Page Two H IL L S B O R O i I l i I s ' t l U l ' l L i t 1 H l C lu B 11 ± P la n « 1 S o n 'll *■ ICIIIS «» uJVJVIstl A R G U S. H IL L S B O R O , Neil „ Richardson Writes About His . , Experiences on Around-World Tour and Saturdays from 3 until 4 p. in. Sunday's topic, "Soul" Thursday, August 16, I!»:I5 School Budget Receives O. K. Results Prompt, Says T. Haynes com pan led Mr mid Mrs. O t t o Hunger and hoiim to the coast Wed nesday, where they will upend a week ut different beach resorts WK b K A I. I N K K A I. KM TA TK W rit» U lia anti A utoinvUiil« Inatirann« M ake Luana anil limua Murut? Hornia E d ito rs Note Last of articles by , Columbus home Will see it next KURATU Ä WISMKK Neil Richardson, son of Mr and trip IIIL I.M IIO K O , 0 K I.G O N LOST Two fish poles, reels. Mrs C. T Richardson of Hillsboro. New York. Talatihona I I S I IVAA Maeond Mt und lines near Banks b e ­ Event at Emil Brock Place t before his retu rn to San Francisco Saw Wall street. Broadway and Hazeldalo School to Have tween Narups and Morgans He left here in April us a cadet 42nd street, also Times Square Sunday; School Painted Reward Thomas It Haynes, Modern Water System officer aboard t h e Dollar liner. Rode under the Hudson river in BETHANY-CEDAR MILL The c o Miller Lumber C o. Heav­ "President Johnson The Richard- j a subway Saw Will Rogers in men's bunkhouse on Schulz Broth er Creek, Oregon (By Mr* B unnell I ’h ^n a I f lS W l sons left here Sunday to visit him "Doubting Thomas." my first show i l l y Mr«. J. C S m ith ) ers* Poultry fnrm caught fire and JOHNSON -South T ualatin Com- ln Sat) Francisco before he sails in three months. We went through llA ZEl.D A l.E Annual budget of burned down Friday night Al Haynes wrote the following munity club will hold a wiener °n his second trip fumigation yesterday ns we were the school district wus approved ut though several buildings were in four days after the paper was roast at the Emil B ro c k place Sun- Marseilles to New York a day ahead of time a m eeting hold last week The board great danger Hie fire was kept published: "Thanks for so July 14, 1935 day evening at 8:30. Those attend- Boston to New York intends to install an up-to-date from spreading The Hillsboro fire promptly printing llie ad in G reetings internationally dispers­ I ng ure asked to bring wieners and July 23, 1935 w ater system and bids are being departm ent put out Hie last flumes I your paper Saturday I re ­ ed and all that stuff Well this is Banks __ M. _________ E. Church buns or bread for th eir own groups J _____ called for | Mr and y,., A rthur Schulz anil Are always obtained by ns. ceived word that the (xiles Entertainm ent will be of an in- Sunday school every Sunday. 9 4a i • h a t international corresp o n d en t1 I got to see Aunt Lucy and Mr 1 M argaret Roberts of Portlund Is ¡Jeanette spent the week-end at had been found and would Wolford super- again Old we have a tough tim e C" olid«e " h*'4 > *« Bojton and they formal character. I a. m.. Mrs Fred ¡staying with her aunt. Mrs Max Toledo w ith Mrs Schulz' mother, ing llodgen-llrewster Egg be returned, so I had very ___________________ »9 services bv day before yesterday at about 11:15 ^ 7 o Housewarming Held intendent Preaching i Berger, for a week Mr and Mrs I Mrs Vail prompt results" A pleasant evening was enjoyed Ellsworth Tilton, pastor. ev ery S u n - P- "»• We w ere traveling along I Max Herger attended the demo-1 Mr and Mis Glenn Carr. Mr Producer, made front high­ Thousands of Washington e fifty fiftv or or more more people people attend- at - 8 o - clock ad ies', when all of a sud- by r th the attend- <*•»' —- evening ---------- — —-----. — L ------ , . «/al _ peacefully . . ___ .. c ritic picnic at Blue Luke Sun- and Mrs Yule Austin. Dwight, est Q u a l i t y ingredients. ran into into the the non-m non-m agneti agnetie i . . . —r ------- — - - - - - --- county people have conic to ing the housewarm ing at the C F Aid meets first and third Wednes- d in we e ran Yiileene, and Clark Austin. Fay 1,1 The compass began d o in g : had ,o dlS4'harge As soon ns we rclv on the classified page Robinson place Saturday evening ! days at - P- tf Q uarry S tarted Carr, Mr and Mrs F . t'.i.i ami P " ’P»’» •> b le n d e d . I unit aults and acting up in a J1"-'*' W4> dashed tight out to their of the Argus the great m ar­ Cards and dancing w ere e n jo y e d ' — I ^7™ t^ d ’"Wav"'w hV 7t* / h B rlM , R'«ter. Eastern ! The Cornell sewing d u b bad a The plants put in by the pupils p. in . at Shady Brook Friday. 7:30 nay and night 1 can get an idea of \\’e also went up in the B unker m eter The idea of it is that in Oregon, visited Henry Sehoene lust picnic dinner recently at the home 'o f Mrs Jam es Wallers I last spring are m aking a nice show- p. m . young people's evening what it will be like next trip The H tu m onum ent and then out to ?«7.SUr»hf d u i d. T 1'. [ron’ , Ha- we4>k ing. and with a little rain will be Questions tu b e discussed to include cold day was the day we cut their |,omc for dinner The Senior Hi.. .tUkele 1froni Mrs Courtney Syverson and fum- : Mr and Mrs George Tucker of quite attractive At the last m e e t-: everyone You. especially, are in- across the most southerly tip of Ml. Coolidge and one boy. Philip, lx .« ” s4tO S , ‘ly of Tim ber have been here for Seattle spent last w eek en d with vndervd a»rj Uul the pnd Summer activity nnd re­ Hay ........ . Qf T o w ^ en d B e. Party term had expired, and W alter E Jam es, pastor wind made it plenty unpleasant buildlnK At 10 o'clock thev took Demmin was elected to fill Mr. sistance against heat are .. , , , I Santa Monica. C u l. visited Mr and Townsend card imrty was held for me as I was trying to wasn me back , 0 , he shl and , bad Simpson's place. The w eather is quite warm lately Mrs Ray Klnchelowe lust Wednes- Si'<‘irday night Eleven tables were Beaverton Church of Christ tests of your child's stam­ woodwork My hands got so cold hour s sl beforc £ on w a,ch Mr and Mrs. William Hering but I am getting used to that. day in play High honors went to Cleve Although a num ber of people ina! The child whose sum­ our w’ tch" at 3 50 so had as house guest this w eek :are on vacations, the attendance at they turned blue and it look me We lcft Say. 1 talked to a night w atch­ M argaret Rosa of Hood River vis- Owe,1'i « "d Mrs Robert Graves mer diet is for the major Miss Irene Lorenz of Portland both morning and evening service about an hour in the engine room ■ , had to stand bv for another half man on the pier in New York He ited Mr. and Mrs Lyle Taylor " nd »«^ond to Robert G raves und Miss Lorenz also visited the has been good and a large num- to thaw out. On the windy night hour and b the , ime , was off had been the leader of the Swift Saturday , Mrs Floyd Burton part our pure milk, is a to d Thw days with Mr mid a. i T a nd aAmS were letter m*- ‘o her. and we also ed up with them Journal offices and talked with one Harris, superintendent. Community Rockaway, where they have been j Mrs Albert Schulz of Beaverton , t0 have a nice talk about all of the staff artists who rev iewed service. 11 a. m , followed by preach- about ready to drop off. One wave vacationing Mrs. Nelson expects [ „ . .T----------------------- some of the young girl's art work, ing: young people's meeting. 7 p. would send th e ship off its course the family P hilip, Sidney's brother, to Join her husband next month Subscrilie now to the Argus In Phone 3104 Miss Bunnell plans on m aking art m.; preaching. 8 p. m. Mid-week four degrees and before I cou d who is the y0Ungest of the Cool- in Wrangell. Alaska, where they W»»hington county >1 50 a year had just returned {rom c h i . her career service Wednesday at 8 p. m. Sis* get enough turns on the w heel to ld will m ake their home , months 85c T hree months 50 bring it back, two more waves eag w here he had Emil Brock was visited by two terhood meets Wednesday for work Mrs C arrie Wilkins of Portland , enU Two " ’»nttis 35 cents tf 1 By Elizabeth M. Reger) of his Portland nephews last Wed- This week. Wednesday, the Worn- would hit it and I would be off [ on Shakespearian plays. He was Devils Food Cake spent last week-end as the guest nesday evening. en's Bible class meets w ith Sister- eight or nine degrees well up on the history of the coun­ l ' l cups sugar of Mr und Mrs. A rthur Mills I got to see G ibraltar, but it's try and was a "kick" the way he The past week has been quite an hood. silver tea at noon —M Put- cup butter Mr and Mrs. Altishin have as nothing but a big rock and we told me about different places of active one for the C harlie Demmin man. m inister 2 squares unsw eetened chocolate their guests this week Mrs. Kan- have them in the Pacific n o rth ­ interest. Was sorry 1 didn't get to family. Melba Demmin accompan­ esky and her son Tom of M onte-! —melted west. I didn't get to see any of see either Bud or Betty as they w ere ied Evelyn Anderson to Sherwood bap tist Church 3 eggs—(add yolks to cake m ix­ sano. W ash. and F ather Flortam of With That Delicious Lemon Flavor Marseilles as we w ere only there the first of the week and returned Rev Clarence E. Hedrick. for- both away at the time. You can Chicago. Mrs. Kunesky i s Mrs ture. beat in whole) (beat and Sunday. Alda, her sister, spent a : _ mer pastor, will preach at 11 a between 12 and 5 p. m and I was see that I had a most interesting Alishin's mother. Miss Betty Al­ whites separately) day at Hood River, going out with m ¡n the Baptist church. Service on w atch between 12 and 4 so that time tishin. Cliff und Bernice took their I 2 teaspoons vanilla the Ray Glenn family On Wed- at g p m You are cordially asked left me a half hour to w ander Since we got back to New York guests on a fishing trip to Nelscott i 1 cup milk nesd.iy evening the family visited to all services. The Bethany Bap- around the dock, and the dock is I got to see the A quarium out at Friday 1 teaspoon soda (add half to Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Satler of tist church will furnish a musical three miles from town. I have the B attery milk, half to flour) J S. Brooks of Wasco visited: Portland Think I can have all my watches program Thursday at 8 p m. Come. to be back a half hour before the 2 cups flour with his brother, W P. Brooks, this j boat sails, anyw ay My job there Miss Dorothy Stevens of Ace­ CINNAMON ROI.I.S off at San Francisco, although this wis'k POTATO BREAD 1 teaspoon baking powder was to keep stowaways from get­ is not sure I will have to be there quia, Idaho, spent the week with T rinity L ntlieran Church Mrs C K Rogers and daugh­ Combine ingredients i n order With lemon O A / y Matit* with O xa ting on board Genoa was a nice her uncles. Ran and Fred Bowlby Public w orship at 10:30 a. m.; for payoff on Wednesday and to given Add vanilla to milk Add ter Ellis of Seattle were culling on Topping Fresh potatoci« Ö L On Sunday the group enjoyed a Sunday school at 9:45. Serm on place. sign on on Thursday I would like flour and milk alternately When old friends and neighbors this w eek The 4-8 quarterm aster. Van, and a game of golf but it w ouldn’t pay visit at Washington park in Port- topic. “The Hidden Treasure "— m ixture is well blended stir in I*nd Math. 13. 44. You are cordially wel- myself went out to Campo Santo, to bring the clubs down just for baking powder, then fold In stiffly a very beautiful cemetery. We rode me, and you will be pretty well Mr and Mrs. W alter Demmin re- corned to worship w ith us. beaten egg whites Bake as layer THE out there on a street car and then cram ped for space anyway turned Monday from Snohomish. ____ cake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes TrxiirxH z-xiif xi-ex /»mild,. ♦ get r-res* , in n with ' Half-m ite of road is being rocked i found out we couldn't where they visited relatives for Pilgrim House I saw some whales on the way or as a sheet cake for 40 m inutes from the Baconu crusher Rudolph | several weeks. , August 18: Reception of radio out coats. So we dashed back to up to Boston. The first I had ever Orange Cheese Icing Nelson is hauling the rock Mr. and Mrs W. A Bunnell and broadcast ------------ o _ _ f Dr. Frederick K. get them. It was well w orth our seen. Boy' they w ere big. 1 package Philadelphia cream Mr and Mrs. C. P Bovrc of family spent Thursday at Scholls Stamm, pastor of Clinton Avenue while as we saw some of the best H avana to Cristobal cheese j Portland viisted at the V C Strubb rh o n r 451 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Congregational church. Brooklyn, statuary in the world, made by the August 1, 1935 COE and CONGDON. Prop 1 pound powdered sugar We Deliver , home Friday and Saturday Gotter. w here they renew ed a N Y„ at 9:30 a m.. followed im- world's famous sculptors. As Van Ju st tw elve more days now. I'm 1 orange Mr and Mrs. F rank G rindle ofj and I had the watch off. although friendship dating back to the tim e mediately by chapel service of i beginning to count the hours. To­ Cream cheese, add grated orange | Portland.. Mr and Mrs Eli G rindle [ when both families lived in the worship. "Religion in the News" we didn't ask for it, we spent morrow we will enter the Panam a rind powdered sugar a n d Just Coos Bay country. An item in the topics. "Is Adolescence Spiritual quite a bit of tim e w andering Canal, and I am afraid I will have enough juice to make a g o o d and Mrs A. Creps of Banks via-1 Hillsboro Argus brought to the a t - . Conflict o r Sex Development?" around the many corridors We had to see it from the boat, as the spreading consistency. Use as a ited the Frank Genzer family A u­ gust 5. tention of Mrs. Bunnell the fact "The Reunion of M ethodist Church- a spaghetti dinner and window only place we dock is at Cristobal, filler also Ernest Sm ejkal was home from th at the other family w as living in es;" and "Who Is G uilty of Mur- shopped uptown Didn't get to see and then only for about an hour W ilark Saturday and Sunday the nearby community, and was der in the California Lynchings’ ” nii,avana, Ker?L thr0U£ i I Neighborhood news from 30 Ar- Sam S trubb was home f r o m responsible for the happy reunion. Special prayers for the preserva- 8 p m. Sermon by Victor Phillips, the $18.000.000 capitol building, with correspondents i n d if f e r e n t Meadow Lake CCC cam p over the The heat of the past few days tion of peace betw een Ethiopia and pastor of C entral M. E church, its bronze statues and murals, i t s , sections of W ashington county ap- week-end has done considerable damage to Italy, and f o r t h e persecuted Portland. Midweek meeting. T hurs­ ceiling finished in 22-carat gold pear in the A rgus each w e e k . Frank Sm ejkal is employed al the fruit on the trees, much of the churches of G ermany Pastor Henry day. 8 p. m We invite friends and leaf, its 410-foot reception hall, and apple crop being burned and fall- S. H aller will speak briefly on strangers to our services.—R L. its dome, the third highest in the Learn w hat your friends are do­ the Bacona rock crusher F rank Genzer has finished thresh­ ing for less than three cents a ing off. There has been no report. Does Life Come Through D eath’ " Putnam , pastor world. 310 feet Directly under it is week. tf ing the early grain here and will however, of injury to young chick- a review of the book and motion a diamond enclosed in a case, with take his machine to Buxton thlsi Foursquare Church ens and rabbits, as in other com-1 picture, “She." Pastor m a y b e a glass cover that was presented to State Capitol News L etter—G iv­ week to thresh In that vicinity | munities. Com is doing well. consulted any day betw een 10 a Sunday school, 9:45. classes for the governm ent by those w h o ing the highlights of official ac­ G enerally the grain has been a poor Visitors in this community from m and noon, or by appointm ent all ages. Come and w orship with w orked on the building. The dia­ tivity at Salem.—Every week in yield. Phillipsburg. Kansas, during t h e at the house office. 232 N orth Third us. Morning worship, 11 o'clock mond is about the size of a quar- th e Argus. tf Mr and Mrs. Joe Sm ejkal ae- past week were Mr and Mrs. J. V. avenue The house w ill be dedi- This being the third Sunday of Patton and children. They are cated by Hillsboro C hristian Coun- the month makes it Foreign Mis­ uncle and aunt of Lelia and cil on Septem ber 15. sionary Sunday. So don't forget to Eugene O’Connor. Mr Patton is bring your love gifts for the m is­ on a vacation from his work a s ; C hristian C hnrch sionaries. Rev Betty H Wilson will driver of an oil truck in his home Unified w orship-study service, be bringing the message. "God's city, and the family is m aking the 9:45-11:15. Worship. 9:45-10; class Tailor Shop." Y o u n g people's trip by car This was their first period 10-10:30: reassem bly and mes- crusader service. 6:15: band con­ visit in this part of the country, sage by pastor, 10:30-11. Sermon, cert. 7:30: evening evangelistic serv­ Fri., Sat. and Mon. Specials and they expressed themselves as "Poor in S pirit;” at the Lord's ice, 7:45. There will be a special IN D E P E N D E N T L Y O W N ED much pleased w ith the green trees Table. 11-11:15. We urge everyone musical program this Sunday, en ­ Aug. 16, 17, 19 - Hillsboro and even climate, the present hot to come prom ptly at 9:45 and re- tirely instrum ental, and Rev H arry M «l '1 ■ w eather not seeming uncom fortable main for all the service in order P. Wilson will be speaking. Mid­ as compared to that at home. .to enjoy it and be blessed. It is week services Tuesday and Friday. WE LEAD— OTHERS FOLLOW : really one w orship service. C hris­ 7:45. FREE DELIVERY Second at Main Street Phone 3251 Large pkg. tian Endeavor at 7 p. m.. Inter- : m ediate and Young People. Union We specialize in quality com- Prices Effective Friday, Saturday and Monday— August 16, 17 and 19 w orship service at M. E church at mercial printing.—Argus. MAXWELL HOUSE tf E C hurch (Bethany) l ib . On Germantown road. Sunday achool every Sunday, 10 a m.; G er­ man service. 11 a. m., first a n d lams and third Sundays; English service. 11 lly a m.. second and fourth Sundays. —E. Julius Traglio. pastor tf KOBAN BRAND |Buy some real C rackers All Saints Church lEpiscopalt Ninth Sunday a f t e r T r in ity - bars Plain or Salted Finest Mountain Grown Coffee. Morning prayer and sermon at 9 Phone 771 Free Delivery o'clock. I-POUND _____ (fo u r miles north of Hillsboro) Sunday services: Bible school at 10:15. preaching at 11 a m . Junior C. E at 11 29; C. K at 8 p. m. Women's Missionary society, last Wednesday of each month at 2 p in. Thursday evening. August 14. a Christian Endeavor social « ill be held on the law n of Mrs. Em- ma D ierdorff to which C hristian Endeavorers from Hillsboro are in- sited -A. Carrick, pastor. OREGON Hunk H ouse Burns at Bethany Friday Uniform RESU LTS farm ers Casri Store Mothers IOC McFall Jersey Dairy Recipes L E M O N CAKE . . . •) J Pickaninny Devils Food . 30c 49c Í Green M ountain P e r fe c tio n B a k e r y For Cool Refreshing Foods and Beverages FfllR U JflV mflRHCT OXYDOL COFFEE PE N JEL 7 ^ SO A P PA,MOL,VE CHURCHES M. COFFEE CURRY’S GROCERY F irst Church of C hrist (S cientist Services are held every Sunday at 11 a. m.; Wednesday evening services at 8 o'clock; Sunday school at 11 a. m. Pupils up to the age of 20 years are welcomed. Free Approved by Good Housekeeping Institute than any other food stores. Specials for Friday and Saturday, Aug. 16 and 17 WILEY’S GROCERY Corner 3rd Main and Street« Phone 1001 FREE DELIVERY FOOD Fresh and Sanitary Whether you desire a full course dinner or q u i c k lunch. TOMATO JUICE COCK TAIL. Knights. Q C o 3 can» 2 a lO V J ff 25c Ivory, medium bar. 34c 4 for Corn Flakes Red & White. 6c Per pkg. 25c FLOUR The Dalles. 49-lb. $ Sack ......... 1.59 23c P & G White Naptha large bars 6 s. o. s. 8-pad Size 19c PICKLING S P IN A C H SPICES Red & White. ■ /,.ib . Cello pkg. 15c 2 V IN EG A R Quart "Not Diluted" 25c SA LM O N Pure Cider. 5c HARD WHEAT BLEND Columbia River. 2 e '± .....29c Colum bia river Salmon is better. Contains more n atural oils. 49'bb., ’1.39 MEDIUM RED. This is not a cheap pink. 2 1-lb flat tí tins 23c 27c 2 pk,. 23c 3 14c PO R TER ’S SALADETTES and SEASHELLS 089^, 2 for 14-oz. pkgs. Best for Salad Making. 23c ¿7C FRIL-LETS “Genuine Fri-Leta are sold only under the Red Porter Label.” A n MIRACLE W H IP Z«)C 16-oz. Cello Pkg. SANICLOR. Quart CREATED BY KRAFT OXYDOL Large size FLOUR SALMON FINEST 19c Washing Powder Qt. ..... «>«7V PEACHES—For canning. Market price. See our display! Keller’s. T hree weeks in succession we have completely sold out of this Cake. MIRACLE WHIP. Salad Dressing. (Pt. 25) SO A P A 50c Cake .......... ORANGE JUICE 2 cam .................. I w U Grapefruit and Pineapple SHRIMP. Royal I Club. 2 can» ...... CAKE 39c I CAN We H ave More Food Items Í PIC G LY rwriGGLY jqc Pint Quart 23c 37c MUSHROOMS. Ritchie’s. 2-oz., sliced BEANS. Van Camp’s, 2 2 '/¿-oz. 3 for JELLO Assorted flavors. 2 for MACARONI CHEESE OATS GOOD POSTUM CEREAL. Pkg.... QUALITY TRIANGLE BRAND jjc 2 lc j5 c Check Over Your CANNING SUPPLIES MASON CAPS— Regular, Doi«n ................................ JAR RINGS— Regular size. 3 dozen ................................... Fresh Fruits and Vegetables 25c CALO DOG FOOD. 2 cans OREGON. FULL CREAM or WHEAT FLAKES. gc iS < )V lu C BALL ECLIPSE JARS— $ 4 05 Quarts, dozen ........................ Well M atured k-lb. Bag With the wide glass top.’ PAROWAX—Lb. pkgs. 3 for .................. ¿SC V IN E G A R ii!.S c.llon 17c PIC K LIN G SPICE 2 pk„. 15c M A R G A RIN E 25c J V ^ t l n n J I c k c t . Alfred Dyalc, Portland Rl 2)