H IL L S B O R O Wage Eight ARGUS, H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Thursday, August 15, loan Medford and Mrs McPhvotcrs vis­ Socia/ News of ited Mrs. Dave Crockett at (¡runt* Puss. Miss Katheriiitf McConnell of accompanied them and re­ Local Folk and Portland mained for a visit with Mrs Nos- Their F r ie n d s 1" Mrs F G. Molainier and son in­ Washington. D C . who is touring the west for the first time und Is delighted with our scenery und climate. Mi und Mrs George Wulti r. Mrs II T. Wright, Mrs Ituy Gilmore, Mrs. Edward Km tzeborn und Mr und Mrs. Leonard Swisher were among Hillsboro peoplv who a t­ tended the annual Seventh Day Adventist camp meeting at their permiincnt camp at Gladstone d u r­ ing the past two weeks. Mr and Mrs Robert Warrens und Robbie Burr und Jru n Pulrlrlu and Mr und Mrs Alison Cornell of Forest Grove, and Mr und Mrs H erbert Ziegler und duugliter L u ­ cille of Portland were guests of Mr. and Mrs Furl Hobbs Wednes­ day evening. August 7. Mrs S autter und duugliter, Mrs C II llavla, of Houston, Texas, a r­ rived Monday for a visit with Mrs S auter’s daughter, Mrs. Edwurd K ,>11.-claim Mrs Suullet will m i dergo a m ajor operation in P o rt­ land while here. Dr. and Mrs. A. O. Pitm an at­ tended a studio party given by Sidney Hell In Portland Tuesday night. The ,Mirty honored M iss Frances Halleni. who Is leaving to teach art at Carmel, Cal Mr und Mrs. H erbert Hurllngliam und duugliter Anne left Wednesday und Mis Lemiurd Fink of U< Minn- vlllc. Mr. ami Mrs Hruee Selmmim Joseph M,it shall. Mis. Jack Furbia und C. F Harding of Portland -z Mrs Della SI Pierre and Mr and Mrs. Nell Myers spent Sunday with Mi und Mis W W. 81 l*lerr< and daughter, Mr and Mrs. It III Porllund Member* Visit Livestock Mr mid Mrs W. F Cyrus a n t J law Hoffman mid children Hoy mid ) family picnicked Sunday at Mc­ Yvonne of Los Angeles, C a l, arriv ­ Misses Violet und Fihia R h e n of Project* in Valley Minnville park with Mis. Cyrus' Deliver, Colo, are vlaltlug tlieh Sunday night (or a visit with mother mid sister, Mrs. It Work- ed cousin. A W Moore, thia week aitd and Miss G race Workman of Mrs. Molmider's mother, Mrs So,ilia They formerly lived in Portland Ninety-one club members a n d Freerksen, mid sister, Mrs. E. A j Corvallis. Their two daughters re ­ Griffith. leaders from seven countie« in the N E. W F will nu«e4 tonight turned home with Mrs. Workmun W illam ette valley and coast sec­ (Thursday) lit II p. m. at the old I to visit while the parents attend Week end guests at the E A tions attended the third W illamette Grunge hull All memheni ora urg I the I.egion and Auxiliary state G riffith home were Mrs. Elgin of valley 4-H livestock tour, which ed to be preaenl j convention nt The Dulles Hilly Salem, sister of Mrs Griffith, and was held in Yamhill and W ashing­ Cyrus went to Corvallis the first George amt Lilas Doherty of River­ Polly Melhulah I* >|>eiiillng the ton counties th e first ot last week. ! of the week to visit his gruud- side, C a l. great grandchildren of I„ J. Allen, assistant state club week ut Deeunalde with her grand inother. Mrs. Sopha Freerksen. and grund- leader; Rex Warren, county agent I pureutu, Mr und Mi* II It luillure Mrs. Anna Ford of Beverly, Mass . nel’8ew and niece of Mrs. G riffith ot Yamhill county, and L E. Fran- j of St. Helen*. ci*, assistant county agent of Wash-1 was a Hillsboro visitor Thursday, Miss Rose Watkins spent lust Mr and Mrs Allen Slanaell anil ington county, arranged and led paying taxes on county property week with Mr. mid Mrs. W. C Hobby und Nina of Hood River are th e tour. Kemp of Portland Mr. mid Mrs. J F o rm al opening of the new headquarters of th e MaeKenzie Motor company at Third and Washing- “" d 1 '.'."’¡’ p.?,?. s|M-nding a few duy* wtlh M r anil The four W ashington county boys, - - Friday - - - —P icu r. court«» s«li*m*n Studio n ey , a « n o w p a iw in g ir o n a n R. Watkins umi Mrs. J. W Maier Mrs W J 8 ta ie .ll ton streets was - held and - __________ Saturday. w ho attended w ere Glen Ire.and of ___ Alaska trip. Mrs. Ford is an uttor- spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs David Wiley, son of Dr and Mis GreenviUe, Marvin H eynderickx of k in d and vajuabie assistance dur- lllip c r i.il Installs torn '"she' «vi'ir^'^nTVXe Vune Kemp. Schefflin. John Hansen of R o ck . and after the flre D E Wiley, left Portland Friday Contest* at State Meet in Southern California and will Mr and Mrs S. H. Thw alte re ­ night, en route to Now York City Creek, a n d Clayton Ay berg of p lre alarm was sent in from the Miss Dorothy B arr of Hillsboro take a post-graduute course In the turned Sunday from a vacation at with the Hoy Seoul group. T ualatin Hillsboro B ranch of th e F irst Na- R ollin g E q uipm ent of Brem erton and Scuttle. Wash They and Miss Peggy Ross of Aloha won school of law at University F irst half of the tour was held tional bank of P ortland at 6 p. m. Henry Ahren* left Monday for visited the Carnation Farm nt Scut­ Im perial Feed & Grain company bathing beauty contest honors at Southern California. in Yamhill county, w here th e boys Monday when the furnace back- a few w esks’ vlatt with relatives tle und took a trip to the San Ju an has installed equipm ent and ma-) the state democratic picnic at Blue ,, , », , . „ ... _ visited the larm s ot Alex C ruick- fired and sent smoke up through eh.nery und friend* at Boone, Iowa, and for steaming and rolling Lake park near Portland Sunday “ r L C ^ . i ^ i islands during their stay, shank and Frank Brown A Sons. the sidewalk door. No damage barley and Power City, North Dakota oats It is the onlv in- Miss B arr won In the red head dt- " wuru Gi b“ns a" d ‘ ®?‘ta , of Mr and Mrs J. J. Wismet and At these places they judged G uern­ was reported. stallation of its kind in the coun- vision from 1« to 20 and Miss Ross W^ B«dts” and Dr Mrs. Caroline Krueger of Llnnton Mrs. Hattie Suylee of Portland sey cattle, Suffolk. Cotswold and ty. according to Manager Howard in the brunette section from 10, “ ' l5? r " 1 h “ r,s, ” ‘r,,a and Dr, spent the week-end w ith Mr und wus a guest Wednesday of Miss Hadley, and m akes the p l a n t to 15. I and Mrs J w Mr P * * *«d Mrs. Albert llamvl at Brownsville 5 S C ou n ty N ig h t C lub ; Mrs. Gibbons are son and daugh­ Mr. Humel is u brother of Mrs. fo r th e n h o m e :il W illits, C a l, aft Bessie Archbold und other friends thoroughly- m odern and up to date onstrations on fitting sheep and * -» •* * r» ( er two weeks' visit with her p a r­ Mr*. Suylee was formerly Miss ter of Mrs. Betts. Dr and Mrs. Wlsmer und Mrs. Krueger. The grain Is first steamed and then p m .-j l.'-y-iftnn R iV ir d beef cattle in addition to t h e R aided o n Satu rd ay taken ents, Mr and Mrs. George T Mc­ Connell of this city. Peck, Mrs Betts and their guests through the rolling equip- lA JU U U X aU U Il U U d rU judging w ork and fitting demon- j / ment. Mr and Mrs. L. T. Woodward G rath. spent Sunday at Long Beach and Phoenicia Temple, Pythian Sis strations the boys acquired con- (CoatfaaW tros. i w and son Kenneth of Orenco re­ Mrs. Nettie Linton Crouder spent (era. held u plrnie Sunday at A va­ siderable inform ation r e g a r d in g w ere released Sunday on $250 cash A boiler room for housing an H o ld s First M ee tin g Sc“view Wa*h turned Sunday from California, lust week In Portland with her lon pork, niMir Tigard a u to m a t ic n il b h u u rn m o er r a nd « te a m 1 M is s T u la S ai autom atic oil and steam . . , . A . I Miss Tula Samsel Of the county breeding, feeding and management bail each. County board of equalization met agent s offlce „ turne(J last wevk bringing their daughter. Miss Lor­ duugliter, Mrs A E Morrow Her Alleged to have been conduct­ plant has been constructed to the W alter Hutchtnaon of tlte district practices on these farms. Woodward, of San Francisco grandson. Juek Morrow, wus one of ing a m eat dealer's business w ith ­ east of the m ain building. It is Monday for the first meeting of from a vacation in Mt Hood na­ enc attorney'* office and hi* family are home w ith them for u visit. The rem ainder of the to u r was out a license. H. J. Rand of Hills­ planned later to provide steam I th ®, cu rrent y e a r Property owners the group of Portland scouts to vueutiuiiing thia week at Newport tional forest, including Breitenbusn spent In W ashington county. At boro w-as arrested Thursday. Ed­ heat for the offices. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Riggins * and leave for New York Friday I wl11 ** given 15 days from that and other places of inter Miss Mariya Hefner and Charles the Robert W arren's farm the boys w ard Aebischer of Sherwood was Sixteen men a” employed bv date to file claims for reduction in Springs est She was accom panied by Mrs Earl *’f »•»rliand Mrs Am- Mrs Paul Jones and sou Hunt of w ere shown the various irrigation taken into custody Friday on a Im perial Feed property assessments Members of F A Everest and daughter Birdclla ¡'"J “ HarrAs •'>«* »««J o h n of Yam- McMinnville visited Mr. and Mrs lies Holds elimlw-il Mi Hood Son projects. On this irrigation phase charge o I maliciously- exposing hill and Mr and Mrs. Henry D A W Havens Friday und S atu r­ day. M arket conditions are consider- «><*!* include County Judge of Portland. of the tour A rth u r King, extension poison on the carcasses of goats ably upset now. according to Had- Donald T. Templeton, County C lerk McEntire spent a few days last day. Her sister, Virginlu Havens, Miss Virginia Hondlksen of Port specialist in irrigation, accompan­ killed by dogs. A letter from “Bud” Rogers Fri- week fishing at Haskins creek ley, who said selling was difficult. Edward C. Luce and County As- returned with her for a week’s vis­ lund la visiting Miss llernieee F el­ ied the boys. day says he is in attendance at the Mr and Mrjl E r DuViS of P o rt. ________________ sessor J. E. Carpenter. ton for a few dgy*. it C. Daimler. Stanley- Hall and The second stop was at the Hagg W alter N eib ert all of Garden Home, annual encam pm ent of the Dcs land. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Davis Mis* Betty lluvens t* spending Mr and Mrs C. T Richardson T o n sils Removed— B rothers' farm, w here the boys had and A lbert West of P ortland route Fractional M o n e y Moines. Iowa, \ M. C. A. at Boone. and daughter May belle, and George the week with Mias Rosemary Doh Tonsil and adenoid operations at and is having a wonderful time Davis of Polk City. Iowa, were und son Stew art left Sunduy for a erty at Trout Luke. Wuah. an opportunity to study the build­ 5 w ere arrested Friday and booked Sm ith hospital w ere performed He expects to visit with relatives guests Tuesday of Mr and Mrs L. tw o weeks’ trip to California. They ings. equipm ent and plan of m an­ at the county jail on rioting charges. ! Dr and Mrs J 11. Dinsmore and were to meet Nell ut San Fran­ E xh ib it D isp la y ed the on the following during the week: at Ledar 1 Lipids. Iowa, and Chica- j Davis of near Hillsboro agement of this dairy farm. They C. B lackburn of G arden Home. . w ere also given instructions in the complainant, alleges th at the | Interesting collection of fraction- T hursday — Phyllis a n d Leonard go. Illinois, before returning home { Mr nnd Mrs Robl,r , Duv(s #nd cisco Tuesday, w here he is in port son Tommy spent the waek-end ut the Lincoln county beuehe« for three days. judging dairy cattle and then judged q u artet attem pted to attack him ; al currency was brought to the Ar- Belongia of Vernonia, Shirley Tro- Mr and Mrs. B. M Goodman son Rupert of Prineville, who have II. S. Rogers left fur San Fran Messrs, and Mesdumes Frank J. a class of Jersey producing cows. after he had inform ed state police | gus this week by K irk Hoover of ber and M argaret a n d Norman and son Jack w ent to Seaside Sun- been visiting Mr. und Mrs. I. I cisco Tuesday night for the S. P Schneider. Fred Engeldlngcr, and H arty of Hillsboro: Friday—Mrs. A dem onstration on fitting a dairy regarding a reputed noisy party. n ear Kinton. The display of 13 _ , , , ,, . _ day for a two weeks' vacation Davis for the past two weeks, w ere) c c n-.j.-...,., j i i i i . . general huapital for nirdirul a t­ calf for show was also given them. Gene Grav of Hillsboro reported Pieces ranges from a three-cent M argaret Lyons of Vernonia. Frank Goodman Plans to enter the golf called home Sunday on account of filI11,u e!1 who «„..„«i.-d Hie tention G ray of HtUsboro reported £ ~ e ( o a ‘, 50.<.ent paper bill In ^ to.l .k erJ ° f „H,l,sJbo™'. Jl.m ’ tournam ent at Seaside as does Dr illness. The tour ended at th e H. W. the Gene ! Knights of Columbus picnic ut ¡ Mrs Altncdn Sherm an and daugh­ Of a quantity OI toots ™ m v H a v d e n o f G le n w o o d S itiir r fi. Ray thoroughbred horse breeding from theft his autom obile Monday eve- addition Hoover brought in three _ p a(sv j>acker phvilis and Bobbie KalP1‘ Mllls tlf Forest Grove, who j Whiddon. who has been Balm Grove Sunday ter Dorothy of Portland w e r e farm near Hillsboro, w here the ning. On the sam e evening 150 ° * , Mi*,,can mone-v and 8 New of Vernonia Ronald and Bet tv ¡s oL; ° af Seaside vacationing with (r............... painting the home of M iss - E m ily ■ — -------- Mr and Mrs George T McGrath KUf»1’ Friday of M r. Florence Hey. x boys had an opportunity to see the young chickens w ere reported stol- Confederate bill. Jcan MUJer of P o rt,and anrf E,ea_ h is fam ily. Young in Portland, returned home and their holts«, guests. Mr und nolds various brood m ares and stallions en from Mrs. A Ramey of Cor- The collection, now on display nor May Woodruff of Vernonia and Rev W H. Marks of Pasadena. Saturday Miss Young Is still vis« Mrs. H erbert Uurltnglium, were Mr and Mr» E J. Mort arrived Monday M|M*ut Sunday at Seaside. home in Port lund. Rock C reek dairy club w ill broad­ to retu rn a juvenile prisoner ar- 1863 issue. 10 cents. William I o itla n d were guests VVtxInesdas fo r a j w o w e e k s ’ v isit w ith h e r Miss Elm ira Scott, who has been , I of D aughters of Union Veterans will Mr and Mrs. Gu* Leben and cast a dialogue describing th e Wil­ rested in th at city for W ashington M erredith issue; 10 cents. 1863 of last week of their relative. Mrs parent .Mr and Mr.. L. J. Rush- her sister. Mrs S. J Raf- I Helen Deichman. Mother Burger of Bethany are vis­ meet Monday evening at 8 o’clock lam ette valley 4-H livestock tour county authorities. lssue ^Goddess of L iberty); 10 visiting low. fety of Mountaindale, for the past iting Mrs Leben’s sister. Eliza Iain at the Veterans' hull. over station KEX. Portland, on the ... practicing *- * • n - cents. ashington); four Miss Elsie Stumbaugh. who has C harged . with v eten 5.cpnt 1863 issue f «W 18(,2 an* 1863 , month, leaves tonight for her hom< Mrs. Guy Paine entertained Mrs | gue. at Seaside, and old friends. “W estern Farm and Home Home Mrs Harry White and daughters ary m edicine in th e county w ith- suc. c 1862 , w ash . in Madison. Wis. Miss Scott came been a guest of Mrs. Ralph Dresser isatjnl. Holsman und children Car- Hour,” Friday noon. This num ber Mr*. J. H Klosterniun and fuiotly of Cochran were guests Thursday ^ . ‘^ 1 ‘"«ton-; and w 3 v«* cents. «wo 1863 s»ouv is*ue west to attend the national con- for the past week, left today for oj and Kichard of Chicago, III. at at Gearhcnrt. »vaa* ' week end at N ew port Mflry R( m and dausht<.r tw o sons of Ouk Harbor, Wash . are at the Doherty home a* T iout laike over stations in Oregon. W ashing­ uels is alleged to have represented visiting her brother-in-law and Wash th at he was connected with a firm the Jones hospital, rem ained here ton and California. Mr*. E C. Brown of Hillxboru. Glenda of Cottage Grove and Al sister. Mr anil Mrs Ben W Faber, of county veterinarians, according Local Scout Returns L A Long spent the week-end Miss puleina Brown of Portland. Ppr( Webber of Junctlon City vis- this week. L ieu ten an t-C o m m a n d er Visit*— at Seattle, u guest of his aon. C lif­ to Sheriff Connell. from Camp Meriwether Lieutenant-C om m ander H arry S and Mr». R L. Davidson and daugh- 1Uk1 Mr and Mra j K Webber M rs Martha Shaylvr is in P o rt­ ford Long, and family. Dorothy Lee of r k o orest Grove st.VPrai st.veral dav day!l |ast weck H erschel C lutter of Mulloy was Tom Bronleewe Jr. returned last H arding of the U S S Concord tei lvl *evrumy uee oi r e s i «..rove, Fire H a za rd H ig h land taking care of her father. Ed­ arrested Tuesday evening and book- night from Camp M eriw ether, w here arrived at the W eatherred home are spending a few days at Cannon w „vn„ Pll ,,, Mr und Mrs. Verne McKinney gar Bourne, who 1 m ill and recent­ and son Walter spent the week end A fte r H o t W eath er 6 C y J °" a mora b!stha? 1f hOU‘,^ * t e r ilIiori ,he Tuesday m orning to join Mrs Hard- Beach this w eek children ,‘f' Dallas w e r e r v e 'k e n d ly suffered several fractured ribs at SeuMide I cnarge past tw o months. He w ill leave ing for two weeks leave. He came Miss Winona Putnam is spending au..sts of Mr a n i l Mrs P eter In a fall. (Continued fro m p are one) Sunday on the sea scout cruise to north from San Diego. CaL the week in Salem assisting her o„idu,«B n „ a r H ill« h n r < . Mr and Mrs E It Bailey and halter place south of Hillsboro was Mr and Mrs. It C Busch und family Alaska and plan* to be gone about) ---------------------- uncle. Chris Kowitz. city attorney. K“ d* es n‘ ar rH returned Friday brought under control by the de- KOtanail M o v em en t tw o weeks. Scout* will serve as H L. MaeKenzie went over to while hi* office girl is away on „ . ®r r .J "L1' and ^■’¡’••y v islle il nt partm ent Friday. A nother call was TA* j • n 1 m em bers of the crew of th e boat Rockaway Wednesday morning to her vacation. She will retu rn t o na* Drlth camp. D evils 1-akc, Miss Mmnle Wyffels of the tax Sunday. Their daughter Beverly (lay for a two weeks' vacation at received Sunday afternoon for a L /1 S C U S S C O b y L/CCK provided by th e United States navy, spend the rest of the week with his Hillsboro Saturday departm ent uf the sh eriffs offici­ •« j « . . 1 is vacationing there. Cannon Beach brush fire n ear Hazeldale. family. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Erickson of ... » . «. ,, __ .. . .. . ..... Principles and objects of the , — , —, . Mrs Mux C randall is leaving la siMtidlng ber vacatlon at Netarls The city dum p north of Hills- Rotarv movement w ere discussed at i HtRsLoro Townsend Club Portland w ere guests last Wednes- r rS,. „ Sewell and Miss Louise , Keehn apent thè New Highway O prnrd u boro was reported burning at 6 p. the Ro t a n c i ub iast T h u rs- “ Represented at Session day of their relatives. Mr and Mrs ^ r ' and Stannard and Tuesday to muke an indefinite vis- » I’h friends Widening of Baseline street from J, D. Anderson and Mrs. L udem ia1 Donald spent the week-end at it wltli her son. Kenneth Crandall. " c*'k *nd al m. Monday and the fire depart- Brown dav by of Rev. H. A Deck. F. L Laurel was chairm an of ! R e ^ R ^ L Mp^itnam " e f t * Wednc"? F ‘,th avenuc t0 ,he «»ro»«! from Minneapolis m ent was called out. Anderson. Mrs. L. Anderson is quite Yacholl. Wash., on the Lewis river, ut Koff, Cal ing at the Ray-Maling cannery Mrs. Fayetta Allen spent the ill. i Mr. and Mrs. P D. Bryden and Mrs F W Heintz and daughters. A nother fire was reported near the meeting, while W J. Mills sang day morning to attend th e Town- Mr and Mrs. Floyd Davis of Los son , Jo h " of Nampa, Idaho, were Mesdames Claud. Morley und Itu "«'«••‘ -end In Salem, u guest of her j Sherwood Tuesday afternoon. The two solos. send clubs' convention for the first was completed last week and op­ ened to traffic Saturday. p< rt Fox, und Miss Irene Heintz 'istcr-ln-law . Mrs Clo F. Johnson. Angeles, Cal., w ere guests Friday ! jyeek-<*nd guests of Mr. and Mrs. flames w ere in grass and brush Program today (Thursday) will congressional district a t Albany are spending the week at Seaside Georgv Johansen of the shoo de­ of Mr. Davis' uncle and aunt.. Mr ! Bobert Burlingame, and had spread over about 10 acres, be under the direction of R o b er Rev. Putnam and Kelly, president M arriage License-« Home of John Kamna Jr., of Burlingame. and secretary, respectively, of the George McPherson, who has been partm ent ut Well's Is on his annual Norman K C arter and Edna S. and Mrs. L. I Davis, of south o f ' Howard Hillis returned Monday Farm ington was destroyed by fire , ;--------------------- local club- are delegates from Hills- Schmidt, both of Hillsboro route Hillsboro. They w ere o n their from a short vacation at Redmond, ill for sometime, wus returned to vacation. honeymoon. w here he was a guest of George St. Vincent'» hospital In Portland Miss Helen Crook of Weil's de­ early Sunday morning. Loss of the Life Saving Cards boro. 3. Tuesday. partm ent store Is away on her a n ­ Mrs. L. A. Long accompanied her j B lliott tw o and a half story building and Awarded by Red Cross Exam iner Here T u t Days nual vacation. contents was estim ated at $5500 Life „ vlng and first aid certjfi. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kelly re ­ Building Work Under Way 30,1 J ud8e Donald Long of Port- Mr*. E L. Hurd, who is attend- R. J. Dooley, exam iner of oper- and was mostly covered w ith I n - ! cates „4 ,, aw arded to six young turned Tuesday night from a three Miss Edwyna Uroadbent of Salem W C. Christensen of Fifth avenue land to Eugene Saturday, where lnK sum mer school at Monmouth, ciirqnm . , . . . . . . 0 1 ators and . j, . chauffeurs, w ill be in is having an open stairway con- ,hpy visited Mrs. Long's daughter, »pent from Friday to Monday at duy visit with Mr« Kelly'» aunt, visited friends In Hillsboro the first Flames w ere discovered at the | inform ation r e ^ l v ^ b y W ^ F ’" ^ ^ A u g L ^ " t h e ^ o u r t structed in his home of the week. Mr» S Shellabarger, at Seattle M rs- Fred Baumann, and family. her home here. back of the house shortly after man of Aloha, president of the h o i S from W a m J ? « m Lawson Auld of East Walnut Mr. and Mrs Fritz A bcndroth Mrs. C. E Lytle relum ed Thurs- Mr and Mr». John G ardner went Mrs E T. Turner and Mrs Dur- 3:30 a. m. and the fam ily w a s , county Red Cross chapter, from Tuesday T n d 8 a. m m 5 n m street in Hillsboro is painting the and fam ily and their guest, Naomi j day evening from a visit with Mrs. to Portlund Monday evening to nld Horine of Portland left S a tu r­ able to save but little from t h e ; Ralph E. Carlson of San Francisco Wednesday “ 8 ‘ 5 P exterior of his home this week. Short of Portland, visited re lativ es' R C. Vaught and family at Yakima. visit her mother. Mrs. Lena Stew ­ day for a week's stay at Rockaway building. "The fire was believed to ' in charge of life saving ar.d first ________________ art. who is 111. ------------------------- at Seaside Sunday. Miss S hort r e - 1 Wash. Mrs J. W Swank of Payette. have started in the kitchen. The aid in the N orthw est Division. Those Rirth« T o n Ijlfp tr» C Inccifv turned hom c Sunday evening I Mrs G C. Chase left Monday Michiko Sunnmota of Banks un- Idaho. R|>rnt the week-end with local fire truck was called, but I receiving certificates are Jam es Farnham —To u T m H u - vai«saaiiy Mr and Mrs c J C ritten d en 1 m orning for a w eek's visit with derw ent a tonsil operation at Jones Mr. and Mrs. J K. Webber was unable to save the house. F ire | N ewberry. Walter Dyke. F rank F arnham ™f near HiUs^o“ A u g ^ l GOOD w ork m are for sale or trade, ¡and fam ily of Eugene were guests her daughter. Mrs. R. W. Nichol- b'” Plt?.,...Wedne’K,ay. morning Dr ! Mrs H J Altnow of lx « Angel. was discovered by th eir son Jack, Roberts. Fanny and R uth Goff, all 8. a boy. D. E Wiley operated —Mrs. John Hergert, 3 miles a few days last week at the Fred »»b, at Seattle. Cal., arrived Tuesday (or a visit w ho was sleeping on th e porch. of Forest Grove community, and 26p Caldwell home and w ith friends Judge Donald Long of Portland Ready—To Mr. and Mrs. J. R south Cornelius. Mr and Mrs. Hay Thomas spent with Mrs. Caroline S ta n g el Before Mr K amna could get to G ary McCutcheon of Glenwood. at Cochran. Ready of Route 2 Banks, at the was a guest Monday evening o f , the week-end at Newport, the phone it was cut off by flames. Knotty K nitters club met Mon­ TRADE Eureka vacuum cleaner county home, August 6, a boy. Mrs. H attie Davidson of the Blue his parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. A .; Visitors this week at the T S day evening with Mrs. Guy Paine The K am oas wish to th an k their Suit for M arriage Annulm ent and attachm ents for light car not Eagle Schneider—To Mr. and Mrs. John cafe left Sunday for a week's Long He was accompanied by a W eatherred home were Mr and friends and neighbors for th eir Pindell—Helen M. vs. Albert. Miss Jan e Auld of Portland spent Schneider of Rt. 4, Hillsboro, A u­ later than 1928 —C all Christensen vacation w ith her daughter in P o rt­ friend^ Mrs. Theodore Chlswell, of Mrs Frank Marsh of Portland. Mr Machine Works. the week-end at her home here 28p land. gust 8. a boy. Mrs Leona Paisley of Portland FOR SALE—Little pigs. — George Divorces Granted Zimmerman. 2t4 miles north of is visiting this week with her rela­ Glover—Alice from Harold A. Hillsboro; North Plains road. 26-7p tive«,, J K ennedy and Mr. and Oswald—L aura D. from Homer Mrs. Reid Eldridge. 1 Charles. PHONE 734 for prices on plum b­ Mrs. C. E. Well« and Mrs. L. T Boyd—Mary Ella from H arry W. ing, fixtures, m aterial and labor; M cPheeters returned Saturday from Frykm an—Anna from G u st S ells ou r "Better-for-L ess” no overhead. Can save you money. a week in Southern Oregon. Mrs Jack —Anna P. from M. L. —B. C. Schulmerich. 28tf Wells visited Mrs Bryce Nosier al Women’s White and M a c k e n z ie M otor C o m p a n y in N e w H o m e Four-H Group Attends Tour t C O N FID E N C E USED CARS FRAN KLIN SPORT SEDAN— l295 ‘95 In excellent shape ................. BUICK COACH— Good value .. BUICK SPORT COUPE— Nice car .............................. $ STAR SEDAN $ “A ” FORD SEDAN— Excellent ...................... $« V a c a tio n Specials a t W e il’s D e p t. Store High Colored Powers Grocery MAIN STREET PHONE 81 1934 CHEVROLET TO W N SEDAN ............................ CHEVROLET COACH ....... DODGE SEDAN .................................................. DODGE COUPE— Completely overhauled, new tires ‘675 ‘695 ‘115 ‘75 ‘315 USED CARS P ro m p t S ervice . . . CHEVROLET and FORD USED TRUCKS of every description The above cars are merely repreHentative of the largest stock of cars we have ever had. COME IN TODAY! HILLSBORO MOTOR CO. Corn Flakes Red & White. Pkg......................... Mayonnaise Red & White. Pint jars............ French Dressing Red & White. 8-oz. bottle ............... Bought and Sold 6c 28c 17c Peanut Butter Red & White. 23c Luncheon Rolls * n Red & White, Wax. 1-Ib. glass ja r .............. 125*foot...................... Coffee Manning's. Lb. . 25c James Whitelaw, Prop. Chevrolet end Oldsmobile M ala Street, near New Post Office I-oi on Second Ave. Discount Ox All Specials for August 16 and 17 1934 (Late Season) PLYM O UTH SEDAN. Very well k e p t............ 15% Many other items specially priced for Friday and Saturday. These prices good Aug. 16 and 17 only. 1929 1928 1931 1929 1935 1926 Chrysler 4-door Sedan Buick 4-door Sedan Austin Essex Coupe W illy* Buick 4-door Sedan Several other cars $15 and up All kinds of Top Work, Painting and Body Work. Car* Washed and Polished Agent for W illy* and Graham-Paige Graham-Paige Sedan $860 Delivered Here W illy* 4-door Sedan $579 Delivered Here Gas - Oil - Accessories Used Car Exchange 2nd and Wash. Phone 2641 S u m m er S h o es Value* to $6.00. Final $-6 .98 Your choice .... K clearance. D ress Prints 36 Inches Wide Big assortment, plenty of patterns. -6 Yard, special A Small Deposit W ill Hold Any Blanket ! B L A N K E T SA LE C O N T IN U E S 70x80 Single Plaid Blankets 70x90 White Sheet Blankets 70x80 (’art Wool Double Blankets 72x84 28% Wool Double Blankets 2-pound Cotton Batts 2-pound All Wool Batts 81x108 Quilting Batts ... J. vrL ...... 7'». $1.98 $2.98 W o m en ’s H a ts GOSSARD Two lots o f summer hats, including new fall ffelts. Y ou’re T a ll- T h is if ... 49c .„d 98c M,SS i m p l i c i + q' is Correct for You R eady-to-W ear Tlte uplifted bust, outline«) fihs, slim waist and hips it* symbols o f youth, M isSlm- plicity * tan preserve them . .. even bring them back!. . by means o f the diagonal pull o f the famous hack straps The model shown is o f figured ba tisrc, lace and 16-inch C ^ ’ twi elastic * ■ . Sale Women’s pastel rayon dresses, women’s beach slack« and shorts, wom­ en’s beach coats in bright colors. $ a .00 Choice .............. ■ Boys’ T a S ch o o l S h o e s All. solid uppers with no-mark wearflex soles in sizes $ 4 .9« uim All Leather B rogues For boys. Extra heavy leather soles arid heels. Moccasin toes, black and blown. $ 4 .9 8 Sizes,to 6, O V. .1 p m , , f n a u .. i.,n,„ Correct fittings by graduate corsettieres. Surgical and maternity fittings guaranteed. Phone 2581