H IL L S B O R O Thursday, August 22, 1936 A R O U S , II IL L S BO K O , O K E G O N grandparent» Mi anil Mia G iaheL Not Ripley He report# having a Mrs J o e BaggeiMlot, and lankily have been In tow n during the past at io , \v that give# intlk from six t,„ t Mr* H Harkins of Butte, Mont . week w ith their baling outfit and spent the past week visiting Mr Mr* Beit W alter and children, M «•>’ “ »■• milked a lot several of the farm ers had their and Mrs V. R Wilson and fain­ Mrs Carl Chrlstenvr und Mrs j of vow*, but that this I* the first straw baled C harles Hemrich has tly ami on Sunday they all pic­ Adolph Reiser of M ountalndale v t* .' lim e he has soon one so equipped also been in th e fields w ith his nicked at Eagle Creek P ark and tied Mrs. Reiser's duughter In Port threeshing outfit and by the end of Argus classified uds gut reault*. visited the Bonneville dam hind Thursday this w eek most of the threshing Mr. and Mrs. Frank B urnett of will be done Mr und Mrs H S Duvis und ! N o rth P la in * F o lk B u ild ; Mrs J. H Aten and son and T o w n s e n d C lu b M e e tin g s P la n n e d F irs t, T h ir d W e d n e s ­ Portland visited Sunday at the Max M rs. D a llm a n H o n o re d o n grumlson of Heuvelton visited Mr Welk home. M o y e r F a m ily M o v e * daughter spent Friday with her mid Mrs J H. Duvis Thursday H e r B irth d a y S unday d a y *; W y ff le s Buy F a r m ; O liv e r * Buy P lace patents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. More- Miss Eunice Mitchell left Mon­ Sunday guests of Mr mid Mrs. J i buck, of Sherwood. Mrs, Aten was (B y M r«. Henry Cypher I 11 Duvis were Mrs. Louts Hughson day for Spokane, Wash , to spend ( B j M r , K I . Co«) a guest of honor for the day and NOKTH PLAINS Ernest Bunger mid duughter Delnris und Mrs Eliz­ i Bv Mm Ik>«vthy C»x'k«) lius and her sister of Aloha. re- a few days at the Women's Mis­ KIN TO \ Mrs. Lilly M. Bivrly was given a shower by her many ' * " 1' ‘ convention u in .m u ’ii of the is building a house on his property abeth Davis of Beaverton. CORNELIUS - Annual M ission turned lo San Fi aneisoo Sunday sionary o Society observed her birthday at her home friends Many fine and useful gilts Mr and Mrs. Fred Seliwumter of on Mum street It will be occupied Festival will be held Sunday at evening Mr G rant just returned Unt,,M B retheren churches last Saturday and the following were received by Juke lteighly mid his grandson M ountalndale were gueests of Mr people gar e her a surprise in the Mr and Mrs. Robert Pomeroy the L utheran church w ith the ser­ from employment in Alaska. No m atter how Utile you eat, you mid Mrs. llert Wulter Sunday Lloyd Furlong afternoon by walking in on tier u n ­ and th ree daughters w ent to tire mon in English in the morning and should relish your fo«xl to feel your Julius Schoenberg is building an n*T’ortl.iiul 'He^ was M r S - O ’ announced Mrs. IX'lia St. Pierre. coast last Tuesday. Most of the G erm an in the afternoon Rev F Wdhr ™ \ > addition to his house which is oc­ best und get the most enjoym ent llu* Exeeptlonal Cow Miss Gray. Mrs Ethel McCormick time was spent at Tillamook, where Theuer of Salem will deliver both a rg u e s , of T ualatin friends Sun cupied by Mr mid Mrs C harles messages. Lunch will be served at Ed Koeh of South Tualatin savs out of living If clogged-up bowels and daughter Miss Blanche 1 they w ere guests of friends. Koontz. noon in Running's hall. Hint he Ills one for llelieve-lt Or and Inactive kidneys ura poisoning Cormiek of Hillsboro, and Mrs. Mrs Laura Pugh ,s visiting r e la - ; MASON HILL Mrs Otto Sol- Plan C hurch Meet Mis Duyton May* ipeent sever­ Mrs Julia Russell of Tacoma has your system, causing you to huve Shoemaker and daughter Miss Irene Monthly business meeting of the been a guest of her brother. Earl Y /a n ’ltussell who has been! ‘‘ '“ " ’“ 'i,“ b" lVy ¿iC8,‘h'd I al days in Portland lust week v is­ a ''puny,'* finicky uppetlte, and Shoem aker of Reedville, formerly church and Bible study w ill be held I C a m illa « I a n I \u u m in u s o n u hand as a result of a broken jar 1 iting her giMer. Smith, and family making you feel run-down, slug­ the guest of her grandm other. M rs. of c>|nnw, b,.llllg of Hillsboro. Mrs Bierly was the at the church Septem ber 3 at 8 Mr und Mrs Lester C ypher u n i Plan Tow nsrird Meetings gish. w ithout unibition or zest fur Edna Hussell. and great grandm oth- recipient of a num ber of nice and o'clock. Everyone is invited daughter Jtlurgarel, Mr mid Mrs Mrs Martin Wilson of North committee and officers or. Mrs M Edson. for the summer. the good things In life tuke a few useful gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Everett D. Wright of Advisory Toil! Stimuli and sou Scottie, mid Plains was an all day visitor at the Townsend club met Friday returned to het home in Salem doses of good old Williuins S L. K Mrs. Chris Enabnit (Louise Dall- and children and Mr. and Mrs. C. Mi und Mrs Henry C ypher pic­ the C II Gonyo home Friday. Formula and sue how much better mann> of Vancouver. W ash. spent Vandermost spei^t Sunday in Scap­ evening for business at the Cheery last week A P. Miller, who has been living nicked at Suuvies' Island on the Mrs A 1. Bioek spent last S at­ a few days last w eek w ith her poose. w here they attended a large Nook confectionery. It was decided you feel Columbia river Sunday in one of the C onrardy houses, to hold a business meeting the first urday in Portland Are Here A gain” for the parents, Mr. and Mrs August H fatnilv gathering. I'.oM Chiefs to Meet Williams S L. K Form ula Is Wednesday of each m onth and an Mrs J C l’artnley visited re la ­ moved to Portland last week. Dallmann. Mrs. Lydia I.ydia Obrist and sons Past Chmfs' club will meet witli poultrynien a n ti dairym en. compounded from the prescription c m ist ana son of . enU,m in m e n t w lth specjai speakers tives in Aloha Tuesday evening C harles Johnsou drove to Yam­ Services Arranged Mrs Karl Flullenbeek this Thursday of u form er arm y doctor und con­ hill Sunday to bring home Mrs " , » u ‘ o? Mi and M^s d\ H ,he ,h ird Wednesday of cacti month Poultry and dairy product« Mr and Mrs. Will Danger of aU meeUngs ¡„ lhe M ethodlst G resham Services at the Evangelical church a , week of Mi and Mis A. tt tains valuable Ingredients w hich ac­ Johnson and Betty, who tiad been afternoon, higher, feed cheaper. Why visited Mr. and Mrs. E. as follows for Sunday: Rev. J. Good Dallmann complish their work In four bene­ Moyer* Move church. Committee consists of Mes- A. Dixon and Mr. and Mrs. C. O. there since Tuesday of lust week Mr. and Mrs W alter VanKleek darnes of Portland will preach at 9:45 A picnic dinner was enjoyed Mr and Mrs Ed W Moyer have not .«tart that flock of pul­ ficial ways: As a mild tonic, itoin- Laura Pugh. Lillian Kelsey, Dixon Friday of Beaverton visited Mr. Van- sharp in the absence of the pastor. llodgen - Brewster uch stim ulant, laxative, and diuretic Mr. and Mi G Biersdorf and ■'^"kust tl in the French-W aldorf I moved to Hillsboro mul will oe let« on Lotta Fox. J Wilflev. Louise Coch­ Rev. Virgil Speece. who is taking Kleek's brother. J J VanKleek. rane, M attie Smith and George Wil­ family attended the wedding of a tim ber by Mr. and Mrs Henry eupy a house on Ninth avenue Egg Mash and product* egg« stim ulant for the kidneys. Muny his vacation and spending it at the last Tuesday. Menasco, Rae Jean Menuseo und between iMik und Baseline. Thi at lower cost? Try it and he take Williams S 1. K Form ula also cox. and Jacob Correll. Lee Dier- niece in Portland Friday evening. beach w ith his parents B ib le sc u o l Joint Picnic Planned for indigestion, nausea, l o s t o f . dorf and Ernest Creekpaum. Mrs. Loyal Mann of Forest G rove Betty Smith of Sellwood. Mr. und Moyer fam ily will be greatly missed I will immediately follow preaching Sunday schools of this district, weight und s u l l o w complexion, Junior Aid of the L utheran church | and Mrs. H enrietta Morgan and Mrs It E. Waldorf. Mrs Ida Wolf. in this craum unity by their many ! c ,,,l \ l l i c i 'u . service, about 10:15 everyone is Scholls, Kinton. Laurel, Mountain met Friday afternoon at th e Mrs Mrs. C. E. Wells of Hillsboro w ere Mr , and Albert where a mild tonic, laxative, stom ­ friends. ,,, Mrs _ W. S , French, ,, . .. most cordially invited. Home and Mountain Top. are m ak­ Otto O ppenlander home at Forest out-of-town g u e s t» of Mrs Lester “ " d H ‘>r>;'iee H eneh Mr and Mrs achic. and diuretic is needed Don't Win Game 1 f Is'ks-l.,», L\n„ c m **•*.-< ILdto ing plans to hold a joint picnic Grove. take too harsh drugs w hich Jolt Mrs. Dallmann Honored Mooberry last week Mrs. Mooberry C harles Johnson and Betty North Plants baseball team de­ your system and upset your stom ­ Mrs. August H. Dallm ann was a Septem ber 2. Labor Day The place Returns Here Mrs. Dooher Hostess is recovering from a recent op- feated the Nippon All-Stur team .. . . Wool anti Poultry at w hich it ls to be held has not ach Ask The Delta Drug Store to­ guest of honor at a birthday gath­ M Conrardy. who has been 11 v from Portland Sunday tt to 8 Seven I r Mrs. F rank Dooher was hostess eration. day for Williams S I. K Form ula been decided upon. ering at her home Sunday and Guests during tile week of Mrs ing in Portland the past three ,,f the N orth Plains runs were to the St. A lexander church Ladies' Telephone 3tXlt 'I'l.c di ■.( hottie must satisfy or most of her family were present, months, returned to Mason Hill made in the lust half of the ninth Mr. and Mrs. Zack M artin, who A ltar society T hursday afternoon M argaret Ones were Mrs. G u money buck z\dv. including a num ber of grandchil­ reside on the Farm ington r o a d , Tw enty-one were present Reickard of Hillsboro. Otto W ack -{ Otis week to make his home inning Cook's double in the lust dren. A fine dinner was served at entertained w ith a large family Mrs Erw in Sahnow and Delores row and grandson Hilly Alliwav Charles Heath is living in one half of the ninth won the game, noon with all tile tixings Present gathering at th eir home August 11 left Tuesday ___ . . . ___ . . . Mont. and Mr. and Mis R W ackrow of ,,f the C onrardy cabins, moving in | Mrs Alvira M itchell of Gaston for Gateway. wre Mr. and Mrs Emil Dallmann Their son H erbert M artin and fam- They plan to rem ain for the golden Portland. M artin LcnnarU and Har- I l^is week, visited her brother. W E Mays, and family of Skamania. W ash. ,jv of G aribaldi. Mrs. Ellis F rink wedding anniversary of Mrs. Sah- old Foster of Gresham and Mrs. ! und family last week Mr. and Mrs Chris Enabnit and and fam ily of Portland, and Mrs now’s parents, Septem ber 2. E. A'. Deaville of Hillsboro. Wilson Wlenecke spent last week I Hillsboro Argus contains all the family of Vancouver. Wash.. Mrs. Wilson and family of Lodi, Cal Mr. and Mrs. W. R Cooke vis­ news of Hillsboro and the sur- w ith Ins aunt, Mrs. Edith Holms, Paint Pool ___ Hall Lydia Obrist and family of Glenn were among the out-of-town guest ited Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Gibson of Read 11 at Svenson E xterior of the O ppenlander p o o l) .rounding comm unities Cullen. Albert Dallmann. Mr. and present. and " ' keep inform ed on w hat Is P ortland Thursday. Miss Bessie Wienecke Is spndlng | hall was repainted this week, Mrs. Oscar Lierm an and family, ______________ Mr. and Mrs. B. Waddle and son happening at home. U the week nt the home of her i Mr. and Mis Joseph Mann and Mr. and Mrs. Jak e Faix and Mr. — Buford left Tuesday f o r a few Barbara Jane of Portland spent and Mrs. Robert H arris and son weeks in California. / Sunday at the Lester M ooberry and of near Bonneville. (B y M r». J. A. McCoy) Olivers Buy Place Mrs. M D Mann homes. Albert Dallmann and Clarence Mr. and Mrs C. Katki of Port- Mr. and Mrs. A. J. O liver and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McCoy and Koerner spent Sunday in Salem. Will sell on the John Will farm , • 5»-nuk* southeast of daughters Gladys and Ethel. Mr family have purchased the R enner , land visited in Cornelius Monday Rev V irgil Speece. pastor of and Mrs. J. P. Vanderzanden and place and w ill move th ere soon | ------------------------- Laurel, Oregon, on the church, visited some of the son Ralph spent a few days at Mrs. Mike Susbauer returned members of the church last Wed­ Bayocean last week. While there Saturday from a w eek's visit in nesday. visited Camp Mears light Portland with her daughters. Mrs. Hanson Brothers of Beaverton they house of Tillamook Sunday. Mon- Howard Dooher and Mrs. Harley ill 1:00 I’. M. sharp, the following personal p ro p erty : ! day they spent the day at N etarts Flaherty. LIVESTOCK • By V iv m n Hudson) Bay and Oceanside. On th eir re- Mrs. John Reynolds of Forest turn home Mr. and Mrs. McCoy G rove visited her sister. Mrs. E HAYWARD SERA men under LIVESTOCK— T earn horses with harness, 3 J e rs e y ' the supervision of Otto Tim m erm an cows, to freshen this fall; 1 Holstein cow. and daughters visited Mr. McCoy's A. Dixon. Friday. cousin. Mrs. Lydia Alvord, and Miss Blanche Finegan was a are remodeling the woodshed at FARM MACHINERY, ETC— Two spike-tooth har- family of Beaver a couple of days house guest last week of Miss Helen th e H ayward school. Saturday the McCoys visited w ith Godfrey of Tigard. The Frydendall^brother* of Man- rows, good 7-foot John Deere binder, mower, rake, ted- nlng visited at the N h . Nielsen ^ ,je r gr a jn drill, disc, farm wagon, iron-wheel wagon Mrs. Eva Webb and son Claude R eturn East and E. B W ebb of Sand Lake, re- Mrs M. A. Dooher and Miss home Thursday. George Laeim-rman has sold his with rack, two-horse potato digger, spring-tooth, plat­ turning home Sunday. Evelyn left Saturday for th eir home Mr. and Mrs Louis Strohm ayer in Minneapolis, after spending the 1934 crop of w alnuts and contract­ form scale, 16-inch Oliver plow, fanning mill, landplaster w ere guests of Mr. Strohm ayer's sum mer at the Frank Dooher home, ed the 1935 crop to a firm in P o rt­ spreader, cultivator, cider mill, grainsacker, cream sep­ T h is b ank i* a u th o riz e d sister. Mrs. William Vanderzanden Mrs Sam Moon and daughter land. to m a k e lo a n * to h o m e arato r. auto trailer, battery radio set, 3-burner oil stove, In Vet* Hospital of Roy Sunday afternoon. Paula of Garibaldi spent last week Mr. and Mrs. Louis Strohm ayer, w ith Mrs. Emma Schmale. William F Willings, who h a s ' 2 heating stoves, buggy, about 20 tons baled clover hay, b u ild e r* and to hom e o w n ­ Guy Raymond and Russell Hickey Ernie Hering is employed a t ^tC w o H : v ii! !l»' MX'hodistchurch some loose hay, hay fork and rope, 3 ten-gallon milk e r* fo r essential re p a ir *. visited Mr. and Mrs. E G. Place Hank's grocery and m arket, at W ilderville fur the past year. i n u » i „ » , , W e also a re e q u ip p e d to ls in the V etera,, hospital at Rose- CanS* and a l* Small tools usually found Oil II farm , and family of Eastern Oregon a Wyffles Buys Farm few days last w eek E Wyffles has purchased Earl burg Mrs WilUm is still at w ild- give you a ll necessary a d ­ T E R M S OF SALE — $20.00 and under cash, over A rthur Vanderzanden and broth- Anderson's farm north of Corne- vice and in fo rm a tio n r e ­ Mrs R,.s» Updike who has been six m onths time, bankable note. 8 '. interest, 2 ‘.' er Frank of the Tide W ater Tim ber lius. g a rd in g w h a t t h e F H A Co. of Astoria spent the w eek-end Threshing was at its peak in C or­ visiting her moth< i in Montana for ‘»H for cash Oil all sums over $20.00. with th eir parents. Mr. and Mrs nelius and vicinity last week and can do fo r Y O U . ' I I IV Z -I1 I I ▲ W f ll J. P. Vanderzanden. of Fairview . by the end of this week most of Mr and Mrs Jack Johnston and Zelbert B aker of Corvallis sp en t| it will be completed. the w eek-end w ith his mother. Rev. Ebert Substitutes H. A. KURATLI, A uctioneer J. J. WISMER, Clerk Mrs- E. B. Webb. Jack Hopson ot Rev. John Ebert supplied the M. A lbert Forest one day last week. Banks was also a visitor at Mrs. E. church pulpit Sunday in the ab- Mr. and Mrs Jack Johnston, Mr. Webb's home Sunday sence of Rev. C harles M. Reed. and Mrs George Laemerman vis- Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will who w ith his fam ily spent several ited Mr. and Mi J R. Hayden Webb near Yamhill for a few days days in Washington. ; of O rchardale Sunday, F o r Y o u r G ro w in g P o u ltry are Mr. and Mrs. William Webb iliss Myra W eidewitsch has re- W alter Jesse of Silver Falls vis- "Th* Largs*! Independent Bank and family of Sand Lake. turned from a two weeks' trip to ited his folks. Mr and Mrs. L. USE T H E BEST Mr. and Mrs. J. P. V anderzanden Yellowstone National park in com- Jesse, Sunday In Washington County" and son Robert left Friday m orn- pany w ith friends. Mr and Mrs. A bendroth and ing for Hoquiam. Wash., w here they Miss Blanche Finegan visited daughter of P ortland and William T ry our complete Dry Clean­ Hillsboro will spend a few days w ith th e i r 1 Miss Dorothy Samsel of Hillsboro Busse of Glenwood were here Sun- O re g o a ing and see w hat a big d if­ son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Edci Sunday. day- Mrs Abendroth taught this ference you w ill see in your Vanderzanden. A num ber from C ornelius attend- school in 1910 The Busse family Mr. and Mrs. W arner Cropp and ed the funeral services of Om ar often w alked from their home at suit. It will look like new Mrs. Cropp's father, Mr. Barber. Fendall at the Forest OrdVe M E. Glenwood to this community at- and feel the same way. visited friends in Scappoose Sun- church Wednesday afternoon. tending church services at the day. John O ppenlander and Clifton school house many years ago. D arrel B rady spent the w eek-end spent last week at the coast. ------------------------- at Agate Beach with Mr. and Mrs. p. R Dickinson, who is employed Made from choice home-grown grains and Rural B aker and son Dale. at Boise. Idaho, spent a few days highest grade concentrates. It will improve Mr. and Mrs. Louis Strohm ayer last week at his home here,