Thursday, August H, 1935 H IL L S B O R O ARGUS, H IL L S B O R O , O R E G O N Page Sevon Busy Men Who Find Time to Read This Page Find That They Get Busier Still A Ready Market with Big Results at Little C ost----Classified Columns Close at 10 A. M. Wednesday — Too Late to Classify Accepted Until 5 P. ter section stake on the south line of the N orthwest quarter of Section 28, T. 2 N R 2 W of t h e W illamette Meridian, running thence North 35 rods; thence East 23 rods and 14 feet; thence South 35 rods; thence West 23 rods and 14 feet to 'b i­ place of beginning, containing M. Wednesday SHERIFF'S SALE NOTICE o r FIN A I SETTLEMENT In the County Court ot th e Hteta ot O r a Notice is hereby given, that b y , «on. tor W ashington County. ('aunt Your Profit« WOIIK of any kind wonted C edi WANTED Mixed uuta and barley TWO brown mures, extra good, virtue of an Execution, O rder and In tha Mattar of tha M tata of Kffta 1450-1600 lbs., for sale or trade J Hirst. East of Ouk St ; Kt 5 II .1 S i h iil le , HI 3, Boa « A, Decree of Sale, issued out of and Becker, Deceased. Flral iBaertlon, per word 2c Hillsboro (Venetian ticket, Cleve for good cows as part payment N otice Is hereby given, that Kelsst under the seal of the C ircuit Court Each additional InaarUon, E ffie Backar Harris. Iha duly appointed, Bids 9. Owens, Portland Itt. 2)______ 25p Phone Forest Grove 15F251. 24-5 of the State of Oregon, for the qualified and aettag Adm tnlstratrlg a t per word 1c County of Washington, dated the tha hkrtata ot E ffla Backar, Dacaaaad. has Be sure to read the classi­ (No «ervlce per ln u e leal WANTED Itlilrr for pulntlng school 20. F a rm P ro d u ce— F ru its , HORSE fm sale 1500 lbs., 10 years 18th day of July, 1935, in favor of filed her fin al aeaount In tha County fied and display advertise­ old G uaranteed work anywhere. than 25c) holme, inside unci out, 2 coats, Court of tha S tate of Oregon for Waah- Equity Finance Company, a Cor­ ments In this week's Argus. —Bob Holt, Mi-mlle north Witch V e g e ta b le s tngton County, and that said Coart haa reserve right to reject uny or all poration, plaintiff, and a g a i n s t In this issue ten advertis­ fixed Monday, tha 24th «lay o f August. Header*, per line 10c Hazel school; Beaverton, Rt 2 2 3 tfij will on Saturday, the 7th day of Jonathan Smith*Coward aid* Jane bids Myrtle Whitmore, clerk Dis­ ing treasure tickets to the A. P. 198ft, at tan o'cluak A. M , In tha , September, 1935, at the hour of ten po® Coward, husband and wife, trict No 115 Jt I; Itt 2, Hillsboro. CANNING peaches will be ripe In Black Face Heading Perm itted County Court R.-un in tha C .ainty Court Venetian theatre are hidden a few days. Get your orders In " ....j ■ . . . . ...w ... ... p . ., h . . lot-lock A M of said day, at the defendants, for the sum of *1990 (Venetian ticket, llerm un Juenlck«*. Houra In tha C ity of Hillsboro, Wash­ Cush should accompany order. In the copy and this might be * * Z‘ n , ' J he C°!i.r t llou“ in cost« and disbursem ents with In- ington C ounty, Oregon, as tha tim e and Hl 1 <'in in lnih> 25 early. O rchard 2 miles southeast ( \ “ P 2814 your lucky week. nf llllls h ia o D r I . II Smith Argus ZHIS. ID zap Hjljaboro. Washington Countv . __ ii.u place for hearing said fin al account and Hillsboro. Washington County. Ore- Ore- • tereat thereon i from the 13th day Out of fairnaaa to ull no In­ Read each carefully. If you all objections thereto and for tha fin al WOOD bids wanted for 10 cords gon. sell at public auction to t h e , of July, i 930 at the rate of 6% per form ation on tho C la s s if i e d settlem ent of said «state. 26. C a ttle find your name listed with of No. 1 old growth fir wood in 21. F a rm M a c h in e ry highest bidder for cash in hand, annum and tne further sum of Page will be given out until Hated this 2>th day o f Ju ly, A. D. the words "Venetian ticket” 198ft. ____ 16 Inch or 4 foot lengths delivered all of the right, title and interest »5«« i8 with interest thereon from the |>uper Is Issued. preceding It, clip the adver- FRESH, heavy producing Jersey H ELEN E FF IE BECKER H ARRIS. Ad- to Witch Hazed school A K N ew ­ CREAM separator for sale, 050- which the within named defend- the 12th day of April, 1934, at the tlsm ent in which it appears cow tor sale.- - W alter Vander- m lniatratrla of tha E state o f E ffla Beak­ aids and each or either of them rate of 10 per cent per annum, and by, clerk; School District No. 79. pound capacity, hund or power, er. Uocaaaed. Thm . H. Tongue Jr„ At­ and bring It to the Argus of­ zanden, 7 miles from Forest Grove, had on the 28th day of May, 1919, for the further sum of *152.02 de- A-l condition. Also new cone milk Beaverton. Oregon. torney for A dm infatratrlg. 28-7 fice. Your free theatre ticket A n n o u n c e m e n t* 1. Gales Creek road. 25 or have acquired since said date lm quent interest up to A pril 12, _________________________________ cooler. Will exchange for cow ot- 1 on wilt be ready for you. NOTICE TO CREDITORS heifer.—It 10. Sale o r T ra d e — M ie. A. Dean, h -n .lle west JERSEY cow for sale, due to freshJ “" h f ° r ‘. h e / urther , aum ESTABLISH FI) dressuiuklntt anil In tha County Court o f tha S tate o f Ore­ Witch Huzcl school Z5P en A O'l earv Hillsboro Rt 1 ¿ y P”rllon ln erto r satlsly said ,75 00 attorney's fees with inter- t a il m in t f s h o p I..i ..ilr I.'I gon. for tha C ounty o f W ashington. 2 m ile? north Junior high Khool Judg," e n ' ° ^ der and est thereon from the 13th day of USED Thor wusher, $20 Melte- Probata Departm ent. ■Second Ave. 25p NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Decree, Interest, Costs and accrued j uiv 1935 a t .up ra t(, of « r„.r I | | 2nd HEAVY dragsuw for sale, t w o 7«, 1 N otice la hereby given that tha undar- 1 Venetian ticket. E. H Duyck, Rt. h„ , n r „ JU*i' ■ al lnc , rale ° ‘, 0 lx r saws, 5 and 7-foot, air compres­ algnod. P. F. Oroacen. haa been appatntad A \c 25 No. 9977 n ..— ..... ' 25n . *“ * salc 10 De SUDJecl to re cent per annum, to me directed EVEKYDODY knows that our P e r­ inistrator of tha aetata sor; also spiral milk cooler.—II. M 2, Banks) demption as per the statutes of and delivered, commanding me to In the C ircuit Court of the State adm fect Blue Wlilto Diamond« urc SlaH„. . m ake sale of the real property priced low er than moat Jewelers AEHO-M OTOR windmill, 12 foot Hoard, between Farm ington and THREE Jersey cows for sale,, com the State of Oregon. ot Oregon, for the County of «( th« s t a t e of On«oa, fur Wssaincton wheel, 30-foot tower, like new, Scholls. 25p Dated this 7th day of August, - hereinafter described. I have levied Washington. ; C oonty, and has q usllflad. AU psrsoas price liaparfoct stones -Anderson's Ing fresh in fall, double-tested, will sell for less than Mi original I®35- upon and pursuant to said Execu- C atherine H. Collins, Plaintiff, «»*™t «H - t a t . ar. Jew elry «tore. 35 cost; also Jersey bull, 10 months.— also used and new pumps of LICENSED stock trailers, 2-cow Joseph Kemper, Rt. 1, F o r e s t J. W CONNELL. Sheriff of Wash- tlon, O rder and Decree of Sale I .. „ v • . . _ »«Tifierf. u by law requtMd. to tha un- capacity, ren t *1 per day. Light ull descriptions for sale - A M. ington County, Oregon. E. J Mc- W,|| on Monday, the 19th day ’of M artin B ernards and Lena Ber- darslaned s t Hillsboro. O rw on . IL r . D. 25-6p L e *t an d F o u n d 3. Junnsen Drilling Co, Reedville. trailers made to order. Auto parts Grove. Alear, A ttorney for Plaintiffs. 25-9 August. 1935, at the East door of nards, husband and wife; John Wo- L w ithin six m onths from tha data and farm machinery.—L. V. H u llt,1 m ui .»«i«11( R B e e n to n SM the Courthouse in Hillsboro. Wash­ cows of all kinds for salc A McGee, B. A. Mitchell, A. O. ,, . . , , LOST Sock egg mosh, between 152 N. Second Ave. 23tf ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF ington County, Oregon, at the hour ________________ or trade All double-tested.—Gall Pitman. Agnes Bryant, and Mar- Pile feed store and Grubcl school. 11. D ate of last publication A ugust »»• 8. >«•« 198S REAL PROPERTY T o S w ap of ten o'cloek a. m. of said day, tin Bernards, Commissioners of P. F. GROSSEN. A dm inistrator. ?t-< -C. F. Orabel. (Vanetlan ticket. NEW and UMd farm machinery [ JSST1.*' Orenco- Telephone M U X Notice is hereby given that pur- sell at public auction to the high- 15tf the City of Orenco of the Tuala­ sale by Lester Ireland & Hillsboro. A E Doughty, Itt I, Beuverton) for DODGE touring car. good running suant to order and license of the est bidder for cash in hand, all of tin Valley, Oregon; Ellen Pitman, NOTICE OF FIN A L 3KTTLEM BNT lltf order; trade for work horse or Co. County Court of the State of Ore- the following described real prop- City Recorder of the City ot Or- ,n th* Court of the sta ta at On- BLACK and tan C ollie dog I 28. R e a l E state cow.—Write 3288 Argus. 25p eneo of the Tualatin Valley. Ore- X t ^ " ^ , T gon for Washington County, duly erty, lying being and situate in Hillsboro. License 533 He ward I’SED m achinery of all kinds.— ! ------------ made and rendered on the 29th Washington County, Oregon, and Hillsboro Feed Co., 180 W. Main I NEW, modern home. 5 acres, gas gon; City of Orenco Of the Tual- Anderson. Deceased. T' 35p GASOLINE engine, small f e e d . P hone Hillsboro 3381 electricity, w ater system , o n I day of July, 1935, the undersigned m ore particularly described as fol- atin Valley. Oregon; M. R. John- . N otice Is hereby < ir .n that tha undsr- 4tf grinder, and feed cutter to trude I a .*5” H lllsboro-Portland highway, $3500I adm inistrator of the estate o f lows, to-wit: son; and the United States Na- ',ulr “»pointed Administratrix at 6. W a n te d — M iscellan eo u s for Leghorn chickens, year old or „ „ cash. Cun give Immediate posses- I Joseph Oester, deceased, with the Beginning at an iron pipe on tional Bank (Ore- afxn e enti M ini court and cmii «* her in final S heep, G oats — „ , rx z i of . Portland 11 C Gallup, in 1, Hills n On^ \m P C^e n i a n t S ' »«count and report an Rueh. and the slon.—131 Second Ave. Telephone Will of said deceased annexed, will .................... the South boundary line of the RELIABLE 11 grude dairym an, who boro; near Moffatt station. FOR S A IF 25 from and after Saturday the 31st By Virtue of an execution, judg- has fixed the 24th day of Auy the 5 00 chs. to the place of begin­ 50-ACRE farm for sale. — Phone m inutes East 150.8 feet to an HOPPICKEKS Wanted Accommo­ SMALL hoi ( wagon, buggy and J will lay soon I( sold by Hundred Fifty (»150.00) Dollars as "f t h . « .„ u r e t * poses, in W ashington County, Hare. A ttorneys for A dm inistrator. 24-K ations Full particular« free Write WASHERS, used, »15 and u p — priced reasonable. Mrs. Emil Jossv, i ZTZ’zx™--------- «-------7-----IZ T » Wilkins and wife DLC No. 49 undersigned — at ... received ----------- by the — --------------- ic .u ,. State of u Oregon im mediately Frunklln Institute. Lester Ireland & Co. 19tf North Plains 3&-flP ] Cli°W „5JUps ,Or “ le ~ 450 8 ' Te£jp | H1® ° ” ‘c? ?! . BaEl,ey„ & . Ha.r e ,.i.n t0 satwiy the hereinbefore named T 1 N R 2 W of W illamette NOTICE OF FIN AL SETTLEM ENT IN-pt 580E Rochester, N Y 25-8 —— Meridian, in Washington Coun­ N otice is hereby y iv .n th at t h . under- the First National Bank build- sums and for the cost and expenses ___ _ OLD newspapers, 10c bundle - Ar- FANCY crested Bantams for sale ty, Oregon; and running thence ing, in Hillsboro, Oregon, from and of sale and said writ, 18tf gus cZ j h* '7 ? * * o t •'‘» « P h ln . 8h m r- S tove*, H e a te r* Phone Hillsboro 2102. 25 30. N 1° 00' W on West boundary WANTED Six builders and wrap- after said date. Said sale will be made subject • nd th,t c,>u">«a S hm r- Hillsboro hereby calls the follow­ SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Smith, Hunks, Kt 1 and order of sale, and in com- ney f„r ' A ^ Z ^ r a tn x A',T . ing bonds on the following dates, PIANO must be sold. Uuluncc due 24. HAVE YOUR PIANO No. 4163 Piga pliance w ith the commands of said ------------- -— — ——— ___________ to-wit: WANT wood sawing Jobs M J ] »77. You take over contract on tuned, cleaned, demothed and re ­ In the County Court of the State writ, I will, on Monday, the 26th NOTICE to creditors 1. Sixth Street Supplem ental Senske. 423 Second St N , Hills- J high grude piano with only »77 SEVEN weaned pigs for sale.— paired.—George Roberts. Telephone of Oregon, for the County of day of August, 1935. at 10 o'clock In lbe Coun«r Court o f the S tate of Orw Street Im provement Bond 1929. 25-8p due nt *5 a month Address, Mr Dwight Hullt, 1 mile northwest 1282. 20p boro Phone 2I41Z Washington. A. M., at the door of the County i f2 .r w **hinxu>n County. dated March 1. 1930. num bered j Oleson, adjuster, Cline Piano Co., Rock Creek store; C ornelius Pass In the M atter of the Estate of Court House at Hillsboro. Orego^. d ^ j . th * E“ * t * w 1 only, is called for redem ption WILL take into my borne and care 1011 8 W. W ashington St.. Port- | , ,.1,1 25 33. F o r R e n t— M ise. Louise Deceased. Septem ber 1, 1935. k t 41 x E. u Bacon. U X at- A At- u at Public auction (subject to* N otice ia hereby ^ » e o th at th e under for elderly iieople Plioiie 1194 l.o i l. O r , eon 25-7 Notice is hereby given that the redemption) to the highest bidder duly confirm ed by 2. Street Im provem ent Bonds. | WEANLING pigs for sale -L . E I TWO good farm s for rent, horses ar call at 533 S 10th Ave., Hills­ undersigned. Edward E. Bacon, ad- for cash in hand, all the right f 60** court •• Executor of the Series 1930. dated Septem ber 1, Furrow, N First Ave 25 for sale, also good fresh cows. boro. (or rearrvations Mrs Mart* 17 Fuel m inistrator w ith the Will annexed title, and interest which the w ith- cJUlu .2 ! . I nd .T“ Um*nt ®f .aid d«- 1931, num bered 1 to 12, inclu­ Wuk ________ — ' * ' " — -—— bulls, farm equipment, and baled of the the estate estate of of Louise Louise E. E. Bacon, Bacon, in M artin artin B e rn a rd and and of in named named M Bernards sive, are called for redem ption RANGE wood. »2 50 per loud, heavy FOR SALE -One young O. I. C hay> at discount.—A. S. Eischen, wife. n otified •*•!>>•« «id -ta w ' deceased, by virtue of and u under n d e r | ! Lena Bernards, husband and wife Septem ber 1, 1935. boar. — Albert Meier. Beaverton r;aston 25-7p HAVE your old well clcam-d out and required to p r m ê n t '^ t îZ block wood. *3.75; planer ends. 3. West Washington Street I authority of an order made by the ■ and those claiming or to claim by ”° Rt. 2. Phone Hillsboro 2R7. 25p| . ............... . ... — y or new one dug. E C. Bennett, *3 75.—Figueroa Phone 1091 25-7p me. toaether proper „mchm-t Hon. D T. Templeton. Judge of through, or under them, had on Zheref,,« o, ,1. w ith 72 ------ - Im provement Bonds. S e r i e s Dennis Ave., Hlllsboru. 22-5p __ 134. Rooms, A p a r tm e n t* the above entitled Court, on the the 31st day of October, 1929, the o f f ¿ f E. z M ca IZIV “ . ¿ hcwi*w 1932. xlated March 1, 1932, num ­ Hone« ________________L_____________ WANTED To buy oak wood — 25. J u ^y- J.®®®’ 1° th« above date of the mortgage herein fore- National Bank building in Huiaboro Or^ lisu xr Moving bered 1 to 8. inclusive, are call­ Ray Delsinnn, Garibaldi Avenue FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, »«ntltll'H fftRtatg» »l/-»«?yvz4 or since a k ._ a date ■ - • had . in ■ iriin aritkam .4— __w a. . from the * date r*1 entitled estate, will w ill offer fnv* for cola sale y closed, that «pub^w ithin aia m onths Moving, reallllng. raising. base I ed for redem ption Septem ber 1, 22tf BIG farm team and harness, work newly painted and papered.—550 at private sale at the residence ot and to the above described prop- ,hi. a . . . ments. etc. shingling; 27 years' 1935 any place, cheap.—11 miles n orth­ F. Ueilar St _ 23 the said adm inistrator on t h e erty. or any part thereof to satis c Î . . Î ,<:^ L.E AR- * » • « « « •,u|r. experience In Washington county And you are further notified that •N- FIRST class wood for sale. — Ray west Hillsboro on Springville road; vn¡ » ° f I««*. the Laet the City of Hillsboro will not be ? rj'Inlscs J ? so,d ^ t Post OUice fy said execution, judgm ent order. **** *“d T « .ta m .n t ,.f >.¡,1 F. I.. Hewitt, 230 N. Dennis Ave. Delsmun, G aribaldi Ave. Phone V«-mile east sawmill, tu rn left, 3 5 . H ou se* liable for or , 1 1 decree, interest, attorney's fees, in- __ A ttorney for llill.b o r o lltf 2107 u.M.v .V, w. pay any interest upon . . . . . . . . Bxocutor. 49tf second house, Bethany. 25p described real property terest and costs, and accruing costs. HOUSE for r e n t —Inquire of Mrs. any of the above bonds after the *“ ^*1*4 j % l o h™ . dV H ° s ;u7 J 9’3? ,a Emil Jossy at N orth Plains. 25 dates herein specified for the re- •’clonpnR (° t! ’e,1, a demption of the same estate situated m W ashington Coun- J W. CONNELL. Sheriif O( Wash- »on. tor the C ounty o t W aahinaton ington County, Oregon. Department. " FIVE-room house for rent a t WILLIAM C. C H R IS T E N S E N . ty' Dre«on: J An undivided tw o thirds of First publication July 25, 1935 ’".LiT of, lh - Eatata o f Ortomo Laurel, $5 a month, w ork rent City Treasurer. 24-5 Last publication August 22. 1935 N ^ „D^ y „ „ „ th. t Tract 11 and the West 168 feet o u t— Argus 3266. 25p of Tract 12 and that part of CJ\as w Redding. Attorney. Mead "»»ned. as A dm inistrator Of thethe a t a t e ^ f BOARD OF EQUALIZATION the vacated road adjoining the To the T axpayers of Washington building, Portland, Ore. 23-7 ! 2*^7* Adam s, deceased, has filed his 38. F a rm L o a n * said tracts on the north side — ---------------------------------------- ----------------- ----- a,na* a^®o u n l »n the County Court of the Caunty, Oregon; thereof in Chehalem Mountain NOTICE OF BOND CALLING rL T '"' i ° r W“*»>'nyton County. Notice is hereby given that the FARM money to loan—The Fed­ Notice is hereby given. That pur- 1«. Tsa«. » ‘ Vh.1^ ' / O rchards according to the duly eral Land bank now has ample Board of Equalization of W ashing­ recorded plat thereof. In Wash­ 5ea2r\»it? Ordinance oi the City t*»« forenoon of said day and the court I funds to loan to farm ers at 4%. ton County, Oregon, will meet on ington County, Oregon. of Hillsboro, Oregon, the city of r00"1 ,a id rourt h a, been appointed I Over $1000,000 has been loaned to Monday, August 12, 1935, a t the ZZ?? ico',rt, " / he *“<* »**«> tor W ashington county farm ers by the court house in Hillsboro, in Wash- Said property to be sold from and Hillsboro hereby calls the follow- *nd th* bank W rite or call for particulars. ington County, that being the sec- after the 15th day of August, 1935, ing bonds on the following dates, —W ashington County National Farm ond Monday In August, and the at private sale in one parcel or in i«.« *7! P” * publi' *>",>1“ atto“ >>«» Awruat ». f t ^ f ij f t * * ° l *“ 8ePt«m h.r 1. All P ark Refunding Bonds Loan Association. J. M Person, tim e and place provided by law to | separate parcels to the highest and issued February 10, 1927, num ­ secretary. Hillsboro. 9tf publicly exam ine the assessment 1 best bidder for cash, W ALTER S. A SH ER. A ttorney. Porter bered 1 to 27, are called (or rolls of said county for 1935, a n d | Dated at Hillsboro. Oregon, this Bldg., Portland, Oregon. 26-9 redem ption August 10. 1935. MONEY TO LOAN correct all errors in valuation and '6 th day of July, 1935. 2. G eneral Funding Bonds Is­ ' on im proved productive farms, low description or quantities of land, Date of first publication. July 18, NOTICB TO CREDITOBB For a few pennies anyon e can m ake H illsb oro A rgus sue of 1927. dated Septem ber In th e County Court of the fHato of Ore­ , interest rate, prom pt service, no lots or other properties, and it is 1935. Date of last publication. Au- gon. for W ashington County. 1, 1927. num bered 1 to 60, In­ delay.—Hubbs it Hammond. 310 the duty of all persons in terested 1 gust 15, 1935. In the M atter of the E state of Rather C la ssified A d s bring real results. clusive, are called for redem p­ G uaranty T rust Co. Bldg. 623 Oak to appear at the tim e and place EDWARD E. BACON. Adminis- L. Adam s, Deceased. tion ber 1935. St., Portland, Oregon. 21tf appointed and If It shall appear trato r with the Will annexed of the . . Septem __ - - - I, -------- 1 N otice is hereby given th at the under- And you are further notified that »iirn«d hax been duly confirm ed by the to the Board of Equalization that Estate of Louise E Bacon. Deceased. MONEY to loan on good dairy there are lands, lots or other prop­ David E. Lofgren. A ttorney for Ad­ the City of Hillsboro will not be ak>ov* «»titled court as executrix of the h e rd s —E. A. G riffith, 131 S. 2nd erty assessed tw ice or In the name m inistrator. an<1 Te>tan»ent of «»»id deceased. 22-6 liable for or pay any Interest unnn I N o. W o r d . ........... avenue. 7tf of a person or persons not the ow n­ dates” h the abOVe! ‘" ? d' a ,te r the ‘ " now " thar’r f w ^ i n harln« OF FIN A L SETTLEM ENT dates herein specified for the re- claims a a a im t «aid eatata »re hrreby er of the same or assessed under In NOTICE the C ounty Court o f the S ta te o f Ore- dem ption Of the same. I n otified and required to preeecit tha or beyond its value, or any lots, iron. for W ashington County. T im e * to ru n ...... W ILLIAM C. C H R I S T F N S F N «am«, toaether w ith proper «ouohera lands or other properties not as­ In the Matter o f the E state of Emma W C ity T reasu rer ° J therefor, to th e undemiitned at tha law Treadwell, Deceased. sessed. said Board of Equalization ( P lease W r it e P la in ly ) 7 ITeasurer 24-5 o ffle e o f E. J. MeAlaar. ia the F inn NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SAI F shall make the proper correction. N otice is hereby given, that Bernice ________ _____ __________ N ational Bank buildina. in Hillsboro. A m t. Enclosed $. I,indem an. the duly appointed, qualified I n t h o Notice is hereby given that by TO CREDITORS j Oreaon, w ithin six month» from tha data All claims for reduction pre­ and acting A dm inistratrix of the Estate In the C ounty Court o f th e S ta te o f Ore- hereof. virtue of an execution. Judgment, sented to »he Board of Equalization Emma W. Treadw ell. Deceased, has I n " ih . M .liZZh l';*Vi.n S""nty Dat*d d*'* 1 ,th d**r o l J a 'r . 11)85. order, decree and order of sale is­ must be filed In the office of the of filed her fin al account In said entate in M* P.ZZ iZ L th» t ' la ‘e « ( C atherine RUTH LEW A LLEN . E xecutrix o f the sued out of and under the seal of County C lerk w ithin fifteen days the C oM ty Court o f the S ta te o f Ore­ N otice G b .? ? ’***"1- » L a ,t Win ,n d T eetam ent of . . i d do- the C ircuit Court of the State of from the 13th dav of August. gon for W ashington C ounty, and that w as m7de In T i ” SZZ".' ‘»S' *n order ! ''“ " i J ' McAI«“ r A ttorney for Ex- said court has fixed Tuesday, th e 3rd wa» made In the C ounty Court o f the ccutrtx. t4 . , Oregon for W ashington County on J. E. CARPENTER. Assessor of day o f Septem ber. A. D. 1935. at ten n ? Zk a.Zr*KJ, ’n ,OT Waa*'l''«(on County — ----------------------------— ________________ the 7th day of August, 1935, in a Washington County, Oregon, Hills­ o’clock A. M. of naid day. in the County cause therein pending In which boro, Oregon, July 15, 1935. 22-5 Court Room in the C ounty Court House Elmer Lee Miller, Executor of the in the City o f Hillsboro, W ashington W t i.lo n « J. L. Searcy a d m l X . NOTICE OF FIN A L ACCOUNT i County. Oracon, the tim e and place . Last Will and Testam ent of Laura is iiu mu thereof, and that »aid J. I. ! G a s Pains and Indigestion victims all Ann Miller, deceased, Commercial In tha County Court ..I the S ta te of Ore- | ««»» iie-aa> ■■■■ ^ waaiqa d a a iia a i « a a « v ^ w u u a n i a ^ and objections thereto, and for tha fin a l set- » " duly qualified a. ,u ch ad- why suffer? For quick relief from gon. for W ashington County. National Bank of Hillsboro. Oregon, »»•irutor. ach fliqtroa« Hua tzi mr- mw .« u j In the M atter o f the E state o f Hans . tlem ~ ent o f said . . estate. , - . . Now. therefor«. ajj nerwms» stom Sl«macn «ls^esa due to exeeM add, ' a corporation, w ere plaintiffs, and Loefflar. D e c c e d . | '>.*t,d thi“ 1,1 d*>' “ f A uauat. A. D. Claim. ^ 1(l » free «ample of the U dg. W E Rice and Helena S. Rice, N otice is hereby given th a t the under- « . . . ■iyned, a . A d r a in ix o f t h . Fatale BERNICE L1NDEM AN. A dm inl.tnrtrix w h h i7 k - * nd < * > Present them “ docto*"’ prescription husband and wife, w ere defend­ f Hana L oeffler, deceased, has filed her I 2; the , W Trend well, Z iL -L ? . voucher, to the under- a * Hillsboro Pharm acy.—Adv ants. in favor of the plaintiffs and o fin a l account In th e County Court o f the Deceased. ’Dme. H Tongue Jr.. Attor- Of H llZ k.^* P ^ r r c i o l N ational Bank — ■ - —I ________ against the defendants in the sum S ta te o f Oregon for W ashington County. ne* for A dm inistratrix. 24-g ,h * Clf r *>' Hllleboro. a- ' of *4635 00 together with Interest and th at Monday, the 11th day o f A ugust, T.ZZZ.m Jr Zz * 7 ot Thm H DaUy T r|p“ K» Portland j thereon from the 23rd day of Au- 1936. a t the hour o f 10 o ’clock A. M.. NOTICB TO CREDITORS H ills b o ro A u to F re ig O rtvon, ».nek, wi'tn.n , _ ht j gust. 1931, at the rate of six per and th« court room of said oourt, haa In the C ounty Court o f the S ta te o f Ore­ rtx mon’’thZ'f r gon. fur W ashington County. appointed by said Court aa the tim e n publication ZhiiZL th* , <,ste t « -w it: *. Cora M Fnaler. h a . been ap- I N. R. 2 W W illamette M eridi­ gu st, 1936, at the hour o f Ten A. M proper vouchers to the undersigned at pointed A dm iniatratrlx o f the Katate o f! ONION SKIN FINIRH of word«. If the ad is to run but one week the cost is two cents per word. For i Deceaaed, by the Coun- 1 an. excepting therefrom a cer­ in the forenoon o f said day, in the Cip» his residence at DUley. Oregon, or at the L“ cult Court room o f said Court has been law o ffic e o f Thos. H. T ongue Jr., in W k?”'i tain five-acre tract deeded by , . 'h’ 8Ut* of f™ the second and each consecutive insertion of the same ad, the cost is but one appointed by said Court as th e tim e and the Commercial Block, in the C ity of Wa«hlnuton C ounty and h a. qualified. Harmon W Miller and Laura place for the hearing of objections th ere­ Hillshnro, Oregon, w ithin six m onths from A ll pereona bavin» claim s a»ain«t aald ! cent a word. Minimum charge per issue 25 cents. TO GET RESULTS, state A, Miller to O. J. Tompkins, to and the settlem ent thereof. the date o f tho first publication <»f this r e ta te are hereby n otified to present the I T y p e w r ite r R ib b o n * under date of January 26th, Dated and first pahlished Ju ly 11th. notice, to-w it- W ithin six months from sam e duly yerlflw t a , hy law require,). I plainly what you want or have to sell. Cross out needless words, then copy to th e underalcned a t Reedville, Oreaon. 1891, which was recorded on 1986. Last publication A ugust 8th, 1986. Ju ly 18th, 19.36, r r it V L L. INOERRSOLL. E xecutrix Dated this 18th day o f July, A. D 1986 w ithin six m onths from tha date hereof. Ju n e 24th. 1891, in Book 31 at the result and mail or bring it to the HILI23BORO ARGUS, Hillsboro, Oregon, o f the E state o f Erick Sundberg, de­ I,nd , Mr,t Published A ugust I. A LV IN LEACH. Executor o f the Last page 368, Records of Deeds for ceased. E. J . Noble, address Masonic Will and Testam ent a t Barak A. Hoover, 1986. I«aat publication A ugust 29, 1936 W ashington County, O re g o n ; CORA M. FOSTER. Adm intatratrlx Tem ple, Oregon City, Oregon, A ttorney ' Deceased. Thos. H. T ongue Jr.. Attor- for Executrix. 21-8 I ney for Executor. 29-6 KIcpper A Im lay, A ttorneys. also commencing at the quar- 24-8 Count Word«—Hrnd Money 8. W o rk W a n te d 19. H a y an d Feed 25. Horses Ten Free Movie Tickets Offered ,hr' If You Don’t Need It-Sell It! «md if you W ant Something - Say So! Write Your Ad Bclow- Notices STOMACH ULCERS CARBON PAPER Hillsboro Argus