Mi Usb or Early Copy— Ma ke.s for Fower Mintiiken mid Better Service Oregon Products— The Argua is Printed on Oregon Made News With Which ia Combined the Hillsboro Independent H illsboro Volumo 42, No. 2Ö Social Planned at Mt. Hom e Event Tonight; Potato Club to Plan for Fair (By M .I m .1 II. Allison) MOUNTAIN HOME - Mountain Home C hristian Endeavor m et lit the John Schm eltzer home August 7 The executive committee, Helen Schmeltzer, Mildred Nelson. Wur- rcn Forsythe and Jam es Alll»on, Will ill-el, le no an o b je c tiv e for UH club to work on thia year. A "hare und hound race" to be fol­ lo w ed bv ii w o rn -i ii-ii-.t w as p la n ned for tonight (Thursday) on the Allison farm. Everyone welcome. The committee on refreshm ents for this affair Is Marl Schmeltzer and Ellen Marte Juqulth Septem ber meeting will be ut the George A l­ lison home. Mrs John Duels, president of the Ladles* Aid, announces next m eet­ ing for Septem ber 3. Mountuln Home Hlble Study club has resumed activity und Thursday of each week the Itev. and Mrs. Virgil Speece will conduct during the study period Everyone Inter­ ested Is cordially invited. Mr. und Mrs Howurd Browning and family left lust week for Sun Diego. They may locate there. Miss Duinnrls Saunders returned Wednesdny evening from Seattle and Victoria, 11 (' , w here she spent a few days' vacation. Mrs Lester lluffey and small on Dennis of Portland are house guests ut the Hurry Saunders home tills week Spud Club to Meet Chehulem Mountuln I'oluto club will meet Erlduy evening at the (1 F. AtropH home This Is the lust meeting before the county fair uuil plans for exhibits und dem onstra­ tions will be perfected ut tills time Mr und Mrs George Allison ac­ companied J H. Ilurtlett und Miss Bonnie B urdett on un Eastern O re­ gon trip, leaving lust Sunday. They expect to be gone a week or ten duys und will visit friends und rel­ atives in vurlous sections of East­ ern Oregon und Iduho. Itev und Mrs. Virgil Speece were Saturday evening dinner p a r t y guests of Mr and Mrs. Sum Body. Aged Gaston Woman Buried Wednesday Funernl services for Mrs. Ida Ugerthu Kelly. »7, who died nt Guston Sunduy evening, were con­ ducted ut the Donelson A Sewell chupel here Wednesday afternoon with Itev. A Carrick offlciutlng Burial wus ut the T ualatin Plains Presbyterian churchyurd. Mrs Kelly was born at Plutts- i-o,,- n v , Ju ly H. bciii She wa m arried to Charles Juines Kelly ut Bay Port. Mich , In 1876 and curne Io Oregon, settling at Gaston, In 1003. She Is survived by the widower und five children. Charles O Kelly of Yakima, Wash : Walter William Kelly of Portland; Fred J Kelly of Astoria; Mrs. H attie Hoover of Beaverton, und Mrs Evu Hundley of Hillsboro route 3. Ask your attorney to send your i legal advertising to the Argus. Street Styles in Hillsboro, Oregon, T hursday, A ugust 15, 1935 K alahllahnl IS7» Hillsboro A rgus Section 2, Pages 1 to -I 1*91 Subscribe now to the A.rgua In the Laurel merchant. They left W ashington county $150 a year here in 1900 when Harold was two Six months 85c Tliree months 30 years old. cents. Two months 33 cen ta If Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schmidt, Cecil i Schmidt and their house guests, | Mr and Mrs. John Schmidt of '8 z Mr». H.nrr Cyph.i') Montesano. Wash., visited the T o rg -; NORTH PLAINS Mr and Mrs. Guns, Ammunition ler fam ily In P ortland Monday | J R. Sandford and son Glen, Mr Tw enty-nine classifications Laurel Lacks R ain; Sunday The Torglers are form er residents and Mrs W E. Mays and son El- Fishing Tackle Scholia R eports D am age to were required in the issue of m er and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cy­ of this vicinity. August 8 for the Argus clas­ Schools P lan P icnic (O R W IN HARDWARE P roperty; P arties H eld Max Behling and daughter M ax­ pher attended the reunion of the 128 2nd Ave. sified page the great m arket Phone 73 Bagby family at Wilhoit Springs ine of Portland visited his sister. place of Washington county. (fly M r«. F. L . D ro w n ) Agent L oin Radios I ll y L . H. Mrs. W. L. Stevens, Sunday. Miss Sunday. T here were between 50 Tills Is the greatest num ber LAUREL—Threshing was finished Ina Stevens of Vernonia spent the and 60 descendants of the late Wil­ SCHOLLS A brush fire on the ever used and shows the In­ (in this vicinity this week The week-end w ith home folks here. liam and H arriett Bagby present. old S tride place went out of con­ creusing interest and utility I yield of grain was so much b e tte r1 Mrs. Howard Rice and daugh­ Officers elected for the ensuing trol Monday, burning a large area of this section of Washington I than was expected that farmers ter. Miss Marie Schm idt of Hills­ year were: Mrs. M ary Walling of und destroying some cordwood county's h o m e newspaper. DR. R. J. NICOL , are highly elated. This immedate boro, visited at the Adolph Schmidt Rockaway, president; Mrs Eliza T here w ere 83 different clas­ B irthdays Observed vicinity has had no rain, not even home Wednesday. Hamilton, vice-president; Mrs. J. sified uds on the classified Mrs Carl Kueck spent Friday ' showers heavy enough to lay the Mrs. Rollin Kuenzi and daugh­ R. Sandford, secretary-treasurer, I DR. E. W. ALMQUfcST page. with Mrs Harold Christensen when dust since A pril 20. ter Velma May of Silverton are and Mrs. Henry Cypher, historian, i Veterinarians Ixxik over the classifications the ladles observed th eir tw in Play G roup Picnic house guests of the form er's broth­ Mr and Mrs C arl C hristener vis- i listed In this one Issue for birthdays. Telephone 643 and 642 The several Sunday schools of ers, Rudolf and Ernest Losli, and ited Mr. and Mrs. Joe N usbaumer j i n s t a n c e ; Announcements. Several fields of grain arc being this district have decided to hold their sister. at Vancouver Sunday. Lost and Found; Wanted - combined this week and several th eir annual picnic un Labor Day, Invited to Social Mr and Mrs. Charles W alter o f ' Miscellaneous; Help Wanted; threshing machines in the vicinity place to be announced laier. The Dally Tripe to Portland The young people of this com­ Work Wanted; Bids; Sale or ure busy. schools included are Kinton, F arm ­ m unity have been invited by the Vail visited Mrs. W alter's parents, ! Hillsboro Auto Freight Mr and Mrs Jak e Miller, and her , T r a d e — Miscellaneous; To ington, Scholls. Laurel. Mountain Christian Endeavor folks of Moun­ S M Mears Is putting the finish­ Bonded and Insured Carrier uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Emil | Swap; For Sale — M iscellan­ Home and Mountain Top. ing touches to the new house which tain Home to attend a social at Miller, several days last week Mr. | eous; Cars. Trucks. T i r e s ; they are building. Mr and Mrs. Ernest G uenther that place Thursday (tonight). Ther- and Mrs Jake Miller returned home : Serving Beaverton, Aloha, Reed- Furniture, Pianos, Radios; vtlle, Hillsboro, Cornelias aad Sunday dinner guests at the J. and children Lynn, Lloyd, E rn­ will be a "hare and hound" chase w ith them for several months’ vis­ Fuel; Hay and Feed; Farm Forest Grove S. Herd home were Mr. and Mrs. estine and Helen of Chehalem with other out-door amusements, a it. Produce — Fruits, Vegetables; Pickup and Delivery Service at W. 11 Carpersm lth, George Wend- Mountain visited Mrs, G uenther's bonfire and refreshm ents. Instruc- j Farm Machinery; S h e e p . P atrick Davis spent the w eek­ Package Rales land of Portland. Viola Kuufmun sister, Mrs. Amos Watkins, and tions are to w ear old clothes and Goats; Poultry; Pigs; Horses; end at the beach. Mrs Patrick j of Hillsboro. Arlene und Stanford family Sunday take flashlights so as to be able Davis and Miss M ildred Davis, who ' Hillsboro Phone 542 Cattle: Real Etsate; Dogs, (¡otter nnd Bill Anderson Rodney Mr. and Mrs. John Schm idt of | to follow the hare Pets; Stoves, Heaters; R ab­ have been at the beach for some J Ea.st Side Term inal Portland Cupersm ith, who has spent the past Montesano, who w ere guests for Mr and Mrs. Herman Jaenicke time, Phone EAst 8131 bits; Musical Instrum ents; For returned home w ith him. week visiting Herds, returned home a week at the home of his brother of Cornelius were Friday afternoon Rent- Miscellaneous; Rooms, Mrs. J. R. Sandford is spending j with his parents. Fred, left for their home Tuesday, and evening guests at the Adolph A p a r tm e n ts ; H o u se s, a n d the week at Rockaway. She was ac- I George Ziegler, Vivian Ziegler, They visited other relatives and Schm idt home. Farm Loans. Mrs Hilly Tlguson, Mrs Clara many old friends and neighbors as Mr. and Mrs. Leon Davis and companied by Mrs. Otto H artram pf Wohlschlegcl and Mr and Mrs. | they are form er residents of this children arc spending this week at and Joyce and Olive Johnson of I FOR FARM S Hurry ('ru ler und son of Newberg place. Mrs. Schm idt was C arrie Rockaway. Mr. Davis was busy last Hillsboro. LARGE or SMALL visited the Carl Wohlschlegcl home and Mrs. Ed Sieffert and daugh­ Otto of Bald Peak before her mar- week with some carpenter work Miss Eugepie C ypher re tu rn e d ' ter Mary Jane, Mr. and Mrs. Ray riage Sunduy. See Albert Heard or. the new addition to th eir house. home Sunday evening, after spend­ C allers at the Dick Taylor home Moore and Wilmer Moore, Mr. and Guests last week at the J H. Sunday guests at the Adolph ing a week w ith her cousins, Mr Banks, Oregon August 4 were Mi and Mrs. Ernest Mrs. W. G. Hesse, Wilma, Vivian Haase home w ere Mr. Haase's broth- Rutschman home w ere Mr a n d and Mrs A rthur Davis, at North Liverm ore and Mrs. Lena Uuiney and Thelma Hesse. Mr. and Mrs. , er, Louie Haase. Mrs. Haase and Mrs. Edwin Rutschman and daugh­ Bonneville. John Matthlesen, Mr. and Mrs their son M urray of Maxwell, C a l, ters Ellen and M argaret of Mon­ of Beaverton. Mr and Mrs Roy McCool and Fred M atthlesen of Beaverton a n d 1 Mrs. Louie Haase's m other, mouth., and Mr and Mrs. Carl family went to Bonneville dam F ri­ Mr and Mrs. Frederick Young and Mrs Matteson of Germ antown, Cal. B retthauer of Hillsboro. I children. day to attend u family picnic. Birthday C elebrated Picnic Planned George Nupp of Castle Rock cull­ Mrs. W. H. McNay was honor P aul R obeson Stars ed at the Carl Seiffcrt home S atu r­ Scholls Ju n ior Woman’s club w ill' guests at a th eatre party in Port Let your loved one’s resting plase be in Film at V en etian day. have a pot luck picnic dinner at land August 7. celebrating h e r -narked w ith a Memorial th at will last Glenn Lylsell returned lost week the Guild picnic grounds A u g u st' birthday anniversary. O thers pres- "Sanders of the River," starring forever, honored w ith a m onum ent that from Skamokawa, w here he assisted ,21. ent w ere Mr. and Mrs. D exter Paul Robeson, famous negro actor j with the hay harvest the past three reflects the dignity and im portance of Mr and Mrs. Frances Rowell a r e , Elliott of Newberg. Mr and Mrs. and singer, and Leslie Banks, will weeks. domiciled at the home of his par-1 Clyde Paddock of Portland, Mr. be shown at the Venetian theatre your family name. We will gladly show Mrs. Gladys Trask and daughter cnla. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Rowell, and Mrs. B G. McNay of Forest tonight, Friday and Saturday. The you memorials and subm it suggestions Jean returned Sunday from a week while plans are being made for Grove and W. H. McNay and son picture was film ed in the African for any type mem orial you prefer. at Newport Congo. building their new home. The Joseph Billy. A * i l i f a ’ Mr and Mrs Pete P rantl of G er­ i Twigg fam ily w ill move Into the Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Haase and vais called at the Lloyd M urray residence, which they vacated. son Harold attended the mission Subscribe now to th e Argus. In OREGON MONUMENT WORKS home Saturday. Lorcll Rousseau of P ortland is festival of the Hillsboro L utheran W ashington county $1.50 a year Hillsboro, Oregon Mr and Mrs. Ed Wohlschlegel spending the sum m er at the L. W. church in the S teinke grove at Six months 85c. T hree m onths 50 spent Sunday at Blue Lake park. cents. Two months 35 cents. tf Newton Sunday. Guild farm. Mrs Victor Boleen and three C. P. Stafford spent from Mon­ Thomas Heed and mother, Mrs children. L uther Miller and Doris [ Elizabeth Reed, visited at the H ar­ day until Friday of last week vis­ Heaton spent several days last old Christensen home Sunday. iting friends and relatives in Spo­ v>. ft. week at DePoe Bay. J M Stretcher is building a nut kane. Mrs. Louise B runner and Hilly Jackson is employed as a drier at the A. L. Mathews farm I grandson, Don B runner of Port- driver by the G reyhound stages. near Amity. | land, cared for the Stafford place Mr. and Mrs. Jackson and son live j Mr, and Mrs Fred Rathbone during his absence. with her mother, Mrs. C arry H itc h -! I made a business trip to Albany Mr and Mrs. H enry Reese en ter­ tained with a craw fish feed at their cock. Saturday. Silver Wedding Observed Mrs. Mary Whisnand of O akland, home Saturday evening. Guests About 16 were present when Mr j C a l. is visiting her son, H. N w ere Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fields of Hillsboro, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dem- .an d Mrs Elmer Howard observed' Whisnand. and family. th eir 25th wedding anniversary re-1 min, W illard Taylor and Gus M il­ ler of Scholls and Mr. and Mrs. , cently. Miss Evelyn Benson returned to i Rollin Meyers. Mrs. Dailey was seriously ill last the parental home Sunday a f t e r ' week but is a little im proved at several months of em ploym ent at this w riting. the John K amna home Miss Ben- Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Stoller and | son lost all of her personal effects 1 j The 2nd Oregon V olunteer as­ , when the Kamna house burned. sociation held its annual picnic children and her father, John Will Mr and Mrs. John Sutherland and basket dinner at L aurelhurst of Beaverton joined relatives in nnd George Jack returned Sunday I park in Portland Sunday in com- P ortland Sunday on a tour up 1 m em oration of the 37th anniversary ; the Colum bia river highway to from th eir vacation trip. J Mr and Mrs. Jess Snyder and of the fall of Manila, and approxi- j Cascade Locks, w here they crossed Mr and Mrs. Dick T aylor drove mately 200 veterans w ith their | the bridge and w ent down the the Mt. Hood loop Friday and had families and friends w ere present, j Evergreen highw ay to Camas. There picnic dinner at the Rangers' camp. Tw enty-five m em bers had d i e d they visited an aunt and a cousin, W alter B urke and fam ily atten d ­ since the last reunion and taps Mrs. Lydia Stoller. and son. Miss Nellie Rothstrom and Eli ed the funeral of his brother, A r­ w ere bown for the deceased com­ H innem an of P ortland visited her th u r Burke, nt Beaverton Thursday rades. An interesting program w a s m other, Mrs. Mary Rothstrom, Sun­ Clifford T rask and Miss Irmal Trask visited relatives at Salem rendered and the 162nd infantry day. Meet in Grove was in attendance. Officers for the nnd Stayton Sunday. L aurel Ladies' Social club w ill Mrs Richard Nylun and the Will coming year w ere re-elected: Col. Rogers family attended the Ad­ Willis. Portland, president; H S. be entertained by Madames B. G. ventist meeting at Gladstone park Rogers. Hillsboro, vice-president, and W. H. McNay at the form er's and Judge Deieh, secretary-treas­ home in Forest G rove Wednesday, August 3 August 21. The club is sponsoring B irthdays Observed urer. Those in attendance from Wash­ a picnic at Louie's Place August Mr and Mrs S P Taylor spent I Sunday with their daughter. Mr ington county w ere Mr. and Mrs. 25. All in the com m unity are cor­ and Mrs Phil Dahl, w here they ob­ A lbert Spiering, C harles Herb, H dially invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs Roy Heineck and served the birthdays of Mr Tay­ S. Rogers, R. L. A ntrim , Fred Boyd son Gordon, all of P ortland and and R F. Buck. lor und Mrs Dahl. Lawrence. C larence a n d W arren J. II. Moore llonorred Mrs. J. H. Moore entertained If you change your address kind­ Veck and Je rry Shanahan were Sunday guests of th eir daughter ly notify the Argus direct and at Friday evening in honor of Mr. tf and sister. Mrs. Aae Rutschman, Moore's birthday Guests w ere M r.1 once. and family. The H einecks are hav- V ’ ing th eir store building remodeled and enlarged. Veryl Frost of Midway is m aking M an indefinite stay w ith h er aunt. Mrs. Rollin Meyers. A lbert Rosevear of Washougal, Wash., visited his parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Rosevear, Thursday. M ilton K eyser had a new roof MMÜ «•* put on his house. Law rence Crow ­ der of Scholls did the w ork H arold D ieberger of Oakland. C a l. was a guest at the E. C. and J. W. Mulloy homes from Friday until Sunday. He w as-callin g on other friends and form er neighbors also. The fam ily lived here in the nineties when H arold's father was .. Brush Blaze Breaks Away Classifications Tell Ad Story North Plains Folk Attend a Reunion Yield Better Than Expected Rem em bered---- A T ra v e l Crepes $£98 * W; Practical! Smart! Easy to wear, hard to wrinkle! And so good-look­ ing! Monotone tweed pat­ terns, interesting color ef­ fects. Novelty trimmings of taffeta, smart new short sleeve treatm ents, intrigu­ ing belts nnd buttons! 14 to 20 and 38 to 44. All nmazing values! P E N N E Y 'S J. C. P E N N E Y CO M PANY, In c o r p o r a te d '• S s ® A k YOU DONT HAVE TO "BREAK IN" THE FORD V -8 Veterans Spanish War Hold Reunion ♦ •ft You can drive it 50 miles ail hour the day you buy it ‘7" 1 cigarette, too needs .B alance. ■ M Í x ¿S í - ; MODERNIZE Your Car w ith a new, lasting P a in t Job a t Busch’s And that’s why the tobaccos in Chesterfield arc carefully balanced one against the other . . . not too much of one — not too little of another. We take the right amounts of the right kinds of four types of tobacco — Bright, Burley, Mary­ land and Turkish. It is this balancing o f tobaccos that makes Chesterfields milder a n d makes them taste better. / m ir .w Chesterfield ... the cigarette that's MILDER Chesterfield... the cigarette that TASTES BETTER ® 1933. L iccstt It M y ««» T obacco C o . Choose from our wide variety of 1935 shades and let our t r a in e d workmen give your car a smart, stylish paint job. Estimates W ithout Obligation Busch’s Service Garage 126 8. T hird Ave. Busch’s Super Service Station Center Third and Baseline Phone 501 A. H. Busch, Prop. T he F ord V-8 is ready for normal driving when you buy it. There is no tedious period of breaking-in for 500 or 1000 miles. You can drive it up to 50 miles an hour the first day. And after the first hundred miles you can drive it as fast as you desire. That means greater motoring enjoyment for every motorist. It is especially important to motorists who are thinking about a new ear for u vacation trip — to physicians, salesmen and all those who use a car for business. In­ stead of dragging along at slow speeds for days, you can make good time from the start. The reason for this is as important as the result. The Ford V-8 needs no breaking-in because of unusual accuracy in the manufac­ ture of moving parts and the smoothness of bearing surfaces. Clearances are correct when you buy the ear. It is not necessary to depend on a long wearing-in period to eliminate tight­ ness and insure smooth running. Longer life, greater economy and better performance are bourn, to result from such precision methods. The Ford V-8 gives you fine-ear constrnrtion. along with fine-car performance, comfort, safety and beauty. FORD V-8 We desire publicly to express our appreciation for the many fine expressions for our success in our new location, and for the fine attendance at our opening. We only hope you enjoyed it half as much as we enjoyed having you. We extend to everyone a cordial invitation to make our new place your headquarters. The FORD CORNER is the brighest comer in town. Third and Washington lAUTMORIZIO SALES A M WSMM (Venetian ticket, Ben Heesacker, Forest Grove Bt. 3)