! £31 Circulation— Early Copy— Your Homo P a p e r Largust Audited Oregon W eekly I Makes for &’«wer Mistakes and Better Service W ith W hich is Com bined rbe H illsboro Independent Volumo 42, No. 27. IIlllah n ro In*, P roject for Wilson Road Considered ilia had 1»7» Twin “Round-up Slated Last Day of County Fair Hllluboro, Oregon, Thuraday, August 22, 1985 Sewer Cost Studied by City Council Vacation Period Nearly Over for County Students Hillaburu A r y Valley Tour Slates Study Farms Here Ten Page« This Ins no Ex-Oficial Dies County Fair Plans Near Completion Vacation days are neraly over Plan« fur the “Twin R ound-up.' : for children of school age in Wash- annual feature of the Washington , ington county. Although 37 schools county fuir, wen* announced this ■ will open their doors for the fall week hy the Hillsboro HusinesH A I term on Septem ber 9, six have se­ Profe«Hionul Women'« club, spon- Old Age Pension Act lected Labor Day for opening and I soring organization The event this I six more Septem ber 3. Twelve of Goes Into Effect | year in scheduled for 1.30 p m on August 31 in the Shute park audi­ G e n e ra l O b lig a tio n Bonds, I the 82 schools th at have reported C a ra v a n to V ie w Ir rig a tio n F u ll P ro g ra m S c hed u led fo r Use o f T ho u san ds o f M e n on torium i to date selected Septem ber 16 and Autom atically Twins must be county res­ ! one ix scheduled to open Septem- P ro je c ts o f T h o rn b u rg h A n n u a l S h o w in g H e re idents. T riplets ure also asked to Aaaesaments Proposed C le a rin g an d G ra d in g ; ber 23. register. an d W a rre n s T o d a y N e x t W e e k -E n d Date for the annual teachers’ in- fo r N e w P ro je c t AI.EM When President Roose­ S h o rt-C u t T a lk e d Added sweepstakes prize of $5 is ■ stitute has been set for October 14 -------------- velt signed the Social Security 1 being offered by the club this year at the Hillsboro union high school, *i»ct lu.it week the old uge pension ns another attraction. The award i according to Superintendent K raus I . . r i f * h p f ) r i S c h p i l L llp t l net pssswl by the lust »Into legisla­ will b<- made to the pair of twins I Attendance of county teachers will t , U I I U l C U I I J L l l t U llI C U ture became operative autom atical­ , qualifying in the greatest num ber -------------- I be compulsory. ly. The Oregon uct, up|>ro|>rlutlng of cloKHificutions. Health study texts will be the »1.000.000 tor old ago pensions, win M erchandise prizes will be pre­ S pecial D ays S la te d ; Booths made contingent upon enactm ent by C o u rt M e ets w ith H ig h w a y sented to w inners in the classifi­ T w o T y p e s o f P la n ts P la c e d on|y books changed in county ele- M e th o d s an d R esults to be | rnentury schools this year. Two congress of u incusure making f«*d- In s p e c te d by G ro u p cations announced by the com­ Set by G ra n g e s , Unions T u e s d a y Eve books are scheduled for the first eral funds uvallublu to the stales. B o d y ; R oads R ocked m ittee in charge. Awards will be B e fo re B ody _______ grade and one for each of the oth­ The slate law provides for m atch­ made to the futtest twins, girl twins er seven grades. Larger schools, ing of county funds In the pay­ nearest 20 years of age, tw ins re ­ Two outstanding Washington Composite picture of agricultur­ Plan to finance the proposed city such as Hillsboro, Forest Grove, county irrigation projects will be ment ot old uge pensions The Plans for an extensive clearing siding in the county the longest, al and domestic science activities congressional uct provides tliut com ­ nnd grading project on this end of tallest twins, oldest twins, oldest sewer extension by issuing general Beaverton. Tigard, A lo h a-H u b er, visited this afternoon < Thursday) in Washington county w ill be pro­ bined county and state funds will the Wilson river short-cut r o a d tw ins whose parents are Legion and obligation bonds to provide for the Metzger, Sherwood and Cornelius, as part of the sixth annual W illam­ duced by exhibits, displays and be matched by federal funds except were considered at a meeting of A uxiliary members, thinnest twins, I treatm ent plant and outfall and use a different set of health books ette Valley irrigation tour, which J. M. H iatt of Forest Grove, form er booths planned for the 1935 county that In no case shall the total pen­ county officials of Washington und youngest girl twins, youngest boy assessing costs of other im prove- for the lower four grades, but those started at Eugene yesterday. In ­ W ashington county commissioner, fair August 29. 30 and 31 at Shute sion paid to one person exceed »30 Tillamook counties and city nffi- twins, oldest tw ins born in Wash­ rncntx to the districts benefitted was for the upper four grades will be spection of the John Thornburgh who died a t Tillamook Tuesday park in Hillsboro. Preparations for rials of P ortland in Portlund Thurs ington county, mast freckled twins, favored here Tuesday night dur- the same in all schools. u month. farm, eight miles north of Forest morning. the ninth annual event are being Opening dates for county schools Grove on the Gales Creek road and No amendm ent or alteration Is day morning. The group agreed most blond twins, tw ins whose Ing a special session of the city completed rapidly and interest is needed to m ake the slate law con­ that the project would benefit birthdays are nearest August 1. council. Necessity of prom pt action as reported to the county school the largest irrigated tract in the increasing daily in all parts of the form to tlie congressional act. While Washington. Tillumook und Mult darkest complexloned twins, young­ to take advantage of an anticipated superintendent’s office are as fol- county, is scheduled for early in county, according to C. D. Minton, the national measure fixes the m in­ nomah counties and Is one on which est boy nnd girl twins, tw ins look­ 45 per cent federal grant on the lows1 the afternoon, while the diversified manager and president of the fair work was stressed repeatedly dur- Scptem bcr 2-C ornelIus, Bacoaa. imum age of pensioners at 65 y eari much labor could be used. ing most alike, tw ins looking most irrigation project at the R. S. W ar­ board. mg the meeting. Reedvllle, Hillside, Buxton a n d rens place -nearby w ill be visited (C ontinued un pajt« 10, colum n 4 J it also provides thut states may Works progress adm inistration en ­ Booths planned by subordinate Total cost of the im provem ent impose un uge minim um of 70 yeurs gineers w ere instructed to draw up at 3:30 p. m. granges and Farm Union locals are as outlined by John W. Cunning- until January 1, 1940. which covers a detailed project to determ ine costs W ater for irrigation on the particularly adaptable to displaying ham, P ortland consulting engineer, Septem ber 3 — C enterville, D u r­ the situation here in Oregon. of materials, etc. fe d e ra l official: al a recent meeting was »184.000 bam- Woodlawn. Hayward, G arden Thornburgh farm is provided by J. M . H ia t t o f F orest G ro v e products and activities at the coun­ The stutc and federal fund.i will will also be contacted to sec what a screw type pum p driven by an ty, Minton stated. Each group will Of this estim ated um ount »82,000 Home atl(i Scofield. be adm inistered through the state can be done in furnishing tra n s­ feature the crops characteristic of to be B u rie d on F rid a y was expected as a federal grant, Septem ber 9—Hillsboro elem en- electric motor and has a capacity relief committee which. In turn, portation for workers. of 1600 gallons per m inute or 2.304,- its area and will not be required the balance of »101.200 to be ra ise d ' tary and union high schools, Leisy- will work through t h e several »1.066.006 in Labor 000 gallons for each 24 hours of to conform to standard require­ through general obligation bonds ville. Chapman, Tigard grade and Jam es M alheur H iatt, 67, former county relief committees. P roject culls for clearing a n d and assessments. i union high schools, Firdale, Tuala- continuous operation. He had ap­ W ashington county commissioner m ents as in former years. “When grading eight miles by hand labor Trratmrnt Plant Studied ,in - Watts. G rabel, C herry Grove. proxim ately 160 acres planted to and a resident of near Forest Grove all the petals are in place, one • The state of Oregon has open to and would employ about 3000 men C o u n ty W P A P ro je c ts G e t > au « # « a Johnson, Kinton. Beaverton elemen- ladino clover, red clover and alfal­ for the past 60 years, suffered a large rose of Washington county it un economic future o f great w orking for an Indefinite n, it in .T d a in ,arV and hi«h schools- Mountain- fa under irrigation. stroke of paralysis Monday morn-1 will be seen," M anager Minton de­ promise a n d appeal. President period at Bteudy A p p ro v a l on T u e s d a y ment plant to be included in the dal Jowa Hi„ Mountainside, Rock Progress Made a labor expenditure of ing w hile on his way to the Tilla- > clared. I; ,., \ i ll d e c i .m d in a le tte r r e ­ proposed sewer extension program Creek Helvetia Farmlngton> Wal- ately »1.000,000 Cost ot Booths Planned T hornburgh first undertook irri­ beaches and died Tuesday ceived this week by Governor M ar­ approxim was given considerable attention by , Harrison, F ir Creek, Fair- gation in 1931, irrigating approxi­ mook m aterials would have to be fu r­ m orning at the home of his broth-1 Nine granges and eight Farm Washington county's relief can­ tin. Mead Timbe w i h’ „ , nished by the three interested gov­ nery units are operating at full couneilmen Tuesday night Cun- yie mately 12 acres by gravity. The ex­ , Ed Anderson of near Union locals have signified their "Your state enjoys a unique op­ ernm ental subdivisions und It is nm gham s est mates provided W2 - Laurei VJew Sherwood, Coope.- perim ent proved successful and the er-in-law Tillamook. Funeral services w ill be intention of preparing booths for portunity to found a perm anent estunuti d th at tins w ould a n sa m t capacity and relief officials predict {"r “ l_ r ‘ck,l‘r 8 P riHnH "^n 'i’ i arv Mountain, Schmcltzer. Midway. Car- following year he added 40 more conducted at 2 p. m. Friday at the the fair Farm Union displays will that, if the present production con­ A. B. Forrester. P ortland sanitary economy and prosperity upon whut to about »25,000 each. crc e k Hiteon, Banks union acres to the irrigated tract, 15 acre3 Forest Grove Congregational churen be housed in ’’B’’ building, while tinues until Saturday night, approx­ engineer, appeared before the group hj h can be made one of the most e n ­ h , Forest Grove de being planted to alfalfa and 25 to County Judge Donald T. Tem ple­ w ith Rev. C. P. Sabin officiating. the grange booths w ill be in their imately 6000 cans of fruits a n a with plans for an activated sludge d union h h b during of the natural resources and ton said the program would em ­ ladino clover. He also installed a Mr. and Mrs. H iatt left Forest | usual position in the agricultural vegetables would be packed during plant which he said would pro- a the steps It is taking under your ploy all W ashington county unem ­ six-inch centrifugal pum p powered - -------- Sep building. Farm Unions planning th e c u r r e n t w e e k , l ’.irk sin c e the vide for a population of 3500 per- Septem ber 16 Purdin, Greenville, Grove Sunday for a vacation a t the guidance to realize thut opportunity | not used on local projects units started running on the first sons at a cost of only »10,500 or Dilley, Jacktown, Progress, G ron- by a gasoline tractor engine. D ur­ beach and he was apparently in booths include Blooming, Cedar are both cncouruging and gratify- j ployed anil fill up the balance needed from of the month now totals 9262 cans »3 per capita. er> Arcade. Hazeldale. Seth, N orth ing 1933 and 1934 he added 30 acres good health. He was taken sick Mill, Kansas City, Laurel-Scholls, Illg. ' the president’s letter reuds. a year and during the current Monday m orning w hile driving I Gaston, Middleton, V erboort and the rolls in Portland. Although the method proposed I’lains, Thatcher and Verboort. "With the forests of its rootin-i Commissioner Bean of Portland. I Total allowance for the county season increased the area by 40 from his brother-in-law 's place to i West Union. G ranges entering tains complementing the fertility of who called the conference, said t h e ; this season is 100.000 cans, accord­ by Forrester is com paratively new, f Septem ber 23—Cipole. acres. booths will bo I-eedy, Gale, B ux­ the beach. the engineer stated that more than ’ ------------- -7— ;------ ing to R. W. Weil, relief committee its valleys and with abundant h y - ’ needs of Washington und Tillamook Gasoline powered pum p was used 100 such plants w ere now' being T 7 T T chairm an, and each person is a l ­ A native Oregonian, Mr. H iatt ton, Hillsboro, Tigard, Beaverton, dro-eleetrlc power to process the counties’ unemployed must be tak ­ by Thornburgh until Ju n e of 1934 was born October 11, 1868. at Sa­ Cedar Mill, Scholls and Aloha. products of both, the state of O rc -' en care of first in the work done lowed 100 cans. One out of each successfully operated in the United l O U r - 1 J. V z l U D S when electricity was made avail­ lem and came to W ashington coun-1 OpeniDg day ol the fair w ill be gon has open to It un economic In these counties, but there would four cans packed is retained oy States and offered to put up a per­ able at the farm and th e new ty w ith his grandparents, the late C hildren’s day, th e second w ill be future of great promise and ap ­ still be room for plenty of P o rt­ the relief comm ittee for d istrib u ­ formance bond to assure satisfac­ equipm ent installed. W a t e r is ! Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Hiatt, 60 years Farm Union day and the third tion. He fu rther declared that the peal." land men to go to work. He said i tion later to indigents unable to activated sludge m ethod was prac­ brought from Gales creek, convey -1 ago. He had resided in the vicinity G range day. Benefit dance and en­ • • • this project is the only one avail­ furnish m aterials for canning. ed by wood flumes and surface of Forest Grove ever since t h a t : tertainm ent is planned for th e eve­ The bourd of control which since able of a lasting n ature on which County cannery units are lo­ tically identical in principal with ditches and applied to th e 160- date. He was m arried at B eaver­ ning of A ugust 29, w hile the Farm 010 csiaunsneu iricxnng nuet . .. _ the old established trickling filter p. the fire has occupied q u arters in much labor could be used. cated at Hillsboro, Forest Grove, ine ton, Ju ly 16, 1925, to Mrs. Zoa Sig- Union entertainm ent is slated for the supreme court law library, hus T ualatin and Huber. Ray Traugh- plant except that the process was Llem onstrations Foreseen as acre tract. Keek f und Portion the following night A jitney dance The ladino clover patch is pas­ man. to move The court has asked the ber is county superintendent of hastened by pum ping air into the F e a tu re C o u n ty F a ir Judge Templeton and commis­ canneries while a canner, canncr's sewage. tured w ith sheep u n til early in board to vacate Negotiations arc Mr. H iatt served as county com­ will feature the concluding evening Answering questions of the coun- -------- June, then irrigated and a seed missioner for two term s beginning of the event. C harge will be made now under way to transfer some sioners met w ith the state high­ assistant und a checker are pro- Four-H club dem onstration w ork crop harvested. This y ear 200 hecu in 1924 and ending in 1932. He was for all persons over Id years of age of the de|i«rtm ents from the s ta tu ; way commission Thursday after­ fided at each until thiough an SERA ell regarding the fact th at the °P , , wo of sheep w ere carried on 25 acres a m em ber of the K nights of P y th ­ attending the entertainm ents, but office building to rented quarters noon to ask participation of this project. M aterial and equipm ent at era ion costa of his method were wbich has for the admission to the fair grounds will to from early in M arch until Ju n e 1. ias, A rtisans and the Grange. down town to m ake room for the county in the funds allotted to the the canneries are provided by fed­ higher than those for he trickling broU({ht the no rth £ ; st title be free. ’?*|,|htbe campus of W illamette u n iv er­ cent action of the ninth c irc u it! Dr. Fred R ucker of Sherwood is is one ol 21 Sea Scouts from the by A. B. Forrester, Port- siderable interest to the liv esto ck . the peace. H. W. K leier of H ills­ sity, several residential blocks just federal court of appeals in San (B y !.. E. Francta, Aaa’t, C ounty A yant I meeting land engineer and prom oter of the work. The most m arked increase in boro route 2 appeared in court the a national convention delegate from i P ortland area taking p art in the north of the cupitol site, the pres­ Francisco hns pnved the way f o r ’ D. G. Lilly, Jersey breeder. For­ project. factory would be o w n -, livestock exhibits w ill be in the ¡ same day, plead guilty to a charge this district and Freem an Frazier of fifth annual Alaska Sea Scout ent location of the state hospital continued collection of the process­ est G rove route 1, is aw arding a ed and The operated the Industrial hog and sheep divisions. Last year of having sw itched license plates McMinnville was named district cruise. The scouts, under the lead­ for insane, and lien Lomond park, ing tax in the Jurisdiction of the purebred Jersey heifer calf to the Distilleries, L td . by according re-1 ‘here were nine head of hogs ex- ! on his car and was fined »5 and commander. George Koehn of P o rt­ ership of Lloyd Lille of Portland, ninth circuit court not only of | boy or girl w ho exhibits a t the ports. A pproxim ately 50 men to a high hill In South Salem. land is the new state commander. left Seattle Monday m orning in the would and 25 head of sheep. This costs. • • • w heat but nil other basic com­ Washington county fair, the highest be employed at the start and pro-j hibited H erm an Perrego, transient, was (C ontinued on w i e 4, column 6) Sherwood A m erican Legion was ! 50-foot pow er cruiser "Tyee Scout.’’ Cancellation of the perm it of the modities, the Oregon State college scoring grade Jersey heifer, sired duction of approxim ately 1000 gal­ sentenced to 30 days in the county declared the best band in the parade The boat is the property of the extension service has been inform ­ United Stage system was only the jail T hursday when he plead guilty at the departm ent convention at i Seattle area Boy Scout council and by a registered Jersey bull. It is i lons of alcohol per day is planned. first step in a campaign to enforce ed by AAA officials. to a charge of stealing watermelons. The Dalles last week. Lilly’s intention in sponsoring this- 1 The output would be increased | will be under th e command of Ted strict observation of Oregon tra f­ The Snn Francisco court denied breed special to encourage the use As he had been in ja il four days 10,000 gallons per day if the I —I - Roseburg was selected for the 1C. Lewis, Seattle Sea Scout direc- fic laws by truck and bus opera­ the appeal of the Fisher Flouring of purebred sires in building up a to plan m atures. A C S tC Q I O F D l S p l ^ V before pleading guilty, he was 1936 convention. | tor. The destination of the cruise tors, according to F ran k C. McCul­ (ConiHutwI on page in. column 4) paroled during good behavior. His herd of grade dairy cattle. will be Hyder, Alaska, on the P o rt­ O rdinary waste or surplus, w heat,, _ _ 1 loch, public utilities commissioner companion, a minor, was rem anded land canal, approxim ately 100 miles barley, rye, fruit, potatoes and I.umsdrn Appointed A careful check is being made on ! other vegetables w ould be used in ’ oun‘y v eterinarians to la s s on to the juvenile court. T. B. Lumsden. who first served north of P rince Rupert. The trip the operation of all bus and truck Fine of $25 and costs was assess­ j the production of the alcohol, ac-1 C attle to be Shown at F air as liquidator of the Shute Savings will take about two weeks. lines and any violations will result ed R udyard K ent o f Hillsboro bank, has been prom oted to assistant cording to backers of the project. Two cruises have been m ade to in sim ilar stern mensures, McCul­ Alcohol would be used in a man- Forty head of 4-H dairy anim als route 4 last w eek w hen he plead state superintendent of banks to ! the Princess Louise inlet and to loch said. guilty to larceny of a keg of beer ner sim ilar to th at of the present |lave been tested by Drs. E. W (Juneau in previous years. The pres- • a • succeed Edmund T. Way, who has "ethyl" in increasing the efficiency Coon of Forest G rove and R. J from the Town Pum p at Aloha. resigned to accept an executive ' ent trip along the inland passage July gasoline sales i n Oregon L. W. M ullendore, who was a r ­ Revision of the rate ot reduction Details of the new contracts will of gasoline. Those interested in the Nicol of Hillsboro to qualify for will give tho boy sailors an op- came within 300,000 gallons of the from 15 per cent to 5 per cent for rested August 15 charged w ith con­ position w ith the G rant County 1 portunlty for more training _ be discussed at the Boise meeting plant declare th a t it would be as fair showing, according to L. E. tributing to the delinquency of a bank a t John Day. high record m ark established in 1930. according to Secretary of State the first year under the new four- tn d general procedure agreed upon effective as the tetra-ethylene when ! Francis, assistant county agent. Each minor, w aived a prelim inary h e a r-' Snell, who points to the record as year w heat production control pro­ for conducting the campaign as ear­ used in the same proportions and year all dairy anim als over six ing Friday and was bound over to j claim th at it has additional ad- months of âge th at are shown at another sign of Improved business gram contracts was announced this the grand jury. Bail was re d u c e d ' conditions. O ther evidences of the week by Secretary of A griculture ly as possible this fall. It is plan­ vantages in elim inating c a r b o n i the coimty fair a re te»tod for »b- from $100(5 to J5CC. ortion w ithin 30 days prior to the retu rn to a sem blance of norm alcy Wallace The new reduction p er­ ned to sign up about 52,000,000 monoxidc gas and carbon. T. M. Samuels was arraigned F r i - ! P ulp from m aterials used inm nk- event, in business cited by Snell Include centage, brought about by August acres under the new contracts, or th e fuel is valuable as a stock | . . »v » j day on an Information charging the t h e greatest tourist registration crop reports showing a sharp re ­ at least ns much as is under con­ ing feed it is said In an eWort to support the fed­ practice o f veterinary medicine d u c tio n in wheat yield due to tract in the present program. (C ontinu al on p a s s 10, colum n 4) Increase in the yield from prob­ the s ilk . I f th is is n o t done i t eral and state abortion program Option for tho purchase of the this year, the dairy leaders decided w ithout first having obtained a li­ ably about one ton per acre to an usually does not fill out well. black ru st and heat in the spring cense or perm it. In a general way the proposed land is b eing handled through J. w heat area, means thnt each grow ­ An increase in yield such as the to place further restrictions on a n i­ O rders in the following circuit estim ated four tons per acre is »Vismer, local realtor. The prop­ mals coming to the county fair. It court er may seed up to 95 per cent of new program follows the plan of cases w ere issued this week. w hat irrigation has done for sw e e t, w ater has caused this year, cannot the old, although several lm*'5r tant erty is bounded by W alnut and his base average for 1936. corn on their farm this year, W. T . ' is now required th a t all a n im a ls' May C. Hambo vs. M innie Davis alw ays be expected but It particu­ Innovations are i a c l - - etl j nstead P utnam and Sons told a group of I larly shows w hat the w ater w ill do over six m onths of age be tested In m aking the announcem ent j a ‘‘J 1 cd ra ’“ of benefit payment Bailey streets and the railw ay. (C ontinued on p age 4. colum n 6) farm ers that viewed th eir project I w ithin 30 days prior to the f a i r , in a dry y ear or when for one Secretary Wallace pointed out that Tuesday afternoon. A pproxim ately reason or another the crop is put Hillsboro Is Irttdutkd in a list adequate authority Is given tho dccid»7 upon at the sta rt of each date and th at they also come from ! 20 acres of corn is receiving w ater in late, Putnam declared. Having considered hit' the construction of AAA under the new »’"•u d m en ts year, the rate w ill be left more or I a herd that has had at least one I w ith another 18 acres of la d in o ; w ater available also m eans that a new nfmory. Construction of np- to meet the •'.’¿anon If th e 193d less flexible to conform to chang­ Tzvfti Ti irA z t i 43fr ' 1 *431114 olean test. A lthough this ruling clover for pasture being irrigated. I more than one crop may be grown j O I I l j u d g i n g l O U r wm b ar xome cl ub m em bers from pfo»lm ately o il arm ories, w ith fed­ crop should prove exceptionally ing m arket prices. While the United States co n tin u es' T w enty-five m em bers of Wash- exhibiting, the 4-H dairy showing ! eral nnd state funds, was discussed large. Subsequent annual reductions G reen pasture for 50 head of In the same season. Registrations at Hillsboro union dairy cattle has been supplied by at a conference of m illtnry offi­ In acreage mny be ns much as 25 this w heat adjustm ent program. ington county 4-H livestock clubs this year will probably be one ol C annery peas m ight be grown high school is now being co nducted. c ia ls of Oregon. Washington. Idaho per cent under the new contracts. Canada has decided to try govern­ took p art In the first day of the ‘l'e largest ever made. this 18 acres for 100 days since and followed by corn or some other for all freshm en who have not e n - 1 nnd Montnnn in Snlem Thursday. The largest reduction yet required m ental price pegging as a m eans of annual judging tour Wednesday. A pril 15. W ater is pumped from late crop. A nother crop possibility ---------------- rolled for the coming term and for the T ualatin riv er w ith a cen tri­ is fall spinach. This should he The proposal contem plates 15 new was 15 per cent tho first year of handling tts grow ing w heat surplus according to L. E. Francis, assistant P n illtr v m P fl all new students entering Hilhi for fugal pump, powered by a farm planted now, but can be done only nrmories In Oregon, together with the present contracts followed by problem. U nder this plan the grow ­ county agent, who is In charge ot | V A J l U U y r U U l l i y i l l C H the first tim e this year. S uperin­ tractor. The entire pumping lay­ w here irrigation Is possible. a $900,000 project in Portland. . 10 per cent reduction for the cu r­ er Is allowed to sell on the open (he event. F urther livestock Jude tendent B. W. Barnes announced m arket ns usual If he so desires ing w ill be conducted Friday, ami Colonel O. K. Yeager, com m and­ l O I H -IlIC O U n d i t y this week. The high school office out cost approxim ately $400, but ren t senson. or sell at a fixed price to the S aturday w ill be given over to ing engineer of the national nrmory Wash|nRton county poultrym en | w ill be open daily from 9 a. m. can be effectively used to apply Near approach of the sign-up governm ental ngency. The pro crops judging In the court house I arc bo|ding th eir annual picnic at building program, said the fed­ w ater on som ewhat more than the until noon. eral government, probnbly would campaign for the new four-year cedure resembles somewhat the old 40 acres that is being irrigated this basement. . Avalon park, two and one-half mites Physicnl education courses will wheat production control plun was U. S. farm board stabilization oper­ nllocate »25,000 for ench nrmory. Four-11 clubbers visited the A.- of Tigard on the Pacific high- be compulsory for all freshm an and year. He Indicated thnt the Portlnnd p ro­ heralded this week w ith the calling ations. th u r Connell farm on Hillsboro ,unch ( ,an. sophomore students during the com­ The Putnam s stated that fuel and of a regional conference of exten­ ject would be considered separate­ "My IJfe, by T. B ,” n motion route 1. the Tolke Brothers place : , oil used for pum ping was about ing year. Instruction w ill be under sion w orkers to be in charge of the ly. on C ornelius route L the Francis ' 20 cents per hour and that the 18. picture showing tho developm ent N e w P aint, W a llp a p e r the direction of Jack K illits and Proposed locations of new arm ­ educational program. Boise, Idaho, of the tuberculosis germ, w ill bo C halm ers fnrm at C ornelius route Invitations have been extended acres of pasture can be Irrigated, K atherine Potts. ories In Oregon to replace Inade­ will be the meeting place August. featured In the W ashington County Store Opened Locally 1 and the A. P. Ireland dairy farm | to H. E. Cosby, extension poultry- Miss by one man in 25 hours. W hen i r ­ One new teacher has been added quate quarters or lensed structures 30 and 31 for northw est lenders of rigating the corn tw o men are re ­ Public H ealth awoclatlon booth nt Hillsboro P aint & W allpaper on Forest Grove route 2 Wedncs- man and A G. Lunn, professor of w ere Baker, I.aG rande, Pendleton, the new program. ’ Because of the stare at 159 South Second avenue day. Visits w ill be made Friday poultry, both from the Oregon State to the local staff during the sum ­ quired to handle the w ater and the the Washington county fair, ac­ mer, according to Barnes. Miss fam iliarity of the extension w ork­ cording to Mrs. Essex Marsh, pres­ G rants Pass, Corvallis, Union, As­ crop was Irrigated tw o times. was opened S aturday by Fred Pret- lo the following farms: W. T. P u t- , college and to O. C. Keeney, man- toria, Springfield, Oregon City, St. ers w ith general procedure now, tyman, proprietor. He carries a com­ nam. Hillsboro route 5; F. Sctnik- ager of the Pacific Co-operative K atherine C rozer will have charge In Irrigating corn, Putnam m en­ ident. Methods of tuberculosis con­ of the domestic science departm ent, few er men will be called In. Only Helens, Forest Grove, The Dalles, tioned the necessity of getting the trol will be shown and tho w ork of plete line of w allpaper, Interior and er, Hillsboro route 2; R. Hornecker, Poultry Producers. All poultrym en Gresham, Hillsboro and Lebanon. three w ill go from Oregon, it Is exterior paint, and plans to do Hillsboro route 5; nnd F ir Grove interested In attending this picnic taking the place of Miss Lillie w ater on before the corn w as in the "Christm as Seals" explained. Homcdew. The Salem nrm ory would be rem od­ announced by the extension serv­ papcrhtinging nnd decorating work. Dairy, Hillsboro route 5. are welcome. ice. eled. U V A. 1* LINOUBGK S Free Gate Featured I reatment Problem Road Money Sought Former County Official Dies Cannery Units Go Full Blast Plan Exhibits Justice Court Here Reports Busy Week Progress Reported Sherwood Woman Auxiliary Leader Decision of Court Backs Process Tax Hillsboro Boy Joins Alaska Scout Cruise D. G. Lilly Plans Special Fair Prize 4-H Dairy Animals Revision Production Reduction Under Wheat Program Stated Value Irrigation Demonstrated to Farmers W . T. Putnam Farm Hillsboro May Get Armory Building County Club Boys Hilhi Office Open for Registrations Fair Booth Planned County Health Body