H IL L S B O R O P a g e S ix A R G U S. H IL L S B O R O , O R E G O Thuixtlay. Augnai H, 193.*$ 1 bv held on the lawn of Mrs. Em-1 ma Dtct’dorff to which C hristian Garden Home H ’in Banks Epworth Leaguers Visit Locals Lose < Kndeavorers from Hillsboro are in­ Orenco Circle vited A. Carrick, pastor. S u n d a y E vens Up Institute; Rev. Tilton to Preach Aloha Game C ounty P la y o ff Plans Session Kctli.tny Baptist Church Bible school. 9:45 a. nt., helpful witrtl From there they will «»> to Wash, visited friend - hen* one day the Yosemite valley and then home last week, lie recently returned Miss Woodward will leave with from u trip to Europe. them for her vacation anti will Mr and Mrs Sam Fran/en of come back to Orenco for a week at Portland vialted at the Adam Bel­ hom e. John llolmason t»f Vancouver. la home Sunday. — — . ; instruction for all, m orning wor- H ills b o ro D ro ps F irs t T ilt G arden Home defeated Roy at A n n u a l M o th e rs ’ C lu b P icn ic H e ld ; Scouts H e a r P o rtla n d - ship service. 11 o'clock. Prof I Horn«* R e m o d e le d ; A . B elin o f S e c o n d -H a lf S chedule Banks Sunday afternoon 6 to 3 to K i.iscr will deliver the in.- sage R etu rn s fro m H o s p ita l e r ; F a m ilie s M o v e : S e v e ra l V a c a tio n a t Beaches even up the play-off series for Song and preaching service. 11 p. ! the Washington County baseball in . Rev. G aliger delivering evening San »at l.eaca* illy Mr». Huuh Burrlvtlsl league championship. The t w o address Rev. Theo l.eger. pastor <8«con ! neutral diam ond in the deciding the Banks pulpit Sunday evening i Jantzen Beach. 7 1 .87ft|0orn*ti«M Wt> iifi- ht-ailqHiii'ti'i's for Itiiuli'i' Twine, Gruin B*K*. I'rnlreiM tal Tabernacle s 4 ,4!s ; game, • 2 .75»» W illam ette Tualatin Sunday. Sunday school, 10 a in.; August 15 1 after an absence of tw o weeks. ( Mrs. Florence Shurler of Cas. 5 8 .626 Ranks Aloha Mr. and Mrs. Larry Daniels of ititd Sucking Twine. 2 Î r * e errors by Roy and J l^ s o H d — w^ k “h T u ^ d m a n a i ^ I a o ^ U . M w h " ’. r r t ^ T S u n d ay 'fo r ! J .l .U' î lüC^ ;. y o u n l 4 4 .5 0 0 ,)r e n m b a u rrl Portland visited M rs . D a n ie ls ' _ .. , , . people’s service. li 15 p. in ; evan Sherwood . . 4 4 .60» North Plain* 2 6 .25 , hits bv G arden Home cin e...« .... ’ for ,h e wlnners Hall and Ibe Epw orth League Institute at I a few months' visit with her broth- gelistie service, 8 p. m. Tuesday, mother. Mrs. Eva Urandcnbcrg. We nrc cnsli buyers of Wheat, Oats, Barley. Hairy Local Sunset leaguers dropped | Smith held City Those from Banks at- - r J er-in-law and j- sister. Mr «•■u and * M rs a Roy to six hits. Drake, Falls • - » .. .... “ *»■ Vetch, Common Vetch, Hungarian Vetch and ('lover prayer Thursday. Thursday. th eir first game of the second-half H fir«» »oolror tending the institute are M ane Henry Atlec Mr. and Mrs. At lee „ p 111., ,,,, , . meeting. . . . Mr. and Mrs Harold Holmes of schedule Sunday to Aloha, winners nected for a home run with two « “ 'ben Seeds. “ " ’"i “' “ " i Po,r " ‘" ’,d Su,n ' m ? evan«. I stie ' H a i ry Dallas spent the week-end with of the first-half, by a score of 13 men on base in the second inning P ’ e,sch- Prank Wahl and Earl M il-[ ctay^as she made the trip here b> , ¿ X ,. H a r r y their parents, Mr. and Mrs W II G R A IN B A G S to 2. T h is S u n d a y H illsb o ro w ill train. Ring Good Oat Sucks— clash w ith N orth Plains at the | Roy captured the first game of Mr and Mrs Cliff Thompson and I Miss Alma Gourley of Falls City Fam ily Moves Free Methodist Church H«ch Shute park diamond in the final in 'th e 1S »pending this week w ith friends family visited at the Elma l.yda S A. C. Parks and family moved Services will aguin be resum ed at home at Glenwood Sunday. leagtie game of the season. i fail to u rnarnent beginning¡'the last >» Banks. She came to Banks w ith into the J. Shaw house lust week No. 1 Second Wheat Sack»-— Mr and Mrs Dwight Sellers of the Free Methodist church with as the house w here they lived has Miss Sylvia Severance, who took lead in the league in the m atter “ ' visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Rev. J. N Walker as the new pas- been sold R. H. K th e young people from here to Hillsboro Each __ tor. Rev. Walker recently opened of games won and lost, but so m e, Garden Home 6 14 0 Falls City Saturday for the League T Sellers Sunday. M itt'* M oxie’"'H opkins retu rn ed JR»’ “ * ° r,k “!'d organized the llonir Krniodrlcd doubt exists as to w hether or not Boy i . o Institute. B IN D E R T W I N E me l’luss ot Carlton. The Ernest W ilfert resilience is games played against N orth Plains J - Snuth and D aim ler. Janaen. Don Moore returned home Sun- t^m e Friday from O. S. C„ w here w here he has been i^ J -0 0 serving the lust being remodeled anil more floor 500 feet to pound— and Banks, recently of the Wash- F' ■"<* dav from a w eek's visit w i t h sh5 h a s -b e e n «»ending su m m e r,, space added G. A. Robson is help­ ington County league, w ill count ~ . B a le ................... M m , S -r> l™ lor S «nd., a » „ M . ing w ith the work. J P. Rogers against the Sunset standings. 1 W O 1 C H IU S 1 IC O has also raised his house and put 650 feet to pound— T ualatin lost to North Plains Sun- ! a new foundation under it and he day 7 to 4. If this game counts. group of relatives from Portland. B ale Mr. and Mrs. F red Irvine and Jus‘ and L aurence Hill are reshingling the locals have a one-game lead. . Hobsons Move family of Portland visited Sunday closed on the Canyon road was the roof. Softball Lear«« If th e game is disregarded and We w ill also have a limited amount of storage room Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hobson, who with Mrs. Irvine's mother. Mrs. term ed the most outstanding in the tSaeond Half» Robert V andcver and Lawrence the forfeit from Gaston, North I have been living in th e church par- Alice Parm ley, who lives north of Oregon conference. Over 1000 people Rose left for Eastern Washington for all grains. If yon desire to store your grain kindly L Pet W L Pet Plains' predecessor in the league, S*«da Works W were camped on the grounds be­ l i" .sis sonage, moved Sunday to the H arry Banks. 8 1 .750 Arvu* last week to w ork in the harvest let us know at once. is recognized. T ualatin and H ills­ Fairw ay S I .750 S afew ay t 2 six j Riggs place west of Banks, Mr. and Mrs. Eli G rindle re ­ sides many visitors who attended (lel.ls boro would be tied for first place Ireland* 2 2 .500 Guard* during the eamp. l s iso | Mr and Mrs. W. R. Lilly and turned home Sunday from Port Leona Rose of Bryn Mnwr. P ay C a ih an d Save — T ra d e w ith Im p e r ia l w ith seven wins and one loss. Fairw ay and the Soda W orks i _______, Esther H. T urner of Hillsboro C a Miss daughter Ehna Belle of ~ Los ... Ángeles land, w here they had visited "reia- l. is spending a few weeks with Also, it.— if — such games are e l i m i n - w ent into a two-way tie for first I an d " Mrs. B elle"tJtlv ”"of Cornelius was elected conference Sunday .......................... ..... ” tives for a week. Mr. and Mrs. — _ against .—— A V T— — it. P I'll*. — — »» » the ). .. l.-v^nl »,«77 league her grandparents, Mr. unit Mrs ated. the game North la in s, place « in local ,«.»/.V softball were Saturday evening dinner Frank ‘G rin dle’ brought them home I “ j!?“ * ^ « e l a r y for the year and would not count this Sunday and Thursday evening when the Soda guests of Mr and Mrs. Fred Wol- and rem ained until Monday eve­ : will have charge of the Sunday N athaniel Rose. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Subo a r e Hillsboro would autom atically be Works lost an extra-inning game ford and family. school work of the state. ning. spending a few days on the coast. »South Second Ave. Phone 01 Millers of Quality FcrcU credited w ith eight w ins and one to the National Guards 14 to 13 Mr and Mrs. A. C. Wahl and . M others' Picnic Held Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Robson vis­ loss. Tualatin has yet to face the j and Fairway staged a last-inning ( hristian ( hurch The annual Mothers' club picnic sor>s John and Bryce visited Dr ited at the Howard Potter home In strong Sherwood squad. ! rally to defeat Irelands 4 to 2. O ur shorter service is working reunion was held Fridav after- a_.n “ Mrs. Guy Gibson in Forest P ortland Sunduy afternoon. Hillsboro's first run against Aloha Score in the Ireland-Fairw ay and noon and evening at' ! ° rove Sunday In the afternoon se“ ^ ^ ’ .T T « Mrs. W F. H unter spent Monday came on successive doubles by Fox game was tied 2 to 2 after the first Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Wahl. Business drove to Falls City, w here Mrvtee dt 9 45 and Clyde Brandaw in the second half of the final fram e but the m eeting was held in the afternoon -,le EPw orth League institute is "ra 'llv ¿ r i ix i 1510-'o'30Sl"reii-iJ onblv with friends in Portland. Mr and Mrs. Floyd Karns spent inning. The final score came in Grocers put over a tw o-run Works and at 6.30 a pot luck dinner was e d ^ h f r a ’ b J ^ b r t h " R W h ^ t a,,d b> P«»‘°r. ¡0:31)11; ’ Sunday nt the Louie Madden home the ninth when Joos was hit by a to win. The G uard-Soda We3 a“ ended? - v and Tom and Elizabeth m S ™ ? L urds T abk ’ «»•“ ‘3 This g.ves in Portland was nip and tuck from scan w « j . w e n a n c u u c u u j , . t „ w , »..a n "Y giv« pitched ball, stole second and then game to finish w ith the Guardsm en hold- the fam ilies of the mothers. A fte r1 * nd T v. ‘ th McClelland- ARE TH E BALANCE Adam Delia Ilrnuzht Home everyone plenty of tim e to go else- came home on H anna's long fly. speeches w by Mrs t Adam Bella wus brought home tinner speeches w ere ere made made by Mrs Word has been * received here that » h c r e f °«' luncheon or afternoon W H E E L S W H IC H S E R V E “Mose" Jubitz of Aloha hurled ing a slight advantage during most dinner the game. ' l°ra Munford, a ch arter mem ber Croissant a form er loei, elsewhere. Christian Endeavor, 7 from the Jones hospital Wednesday, a sparkling game, allow ing but of The T O H O L D P R IC E S Argus-Safeway game sched- of the club, Mrs. H A. Williams, ¿ ho^,' ¿ ncipal ¡n Buf,lks h p. m . interm ediate and young w here he has been for the past five scattered hits and striking out W IT H IN B O U N D S uled for last week was postponed W. T. Sellers, A. C. Wahl and Mrs encd a jew elry store and w a?eh PeoP1 «- County C E rally at Tigard eight weeks w ith a fractured leg 13 batters. Aloha pounced on Rosk.v, Games scheduled f o r tonight Fred Wolford and Mrs. A. C. W ahl repair shop In Woodland. W ash’ in afternoon Union service with He Is improving, but It will be Hillsboro pitcher, for eight runs It is a noticeable fa rt that Mr. and Mrs Cliff Sandy and Mrs H attie Davidson of Forest M E church at the C hristian churen I some tim e before he is able to get in four innings. Brandaw replaced (Thursday) will find the tw o first in localities where there is no Roskv. but tw o erro rs and five place teams (Fan-wav and the Soda d au g h ters,-M am ie and Mary re- Grove visited her m other Mrs M 8 P ">• Son« -service and special around. w orks) clashing on the south Ju n - turned home Thursday from a two a D odds M nndnv n .ah t ’ music. Sermon by pastor o f the M. Mrs. H E B urdette and daughter A. Dodds Monday n ig h t hits produced five m ore runs. locally manufactured product high diamond. The G uards will w eeks' auto trip through Idaho and E church Midweek service. T hurs­ Barbura Jeanne visited at the E I., N orth Plains has defeated two ior to hold a commodity down in meet the Argus on the north Ju n - Yellowstone National park Com- day. 8 p. m W e extend a hearty l.udw iek home in Portland Friday top team s in the Sunset league and ior high field and Irelands and ing home they circled through welcome to all our services R L. Mr. and Mrs I, T. Woodward price, those shipping in front a good game is in prospect when ■ Safeway will cross bats at Hilhi. Putnam, pastor. Utah w here they visited places of ■inti son K en n eth left S atu rd ay Hillsboro meets the squad h e r e 1 outside points take advantage M. E. Chnrch (Bethany) interest at Salt Lake City. for San F ran cisco. C a t. to visit afternoon. "Lefty" Grogan. >**'» < o Sunday u n u d j aiierntxtri. i^eii > virogan. K f *11 T 1 of the situation and almost Methodist Episcopal Church th e ir d au gh ter. Miss Lorenc Wixxi- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wolford and «¡¡¡^1 ev « 7 s u i ^ a y , 10 a m - Ger'- Auld, Wahner. Cook and Sigler ot C e d a r M ill, L a u re l Church school at 9:45. Miss Rose always boost the price. family spent Sunday w ith a group man service n ' the N orth Plains nine are all H ills­ of relatives at th e E. Van Market - - boro boys. HK DKAI. IN KKAL K.STATK sum mer camp on Scoggins creek. It, therefore, is only good business on your part to In other Sunset league games W rit. Norman Schulm erich spent sever­ Farm Union Fir» and Aulom,t4»lt» Inrtiruhe« Sunday Banks defeated Orenco 7 patronize your local industries. Especially when the qual­ al days last week visiting his grand- (Second H alf! M»k» I.(Mini and I w u i 8ur»ly bund» to 5 and W illam ette defeated Laurel W L Pet ity is equal and your local people w ill meet any tempor­ w L Pet father. Edward Schulm erich, of First Church of Christ (Scientist) ,nk’n '**'1 sing. 7 to 5. Sherwood forfeited to Cor­ Cedar Mill 4 2 .667 Carlton KU RATLI & WISMER 3 3 .50» Hillsboro Services are held every Sunday ^ ? Un.day nL ght « 'rX‘c‘’ at thc arily loweretl price by an outside concern. Laurel nelius. 4 2 .667 Kan. City ? 5 367 HILLSBORO. ORhXsON and Mrs. Willard B urnett re- at 11 a. m.; Wednesday eveninu 1 hristian church with Rev. Reed 4 S .571 Buxton Schedule for this Sunday is as Verboort T elephone 1891 1286 Second St Cedar Mill went into a tie with turned home Wednesday from a services at 8 o’clock; Sunday school b n n K,n*l me>sage follows: W illam ette at C ornelius.’ . -----—. ----; - - - — --------- — ----- . . . _ ., . _ _ , ,■ . _ ----- Orenco at LaureL T ualatin at Sher- Laurel for the leadership of the t r ‘P Seaside and Cannon Beach a‘ * > »■ m. Pupils up to the age BaptHt ('hurch wood Banks at Aloha and North ?ec°nd-half schedule in the Farm The-V w ent by way of the lower ° f 20 years are welcomed. Free Last week of the Gideons at our P la in s at H illsb o ro Union league Sunday by virtu e of Columbia highway and returned by reading room open on Wednesdays church. Each night except S a tu r­ ria in s at m nsnoro. a io to 4 victory over Kansas City Tillamook. and Saturdays from 2 until 4 p. m. FOR FA R M S R. H. E. day. come. Rev. Clarence Hedrick, Mr. and Mrs. William Susbauer ^ “ ''da.v s topic. 'S p irit." Hillsboro . 2 8 4 Verboort advanced to w ithin half a former pastor, will preach August LARGE or SMALL P la n t a t Scholia, O rego n Aloha 13 14 4 game of the leaders by w inning a and children are vacationing at the „ . . 18 at the morning service. Mrs Rosky, C. Brandaw and Brandaw ; double-header Sunday. The squad beach. O ur Motto—"Friendly Service . . Fair Price»'' „Y1' “ ' Llinreh See A lb e r t H e a rd J u b its and McBreen. YVaihlnglun Street h elw rrn l»t and 2nd HlUihora 12 to 1 and Scouts H ear Portlander 9 , 5 - _? Mr«°w n i ery Sund®y- Hedrick also will be present. R- H. E. trounced C arlton Banks, Oregon Banks Mr. VanBroggen of P ortland gave tendent ’ Pr,.-iphin,, nf,??.',:iUPeri n ' . 7 11 4 swamped B uxton 14 to 6. Laurel Ask your attorney to send your Orane« i L . « * ™ 10' * by 5 6 4 traveled to Vancouver Barracks on a talk to the Boy Scouts Monday Ellsworth T il t o n legal advertising to the Argus evening when they met at the home f j ^ d a v evenino ^t Van Loo and Bernard* ; G arfield, Blia* Sunday and lost 13 to 3. and Stafford. Schedule of games this Sunday of th eir scoutmaster, A. C. Wahl Aid meets f n s f and °thi?rtkw^4dleS R. H . E. d thlrd Wednes- N orth Plain s ...... ... ......... .. ------ 7 18 3 finds Buxton traveling to Cedar Following the talk Mrs. Wahl treat- days at 2 p m tf Tualatin 4 10 1 Mill and Laurel going to C arlton ed the boys to home m ade candy. __ Gro?an and Vanderzanden Mulky and Verboort has no game slated bu: The scouts have w orked very in- All Saints C hurch (E u iscon ali Reber. R. h f Will play the Roy team next Thurs- dustnously this week cleaning up Ninth Sunday a l t e r THnitv- WiiUrast» __________ 7 j day. The latter team is also sched- th eir lot and m aking wood out of Morning ? " lty ' service and sermon at 9 Laurel ....................................... s 9 s uled to play the Sauvies Island the oak tree, which fell during a o'clock On Main highway near Hillsboro Fox and Davidson ; Schreiner and Zeig- squad at Jantzen Beach on August storm last winter. or Beaverton. 18 during the annual D airy Co- Mr. and Mrs. C randall and daugh- Beaverton C hurch of Christ h e w o r k nt .u Through illness of our form er ter M arcella visited friends in O re­ e r T The Hillsboro Argus contains all the operative association picnic. ^ r w ^ H s^ o f^ ti^ KheiaeX‘ agent' Mr A E Newby, the Strout gon City last week. new s of Hillsboro and th e sur- ¡n d oTher im ninL ™ , bulldln8 Agency of New York and Califor- Miss Hazel Paetsch has returned 3re S°°2 nla' ,eeks a »vgi-stered B roker or to her home in Banks after spend­ to b e X w h ^ h w m r add verjr mueh substantial man fam iliar w ith farm ing the sum m er in Portland, w here o t h e h.pp«MM h „ , Sd‘f‘Ce ValUM Wh° Ca" llS‘ and -’ hOW gO<>d she was taking a sum m er extension P r e i e h i n f ^ ,h n i n e ^ 2 5 , b P t h m ornln8 and eve- productive well-located farm s and _ . course from the U niversity of Ore- IUnghPe7 l Sunday as usual. Re- sm aller back-road ranches to our Program of events particularly gon. planned for young men is sched- Francis Thompson of Portland mem ber the 'question box” In the clients. uled at the Forest Hills golf club spent the week-end at the B W evening and we especially urge everyone to be present at the com- Our Southern C alifornia repre- for Friday evening beginning at A rm entrout home. 5:30 o'clock. Free group lessons and Mr and Mrs. John H artw ick and munion service in the morning, sentatives have closed m any such Services for Sunday as follows: sales recently Eight at Chowchilla, tournam ent events are slated and daughter Joyce w ent to Cannon young men. w hether m em bers Beach Ju ly 31, for a w eek's vaca- Bible school, 9:45 a. m„ T. B. Har- Cal*?' alo,Le 0» two months, ten Summer activity and re­ all. ris, superintendent: communion fol­ at Hemet, Calif., since January. or not, are invited to attend. tion. sistance against heat are lowed by preaching, 11 a. m.; Flag tournam ent, feature of the Family Moves S trout representatives ov­ tests of your child’s stam­ program at the club last Wednes- a . E. M orrill and fam ily have Young People's meeting, 7 p. m.; er Active many states are m aking fifteen preaching, 8 p. m. Midweek service, day, was won by George P atter- moved into the M. E. parsonage ina! The child whose sum­ and Mrs. D. Rutherford with from Elwood saw mill. The two Wednesday, 8 p. m.—M. Putm an, to forty sales each year. O ur all-] mer diet is fo r the major son year national newspaper, magazine a. ti ’° strolces U[)der th eir par youngest sons of the fam ily will m inister. and Catalog advertising helps a part our pure m ilk, is a “ ,*5' P a te rso n teamed with Mrs attend Banks high this fall. new man tow ard early success. Whosoever Will Church Polly Enschede to win the putting Mr. and Mrs. D elbert Hutchens, healthy child. Many of our representatives have (Above N orth Plains) contest which followed the w ater- who have been living th e past few Sunday school, 10 a. m. T h e been w ith us ten, fifteen and tw en­ melon feed. Mrs R. Waltz and Mrs months in Banks, moved Teusday younger classes are grow ing in a t­ ty-five years, and we have made Mamie M iller won t h e ladies' to Forest Grove Q u a rt tournam ent in the afternoon. Betty Jean ¡¡nd Norm a J a n e tendance. The word will be con­ m ore than sixty-one thousand sales. Free group golf lessons for ladies Heltzel of Portland are visiting cerning “giving." Sermon by the If you a re a real estate ow ner 11 a. m., the subject was located on a main highway, enjoy­ M c F a c* ll TcrSCV D a irv I V 1! »ne continue^ ^ u r ‘n K August their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. pastor, 11 J ' - l a c y L z d i r y at 1.30 p. m. each Wednesday. The w G. W alker not announced. The Bible and tarry ing the respect and confidence of i lessons are open to the public. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Tresham w ere service, 3 p. m. R egular evangelistic your comm unity and interested, in Phone 2104 service. .8 p. m. Sunday night serv­ a profitable connection, w rite to- transacting business in Portland A r t B lo tte r* F a rm S ale B ills P a m p h le ts . We specialize in quality com- Monday. Mrs. Mabel T olliver of ices are especially and day for details and copy our Sum- - - good. Come ---- ------- B adge* F in a n c ia l S ta te m e n ts : ! m ereiai printing.—Argus. Posters t{ Gaston ran th e drug store here iearn new choruses with us and m er-Fall Catalog (35th Year) w ith B a llo ts F o ld e rs ____during th eir absence. hear the w ord of the Lord w ith Oregon section advertising Hills- P la c a rd s Mr. and Mrs. C harles Kessler and us. P ray er and P raise service, Tues- boro listings. B a n k F orm s F ly e rs Post C ards children and Miss Lillian Steele day, 8 p. m. Thursday, 8 p. m., at B a n q u e t F o ld e r* F o lio S tatem ents P re s c rip tio n B lan ks E. A. STROUT, President I picnicked at Blue Lake Sunday Shady Brook church, every one B e re a v e m e n t C a rd * F orm s P ric e Lists STR O U T W ESTERN th e sh arp non w orking at the C harles Kessler Friday, 8 p. m. Lots of questions to 1 B ill* G e m S tatem en ts P roceedings R E A L T Y A G E N C Y sk id re g is te r home. be considered, come and hear your B ill H e a d * G re e tin g C ard s P ro gram s ed by th e s e Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Sandy question discussed. We find that 707 S. Hill Street B ills o f F a re G ro c e r’s S tatem en ts i “ G -3's” a t th e Prom issory Notes spent th e w eek-end in V ern o n ia, for every question there is s c rip -! Los Angeles, Calif. I mileagesshown B irth A n n o u n c e m e n t* H a n d B ills with Mr. and Mrs. M aurice T h o m p -! tu re to answ er it from the Bible R eceip t Slips •below — proof son- i Several short talks by the young B la n k Books H a n g e rs R eceptio n C ard s t h a t t h e y 'r e Lloyd Whitcomb of P ortland vis- ] people on different references also, B la n k s In s u ra n c e R id ers s till good fo r R e m itta n c e B la n k s ited here Sunday. j "Come let us reason together.”— L see h e w M U C H M O R E Q U A L I T Y th e m any m o re B o o k le t* In v ita tio n s Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H u d so n ' Melvin E. Jam es, pastor, R e p o rt Sheets world’s Is rje it tire maker offers for prices as th o u s a n d s of and daughter Carol of Hillside vis-i _••__ Business C a rd * low as O R LOWER th in any. A d v e rtis in g B lo tte rs Ribbons P rin te d miles of safety. ited at the Cliff Sandy home S u n ­ T ualatin Plains Presbyterian Church Business F o rm * R em em ber,D etectiv eF au ro t's threat Investiga­ A n n o u n c e m e n ts R u le d S ta tio n e ry day evening. (Four miles north of Hillsboro) ! tion showed th e sensational Goodyear “ G-3” B y -L a w s A u c tio n B ills Dickie VanDorn is spending this S ale C ards Sunday services: Bible school at A ll-W eather is delivering m ore th a n week at th e O rville Bailey home 10:15; preaching at 11 a. m.; junior C a llin g C a rd * Invoices Sales Books on D avid’s Hill. longer C. E. at 11:20; C. E. a t 8 p. m. C a s h ie r’s C h e c k * L abels Scale Books Mr. and Mrs. C harles Shipley Women’s M issionary society, last o N O N - S K ID M IL E A G E C a ta lo g s L a u n d ry Lists spent several days last week v isit­ Wednesday of each month at 2 p S how P rin tin g 3 1 ,809 ail«, a t no extra cost! ing relatives in Portland. Friday m. T hursday evening, August 14. , C e rtific a te s L e g a l B lan ks R. W Krenfter Slips morning they heard Dr. Townsend a C hristian Endeavor social will I »Salesman C hecks L e tte r C irc u la rs S ociety S ta tio n e ry Sedalia, M o. C h e c k B in d in g L e tte rh e a d s S tam p ed Envelopes C h ris tm a s C ard s Livesto ck C a ta lo g s S tatem ents C irc u la rs License B lan ks S ta tio n e ry C o lle c tio n N otices M a n ifo ld B lan ks S to re Sale B ills W ith a Liberal A value m ade possible only by C o n c e rt P ro g ra m s M a n u s c rip t Covers T a g Envelopes 84,942 milM m illions of sales. Goodyear- Trade-In C o n stitu tio n s C . I I . W e d d in ilfo n M e a l T ic k e ts T ag s b u ilt an d g u aran teed — w ith Allowance 1318 Avenue F a ll q u a lity f e a tu r e s : th ic k Coupons M e m o H ead s F t . .Madtoon, Io w a T ic k e ts non-skid tread — S upertw ist C overs M enus T im e C ards body— reinforced sidewalls— D e p o s it Slips M ilk Coupons T r ip lic a te Form s all new ru b b er, a w onderful T reat your car to a complete “ buy.” D ire c to rie s M o n th ly S tatem ents V o u c h e rs cleaning—inside and out. Our 4.40-81 D od g ers 4.30-21 N o te C irc u la rs 4.73-19 V o u c h e r Checks m odern washing s e rv ic e In ­ cludes washing t h e exterior D r a f t N otices N o te H e a d s W a rr a n ts and interior of the autom obile D u p lic a te B la n k s N otices W e d d in g A n n o u n c e ­ r T o include California co«ts not lc more fare than :o . and the m otor as well. E le c tio n B a llo ts tf go directly East and back on your summer roundtrip * O ffic e F orm s m ents (to most points). Literally a free ticket thru San Fran- « Enclosures O r d e r B la n k s In w ritin g a g a in st road W in d o w C ards T ry O ur Prompt, DOUBLE GUARANTEE in ju rie s an d d efects. cisco and Los Angeles! The San Diego Exposition can be * F ilin g C ard s P a c k e t H ead s Y a n k e e S tatem ents included as an inexpensive sidetrip. You ll go in cool com- S Efficient Service. fort; all types o f accommodations are air-conditioned on our ■ YOU CAN Be Sure It Says “ Printed in Hillsboro.” J leading trains. Examples o f low summer roundtrips East: G Rnundtrip; Coach Tourhl Standard « Harvest Time is Here 54c 7c ’5 00 for League Lead Imperial Feed &C Grain Co. Local Industries - - - CHURCHES Tie in Union Loop SCHOLLS TILE CO. YARD R e p r e se n ta tiv e W a n ted ■ a sr. R X ‘j Young Men Guests Let Us Do Your Job Printing u Forest HiUs Club Mothers Our Equipment is Second to None - Our Workmanship, Service and Prices will Please Telephone 3101 we will be ready any time to show samples, offer sugges­ tions, assist in preparing copy for the following types of work,we do: 10c I 'MOTE IN THESE FOOTPRINTS BEFORE BUYING T IR E S - A FREE TICKET th ru SPEEDWAY your summer trip $6.70 ivio»3>ia $5.20 35.70 $5.05 EAST C conm ttu IN THESE PRICES ' DON’T BE FOOLED CHICAGO. *57.35 NEW YORK *95.75* by trick discount* from padded price liata. Buy no tjres u n tU you sue h ow m u c h m o re q u a lity Goodyear gives y o u fo r t h e sam e m o n e y — or In i! Price* subject to change w ithou t notice. S ta te salee tax a d d itio n a l. CADY MOTOR CO. H ills b o r o , O reg o n * 68.80 *107.20* * 86.00 , *124.40* *4i-day rttn m limit. Octobtr 31 limit ¡lightly higher. Coac h j a m goodin coaches and chair cart.Tourist ¡art! goodinTeurittPullmantipliiihtrthl.Standard¡aret good in all accommodation} (plat Pullman charge}). S ou thern P acific H. D. OLSEN, Agent Phone 621 I i Busch’s Service Garage 126 S. Third Ave. Busch’s Super Service Station Corner Third and Baseline Phone 501 A. H. Busch, Prop. Uillsboi W ith Which is Combined the Hillsboro Independent P a r tic u la r P rin tin g N o Job T o o S m a ll N o Job To