H IL L S B O R O Thuradiiy, A ugust 22, lö.’lö Committees Named for B. and P. Club Miss Anderson Bride Saturday A R G U S . H IL L S B O R O , O R E G O N Teacher Bride Miss Rains Weds J. Clyde Hopkins Pago Soven Mrs. J. Kamna Given Shower by Past Chiefs Mr und Mrs. Hubert Welrh spent A daughter was born Sunday to the week-end with their sister Mrs. Mr and Mrs. Vance Norton of San J i, k Tin,n..is of Glendale Francisco, C a l, according to word received by Mrs. Mary Sabin, great Splrrlla Foundation Garment* grandm other of the baby. Nationally advertised. Designed I exclusively for you. Write Mabel Mrs. Walteee III— I H. Wright. Hillsboro, for appoint­ 27 Mrs Frank Wallace was taken to ment*. Sm ith’s hospital Saturday, where Good lim e Dance she is under medical care. She Is At Grange hall every Saturday getting along as well as can be j night. Georgia Hess orchestra. Ad- expected. 1 mission 25c. 2ltf HANKS MI m Vemta H a in « , daughter of Mr and Mrs. John ' Kain» of Salem and J. Clyde Hop- kin«, »on of Mr and Mr« E. E Hopkins of Bank#, were m arried Mr». John G ardner was hostess Saturday August 10. at the bride’» for a shower and card party Tues­ home in Salem. CnminHtci'Mi for the year were Heaton paid an official visit to the The ceremony took place at 4 day evening at her home, com­ announced by PrtMddcnt Fayctla itebekuh Lodge at Clackumaa. Tuesday evening Mi Cora E o'clock in the spacious living room, plimenting Mrs. John Kamna J r Allen Friday evening at the picnic m eeting of the H un I iichm and Pro- Heaton paid an official visit to the which was beautifully decorated Guests were members of the Past with appointm ents of coral and Chiefs’ club of Phoenicia Temple, f««Msl(»in«I Women’« club at the Mor* K 8 . a* H o’clock, at the home of will meet today (Thursday) at the Matinee Saturday at 2 P. M. — Evening at 6:30 ■ ram, Iola I'lercy, Esther Auld. Jos Dinsmore. J I. Searcy, 1» 8. R uth­ Delia Wright of Bean Station, Ten- Mr. and Mrs. H arry Schme.tzer, Miss Frances Sundberg, daugh- home of Mrs. Fred Engeldinger for ephine Boczkttj, Olga Konlgan. erford, L. E MucDowell, Lyman nessee, were m arried Friday a t , brother-in-law and sister of the i ter of Rfrs. Viola Sundberg of Hills- a pot luck luncheon at 12:30 and Finance Anna Townsenil. Ethel Howe, J. W B an n y . C. E Wells, bride, when Miss Irm a Baker, j boro, and Mr. William V. Hogan. the afternoon will be spent in sew­ llam ea, Mary Louise Higby. Ivy W G. Hare, Ada Patterson, Paul Vancouver, Wash The couple will make their home 'laughter of Mr. and Mrs William both of Marshfield, were m arried Syverson, Mue Vivian Whitelaw, Pll| lfr!lun a-n quet of Tangerine gladioli The Miss Mabel Cockrell of Portland Marie Priest noon. complim enting her l i t t l e B u s i n e s s W o m e n Bonded and Insured Carrier n v ifn d t n Q n ln m bridesmaid. Miss Betty VanDom- sang ”1 Love You T ruly” and Miss Good Will Emma Mohr, M ar­ daughter Nuncy on her seventh T lL v C l IU O c t l v l l l clen. won an ash-rose ensemble and Mildred Jam es played the wedding Serving Beaverton, Aloha, Reed garet Suhnow, Merle Selfridge, Mu birthday. The time was spent In tl lV Business and Professional Worn- carried a bouquet o f gladioli, ville, Hillsboro, Cornelius and rlon Huthhorn. Marie Schmidt playing games, and dainty refresh ­ en's club is invited to join the Raleigh Baker, brother of the bride, march. Forest Grove At the reception which followed, The club Is sponsoring the "Twin- m ents were served The invitation­ Salem club at a picnic Tuesday was best man. Mrs E K. Burton of Marshfield, Pickup and Delivery Service at T riplet Round-up" and voted to al list Included Joan und Donna evening at the home of Mrs. Mabel Following the ceremony a lunch- aunt of the bride. Mrs. C. F. Ful­ Package Rates offer a sw«ep*tukes prize for the Locheud of Salem, W alter McKin­ Savuge on Garden Road. Dinner eon was served, after which the pair of tw ins qualifying under the ney, Jacqueline and Barbara B ar­ will be served at 6:30 at 50 cents j young couple left for a wedding ler of Aloha, and Miss Ophelia Hillsboro Phone 542 Wismer of Hillsboro presided at greatest num ber of classifications ney, Lee Ann and Mary Kramien, per plate. All members planning to trip to Detroit, Mich. Upon their East Side Term inal Portland ' Pf®« K e a t in f at the "Round-up" on Saturday, Bai bum Ann Person, Milda Beth attend are requested to notify Mrs. j return they will m ake their home the table. Phone EAst 9131 ; 1 : B e tty G ra b le Following a trip to Seaside and August 31. at the county fair. The Pitman. Ann Marie Relling, Tom ­ Fayettu Allen. at the K irkpatrick farm. Redmond the couple will retu rn to event w ill be held at 1:90 p. m. In my Dinsmore, C laire Elisabeth and /7TT E v e ly n B r e n t - .......... The bride, who is one of the Marshfield, where Mr. Hogan is the auditorium C om m ittee In charge Hayes Jr. Bickford. Patsy and Paul E r ik R h o d es Miss Helen Crook returned Mon- popular teachers of the county, manager of t h e Piggly Wiggly i n c lu d e s M rs Z. J Rigg i. M rs J r Patterson. Barney and Jackie continue to teach this year store. Sum Coy, Mrs L. M Townsend. Buchanan of Gaston. Phoebe Ann day morning to her duties at Weil's FOR FARMS •»a MtHuth. ■ Mrs Reece Huthhorn. and Misses Huggins. Ricky Haynes of Seattle store from a week’s vacation at j ln *be Mead district, near Man- LARGE or SMALL Cunetta br G m it S it v r n | — PLUS — Mr». Christensen in Hospital— K athleen C aldw ell und Helen Stev - ! Sammy Christenson. Pater a n d Reedsport. W inchester Bay. where i n ‘nK ------ See Albert Heard ens Registrations should be made Hobby Amacher, Grace Kurns, Mary she visited her brother; a visit w ith Selected Short Subjects Dr. C. T. Smith performed a «KO-IAOIO riC T ote tn Nt the Argus office or with Mrs June McEntee. Evelyn und Billy her sister, Mrs I. Mirty, at Toledo. C ’ . 1..z l r .r> Banks. Oregon major operation for Mrs. Julius Zola Morgun at the 4-H club build-, l.osli, I.orene Scheldt. K atherine and a visit at Albany w ith another U o I U t l l v l U U LU Christensen of near Hillsboro Sun­ sister, Mrs E C Haley, and *■«*»-1 flivA r» R p p p n t i on mg ut the fair Swenson. Bobbie and Evelyn Ber ily day morning at Sm ith's hospital. Miss Crook wj»s accompan- ILCLtpLlU Il The club also voted to give $5 to nards. Sonny McKnight. Archie O led on the trip by her m other. Mrs New members will be given a tlie Camp Fire girls’ perm anent J r and Nancy Pitman. Mr and Mrs. Fred Chase are M attie Crowder, and brother. Ralph reception at the G arden club meet- YOUNG’S cabin on Gules creek After Last Show Crook of Hillsboro, and Mrs Har-1 mg and garden party Monday aft- spending a two weeks' vacation at R eports on the national conven­ Honored on B irthday— the beaches. Mrs Z J. Riggs is i rnoon at 2 o’clock at the home of Mrs. J. C May gave a luncheon I der and daughter of Portland. tion In S eattle w err given by Misses substituting for Mr. Chase in the Lew Ayres and Mae Clark in Angie Harrington. Gussie Sigler, Tuesday in honor of the eighth | Mrs. J. L. Connelly, who has been ! Mr«. H R. Chantier, 633 North Hillsboro Pharmacy. “Thoughtful. Sympathetic M argaret Cady, and Mrs Zola Mor­ birthday bf her daughter Betty visiting the past month with her Second avenue The new president, Service" Mr and Mrs K. E Nordlund Guests were Mrs, K irschner and mother. Mrs Zelma Roy of West Mrs. W F Cyrus will preside over gan Phone 97Î Hillsboro ln o e left le f t Tuesday T u e s d a y for f o r her h e r h home o m e i , _ h e . business Mrs. . W. J and son and Misses Esther and son Eddy. Phyllis und Allene A m ­ S Slope, , . meeting .. acher. C orrine Brown. Curoline in San Francisco. Mrs Roy, who i s ) E7.“ i™ e ®n.d M!"s- B'anch Bride G ertrude Anderson of S e a t t l e . hostesses, Wash . attended the funeral of their Kalkwarf. Sandford and Beverly in charge of the alteration depart- w111 uncle, J. C. Bechen, last week. Gray, Eugene Feldt. Jacky Doyle. ment at Well’s store, has just com-j K atherine. Margaret and Sonny De- pleted a modern 5-room bungalow R eturn from Long Trip— Mrs Eli Fenner and daughter Hondt. Virginia and Dean Morctz. on her place. j Miss Nora Costelloe and Mrs. A. left Saturday for their home in Mr and Mr» C T Richardson Special on Pressure , , Mrs. Loren Milllman und daughter R L. Putnam , C hristian minister. H. Abts returned Friday from a Merna, Neb., after visiting several and son S tuart accompanied by Grncc <)( p ur, lanj m ìo W lnabeth weeks w ith relatives in Hillsboro and family are spending the week six weeks' visit in Iowa, Nebraska Miss Luctle llurty, returned Mon MucDowell. Shirlee Schukart. and and Eugene. d a y f r o m a t u p tO San Ei.mi i.i o Lorreari May. Mr». Mlllimun and at the const, visiting the various and Montana They report condi- ■ Continuous Show Sunday — 2 p. m. to 11 p. nj. » Mr and Mrs. E B. Tongue and w here they went Io meet Nell Mrs K irschner assisted w ith the beachrs. They will visit with Mrs. j tions in the middle-west consider- Putnam 's relatives in Salem over ably improved over last y e a r Bob spent Sunday at Grays River. Richardson, soil of Mr. and Mrs serving the w eek-end and attend the fam ­ Iowa's corn seems to be in fine Wash., with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Richardson Nell arrived August ily clan gathering at Aumsville condition Rain is badly needed in Shannon Mrs. J T. Shannon re ­ 13 on the President Johnson from Ml»» Molir Injured— Nebraska for the corn, which was turned home w ith them. an uround-the-w orld cruise a n d Misses Emma Mohr and Mattie Sunday. wps in port three days la-fore sail­ Cox returned Saturday night from Mrs. Nellie Hoard and son Harry damaged considerably by rust and Bob Tongue and Billy Allison SQ .95 ing on another trip He was n u t a vacation trip t o Yellowstone of Beaverton route 2 went to Fort hail, but there are bountiful crops returned Wednesday from scout »t the pier by several friends from purk. While ut Mammoth Springs Lewis, Wash . the first of the week, of hay. The ladies went by auto camp at Camp M eriwether, near 10-quart ................... tP Seattle, relatives from San Mateo, In the park, Miss Mohr stepped to w here her daughter, Mrs. Alice and traveled approxim ately 4000 Sand Lake. besides the Hillsboro party After the side of the road to avoid a car Heath, is ill in a hospital Prom miles, encountering some very hot Miss Alice Louie returned Mon­ Peerless— $ 4 O -95 a few busy day» of entertainm ent and ___ ___r r __ in loose _ gravel, caus there they w ill go to Hoquiam, w eather during their trip. slipped day from Glendale, w here she had 18-quart ................. JLÖ they again saw him off on the 16th ing a fall and a compound fracture Wash for a few weeks' visit with Honored on Birthdays— visited the past month w ith Mrs. On the way south the Richard­ f a bone in her right hand. The her sister-in-law . Mrs M Murphy. Mr a|)d Mrs HalHe i reland cn . Jack Thomas, formerly of Hillsboro. son purty visited Oregon Cave:, and young ladles report extrem ely hot Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Sears and tertained Sunday w ith a dinner $ 4 C .95 Mrs. M B Bump and daughters N ational— other points of interest, returning w eather in the park. Mrs Coffin of Portland. G ilbert complim enting her parents, Mr. returned last week from a three by the coast route. They reported ■NI Coffin and daughter of San Fran- and Mrs. A. Malchow, on their weeks’ vacation at Rockaway and 18-quart ................. A Did Oregonian Exhibited— w eather conditions quite warm at cisco. Cal., and Mrs J W Smuck birthday anniversaries. Mr. M al­ Seaside. Leland E ckhart brought into the and children of Seattle. Wash., were chow was 89 and Mrs Malchow times. 112 degrees on the Redwood N ational— $ 4 *^.95 Miss Gladys Eisner, who is in higflway, and extrem ely warm a Argus Friday parts of a copy of Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs Was 76. Guests were Mr and Mrs 25-quart ................. A ■ Redding. 1 the Oregonian of February 4. 1911, C harles L. Walker. charge of the county tax d epart­ George Thomas, Ira Ingram, Mr. Hillsboro people encountered dur which c. ninu in rates the 50th an- ment, is spending a week’s vaca­ Mr. and Mrs. H. H. P ranger and and Mrs. Ralph Ireland and Betty tion at Seaside. ing the trip were Mr and Mrs ntversaiy ot the Dully Oregonian Mrs. H Vandyke left Tuesday for and .Helen Ireland of Portland. Mrs. Reece Huthhorn. vacationing i n It contains some very interesting Baker to visit friends and rela- Ivy Craw ford of New York City, Mrs. Max C randall left Tuesday San Francisco, and Roscoe Mun- data, relative to that date, includ- lives. Mrs. Pranger, who has been Mrs. Lulu Ingram. Mrs. Bertha Otis, m orning for Ross, C a l. for an ex­ tended visit w ith her son Kenneth, ™ - 2 2 ^ " V i " . T S - j." , M " a “" d " " who is ill In a hospital in that city. tude for a time. time in use by the Argus. near Dunsmuir. Attend Relative'» Wedding — PRESSURE COOKERS Miss Helen Pickell left Friday Sam llu iit went to Corbett Thurs- Miss Harty also visited Mrs. Finds Shortcut— Among Hillsboro relatives who for her home in Des Moines. Iowa, day nhd returned Sunday w ith , u ,» , M ortim er Lewis (K athleen H orn­ take the guess all out h i , > u i ■ attended the wedding of M iss Verna after several weeks' visit w ith her An appreciated household hint »«. Mrs Hulit who had been visiting Biersdorf daughter Dr and Mrs by) at O akland Mrs Lewis is a was phoned in this morning by for a week wtth her m other Mrs. H erm a„ Biersdorf of Portland, to sister, Mrs. L. J. Merrill. form er Hillsboro girl. of canning. Mrs. Elwood Johnson, who discov­ Lucy Kincaid, and brother. I{a|Ph Ralph R ,, n. h . Luedt'kc" "in P ^ t‘land'"’iT:,rs" alph' ?'c r«cn ot / ^ od^ ' rn ered that a short adjustable knife, ’ Kincaid which she calls a cabbage knife. Mr and Mrg j c Wooster re . day evening were Mr. and Mrs. I visited Mrs. O. O. Freem an T hurs­ is a tim e saver it,, cutting corr' tllrn,.d to , hvlr h(inle at Colb K an. George Bicrsdorf, Mr. and Mrs. day. Otto Voges, Mr. and Mrs. W T, fL°m ? .,A o , lsas. Monday after tw o w eeks’ vis- Putnam J r . Ferd Putnam, and Mr. B urke Tongue spent the w eek­ Mrs Corn E. Heaton, president this kind together with recipes | jt hvl c wi(h h(,r mo(h(,r Mrs end at Seaview, Wash. and Mrs. Gordon Sahnow. of the Rebekah A ssem bly returned *'•* be started soon und co oper J. Kimball, who is very ill. home Friday after a week spent ®tion of all is urged Miss Lena Delplanehe. deputy in Mr». Megargel Hoste»»— An Invitation - - - visiting lodges in and near Silver Lurge Muskiochin Displayed— Mrs. Donald Megargel entertained the county treasurer's' office, is on TO THE PEOPLE OF HILLS­ lu ll W h ile ill th a t v ic in ity Mi T hursday w ith a luncheon and a ten-day vacation trip in South­ A muskmelon of the Victor Spear BORO and VICINITY: Heaton was the house guest of variety, weighing 6 4 pounds, was ern Oregon. She visited at C rater auction bridge. Guests were Mes­ T here has been organized in Mrs. Helen W rightman. dames Guy Paine. G unnar Johnner brought into the Argus Tuesday b> Lake among other places. Friday evening accompanied by J. II. T rent of south Hillsboro. It HILLSBORO, OREGON of Portland, Alf O. Johnson of Hillsboro what is known as the Mr. and Mrs. Otto Voges a t­ O, M. Heaton, Mrs. George Self­ was grown on his place on Jack- Forest Grove, L. E MacDowell, W ashington County Builders' Ex­ tended the B iersdorf-Luedtke w ed­ change. composed of w orkmen who ridge and Mrs. Adolph Mohr, Mrs son bottom A double cucum ber was ding in Portland last Thursday I,. T. McPheeters. R. J. Scearee. J. understand the trades they repre­ brought in this week by Raymond evening. Mrs. Luedtke and Mrs. i H. Murton and M attie Bertoli. sent. You are cordially invited to Miller of tills city. Voges are cousins R eturn from Vacation— discuss your building problems with Misses M arie Desmet of Portland the members of this organization Holford Bergh of Olympia. Wash . Mrs. Wleber Hostess— and Lena Delplanehe of the county Mrs. W. H. Wieber entertained and Sm ith Bergh of Scappoose a t­ treasurer's office returned Tuesday for estim ates and advice. Ju st send the funeral of J. C. Bechen a postal card to the Secretary of Friday with a miscellaneous show ­ tended last week. The gentlemen arc uncles I ^rorn 8 week's vacation trip to The Builders' Exchange. Hillsboro, and er in honor of Miss Jean Rogers, of Mrs. Bechen. C rater Lake, Oregon Caves, and stating the nature of the im prove­ who announced lier engagem ent to Mr. and Mrs Z ena. Olsen and ! C‘7 ',,9 a \ 7 ' ’''-V wcn' ,s Miss Taylor Weds C. Willis Wright Miss Baker Bride of Mr. Kirkpatrick I Remembered - - - I THURS - FRI - SÂT. X , | Miss Sundberg Bride of William Hogan FHÊ I ÍTITYITÍJ I I Preview Saturday Night, 11:15 Funeral Home "SILK H A T KID” Richardson Party Returns Monday ¡S U N -M O N -T U E S / ^ 3 COOKERS ¡“Don’t Stop Till You G e t! Him DEAD OR A LIVE1 . • W ar — war ■ ■ to the death — i t ’s the p le d g e of the “Secret Service ”! Rebekah Head Visits Lodges Lester Ireland 8i Co. Wear CAR WASH N o Mend Grease Job ^Giveables A G A I N ...! INVISIBLE TESTED 'and APPROVED' I Better Fiboci Testing Bureau I for H I G H t t î Q UALITY Is® at GOAR’S Woman’s Shop E. M. Barnes, Prop. J A nother large assortm ent of Col­ lars. Also Collar and Cuff Seta have arrived direct from N e w York, few of a kind, and the very latest styles. $ 4 .1 5 There are countless u n ­ seen germ s in the air you breathe, each one spread­ ing acute Infectious dis­ ease w hich may easily be contracted If you are not In the proper health. You, yourself, may spread dis­ ease if feverish. See your physician if you have even a slight tem perature. L io n el B a rry m o re -Je a n A r th u r C h e ste r M o rris - Jo sep h C a lle ia g Paul Kelly • Lewi» Stone ■ P vo d ttcrd by B Lucian Hubbard Instead of 89c, price» are only ...,........................... BROWN-BILT EXCELLA SHOES PATTERNS • HILLSBORO PHARMACY r Z. J. Riggs, Prop. Phone 311 243 Main St. Hillsboro 270 E. The C. C. Store Main St. W W W ■ J. H. GARRETT, Prop. I I 'I COMING SOON TO THE VENETIAN— Temple in “CURLY TOP’’ I : Clark Shirley Gable in “CALL OF THE WILD" I Wallace Beery, Clark Gable and Jean Harlow in “CHINA SEAS” I I “DIAMOND JIM BRADY I ■ ■■J PLUS — Short Subject» Phone 26O1W Garage 126 8. Third Ave. Busch’s Super Service Station Corner Third and Ravelin» Phone 501 A. H. Busch. Prop.