H IL L S B O R O !*•<• F oot ARGUS, FORM AL NEW LOCATION OREGON Thursday, August H, I V.'l5 O P E N IN G A U T H O R IZ E * SALBE w « F R ID A Y SER VIC E THIRD & WASHINGTON SATU RD AY E EXTEND to everyone a most cordial invitation to in­ spect our new quarters, to see th e many improvements provided fo r the speedy, efficient servicing of your car. It is with a great deal of pride that we announce this formal opening. We have spared no ex­ pense to give Hillsboro one of the most modern Ford agencies, for a town of its size, in the state and we propose to continue an efficient, courteous service that will m erit your continued patronage. FRIDAY, AUGU ST 9 SATURDAY, A U G U ST 10 O pen for Your Inspection A ll D ay O pen for Your Inspection A ll D ay BIG FREE DANCE, 8:30 to 11 P. M. Music by Greenawald’s Orchestra. Mo­ tion pictures of interest to everyone. Starting at 8:30 P. M. the Joy Trio from KGW Studio and the KEX Quartet will sing throughout the evening. Motion pic­ tures of interest to everyone. W g H IL L S B O R O , % s. FREE DANCING - MUSIC - MOVIES 1 cftird AUTHORIZED SALES AMD SERVICE