Circulation— Your Horne Paper Uirgei Audited Oregon Wee kly °f o . ___________ I mllsb or Early Copy— Makes for Fewer Mistakes and Better Sor vice ( With Which ia Combined the Hdlaboro Independent Volume 42, No. 2fi S ta te C ap itol N e w s L etter Hillsboro, Oregon, Thursday, August 15, 1935 Iflllelxiru Iml»i*«inl«iit FJitabllwhtMl IM7Ä Picnic of Fire Hazard X Grand Jury Annual Pomona Grangers Makes Five at Avalon Sunday Mounts With | | » V/ . 1 1“l/AK \ X / I rlOf* J. JLvrl TV VdLIIV/1 ' Indictments H illsboro A n u , Established 1894 « i - « City Denies E” "1 Claim Rent on Hydrants Two Sectione, Twelve Pages youth Succumbs M a n y E v e n t s Planned for County Fair | (By L. E. ErancU, A m ’I Q x in ty A ««at) Washington County P o m o n a Adrian Hornecker, a former 4-H Grange la holding Its annual pic­ rlub boy, has offered a purebred nic at Avalon park, two miles Chester White gilt to the club south of Tlgurd on the l*a(-lflc' Later Call for Serwion member making the highest score i highway, Sunday Dinner will be ___________ ' at the Washington county fair. Au- at 12:30 p m and will consist of j of So,on« Expected just 29, 30 and 31, exhibiting a basket lunch with coffee fur- nished by the grange People are S e rio u s B la z e B r e a k s O u t Chester White hogs The young A n s w e r to W a t e r C o m p a n y 's P r e m iu m Lists f o r A n n u a l from Governor. man was outstanding in pig club V in c e n t O b e r , S e a s id e , H e ld asked to bring plates and utensils S u it B a s e d o n A lle g e d in H illa S o u th o f S c h o lls 1 work during his 4-H career and A f f a i r H e r e R e le a s e d Attorney Roy R. Hewitt of Sa­ is now actively engaged with his o n M a n s la u g h t e r C o u n ts ; lem will be the principal speaker L a c k F ir e P re s s u re M o n d a y A f t e r n o o n ALEM — Out of the capitol by i father, R Hornecker. in breeding F ir s t o f W e e k on the program. The recreational M . S w e tt In d ic te d Christmas may well b e t h e | purebred Chester White hogs. program will consist of a number slogan of the state's lawmakers | I of feature competitive stunts Among Pig club work has in recent years when they meet here In special _______ these will be one of ___________ particular In ‘«»«rest, due Urgely to session for Indications now are that j p „ C L ,„ _ _ terest, known as the ' Maggie & low price paid for hogs. Hom- the gathering of the lawmakers | * 1 1 1 d V I l l t IlL eS » V H V C I l Jlggs ' contest, the details of which ecker's award offer has been o n e 1 -------------- will be an event of the early win- j ______ are being held us a surprise. Ad- of the primary factors in stimu- ' , . o _ tor raUier than this fall as earlier i j mission to the park will be 10 T e m p e r a t u r e R e a c h e s lating a renewed interest in pig r e s o l u t i o n r e q u ir in g P u m p 10, F r e e A d m is s io n to G ro u n d s specualtlon load It _ „ S«. H e le n s Y o u t h R e c e iv e s cents per person club work In s t a lla t io n C ite d If Colonel Horatio B. Hackett, as­ D e g re e s H e r e M o n d a y to be F e a t u r e d A g a in The committer- in charge of the Fifteen club members are raising sistant PWA director, thought to I T w o -Y e a r T e rm s H e re ' program is Mrs. Virgil Meyers, Tl- pigs at present, and indications are frighten Governor Murtln Into hasty : Kurd. chairman; Mrs A. B Flint' that there will be about 20 head Denial of liability the of $5852 action on the capitol program by . ,, .... and Mrs Frank Fluke. Klnton. All rlr” $ £ £ * created a iseriou s of ho«s exhibited at the county flre hydrant rental for claim the Cash premiums totaling approx­ his demand that all of the plans be w j*?ew »rt^ d Bgatost V nrint'Vttou f 7 " ^ ' member,*' ‘he‘,r '"T*1 imately $2000 in addition to rib­ ,lr'' hazatd ,n l,n>b‘'r areas of ,alr these members Oregon-Washington Water Service in the bunds of his chief. Secretary . _ • bons in open livestock classes and d « 1 Vincent Ober friends are welcome to attend this the county with the result that Cecil Three other special awards are company against the city of Hills- Charles Reed son of Rev and Mrs Ickes, by October 1, he reckoned of Seaside Saturday scholarships in several 4-H club morning by picnic Kyle, district fire warden, sug being offered in the 4-H club live- boro was made Monday in the city's Charles M Reed and well known events are offered in the premium without his hoat. Governor Mur- the Washington county grand Jury. gested that sawmill and logging «lock division. These include the I answer to the company's complaint I high school boy buried Monday lln's only comment upon the pltl- Ober was the driver of the truck lists mailed this week for the operations be discontinued until Sperry Flour company award for in the Portland federal court. The j ...... inutum of the I’WA official who that went out of control on the ninth annual Washington county the danger was lessened. Numerous the champion showman, the Car- city’s stand v as based on the con- flew out to Oregon to look the Iaiurelwood road east of Gaston fair. The event is scheduled for fires were reported, but the most nation company "Calf M a n n a ” tention that the water company situation over was to the effect ■ July 15 and overturned, causing August 29, 30 and 31 at Shute park serious was that which broke out trophy tor the highest scoring daiiy had failed to comply with the in Hillsboro. that "we are dealing with biggci tits- death of two Gaston youths, on the old Steele place south of club in the county, the Forest franchise and had refused to in- men" than uss'sUnt directors. By I Ralph Epllng and Lester Winner, An en vies in the various de- Scholls Monday and burned ovei Grove Creamery special hog feed- stall pumps to provide the r e- this the governor referred to the J Reckless driving charge w a s partmente of the fair, with the ex- approximately 200 acres of logged- ir>8 contest and the D. G. Lilly quired fire fighting pressure. ussurnnees already hud front S X m Oregon'» emergency mid t h e i r : Swett was alleged to have been Highest temperature for the week S la te d M o n d a y , T u e s d a y sure of 80 pounds be maintained ai . tz i CI , w°r* division are was 101 degrees recorded Monday promise of financial assistance for the driver of the light truck which all times on mains at the corner H e r e T h u r s d a y N ig h t ° be delivered to the fair grounds reconstruction of the state house left the road nvar ,jle j acgson b„t- afternoon by A. W. Moore of the of Main and Second streets with _____ on P- ny August 27 and The reiterated his »lute-! tom (orn bridge and plunged into the • two Washington county local biological survey. The mini- ____ governor _ .... hr Id water running from four three- rhariz«« I if? V * hveestock and crops ent that he would withhold his j Tuulatln Tualatin river August 3 »arms are scheduled aa the closing luurn for that was jj degrees, merit quarter-inch nozzles and a pressure n VT ° n by P m< August 28 call for the special session until he, The third Indictment released ¡vttlure <>» the sixth annual Wll-1 p vin g a spread in temperatures of 85 Dounds on other mains ac- « „ R d Mrs Charles Cooking exhibits in the 4-H de- « r “ ng to the answer hied The Reed; Pasto5 ° f j he Methodist partment will be received until 9 has had definite word from Ickes ch arged L ee Heed of P ortland w ith T u ^ a v \n d W w lni^™ ThJ5 ™r»1 ' ° f 50 def this Portland, supprintendent of the 3 ^ . S ^ s W % ^ d ’p T __ 91 The tour will ar- j Friday ..... Dolice raided the th e "Spinning " S nin n in f Wheel,' W heel. " resolution were sent to R. E. Wiley, Portland district, officiating. Inter- land-China F l T'CV.-I Z 4 e are scheduled ■ ■ I. police raided breeds Saturday __ 79 Thornburgh place at a night club on the West Side resident superintendent t o t h e rnent was in Fir Lawn cem etery.,, th h d,VU!K)n Five breeds of S u n d ay ___ 91 and dinner will be highway south of Tigard The raid wat" company and to the public other ministers assisting at the I „ a „ oT hi re ..„..101 ales Creek Women's. Monday .... was conducted at midnight under “u u ‘‘es commissioner as required church were: Rev Victor Phillips ¿^ tM ow m Coto^oM ^ d luncolm « of » the . session . on two Charges of forgery by ma club Persons intending to be pre«-1 Tuesday _ ..... 9« speed up .U the work the direction of Sergeant Ralph by tbe state law of 1931. of Portland, an old friend of the listed in the premium list t , c r i ; . t l a 11 «*ni 111 in The rns* sentences will alteration ent for the dinner are asked to for an early adjournment and dis­ teriul Wednesday ..„ 88 Frenfel of the McMinnville district. Requirement that the water com- Reed family in Idaho, who gave the whil Togaenburea. Nubians Saan' Persons arrested included J. I. pany Install mainUin and operate obituary; Rev. R L. Putnam of the a n ^ g o ^ a r e t^ “ d ^ 7 n courage any tendency toward a fill run concurrently. Yeager had en- make reservations with Thornburgh ! Readings are taken at 5 p. !^ , Â \ h ? ^ C h u r Æ daily. Wooley of Oakland. CaL. reputed J" ° f . flre- P“™!» connected oca Chrirttan church, read scrip- the t diviston Flrgt and mg to the administration Approximately 125 men. 50 During the present sruson there owner of the establishment, Mike *>, ‘h® nuuns »u«>cient to main- ure Lester Mooberry. represented , ^ p,ace ribbong wU, awarf^ wan postponed until Saturday , u 1 m e yo u n g m an w as urresicxi a u - — ------ m — j c Bradley Charles Melville Robert ^ ln required pressure w a s the local congregation with words |n these division«. Reversing an earlier opinioii At- 4 by tut(> o fficer s and was under irrigation at the Warrens flames south of Scholls Monday Gord()n ’ and O ak lev T o w n sen d all m a d e in th e resolution. Council- of praise for the boy and an ex- / torney General VanWinkle t h i s ttjiegend and jJL r W ilson of m en further declared that, unless pression of sympathy; Dr. Sidney ***** Si,ng2* week held that under a recent leg- nofninallon of lwo y orcst Grove clovcr. potatoes and narcissus bulbs and his aaaisUnts. Late in the aft- R • R’ t Thc letter five men the PumPS were installed on or Hall of Salem represented the Salem bird “ *} 50 P«f pen will be U latlv. act county judg. “"d c<^- ^r<^ " onch“ J w° llaVc b ee. tnc crop, receiving the ernoon the blaze crowned a n d “ “ ?aH eg ^ to have ooeTab before May 1, 1933. they would re- district: Rev. H G. Humphrey of ^qm red in the poultry division misai to L reim- ... y ik in « on a f.rm south . . of . u/nipr threatened several farm h o m e s . * ing ere the gambling 10 have Deen The operat ^„„4 of hydrant Portland »nzi »- Janiea M ^ ^ n of i Chickens, eeear tables. men fuse to approv e ...... payment and r> Dr CWckeM. J turkeys, u r k w ducks durta and aod^geMe IT“ o n ers " .: a are T a : — 2 entitled î l _ L __ l . ‘Î Â U tzx-x«» been w water anniimtmnu application.. _ ’i — niuning uii 11 loiiu » « rentals until the franchise require- Salem, offered prayer. J. N. Wiley of various breeda are listed and burwment for e x n » i s Cornelius, was charged with rnis- Method of applying water at th e ; Constant vigilance and hard work (Continued on page 8. column Î ) ments were met. and Robert Kalkwarf sang, with Prenuums of for first and 50 In traveling to and from place« of Ung „ check for $2 51 druwn to Warren farm is a little different1 «»ved the homes of Harold Aebisch- holding court.'* Thu» I dfl . 1 Grounds for the action of the Mr. Foster as accompanist. cents for second w ill be paid win- most of the er and Robert Baxter The home C I I A M a l f i » Mr" L Kelsey of Hillaboro route than that used on the attornc ley geiHi.d de* ar, d. that {p |2U51 and a voucher for 52 7b other projects in the county, ac­ ac- o* Charles Haines was also en- council at that time were based on Dr M A. Marcy, former pastor ^ a r r t^ n f it is nr cessary. jc , a inauer oi drawn ,tle claims that «be gravity system o{ , he Hillsboro church made the t;? ? ¿2 n^^m j A Gillette of the same cording to W. F. Cyrus, county dangered for a time but backfires county business that one return to ( route | o >20 76 agent. These changes are caused ! checked the menace his home «»eh evening thus neces- u *n « n i n t a H n a if tr$ b v t h f d i f f t T e n c e i n « u n tilv n f ----- hydrant pressure in that it dropped and Rev Roy Fedji pronounced 1 fParm crops, vegetables and hortl- Total Improvement o f $97.757.07 as low as 43 pounds or less under benediction. AU are from Portland cultural divisions will be super- i., u « . . a n » , lire fighting demands: that it had „ c „„ vised by H. T. Hesse of Hillsboro Shown in Report of Auditor ‘eces^ry for the city to pur- J * ® W“ H q L , h route z Threshed grains and seeds, „ «.«W in »nH That Scouts and of the Boy Scout troop vegetables are ^ S » r J Uto ethe tr-Z cL T n T f'th T -l0! Pori ,and' on .c h a r g e the’ Eugene region will be v.Mt«M log I to‘Provem« ’t ° f S’7'757 07 in the Ä n s “ o f f i » U , r o w e r e ^ n a lk ^ ^ o r e d by the Rotary club. Sea “^ m 'crops division 3 ? L i nrobaU^busIneJi de ° f t,<)nduc"ng. operating and mam Various other projects will be Suggestion that sawmill and log- financial condition of Washington b v ^ m o v a lS ^ -d e v ia t io n ^ la u a e a Scouts ac,ed as Pallbearers and and „ e m iu ™ ranging from $4 for county and probate buslnesa di- a a "nickel I)ickel in , the hc , slot" i ot„ ma. neBr e„e ma- vlewed viewed near Eui Eugene blew "Taps. ' and the Boy Scouts , he ,2 YeUow Dent □ a “sm nd d , X “ on"shouW £ cWne' P“'ad "<* S*‘urday ‘he Willamette v“X y . and through King camp owners discontinue op- county school districts during the fryom insurance policies. e T h Willamette .. . . . . , past year ls Th„ is maicaiea indicated in m the e an- Tho waipr water eomnanv company failed t o formed a ^ t r o i m the pr«x:e»sion. 75 CCTlts {or and exercised’’¡ M . S ' m g toe“teme^ wh« ’ a m “ g"ed < har«' S e W a r r e n . valley. ana The Warrens and nuaj audit submitted this week by z.omniv ,.onlDiv w ith i»h th is reso ltu io n re- A motor patrol from Portland led »hird in other cla&aes. Fruits and ---- Thornburgh ------------ . . . . tion become less conducive to fires, nual (C ontinued on paite 4, colum n • ) farms were included in the tour was M°nday by Kyle. Con-1 a l . Amacher. Hillsboro certified qUjrfnÄ modification of addition to the Procession through the city. t u^ j under the hortl_ last year ! sohdated. Stunson. Interstate. H & public accountant. Of the 108 dis- ?“ -u io m e n t acced in g Charles was born Novemb*r 30. the Number of real estate brokers in £ p n i O U Methods of applying the water. : P at Carlton. Flora and Nelson [nets audited, only 28 had out- the cdy!s 7nswTr As a resili 1918' at Indianapolis. Ind. He was ' m a £ be in charge of Oregon declined from a |M'iik of D C l l g l T l c i r i ^ l l O p ^ O l U costs, and results of irrigation on lumber companies were reported to standing current warrants at the , he city refused to pay the hydrant a student m Hillsboro union high and commumty ex ^ bits. 22W in 1927 to a low of «Hl in , ° 1 -------...II, and io nnw e i a im « that »hat it «ch°<>! and w as a member the | Seventeen B 1934, according to Hugh H Earle, ranncry crops will Ut. be seen and I ; have temporarily closed down. | close of the year as compared with r„nfnl. ¿*d w *7laim7 it 72*272 of utL fUH! granges and Farm Un- discussed at 1:30 p. m. Tuesday on A number of brush fires in the 47 districts at the beginning of the does not owe rentals for hvdrant schocl band- The Sunday before (Continoed on pare 4 column 4) real estate commissioner. the W T. Putnain A Sons' farm area surrounding Hillsboro resulted period. No bonds were issued dur- service as a lleg ed to have b een fur- h is d eattl be a trumpet solo ; ------------------------- M i» Martha Sehramel Buys Photo a‘ Farmington, according to C oun-! in calls for the rural fire truck ing the year. b7 the 'Sain'tiff“ rZrnoratinn in tbe m o v in g worship at the ) The next legislature wilt prob­ - ---------- ------------- ------------------ --------- ------------------ ------- --------- IbT the pUintili^cor^rattoi, >" tbe J“ * worshiP a? the . ty Agent Cyrus. 1J—*— **— ------•- * •----- ■ - —1 - - W ..2 2 ------- church. Charles was a member of ably be asked to tighten up (he . ! during the week. A brush fire on Cash balances reported by school Oregon-Washington Water c o m - stadlo on second Avenue The have «. been irrigat- the hill back of the Edwin Burk- districts at the beginning of the pany's suit against the city was £ church choir. state law providing for steriliza­ Surviving him are his parents ‘ ing sweet corn and baby lima (C ontinued on patre 8. colum n 1) tion of certain types of institution­ 1934-35 school year totaled $46.439.- filed in the Portland federal court Sale of the Seligman Studio on beans In addition to ladino clo v er: and two brothers and a sister as i al eases Attention of the board of 20 and at the end of the year $77,- (Continued on pa«e «, colum n s) follows: Ralph of Spokane. Wash.,! Second avenue to Miss Martha for two years On their field of n . _ _ , , _ , , control has been attracted to this 926.25. a gain of $31,487.05. Out- ------------------------- and Byron and Eleanor of Hills-1 subject by a survey of the boys' Sehramel of Forest Grove was ladino clover, which is being pas- standing warrants were reduced I T iiflc n n fT boro. I S. S. Jefferies Fatally Injured Fri­ ' from $145.359 24 to $111.339 22 dur- I U V e S l O 4 . K J U U g l l l g training school In which a number completed Monday, according Io tured with dairy cows, returns from , day at Lagging Camp Young's Funeral Home was in of the Inmates ure revealed as Paul Seligman, former proprietor.! this irrigated pasture, together with | ing the year or $34.020.02. Bonded arrangements. members of families from which Miss Sehramel will conduct th e , the affect of commercial fertilizer indebtedness was slashed $32.250. Struck by a falling snag while several members have at one time studio while Seligman will do home will be seen Tuesday afternoon the total at the first of the year ________________ watching togging operations I n or another been public wards The portrait and outside commercial Retired West Union Farmer Dies being $319.450 and at the close of Dutch canyon, S. S .^ efferies, 76 Four-11 Clubbers to Take Part in present law provides for sterlllza- w°2,, the year $287,200. Tuesday at Family Home Seligman has conducted t h e , I of Bethany and former Hillsboro tion In certain cases with the con­ photography Pre-County Fair Practice studio in Hillsboro for [ r , I barb«r. suffered a fractured skull sent of the patient. Governor Mar­ four years and declared this ITIvate funeral services for John Friday morning and died before tin and State Treasurer Holman nearly Annual Washington county 4-H _____ _ ___ _____ _ week that he “had never been] q Bechen, 74, resident of West Pledges for __ approximately $171,- he could be brought to Hillsboro are known to favor compulsory treated as fine in any other to w n 1 Completion of two cash real | Union for the past 34 years who « ’ t ’L ” » n -I_ clu*’ Rve*?2Cj 'ou. r bas been sched- 412 in repair and modernization for medical attention. The man had (C ontinued on pair« ndumn uled for Wednesday and Friday of jobs have obtained to date in been at his sons’ logging camp but as in Hillsboro.” He plans to spend estate deals were reported this died Tuesday evening after an ill- next week, according to L. E Fran- Washington county under the “Bet- a short time when the accident a short time with his daughter in week by Kuratii & Wismer, local | oi nearly a year, will be held All SERA projects in Washing­ cis. assistant county agent. Pur- ter Housing" program, according to Washington and then to go to I realtors. The first transaction was ’ at the family home at 1 p. m. to- county will be continued until pose of the tour is to give live- f q Bronleewe, county chairman, occurred. Alaskn to take motion pictures for the sale of a 30-acre tract one mile ' dr>7 (Thursday) with Rev. H, A. ton September 1, the date on which stock club members practice in Pledges totaling $40.175 were ob- That Jefferies had been standing i n month or six weeks After this north of Cornelius for Earl Ander- i Deck officiating. Friends may call the works program will be turned judging and is a forerunner to tained by the crew of nine can- on a hillside watching logs being son to Emeile Wyffles The other i «t the home until 11 o'clock this trip he w ill return to Hillsboro. hauled up the canyon was the re­ over to thc new Works Progress county fair contests. ! vassers during the past week. ______ was thc transfer of a 1 <4-acre tract, morning. Private commitment will Miss Sehramel Is thc daughter of Meeting of the Washington coun­ port of Fred ____ Sewell, ______ coroner, who Administration, according to R. W. . S£h«Si,Ule ior 'y‘7».neS"ay».WlUAta2 t During the campaign 1541 ten- investigated the death. A log struck ty planning commission has been M. Sehramel of Forest Grove and of the old Pointer donation land , be at the Portland Crematorium, Weil, chairman of the county re­ at^ the^ Arthur Con- an(3 and 2324 owners have been the snag, topptmg it over onto called for 8 p. m. Wednesday nt Is a native daughter of Washing­ claim to Frank Shank of Timber Mr. Bechen was born in Norway lief committee. All employable re- at,,® 3J> I nell farm on Hillsboro route 1. contacted bv ca n v a ssers w ith the Jefferies. the county court room, according ton county. She has been In the The property was formerly owned April 21, 1861, and came to this lief clients should expect to be where hogs w ill be judged. The result that 80 pledges' have been to W (5. Ide of Hillsboro, chair­ studio here for the past three weeks by Louis Pointer and was located country in 1881. He was married to Jefferies was born October 3, man, V B. Stnnbery consultant for and plans nn opening display about on thc Canyon road northeast ofiM isr Clara Josephine Bergh July transferred to the WPA on Sep- next stop will be judged. The next obtained f . J. Riler. county super- 1858, and had lived at Bethany for tember 1, he said. stop wrill be at 10:30 a. m. at th e . visor, estimates that $135,648 oi 53 the state planning board, and B. S ep te m b er 1. i Beaverton. , 25, 1886, in North Dakota and mov- the past 20 years. He is survived Another request that farmers and Tolke Brothers place on Cornelius WOrk has been completed under by the widow, Mrs. Rtta Jefferies S Palmer or Mr. Allen of the [ ed shortly thereafter to Minne- _ Bethany, and six children, « Rob- «- Works' Progress Administration arc 1 sota. The family came to West other county residents having a 1 route 1 to judge sheep. Jersey cat-1 thc prOgram and that approxi- of surplus of fruits or vegetables get tie will be judged at Francis Chai- mately 100 men have been given ert. Frank,’ WUbe and Vivian Jef- evpected to be present to discuss Union in 1901. in touch with the county relief of- mers farm on Cornelius route 1 employment. Thirty of these work- feries of Bethany, James Jefferies proposed county projects. He is survived by the widow; fice was issued this week. Clients at 1:30 p. m. and Holsteins at A. P. | been from relief rolls of . Linnton route 2, * and Mrs. Mrs Mary Duties of the county commission r»«... ■ . z.zJ ♦ to *s pick the prod­ I Ireland's vcsl tv •-« -4 * on «*z-,c.4 f Grove _r-z-«s»zs route 2 *7 ers have . . j four sons, Silas J. and Carl G. of w ill be assigned on b'z-v Forest In the future will be to investi­ ------------------------- Curtis of Grants Pass. Funeral I Hillsboro route 1, John C. Jr., and ucts on shares for canning winter at 2:30 p. m. gate end pass upon projects sub­ - . ,,, . . . I Remodel Confectionery services were conducted Tuesday • Jtanrby B. of Klamath Falls; five Club members w ill judge Jersey Wilma's Confectionery on South afternoon at the Donelson & Sewell mitted by political subdivisions of "Ash 4," a three-year-old grade and 39.77 pounds of fat for the daughters. Mrs. H. P. Braman of needs. the W'. T'e farm Third Avenue is being remodeled ' chapel and interment was at the Word was received this week the county, according to Ide. The Jersey owned by David Hagg & month. Honors in the division for Tacoma, Wash., Mrs. Sid Conklin j0 permit the serving of lunches. Hillsboro cemetery. body will not take the initiative Sons at Reedville, took top pro­ between 20 and 40 head went to and Miss Eleanor Bechen of Bend, that projects for relief canneries on Hillsboro route 5 at 9:30 a. m. ■ ■ ■ » , i — n ■ . .. . and the distribution of commodities Friday: Guernsey at F. Setmcker’s. in suggesting projects. duction honors in the Washington C. B. Buchanan'« herd of 30 grade Mrs. A. W. Connell of Hillsboro Hillsboro route 2, at 10:15 a. m.; < __ _ _ The meeting had been previously County Herd Improvement asso­ and purebred Jerseys at Gaston route 1 and Miss Esther Bechen of had been approved by the WPA. hogs at R. Hornecker's, Hillsboro called for last Wednesday evening, ciation for thc month of July, ac­ with an average of 817 pounds of San Francisco. Cal.; four nieces i route 5. at 11 a. m.; and Holsteins A but was postponed due to the death milk and 41.39 pounds of butterfat. J and 11 grandchildren. One daugh- at the Fir Grove Dairy, Hillsboro of Omar Fendall of Forest Grove, cording to tho report just released Mrs. Williams' herd of 19 purebred ( ter, the late Mrs. C. A. Rollins, died by Jake Lohrenz, official tester route 5, at 3 p. m. a member of the commission Jcrseys wns high in the class far several years ago in Arizona. TuUl buttarlut production for »fc; 12 td S5 dows with an average of Funeral arrangements are under 594 cows in the 25 herds enrolled 741 pounds milk and 42.53 pounds (B y Wm. F. Cyrua. County Axent I of calcium arsenate per gallon of wns 18,981 pounds, while the total butterfat. High average in the small the direction of Donclson & Sewell, Body of Barney Fronk, 35, Sa­ “There are some little, black. spray added has generally done a milk produced wns 430,676 pounds, lem bridge carpenter, was taken 5hiny- hard-shelled bugs in my pretty good Job of controlling flea from the wreckage of the Southern Cows producing 40 pounds oí hut- that hop like a flen and beetles. This mixture sticks to the Pacific railroad bridge near Coch terfat or over totaled 178 pounds J j i _ i Anoroximatelv 1000 Dersons at- they just nine purebred Jerseys set an aver­ s : h S S S . ' S S -« is , n or T „ » , b . ™ . 4 » eat “ everything up. What “ plant a little better and longer than W. Vome McKinney, editor of and thc avernge production Wns age. of founds of milk and the dust does, consequently, it the Argus, wns Inst week appointed 3192 pounds. twisted wood and steel when th e ! new MacKenzie Motor company I be a popular question just_ now. 45 25 pounds of fat. Record set by "Ash 4" was 1066 by Governor Charles H. Mnrtin ns FOREST GROVE- Omar Fendall. locomotive crashed through t h e quarters at Third and Washington I The little friend referred to in won't have to be applied as many Records In the age groups were a trustee of the Oregon State Li­ pounds of milk and 78.7 pounds of as follows with the name of the 49. prominent local resident, died bridge August 6. Funerals for thc streets Friday and Saturday. A the question is the flea beetle and times. In potato patched It is sometimes brary. McKinney succeeds Senator butterfat for the month. Close be­ owner, nnme of the animal, breed., suddenly at his home early Mon five men killed in the wreck were free dance was conducted Friday he does find cabbage, kale, turnips Dean Walker of Polk county, who hind In the roll of honor came age and production of milk and daX morning. Funeral services were held last week. evening and a musical program and potatoes particularly appetiz unnecessary to duet more than one • refused to accept the appointment "Spot," a five-year-old purebred fat given in order: Saturday night. Free motion pic­ ing. In the early season he works end of the patch or maybe the one he'd Wednesday from the local That Southern Pacific officials tures were also offered. when it wns discovered that it Jersey owned by Mrs. Tom Wil­ on plenty of other things besides. side of the patch next to some Mature cows making over 60 Methodist church with Dr. M A. were conducting an inquiry into liams at Forest Grove, with 1311 might jeopardize his right to a The “Joy Trio" from the KGW They are easier to control on some other crop where the fleas originate pounds of fat—Mrs. Robertson & Marcy of Portland and Rev. J. R. the cause of the bridge collapse pounds of milk and 76 pounds of Sometimes it may be that part of seat In the state senate. McKinney's studio and the KEX quartet were plants than others. Son of Forest Grove. "Rose Ann," Jeffery of Oregon City, former the field next to a bushy fence row. featured Saturday evening, while appointment Is until June 1, 193R butterfat. This animal held the purebred Jersey. 8, 1339, 88.3; L. local pastors, officiating. Interment was the report received here. Dusting and spraying with ar- Carl Reamy, assistant brige fore­ Greenawald's orchestra played the Other trustees are Governor Mar­ high production mark during the R. Allen of Forest Grove, "Guern­ was in Forest View cemetery. Various other spray and dusting senicals are both effective. If per­ man of Hillsboro, who was injured, He was born in Oregon August previous night. Moving pictures in­ sistently used, a mixture of 30 combinations may be used but the tin, State Superintendent of In­ June tests. sey," grade Guernsey, 8. 1330, 60 5; struction Charles A. Howard, Chan­ Others listed on the roll of hon­ Mrs. Williams, "Polly 2," purebred 10, 1888, and was married to Jessie has been conscious for the past cluded a reel showing the assem­ pounds of calcium arsenate and 70 two mentioned have proven effec­ cellor W. J. Kerr, and Anne M. or for records of 70 pounds or Jersey, 5, 1032, 86; C. B. Buchanan. Gardner at Newberg October 21, two days and the outlook for his bling of Ford cars and a second pounds of hydrated lime has prov­ tive Where there are just lota of Mulheron, librarian of Portland. better: "Neewah 7," six-year-old “Cutie," grade Jersey, 6. 1178, 64 8; 1913. Deceased is survived by the recovery was declared to be good. was given over to travel subjects. en effective if the plants are just flea beetles, It will be Impossible Clair Beeler of Hillsboro also sang covered with it. Other appointive members are Mrs. grade Jersey owned by Hagg ft Buchanan. "May,” purebred Jer­ widow and two sons, Reed and The worker suffered a fractured to check them satisfactorily with Meredith Bailey Jr., and u A