Page Four H IL L S B O R O in town last Thursday and has been visiting with some of her Kinton Grange rived old friends around town Mr. and Mrs Robert Pomeroy daughter returned last Monday Plans Session I and from a sojourn at the coast, most /"'» • _ ___ /-»» k .O ltlc l - • ... A R G U S . H IL L S B O R O , O R EG O N . . L l l l l l S C I II v .O ll S i l t ll 11011 G ebauer has been working the Cuntaroona in Africa front Couple Given Housewarming vacation lie also visited with ottiei relatives hi Hillsboro amt Aloha He motored to Oregon in company a iiu u n u g u ic i i v i u n i v u A iu iiiu n - --------R o o d of two other boy*. Editor's Note One of a series of alleged that seven-tenths of the «... _nd . . . r , , Mi ami M i. William l.uethe of their tim e being spent with discussions on constitutional ques- stock of this American bank serv- a v2..,7.. . i — . have returned from Newport, w here ¡friends at Tillamook. tions prepared by members of the "lg »» Wacal agent for the treas d . , . , k . " ’ l ’ m 2...? Mr. Luethe hat been employed He C h u rc h M e e t T u e s d a y ; C a ll Mrs. Jack M artin and daughter, U. of O. faculty for new spaper use dry, was held by English stock- it n „ s,.hi Mount R o c k C r e e k F o lk S u r p r is e d : w «'Mw«'tliiii to return to work ai for Otto Sehlottm ann Mrs Ellis Frink, of Portland and through co-operation of the college holders who, in event of w ar. might Angel " I I Iloiiiievlllo I. >•» Hall' ( I I n S p e c ia l School M e e t Mrs Ralph Stundiford and S0:l soil grandson. M artin Wilson, of L o d i. o f social sciences and school of control this "engine of finance in n.,1™, «„,/ ,,7? R ond B ein g Im p ro v e d Mr. and Mrs. A lfred Grossen of C al. left the first of last week for Journalism. the interest of our enemy " h X a T L f c i t in (Hr M m E. L Co«» North Bend spent Hie week end Lodi, w here Mr*. M artin will make ttiy Jam es 11. G ilbert) Rejection of the charter, events Ml s ‘ s un * S m i t h W l J t lly Mr«, Hu«h tin n is ti« ! KINTON—G range will meet " ' an i4i extended visit with her daugh- witli Mr and Mrs C hrist Ketehen In Article I. Section 8 of the P™ved. was mostly untimely. Sta’e Kui h standU w tl we£t on i fishing ,,,K' R *>, ‘ 1KEP,K Mr »nd Mrs. Mr and Mrs Reichen and Mr ami Ute hall Septem ber 4 AU grangers ,“ers” At Mrs“ M art’n it is in ivuir TS tore »•< M-irlir» «. .-,1*1« federal ....I — ......;«..« . ... .1......... ........ of a batiks 11 nt .v,l if *» • _ _ poor 1 health constitution, the powers banks Wt'l’R 'vere * liU\<»»lv loosely i*«ttri regulated, if « a! ,o jiuxt»»,i * t i l l 111 .1 l l S l l I t l g i til 1st Reichen were given a sur- \ Mrs Gross,*n, Mr amt Mrs Jossy a r e welcome. This w ill be the last Mrs E L. Cox spent Friday and congress are listed and defined ' a . *” 1,0 Poaltion to render, night m eeting for the season. prise housew arm ing by friends and "»I family. Peter Gross, n and Saturday in Portland, w here she Among these is an innocent look- fl,’;,,ieial aid to the United States neighbors Thursday evening l'res Francis Reichen. also Aline Itos Mr. and Mrs. George Snider. J r , 1 was a guest of friends. ¡ng c l a u s e “to coin "inoncv" r i * u - I engaged ent were Mr. and Mrs Fred Jossy well of Beaverton and I.nvat David ncudchàòs of Ione arrived Monday evening ai Ladies' Aid will meet with Mrs late the value thereof ir.d of foreign Hritail’ The ensuing financ and family, 1* rances Detrick. Mr son of Helvetia spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Snider's parents, ' Madge Pomeroy Septem ber 5 at 2 coins and fix the standard o ( supplied the best political support anti Mrs Louis Zuereher. Mr anil Wa llington park, Portland for the idea that a central bank Mr. and Mrs George Snider, w here I o'clock. All ladies are invited. weights and measures. Mrs Ernest Stuehle, Mr and Mrs [ Mt th eir home Y r " heM ’a fe '.U l.le y jd fn 'different . , 7 '- h t " .'.''" o '' h H -.u ," '..h o lt "U was "necessary and proper." tRr I. K Siruhbi Ben Leu. Clara. Ida. Christ and A l­ Argus classified ads get results. GREEN MOUNTAIN G a m e s fred Jaggi. Ted Zuereher, Erna I w ere the amusement at a party for John and Fred Stuehle, Francii M a n '« H e n r i S k ip s nAPonlc 1__ and _1 __1 _ away ___ for *‘.v» or "to m anufacture m etallici the young people of the neighbor Reichen amt the honor guests parents near _ v?.. Salem will 1 1 be disks to serve as money." Mr and Mrs C arl Sehnubele and ! B e n t — D u r lo G a s Mrs Estclla Toyson of Spokane. a couple of weeks or so. . i August 24 in celebration of Hit Fester and C harlie and Tony Gut- • W I. Adams was bloated so with W ash, has been spending the past S. C. Sparks and son Bert Sparks , !,.u ? ’ 1 141 under this lily Mis« Pots',hy llayl birthdays of Wilma Bailey, Ray : s''hm idl of Suuvies' Island visited «as that Ids heart often mis .-it week with some of her relatives and son Clemment of Portland vis- Iean c‘ause , 5"e constitution our Edwin I Mr and Mis John G u'schm ldt b,'Ml • after eating Adlerlku rid BETHANY-CEDAR MILL A card and Ed« in Justice around town, m aking her head- ><«1 Mr. Spark's daughter, Mrs. Koyeriiinent lias: Miss Teller Hostess Sunday liini of all gas, and now lie enta 1 C hartered and controlled cen- party for the benefit of the Town- M*“ q uarters w ith her cousin, Mrs Lil- Robert Pomeroy. Sunday, Road Improved tral banks; ¡send club was held at the home of Miss Frances Teller entertained anything and feels fine Delta Di ug ly M. Bierly. I ------------------------- Adv The rood from the Rock Creek sturi 2. Set up and supervised a na- Mr. and Mrs Robert Graves Satur-1 about 50 guests with a dance nt C hurch services Sunday include R l n r t m f t U T I l / I i n c ' tienal banking system and a fed- day night. Seven tables w ere in borne her parents. Mi- and store and One mile west is being preaching service at 8:45 a m. sharp I_ - .lt .llt i» torn up and is to be reshaped an,I erat reserve system; play. High honors were won by Mrs C A Teller, August 17 and Bible school at 10:15. Everv- 3. Issued paper money based on Mrs. Robert Graves and Mr. Burn- Donna, j^nfant daughter of Mr resurfaced, on*y‘s invited . I xiu m i c i s -t vrusay jeoin and unsupported by a n y i side and second was won by Mrs. Iand Mrs Earl Genzer. has been ill Frunk mid Louis Pezoldt en ter­ Plnl7^ul?g ,ouc*les were made to BI OOMING_la d ie s' Aid mpt,t - m onetary reaerve; ; S F u erer and Robert Graves. I and under a doctor's care for the tained the horseshoe players at the school nouse last j week, when a iii in c enuren oascnieni , ,? d is a n er- ---- legal , — . tender to depre- tlie t*i auk Pezoldt place Sunday. « r Given Mr. and 51rs. Thomas Larsen. P**.*: tu n weeks in the church basement in this a fter­ crew of men covered the roof w ith . . . jciaied notes; Wesley and Lois Larsen of O ak-, Ernest Sm ejkal spent the week- Arnold Her g e r a n d G o 11 11 e b c o m p o s itio n s h in g le s o f a green ... Schneider w ere champions. 5. Taxed state bank notes out of land. Cal., ore visiting Mr. L arsen 's; end *be beach witti friends, color. The building is in fine con- n, % i ? , s d L T “nd Irenc use; l.ucclle Bushnell of Salem spent I father, M. C. Larsen, and fa m ily : Mr. and Mrs. Tom L arsen of A l­ dition for the beginning of school r , Q a,,cnded .services in ___ ____ ______ ts. Devalued the gold dollar and a,uJ Mrs. Larsen's parents, Mr. and i bany. C al. visited their ranch here tw o weeks w ith her grandparents, , „ , _ , Blooming Sunday morning ___ __________ ______ . accom panied by i Mr. and Mrs. P eter Hcbcisen, re- abrogated contracts running to a Mrs. Bantz. of North Plains. 1 ?_rldJ?-v_ They w ere C hnreh Meet Tuesday Mr. and \ j rs j?red Muhly spent hundred billion, calling for pay- Present at a dinner party given M C Larsen nnd Mrs. Alice Wys; | c»’,itly n unC last week with the Stuebe family ment in gold coin. at the home of M. C. Larsen Sun- Jnd baby daughter of C edar Mill , Mrs Morton Congdon nnd son w ill be held Tuesday evening at at Strasburg 111 We begin to see how far w e ' day w ere M r and Mrs. P. Wallace.) Joe Sm ejkal has put a new roof Stanley visited for a few days at 8 o;clock_to be followed by Bible Lester, son of Perev Newman and Central Rank Issue Reviewed I Wo specialize In quality I nierc| . | ,,rtllt|„ g Argus __ _ _________________________________ I i FOR FARMS LARGE or SMALL See Party Graves Home r H‘“,ey A lb e r t H e a rd lla n k a . O r r g u n YOUNG’S Funeral Home Birthdays Occasion Party Bailey Home Benefit Townsend com- tf "Thoughtful. Sympathetic Service" P ilone «72 lllllslin ro HIL1-SBORO PAINT A WALLPAPER STORE Quality M aterial for P aper),suiting unit ta*ss D ecorating Material, Work G uaranteed I5H S. 2 n d Phone 1032 X Aid Meets Todav September Special Davenport, Chair and Ottoman Alfred Jaggi. It was a surprise party on as in op- ! Larsen of Oakland. Cal.. Mr. and cen,ly purchased here. of the oldest members I of the aid. O J McMahon of Anza. C a l. vis- Mr. and Mrs. Fred H ergert and erat‘on far-sighted A lexander Ham- Mrs. J. Wyss. M artin Larsen. Carl P ic n ic a t I . u r i a F a lls w ho w ere observing their birth- ____ _ and Mr. and Mrs. Jak . . . . e . n Her- _ *^on ___ ____________ __ establish- _____ _ Larsen, ____ ___ Misses Dor- itcd V. C. S trubb during the past family recom mended the M C Larsen. Mr and Mrs. John Berger and days, the members being Mrs. Lilly gert 'andi’ chiVdren“ of**Idaho“drove ment o — i ,he F ‘rst United and Lorell Boy ___ ______ «.U..U.CU m . luanu drove ------------------------ — ------ -------- "states —— I othy ----------------------- v week. McMahon owns a farm in daughters Thelm a and Gladys Her M B ierly Mrs. Sarah Dallmann here bv car to visit relatives and bank w lth a caP“ al of ten million. Mr. and Mrs C harles Boy visited thls vicinity and expects to locate gcr and Mrs Freda Berger me and Mrs. Josephine Cox The after- fejends. The Fred H ergerts are the P“^ owned by the federal gov- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Moar of B urling- : he.r. nicked at Falls the Lewis I . wis i e , r. p n -------------- n , - . a . nicked at Lucia Lucia Falls on on the no«n was spent in a social tim e guests of Mr. and Mrs . * ^ G H er! «rnm ent which had representation ‘°n Sunday ” . . I . _ . M IS . F I Bailey and daughters river Sunday Thelm a rem ained to and th£ latter part of the after- gert. The other family is st3vine on i u board of directors. The treas- Mr. and Mrs. E B Anderson enjoyed a few days vacation at ! visit with friends at Yacolt. Wash. noon Mrs Aten invited all to the w i t h Mrs. Jak e H ergert's erg erts mother m other in m u rj l,ad the right to inspect and wont on a huckleberry picking trip N etarts last week. j for a few weeks, and Gladys Bet- ______H dining room, w here a long table Cornelius. Jak e and Fred are the 1i0 cal1 io r statem ents from tim e t0 Mt. Hood Sunday, gcr rem ained in Portland to visit was set w ith num erous cakes. In sons of Mrs. Adam Hergert. i to tim e . B ir t h d a y C e le b ra te d S te e r in g S t r a in with her sister, Mrs. Delbert Olm- the center was a birthday cake T o G iv e \ c t T h‘s Pr °Posed partnership b e - Mrs. Y. Austin and Yulcne Aus- Steering parts arc subjected to and properly decorated Each of the thê’Æ ° f .“ ’' ' f 38/ - P - - " ' 1" ’ taondr a ^ n d a : M ^n d ’^ t t « T i n ” ¿ « X T 1 birthday guests was presented with r ,, . , -'¿T'” ” * -ul 13 "i motion and should be Mr and Mrs Sigurd Haga of l’ort- the Blooming F a rm e rs'. m ental ipivoi questions of constitutional- Larsen ’ ----------- ------------- -------------------- “ nd adjusted ' a nice gift and each made short __ . ~ local of the --- ---------- ~ sasxsaiaa and family attended a birth- carefully checked " and nt “nd visit,xl Mr. and Mrs Frank speeches There were fifteen ladies Union in their program to be given ity. Banking was of course no- f t P” " " present. An out-of-town guest was f L ' i 0 c.°bn,,J ial^ Friday night met w here m entioned in th e constitu­ D ig g in g W e ll Mrs Estella Toynton of Spokane to r final rehearsal Tuesday night at tion. T here w ere six co rp o ratio n s, re n c , ? , ' S ¡ » K K f the home of Miss Esther Meyer. in th e whole country when the i Wash Henry H«*ffcneidcr Is digging a at his place. The "Friendly Six" Sunday schools Those who will take part are Miss- constitutional convention met and „ « r and Mrs. G lenn C arr' visited I m7vtai ^ ' ‘T t h e ^ X X well of this district will hold a joint es Mildred Krahmer. Helen and the proposal to give congress power Mr an visited at the M ike Wocfler home experienced autom obile mechanic. Friday. H erbert Dorner is In t h e , ---------- - - for those from . _ Kin- . Burke. Transportation “ urKe- Mrs. ;Prs; Leonard Leor>ard Muhly Muhly and and I makers. makers. I i “ Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kunz of Port- U. S. M arines aviation corps nt ! ton desiring to go will be furnish- , el-\" K rahm er and Richard Moel- The constitutionality of a central land visited Mr and Mrs Glenn Q uality job printing—Argus. San Diego and is having a month's ) ed, so be around about 10 o'clock elj r Mrs- Mary H orner is coach bank had President Washington C arr Tuesday. Monday morning at the church. Mr an : Mrs Springer are e n te r-! puzzled and the m a’ter was re- Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Millard and !plning visitors from Salt Lake ferred to Edmund Randolph, his friend from Portland visited Mr L1LV attoreny general and legal adviser and Mrs. J J. VanKleek Sunday ^ ev and Mrs E. W. Hinrichs Randolph inclined to strict con- S p e c ia l M e e t C a lle d I m "7 a 3 A’J fus, s,ruct*on of the constitution, found Notices were posted during the « . i-R d Mrs. for a Oil bank its; ««. _ ev. a2 — — O J. no w o u arrant iia m iUl II IV deriving r past week calling for a special U endling of Forest Grove. O ther ! powers from the national govern-I I By C. K Trarh.««!) school meeting at the school at 8 goests w ere Rev. and Mrs. P. H. ; ment. Jefferson agreed w ith the ELMONICA—Much im provem ent p. m. September 3. Matters of im ­ Schaus and Wilma of S chefflin.: attorney general is being done in this community. portance are to be discussed and R.eU? of Then came Hamilton's term and. A rthur Wiseman is building a new all taxpayers in the district are Hillsboro, M artin Stuebe of Schef- with the amazing ingenuity in chicken house, which is nearly com­ flm. Miss Irene Lorenz of Port- m atters of law, business and fi- pleted. Ja k e and Emil Trachsel are urged to be present H?'TLet’ ic F?rd' L form cr a \4rsanFranirm^ u nance, he hit on the doctrine of i reshingling their barn. H ubert -teacher of the Kinton school, ar- „ _ ™ _ P a? k had her goitre "implied powers" to justify his Scruggs is having his barn Dainted ____ ' ------ Hpr cnnd,.rnr,Hl lSbOr° . ^ St weck cherished scheme for a national ane last part of w ith Mr Building, Painting Elmonica Progresses $3950 LESTER IRELAND & CO HILLSBORO. OREGON LET 6Jeoa SUPPLY YOU W ITH METAL TA N K S for Every Purpose * FUEL STORAGE TANKS * STOCK WATERING TANKS * A IR PRESSURE T A N K S * TRUCK •. WAGON TANKS * WATER «. SEPTIC TANKS For All-Around ECONOM Y VOU •« «Qv PCHftf, * I You can’t beat DODGE and PLYM OUTH 3 CADY M OTOR CO. Hillsboro, Oregon \ Now Being Paid on YOUR SAVINGS Every Savings Certifi­ cate is insured 100% against loss under Fed­ eral Insurance Plan. Savings are accepted in small or large amounts, to suit y o u r conven­ ience. Sunday afternoon, given under the tution and Mrs John Tra, auspices of the Ladies' Aid of the A dmitting freely t h a t neither Cecelia Spies, who is employed «si / t f local church. A picnic luncheon bank nor corporation is mentioned a stenographer in Portland, is / was served and contests furnished ln the organic law, he fell back on spending this week with her grand- I entertainm ent. that "omnibus" clause of the docu-1 mother, Mrs. Adam Spies. Miss Stella G urske returned to ment which concludes the enum er- A tw o-reel motion picture was ( stitution in the governm ent of the i | Portland Sunday after spending a ation of powers to be exercised by I g*ven in the B aptist church by Rev. A S K Y O U R S E L F United States. week's vacation at home. ) congress—"to m ake all laws which Paul G ebauer, who is a missionary Look w hat Iour four of Ine the greatest greatest The words s “necessary and proD- K wndl 01 (By Mr«. Burnirli. Phone 1713W| shall be convenient necessary and proper preached: for in Africa. He Ban- plans to leave next S ) fit, , siuia siutable, Preachers John, the T nw cA v r, , er mean m into end execution the fo r e -1 mon‘h . ----- J ? 0W' rs , ° i QHu to a given ” • preached. Repent for y e ;’ Africa Christ to resum e h is ! and appiouriate appropriate carrying going by this con- "Repent i w ork with K lara be- K ratt. Rev Paul) h?ve ab? ut finished Now congress had been powers—vested given tho I camc saying- ye and ( p.cking the early peaches and have power to "lay and collect taxes ' lievc the Rospel when asked." Peter | Jhe h onn«iff|1CUl,y ’"u dlsP°sing of "to borrow money on the credit said' "RePent." Paul preached that ! <-™b Un? fU cr.ops' biiJ'ers coming of the United S ta te s " "to declare “God had commanded men every « 3S Astoria. Late peach- w ar and to raise a n d support w here to repent." Have you re- An 3 8^> gish, w ithout am bition or zest for the good things in life—take a few a sounder basis of note issue After the initial argum ent over doses of good old Williams S. L. K the constitutionality of the bank Form ula and see how m uch better the question was apparently re- you feel. Karded as a settled issue. True, it Williams S. L. K. Form ula is was to arise again in the early compounded from the prescription 1 years of the Second United States of a form er arm y doctor and con- ! bank and was to be the subject of tains valuable ingredients which ac­ one of the best know n of John complish th eir w ork in four bene-1 M arshall's decisions. ficial ways: As a mild tonic, sto m -) The charter of the F irst United ach stim ulant, laxative, and diuretic States bank was to expire in 1811 stim ulant for the kidneys. Many and while it was strongly s u p- take W illiams S. L. K. Form ula also, ported, even by stalw art Je ffe r­ for indigestion, nausea, l o s s o f sonians like G allatin, ------------------- it had aroused - weight and s a l l o w complexion. tne jealousy and antagonism of the w here a mild tonic, laxative, stom- state banks then pow erful in Amer- achic, and diuretic is needed. Don’t ican politics take too harsh drugs which jolt Proposal to rech arter th e bank your system and upset your stom- was defeated in the senate by a ach. Ask The Delta Drug Store to- single vote C onstitutional ques- day for Williams S. L. K. Formula, tions played little or no p art in The first bottle m ust satisfy or the opposing argum ents. It was j money back.—Adv. A U C TIO N SALE Will sell on the John Will farm, 1/fe-mile southeast of ) Laurel, Oregon, on BECAUSE the community good enough for me to live in is good enough to buy in. BECAUSE I believe in transacting business with my friends. BECAUSE I want to know with whom I trade. BECAUSE 1 know that a friendly interest is worth more than just a commercial interest. BECAUSE every dollar I spend at home works for the community in which I live. BECAUSE the man I buy from stands back of the goods. BECAUSE here I live and have my home. Saturday, August 31 at 1:00 I’. M. sharp, the following personal property: LIVESTOCK LIVESTOCK—Team horses with harness, 3 Jersey cows, to freshen this fall; 1 Holstein cow. FARM MACHINERY, ETC.—Two spike-tooth har­ rows, good 7-foot John Deere binder, mower, rake, ted­ der, grain drill, disc, farm wagon, iron-wheel wagon with rack, two-horse potato digger, spring-iooth, plai form scale, 16-inch Oliver plow, fanning mill, landplaster spreader, cultivator, cider mill, grainsacker, cream sep­ arator, auto trailer, battery radio set, 3-burner oil stove, 2 heating stoves, buggy, about 20 tons baled clover hay, some loose hay, hay fork and rope, 3 ten-gallon milk cans, and all small tools usually found on a farm. TERMS OF SALE — $20.00 and under cash, over $20.00 six months time, bankable note, 8% interest, 2% off for cash on all sums over $20.00. John Will Sr. and James A. Will, Owners H. A. K U R A T L I, Auctioneer J. J. W IS M E R , Clerk; BECAUSE the man I buy from pays his part of town, county and state taxes. BECAUSE the man I buy from helps support my schools, my lodge, my church and my home. BECAUSE when ill luck, misfortune or bereave­ ment come, the man I buy from is here with kind­ ly greeting, his word of cheer and his pocketbook, if need be.