t H IL L S B O R O Page Ten AR G U S, H IL L S B O R O . OREGON Thuraduy, A ukuh I 22, I9;i|\ to Merton Smith of Portland The I kalsomining, underpinning, floors, Dollars, to me directed and oates home w ere Mr and M rs County Engineer and Roudinuster born, Washington County, Oregon. TIGARD — R ichard F. Gleason, the north line uf the said Shorb (Continued from i>»s« on») i to add Io the treatm ent plant as N. H. Toates celebrated their thir- | N „ Toates j r . am i S teve Flam- W. Harney says considerable ' sell ut public auction (subject to owner of Gleason Motor company Mills company and others from the the population increased. Such an J progress tract, thence N «11 32' W 2112II ty-seventh wedding a n n iv e rs a ry ,an ci p ortiand Is living made on the pro­ redemption) to the highest bidder of Tigard, pilot for United Air Seattle federal district court asking I extension under his proposal w ould gram for rocking unim proved roads feet to a point In Her Creek A ugust 11 with a picnic dinner at ______________ lines, fell to his death early Sun- for a tem porary injunction against be comparatively simple lie stated and taking people out of the mud ‘ for cash in huud, all the right, title «from w hich point a witness their home. Present w ere Mr. and ’ und interest which the ubqve mini- day morning from an eighth-floor the wheal; processing tax Counctlincn discussed the a d - dock is being taken out by steam iron hears S 88 32’ E 196 feet) Mrs. It. Caswell and children of \ allC V 1 Olli* S t'tS i ed defendants, and each and all oi window of a hotel at Salt Lake Majoi A D. Hadley, adjustm ent i visabilltv ,,f eiiteniij' into a e o n thence S. 2“ 34' W 248 1 f«>et to Milwaukie, Mr. and Mrs. K E. Fox | / shovel for the roads rather than City Definite cause for the plunge adm inistration attorney at S an F ran - „ , u.t KcM, v.-t e. ‘ iinrtei- wWcn crushed, and Engineer Harney says them had on the 9th day of June. an Iron pipe; thence N 88“ 48- and daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Hyatt was lacking, it was said The win- cisco, « vs hat the decision estab- engllux.r would butld the plant it makes a fine base m aterial Finer 1927, or ut any lime have since ae- W 2303 3 feet to tho pluco of Eileen and Donald Drugan of P ort­ dow of G .......... leasons room was raised hsltes in <» the ju r i s - , l a und , reat Uu, city jt . a sew scwage nt an an rock for surfacing will be put on i ipiued, und, or now have in and t • beginning, c o n ta in in g 35 383 land, Frank lanu, rra n K Mast, aiasu Ed a and n u n Leslie w uv (Continued from n w on«t □........................ ------ the - luw - .» entire ; .......... n d tre a t the age nt Kecnon Lester and Irwin Schlegel. ] fu st If the field is saved for seed. ** far as possible and a small r.i die ion of the ninth circuit court al)nual |ce Melubl.ls ll{ the when funds are available. This the following bounded and described ; acres, Lloyd Willis and Elmer Hergert irrigation insures plenty of mois- d '° a,,d stand which us ly are including v legon, California, Wash- however, favored city ow nership method saves 80 cents a cubic real properly lying, being and sit­ Ito satisfy the hereinbefore men uated in the County of Washing 1 tinned sums und for the coals and Mr. and Mrs. C arl C hristener of ture for filling the seed The sec- placed m front of the wind» » w ere ington. Nevada. Idaho. Montana ;1I)d t .,,y M anager ager George George McGee yard, lie said j ton. State of Oregon, and more cxiicnscs of suld sale and of said North Plains visited Fred Keller ,>nd hay crop is now ready for moved to one side. It is thought and Arizona and opens for releas- was instructed to prepare a plan Roads being im proved in this th at he had - gone to the window , ! ing $834,000 Sunday afternoon. harvesting this year and prob — c.v. will „ K. w , . im pounded in the Los . I and estim ate costs for use of For- way include the Knight and Cut ' particularly described as follows, writ. Calvin Corey left Sunday to spend h.bly make two and a half-tons to f° r air and had lost his bal- Angeles and San Francisco federal Kwter-a plal„. ler roads near Dilley, road bet w ee) to-wlt: Said sale will be m ade subject _ ___ T -» _______ .1_ _ i ___ .. . . ......... anno» COlirtS. llelug a part of the N E 'r of the week in Portland visiting his ;he aere. Sim ilar results were ob- ance. Blooming to Fern Hill school, Prior to the discussion of the to redem ption as per Hie statute,, Gleason was a veteran of several 11 was pointed out that th e ■ Dlunt McUtv urest'iitod Goetze road on top of Iowa Hill. relatives. tamed last year. Sec. 7 and the NW1« of Sec 8 of the State of Oregon. plant. M cuet p itstu te d Mrs. C. I. Williams and Mrs. W. ,, thousand hours in the air and was decision will assist in "beating 16 a suggested T 1 N. K. 4 W. Beginning at a The alfalfa crop responded to ir outline for finuncing Delplanebe road near Roy and the Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, thia . . . . . . to the a regular pilot for the mail a n d . ln ju ”c’,u’!is against the tax already the various units of the proposed road that comes out by the Alex S. Hahn left Monday morning by rigation in a sim ilar manne stone und Iron ut the center of 22nd duy of August, A. D. 1933 was ene of . passenger plane to Salt Lake City v r”,nH ~ , * nK*’ CS “” d eigh‘ system. This schedule wus con­ Chalm ers place. bus for San Francisco, w here they red clover. Thornburgh w Sec. 7 T. t N. R 4 W Will a _ _____ of a group A of m oan rrancisco. w ill be met by Tom Robertson, the first to install irrigation o n ! J W CONNELL, Sheriff of Wash­ M cr. Washington County, O re­ was fined to a total of $101,200, taking | Bridge above Sherm an's mill that w ho will take them to his ranch his farm and now has the largest : >’°ung men who started flying to- ington County, Oregon Thus. II gon, and running thence along advantage of the expected federal went down a few weeks ago was at Simi, Cal. They expect to be project in the countv. I Ketner. He opened his garage in Tongue, J r , A ttorney for Plain opened to traffic Monday. the west line of the NEt« of grant. gone about two months. , , , , . j Tigard las^ year w ith the expecta* tiff. 27.31 said Section 7, N. 1“ 84' W 561 3 G eneral obligation bonds total W arrens farm ts located th r e e , tlo„ of gradually re tlring from the School to O pen NOTICE OI SHERIFF’S SALE OI feet to an Iron; thence S. 110- miles tow ard Forest Grove fro m . r» ing $33.302 50 were proposed to fi­ 28 E. 3253.2 feet to a point In Harrison grade school will start the Thornburgh place and is one o f! .,' 1 '¡. ,,, .i, ,r '■>/ hi* I , nance the treatm ent plant and tiic REA L I’llO I’ERTV ON EORE- ( 1 .O S I R E Septem ber 9. with Miss Leila Peter- the most diversified projects in the ” , ' the center of County Road No. £C.'nllnue.l from pane on») outfall from the plant to the T u a l- i cal business. 30 (from which point an Iron unlike, twins nearest 30 years of a, ln river. This im provem ent would In the Circuit Court of the State Bride-Elect Honored of Oregon, for W ashington Coun­ pipe bears N. 89“ 20’ W 30 ft I; , aSe. boy and girl tw ins looking of general benefit to the entire Miss Charlene Cuniss of Portland ! 10 years ago but intensive use i Y our Chance to Get a ty thence along center of said road is spending the week with M rs of w ater was not begun until 1934 A shower w as held Friday eve- most alike, best looking boy and I eity. Assessment« under the plan J. 11. Wescott, Jr., Plaintiff, S (I 3(1 W. 204 7 feel, s a id One centrifugal pump powered S,ng »‘ «»e home of Mrs. D elw in , girl twins, girl tw ins looking m o st' would amount to $87.897.50, he said. Floyd Stovall. vs. point being the NE corner of Danlels “ " L ''. i " ln s4 d.rvsscd .m os' allke' a» al'd ' Churchill, Executrix of the Last Will and Testam ent of Jam es WANT reliable girl to do some entered through the west entrance nurse crop. W ater from the same ied cra, , bank m em bers of may madc a, the Arglls offlcd south, by hour h «venue on the Churchill, deceased, Ira Post and j housework and help cure f o r at West Yellowstone and came out , Bankers. association. or w ith Mrs. H arry R. Morgan at ! cttslt and ,h.® ''““ roud ‘racks on the Jan e Doe Post, his wife, Defend­ small baby Room, board and some through the north entrance at pump is carried across a canyon , he Q in wood pipe and flume to another A i ^ g e delegation of local G range the 4-11 club building on the fair w,e‘"«, d u ants. G ardiner. Mont. They found the eight-acre wages SOU E. Lincoln St. 27 mixed grass pasture. membeA attended the annual Wash! I grounds. of $12,990 according to M cGees Notice Is hereby given, that by largest crowd in the park that had - I proposal. West side system w o u ld 1 A second centrifugal pump, pow- jngton County Pomona picnic at Committee in charge of the event virtue of an Execution, Decree and ; STAR touring ear for sale cheap, been there since the 1929 season. is pumping w ater Avalon park on the T ualatin river includes Mrs. Z. J Riggs, Mrs. Sam $15 585 for main trunks O rder of Sale issued out of and good shape 601 W. Baseline St., A lthough they saw cars bearing ered by tractor, ----------------------------- . . . ......................T nsend. M rs \ “ n d lts s h a r e u f of potatoes, most- _ Sunday. Picnics are planned for l „ Coy. Mrs. L. M ow Townsend. Mrs. a ? d 27p under the seal of the C ircuit Court Hillsboro. license plates from every state in - to a 15-acre field 50 and $8415 for intercepting sew­ of ly netted Gems. These were plant- every Sunday in the m onth and Reece Hathorn, Misses K athleen tho State of Oregon for Wash­ the union except three, they saw- ers. The east side would be assessed ington County on the 19th day of TYPEWRITER und adding machine ju st three cars from Oregon. They ed in the latter part of April and local people are having a hard Caldwell and Helen Stevens, $24,046 for sewers and $9207 f o r ! August, 1935, upon a judgm ent and j repairs Fred Roney, cure of A r­ also visited the capitols and their have been irrigated three Umes.! tim e to attend all. Tigard Grange the Tenth avenue trunk. The pres- [ 37l( decree rendered und entered th ere­ gus. cities of Idaho, Montana and W’ash- the last being the latter part of will hold its annual picnic Sundav ent district would be called u p o n . in on the 17th day of August, A ington Although they saw much July- W arrens plans to dig the crop ¡n C. F. Tigard's grove, There's nothing to buy, to bear its share of the intercept-' TWO well-bred Police pupa for Mr and Mrs. Paul Houghton left D 1935, In the above entitled court ! beutiful country while on their trip late in Septem ber. A sim ilar irri- ing sewers and probably $1512.58 j or trade fur grain C Amstud. gated patch last year perm itted Tigard for a business trip to Bell- no cartons to send. Go cause, in favor of the above ' they stated that w-estern Oregon for the south side branch a n d i and 1, Beaverton; mile south of W arrens to m arket 140 sacks of ingham. Wash. • They will v i s i t named plaintiff, J. H. Wescott. Jr., ’ Rt looked the best to them. Aloha 27p Glen Ireland of G reenville and pum ping plant. to the Delta Drug store j potatoes per acre. British Columbia before returning and against the above named de­ Plan Demonstration John Hansen of Bethany broadcast Cunningham 's estim ates on the I fendants Carl Iler and M argaret r L. E. r F r ran cs, - assistant . - county i acres of ladino seed- to - Tigard | ed Ten iQ the spring of 1934 clover is lrrigated 8 BIDS WANTED on construction of a six-m inute dialogue on 4-H live- during the R c x a ll F a c- assessments were as follows: $26 Iler and Jam es A Johnson for the Sherwood I. O. O. F. lodge en agent, met w ith the East Dairy- by gravity. A hay crop of one and d tertained dairy burn and milk house at "Double Six'' Mon- s,oc't tours over station KEX and for each 50 by 150 lot in the no n o rtn : sum of Nine H undred ($9001)81 G arden club at the Jim Powers a half tons per acre has already- y dav night the to ry -to -Y o u S a le a n d and put on a celebration !Ve Western Farm and Home and west systems. $33 for each 50 Dollars, w ith Interest thereon at Musonic und Eastern S tar Home home Wednesday- evening. Plans at *2 3 ® p' m' F r“*“.v ac- by 200 lot in the .a st side for the rate of eight per cent per an- | Specifications and pions may he harvested this year and pros - that was different than the usual Ho“ r w ere made for a demonstration been had from S uperintendent after Au­ get your entry blank. team at the county fair this year. pects are good for a heavy seed run A big street celebration was cord*n8 to L. E. Francis, assistant sewers and $4 each for The trunk nuin since the 9th day of June, gust 29th. 27-8 yield as a second crop. .-Vnother held early in the evening and a county ® ge" , 1 , Un«- 1927. and the further sum of O n e ! It tells you how to win Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and tract is planted to common program given later at the Sher- ln ‘heir dialogue they briefly out- Elimination of t h e treatm ent Hundred i$100 00) Dollars attorney's SEVERAL fresh cows for s a l e , Mrs. Orville Reynolds w ere Mr. 10-acre clover and is saved for seed, wood auditorium . American Legion *‘ned their experiences on the re- plant and west side systems was fees und for plaintiff’s costs and j double-tested. Also 2 -y e a r-o ld one of these cars given and Mrs. B lair Knox and family of white In addition to the above crops, band played a num ber of piece pieces at cent, Wlllar»ette valley 4-H live- proposed by Councilman J. M. Per disbursem ents of said suit taxed purebred Guernsey bull E. Leh­ Milwaukie. Mrs. Agnes Knox of which was held in son Warrens irrigates bulbs late in the the opening of the festivities . stock tour, by the United Drug Co. _____ 1 . . . s a means of reducing the ut Twenty-seven and 70 100 i$27.7U) man. Phone Beaverton 8719 27 Montana and Mr. and Mrs. George spring after blooming. Irrigation w heel-barrow race, bicycle, rope Wash‘ngton and Yamhill counties total cost of the improvem ent Mem- Connolly. increases the grow th of the bulbs skipping race provided fun fo r th e _ --- --------------------- - ,,f l h e c o u n c il, h o w e v e r , were I Miss Helene Allen of Dilley vis­ Luncheon will be served at the groups of Odd Fellows and Re- C - i n i f o l N p tV S I 3‘f f p r oi ,h r opinion that the government ited the Page G ardner home S at­ Thornburgh Get your hlnnk NOW farm at 12:30 today by bekahs and visiters on a roped-ofl zx tw a w o u ld not consider a grant unless urday. the Gales Creek Women's club street Most of the contests were j (Continued from p » » one) “ complete system was proposed Sunday- School Picnics at M ountaindale L utheran Sunday- Tour of the two county farm s will won by Tigard members. A big since 193°- an increase of 85 per i This belief was based on the gov-; ernm ent's support of ptuns to clean school enjoyed a picnic at the D el­ begin im m ediately after the meal parade " was held w ith members. eent *n autom obile sales and an Due to the decline in nil grains we are able to Irrigated tru ck and fruit crops in finally ending at the auditorium , increase of 39 per cent in the sale UP rivers. bert Fowles place Sunday. The aft­ commercial vehicles. McGee pointed out that prompt reduce our feed prices again. ernoon was spent in playing games the Eugene region were visited w here the host lodge provided an yesterday in addition to various interesting program of stunts, sin g -, • • • action was necasaary, declaring that and swimming. and ing and tap dancing. A fter the pro- Patrons of the P ortland dog races ; lf ‘he project was postponed the POULTRY FEEDS Miss M argaret H arvey and Ras­ other projects near Eugene m us Mathiesen of Astoria spent through the W illamette valley gram, the floor was cleared and have wagered an aggregate of $6.- city would eventually have to pay For more egg profits, lower mortality be sure Tour this m orning started near dancing commenced w ith music Ü -5,J58 on the bunny-chasers dur- 100 Per cent for the work and not Sunday with his parents. Mr. and ¿£ E re a il“ at ‘s 30 a m by Woody Hite's old-tim e orches- ing the past three years, of which Bet the benefit of a federal grant. to start those pullets on IMPERIAL EGG MASH. Mrs. Jam es Mathisen, and family. rtlcKreail at 8 a m- ------------------------- tra. only $5,797,100.85 was returned to j Person supported the contention ' Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. , , y- » r i l Mr. and Mrs. George Tigard and holders of winning tickets, with the declaration that the costs IMPERIAL MILK EGG MASH Floyd Stovall were Mr. and Mrs. Craig Francis of P ortland returned Prom oters of the races, the state would probably be trebled within Sack ................ R. E. Pitchford, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. . . last week from a trip to East Lake ' racing commission and the various two years Necessity o f p ro v id in g Cuniss, Miss Charlene Cuniss and IMPERIAL EGG MASH ? S C a r i n t T C o m o l e t i o n *n C entral Oregon with the limit st“ 1® and county fairs shared in a work for unemployed was a l s o , $ d .80 C onrad Wilds of Portland, Miss O i ot trout. Mr. Francis returned to sPl*t of the rem aining 12*- per ’tressed. Sack My-rtle McCready of Hillsboro and zr„„,i„,_, , Amendments to the re-bonding | the lake the latter part of the cent am ounting to $828,157.15. P l X nd ArthUr HeSS Ot North r 11, be ,n° d u ll‘'">omen‘a w re k ^ b u t “ ust c X h t ’T fe w * ordinances recently adopted was BIG-LAY EGG MASH $ d -7 0 passed Tuesday night The new or- i e r” kr M = ‘ Sack ............................................. . finances revised m aturity dates of I 4-GRAIN SCRATCH FEED .60 the week-end at Agate Reach I Expectation that at least 15 pure- er as a result of the opening of agc on applications for books a n i the bonds to conform w ith bonding 1 1930 C h e v ro le t Wednesday- evening visitnri nf bred and crossbred colts would be the tw o-lane highway from West mailing costs in shipping the books house regulations. Sack ............................................. In the absence of Mayor J. H. Mr and Mrs Frank Corev were en,ered in the showing Saturday P ortland school to th e county line from the library and return. Sport Roadster G arrett, Councilman M. H. Steven­ Miss Ruth Austin of Vancouver afternoon was expressed by Min- near Red Rock dairy. The stretch I • • . DAIRYMAN M r and Mrs Folman M a u r e r o f , o n ' T h e e v e n t “ b e in g conducted has been finished for some tim e The statc highway departm ent son presided. 1933 Chevrolet IMPERIAL DAIRY FEED Portland. Chris M aurer and Louise f°L „thC ‘5 “ year and I b.u t was ju st «P^ned. The hazards has spent a total of $214.806.154 in Coupe ................ ribbons w ill be awarded. j of w inter driving over the old j 22 years of its existence Of Ton ...................... and H erbert M aurer of Hillsboro Entries in the open classes, 4-H roag fmr will be ''bigger and which eventually will b e built • • • (Cvntlawd fr»» a.» , „n.i MOLASSES DAIRY from Camp Namanu on the Sandy better than ever.” Superintendents th r<>ugh Tigard is not expected for W orkmen under the protection part of July and official approval 1929 Chevrolet Ton .......................................... river. Velda Raffety received a in char8e oi the various depart- a of 01 thc comPensation fund drew an has just been received. S ed a n ............... m ents are as follows: Livestock, Mrs Elizabeth Vincent, Viola Me- aggregate of $976,145 for lost time, I Projects approved were listed as Pollywog honor in sw imming. Seek­ Get our low prices on concentrates for R. M. Banks of Banks; Farm Crops D?nald and A rt V incent m ade a during the past year, according t o , follows: er honor in nature and a good 1928 Chevrolet annual report of the Industrial home mixing. cam per honor, while Margaret and Vegetables, Grange, H. T. Hesse trip to The Dalles last week to Banks—Kalsomining interior and ; Coach Mathiesen received a finder honor, of Hillsboro route 2; Domestic attend the celebration of t h e Accident commission. Medical aid painting union high school, con­ Pay Cash and Save — Trade with Imperial Science, Mrs. H. W. McDonald of i A m erican Legion convention. Dele- to in ju red w orkers took a total of struction of football field and ru n ­ w hich is also in nature. M arie Raffety and Ruby R eyn­ Tigard: Domestic Art, Mrs. Eliza- Sates from Tualatin Valley post t j $658.333 85; pensions to perm anently ning track, $2822 federal funds. 1934 Chevrolet (Venetian ticket, Mrs. Joseph Spiering, Forest Grove Rt 2) " ................................ ' — • o . I in ju red w orkers and dependents of $507 local contribution. Vincent of Tigard; Floral 1 the ----------------------- state convention w ere J. _________ olds left Monday morning to spend beth * M. Town Sed an .... Mrs. Jean W arrens of Forest Grove; Johnson, H arry Eliander and W w orkers killed through industrial several weeks vacationing different Beaverton—Brushing and clear­ places in Oregon. They will spend Boys’ and G irls' Club Work, O. B H- ^zoman. E. B. Nedry, district accidents, amounted to $803.504 for ing drainage ditch and creek, $3784 1927 Chevrolet com m ander of the A m erican Le- the year. federal funds. $200 local. some tim e at Breitenbush Springs. K raus and L. E. Francis. 2f A r5 onne P**“ „ . Coach ................ Mrs. George Hansen of P ortland is Members of the fair board include ?j°2u?nd Forest Grove—G rading, leveling Fhone 01 Millrr»t of Quality Feeds South Second Ave. staying at the C. S. Reynolds home Minton, president and manager; ‘ Sh ™%jdJ ‘,5.end'»d ‘¿ 2 J cssloni J 1> Umb' r ° L llcens«J real estate and landscaping three city-owned w hile they are away. Hesse, first vice-president, Banks G,a ar? e, , H!lrt brokei s in .„ ? r e.g on declined from lots, $308 federal, $238 local. 1926 Chevrolet Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hollenbeck second vice-president. .u^ JC? l» d), Gaai dS ,el1 ,ro ™ h 1 s 2278 In 1927 to a low ot Gaston Building reinforced con­ Sedan ................ Mrs. H erbert Smith and Mrs a r m .. - z « ! . , swing at home last week and broke 881 in 1934. crete retaining wall, grading, tiling, ta W ^ iT u iT h “ ^ ^ Ready' Wh° a" d a^ is' "up ^ a r o u n d 11» « “ his Slot Maektoe. Befwed draining, and construction of 512 1930 Ford lineal feet of sidewalk, $3885 fed­ Sedan eral, $474 local. M r T ^ H o U : ^ 1^ - a s doing consid- . S X ’ T l » Hillsboro — Im provem ent school the Past Chiefs' club of N o rth ' others are c a l l i n g ^ t ’the office tr Ttaatrt b V ?"ess 1 1,nea th r° u«’> »JaHation of 35 slot machines over buildings 1930 Ford anzl grounds for 11 school P lains at her home August 22. make inquiries wAz* 8St , w.e e^' ^ n e. there the county and outside incorporated districts, $2666 federal, $1477 local. Delivery program at the ^ ^ e ’ w ^ ^ . « 2 ? _____________ Kinton—Repairing school house, N a tio n a lly A d v e r tis e d S a j^ ? X X C= e r ' y^ ‘ X i^ n X s 1928 Franklin spent several days here last week Costs of Sewer Falked by Council visiting relatives. T igard G arage Folk H o n o red Mr. and Mrs. Royce H arris and daughter Joan visited Mrs. H Wirtz Hillsboro Monday afternoon O w ner Killed M ountaindale j of Mrs. Claude l.yda of Kansas City Project on Wilson Road Considered Decision of Court Backs Process Tax Visit Local Farms Twin "Round-up” Slated Last Day New Loo Late to Classify /CHEVROLET FREE County 4-H Club Boys Tell of T our z^ciid Feed Prices Reduced T H E DELTA DRUG STORE $1,9<) $ J _ _ _ ___ Local Cannery Units Reach Full Capacity _ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ B A R G A IN S USED CARS ‘275 ‘495 ’350 *250 *165 ‘675 *95 *45 ‘315 ‘250 ‘295 ’29°° *2600 $2 4 00 Im perial Feed & G rain Co. WeiPs are Ready for School n it? ♦ St. Johns spent se v e ra l. band selections, tap dancing by Reshingle that leaky roof with days last w ees w ith her sister, Mrs. Miss Helen Wick of Hillsboro har- the famous Snider cedar sh in g le- x