I'hurKility, August 15, 1935 H IL L S B O R O ARGUS, H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Page Sev»>n New Ads Come and Old Ads Go but Opportunity Goes on Forever on This Page A Ready Market with Big Results at Little C ost----Classified Columns Close at 10 A. M. W ednesday— Too Late to Classify Accepted Until 5 P. M. Wednesday Count W ord»—Knut Money 8. W o r k W a n te d from and after Saturday the 31st SHERIFF'S SALE NOTICE O l SALE OF K E A L day of August. 1935, proceed to Notice is hereby given, that b y ' PROPERTY BID IN BY WASH­ (K )(III all around farm hand wanti LICENSED stork trailers. 2 cow ,,A,HY cuw* "f kinds for aale sill at private sale to the highest virtue of an Execution. O rder and I INGTON COCNTY, OREGON, AT work Itohert Smith, c o Keholla eapuelty, rent $1 per day. Light or trade All double-tested -Gail bidder, for cash in band, all of the Decree of Sale, issued out of and I 2c First tneertlon, tier word DELINQUENT TAX FORFCLOH- Telephone Co 26 trailer» m ule to order Auto parts Karns, Orenco. Telephone 2621X, real property belonging to said under the seal of the Circuit Court i L'RE SALE F.urh additional Iniertlon, and faun machinery.- L. V. Hullt. Hillsboro. 15tf estate, and situate In Washington of the State of Oregon, for the I lc [x'r word .... Notice is hereby given that the County, Oregon, to-wlt: County of Washington, dated the ¡WANTED Position at houaework f 28. R e a l E s ta te undersigned Sheriff and ex-offlcio (No wirvlre per lu u o lea* Be sure to read the classi­ Being bounded and particu­ 18th day of July, 1935, in favor of by experienced girl 473 East tax collector of W ashington C oun­ than 25c) fied and display advertise­ lar described thus: Commenc­ Equity Finance Company, a C or­ [ Washington SI Phone 47IY (Ven- NEW und used farm m achinery | ty. Oregon, by authority of an ments in this week's Argus. ing at a point 13 10 ehs. S. of poration, plaintiff, and a g a i n s t for sulo by Luster Ireland A Header«. per lino 10c , etlan ticket, Ina ltood, Ht 4. Khei order made and entered by the In this issue ten advertis­ the S E. corner of the Dona­ lltf Jonathan Sm ith Coward and Jane | wood I 2(1 Co. County Court of said County on ing treasure tickets to the Block Face llcodltig Perm itted tion Land Claim of D B. Dus­ Doe Coward, husband and wife, THE E I. Matteson farm of 102 the 14th day of August. 1933, will Venetian theatre are hidden tin in T. 1 N. It. 1 W. Will Cush should accompany order WANT wooil aiming job» M J USED m achinery of ull kinds.— defendants, for the sum of $19 90 acres. 4 -m ile south from Gaston, offer for sale to the highest and in the copy and this might be Mer. and running thence W. Konake, 423 Second St N , llllls- costs and disbursem ents w ith in­ Hillsboro Feed Co.. 100 W. Main west side of pavement. 70 acres in best bidder tor cash, or for not less your lucky week. Out of fuirneaa to nil no In­ 10.00 ch s; thence S 5 00 chs.; I air u Phone 2141Z terest thereon from the 13th day 25-Up street r tf cultivation; 30 acres M elbourne than tw enty (20) per cent of the Read each carefully. If you formation on the C lu a a lfle d thence E 10 chs., thence N. of July, 1930, at the rate of 6% per loam w alnut soil; 30 acres good purchase price in cash, the rem ain­ find your name listed with Pogo will be given out until 5 00 chs. to the place of begin­ WILL take Into my home and care 2 2 . annum and the fu rth er sum of pasture A spring at house, another S h e e p , G o a ts der to be paid under w ritten agree­ the words "Venetian ticket" the puper la laaucd. ning, containing five acres of for elderly people Plume 11114 $588 18 with interest thereon from at barn; w ater in every field Ap- ment with purchaser tn equal in­ preceding it, clip the adver- land reserving a strip of land n r cull at 533 S 10th A ve, llllla- COTSWOLD lain» and rani lambs Proximately 500 cords oak wood the 12th day of April, 1934, a t the stallm ents over a term not exceed­ tlsm cnt in which it appears j t o n i / i i u i«iiiio iiritj itiiii iiiiiiii.i ' described as follows: Commenc­ I boro, for reservation». Mr». Murle i t foriuile. rate of 10 per cent per annum, and ing three years from date of sale, and bring it to the Argus of­ Lester Sell, Banks 26-7p Jjaririy to pavement Price $4500 ing at above commencing point W il k 23 Up tor the fu rth er sum of $152.02 de­ A n n o u n c e m e n t* - i-r - ____- __ -. - Terms.- See Mr Matteson or m y­ 1. fice Your free theatre ticket all deferred payments to bear in­ and running thence W 20 feet, linquent interest up to April 12. terest from date of sale at the rate w ill be ready for you. | SHEEP Eor Sale Purebred y ear­ self, C hester P Walker, Yamhill, thence S. 5 00 chs., thence East 1934, and lor the fu rth er sum of EVERYBODY knows Ihnt our P e r­ 10. S a le o r T ra d « -M ia . of six (6> per cent per annum, and ling Hampshire bucks, ewes und (cegon. 20 feet and thence N. 5 00 chs. $75.00 attorney's fees with in te r­ fect lllue White Diamonds ure in no event for a sum less than ewe lambs. lambs Frank Sehulm erlch, to a m t i , . i an >„ on .. for a roadw ay for the use of est thereon from the 13th day of priced lower than most jew elers « A E R O - MOTOR windmill. 12-foot Hillsboro, Ht. 5 23tf I i 13 re n tií° tO 82 acrM’ I?,??1' N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S $550.00, the following described par- Albert F. Keehn a n d Anna July, 1935, at the rate of 6 per In the County Court of the State f O re- cel of real property located in . I . Y Ç,ardi n Elmer Jones, Hills- price lniperfrcl stones. Anderson s i wheel, 30-foot tower, like new, Keehn, their heirs and assigns « I ........................ I _ . 1 boro IK 3 •»«-•»- gon, fo r W ashington County. cent per annum , to me directed 26-7p Jew elry store. 33 I will sell for less than 'A original 2 3 . Oregon, and forever ___ _ commanding me to In t h . M a tte r o f t h . E . t . t . of u . t . r v Washington County P o u lt r y and ________ delivered, 1 .11.< i ll n l a nil nt-A p u m p of M idler. Deceased. heretofore bid in by said County GOOD 4 room mrxiern house with Bids for said real property will be make sale of the real property N o tic e nit descriptions for sale — A M FOit sah- or trade Crested Ban- Notice i* hereby given, that the under- at tax foreclosure sale and to nearly acre of ground for sale j received by the undersigned at hereinafter described, I have levied »•good ho* Ix-en duly appointed by the which said County now holds a I WILL not be responsible tor bill« Jannaen D rilling Co., Reedvtlle. tarn- Phone 2102 26 cheap — George Doughty. 1031 E the office of Bagley & H are in upon and pursuant to said Execu­ _.Court; J, " . . A .< lroinb!rB ?< > r deed by virtue of said sale, said contracted by anyone but my I Mull address Ht I, Beaverton. 23tf tf the catate o f »aid devea*ed. and tive firs t National Bank build- tion. O rder and Decree of Sale I A IK'HOT .... I > ----- «Tn------; r ; IOuk 81 ■ Hillsboro. I Venetian ticket, .elf Churle» Lippert. Bank' 20 Up i property to be sold being described = AUGUSI 28 Leghorns. $10; pullet r> w McInnis. Ht 2 Beaverton), p ing, in Hillsboro, Oregon, from and will on Monday, the 19th day ’of duly qualified aa auch. Now, therefore, all persona having as follows, to-wit chicks. $21, Reds, $10, and cocker- 1 ________________________ after said date. 12. F o r S a le — M is c e lla n e o u s August, 1935, a t the East door of claim * against aaid eaiate are hereby els. $2 50 per 100 Chicks hatched FARM for sale or rent. If rented, 155 62 acres in S 4 of N E 4 3. L ost a n d F o u n d Dated this 31st day of July, 1935 the Courthouse in Hillsboro, Wash- notified and required to preaent the and N*-i of S E 4 . Section 29. T. «JOHN J. OE»STEft, A d m in is tr a - in iito n f-m in tv O re g o n a t h o u r same. together w ith proper voucher* NORGE refrigerator, model L319. now will make good spring layers, i stock and equipm ent for sale.— LOST tioll of bedding August 4 els Net 1 N. R. 4 W. as described in Hart's Hatchery, Beaverton 26-8p Nels Nelson, 4 -m ile northw est o f jto r of the Estate of Joseph Oester, of ten o'clock a. m of said day therefor, to the undersigned a t the law slightly used, for sale cheap.— of Bagley A H a re in the First between Forest Grove und Hip Lester Ireland A Co Phillips. Book 111 at page 222, and also 25-6 deceased, with the Will of said sell at public auction to the high- o N ffice* 28 50 R. I. Red chicks, six weeks old, I -— a tio n al Bank building, in Hillsboro. — ___________________________ pling Waters Reasonable rew ard Tim ber in S 4 of N E 4 and N ti deceased annexed. Bagley & Hare, est bidder for cash in hand, all of Oregon, w ith in six m onth* fro m the date at 20c each; one 3-month-old pig; HOUSE and lot for sale.—Inquire Mrs W J Slansell. Hillsboro 2 6 p ; FERTILIZER, 400 cubic yurd», for of S E 4 , Section 29. T I N. R. Attorneys for A dm inistrator. — - the following described real prop­ hereof. 24-8 17tf 4 W. as described in Book 132 gal,, by yurd wtWM III! We also some roller canary singers, | Used C ar Exchange. Dated this 29th day of July, 1935. erty, lying being and situate in priced reasonable.— -Mrs Emil Jossv, ------------— --------------------------------- B O Y E. H A L L E R . A d m in is tra to r of NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE at page 460, 6. W a n t e d — M is c e lla n e o u s deliver C arl Trachsel, Reedvillc. W ashington County, Oregon, and the E state of said Deceased. Bagley A i th Plains 25-6p ' *«»«0 No. 9977 to 7 be g X sold In the C ircuit Court of the S t a t e , ™ ? t t ™ 7 c said ^ r property W tax^s ? ¿ free m e and e™ SMITH convection heater for sale w . ---- ¡T- n------- i iT T . T I F ? R Proper- WANT silo, 8 or 10-fool, must be lows, to-wit: Mrs fa ith Christensen clerk WANTED — Poultry of all kinds. | ty, W ashington street near First. of Oregon, for the County of cept taxes for the year of 1935. in good condition Albert Kehrli. Midway school N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S ’ 2 4 -5 !- yVr,le> w ill call, or bring Friday, $-5WX) Terms reasonable.—Apply M Beginning at an iron pipe on Washington. ___ Said sale will be m ade on Satur- mile east Orenco. IK 2. B eaver- No. 4FH Saturday or Monday before noon. B. Bump, attorney. 8tf Catherine H. Collins, Plaintiff, the South boundary line of the In the County Court of the State of O re- day. Septem ber 14, 1935, at ten GO) Ion 26 NO Trespass. For Sale. For Rent, ! F It Burden, Cornelius. 4«tf Southern Pacific Railway Com­ con. fo r the County of W a»hinxton. o'clock A. M of said day at the v*. In the M a tte r . . f t h e E a t.te of w. j . etc., signs, for sale at Argus. tf ; 3 2 . M u s ic a l In s t r u m e n t * front door of the County Court M artin B ernards and Lena B er-I pany's right of way. 798.7 feet RELIABLE B grade duiryman, who N orth 81 degrees 37 m inutes 24. Pig* nards, husband and wife; John N « ? e e “ ’ hereh i c i»en th a t the under- House i n Hillsboro, Washington has over 20 head of stock, wants West from the N orthw est cor­ WASHERS, used. $15 HAVE YOUR PIANO and u p — ------------------------------------------------- A McGee, B. A Mitchell, A 0.1 signed has been appointed a d m in is tra trix County, Oregon. nl 40 to 80 acres Wnl. ner of Lot Two H undred T hir­ 19lf SIX-weeks-oId pigs for sale -A K Lester Ireland A Co. of the estate o f W . J. B ingham . Derva*ed D a t e d this 14th day Oi August, Pitman, Agnes B ryant, and Mar- ¡ tuned, cleaned, dem othed and re- Argus 25tf by the County Court of the State of O re- ¡9 3 5 Reynolds Inquire at North Plains paired. - G eorge Roberts. Telephone tin Bernards, Commissioners oí i ty-four (234) in Johnson Estate yon fo r the County of W ashington, and a - » , 26 1282 20p WANT to buy livestock, chickens. OLD newspapers. 10c bundle. -A r­ warehouse the City of Orenco of the T u a la -, A ddition to Beaverton-Reedville has qualified. A ll person* having claim * Pu^ ,td ^.on’ August 15, 1935. gua. 18tf Acreage, according to the duly farm machinery, and houaehuld tin Valley, Oregon; Ellen Pitm an, ¡ againat said estate are hereby notified Last publication. Septem ber 12, PUREBRED O I. C. pig» for breed­ 3 3 . to preaent the la m e to me at 1403 Public 1935 F o r R e n t— M is e . goods J W Thomas. Rt. 1, Box City Recorder of the City of O r - ) recorded plat thereof, a point ing pur poxes, both sexes.—H. C. ________________ _________________ in Section Seven (7) Town­ 147 B e a v e r t o n ’’Otf *ENCE posts for sale. Will deliver. Service Building. Portland Oregon, w ith J. W CONNELL. Sheriff of Wash- enco of the T ualatin Valley, O re­ 147. Beaverton. WU Huy Delgman ,.hone 21O7 44tf Ruecker. W-mile south Union Oil FOR R E N T -60 acres. 50 cult., good ship One (1) South, Range One gon; City of Orenco of the T ual­ ■“ ‘ ,ngton County' O re«on 26-30 (1) West of t h e W illamette tanks. Cornelius 26tf I buildings, 7-room house, electric- atin Valley, Oregon; M. R. John­ D ate of f i r t t publication August 15. ' ------------------ -— ■■ ............. . • H e lp W a n t e d 7. M eridian, and running thence 14. C a ra , T r u c k * , T i r e * son; and the U nited States Na­ 1935. D ate of last publication September N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E NT WANTED Brood Tows' t»_ fa'r7ow iiy ' on. WaUej- road, 4_mjles from South No degrees 4 minutes Beaverton, 7 miles from Hillsboro. _ In the County Court o f the State of O re- tional Bank of Portland (Ore­ W A M L I) R eliable lady to le p re REQ .......... . bu> this fall S. H. Davis, Kt 2 .1 —Mrs. E T H E L E. S C H R O E D E R , A d m in istra - gon, fo r W a»hington County. West 292 6 feet to an iron pipe; A. Spies, Beaverton, Route gon), Defendants. sent us in H lll.lx.ro lerrllory. 7g A o ,.pargon T |mb<.r Hillsboro. (Venetian t i c k e t , U o trig . M arvin K Holland. A tto rn ey fo r l n the M a tte r of the E state of H enry thence South 82 degrees 42 26-7 By virtue of an execution, ju d g ­ O pportunity for right paraon A , Vl.„rliun tl(.k,.t Mrg r Hogg K, Tannler, Rt 2 Beaverton). A d m in is tra trix . 1403 Public Service B uild- Chai la combe. Deceased 26p z m inutes East 150.8 feet to an ment order, decree, and order of in». Portland. O r « o n . 26-30 N o tice »* hereby given that the under- buMinnui of your own No Invert- H Bunk»» 26-7 iron pipe; thence N orth No de­ CHESTER White weanling pig* and ™ ° « °« * farms * * ? n ,i horses sale issued out of the above en­ -1 ------------- signed Executor* of the Last W ill and inrnt, gtxxl pay. perrnunent Write ” _________ — TO C R E D IT O R S Testam ent of .taid deceased have filed in grees 4 m inutes East 289.6 feet slock for sale b o t h . f° r s? lc' also good freah cows. titled court in the above entitled Charm ProdUflta tnc« IQg Guardian w l< bu> anti sell used cars. »X breeding In the County Court o f the State of O re- the above entitled court and cauae th eir to an iron pipe on the South­ «* new blood lines - R Horn- »ull*. farm equ pm ent and baled cause, to me directed and dated Bldg, Portland 26 8p gon, fo r W ashington County. F in al Account and report ax such, and ern Pacific R ailway Company’s the 20th day of July, 1935, upon a We want to buy 75 used , f 1~* - . cvp /• land, Oregon. 25-7 Xmas cards, c te . to their Mend* ij „ i , i « n . w o .u funds to loan to farm ers at 4%. Hundred Fifty ($150.00) Dollars as Mle and 831,1 w rit w ith th e p r o p e r voucher* to the under- K C c l l O S t c lt G 1 r 3 H S l C t * S and neighbor*. Good earnings on Hazel school; Beaverton, Rt 2 23tf ° Ver , I OOOO(X) has loaned to attorney's fees, and for the costs S3’0 8316 wU1 be made subject signed at The Comm ercial N a tio n al Bank 1 Fuel W ashington county farm ers by the and disbursem ents of said suit in orders taken, plriisunt work, no 17 redem ption as per statute of o f Hillsboro, in the C ity of Hillsboro, Lucy Chapm an to K u rt Liebenow et ux, bank W rite or call for particulars. the sum of $27.65, and the costs of Oregon- Oregon, o r a t the law office of Thoa. H. 5 acres 8ection 35 T2S R2W . experience required. Resident rep­ Old Horses Wanted J r., in the Comm ercial Block, in C la ra E. Payne to H e n ry L . Chrtsten- resentative will assist you in se- I WOOD Old growth fir, 12 —“I'd I Cheap old horse* for fox feed.— —W ashington County National Farm and upon said Writ of Execution.! D ated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this Tongue the C ity of Hillsboro, Oregon, w ith in *en et ux, p a rt Block Hillsboro, M Person. commanding me to make sale of 161h da£ ol duly' 1935. l - lc Argus 2814 16-28 d Loan Association. J leetlng samples Year around, r e - ! 16-inrli. $3 50 cord and o p 16-28P 22-6 six months fro m the date of the firs t H e n ry L. Christensen to F rits Aben- phone 1071X 26- !, secretary, Hillsboro. 9tf the following described real prop- j J-W . CONNELL. Sheriff of Wash- publication of thia notice, to -w it: W ith - droth et ux. p a rt Block 1 HilUboro. peat business. A personal in ter­ in six months fro m July 25th, 1935. M a ry Schlosst4nn et v ir to H e n r y view will be given you Write RANGE wiMxl, $2 'it p e r In.id h e a v y Í ^6. erty situated in the County o f infh°n County, Oregon. By M C a t t le MONEY TO LOAN Dated this 25th day of July. 1935 Schloastein. part Section 27 T2.S R1W Resident Representative, cure of I State of Oregon, to- Schmidt, Deputy. Joseph. Haney J. L S E A R C Y . A d m in istra to r of the S. R. D iefendo rf et ux to M a ry A. wood, $3 75. planer ends, „ ... . . . . . on improved productive farms, low Washington, Speciality Sales Service. Hillsboro $.3 block & ---- -- Building. ----------------- Portland. - - Estate o f C atherine M. Payne. Deceased Downs. 10 Acres T1S R lW . ’■ Veatch. u v Yeon 75 Figueroa, l ’hon. 1091 25-7p F’NL . ¿m il ?n« « N ^ h ’ intCT«< rate prom pt service, no wit; Oregon. A ttorney for Plaintiff. Thus. H Tongue J r., A tto rn ey fo r Ad- M a ry A. Downs to Sarah Anderaon, Beginning at a stone at the y' ■>* delay.—Hubb* & Hammond. 310 HOPPICKERS Wanted — Register m in istrato r. 23-7 i 10 acres Section Section 21 T1S R lW southwest corner of the Caleb w o o d — 1 latns -®P G uaranty T rust Co. Bldg, 623 Oak now Exceedingly good yard. -O WANTED To buy oak wood — -------------------------------------------------------------------- K a th e rin e Jackm an to Florence U m - NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR'S Wilkins and wife DLC No. 49 Ray D dsinan. Garibaldi Avenue FRESH Swiss Jersey cow, double- St.. Portland, Oregon. 21tf N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S berger Re pass, part Lot 172 Beaverton- T Murphy. 5 miles north of F orw t SALE OF REAL PROPERTY T 1 N R 2 W of W illam ette 22tf In the County Court o f the S tate of O re- Reedville Grove; at Kansas City. 2Hp Phone 2107 tested. for sale or trade —R L MONEY' to loan on good dairy gon. fo r W ashington County. J. W . Connell iS h e r iff) to J. D. Neu- Meridian, in Washington Coun- i No. 4163 26p the M a tte r of the Eatate of J . W . man. L o t 7 Berthold’s Addition. Beaver- class wood for sale. — Ray Adams. Rt. 1. Hillsboro. ty, Oregon; and running thence h e rd s—E A. G riffith. 131 S. 2nd In the County Court of the State In Goodin, HOPPICKERS W.i- t. d Aeesmuno FIRST Deceased. ton. Delsman. G aribaldi Ave. Phone l.i MONTH G uernsey bull, e x ce l­ avenue. N 1° 00 W on West boundary 7tf of Oregon, for the C ounty of dations for campers — 3 miles Notice is hereby given th at the under- Rachel A. H a rla n et ux to West H illa 4»tf of claim 29.15 chs. (1923.9 ft.) signed ha* been duly confirm ed by the M em orial park. 3 Acres Section 1 T lS Washington. north of Hillsboro on North Plains I 2107. lent condition—W B. Ross, Rt. 2. above entitled court as Executor o f the R lW ’. to a pipe 2" dia., thence S. 79" In the M atter of th e Estate of road John Sinclair. 25tf Box 246. Beaverton; 1-5 mile west Last W ill and Testam ent of aaid de- P ark E. T a y lo r et ux to Blanche Lee. 51' E. 27.974 chs. (1846. 2 ft.) 19. H a y and Feed Louise E Bacon, Deceased. junction Barnes-Cedar Mill road. ceased, and has duly qualified as su c h : 60.04 acres TTS R2W’ to a pipe 2" dia., thence S I ’ RAILWAY postal clerks Man lit Notice is hereby given that the N ow , therefore, a ll persons having Oscar A. Simon et ux to W’ ilbu r Rua- 00" E 29.14 chs. to a pipe cor­ 35 $1900 first year regular. P re ­ FEED w heat for sale, $25 ton F FOUR cows for sale, double-tested NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE undersigned. Edward E. Bacon, a d ­ claims against said estate are hereby »ell Peck, part Sections 22 and 23 T lS notified and required to present t h e R 4W F Hanley, 3 4 miles northwest ner on south boundary of said pare immediately for next exam in­ J.iiiK's Will. Laurel 26 Notice is hereby given that by m inistrator w ith the Will annexed together w ith proper voucher* H. L . Ford et ux to Joe Propetra et DLC set by J. C. Hall, in 1893, ations Full particulars free Write Of H ill' I'ol i' virtu e of an execution, judgm ent, of the estate of Louise E Bacon, same. th erefo r, to the undersigned at the law al. p a rt W alker's Addition. Forest Grove, thence N 79’ 51' W. 27.974 chs. im mediately Franklin Institute, THREE 3-year-old heifers, coming order, decree and order of sale is- deceased, by v irtu e of and under office o f E. J. M cA lear. in the F irs t C. L . Larg e to Joe P ropstra et ux. to the place of beginning, "on- Dept 58OE Rochester, N Y 25-8 2 0 . F a r m P ro d u c e — F r u it * , fresh, double-tested. — D. Tscha- ! SUed out of and under the seal of authority of an order made by the N a tio n al Bank building in Hillsboro, O re- part Lot 3 Block 1 Forest Grove, taining 80 acres of land. I Hon. D. T. Templeton, Judge of gon, w ith in six months fro m the date Glenn S. Eh le et ux to Ray Davis. bold, 1K. I. Hillsboro. (Venetian , ho c irc u it Court of the State of V e g e ta b le s Lota 1. 2. 3. 4. 9. 10. 11, 12. 18 Block Now, therefore, by virtue of said the above entitled Court, on the hereof. ticket, Rene Taghon. Rt 1 Come- Oregon for W ashington County on 8. W ork W a n te d Dated this 15th day of July, 1935. 38 W’est Portland Heights. 26-7p the 7th day of August, 1935, in a execution, judgm ent order, decree llth day of July, 1935, in the above CUCUMBERS for pickling Wen­ bus). E. J. M c A L E A R . Executor of the Last Lym an E. Lindsay et ux to Cheater lln use M o v in g _ _______ _ LeRoy M arlow et ux. 10 Acres Section dell Davis. E Oak St . Hills- ill ____ and _________ Testam ent _ of _ said Decease«! .... , _ * _ „«Z ~ ¡cause therein pending in which and order of sale, and in com- entitled estate, w ill offer for sale W __ THREE Jersey cows for sale, com- KIm(.r , Mi„ Exccutor of the 3 IS 1W . Moving, resilllng, raising, base- boro pliance w ith the commands of said at private sale at th e residence of M cA lear. A tto rn ey fo r Executor, 26 Ing fresh in fa 1 . double-tested, w j„ and Testam ent of J- W . Connell (S h e r iff) to C larice E. menta, etc, shingling; 27 yeurs' w rit, I will, on Monday, the 26th the said adm inistrator on t h e v . itu v m- n v . i Nelson. L o u 1. 3 and 4 Block 7 D illey also Jersey bull, 10 months.— experience In Wnshlngton county.— PICKLING cucmbers for s a le —A. st..» YOr»- Ann Miller, deceased. Commercial AayM°f ^ tUthUeStd tw 5'ofat»h10 p ’Cl“ k Premises to be sold at Post Office i„ thl. count, c,».n of H e nry T . Ash to W ashington county, Santoro, 4 -m lle north W i t c h Joseph Kemper, Rt. 1, F o r e s t National Bank of Hillsboro. Oregon, A. M . at the door of the County Address. Sherwood. Oregon, all the F L. Hewitt, 230 N. Dennis Ave gon. for the County of W ashington. Part Section 26 T 2 N R 3W . 25-6p a corporation, w ere plaintiffs, and Court House at Hillsboro, Oregon, following described real property . Hillsboro lltf Harel school. 26-7p Grove. Departm ent, M a rk T . Cox to Edna I. Tacke. 3 the M a tte r o f the Estate of O rfem a Acres T l S R3W . W. E Rice and Helena S. Rice sell at public auction (subject to belonging to the above entitled In Adam s. Deceased. Hazel M. Wisch et a l to A. F. Hayes '<> Cxjxjex ». X.» -JO redem ption) to the highest bidder estate situated in Washington Coun­ husband and wife, w ere defend­ (-'•-l+ T * ■ » » < « W » »«X - » « » MW . Notice is hereby given that the under- «t «». Part L o t 31 W apato L ake Sub ants, in favor of the plaintiffs and te r cash in hand, all the right, ty Oregon: signed, as A d m in is tra to r of the estate of Division. and interest which the w ith- ' ' An undivided tw o thirds of • O rfem a Adams, deceased, has filed his w F. Crow e et ux to A . F. Hayes against the defendants in the sum title, . fin a l account in the County Court <>f the ux. p a rt Section 36 T l S R lW of $4635.00 together w ith interest ' >n named M artin B ernards and Tract 11 and the West 168 feet S tate of Oregon, fo r W ashington County. J- W . Connell (S h eriff» to W ashington thereon from the 23rd day of Au­ Lena Bernards, husband and wife, of T ract 12 and th at part of and th at F rid ay, the 6th day of Septem- Sayings A Loan association, p a rt Block gust. 1931, at the rate of six per and those claiming or to claim by, ber, 1935, at the hour of 2 o’clock in ’ Hockena 4th A ddition, Beaverton, the vacated road adjoining the the forenoon o f said day and the court W illia m Voelker et ux to J. M. Per- cent per annum and the further through, or Uhder them, had on said tracts on the north side room of said court ha» been appointed *on« 5 Acres H arvey C larke D. L . C. 37 _____ _______ __ ____ ___ the 31st day of October, 1929, the sum of $350.00 attorney's fees, , and thereof in Chehalem Mountain by said court as the tim e and place fo r R 3W . the costs and disbursem ents herein da,e ol the mortgage herein fore- O rchards according to ihe duly the hearing of objections thereto and the J W. Connell (S h e r iff) to Charles taxed at $17.70 and commanding closed, or since that date had in settlem ent thereof. Br« w n h ill. 2.46 Acre« T l S R4W . recorded plat thereof, in Wash­ Dated and firs t published August 8, D- v • Buell et ux to A lb e rt H . P a r- me to m ake sale of the following and to ‘he above described prop- ington County, Oregon. ux. 1 Acre Forest Grove. described real property situate in ^ t y or any part thereof, to satis- Said propertv to' be from and 1935. Date o f last publication September 5. 1935. E ^rl R. Anderson to Em iel W yffela et W ashington County, Oregon, par- y 331(1 execution, judgm ent order. ft t , , 5(h d o{ August 1935 W A L T E R S A S H E R . A d m in istra to r of 34) Acre« W illia m P o rter D L. C a ticularly ! J ______ I t . J _ _ a follows, .lt-- . ft decree, or’ria'»«» interest, I rt t omof attorney's nt ♦ r a r n a - a fees, i r a n in­ - described as to T I N R3W . at private sale in one parcel or in E sta te . W a lte r S. Asher. A tto rn ey. P o rter terest and costs, and accruing costs. 25-9 Lew i» S. Pointer et ux to F. A. Shank wit: separate parcels to the highest and Bldg.. P o rtland. Oregon. et ux. Dated this 20th dav of July, 1935. best bidder for cash. Acre« Section 1 and 12 T l S The Southw est qu arter of the R lW ’ N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S J. W. CONNELL, Sheriff of Wash­ N orthw est quarter, and t h e D ated at Hillsboro. Oregon, this In the County Court o f the State o f O re­ ington County. Oregon. Northwest qu arter of the South­ gon, fo r W ashington Couuty. 16th day of July, 1935. Say you saw it in the Argus. F irst publication July 25, 1935. west q u arter of Section 28, T. 2 Date of first publication, July 18, In the M a tte r o f the Eatate o f Esther L. Adam a, Deceased. Last publication August 22, 1935. N. R. 2 W. W illam ette M arttil­ For a fe w pennies an yon e can m ake H illsboro A rgus Chas W Redding. Attorney. Mead ° at,e laSt Publication' Au' Notice is hereby given that the under­ an, excepting therefrom a cer­ ha* been duly confirm ed by the building, P ortland. O re 23-7 ¿ dw \ rd E. BACON. Adminis- signed tain five-acre tract deeded by C lassified A d s bring real results. above entitled court as executrix of the Harmon W. M iller and Laura Last W ill and Testam ent of said deceased, notice of fina l SETTLEMENT trator w ith the Will annexed of the and has duly qualified an such. A. M iller to O. J. Tompkins, In the County Court o( the s ta te o f Ore- Estate of Louise E Bacon, Deceased. Now, therefore, all persons having under date of Jan u ary 26th, son. fo r Woshintrton County. David E. Lofgren, A ttorney for Ad­ claim s against said eetate are hereby 1891, which was recorded on in the M a tte r of the Eatate o f 1. T. m inistrator. 22-6 notified and required to present the Everything in Insurance Anderson, D e c e a s e « ! . __________________ _________________________ Ju n e 24th. 1891, in Book 31 at I same. together w ith proper voucher* N o . W o r d * ..................................... Notice is hereby given th at the under- therefor, to the undersigned at the law Phi me 17*1 page 368. Records of Deeds for 1SS2 Washington MKne,l. duly appointed A d m in ia tra .rix of N O T IC E O F F I N A L SETTLEM ENT M cA lear. in th e F irst W ashington County, O re g o n ; (he above named estate, has filed in t h e i In ,h e Ctx>n'y Court o f the State of Ore- office of E. J. N a tio n al Bank building. in H iH s h o r-. above en titled court and cauae her fin a l ! ‘ron- f ,,r W aahinxton County, also commencing at the q u ar­ T im e * to ru n ................................. Oregon, w ith in six month* fro m the da:« account and report aa auch and the ' ln the M a tte r of the E atate o f Em m a W . ter section stake on the south hereof. court haa fixed Ih e 24th day of Auituat, T read w ell. Peceaaed. ( P le a s e W r i t e P l a i n l y ) Dated thia 16th day of July, 1935. line of th e N orthw est quarter at the hour of 1» o'clock A M of N o tic e la hereby iriven. that Bernice A m t . E n c lo s e d $ ......................... R U T H L E W A L L E N , E xecutrix of the of Section 28, T. 2 N. R. 2 W. -aid day, and the court rocm o f the t-indem an. the duly appointed, qualified Last W ill and Testam ent o f said de- | above entitled court In Htllaboro, Orevon »«»•"« A d m in ia tra trix o f the Eatate of t h e W illam ette Meridian; ceased. E. J. M cA lear. A ttorney fo r Ex- aa the tim e and place fo r hearinir ob-' I ,,f w T read w ell. Deceaaed, haa running thence North 35 rods; • c u trix ’__________________ 24-8 I Phone 953 : Hillsboro jectlona to aaid Fin al Account and fo r I f ' 1- ' 1 h , r f ' " * 1 '“ 'count in aaid estate In thence East 23 rods and 14 feet; the fin a l settlem ent of said catate lhe C o unty Court of the State of Ore- FUNERAL DIRECTORS N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T thence South 35 rods; thence Dated this 18th day of J u ly 193S I * ” " fo r W ashington C ounty, and that and In the County Court o f the State o f O re­ M RS. J E N N Y A N D E R S O N Adm inis- '"lld <'" u r t h“ '' «■*«■'* Tuesday, the 3rd West 23 rods and 14 feet to the gon, fo r W ashington County. LICENSED EMBALMERS Ir a tr ix of the E atate of J. T .’ Anderaon 'l“ y " f September. A. D. 1935, at ten place of beginning, containing In the M a tte r o f the E state of E ffie Deceased. Hattley A lla r r . A ttorney» for " '‘'lo<'k A M - " f "*'*1 day. in the County Becker, Deceased. five acres, m or l 1 less; 41 VV U llo a , t l i ore u tf U V SA , A .l.n in i.t _ 2’i-7 1 Uourt R«*»m in the County C o urt House I will on Saturday, the 7th day of Adrwintotf>trt» _______ Notice is hereby given. th at Helen 4 ' in the C ity o f H illsboro, W ashington E ffie Becker H a rris , the duly appointed, SAXTON A LOONEY County, Oregon, a* the tim e and place Septem ber. 193.5, at the hour of ten notice of fina l settlem ent qualified and actixg A d m in is tra trix of ! fo r hearing said fin » l account and all o'clock A. M. of said day, at the . N 'dice is hereby given that the under­ I objections thereto, and fo r the fin a l set­ the E state o f E f f ie Becker. Deceased, has Producer« of Quality filed her fin a l account in the County front door of the Court House in her / in.al »<•«'«m «nJ S A N D and G R A V E L H illsb o ro W a s h in g to n C o u n tv O re- in the eatate of Josephine Shear- tlem ent o f said estate. Court o f the S tate of Oregon fo r Wash­ IllIISDOro, w asningion uouniy. o r c , er ( nRC, dacaaead. and th at the County Dated this 1st day o f August, A . D. ington County, and that said Court has Plant located 4 miles north of For­ gon. sell at public auction to the Court of W ashington County. Oregon, 193«. B E R N IC E L IN D E M A N , A d m in is tra trix fixed Monday, the 26(h day of August. est Grove on Gales Creek. Phon* highest bidder ter cash in hand. h»«. by an order made and entered on of the Estate of Em m a WT, Tread w ell. A. D. 193«. at ten o’clock A. M .. In the 1609R all of the right, title and interest ¡¡I0 5!J ‘¡My °J ^ u,ru"t'. 1M8« rt Room In W ashington County. Oro- N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S all objections thereto and for the fin a l or have acquired since said date f*,n' "" */"• pi»«-, fo r heartm t objoetions In the County Court o f the S tate of O re­ settlem ent o f said estate. USED and NEW PARTS gon, fo r W ashington County. Dated thia 25th day o f July, A . D. in and to said real property or t h . « ' h . in /'fo r'ib j" f ln T T ’iiitl'L ii’t For less. Tires, batteries, wheels— Ih the M a tte r of the E atate of Sarah A. 1935. any portion thereof to satisfy said of » .id rotate. " " Hoover. Deceased. H E L E N E F F IE B E C K E R H A R R IS . A d­ wire, wood disc, all sises. Trailer* Execution, Judgm ent, O rder and j D»t«d this 5th day of Aum i»t, 1935. made to order. Notice is hereby given th at an order m in is tra trix of the Krttate o f E ffie Beck- Decree, Interest, Costs and accrued klara c a se megargel , Adminta-, wan wn„ made in the County Court of the er. Deceased. Tho«. H Tongue J r .. A t- H illf t b o m A l i lo W p » c L « p * cost, said sale to be subject to re- pg '' n i . L . L : ’ " " . . ® h m r - s ta te o f O rw o n on the 12th day of July, torney fo r A d m in is tra trix . eo_v ° W reckers 23-7 116 W. Main demption as per the statutes of nW f " ' A ^ ^ r a t r i V T ° n,rU*- A,,OT- A - D. 193«, in the m a tte r of the Eatate 156 Second Ave. 25-9 | of Sarah A. Hoover. D««ceaaed, ad m ittin g N O T IC E O F F IN A L B E T T I,E M E N T the S tate of Oregon. to probate the Lost W ill and Testam ent In the Count» Court o f the B u te of O ra . N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S Dated this 7th day of August, of Sarah A. Hoover. Deceased, and ap­ gon, for W ashington County. No. 4340 proving the apnointm ent of A lv in Leach, In the M a tte r o f the Estate of H a rr y T. IMS. In the County C o u rt of the State of O re- aa Executor of said Last W ill and T es ta­ Challacombe, Deceaaed. J. W CONNELL, Sheriff of Wash­ gon. fo r the County of W ashington. ent. and th at the »aid A lv in Leach haa Notice ia hereby given th a t the under­ ington County, Oregon. « . J. Mc­ In the M a tte r o f the Estate of L u th e r J m HARRISON D. HUGGINS duly qualified as such executor. signed. duly appointed A dm inistrators of Foster. Deceaaed. Alear. A ttorney for Plaintiffs. 25-9 Now therefore, all persona having claima the above named estate, have filewl in the 21. F a rm M a c h in e r y 26. C a t t le Count Your Profit» Ten Free Movie Tickets Offered Sacrifice Sale Legal Notices If You Don’t Need It*Sell It! and if you W ant Something - Say So! RUSHLOW Write Your Ad Below— Donelson SC Sewell INSTRUCTIONS: Write the ad plainly, print or typewrite. Count the number of words. If the ad is to run but one week the cost is two cents per .word. For the Hecond and each consecutive insertion of the same ad, the coat is but one cent a word. Minimum charge per issue 25 cents. TO GET RESULTS, state plainly what you want or have to sell. Cross out needless words, then copy the result and mail or bring it to the HILLSBORO ARGUS, Hillsboro, Oregon. Notice is hereby given that the under- A d m in ü tr « tr tV * r r ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE OF poin?cd F u th e r * íí of REAL PROPERTY laUtner J. ro . ster. Decease*!, bv mm. _ _ - ■ Decoaaeil, b» th*» the C Coun- Notice is hereby given that pur- ty C o urt o f the State of Oregon for suant to order and license of the »"<« •>»« « u a llft« i. County Court of the State of Ore- E .,.,. gr. b Ü i b , *52 gon for W ashington County, duly q»m«. dut» verified aa b» law required made and rendered on the 29th undersigned nt Reedvtlle. Orason* day of July. 1935, the undersigned T T h‘. frnn?„lhe dat- adm inistrator of ‘he estate o f l . S ^ np^ k J U^ t ,1“^ . * ’ Joseph Oester, deceased, w ith the cora m . fo ster . A d m in is tra trix Will of said deceased annexed. Will K le p p w A Im lay, Attorneys. 24-8 against said estate a re hereby notified " and n" ""»u,rw’a required M’ to Present preaent tnem them w w ttn ith the the I>ro*>* r vouchers to the undersigned at $>(■ « .1 ,1 .« .,. _* _____ __. his » raaidence a t r«¡it__ D illey. Oregon, or at the law o ffic e o f Thos. H. Tongue J r ., in the Com m ercial Block, in the C ity of Hilkibnro, Oregon, w ith in six months from the date of the fir s t publication of thia notice, to -w it: W ith in six months from J u ly 18th. 193« Dated this 18th day of J u ly . A . D. 193«. A L V I N L E A C H , Executor of the Last W ill and Testam ent of Sarah A. Hoover, Deceased. Thos. H . Tongue J r.. A tto r ­ ney fo r Executor f3-6 above entitled court and cauae th eir fin a l account and report as such, and the court has fixed the 16th day of September, 1935, at th * hour of ten o'clock A. M of »aid day, and tha court room of the I above entitled court in Hillahoro, O re ­ gon. as the tim e and place fo r hearing objection» to aaid F in a l Account, and fo> the fin a l settlem ent o f aeid eatate. Dated thia 14th de» o f August. 1935 W ALTER C H A I,L A C O M B E , FRANK C H A L L A C O M B E , A d m inistrators o f the Eetate of H a rr » T , Challacomhe. De-easen. E. J. M cA lear, A tto rn e y fo r A dm inistra- I tor. gg.„) ( M. D. EYE. EAR, NOSE AND THROAT SPECIALIST G L A IM R fl F IT T R D Rtx»«. 1 Cern Mereiai Phones Reeldenee 2372 O ffic e 2971 N a llen a) Bank Hoar* 9.10 a. m. to I t m. 1:30 p. m. to 9 m.