H IL L S B O R O Page Two Jean Conklin Fractures Leg , J. V anderzanden and little so n 1 Secretary of State Snell Saturday Wayne and Betty Conklin w ere al- morning opened the copper casket so in Hillsboro on business Satur- i containing the mementos which had day been placed m the cornerstone of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Vanderxanden I old capitol build in g 62 years came home Tuesday evening from 1 •'«" ?'<< newspa,x-rs coins o ( Brooten Springs near Cloverdale, ancient vintage and official docu- Mr. Vanderzanden came h o m e '« * » « fr o m J h e casket will ARGU S, H IL L S B O R O , T hursday, August H, It»:»."» OREGON and the stoves w ere closed lie was a great uncle of Mrs Sain l.uethe, Cornelius Folk Attend F. L. Mrs Theresa laiethe, Jim Brooks. Joe Brooks and William Brooks of Institute; Lod^e Has Picnic H»ks Hill and of Mrs Ferd Plays Presented Blooming Sunday (By Mr» K. W llinrklwi) g riirral contractors for rntlm atrs. A voir of thanks was trn d rrrd I. P, Stranuhun for the courtesy ex tended th r Exchange for usr of the offices us a meeting place. BLOOMING A pi'ogiiim of <»n- Nicholas Kies returned recently Dr A O Pitm an has returned from N orthern California, where tertalnm cnt was given in the base­ ment of the local church by mem to his office. 25 Kansas City Child Victim pri>a tiv \ n in r o \ e d bv tak in g tre a t- he a rra n g e d for display in a case Miss Wiedewitsch Honored; Teacher Leaves for East to he had been |»ro.-.|Hvting for severul bars of the Young People’s society , f _ - i . i . . . . . . . I .J7 p to . be . placed in the state office . _ . c - i . ___ ■. . ____ ____ weeks ments . . *r___ v. __■ ______ t * __________*_ l _ . _ of Fall, in Hospital Teach School; Cochrane to Teach Wilson , , Vanderzanden __ . „ „ „ J ... home i, building, w here they may be viewed Mrs. George Young and sister Sunday night T hree short one-act Visitors at , the , h - m ih llr of Port hunt visited Mrs. I.ue Davis plays entitled "Hans von Smash,” Sunday afternoon w ere Mr and b-v ,h e Pu b lu . . . "The Mystery of the Tapping Keys" (By Mr, J A McCoyl Thursday evening Mrs. William V anderzanden of Roy I By M i* . IK -iith y C o ok,) Standardiation of the slate pay­ Sunday. Regular m eeting of the John Zimmerman of Portland vis- and **Coon Holler School,” and a KANSAS CITY L i t t l e J e a n iwntomlme in shadow play com CORNEI 1US Mrs Henry Behr- roll as w orked out by the budget i lodge was held Thursday evening lt« l William Fuegy Sunday, C onklin fell out of a tree Thursday departm ent has not met with un- man. Misses Blanche Ftnegan and in Bunnim fs hall Mrs Anna John A group of people from this sec- posed the program Mtunbers of the afternoon and broke her leg. She anim ous approval by any means Mildred Rock and F rank O liver son was taken in as a mem ber tian and from other localities at- easts were Lois Alton. Albert and is in the Shrine hospital in P o rt­ Corner 3rd Main Employes whose pay checks w ere left Saturday for a week at Ep- Miss Verm ita Irmler, who is tak- (tended the picnic at the Carl Osear Muhly. Melvin Meyer. Ed land. subjeeted to reductions in the gen- w orth League Institute at Falla ing nurses' training at the Good | Schnabele place on Suuvies' Islund mund Welchbnxit. Rol>ert l.iebenow. and u S j Streets M r and Mrs J A McCoy, Mr Harold and Mildred Meyer. Allen , , , erul readjustm ent were anything City. Lester Mooberry took them Sam aritan hospital i n Portland Sunday and Mrs. W arner Cropp and daugh­ Apple and pear growers in th i s , bu, wlth , he rcsult and J ov£ . Phone 1001 Mrs It C Hanson of North Siniantel, Harold Krahmer, A rthur te r Doris, Mr. M J. Van derzanden and and little Mrs son Wayne and I ^ ¡ i d ’cov*e7spraV^or codhng^m mh r l^ y Oinfcreuses°have'1 Voiced toe L ittle Bobby H enderling cut his a few days last week at her home here. j Dakota, who has been visiting her and Elmer Gurske. Mildred Krah FREE DELIVERY i on a hoe last week. Clifford Mapes left Saturday fo r1 father. Robert Moses, and other nier and M argaret Ruecker Harold f f i d a y 0“ ^ " ” ‘'0 n t r o l a ’J-??0n Meyer. Robert l.iebenow ami Mel­ A group of Salvation Army w ork- Don’t Miss This recommendation was made by H ™ W i t h e e d a n ^ r zatum ti sk ers of P rtland he d a cottage pray- Oakland. C al. after spending his I relatives here, left Saturday for vin Meyer were in charge of the vacation w ith his mother, Mrs Olympia and expects to leave from ui th e wa-v bud«"‘ d ^ ' - X at the hot William G errish and friend of of the Oregon Chance to Save! .it l. home of Mrs. L. Henry Behrmun He is attending | there for her home Tuesday, P ortland visited Mr and Mrs J. A. ment stamen. who declared ‘That men‘ * * P ~ ‘«* iu to tu Wiedewitsch Saturday Sature Helen and Jennie Horner return* that * now ,uw c«pcvvcu m rn m its us G wieclewitscn afternoon college in O akland I T«1 Weldon of W arrenton spent McCoy Monday They were through attention to the problem of mar- The service was enjoyed bv quite Mrs. H. C Hill of Seattle, who (he w eek-end w ith Mr. and Mrs. ed July 31 from a two weeks’ vaca­ the neighborhood tuning pianos, the second brood of moths are now r ie d ^ o m e n in*the"enw iov"’of "the ' T Sl’‘ vlec ,was cnJ « 3 140 in i n t e r •> « t i ‘beir home w ith a surprise party Don M ilbrandt spent Wednesday Corn Flakes Rev E. W Hinrichs preached for ning. before the eggs hatch. charges on its bonds This amount in honor of Miss Myra Wiedewitsch. at Willamina Rev. F II Backer .Sunday after­ Mrs. 1. J. Corl of P ortland spent Mrs. Pleasant S tark is v isitin g 1 Thoroughness of application is es- js . s l i c h . i v i.-ss th in th e *313. wbo left Monday m orning for a 1 pkg. Kellogg'« noon at the Mission Festival of C al­ her sister in Southern Oregon sential to control, according to 070 750 ,1;lld o u t r ,,t tr in to Yellowstone nark. The eve- a few days last week w ith herl Wheat Kriapiea vary church In Portland daughter. Mrs W It Cooke, and! Ml • nd Mr" Delmar M artin of w hile her husband went to Arizona Thoinpson. Foliage as 1 w e ll¡a» ‘be m aturing bonds during the same ning was spent w ith singing, ac­ iia n in lll w ere w eek-end visitors ut Mi and Mrs. Charles Brandaw of 1 pkg. Kellogg’« to get Elijah Beaman’s car. which surface of th t fruit should In thor- companied by Miss Leila Peters on f a m i l y Portlund spent several days last Mrs E A Dixon has been v e ry ' 'b*‘ C buries Johnson home w as stolen in June. oughly covered if worm in ju ry is ________________ _ the piano and Roy Gilm ore on the Whole Wheat Biscuits I Mr and Mrs ‘-buries Johnson week w ith Frunk Brunduw and Mrs. Ira Brown and Mrs. Z o e! to be prevented. Special care in guitar. A handkerchief shower was ill at her home Miss Doris Shay. Seth and Iv a n ' 7 » e rta in « i at a dinner party Sun- family. Quick called Monday at the Char- spraying the upper portion of the given by the guests, follow«! by a Ruth Idebenow. who is employed i ALL FOR "HI les Waddle home at Dilley Mr and »fees w as recommended as more 7 V 1 ,U l * 1U 1U 3 buffet luncheon served by t h e Smith spent Sunday In Tillamook d‘,y , ?r11Mt , w ,d Mf? ! “ 4* Dewe* Jl'b»son in Portland, spent sevevrul days Mrs. Waddle spent Friday and Sat- ,ban half of the eggs are laid in R p u n i n n n n ( t i i n r h i v hos‘M’ Present w ere Mrs Bertha visiting friends and relatives last w’eek at home ' Mrs Laura Oswald of Portland 1,1 „ W I 1 Johnson urdav with Mrs Quick. I ‘h ? upper third of the tree l U U I l l V I l O i l CH I 11 U H Wiedewitsch Mrs Mattie Smith, COCOA. Rock­ No Service« Sunday Sprav suggested by Thompson (By mr». Mn, i.ou Lou Wright) I Misses Rosamond Mundorf. Leila T h - a v . -U K h e YliUlUi? Ui K». A ti w v Mon- mull- - nrignti Visitors of nil» Mrs. E B. *, Webb There will be no service in the wood. 2-lb. can | ______________ day evening were Jack Hopson of was powdered lead arsenate in tht THATCHER The Hanev clan re-1 Peters. Ruth Price. Maxine Me- Mr and Mrs. C. Dixon. L utheran church Sunday so that Banks and Mr. and Mrs J. A. Me- ^ c h a r d ^ w h ^ r e 3 cod union was hcld at RlPPll»X W aters Pherson. Earl Phelps. Roy Gilmore. Leroy Hartley, who has been those interested may attend the PORK BEANS, a n d Coy. Mr. and Mrs. C harlie Mocroft ? a Problem ' Sunday- ‘’“ 'sent were Mr and Mrs ' Buddy Price. Mr and Mrs. Wallace making his home at the Alex Me- Mission Festival of the Lutheran of McMinnville were dinner guests ^ (^ i eaY ^ enatPe to 100 ^ au‘ R? n gle/ ? d ch‘,d™ ° f H ills-, McPherson and ‘he honor guest. Pherson home, returned to Portland SOUPS— church of HilLsboro J W Com oill ( S h e r i,,) tu U. A A ll- Thursday. Wednesday of Mrs. Webb s sufficient for Mr and Mrs S N Han«y of House Tainted Mrs Henry Kriebel. who has been el al. part Block » Forwat G ro v* 1 can Dan B arrett left Wednesday for tiurvon Mr. and Mrs J A. McCoy and g t , calcium arsenate has also Forest Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Fred | The J. Delmonte house has been WaMhinKtou cuKJciate«l C redit Service to I,ia>ie C from Seattle, who with her hus- , Pkg. day. H a rp e r B illon, 3 aeree Section 31 were guests of Mr McCoy’s sister, ( j m i t o l Nn 11 T»s luw ity for a couple of weeks tol fire last April. Crowell has Nellie Haney spent Thursday Cornelius friends Friday on their her daughter. Miss Pearl CookeJOwrar pect lower prices. Washington C o u n t y Builders' Joauphin« G Vanduyn to V ernon A. who is attending school there. Work U Begin recommended the construction of night w ith Elva Fritch of Hillside. I way home irom camp m eeting at O w rey et o». J.IB acrea Section 11 T tS Exchange met Monday evening at Work will start Monday on the a F ® “ ’’h \ hr^ J p a t? ,r 2píld¡1IH !’ Ed Davis and Ed King are Ret' Jenning’s Lodge, R lW thc Copeland Lum ber company of- ! Highest Price Paid for W aahinirton county to R. R. Summer« drainage ditch. I. P Brady is fore- J ? t h * ¿ ’ b a n a ting th eir houses reshinglcd Mrs J. W. Heinie is visiting In fire An encouraging meeting was et u k . p art Block 34 Beaverton man of a crew of men. no, e n d ™ t^ s u g g e s H o n w í “ Ebllng and Mrs. Anderson Washington. Farm Produce. A. M in n ie H o ffm an to O tto H o ffm an , held with a total of $7000 ln Nn Mr and Mrs Earl Waldron and holdi d i;s ^ o m m e n d a t.o n s u n til a n d son. who have been visiting Buddy Barnes had a tonsil oper- part of A. W H a rt I> I. C. Section 11 tlonal Housing adm inistration sur-1 V fbmily came home Sunday from Ostión of site and other mat- he‘r, b.r ° ‘he£ . Pannier, and at.on in Portland Tuesday. veys bring given out to county I H o w an l A. E tter« et p i to Oscar A. Eastern here they ■ > » * , . Oregon Or.,»™, u w h„r» ,hev h have a v p ers have been determ ined family, left Friday for th eir home Charles Selfridge spent last week (By Mr« F. resold» I Simon, part Section 23 T l S R4W been visiting relatives. Mrs Wal­ • o • I in Belleville. IU. | at his home here. A. I> Boardm an to Richard W. Hnb- ROCK CREEK -S u n d a y school d ro n s j *. mother. „ Mrs. Zueifel ;-i re- and ¡ John Snyder of W estimber spent teachers of the Phillips and Hel- Itard et u i . L o t IB Kanno Creek A rre a . •*. a i More than 1000 people a tte n d in g ,., Mr and Mrs Johnson . .. . fam- . i„ Tracts. turned home with them for a visit , he , of the com ergtone of J ef‘ W ednesday for Yakima. Sunday here , vetia Reformed church Sunday . _ et . u ... t . t«» < a rl A „ Schmidt . . and M i«.« M v r n i. i , . .. .. J Anon ?»el.M»n Visitors of Mr and Mrs J A , he o,d capitol building saw the " « h . to pick apples. L. C Mooberry ar and M is s M;> ra schools met at the Mr. and M rs t « c i * 7 «nd it txmilmrd'« Addltkm . McCoy thc past week were Mr i . last * fraffment Cropp Made from fre«h. rip«- hanana-t I fragm ent of tfce the caoitol capitol walls v ro p p o of i Portland ro riia n a left leit Wiedewitsch. wiedew itsch. who wno we w ere taking Uni- John Fuegy home Wednesday eve- iu* • --rt.»»» and Mrs Charles McCoy of t h e , topnle to the grounds at the con- rh u rsd aX ior home after staying versity of Oregon extension w ork ning ‘ J Huckney et u< to L ars 1» roiief. Masonic home. Dinner party guests c,usion of lhe ceremony F. G. awbU* 1 ^ ‘b hcr daughter. Mrs in Portland, completed their courses Mr and Mr» W altrr W i .w r . i n i V . « 7 » ' ¿ i" “ " * ....... at the McCoy home Thursday w-ere Ix,ary foreman in « charge of . . the Scb’P ‘d j th e . re T b llr’d a y O w phelia of a v a v * • s«a»s .. ^ . vz . . v - _ _ J AF-*. va r- »» g . r>. r* J . . p .m in W . « s im c ti e . v r a xza Hillsboro UUUJUVIU vis »»J»- m Y o l l o f t . l e “ t f , -' a A m M "”' X I u . n . g r ' i e , l u n . f ii.-ir .i Mr. and Mrs. J P V anderzanden1 w recking operations, expects t o -« n— •—i . . . * . ----- . - . / . a m i M rs. t d Goff of Purdin Mrs. Ashley Jackson spent the ¡tori Mr and Mrs Ben Leu and ,r . L- C. C2 Section« 1 P o t a to B r e a d L e m o n P ie» ter Marjorie and son Wayne helped em o r M artin of Oregon is con- "7/ cousin, m i s s Hazel Rayburn. ^ r s . Emma Schmale w ent to Henry Rahn Sunday 1 •»»»•< 1* T i n Riw to Ksilth M Bred, Mrs. Edd Fritzh quilt Thursday cerned Presence of the huge steel "'2 ? ls ndl^lf scho°l ’" ^ e G aribaldi last week to see her new t . Club Meets T llle * T ru « i < T r» rl« 74 «n«l 7ft Bunny Kl«»tw Mnde with afternoon I towers necessary to carry the power - ,a ry J h°JPas 01 P°™ and kT andson. the son of Mr and Mrs w T. club met with Mrs Morton M inn a H o ffm an to Fred W H o ffm an , Birthday Celebrated | lines tin e s would w o u ld detract d e tr a c t from fr o m the th e scenic s c e n ic \ ls u e a M r- a n a M rs. u . I . M urpny i4nrnin Rehmate ' Congdon Wednesday. Visitors were 0 5o a r m A n thony H u rl claim Co T IH Ere.th Lemon« Harmony club had a very enjoy- beauty of the Columbia gorge in UIJ aya Mr and Mrs. A rthur M iller are Mrs.” R. C. Hanson Of North Dakota, R IW M inn a H o ffm an to Reinhold H o ffm an . ¿a able day at Rippling Waters Sun- the opinion of the Oregon execu- Mrs_ ,h. ‘he Paren ‘s ° f a babX born J u ,y 20 Mrs. Fred C arpenter of Portland .« w T IK R IW day. Mrs. L P. Brady also celebrat- tlve. G overnor M artin looks for sPen ‘ lhe w eek-end at the Hnlsboro and Mrs RcrKer who lg 2 M n in n ie H o ffm an to O tto H o ffm a n , 1 THE ed her birthday along with Mrs. the development of a large indus- Raymond and Mrs John Rock visited in P o rt’ -pending the sum m er with her sis- • re T IM R IW C ity «»f Forest Grove to Alice Gibson, Ira Brown and daughter, Zoe trial area in north Portland as soon “ *• “ ym ° IM‘ and lan d last week 't e r here Block 4 N aylor'« A d dition. Forest < * ‘<* ................................. *S C" ea? J°y« i Jean Barnes visited Rev. Luecke of Portland visited ( part ¡r u m Mr. and Mrs J. A McCoy were neville plant becomes available. Huffman's house on Gales C reek th eir Kr andparents in T hatcher for Rev r j Scheldt Thursday J. A. Peter» et ux to W B. Coon et ia Hillsboro Saturday afternoon.) « » • road — j days ---------------------------- i „ . . . Kies . ...................... a , few last week. | Cecelie left by boat for As u k . part I«ot 2 Block 23, Foreet G rv v « et u k to John I. Mr. and Mrs W arner Cropp and In the presence of a handful of • Phone 431 COE and CONGDON, Prop. We Deliver Misses Dora Dee Selfridge and toria Thursday evening to visit Mr N o J. rth L ru . p Vanlh>fnclen et u k . p a rt of Flem ing Dob­ daughter Doris, Mr and Mrs. M state employes and newspaperm en Winnie Rock have returned from a la n d Mrs. J. B. Miner bin« D. L. C. No. 43. visit in W illamina. Mrs O P Welch of Portland and Miss Peggy Courder returned t o ! Mr and Mrs Lee and son of St. 01 l By Mn. O. H. P « t«r*o n l her home in Pendleton Thursday. Helens visited Mrs Luc Davis July Mr. and Mrs. A lbert Scott re ­ after spending the sum m er w ith 28 turned home Friday from Seattle, Mr and Mrs. Leo Wittock Have Good Yield w here they attended "Potlatch and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Goodin vis- Two threshing outfits have been Fleet w eek” w here they saw 60 i ted relatives in Astoria last week, operating in this section and thc battleships in Elliott Bay and also Employed In Hillsboro grain is fair. Some of thc w heat visited th eir son Clayton before Jam es Van Lorn ls employed as on the C hrist Jaggi farm yielded he left for Ocean Fall. Alaska, salesman at the Thomas Sholes gar- 50 bushels an acre. IH OC P I NO B N T LY O W H C D to meet Mr. Boeing w ith his yacht age in Hillsboro. Mr and Mrs Adolph Fuegy of out on Alaskan waters. Clayton is Mrs H enrietta Morgan of Hills- Portland visited Mr and Mrs John . — ■ Ip * * » Mr. Boeing's private pilot. boro visited Mrs M. D Mann Schneider recently. Mr. and Mrs Miss Amy Godfrey of St. Cloud. T hursday WE LEAD— OTHERS FOLLOW Fuegy left Wednesday on a trip to Cal . is spending several weeks at Robert Co€hrane Namr4 Yellowsstone P ark and to Kansas FREE DELIVERY Second at Main Street Phone 3251 “ >e Bruce Bowne home^ Robert Cochrane has been hired Mr. Fuegy was bom in Kansas and M r and Mrs. H. L. Eisner and , 0 , each , he WUson the lived there several years before Prices Effective Friday, Saturday and Monday — August 9, 10 and 12 daughter M arian and son Ronald coming ycar He has em . coming to Oregon in 1883. Friday, Saturday and Monday, August 9, 10, 12 and Mr. and Mrs. Fred and pioyed ¡n Monmouth since gradu- Mrs Morton Congdon. Stanley daughters Bonnie Ju n e and Patricia there this j Congdon. Robert Moses and Mrs PINEAPPLE— visited several beaches Ju ly 28 Mi„ Leora Pavey of T ualatin R. C. Hanson spent the week-end for No. 2>à sliced. Donald Cutting, son of Mr and spent Sunday in Cornelius with of July 28 in Tacoma and Olympia. FAIRWAY GRAPEFRUIT JUICE Mrs. Ward C utting of Portland, who f£ ends and reIativeg. Great Uncle Dies • for is spending his sum m er vacation « „ ^ c r a f t Hold Picnic John G atton of Woodland. Wash., PEACHES— at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Neighbors of Woodcraft held their died recently at the age of 102. He Bowne and family, spent last week annual icnic at Rippling Watcrs was burled w ith m ilitary honors 2*4 tin at Twin Rocks w ith his father and j _______ ____________ _____________ For real some friends Coffee flavor. -lb. tin. FRESH GROUND George Clayville had a party out Mellowed coffee.... from P ortland Saturday looking POUND over his berry ranch in view of -lb. tin buying it. WILEY’S GROCERY Spray for Control Codling Moth Urged h i FREE Mason Hill Uant'V Gail Holds 33c 15c A EstiltC Transfers 5c oov U*FV« Building Btxly Holds Meeting Monday Eve a PhillipS, Helvetia Teachers in Meet Banana G i k c ..................... .... sua Peppermint Devi’s i ood . . x Date Nut C a k e .................. Sc 1 49c 25c P erfectio n B a k e ry Bend P IG G LY W IG G LY DEL MONTE 35c 25c 16c S& W COFFEE 25c 98c 11c 4 Mellowed coffee.... W HEATIES Pkg. "$1.50 value tor 25c—Genuine H and-cut Rock C rystal Compote on Silver Plated Base. Send Betty Crocker, Minneapolis, Minn., 25c and sales slip showing purchase 2 pkgs. of Wheaties. FflIR U JflV Neighborhood new s from 30 A r - , gus correspondents i n d if f e r e n t sections of W ashington county ap ­ pear in the A rgus each w e e k . Learn w hat your friends are d o - , ing for less than th ree cents a week. tf1 WHITE KING GRANULATED Longer lasting suds 29c ¡S T WHITE KING TOILET SOAP 5 bar, 23C A PLUS HEALTH SOAP 2 b « lie W e s s o n O il A Good Food PINT .... QUART .... 25c 43c Tests prove, satisfied users attest, and results show that Morningdcw Dairy Milk ls the best to be had. Sanitary conditions, pasteurization, and ex tra precautions insure the purity. T ry some today. Momingdew GUERNSEY DAIRY Par Friday and Saturday Only SAM HULIT * SONS Phone 2568 U4 miles south of Hillsboro 2 for DRY ONIONS 5 nm. S X Z ity 21c 9c 8c Gold Medal Diplom a Winner In 1934 — Score 98.2 Silver Medal Diplom a Winner In 1933 — Score 97.8 Free Delivery Good Food Kept Clean fo r Friday and Saturday, Aug. 9 and 10 SEA FOOD Pork Ô6 Beans CRAB MEAT Van C am p’s. 29c 19c SALMON Red & W hite Fancy Sockeye ...... 19c 2 can* ..... 16c7„ 5c Com Flakes K ellogg’s or Post Toasties. pkg». PINK SALMON ION 25c 15c 2 p°und* 25 15c MATCHES CATSUP G uaranteed to strike full count boxe» ..... STARCH Finest quality. Corn or Gio»» 6 4| ft/» ¿«1C 10c FRFF 1 PACKAGE KELLOGG’S with purchase of 1 2 X ...... 15c n rn Jr tir 1 package KELLOGG’S CORN FLAKES 1 package KELLOGG’S WHEAT KRISPIES 1 package KELLOGG’S WHOLE WHEAT BISCUITS Washing Powder Pkg. 29c Snowdrift Best for Mayonnaise. Best for Frying 43c COFFEE White King Wesson Oil Quart can VEGETABLE FEATURES CORN ^ n B ANTAM T a F T J " r t - J f a T l LARGE HEADS. GROCERY Polar Sea Alaskan Crab * BY TEST * BY USE * BY RESULTS Adds Energy to Fruits and Vegetables Phone 771 Red & W hite E xtra fancy, 18c DURKEE'S CURRY’S Specials DURKEE’S FAMOUS , Salad Aid, pint.......... 24c FOODS 75th Mayonnise, p in t..........25c ANNIVERSARY ) Relish Spread, 8-oz. 16c WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE L PEANUT BUTTER 38c 25c 10c 23c ’1.29 INSTANT POSTUM 8-oz. tin BAKING POWDER CALUMET. 1-lb. tin POST'S. BRAN FLAKES P kg................................ OODS. DEVILED HAM UNDERW Table Jar CHIEF, MOTOR o il ; PENN gallon can ........................ IT lflR K ET 3 ‘paii........ 55c FR EE 1 pkg Kellogg’« PFP with the purchase of 1 pkg. Kellogg's CORN FLAKES ...................... 1 pkg. Kellogg’s WHOLE WIWAT BISCUITS 1 pkg. Kellogg's WHEAT KKISPIES ............... Ail for 33c 4)