while they were down. gone. The first letting of highw ay con- Miss R uth Burlingham of Forest Grove gave an outing at th e coast stracts under the 1935 allotm ent of for her old class at high school federal funds will be made on Sep­ Ellen McDonald and P eter Zim m er­ tem ber 5 when bids w ill be re ­ ceived on projects aggregating ap ­ man of this comm unity attended. Ed Davis is having a new shake proxim ately >1.500,000. Subsequent lettings w ill be made at four-week roof put on his barn. IN D tP E N D IN T IV OW NED Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Morrow and intervals. T here is little prospect, family of P ortland spent Sunday however, of the employm ent of any w ith his brother, Lowell Morrow, considerable num ber of men on road work in Oregon this w inter, WE LEAD— OTHERS FOLLOW and family. Mr. and Mrs. E. Place went to according to R. H. Baldock, who FREE DELIVERY Second at Main Street Phone 3251 points out th at the rainy season V ernonia Monday. Miss Tina F arthing accompanied will seriously ham per w ork west Prices Effective Friday and Saturday — August 30 and 31 Mr. and Mrs. C. Clapshaw of H ill­ of th e Cascades, w here most of the i side to th e Bonneville dam Sunday. w ork will be concentrated. A few i Mr. and Mrs. Ted Haney and hundred men w ill be employed at m other, Mrs. Sara. Haney, a n d clearing w ork on such projects as niece, Nellie Haney, visited Mr. the Wilson riv er road in Tillamook slow. Large pkg.............. and Mrs. Fred Haney of n earS tras- county and the Wolf creek cut-off in W ashington and Columbia coun­ sel Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C harles Sears left ties. • • • Monday for Aberdeen, Wash., to Work on new buildings at four visit relatives for a week or 10 ripened No. 2 can state institutions is being delayed days. Farmington 29, 1935 ill i ,, C U R R Y ’S Phone 771 G R O C E R Y Fre< De,ÌV"ry Specials for Friday and Saturday, Aug. 30 and 31 DOG FOOD Corn Flakes S c o tty A lle n Red & White 2c.„. 19c One can FREE 3 „k,. 20c CALUMET PEAS Chocolate NEW PACK Stock your pantry at these low prices. RED & WHITE, fancy. 3 (6 cans cans Red & White 55C OLIVES $1.05) Blue & White, ripe. GREEN & WHITE Per can ( 12 cans «q X«>v ><-lb. Pkg. IOC 2 1.„. $1.15) GREEN OLIVES TUNA Pint jar A solid park, fancy Tuna. Blue & White 2 c .n . 29c IOC Potato Chips 25c i5 c s r CHURCHES , 'Q I or Cool Refreshing Foods and Beverages IC G L Y IG G LY Capitol News Letter Mason Hill CLOSED LABOR DAY « • • mflRIKT FAIRWAY Business Seen on Firmer Grounds WILEY’S GROCERY M other’s Oats GRAPEFRUIT A TCT T » SOAP Corner 3rd «j# Main and « Street« Phone 1001 FREE DELIVERY B U N S --- SA N D W IC H BREAD - - - Ask for that thin-sliced sandwich loaf. C A K E -- A moist Orange-Pineapple Cake f o r your picnic. C A K E- Pickaninny Devils Food with Peppermint flavor. Take it on your picnics. P e r fe c tio n B a k e r y BAKERS COE and CONGDON, Prop We Deliver CAN .............................................................. SMA eeos clothes n o w tor longer LAR G E L 23c 3 for 19c 55c LIBBY’S, FANCY SLICED [ T O IL E T L SU A P— * for smooth skm '" * * 4 with for 19c coupon & ..............5c ORANGES. -f Per dozen ............. IW Rinso R lN S U l Soaks clothes whiter LARG E ROLLED OATS. -« Large pkg. .......... LX loth«« whiter 35c SM ALL Peet’s Granulated Soap 21c 3 for 17c with coupon. fUFEEUÔÏ 27c HEALTH SOAP ffx, Stops body odor 4 w ith for coupon. 19c Fresh Fruits and V ege­ tables— the very best. rs I ...........10c PICNIC SPECIALS For the Double Holiday Ï PAPER NAPKINS,,.... 10c PAPER PLATES z< 5c WAX PAPER .......... 5c POTATO CHIPS 2 X 25C OLIVES Um 2 N° t/ns“" 25C MARSHMALLOWS 13c SWEET PICKLES Plnt 10c MEAT LOAF H",ey'g 3 25c EVERY BODY ATTEND THE WASHINGTON COUNTY FAIR 29c 10c 10c 21c BISQUICK Large pkg. 27c 77c eggs Minute 2 pkgs. 33c 25c 8 -o z . 25c 23c PORTER’S ssJáíheB.* Tpkgs. 27c C i T A D fU ARGO. G)ohä Corn Pltg or 10c B & M BEANS".";;;" Br'"d 16c TAPIOCA FRIL-LETS PORTERS. 16-oz. "Here’s n mtlsfying and ecunomlcsl meal Serve H A M Baked Benns and Brown Bread often You will save money . . . Anil you will be giving your family a feast they will w ant to en­ joy often." PINEAPPLE New 15-oz. size tin PORK & BEANS, SOUP. SODA. 1-lb. 5C 2-pound Can 28c with coupon THE IX . 3'.b„ SOUPS One-pound Can LUX Frigedaire full of good things to eat and drink, and we deliver when you want them— Milk, Cream. Butter, Cottage Cheese, Lunch Meats, Melons, etc. 9-lb. sack ......... COFFEE HILLS BROS. your food fr e s h a n d wholesome. We have our We will have PEAS and CORN For your week-end picnic. 10c COFFEE to eat a great deal these hot days, but you want SW A N SD O W N c‘i: Apalachc Brand. SHRIMP Ä o. 1 tin . PAPER NAPKINS CALUMET ÄVT!": Golden West PHILLIP’S VEGETABLE or TOMATO You May Not Care Specials for Friday and Saturday— Hillsboro, Ore. 25c finest quality . Earge 14-oz. bottle ............................................. For Friday and Saturday, August 30 and 31 P hone <51 A ukuhí to theli home Portland this Sunday evening. Septem ber 1 Stun week, ufter having lived In the ley Cornlls will hold services mi Robert Munson cabin a part of the Septem ber 3 ns usual. summer W S French Is building a two- C harles Johnson Is suffering with room addition to his house a badly wrenched h a r k , .u -d . lined « . while moving u drag-saw y,)U change your uddress kind­ lier Everett will conduct preach-I ly notify the Argus direct unit ut ing services nt the school house on < once. tf Thatcher School Work Completed T here w ill be no Sunday school in Banks next Sunday morning as the Banks church people will meet with the Yamhill M. E. congrega­ tion and have a joint Sunday school and church service at the Roy Matteson farm on Scoggins creek. Rev. E. Tilton will have charge of the service after w hich a basket As the lum ber industry moved lunch w ill be served. This was an­ nounced last week to be on Tues­ piecemeal back to productivity last day, but plans were later changed month, business in the Portland AU who can go, meet at the church area made a corresponding gain. 1 according to the August issue of at 9 a. m. At church Sunday night, Marna Commonwealth,' Inc., Business S u r­ Finck and Juanita Wolford were vey. However, lum ber was not alone presented with Bibles by Rev. E. responsible for the fact th at the Tilton for having memorized the Commonwealth index of Portland business advanced to 66.85 from names of the books of the Bible. Mr. and Mrs. A ustin Marr and 56.79 in June. Electric power pro­ baby visited friends in Portland duction and check paym ents w ere up m ore than seasonally w h i l e Saturday. Mr. and Mrs Charles Eberly and building contracted less than sea­ sons Everett and Lloyd are pick­ sonally. Oregon business, thinks Business ing hops at Independence. Mrs. C harles Kessler. Mrs. Earl Survey, is on much firm er ground Wilson and daughter Barbara spent this sum m er than it was at this the week-end in Taft with Mr and tim e last year. Stability is especial­ Mrs. Roy Stafford. Billy and Evelyn ly im pressive when it is realized Kessler returned home w ith them that NRA's artificial props no long- ' er exist. Despite this, wages and after a week’s visit there. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Parm ley and I prices have not dropped m aterially children spent several days last ] as had been feared by some per- vveex at the A J. Friedley home | sons. QUALITY pastor. Tuesday. 8 p i n . everyone welcome to the prayer anil praise ¡ service Shady Brook church. T h u rs­ day. 8 p. Ill Young people's night, Friday. 7:30; something for every one to take part In, questions to be discussed from the question box Meh m E James, pastor Conducting County Campaign Short Program Orenco Church Thuraday, A R G U S , H IL L S B O R O . O R EG O N CANDY SALE HERSHEY. Half-pound bars Almond Bar, Milk Chocolate, Milk and Mellow, and Honey and Almond, 2 for 25c SCOT TOWELS— For kitchen une. 2 rolls for ....... 23c 19c 27c 14c 23c SCOT TOWEL HOLDERS— Each CHATKA CRAB— ’/g «lie tin ....... H-D PUNCH— Fruit flavors. 3 pkgs. SUNRISE COFFEE— 1-lb. pkg. PEACHES HALE PEACHES. Box Local Crawfords a n d Elberta«, for canning. $4 Large .50 Box ....................................>1.60 I