H IL L S B O R O Thursday, August 8, 1935 AR G U S. H IL L S B O R O , Local Boy Places in "Soapbox Derby” I Saturday evening. Ml«» Eugenie Cypher returned home with them I for a week'» visit. Mr«. W E May» went to P o rt­ land T hursday after M' Alvnu Mitchell. who was III. und look hel­ lo her daughter'« home at Dilley. Mr. und Mrs J. II. Davis, Mr Southern Pacific S c a lin g und Mrs. Clark Inkley and «on and Mr mid Mrs. M. V Jackson and Position Secured daughter Lavelle picnicked at Suu III» Mra. Il.nry Cypher) vie«' Island Sunday. NORTH PLAINS North Plain« Mr und Mrs Curl C’hrlstener bust-bull ti-utii iiih I tlx-lr friend« litid visited Saturduy afternoon and S u n ­ a picnic ut Avalon park after the day with Mr and Mrs Hubert C or­ game with Tuulutln Sunday. The nelius at Corvallis. local team beat T u iilu tlli 7 to I lias Healing Job Mi. anil Mr» Fred Dye of Port Robert Johnstone went to C arl­ luml visited Mr und Mm C. II ton Thursday morning, where he Kelly Sunday. hus 11 position with the Southern Mis» Phyllis ChrlaU-ner «pent the Pacific as scaler. week end with Ml»» Helene Shaw The Misses Elorence anil Mil ut Cornelius. died Hunger left Sunday morning Mr and Mm A rthur Davis of for C rater Luke They went by Bonneville visited relative« here wuy of Bend, from w here t h < N orth Plains Team Picnics N ew Family at H azeldale Youth« in Soapbox Derby; Observe Birthday I lly M r.. J . C. S m ith ) HAZELDALE Mr. and Mr«. E. C. Peterson and C. F Peterson have recently moved onto the Hinckc property, lately occupied by the Copley family. They are building a new barn and im proving the place generally. The Petersons came from Gales Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Taylor pic­ nicked at Blue Lake Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Hoogduln and their daughter Virginia visited friends and neighbors in this com­ At Y our S e r v ic e Vernon Schoen, 11-ycar-old Hillsboro boy, who won his heat in the Chevrolet-Oregonian "Soapbox D er­ by'' event In Portland last Wednesday. Through some m ixup he did not get into the finals for his i-ias- T h e h o y . w h o w-a i i i b n i i by t i n H i l l - l a a o Motor lo o ip a o v . built his own car. Smearman attended the annual Mr .1 Harry will accompany them ' P ic illC Schulz family reunion picnic at Columbia park last Sunday. Charles und H arry Chapman and ; A — a n m 'i l Ç n rir filV Mrs. Hickey of Hillsboro spent last week with her daughter, Mrs. Depot- Bay and attended the reg at­ A big day for democrats is p lan­ Helen Stoffer. ta ut Devil's Lake. ned for Sunday at Blue Lake park, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Stoffer and i Ml and Mrs John Loftis spent eight miles east of Portland. Leonard and Donald, Lois Palm er A picnic, which will have some and E rw aldT uller of P ortland were Sunday at Tigard visiting Mr Lof­ tis' sister. Mrs Henry Jones, and of the features of a convention, is Sunday guests at the J. T uller j scheduled, when 15,000 democrats home. family. from all parts of the state are ex Mr. and Mrs. Roland H ornecker peeled Mr and Mrs Edw ard Sm ith and to get-together for a day of are driving a new Chevrolet sedan. speeches, contests and en tertain ­ children Ruth and Nola Mae vis­ ited the Hesterlee fam ily at Hazel­ Mr and Mrs Harold Johnson ment. and LcRoy and Patsy of Barview The big international parade will dale Sunday afternoon. spent lust week with Mr Johnson’s be an outstanding feature of the brother, Chester Johnson, und fam ­ day and games, contests and stunts DR ARCHIE P. INGRAM ily. Mr. Johnson is u life guard at will furnish fun and entertainm ent Dr. Archie P. Ingram, 53, son o f : for young and old. Basket dinners Mrs. Jane Ingram of near Hills- Barview. Joan and Ju an ita Torgerson of will be in evidence and the com­ boro, died Tuesday night at The Florence are spending the sum mer m ittee will furnish free coffee Dalles, after a long siege of pneu-| with their cousins. Betty and Food may be bought at the picnic monia. He is survived by his moth-1 grounds er, a sister, Mrs G rant Dodge, and Roberta Johnson. two brothers, Riley Ingram of H ills­ Mr and Mrs. Russell Loftis a t­ boro, and Joseph Ingram of P o r t- ; tended the Hllhi reunion and pic­ land Funeral arrangem ents h a d ' nic at Blue Lake park Sunday. A trip to Mt. Hood Sunday was not been completed at this w riting enjoyed by Mrs Lily Hanley. Art Pilgrim House Hanley, Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Bridge- man. and Mrs Mae Alvord of I By M r» Z»ll O H l n i t k .r .) Sunday: Reception of radio broad- I Hillsboro, and Miss U rsula L ittle cast of Dr Frederick K. Stamm. | Hanson Bros finished threshing pastor Clinton Avenue C ongrega­ here this week and the quality of New York. Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair entertained tional church. Brooklyn. N. Y„ at and yield of grain was exception­ with a dinner. Present w ere Mrs. 9:30 a. m., followed by chapel serv- ally good. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barnum Lily Hanley and A rthur Hanley, ice of worship. "Religion in the I and children of Roseburg have been and Miss Ursula L ittle of New N ew s" topics: "Mary Pickford's Re- | ligion;" Nellie W alker Goes to South spending th eir vacation with Mr York. Miss Joyce Bino visited friends Africa: and "The Japanese Empcr- j Burnum's parents here. in Portland Monday. o r Becomes Officially D ivine ’ Gayford Wilson, who has been Mr and Mrs. E. E. Rowton vis­ Sermon on "The Transfiguration of i staying w ith K enneth Struthers, ited friends and relatives at O re­ O ur Lord.” Pastor H enry S. H aller left Thursday for Prospect to be supervisor over the Blister Rust gon City Tuesday and Wednesday. may be consulted any day between Mrs. Adams and G race Adams of 10 a. m. and noon, or by appoint­ control camps In that area. Mr and Mrs. C arl Olson have Farm ington spent Wednesday aft­ ment. at the house office. 232 N. ' ernoon with Mrs Brice Adams. Third avenue. moved from the Munson place to Mrs Lily Hanley, A rt Hanley, a house near Beaverton. Miss Ursula Little. Miss Valerie Mr and Mrs. George Anderson Damaged Hay Best Put In Silo and children are spending a ten- Bagley, and Mrs. Bndgem an vis­ ASTORIA — B etter use of hay j ited Ml R ainier Thursday. day vacation at Twin Rocks. damaged by rain can be made by Mr. and Mrs C urtis Bacon of putting it in the silo than by at- j Sandy were Sunday callers at the tem pting to use it for hay, says C. W S tru th ers home. County Agent Afton Zundell. In | (By C, K putting such hay in the silo It is | Subscribe now to the Argus. In Mr and Mrs. Sam Smith and necessary to add sufficient w ater i Washington county $1 50 a year. , On D arrel took a trip to E a ste rn . to bring the m oisture content up Six months 85c. T hree month« 50 Oregon last week-end. D arrel plans so that of fresh green grass, he says cents. Two months 35 cents. tf . t0 spend a few weeks w ith friends ( ------------------------- in Eastern Oregon. : Subscribe now to the Argus. In Reunion Held W ashington county $1.50 a year. Mr and Mrs. A lbert Schulz and I Six m onths 85c. Three months 50 daughter M argaret a n d E i l e e n : cents. Two months 35 cents. tf n rran gtu aiiiiu.tv Heady lo advise you In purchasing. Heady to give real values. All «irsi» Inspected by Dr. Nicol and Dr. Almqulst. VEAL RO AST 9c 10c Leisyville Hiteon 13c Lb......... VEAL CHOPS u , ________ 18c u , ......... ....... 10c BEEF R O A S T S IR L O IN S T E A K u.............. 15c RIB S T E A K 14C L»_____ __ 25C L A R D co”rou"p;............3 iu. Elmonica Tr»rh»«I) FRED'S SUPERIOR MARKET Phone 651 5 Deliveries Daily *------ * ------S —----<■ with a tea party for Mrs. Hayes of Crescent City, C al, on her 75th birthday Pri-wnt were Mesdumes Clark. Boland. Jack, McHenry, Smith and Powers. Mr and Mrs. Max Berger spent a week at Culver City. Virginia Miller 1« visiting her aunt, Mrs J. B Thornton, In Port land. Mrs, George Walker ha» been the guest of Mr and Mr» C. D. Walker for the past week. Mr and Mrs William Heil and family spent Sunday at Tim ber vis­ iting Mr and Mrs. Courtney Syver- son. Guns, Ammunition Fishing Tackle CORWIN HARDWARE 128 2nd Ave Phone 72 Agent Long Radios GROCERY Independently Owned and Operated Free Delivery Ready to supply you with the FINEST MEATS AT THE LEAST COST! B R E A S T O F V E A L Lb munity last week. They were one tim e residents here but are now living at Tigard. Mrs. Mildred Baker and Miss Betty Sattler of Phoenix, Arizona, visited Mr and Mrs. C. Weber I tor a couple t f days last week. I They were on a trip through O re­ gon. returning by Yosemite park. Mrs Ellen K retzer and Mr. and Mrs. E. K retzer of The Dalles, Mr and Mrs Bert Roberts and family of Portland visited Mr. and Mrs. Max Berger Sunday. In Derby Joe Berger and Verne Jelderk were local boys who took part in the soap box derby. Joe was the w inner of the heat he took part In. Mr and Mrs. Arnold Syverson and family of Gates spent Mon­ day and Tuesday at the Syverson home. A rthur Syverson returned to Gates w ith them. B irthday Celebrated Mrs. Donald Fraser entertained HILLSBORO CASH MEAT SPECIALS B O IL IN G BEEF Lb. Page Three OREGON Res. Phone 321Z Friday and Saturday Specials Sweet Pickles Peas - Corn 3 large can« .................................... Telephone 2001 IN BULK. Pint ......... 10c 25c Soap Powder S S u a , ....................15c Rolled W heat 2%-lb. pkg........ ................15c ORANGES 2 dozen 25c LEM ONS Fancy, Large. FREE 29c Dozen 1 pkg KELLOGG'S PEP with purchase 1 pk. Kellogg’s CORN FLAKES ...... 1 pk. Kellogg's WHOLE WHEAT BISCUITS ......... ...... 1 pk. Kellogg’s WHEAT KRISPIES C ELER Y Large and Crisp. 4c Bunch JUBILEE SALE! 4» S afeway S tores Friday, August 9th to 15th, inclusive BETTER We Want Your Patronage! MEATS In Return We Offer You Fair Prices Quality Merchandise Prompt Service Convenient Shopping A Firm Desire to Please *7 FRIDAY and SATURDAY -XÍ. : > CANNING SUPPLIES I A D C Hall or H airl Alla» J ' A l v i J Mason Jar» Ocean caught. Buy now! T O M A T O J U I C E 25c Pta. XvL L ibby’s G entle Pressed. Beauty Soup. 4c CORN M EAL W h ' 9-lb. bag 35c Yellow. R IN S O Large pkg. 19c Bar .............. OWL JSp $0 Lighthouse. VINEGAR 3 cans ..... Jones Bros. 40 grain. Pure eider 4 ’7 / » vinegar. Gallon JL I V* P IN E A P P L E Sr'J," Crushed or Tid Bits MIRACLE WHIP Salad Dressing Pint 23c 0.37c FREE 1 Pkg. Kellogg’s PEP with the purchase of 1 pkg. Kellogg's Corn Flakes 1 pkg. Kellogg’s Wheat Kriapiea 69 cq .,79 c JAR RUBBERS— 4 B p High grade. 3 pkg». F E N JE L - O ffp • pkga. PORTO. Fruit Pectin Q f f / a 1 bottle« CERTO- 2 boltle» PAROWAX— P O R K 8C B E A N S Ä S " « £ 2 5 c (Small size, 0 for G R A P E F R U IT 4-Ib. carton W hile Cloud or Westminster. Toilet Soap. bars Reproduction of M aster Artists w ith 3 bars C O FFEE Columbia Best Lb. 23c J u s t o u t of Jte, SALMON By the Piece HALIBUT V2 KERR or BALL MASON. Dozen Lb. OYSTERS í r " '" " ” 25c PINT FRESH SPRING CHICKENS Tender, firm fleshed young broilers. Home raised. Q Q n Milk fed. Lb. LARD COMPOUND 3 19c MUTTON ROAST - = 15c LEG of LAMB 25c 9c 16c 1 pkg. Kellogg’s 33c While at SEASIDE make your headquarters at our Broadway Columbia Mkt. WHITE KING—G ranulated Soap. Large pkg. WHITE KING—Laundry Soap. IS bar» MAI.T—Blue Ribbon. 3-lb. can ... ..................... GRAPENUT8— Pkg. BAKING POWDER— K. C. 25c »lie .................. EDWARDS— (Lb. can 25c) 2-lb. can PORK Si BEANS “ BAKING POWDER Bulk. .. REED BROWN DERBY. 1)1.1 zlv ll-oz. bottles 22-oz. bottle* ..... Small deposit on bottles. FLOUR “ S E I X “ 29c 29c 63c 17c 17c 3 n~ 5 0 c JOga 4 2 lb», for Q for M 2 for ” “ 19c 25C 9^0 25c 1 1 .4 9 0 4 CROWN. Best Patent. 49-lb. sack ffQ Produce Feature« for Friday and Saturday Only Whole Wheat Biscuit ALL FOR CANDY BARS— G eneral Foods. 3 for PEACHES—Libby's. No. 2'» ran SPINACH—Del Monte or Libby’s. No. 2 ', can JELL WELL—New cube flavored. 3 f o r ....... CIGARETTES Kool. Pkg. COFFEE 45c Mild Brazilian 19c We reserve the right to limit quantities. BEEF POT R O A S T 1 0 c Broken segments. LUX H D H " m 25c) Goldettea, 300s. S H O R T E N IN G 1 t 15c M ILK Each 5c C O R N F L A K E S Large JERSE pkg. Y ..... 5c S U G A R P 100-lb. URE C ANE- sack ’4.89 F L A V O JELL X X V ' “™'' lO c CRACKERS sÄ r„ GRAHAMS 19c S A L A D O IL (Quart 25c) Gallon.. 1 9 8 c P P P P D SCHILLING’S. I P EriEiIV (2-oz. can 6c) 4-oz. can 10c DUNBAR’S. S H R IM P 5-oz. can .. 10c MT. VERNON, tall cans. MONET S A L M O N /¿ ¡¡k“. Pink:........... 25c CLEANSER ( ^ J - J E E S E b a n k s > fuH cream. for Less A * Price« for Fri., Sat., Mon. Aug. 9, 10, 12 P A L M O L IV E See Our Big Handbill for Additional Values! HILLSBORO Quality MEAT COMPANY Service ORANGES Medium size.................... CANTALOUPES '£5% 2 dwen 25c 5C