H IL L S B O R O Page Four AR G U S, H IL L S B O R O . levelling and visited Mt Jackson's Itttl«« folders become almost In­ dispensable. aunt, Mis. George Snider. At the Argus office, you will rimi Paint ItuUitliigs The school buildings have been a correct form for every «ocluí occasion. in the hands of painters during the past week or more and they are looking very much "»lolled up" Aid Social Success; Paint in two coats of white paint on all I of them. By the tim e the work is School; Opening Set (bicurporsted) completed the Kinton school build­ ings will be in fine condition as (u llrc tln tu — Credit lie p o rta tit» Mr«. R. 1, lira) quite extensive repairs have been In KINTON A crew of stale high­ made to botli inside und out of the way men waa busy last week p u t­ building. Washington Tillamook. Yamhill, ting a yellow strip of paint in the Polk und Marlon Countlea Srhool to Start center of the road through her« School will begin with (lie same and to Scholls. The traffic on teachers as last year, Miss Helen . Personal Contact on Collections Scholls Ferry road is getting to be Schneider us principal and Mrs Washington County Office heavy, much of it being trucking Audrey Vuiiilct most as primary C o m m e r c ia l B u ild in g Kinton G range met nt the hall tcucher. Septem ber 9 A large class Second unit Main HLreela August 7 w ith a good attendance of beginners is expected. Phone 3071 Master A lbert Slretff and wife were Mr and Mrs J H. Aten and Hillsboro. Oregon absent, as they w ere spending their family spent Sunday with Mrs vacation nt the coast In their ab­ Aten's uncle, J. H. Morebuck, of sence. Frank Fluke acted as master Sherwood, who was observing Ids and Mrs. Allco Fluke ns secretary. birthday. T here wus u large family Mrs. Gladys Aten attended the gathering w ith u b irth d a y d itu ici meeting of Past Noble G rands at Sherwood last Wednesday a fte r­ New Visiting Card noon. Model A or V-8 U Serve* Dual Purpose Notice for bid* on wood Io be This is the season when many bought for the school were posted a young lady changes tier name last week. ami her home; to nil these. Ihe Harold Snider, son of Mr. and Hillsboro Argus sends best wishes (form erly of MacKcnzle Motor Co ) Mrs. George Snider J r . of Ione Is for great happiness und the realiza­ Located First and Baseline spending his vacation w ith his tion of fondest dreams. at Coalett's Service Station They will wish to announce the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Snider. happy event to friends fur and Ford A or V-8 Repairing Mr. and Mrs. George G raff (M ar­ near. The many ifbw und novel a Specialty. garet Vandermost) formerly of this announcem ents on exhibit at this office muy be exam ined w ithout town, but now of P o rtla n d , left the first of last week for Heppner, obligution. The new Informal or double vis­ w here they w ill m ake an extended iting curd muy be used for a great stay. Mrs Vernon Leachmann. (Mabie variety of purposes. Madam s mime VnnKleek) and son of Portland appears on the outside, just tike have been visiting her mother. Mrs I a regular visiting card; the second j page is blank and may be used for Louise VanKleek. the post week Witter with meal* help« stomach Mrs Lilly M Bierly and grand­ i n f o r m a l Invitations, "bridges," daughter, Miss G race McCormick, , "teas." or little "thunk you" notes, Juices, aids digestion If bloated with gas udd a spoonful of Adlerl- who is a guest at the Bierly home, 1 acknowledgements, enclosures witli went to Hillsboro Saturday to j gifts when a w ritten word or two ku. One dose cleans out poisons spend the w eek-end witli relatives, is desirable und for ull sorts of unit wushes BOTH upper und tow returning home the first of the 'inform al messages Once used, these er bowels Delta Drug store Ad week. Social Success Ice cream sociul. sponsored by the Ladies' Aid society in the church grove last Friday evening, was well patronized A num ber of out-of-town people were present The society netted over $19 which will be Used for church purposes Mr. and Mrs, William Jackson. (Dorothy Teufel) und daughter of Portland were here last Wednesday Five Killed Near Cochran When Bridge Collapses Helvetia Folk Honor Woman Highway Crew Works Kinton Credit B ureaus Mr*. Hager Celebrate* Her 87th Birthday Sunday (By Mr» John ,M Davidson > HELVETIA Mrs. M argaret Hager w as honor guest at a birthday d in ­ ner at the Abe Yungen home S un­ day, the occasion being h er 87th birthday. Mrs H ager is quite spry and able to help w ith household work. Misses Elaine Yungen and C lara Tschaoold entertained t h e group w ith music and Rev. B M. Fresenborg gave a reading. P res­ ent w ere Mrs. Hager, M r. and Mrs. David Hershcy, Mr. and Mrs. Da­ vid Tschabold, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Yungen. Mr. and Mrs. David Dapp. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Baumann. Rev. B. M. Fresenborg. Mrs. J. Jossy. C lara Tschabold. Elaine Youngen. D arlene and Barbara Dapp, Lilly Yungen, J. Parson and the host and hostess. Mrs. Hager received m any presents. Band Plays at Picnic Helvetia band played at the pio­ neer picnic near Wallace school on the Tannoch place Sunday. Some m em bers were unable to attend, but the band made a fine showing and their music was greatly ap p re­ ciated by the picnic group. The bandm aster. Joseph Wenzel, had ju st returned from a trip in South­ eastern Oregon, w here he had been fishing in Wallowa lake and other w aters and climbed Mt. Hood. Fred Grossen had charge of the band practice Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs William Schubothe and daughter Mary Ann of Van­ couver, Wash., visited over t h e week-end at the A. H. Meyer home. Hilda and Rudolph Meyer, who have been spending a tw o weeks' i vacation at the Schubothe home, returned w ith them. Mr. and Mrs. Matt Mercep and family, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs John Davidson, attended the Croatian Fraternal Union, junior lodge, picnic at Peninsula park in Portland Sunday. Mary Mercep was first and Annie Mercep second in the 50-yard race and A nnie Merceo third in a sack race. M rs J. M. Davidson was first in throw ing a ball. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Abegglen oí West Hollywood. Cal., visited over the week-end w ith Mr and Mrs. Robert Yungen. Mrs. A lfred Abeg­ glen is a sister of the late John Sigrist. Otto Schindler, who has been ill ¡ lately and staving w ith his son in Portland, is at his home here and feeling much better. Mrs. L. Alpanalp is little im­ proved in health. H er daughter, 1 Mrs. Lillie Church, visited at the J. C. Wenger home Friday. Mrs. Adolph Leppin. Mrs. Shaen- en. Mrs. Jasper Keffer. Mrs. Vic­ to r Christensen and Mrs. J. M. Davidson visited Miss K atie Loucks at Schefflin Thursday. Mrs. Irene Korn and fam ily left Sunday for their home in Yakima. Wash. They spent the school vaca- 3% Bring Your Ford « • - W. F. Clark Drink Water With Meals Good For Stomach Cut <*«»urtr*y The Orctronian Five men went to th eir death August 6 three miles west of Cochran. W ashington chunty. on the Southern Pacific Tillamook branch w hen a wooden trestle gave way under the Tillamook bound freight train. G eneral view, taken from the side from which the train rode onto the trestle, spanning L ittle Baldwin Every Savings Certifi­ cate is insured 100% against loss under Fed­ eral Insurance Plan. ¡Passengers in the coach at the rear of the ill-fated train. Verlc IL .. ♦ 27 llett) and Howard Schneider, 21, Hillsboro. They helped remove | th e injured.—C ut courtesy Oregon Journal. I tion visiting relatives in this vicin-1 j ity and Portland. The fair booth comm ittee m et at (By Mr«. Zell G. Strutkera) the home of Clarence Meek at William F. Campbell cut his North Plains T hursday night to hand very badly w hile w orking in complete arrangem ents for th e West i th e woods in Washington. Twelve Union local Farm ers’ Union booth ’ stitches w ere needed to close the at th e county fair. wound. Clubs to Picnic Friday Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Scott an d ch il- Rainbow Girls' club and Buck dren of M ultnomah visited at the Rogers club w ill picnic at West IC. W. S truthers home last week. Union school Friday. C hildren are Hiteon was almost deserted S un­ asked to bring th eir list of last day as nearly everyone was en ­ year's school books. joying the I. O. O. F. picnic at Rippling Waters. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent W illough­ by made the trip around the Mt. Hood loop w ith relatives Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Beckamd and Delores of Tigard and Mr. Schade of Portland spent Friday evening at the S tru th ers home. Hiteon Savings & Loan Bldg. Hillsboro Oregon Henry Expresses Thanks of Group Appreciation of the co-operation shown the dariy industry and the big attendance at the plant in ­ spection and luncheon was voiced in a letter to Ed L. Mooie, secre­ tary of the cham ber of commerce, from Will W. Henry, m anager of the Dairy Co-operative association. "A t our regular m onthly meeting of the board of directors of the Dairy Co-operative association, it was the wish of the board that I express to you and to the members of the Hillsboro C ham ber of Com­ m erce our sincere appreciation for the Interest of the Hillsboro b u si­ ness people in the problems of the dairym en in the P ortland mtik shed, and especially for your in ­ terest in and support of the Dairy C o-operative association and its program. "It was 'v ery gratifying to have such a fine representation from your cham ber when you visited our plant. "It is our hope that we shall co n ­ tinue to m erit your interest and support.” YOUR SAVINGS TUALATIN VALLEY FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. creek, shows rem ains of the broken trestle piled amid the engine, box car and gondola that went over. The rest of the 38-car train was stopped. Engineer, fireman, tw o brakem en iind one bridge w orker met death in the crash, one of the most disastrous in the history of the Southern Pacific«__________ Local Men Eye Witnesses of Fatal Train Wreck Now Being Paid on Savings are accepted in small or large amounts, to suit y o u r conven­ ience. Thursday, August 16, 1935 OREGON IN THE VANGUARD OF BANKING PROGRESS A LWAYS among the first to adopt new banking practices designed to safeguard the funds of its depositors, this Rank now provides the benefits extended by the Federal Deposit Insurance Cor­ poration to individuals, firms and corporations. The protection thus made available is a permanent feature of Federal banking statutes and offers an important attribute of sound banking to all banks. It applies to all accounts up to and includ­ ing $5,000. Larger deposits are insured up to the maximum of five thousand dollars. In extending this additional safeguard of deposits to our customers, we are keeping step now as in the past with all new developments of constructive value to modern banking. Commercial National Bank O ur classified columns may have ju st w hat you are looking for— Read them. tf I l ’i always cool weather on our air-conditioned trains to Cali­ fornia. And the air is filtered, fresh and clean. W hen you plan your trip, remember— ©»// train is air-conditioned. For these low fares you can go in air-conditioned chair cars on our crack Caicadr— chair cars with deep, soft, reclining seats. These fares, plus a small berth charge, are good also in im­ proved air-conditioned Tourist Pullmans on the ( auadc or the popular li'n t ( natt. SAN FR A N C ISC O Ont-w av »Í2‘ Kuwitünfi s20°° LOS A N G E L E S O»*-M’*» • K'■•••• J I rip $ 1 9 ,2 < 3 000 S o u u t t r n jr a c ilic H. D. OLSEN, Agent Phone 621 • “Better than I expected,” sums up the opinion of c o u n tle s s th o u sa n d s of m odern h o u se k e e p e r s who have bought Roliator Refrigeration. It's true. N ot until you actually have a Norge Roliator Refrigerator in your home can you appreciate what it will bring you. In convenience, in cleanliness, in time saving, in better food flavor, in every­ thing which induces you to invest in a new refrigerator, N orge brings you more than you expect. As to economy, we advertise that Norge saves up to $11 a month. Many, many owners report savings far greater. owners, Compare the Norge with any other refrigerator. Conduce younetf that Roliator Refrigeration is the biggest value of all. Huy carefully. Ask a Norge owner. Ask several Norge By all means, sec the Norge before you buy. NORGE THE ROLLATOR ... Smooth, muy, r o llin g power prociJet more cot J — utet z«3, » — ten current. wTSPSy C/2oCCatt>r dxcfrttriCiahoff LESTER IRELAND & CO HILLSBORO, OREGON ---- ------------------------------------------ —----------------- -------------- a HILLSBORO BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY BEAUTY SHOPS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON EVE’S BEAUTY SHOP A. 0 . PITMAN, M. D. Oeneral Beauty Work Stomach Sufferers DONT LET AVOIDABLE DIS­ ORDERS ROB YOU OF THE JOY OF LIVING PHYSICIAN and HIIRGRON Permanent« and all Itlnda of beauty work. Telephone 1381 X X-Majr and Phraln-Tharspr Commarclnl Nallnnal Rank Rldg. at Hillsboro Pharmacy . Telephonan Of flea «2.11 Ileal,Innen 7»1Z Sanitary Beauty Shop All kind« of lleanty Work Physlrlan and Surgeon PERMANENTS "I have suffered for years w ith heartburn and sour stomach; was much distressed; everything I ate disagreed w ith me; could get no relief until I tried Williams 8, L. K. Form ula. One bottle has done wonders and gave me great re ­ lief,” says Mrs. May Kopp o I Ottum wa, Iowa. So it goes. Many have thus praised Williams S. L. K. Formula, a doctor’s prescription recom m end­ ed for atonic dyspepsia, indigestion with gas and pains, sick headache, constipation, loss of w eight or ap ­ petite, and general weakness. For by combining the actions of a stomachic, laxative, and tonic, Wil­ liam s S. L. K. Form ula has proved very effective in obtaining relief from such conditions. DR. D. E. WILEY. M. D. a aperlalty Telephone 1471 WEIL’S APARTMENTS Mabel Sr hen del Wells Building Office 2482 DENTISTS Telephone« Reel den re 2481 GARBAGE DR. RALPH DRESSER Dentlut COLLECTION Garbage Collection AND GANS Commercial Building Telephone 144 Even 1 n