H IL L S B O R O Page Four lilllsborti^Ar o us W ith W k M i la C m b t a r i tha H llla k a ra Independent ■ illaborv A iy u s «stab. 1894 Hiltobaro Independent eatab. 187 J M r K IN N K Y A M e K IN N B Y , Pebllabera Published T h u n d e r . Entered * * aeeond-claas m a tte r In the pcetofftce a t H illsboro. Oregon V E R N E M e K IN N B Y Ed itor OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF M RS. B. C. M .-K 1N N G V Associate Editor W ASH I X .. 1 O S COI M l X ... ---- - Subscription Rate. S t r id •f ii C»ab In -- A4»«rr« W ith in W aahintrtoo Count» P er re a r — -------- »1 *< Six month« ----- • M E M R E R O regon State iito r ia l Association and atio n al E d ito ria l Aaa.n tion. S Outaide W ashington County V . S . per year .... — 33.00 Eorettrn countries — . S-W F in d Audited Paper Largc»t Audited W eek­ C irculation in Ore- ly T h e H illabor« Ar»ua aaaume» no fin a n cia l responsibility for errors published in its columns, but in ca»es where this paper to at fa u lt w ill re p rin t th a t p a rt of an advertisem ent in w h ic h the typographical nuatake occurs.________________________ A n Independent Newspaper, whose services and policies are base«! on t h e principle o f the Golden R u le.— "A n d as ye would that men should do to you. do ye also to them likewise. —M a tth e w T : l t . « = *= = = = = « = « = » = == = - Security Wage Much is being said about the “security wage” under the works progress admin­ istration and it is being condemned by- labor and unemployed groups. The whole plan was conceived by the Roosevelt ad­ ministration to help the unemployed, yet we have the spectacle of those whom it is intended to help parading in opposition and striking against the “security wage. ’ W. J. Patrick, president of the Nation­ al Economic Welfare Federation, e v e n went so far as to tell the Oregon labor federation that the “unemployed are of the unanimous opinion they won’t scab on the job. Some have tried it but they have been well taken care of, I believe. .The object of WPA, with its ‘security plan of wages, is to smash the American stand­ ards of wages, hours and other conditions of labor.” Such talk seems uncalled for and far from appreciative of wholesale efforts to improve the lot of unfortunate u n e m- ployed. The theory all along should have been useful projects based on the idea of “No Work, No Eat." When sincere ef­ forts are made to provide security it hard­ ly seems logical that they should be met with abuse. The government contends that to use the prevailing wage would defeat the pur­ pose of absorbing the unemployed and take them off the dole. That the $4.800,- 000 would not do the job. Maybe after all a system of dole, costing far less than the work progress plan, would be the easiest way out if security efforts are to be met with strikes and protest parades. We have always had a sincere sym­ pathy for those unable to secure employ­ ment and have contended that govern­ mental provision should be made for the unfortunates of the depression. Strikes by the unemployed against the efforts to help them, and talk, such as that by Pat­ rick, rather than helping have the tend­ ency to alienate that sympathy felt by most everyone. ARGUS, P. T. A. School of Inst ruction Next IKccA; at Aloha The World Sorrows The whole world is shocked at the death of Will Rogers. America’s great humorist, and the famous aviator. Wiley Post, who were killed in an airplane acci­ dent in Alaska last Thursday. Rogers writ­ ings ami his work in pictures were whole­ some and beneficial to millions. Pertinent comments of Will Rogers in bis daily news­ paper articles had a punch ami his fre­ quent humorous attacks on the great and near great were also to the point ami so fashioned that they hail little comeback. With a homely saying he could sum up a political and economic situation t It a t would be very much to the point. Truly the world has lost a great and loveable citizen and for this it mourns. The death of hardly anyone else in the world could have been felt as keenly by people in all walks of life. General Martin. Sheriffs Connell ami Pratt of Washington and Multonmah coun­ ties. respectively, and other officials were condemned in resolutions passed at the meeting of the state federation of labor for their actions during the lumber strike. They charged these officers with “official tyranny" by interfering with picketing. Well, if doing one's duty as an official in permitting citizens their American rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happi­ ness and the preventing of beat-ups by- gangs during such affairs i s “official tyrannv” there should be more of it. Although not up to desires of many as to old age pensions the social security measure has been enacted by congress and signed by the president. It should af­ ford a sense of security never before thought of in this country and will make for greater happiness and contentment. In the untimely death of Omar Fendall at Forest Grove that city and the state have lost a splendid and outstanding citi­ zen. He was one of the county's most prominent and active citizens. Mr. Fendall was an active church man and a leader in civic and community affairs. He was a man whom the community could ill af­ ford to lose in the prime of life. Thui-iuluy, August 22, H IL L S B O R O , O R E G O N Will Rogers Carried today, on wings of death. There passed the soul of a man. Few there are, who passing, leave Such chasm for us to span. A chasm of lonely, aching years, Devoid of his kindly smile. We try to grasp at reality, Incredulous, the while. A nation sought his council. The world was friend to him. The pauper and the king, alike, Join in his requiem. A man who loved the simple things. Abhoring sham and greed: His temple, nature’s solitude; The golden rule, his creed. z His soul too big for petty things, He loved to fly in God’s pure air. He flew- so near “the other side,” ’Twas better landing, “over there.” —RUTH COFFEE HILLIS. (C o pxriitht. 19.151 mission Wednesday evening amt will be investigated under the di­ rection of that group V II Stan bery, consultant for ttie state plan ning board, and a representative of the WPA staff attended the »s sion Projects subm itted were as fol­ lows: Im proving grounds at Heed vllle school; new (lienwood bridge; improving building at Hock Creek school; gymnasiums foi lliteon, C ar­ ton, Gaston union high and Cot nelms schools, addition Io Cooper Mountain school; new road to Beav­ erton reservoir; new Metzger water system; W underlich canyon roud; d ea lin g and landscaping Mct/ge? park, rei>ulrs Forest Grove sewer; installing Forest Grove street Signs; const ruction overflow Hue from reservoir to Gules Creek for Forest Grove; Cornelius p a r k ; repairs llazvldale school; drainage Hose- dale school; general repairs Me Ktnlcy, Scoggins and Dilley schools; ami extension of Hillsboio sewer sy stem. Bequest that the county comm it­ tee he given technical advisors io conduct the investigation of p ro ­ jects subm itted for its approval was made during t h e meeting Tuulatln Valley Flood Control pro­ gram was also discussed. Pomona Grangers I Told Animal Picnic Washington cuuiity 1'iuniuiu giuugu picnic ut Avalon pat k ncur Tigard whs attended by uppiuxlinulely |:,n grangers .Sunday afternoon. Huy llcw ltt, Salem iitlnincy, was (It,. principal speaker. Plans fur the Washington county grunge council meeting in Hillsboro on Sepleuiber 2ft were announced Tigard grunge officials also an nonneed iheir picnic Ihls Sunday ut Tigard's park. A school ol instruction for W ash­ ington County P urent-Teacher «*- soeiution officers und member« will bo held Tuesduy, August 27, 10 a in. to 3 p. ni. at Aloha Grange hall Luncheon will be sei ved at noun by the ladies of the Aloha (.«range Home Economics’ club, at the usual price. The local presidents have re ­ ceived their packets, and a special Mirth« group for presidents wilt study the Matthew» To Mr. and Mr« F. A subject “How To Use the Packet.'* M atthews uf Aloha, August h i , Comm ittee chairm en a n d other Kill. members will study. How To Help the President Use the Packet." Honored tin A im lvrrsarlrs— State officers, including Mis Wil About dll friends of Mr». T hom .,. liam K let/cr, president. Mis C. W McCourt mid of Mr. u n d Mi Walls, headquarters aide, Mrs L Italph Scott tendered them u «ur l> C ourtw right, membership, Mrs prino last Wednesday evening ut O liver C row ther, publicity, a n d Pilgrim lloiiiic, the occasion being Mrs. Sam Hellah, P T. A. maga the blrthduy unnlvcrnury of Mis" zine, will conduct the institute McCourt mid the wedding annivci ■ Som e’ interesting work for the snry of Mr. mid Mr». Scott. Fea­ state convention at Medford in O c­ tures of the evening were a b irth ­ tober will be carried out. publicity day march mid the renew al of wed records und m aterials will b e ding vow». The honor guests re ­ shown, and Mrs. Sam Hellah will ceived remembrances. Mi» 8coti bring something new to the coun- 1» a buti .o drueoness unit prcsldi n t ' cil. The new m em bership plan will of Pilgrim Guild. be explained. Two attendance aw ards will be Mrs. Rutledge Ilonorrd— given: One to the local having the Brush and gross fire near the A blrthduy surprise party was largest per cent of m em bership Durhuin quarry powder house Tues Kiven for Mrs Joe Kullerlge on present, and one for the largest o f 'm c ^ c r , a ll e n d b ir q w Ä l o l t i onslderable August 12 ui Iho home of her apprehension t o county officials mother, Mrs. K Straw . The evi institute Fifty pound» of dynam ite In the ning was spent In playing cards Officers of P. T. A. county coun­ house was moved to safety us were cil met last week ut the home of 100 dynam ite caps. IteshliiRle that leaky roof with I Mrs. Allen Knight. president, For- The fire was brought under con the famous Sntiler cedar shingle _ t trol during the ufternoon by a doz- 1 C arnation Lumber C o, exclusive instruction, In * the - VI1 nlt,„ „ fter it tmd covered approx­ •.ales agents. Fores! Grove. Phone . - and - other Items — I year’s work. Mrs W. E. '«lays, vlce- imately 10 acres. Cause of the blaze 20 27 ! president of N orth Plains; Mrs. C was not determined. | It. M artin of G arden Home, vlce- I president; Mrs. T. F. Metcalf. Dur- SEED CONTRACTS I ham, secretary, w ere present. Be­ If you want to grow Peas und cause of moving from the county, Vetch on contract see us now’ Mrs Metcalf resigned us secretary, I and Mrs. C. II. Ebelmesser of D ur­ A. 51 HAND NEED CO.. Inc ham was elected by the board to Holstcin-Fricsinn association of 707 N E. Union Ave fill the vacancy. | America is aw arding n book en- Portland Oregon Commlttee chairm en were e le c t-1 , Holstein-Friesian H isto ry ' ed by the board us follows: Mem­ to each boy or girl winning first bership, Mrs. C arl Sande, Forest place in the Holstein classes nt the W K l,K A L I N k K A L KK TA TK Grove, progruni, Mrs. Paul P atter­ county fair, according to L. E W rit« son, Hillsboro; recreation and m us­ Francis, assistant county agent The F ir« «nS A u l.it,tu liu u ra n r« ic, Mrs. George Hite, Sherwood; book is a history of the introduc-; M «k« t^ m iu «1,4 I M U tll« « - B u r » ,» Bun4a hospitality. Mrs. Carl Diebold, For­ tlon of the breed In Anivrlcu and WISMER ** est Grove, parent education. Mrs. throughout tha wurld; the fam ilies1 KURATLI H lll-a ilO K O . OREGON W E. Mays, North Plains; health of the breed; and the personalities who contributed to its establish­ T«lM>tun« lt » l 111« b u i « l g|. and sum mer round up. Mrs. M. V. Jackson, North Plains; finance and ment. It contains over four hundred budget, Mrs. Hogers, Tim ber; pub­ illustrations. The Holstein show Is one of the lications. Mrs Jucokcs Shuts; pub­ licity, Mrs. R P Rasmussen, Alohu; strongest dairy cattle shows ut the legislation and juvenile protection, county fair. Last year there were 32 head of Holsteins shown by club B ritt Nedry, Tigard. I'hotto i»53 Hilluboro boys and this year a larger number FUNRBAL IHRKCTOKN will be shown. and LICENNKD F.MHAI.MFKN l ire Endangers Powder Magazine --- ---- ----- -------- — — - SIIV IIIV IVII3 HIIM VI XX»«»” Holstein Association Plans Fair Awards at Port Angeles and Seattle, Wash . | C olo, visited Mr. Riem enschnelder's and Victoria and Vancouver, B. C. cousins. Misses Linda and Mary Mesdames H. K. Lucas and Fred Koch. H F. and E. L. Koch of Fir- I Jensen, and Dr. S kinner of Bend. dale and F. H. Koch of Cornelius, Mr. and Mrs. B. R Pooley, Mr and and others at Forest Grove this Mrs. C. H. Emmott and Mrs. George week. The visitors w ere much im- qf P ortland visited Mr Pres^cd w ith Oregon Miss Linda Many friends join in extending sym­ Thompson and Mrs H R Emmott and Mr Koch accom panied the visitors to pathy to the Bechen family in the death and Mrs. John Hare Sunday. Lincoln beaches Monday of tne husband and father, John Bechen, Mrs. J. B. Dinsmore and Mrs A Raymond Wilson, who has been a substantial and worthwhile citizen. He O. P itm an attended the tea at t h e ' visiting his aunt. Mrs Alfred Bur- A brtdal shower was given for [ home of Mrs. C harles McNary near by, in Iowa for the past f o u r made a real success of the farming busi­ Salem Thursday afternoon, to raise months, returned home Wednesday Mrs. Harold Williams (nee F lor­ ness in his more than 30 years of resi­ funds for the M cLoughlin home at i and is a guest of his grandparents. ence I.ogani of Aurora at the home Hearing Involvin'! the protest uf Gas Pains and Indigestion victims, i Mr. and Mrs J. Nicodemus. He of Sam Logan by her aunts. Mrs. the Oregon-W ashington Water Sei v why su ffe r' For quick relief from dence in this county. Quiet and reserved, Oregon City. was accompanied from Portlnnd by Lee Logan and Mrs. Alvah Logun, [ ice company uguinsl u reduction of stomach distress due to excess acid, Mrs. H. L. M acKenzie and sons Mr. Bechen had many true friends. I hydrant charges in the city of 7 reducing the charge intense family love and interest in Japan, George Johansen of the shoe daughter Mary Ellen of Eugene wa» decorated in ulnk und w hite «¿opted recently by the city saying that even if a sixth cousin were departm ent at Weil's has returned are guests of Mr. and Mrs. John v with A. ith a •» center 4« .»it .r » piece i r pink u roue.«. council of , « under the home rule amend* a week's vacation in Southern Kanina J r and Mr. and Mrs E I out of work other members of the family j after a bride’s cake of the same col- , « .u , Donelson. Mrs Kamna is a daugh­ and i - X ' n ...... .i"“ ; » - e would give him shelter and help. That is Oregon. P au l Seligman spent the week- ter ol Mr and Mrs. Mertz. far different from the congressman, who ' end at the home of his daughter. Mrs Cecil Jones of San Jose, „ ga° .. J „ I the $3.50 rate per month previouslv Present were Mesdamcs F D was upheld in an opinion by the receives $10,000 a year, and admits that Mrs. Elmer Smith, at Hoquiam, Cal., left for her home Monday aft- Logan. William Smith, E. B. Watts, slate suprem e court ter a w eek's visit here w ith her his parents and four brothers are on the Wash. with the purchase H. V. Dyer. O. A. McLeod. D. Sus- In case the utility commissioner uncel, C harles Evans, and the F. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cornelius and relief rolls. bauer, K. Harneckcr, C. E. Dyer, rules against the city, ordinance ! Cal Jack and Miss H ettie Jack W. Heintz family. She was re tu rn ­ uf a E. B urkhalter. O D augherty and may be referred to the voters and spent the w eek-end at Newport and ing home from a trip to Iowa. small daughters, and Jessie Smith; ! a favorable vote would mean ttuit DePoe Bay. Mr and Mrs. Fred Holznagel and Misses Berniece Logan, Leona and the reduced rute would prevail The political “claptraps” are mong the Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bath of A n­ family and Mr and Mrs J. N Wiley M argarite Colvin of Aurora, Evelyn t If the grass, weeds and brush continue country’s greatest liabilities. One can hear I selmo, and family returned the last of Neb., arrived Saturday for a Doris Logan, and Messrs. Sam, j to grow at the Hillsboro cemetery and no or read their sayings most every day and visit w ith th eir aunt, Mrs. J. W. the week from a camping vacation and Lee, Alvah and Louie l.ogan, Ken- [ a t Rippling Waters. Maier. effort is made to clean up the condition, Oregon has its share. ncth and Donald Logan. Mrs. Paul Patterson and Georgia Three pieces of Federal Mr. and Mrs Robert Watts of residents of the community will have to and Paul Jr., and Mrs. Ada Patter P ortland visited Mr. and Mrs. E School Bond Issue at t hip-proofed Htainlexa hang their heads in shame. It will be a Annual picnic of the Washington B. Watts and Mr. and Mrs. O rin : s°n w ere guests at luncheon Friday reflection on the entire community if such at the A. Robinson home at Lake D arety of N orth Plains Friday. enamelware. B eaverton Loses A gain county post. Veterans of Foreign Wars, and A uxiliary will be hel l a condition is permitted to continue. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Coman and Mrs. Grove. BEAVERTON—By a vote of 171 Sunday nt HipplinK W aters |>ark Dr. H. D. Huggins performed a to 142 local voters Monday defeated Coman's mother. Mrs. L. M. Phil- Various local people have grown old : lips of Portland, spent the w eek­ tonsil operation Tuesday morning the $25.000 bond issue for construc­ coffee, cream und sugar will be fu r­ Fifteen Years Ago nished and picnickers are asked to and weary in their efforts to secure the for Cecilia Bowden and for Helen tion of a new grade school The end at Seaside. A ugust 12, 1920—Josiah West, 89, one of Cyrus on Wednesday morning at first election in Ju ly resulted In bring well-filled lunch baskets. M odel Y $ 59.95 co-operation of l o t owners, relatives, th e Argus, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Whiddon and Progrum of interest to all v e t- ' most w idely known of Oregon dairym en and Jones hospital. an adverse vote but some votes cruns friends, citizens and fraternal groups in a pioneer and their friends is being of 1855, w ho settled n ear Hillsboro, died daughter spent the week-end in M odel W $ 79.95 C laribel Wiley, daughter of Dr. were contested and the second P ortland at the J. P. Anderson maintaining these hallowed grounds in a August 10. and Mrs. D. E. Wiley, underw ent election was obtained by petition prepared by t h e committee i n I home. charge Preparations are under the County court buys big steam shovel for coun- way that is not a discredit. Why cannot Ask for demonstration. Mr. and Mrs. O rville D. Vokum a tonsil operation at St Vincent's Whole cost of a new school, as direction of P erry L. Batchclar. T hospital i n Portland Wednesday proposed, would have been $45.000. we make one more effort in the hopes of ,y use. ! of John Day were Sunday guests C. D arnell and R. A. Allison O. T. McWhorter, recent county agricultural morning. an expected federal grunt providing EASY TERMS bringing success? Will not some leader, agent at Montesano, Wash., has been nam ed Wash­ of Ju d g e and Mrs. Donald Temple- Mrs. Ola Hanson, who has been a portion. interested in the welfare of the commu­ ington county agent to succeed Neil Jam ison, re ­ , ton. visiting Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jo h n ­ Mr. and Mrs. H A. K uratli and nity and a proper care of these grounds, signed. son, returned Monday to Portland Threshers start turn in g out grain. W inter w heat daughters spent Sunday with Mr. and will leave soon for Minnesota volunteer to hepd up the efforts. and «Mrs. Abe Stoller at Bethany. averages from 25 to 50 bushels per acre. to continue her lecture tour. Mrs. Anna Hofmann returned W ashington County M erchants' association formed A drive past there on the highway will Second A m erican-Japanese s t u ­ and Mrs. W. G. H are visited w ith J. H. G arrett as-president, O mar Fendall, vice- T hursday from a week's visit w ith her Mr. brother-in-law dent conference In Portland re- and sister, Mr convince anyone of the need for action. (Continusd fn>m pa«« on»i president; J. A. Black, secretary, and Mr. O'Neill : friends at Astoria and Rainier. cently was discussed at the Rotary and Mrs. William Will, at B rem er­ of Banks, treasurer. Dorothy K uratli spent the w eek­ ton. Wash., last week and w ent on et vir. dismissal; Joseph Ollln vs. club luncheon Thursday by Daviil Carlson & Sherk company, dis­ Wilson of Portland. He said the R eport has it th at a big radio com pany wishes end w ith her cousin, Beverly Zah- to Victoria, B. C. missal; Liquidation Bank of B eav­ to locate along the T ualatin river, near Hillsboro, 1 ler, in Portland. Housing problem has become a serious for Mrs. G race Todd, employed in erton, order to sell bond, order to plan was conceived a year ago by ' the purpose of installing a big w ireless plant. Mr and Mrs. R H. Kelly visited the secretary of state's office at sell real estate, authorizing settle­ the Jftpaneac students In an effort one in Hillsboro as in many other places friends and relatives at Waldport Salem, visited her parents, Mr. and ment of bonds, order to make set­ to understand the viewpoint of the Thirty Years Ago two peoples. throughout the country. Depression years | this week. Mrs. C. F. McFadden, Sunday. tlem ent of Godard claim; Hilda S. Next iluor to Venetian theater August 17, 1905—Thomas S. Wilkes, for­ Robert Burlingame, chairman. In­ Mr. and Mrs. C. E. M ariner and have cut down on the normal building to m er Argus, Olsen vs. August W Olsen, d e ­ Mrs. R. W. Cox returned F rid a / vited Rotarians to be nt his place county surveyor, refuses $10,000 for his interest fam ily attended the dairy co-op Hillsboro fault; J. H Westcott Jr. vs. Carl evening from a two weeks' visit such an extent that people report great in his patent cash register. next Sunday afternoon to see some picnic at Jantzen beach Sunday. Open until 9 F. M. w ith Mr. Cox at Winthorp, Wash , ^ w V ts o n vx Alice A ^ A n d e ^ m 'e " ^ ' " ¿ ’ ri'geons return to his home difficulty in securing modern homes. Per­ Hillsboro's future looks promising. City of sev­ Every Saturday Night Mr. and Mrs. John McLeod of and relatives at Wenatchee. haps the rent situation will have to change eral thousand visioned. default, decree; Ina M. Frost Beaverton visited Sunday of last W. H Ijjerdorff returned S atu r­ al, A rgus asks th at Joe Meek day be set at the Sam Frost, default, decree; and week at the O. A. McLeod home. somewhat to stimulate building, for own­ Lewis & C lark fair. day night from The Dalles, w here vs. William E. L. Brown vs. Robert L Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Searcy and he attended the American Legion Moore ers say people are not willing to pay for Ex-Senator Huston of Hillsboro Out for nom in­ ct al, dismissal. children spent the week-end at convention. the better houses. Meanwhile Hillsboro, in ation to succeed Binger Herm ann of congress. Probate orders w ere Issued in Long Beach, Wash. Robert W hitelaw of Seattle was Word comes that a new tow n is to be platted the last two weeks, has been known to on the D. Hilts place, near th e Roy school house, Miss Alice Schulm erich spent the a guest the last of the week of his the estates of Mary E. P atton,.E rick Discussion of the proposed Hills- N ew 1935 Laura A. Snider, Ellen boro sewer project was condurted have lost at least one family because of w here the railw ay will have a station and sidetrack. week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Percy parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jam es White- Sundberg, H udson-B uilt C. Davidson, Dell Davidson S in­ in Portland Saturday by C. C ' law. inability to locate a good place here and Practically all the grading on Tillamook line Jones at Yamhill. clair, August Specht. Herman Schui- Hockley, acting regfonnl engineer Mrs. H. A. Girod and daughters merich, Mae G. Mabry, H erbert A. for the public works adm inistra­ Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Barney and this family preferred to live here. Others contracted to Banks. Noah Jobe, pioneer of 1845, died at fam ily children visited friends in St. H el­ Dorothy and Jean of Portland are Hubbert, Guy C. McCormic, Bern- tion, and three city officers. Hills­ have been known to do the same thing homestead ens Sunday. visiting her sister, Mrs. A rthur 1 hard Sehweers, and C harles C lif­ boro was represented by Council- of town Tuesday. He w ent through and the rivalry over houses is such that th e Cayuse west w ar of 1847-48 and later w ent to the ford Smith. G uardianship order was men J. O Robb and J M Person Mrs. George W. Handsaker spent Reiling, this week. C alifornia gold fields in 1849. friendships are often endangered. Monday and Tuesday in Portland Elm er Johnson and Robert Coll­ issued for Sumuel K uratli. and City Manager George McGee. on business. yer of Palo Alto, Cal., students at McGee attended the district eon-1 I V. I. Megargel of G rants Pass ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. H arry Delivered here. Stanford university, arc visiting at ference of county and municipal j Miss Evelyn Haworth returned I companied her as far as Crescent R utquist of Portland. j the E. L. Johnson home this week. officials nt McMinnville Friday eve- 1 Tuesday from a week's stay with City, Cal. 1935 T errap lan e Sedan ning. Mr. and Mrs. H enry David of Miss Virginia Bestone of Portland. Mrs. P aul Patterson, Mrs. Ada Built-in trunk, demonstra­ Mr. and Mrs. A. B. S hort and Forest G rove w ere guests of Mr. Mr and Mrs. B. W. Barnes re ­ Patterson and Georgia and Paul Davis Goes East ' fam ily of P ortland were guests and Mrs. G. W. H andsaker last turned Thursday from a week at Jr. visited Bonneville dam Wed­ tor, perfect condition, low Fourth of July celebration com ­ Leon S. Davis, personnel m an­ Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. F. Aben- Thursday. The occasion was Mrs Oceanlake. nesday of last week. m ittee of Hillsboro Firem en’s asso­ ager nt the county SERA office, mileage, liberal discount. droth. Velma Abendroth. who had David's birthday. W D. Nickle of Madoc, Ontario, ciation, which sponsored the loenl Dr and Mrs. H. D. Huggins re- left Monday night for Mitchell, S. j been visitin" in Portland, re tu rn ­ Mrs. Theresa A bendroth, who had , turned Sunday from a week's stay Canada, visited a few days last celebration this year, met with D., on business. He expects to re- i Mrs Cora Cochran, who has been ed home with them. week w ith his nephew, J. N. Wiley, m em bers of the city council and i turn In about a week. spending the summer with her p ar­ been visiting the past m onth with [ at Nelscott. and family. few others Fridny night at the Blue ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baker, Mr. and Mrs. E K. Burton and her son, Adolph A bendroth, and Mr. and Mrs. Hallie Ireland and near Corvallis Brrtved home S atu r­ sons Ju n io r and Jack of Marshfield family in Portland, retu rn ed home Ju n e visited Mr. and Mrs. A. But- Roy Fleshm an of LaGrande vis­ Facie cafe to review the 1935 cele­ If you change your address kind­ 1929 P lym outh Coach bration und discuss plans for hold­ ly notify the Argus direct and nt day Mrs. Cochrane came down to w ere week-end guests of Mrs. B u r­ Sunday. terw orth at Vadis Friday evening. ited Rev. R. L. Putnam Sunday. $ 1 8 5 .0 0 ing future celebrations. move her household furniture, and ton's sister, Mrs. Viola Sundberg. once. tf Mrs. Lois Walworth spent F ri­ Mrs. Bessie McCoy and son and Miss Betty Joan Kramien is vis­ will retu rn to Corvallis next week They came up to attend the Sund- Financial report revealed a fi­ day at Albany. Mrs. Callie Dailey of Laurel spent iting her aunt, Mrs. F. Baughman, to take care oi her father, who is berg-Hogan wedding. nancial success and the proceeds 1927 C hevrolet Pick-up the w eek-end w ith Mrs. E. J. at Newberg for a week or more. will be placed in a fund to back ill. Mr. a rd Mrs. Ja k e Weil and fam ­ Peterson. $ 6 8 .0 0 W inifred Wiley is a guest this the event in coming years. It was Mrs. L P. Stranalian spent last ily returned last Sunday from a Indicated that this fund would be Mrs. William Moore and Mrs. N. week of Janice Cordova in P o rt­ week at Salem while her daughter. two weeks’ vacation at Spokane land. built up to meet any emergencies Mrs. Elwln Barham, and two and Liberty Lake, Wash. While in V. Nelson of P ortland visited Mrs. 1926 Ford R oadster such as had w eather and to provide daughters visited Mrs. C harles Wait Spokane the Weils visited Mr. Nelson's sister, Mrs. E. J. Peterson, Mr and Mrs. E. E Crouder (N et­ $ 3 5 .0 0 (Continued from pnue on«) for the holding of u real Wash­ Tuesday. at Newport. Mr Stranahan and Weil's sister, Mrs. M. M. Cohen. tie Lintonl left Wednesday for a year there will be approxim ately ington county celebration and home­ Summer activity and re­ Mrs. Doris Jacobson drove to New­ week’s vacation at DeLake. Mrs. B ertha Johnson of Mosier 20 head of hogs and 40 head of 1929 Indian Scout “4 5 ” sistance against heat are Polly Melhulsh returned home port Sunday and Mrs. Stranalian Misses Berniece, Evelyn and D or­ sheep. A class for w ether sheep coming each year. this week for a visit with All expressed the belief that the retu rn ed home with them from Monday from a w eek's stay at arrived $ 1 1 0 .0 0 tests of your child’s stam- is Logan spent a week in Portland has been added to the premium her son-in-law and daughter, Mr firemen should be given the priv­ Oceanside with her grandparents, Salem. visiting relatives and friends. ina! The child whose sum­ and Mrs. R. J. Scearce. list. ilege of carrying on with the cele­ Mr. and Mrs. H. E. LaBare, of S t 1929 Indian Scout “4 5 ” Mrs. Emma Oliver, form erly of Mrs. E. M Tompkins of Caldwell, In the poultry division, classes bration as they did this year, tine Miss Dorothy Snyder, clerk at mer diet is for the major Hillsboro, and Mrs, Fred Willis of Helens. Idaho, visited at the home of her for White Leghorns, Barred Rocks. speaker said the success was due $ 1 0 5 .0 0 Goar's Woman's Shop, who has been part our pure milk, is a Mrs. J, W. Sm uck and children. P ortland left for Los Angeles Sun­ Rhode Island Reds, ducks and tu r­ to the spirit the firem en put in­ ill, is spending the week with her cousin, J. W. Price, this week. day to visit th eir sister, Mrs W. II Betty and Robert, returned Friday sister Expert Repair Work and healthy child. at Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Butler of E lk­ keys have been provided. Rabbit to it. Scott. They are stopping at Mon­ i to their home in Seattle, Wash., Electrical Repairs at arid milk goat exhibits are expected ton visited Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Need for park improvements was Mr. and Mrs. J. M orris Booth of tague. Cal., visiting friends for a i after two weeks’ visit with her Reasonable Prices. to be about the same. cited by several speakers. Portland w ere dinner guests Inst Lentz Thursday. few days and w ill also go to the sister. Mrs. C harles L. Walker. There have been a few outstand­ Q uart Wednesday evening of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. F. Koberstein of NEW AUTEX BATTERIES San Diego fair before they return. C. R Worrell, Mrs. R uth McAllis­ Mrs. F. Abendroth. Portland visited at the A. W. L ent: ing handicraft clubs in the county Built by Willard Mr. and Mr». H. E. S taples spent ter and daughter Marion, and Miss during the past year, conscequently $3.95 und your old battery Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kennedy home Sunday. Jean G ollershrude of G ray's River, several good handicraft exhibits the w eek-end at Tillam ook. Mrs. Anna K irk of Weil's store is are expected. of Dallas. Texas, w ere guests last Mrs. M attie B ertoli left Tuesday Wash., visited Mr. and Mrs. L. C. week of Mr. K ennedy’s uncle and aw ay on her annual vacation. Phone 2104 for h er home in O akland, Cal., all I Lomax Tuesday. (Venetian ticket, S. A. Nedrow, Mr. and Mrs. George Riemen- Total of 22 proposed Washington O ur classified columns may have Mr and Mrs. T. G. Bronleew e aunt, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Bryant. sr spending the sum m er w ith Mi Route 1, Hillsboro) IÄ2 3rd Ave. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. B onar left schneidetCtnd daughter Jeanne and just w hat you are looking for— county WPA projects were pre­ Phone 21W ind Mi«. Donald M egargel. She ! left Monday for a w eek's vacation tf sented to the county planning com- leaches school in O akland. Mrs. j at Vancouver, B. C. They w ere ac­ Monday for a tw o w eeks’ vacation H arry Leach of n e a r Denver, Read them. Donclson ÔC Sewell Bridal Shower Given Thursday Protest Hearing —— ———— ——— of Company Held STOMACH ULCERS Free.. A Leader Needed ZENITH V. F. W. Post Plans Outing on Sunday Washer ... ’10 00 Justice Court Here Reports Busy Week Rotarians H ear of Student Sessions BRISTOL HARDWARE COMPANY Details Sewer Plan Studied by Hock lev TERRAPLANE A. h. ,73g Social News of Local Folk and Their F riends Firemen, Others Talk Celebration USED CARS 4-H Club Groups Plan Fair Exhibits - Mothers 10c Planning Body Gets McFall Jersey Diiiry 22 County Projects Thomas S. Sholes ’