Pag* Eight H IL L S B O R O A RGU S, Social News of Painting Bid Let Helvetia Local Folk and H IL L S R O R O , OREGON Thomas and the Tom and Ralph j It at the home of her father, T. S crashed into the bottom of the Ireland fam ilies in Portland 1.......... Grange Meets Saturday W eatherred T ualatin river at 111 30 a ni. Sat Hillsboro (¡rang«* will meet in Mr. and Mrs. Paul Patterson and | Mr and M is Ralph Crouise of .1 «. uniay Sam Frost of Scholls, one all-day scssietn Saturday A pi,, two children attended the Ju n io r Albany were guests Sunday of Mr 0111(1$ Ol Z\(. (. K IC lllS "f the p., engers in the truck, uf grain will be presented in the aft- baseball name at W oodburn S u n ­ and Mi- Verne McKinney Mr ic\.,.tin,.».l from p a n id e d severe lacerations and brok ertUNiii _______ ______ ( ( ’« » « I f r » m «iu«> day between M ilwaukie and Mt. t ionise is business m anager of the \i . a, , , , l'n r*b!<- " b ile Arlaud Swell of ..................... W h ay tr -k K speeding Hillsboro route 2. reported as driv increUMcd on an aveia»:«» of five Angel, which resulted in a victory ’ Albany " Democrat-Herald for Milwaukie. Final games will _ ’ ! e r of the truck, and Melvin Swett per vent a year. Inereax«* ho far Hillsboro Man Given Job; Mrs. A E Edwards left Wednes- Mrs Fred Caldwell and daughter be played Saturday and Sunday t, r. rerguson of Beaverton routs received minor bruises Frost was this year has been el«hl per cent ------- . - ..... day " gb ¿J'1.,1 ! v,jd ‘ " llb her J 1 *' 1 ,wu* fined »1« and costs Tuesday first taken to the county hospital He attributed the feet that the loc al K athleen left Wednesday morning a‘ Woodburn Mr. Patterson, slut' Sunshine Club Picnics group, will i f 1, , s M artha Messner, at San when he plead guilty to a charge amt later to the Veterans' hospital offtee had not dropped in grade' EXTRA Help Wauled T hree local 1 for a visit with Mrs Caldwell’s chairm an of the Ju n io r so reiddeiits In take re|MM| urdeis of keeping a dog w ithout a license in Portland attend the game and also the b a n - 1 r 1 a n c ls c i>, C al. , during the depression to the loea- John M Dnvidaon) brother. hrank O Donnell, and q Uet at Woodburn Friday night. 1 Mrs. Elma Denby spent the week- The fine was suspended by the; w iin..««.« .•... , | tion of the Huy-Mahng c a n n e ry , from their friend* fur home nece, H e lv e ti a s c h o o l family at Astoria. They were ac- . .... , , „ „ ,, end and Monday with her sister-in- ! Justice of the peace on condition L, L lhe ," uck, and C arnation condenser, heavy »(lien, gift*, etc Kaniplea furiiiihed postage prejHild gnud profit,. gu„, . riday night ‘° ope" , .eoinpanied companied by Mrs Caldwell s aunt , lH H clen e le n S t o lten l ^ J b h erg . r i ' i i ^ . and nd n i } 1 ? 1 V 1 e 2 ' X ,a w ’ an M d r* U G l^ongsworth, of “ >«’ Ferguson pay the eosts ami « n d ’ fa fla d to ..-ie ih ' users of postal services. — by Mrsi. C aldw elfs aunt sto 1 Z h antee good, lowest price«. Select ing the school house 3ml cousin Mrs Marv Ann D ooter ?* u. fto lten tw ig t and l i t t l e Portland obtain the necessary license ' ,H*d and tailed to make the turn Annouuei'ini'nt of d«*cislon to again from Illustrated catalog what y ou Is-! a n t , «, . !y r 't Ann uoonei bcr daughter ere . ' N Finnev of Hills- ' \ aiary daughter of of Enterprise E nterprise w w ere guests guests j . . >■ , , 1 J1“*1 before reaching the Tualutm o p te d by th e b o a rd rd v ' P ? in ! t , £ 'J S lyn, r m " ho h ° . are “ rc last >-ist week w e e k of their th e ir relatives. re la tiv e s . Mr M r , ,. . M r and “ ,KL ? * rs »’‘» o h i -------- . 1 ‘" " -- T . a n d [ . , . ,S , „ . ? Py_*. - , ° f ‘ , Orl la n d . , ? ----- a ‘d ............. “ « bl . . . ........... ‘'he .. .....<-...„<- machine . left . . . .... th e conduct the "M utt Dog Show" at wish to sell Wrlle for peiMinal In \ siting here from Minneapolis, and Mrs Lee Clark, and Mr and ,WQ daughters of Tieton. W ash. i $5 and eosts Tuesday on a road about 10 feet front the bridge the county fair was made by P resi­ Icrvlew Resident representative r t th is w eek. Mrs Dick Stoltenberg of this city !? e n ,,„th# w.7 k e ? d w i,h Mr and driving charge He had hit an abutm ent and then sailed dent C, r Hleherdson Committee Specialty Sales Service, lllllshoiu Mrs Irene Korn and [t j hi charge* lulhidos H M Goodman, a.T sn .v lino ih - Mlss C harlotte Foster of Havre. They also visited Mrs. Russell's Mrs' " aync 'a u g h t been airested in May but the hear- over the willows Into (lie river. oe . Hershey and i o fam Heibert Burllngume and T G. Ilre»n- the M" nt • " h o has been visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. William Stol- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Donelson and , “ ’*i. " “s lH’;s‘poned „ Richard Glilmore of Hillsboro leewe. er H e r s lie y lomed All members are to give MILK goat trade for heavy her* m d F re d Wencer s;s,er- Mrs R WeR ior several tenberg. and family’ of above North Miss Elda Hershey . s spent the week- < ireuit Judge H F rank Peters. miraculously escaped serious in- or eordwood C A Kling. N end a t Seaside with Miss Mildred " h o lias been holding eourl at Til jury early Thursday morning when prize's not to exceed 50 cents In i Union "ortland and w ent on weeks, returned home this week Plains. A ve. Aloha 23p 1 ; la m o n k fu .. . , Into . a stray . horse value. lamook for r th»» the tuivt past cs«va*r»l several w eeks, i.................... his ear crashed Hood SundV . They! Mr and Mrs R W Oversby Donelson Harry Roy Wejodward of L in n .1 , e e u n n 1 on tt,,. T u a la tin h ig h w a y n eat l’o Robert Seearee - ................. of the First Na- I returned to W ashington ------- nic dinner near Gov here. aecom p^i.M her home “ “ daugh,e" returned Monday hen«. Reds o r Barred suffe ered a sprained left ell„ v "ear an equity ease bias The front of tile machine was Mass, spoke briefly of Rotary club DOZEN . from twoo weeks’ stay in California. tional bank ------------ em inent Camp at the John Buehler Rockn. wanted Mrs Ethel Flee activities In his home city ut his home T u e s-1. , ’ ‘‘‘ceive ‘he report of smashed and the horse, which was Mr and Mrs Jak e Weil and For- They visited relatives at Palo Alto ankle in a fall cabin. nor, 531 Third A ve, Hillsboro p | the grand jury. killed inM(untiy, wus throw n clear Mr and Mrs. Adolph Badert- rest left Sunday morning for Spo- and at Berkeley. Mrs Oversby s day evening Mrs. Josephine Johnston of Beav- Ihimuges totaling $25.O3ti a r e over the car by the Impact. Gill Divorce Suits Granted scher visited relatives Sunday katie and Liberty Lake. W ash, on niece. Virginia Lavelle, of Berkeley FOR SALE Two cottagra, garage, G lllenwuter Neva from Willium They were accompanied by Mr. and two w eeks vacation and fishing returned w ith them to spend the erton is spending the week with i *ol**f*’* *n “ civ“ action filed Wed- more’s only injury was a cut nose rock street, cement slilewulk Lot They w ill be guests of Mr w inter. her daughter. Mrs. J O Robb nesday by Wesley Crone, Aloha That the lights of a cur coming H Mrs H. Butterfield and family who trip 50x10«, $473. $100 cash, balance Weil’s brother-in-law and sister. minor, against Orton A. McLeod from the other direction blinded Pointer Laura Mae from Theo­ terms. Bert Huntington Mr. and Mrs. George M. B urling- visited Mr and Mrs Fred Dancer Mr. Miss Enalene G oldburger of Spo­ 23p and Mrs M M. Cohn of Hillsboro route 5, W ashington i ‘dm so thut he did not see the dore. „ , ham and George M. Jr. of Portland kane. Wash , is visiting her uncles, Doris Jossy went to Portland with county employe The suit w a s [ horse until too late to stop was H arry Hill and son Robert of spent Sunday at the George T. the B utterfield family and David the Weil brothers, and families. WANTED Smull holme or u|tarl- brought as the result of un accident Gillmore's report The untmul was former Hillsboro reseidents. M cGrath home. Mr and Mrs Her- Dr A O. Pitm an has returned Butterfield stayed to visit at the Seattle, ment. (urnlshed, for single per- w e r e in m nsooro lor a v i s i t w i t h bert Burlm gham and daughter Anne dauaiitm January 31 on the Farm ington road i standing broadside In the road to ht> office 25 son No 3000, Argus Pete Jossy home. 25 ------------------------- Orange Phelps and other friends of Willets. Cal . are visiting her R .iiL w av * ' ‘ ‘ bUnda> at south of Aloha. The plaintiff u l - ! Irld Reported S 1111(1 AV Iliklllt. H ill. ¿1 »vnr-*»raf«; _______ Kir QM.l _________ lire * • 1®««S “ >a‘ he suffered bruises, lac- I 1 reports have been cilman. says conditions are great- ,, »i,.„ d r. „ Mr and Mrs M. Taylor and son erations and contusions of thebody V J I A I ll l, i v i , l R t S cd grain in the neigh- ly improved in Seattle. ._ a „ ,, n ’ son M r' Bobby of P ortland visited Mr and a,‘d a broken left leg when he was M r a n d M rs W H R ,„ h m , a n d 1Mi !> H E J at.ten ’ m®,ved r ®’ 1 Mrs. A W. Havens Sunday. knocked from his bicycle by a b.i-> t Mercep had 107 T . . - a n d . Mrs » Ru' \ .¥■ cently from Modesto to Placentia. Mf and Mrs y i , ruck driven by the defendant. leat from two acres and Mrs. M aurice C oturri and Mr Cai., w here he is district super- O rders in the following circuit „ Letters ¿ 7 to " ;.1? Governor " V,'rn°1r Martin, MarUn’. the nd- a n d M rs. Emmett Nicodemus, all intendent of schools He was prin- lied Mr and Mrs A L B u tte r-' j court cases were Issued this week: j Oregon’s t ’oiicress’iTn i“” d|i ’° son Visits of Portland, were guests Sunday of cipal of Hillsboro high before go- w orth at Vadis Monday evening Mrs Thomas Sholes is on her G , ° W“n VS / “h n , K H i ■. en visited his par- -dr- and Mrs. J. Nicodemus. Mrs ing to California. G “r I P r‘,Bre!“ «d.nlnisuation’s refusal h. Mrs. Al Pieren. la s t, Rl‘“ j a™ '*?•* 5>a,u rd a-v “ “ “ i Mr and Mrs. Frederick S Haines vacation from W eil’s departm ent g ^ h i t m e i t D* sITaw « , K- „1 , „ ™ liQ u T d u ^ io V •ren returned from rrb" ’ Bolsc- Idaho- and son Frederick S. Jr. will arrive ST MAIN STREET stage because the Miss Emma Mohr spent the week- today (Thursday) to spend t h e Connie Lou Kennedy of Banks Bank of Beaverton order to iwv < werc “u ,h o ril« ‘ here Thurs- PHONE 81 at . ilia n " that he sailed e,'d with her brother-in-law and week-end w ith her brother. Dr. H. spent the week-end w ith Mr. and dividend Liquidation Sliute dav e v ,n ln < bv thl’ ciainly plan- ■! on was held up for sister, Mr and Mrs. Art Aldinger D, Huggins, and family. Young Mrs. Reed Eldridge. fngs bank, order execute part a I I',"1« !bo? rd l,S :i,!b" “ lUd by 'release of E S U e * ’£ « i Lee! v ,‘ CUU*“ y , r ° Up ■ t Portland Saturday ,n Portland Mr and Mrs. Jacob Frederick will have his tonsils L ittle F ra n c e s H e in ic h n t H i l l , ' t e r trip to New York Mohr and son A rth u r were guests removed Friday. t ■ S Washington. ‘he Aldingers on Sunday. Mr and Mr* O„ o Johns,on oi county ppointed " M e m b e rs P ic n ic Rev and Mrs. George Reule and Hillsboro and her brother, H. E S p e c ia l s fo r A u g u s t 9 a n d 10 ided the shine club group en- i?2ldreli '¿ ere w eek-end guests of Webb of Portland, spent the week- appoint- at Balm Grove Sun- an? Herman Schoen at end at C hristm as Canyon, about T Me iinner they plaved Rlam a‘h Falls. They found the 30 miles beyond Aerial Dam. Wash- rst of the time was i’ch"cns nicely located and business ington. formerly a CCC camp site, cater conditions are good there. but now a children’s camp. Mrs. B randcr and David P etrie and ~ rs' d°hn Ross and Mrs Mr. and Mrs O. J. Baker of Playfair. 1-lb. can of Portland visited Mrs. Elizabeth 1!ar8aret K arlin of Los Angeles Portland visited her sister, Mrs. S. R itter Sunday evening. were guests at the Hotel Washing- J. Bechen. Sunday. C. W. Brown ... _ „ . . Crone vs. Orton A. McLeod, ap- Otto Schmoker is improving. He Su“ day, en route to Pum pkin j of Portland is spending a few days e" lcrtalni'd pointing guardian ad litem; Laura was able to ride out to his home £9dge to visit the ladies’ parents with his daughter, Mrs. S J Bech- the Knotty K nitters at her hume Mae P uinî-r v« Th.¿id,'»',..' Iï l l l "I l d l O g In S p e C tlO Il one day last week. He is staying Mr and Mrs E Kolb- Monday evening d e c rc ^ Ä B K e llo g g * « or P o st T o a s t ie s . 2 p k g s . w ith his son in Portland. Mrs- Theodore Strohm eyer Sr anc Mr and Mrs. Willis Hoyle of - "?'rSt,.da,n u s ‘'a-'‘or u‘ Salt l ake cutor, vs W E Rice et ux. order Periodical inspection of of buildings buildings „ --------------------------inspection Miss Matilda Thoenen of Port- ‘-•’uis Strohm eyer of Oregon City Wenatchee. Wash , visited Mr. and / City. Utah, is a guest of Mrs F lor­ j l robate orders w ere issued in in the business district are being land Is visiting her cousin, J. C. and Theodore Strohm eyer of Port- Mrs. H I Patten this week. They ence Reynolds this week the estates of Eric Johnson. Ago«- conducted by the local fire depart- Wenger, this week. land visited their daughter and sis- came down to attend the Townsend Mr and Mrs. Charles D ouglass1 R" ° Casale. Laura A Miller. E. meiit, according to S W Mcthulsli Mrs. John Wenger went to Port- er' Mrs C W Hergert. Sunday. Plan convention. Mrs. Hoyle is and M erry Ann spent the w eek-end G ustave Fischer. Orfema Adams, fire chief He asks that m erchants land this week to visit her mother. Mrs. William Lewis of R ainier is Mr. Patten's niece. Sarah A Hoover, Lenora M Chap- co-operate with the firemen when Mrs. Alpanalp. who is very sick visiting this week w ith Mrs M B Mrs Lena W hitmore returned and Monday at Rockaway Harvest Pride, all purpose. 9 lbs. Mr and Mrs W E Ogilbee snent ‘,nan- Jl>3<-‘Phine Shearer Case, and they make the inspections Weloh. She came to visit her grand- Thursday from a week’s visit with This work is in line w ith fire daughter. Miss Evelyn Ede, who is her brother and sister-in-law . Mr the week-end with relatives al 1-orcru' ’ w Donovan G uardianship orders were issued for the Tyler departm ent activities in other cities : also Mrs. Welch's granddaughter, and Mrs. Charles Savage, at Leba- A urora and Boring and Smith minors. und is un unportunt step tow ard Mr and Mrs. J N Wiley and y j. . Mrs. Clinton Duley, who has been non. efficiency in event of a fire. Reg­ family spent Sunday at Blue Lake - - tr- ,, spending a few months here, left Charles Reed, son of Rev- „ . ---- ------ , ---------- -----------------— ™ .. and ular inspections are not necessarily Sundav for Vancouver, A'ai — M art Brand. 1-lb. p k g . . Sunday Wash., to | Mrs. C harles Reed, underw ent an Mrs Rose Cox returned Sunday to study conditions but to fanilliai - from nine days’ stay at Yachats. Revolution^" which” he!ped'e'in the ^ e ^ “ *" ’ CCC j ^ " ^ e s d T n i X S r ize tile firem en with the layout of Thomas Connell J r left Fridav buildings That the work is for the .^ " u n T e U in g ‘ " 6 dediCa“ ° n J ° h " t e n n e r and daughter - a" operated. for a w eek’s stay at Rockaway. protection of both m erchants and Mrs. J. C. H are of Portland Jrhei esa Ru‘hs‘eln ot Vancouver Misses Lahoma Powell, Clara H. S Rogers left Monday night I , h . iCondnujd from on. firemen was the statem ent of Chief granddaughter of Philip Harris, was x , « h wVlote’- parts of the cab and tender to buildln« ° " Second street for a He built the first ferry of logs and family attended a picnic and re- Mr and Mrs. John Lakson and reach them Fronk had not been year and Plans ‘° l,Pl‘n a paint and chained them together. L ater the union of the Campbell fam ily at children and Mrs. Lena Whitmore ivonnnu«, from p . „ . I oca,ed whpn Coroner Sewell re- * a 'IP»P‘ >’ *<»• w ithin a week or (C ontinued from p a ce one) road was changed and the second L aurelhurst park in Portland Sun visited relatives on the m ountain The repair shop is roomy and well ,urned to Hillsboro late yesterdav ? , " as moved to Hillsbor > ferry was made more modern and day. above L aurel Tuesday. Red A- W hite, fancy. ‘ ss ’ with his wife and son and took caR^d Ht h r SH a^U h r i d « ’ brld8e C hris Schm dler of Bethany. Mrs. H. L. MacKenzie and sons l i g h t e d w i t h up-to-the-m inute I afterno°n equipm ent throughout. Engineer Johnson was found in- Poa,e!''’lon of ‘he building Tuesday ^ I d to the county in 1 ^ * w ” », ,Se vMay oi Vancou'e r and Miss Mary Crumcan left Sat- Free dancing to music by G re e n -' s*de tbc cab a * his accustomed place ' fettym nn plans to reflnish the _________ • n 18g0 Wash., and Fred Kassebaum of urday for a few weeks’ vacation at awald's orchestra has been an- at the ‘hrottle, while only one S oi ‘‘ ,spa5 c , and ,o lns‘aR shelving o f ” Portland visited Mr. and Mrs. A Rockaway. nounced from 8:30 to 11 m hand a " d a Part ot ‘he arm of an/8s ‘he building, left the Mr »rvei Mr*, f ~ Mr and Mrs s H Thwaite left and son R upert of P rineville are ginning at 8.30 p. m. Saturday ’ will B ra*pman Booth's' head was crush- puP®n ,s Mrs. Glenn C . i . n ^ F ® e“ ? ' ^ " 7 1.“ ^ D .“” “ d ” ” L ' feature the ’’Joy T rio” from KGW i Spwell expressed the opinion ot ,he wcek ,or Lancaster, and the KEX quartet. ,h at aR four had been killed in- L a* Q 1 T’L .........? ...... .. IMI IIIU M ) ttHU MacKenzie has conducted the stantly- . _ ~ ~ — —— — — W“ 6 ' V' " “ “ , « 1 " C •« * W Saturday. Ineae prices good August 9 and 10 only. Hillsboro Ford dealership for the . R anh Clark of Albany, a mem- IvfW'k I B l t f r 'i r f c and Mrs. E. Carr, Fay Carr. Mr «_ r, t er’ Doi othy M cElmurry. to past 10 years. He first opened in ' ber of the bridge crew, was work <14. IN - Austin. Clark. Dwight Mr. and_ Mrs. Dan . Erdm Fri- and • •• Mrs. — Yule .u an an and a ner home in g Longview, - - ■ Wash.. ------------ the laundry building in the south ‘" g ° n ,he ‘res‘le when it collapsed and Yuleene Austin. Dick Wolford daj ghti i 7 ? b er sP*nt the week- day after th ree w eeks’ visit here. 1X.I Dy V O U Ilty Dorothy and LoreU Boy. Vivian »?d w l b ? ? 7». relative®: M1- a n d ' Miss Jessie Francis and Wes- part of town and moved to his He Jumped, wreckage formed a C ontracts for crushing a n d h » .,l Finch, Carl Larsen and Bill C arr r ZeUman and family at ley Francis and Mrs. L. Frazier of recent location on Third between Pocket over him and he crawled Main and W ashington streets six unhurt. H arry H euer of Hills- ing rock at the Baconn m iarrv wer~ w ent on a picnic on the Columbia Klamath FaRa P ortland visited Mrs. Frazier s "sis- months later. Rapid progress in ???? was al? ° a m em ber of the aw arded Monday by the Washing riv er Sunday | C. E. Wells, Mr. and Mrs. Theo- ‘er, Mrs. O. Coslett Sr., Sunday. business necessitated the present br‘dge crew but was not injured ton county court C harles Wilkin* The Duff family gave an enter- d° r,® WeRs Redmond, and Gail Mr. and Mrs C hester Wohler m° Ve t . ™ ' ¿ ° Upr„ ^ 7 < . r.eC?V" e.d Hillsboro route 2. and HaroiS Berg- tainm ent Friday night at the Beth- w ells ot Sheridan left Monday were guests Sunday of Mr Wohler's J e i ■ n---- F irs t in k lln o " t ik.T bur al guam. Beaverton, w ere successful I any Presbyterian church. It con- ™ rn ' n« io r a fishing trip to Gold uncle and aunt. Mr and Mrs J N D Recorder, Clerk Report refei” td bi h i h , ^ 'rter *” • bidders for the rock-rushing con-1 sisted of musical numbers, singing “ each. Miller, at C latskanie and playing, and recitations. Dr. H. D. Huggins w ill not be in M r, t h i . _ Collections D uring July ambulances sirens sereamin»" t 'u° lra5,1 with ar‘ ulter ot 48 cents per Collections totaling $509 14 during ed through town tow ard^F orest b o r i' r " ^ dUth>' P|h Hills- Mr. and Mrs Glenn C arr visited his office from August 11 until aft- the week at Vancouver W a s ^ w ith the month of July w ere reported Grove at 12 20 p m Tuesday w^th i ot n “ co n tract| V nda” rS Page of P o rt‘ " A S 18 He and his family M r, & ra h land Friday. this week by County Recorder Da- H urtling through the air uDorox m e T>? d ' CenU pCr yard will spend a vacation at the beach, sister. ¿ “. A : « s s k s r e S £ ’,h“ & ‘, : ; 5 r , „ s . us l Mr and Mrs. HalUe Ireland spent Mrs H arry H aring of Brem er- Fire Trucks Altered ( Sunday w ith Mr. and Mrs. George I ton arrived Friday for a short vis- " Grand Jury Plans *$’ V • 1 Holznagel Sfx*aks Before Kotarians Their Friends l oo Late to Classify Protest WP A Plan Powers Grocery Prompt Service . . . D o g F )o d Firemen to Conduct T Sc C o rn F la k e s 15c F lo u r L. Pioneer Memory Honored at Meet 39c C o ffe e HV’C Mfll KlllcU in Train Mishap C o ffe e New Store Planned Gppenkamp Bldg. MacKenzie Motor Changes Location 18c F la v -R -J e ll 14c C ra b M e a t 29c C ra b M e a t p Bethany-Cedar Mills , 25c 19c I „«• k., 7LH EV R 0LEÎ USED CARS to Handle New Hose City fire trucks are being re modeled this week by W ilbur Dil­ lon. fire marshal, to carry inch and a half fire hose recently p u r­ chased by the city council. Storage box is also being installed on one of the trucks to carry salvage cov­ ers, tools and equipment Z5% D is c o u n t On All 9 USED CARS with an 0. K. that counts Weil’s Annual August Nash Sedan Buick Sedan Chevrolet Sedan Essex Coupe Ford Ton Truck Austin cars to choose from ?15 and up. All kinds of Top Work, Painting and Body Work. Cars W ashed and Polished Agent for Willys and G raham -Paige G raham -Paige Sedan $869 Delivered Here W illys 4-door Sedan $579 Delivered Here Cat - Oil - Accessories Used Car Exchange 2nd an d W ash. Phone 2641 70x90 W HITE Sheet BLANKETS BEDDING AND The greatest value we have ever offered. Beautiful, flu f­ fy white blankets for hos­ pital, home and hotel use. R egular value $1.25 each. BLANKET BATTS Not less than 5% wool Beautiful plaids with three-inch sateen bind­ ing. W eight 4 pounds each. Extra special. 72x90 full com fort size. Make up those pieced com forters now a n d save about O ffx » half. EACH 72 X 84 - 25% Wool DOUBLE BLANKETS Five pounds extra heavy long fibre construction. Bright colored plaids, wide sateen bound. On Sale. Pair 70 X 80 Part (N ot less th an 5% wool) Long fibre cotton for service and plenty of wool fo r w arm th. Sateen bound plaids. PER PAIR ............... Part $198 Wool SINGLE BLANKETS (N ot less th an 5% wool) Same quality and w eight ns above blanket. They’re easily laundered and the nap will not roll off. E A C H ...... Pastel shades, ’reversible 3-inch satin binding. BATTS All fine pure wool w est­ ern fleece in one big piece, 72x90. $4 .0 0 A $1.69 value JL 36-inch Fancy OUTING TWO-TONE BLANKETS 2-POUND ALL WOOL $79$ DODGE COUPE, rebored, new pistons, good value 1935 PLYMOUTH DELUXE SEDAN ‘750 s250 ’265 ’500 ’275 ’395 ’495 1930 FORD PICKUP $3.00 BEACON ROBES Beautiful Indian designs. F o r your auto, davenport or bed covering. pxx} ON SALE WHILE THEY LAST. . l.iJ O Light and dark patterns in a good weight and ON SALE, SPECIAL PER YARD ........ 12c 27-inch OUTING W hite and colors. W eil’s outstanding value. Per yard Bed Comforter# All new white cotton fill­ ed. Floral design silkaline coverings. Reg. $4 .98 $2.50. On sale.... A _ SIZE 81 X 99 ... it ! SIZE 81 X 108 42x36 “P equot” PILLOW CASES («1 1933 CHEVROLET COUPE. New tires ........ 1930 CHEVROLET SPORT ROADSTER 1931 CHEVROLET CABRIOLET 1933 CHEVROLET COACH 1928 OAKLAND SEDAN SALE "PEQ U O T” SHEETS Full Size 72x84 98 Size 72x84 OUV FLANNEL Wool DOUBLE BLANKETS 72 X 84 $098 BLANKETS T hey’re ch eap er than sheets and lots w arm er fo r t h i s w inter’s use. Easily launder­ ed and an outstanding value. £12.50 ALL WOOL "PENDLETON” BLANKETS $098 70x80 PLAID "BETTER for LESS” 1929 CHEVROLET COACH. Reconditioned . 2-POUND Bought and Sold 1928 1928 1934 1928 1926 1931 O ther Sale Starts Thursday Morning §1.19 $1.29 29c A Small Deposit Will Hold Any Blanket Until Called Fort 1935 WILLYS SEDAN . 1931 FORD TRUCK w iih ii;. draulle dump ’495 ’395 ’495 ’125 ’195 body 1933 CHEVROLET TRUCK. Fine condition ................ 1928 CHEVROLET TRUCK 1929 CHEVROLET TRUCK. Thoroughly overhauled i s a s ® at bargaií' HILLSBORO MOTOR CO. James Whitelaw, Prop. Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Main Street, near New Post Office I.„, „„