H IL L S B O R O P a g e E ig h t ARGUS, H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Thuntday, August 1, 1935 $9750. on warrants $35.79199, in-' .« I* sa na. M a l U T .T S l J w I ’,,,w l«n 4 j t«g r«fun«rk, t « . ,« . rant» $2413.23 Items listed under j nar’a «hn« lt*‘.pU«l. «omits Jail «aa, 44 fum i, , i . 7 6 ; I. « h II Fi«lil.«.W, I « . debt service for union high schools 14; W » ll'. b .p t Hu r«. I t u a » . .-.«inly huopiisi ¡ 41-' t l . M w ln I , ttr«h « jn , d «ll» .iu «„t i « . $22.500, on warrants $90.438 23. in- p 441.41, In te l 4114 6.1; J W P - iiiir ll. furerliM ur« fuiul, SH«», Roitaltl T l'»iiiplw- tim. county Judge «ap. 9». Jam«»» L«wl», ! terest on bonds $11.383.38. on war­ I.'.a in ly « Iw r lff’« ««a, 416 .1s; tterviw (}« » » « ; county « tw rltf’« ««a, <11.N6; r**ll«f *>«p. 94 Sift . Dan Ailani«, rulief »*p, rants $7414 52. 9 6 . 1'harll« 4 IrcuH o»url »ap In a b ility to O rg a n iz e W P A 1 M ucK ciola M "lu r Uo.. county ahrrtft’« Total of 113 school buildings and ( Mr and Mrs. Herbert H. Hurling- j »oi »»p, IIA .N I j I'» iin h rn g «(nr*, county 92.99; t ’uliuon M Nlivik Co 280 teachers were reported for the ■ S et-up Cause» C h a n g e ham and daughter Anne of W il-, I Jail v«i> 9 ll.ft7 , county howpilal »»P 9lit * J year. The county census of chil- J JIA, i«l(«r »» p 9IN 4.4I. to ta l $140.14 1 ( nm refund. 91 47; C ity of T u a la lin , taa cits, Cal., will arrive today for a j Wc«t Cuaat Tolophon« t ’o., county cl««b refund, *»Ae , C lly «»f T u a la tin , laa refund. j dren of school age amounted to visit with her parents, Mr and (Continu«.! fro m par. on«l 111.10, county trooNuror $1.11« county $♦• A«'««. C ity of T u a la tin , ta» iv fiim l, 41«, 4837 boys and 4532 girls. Mrs. George T. McGrath, and his the social security act will also be 9389. cortlor iJI.Mft. county a«««««or 9* Aft, ctntn- Union O li Co. »»f C a lif . euuntjr »brrtff*» Parochial schools were not in­ parents in Portland ty achool «upt 11.10, t a i «lopt 91.40. coun­ »ap, 9-0 NO, I. J Hu«hlt»w, «tm rl Kuu»« administered by the local relief cluded in the report. ty Bhertff 911.10, circuit Jutlg« 97. NA. • ap 91100. «ounty Jall »ap 917 03, coun­ units. Half of these grants will be Father J T. Currn of Klamath county juilg« 9I1&A. county aurvoyor f.t • ty hiMipllal «ap 90 ift. t«>tal 909 HA . F |. supplied by the federal govern­ Falls arrived Tuesday for a two- 1A, eounty Juvonllo o ff Ivor 9S.NA, county M cC iirrniik. court houaa »ap 971 AU. coun­ ment, 25 per cent by the state and lay visit with Father J. T Costello. nurao 94 .1A. Uiatrict attorney 910.AO, t»»t»l ty ja ll «ap 917 Vt. county bnapllal «kp 25 per cent by the counties. 9I0S.A0; llu rllng hatu Co., Korcat tjrov«. 90-IS. to ta l 90ft MA . N J N k it. e istration and participation. He also Mill, 41—North B eaverton. 42— also outlined ton. son of Mrs J. C Hare, a grand - B British kouae building fund eap. 99A.17; B a r­ ri Columbia. clay Davta, old ag« petiBlon eap, |7 stated that the government plan­ South Beaverton. « —West Slope. First ones to sign up for the or- daughter Charles M. Johnson, the ..... . c 1928 N a th Sedan M anafleld'a »tore. Indigent »oldler»*fun«l. ned to discontinue grants for un­ 44. 45 and 46- new Forest Grove ganization were Mrs Weatherred. oldest grandson living, and Mrs v .ll.» Just as modern as ran be Is 197.09. ‘1 - , i 2. Portland Genernl F le e tr k eompnny 1928 Essex Sedan employment relief after October 1 precincts. 47—North Hillsboro. 46— W. G. Hare, Mr. and Mrs. C. E E Ethel th e l J o h n s o n of o f Hillsboro, M t i is h o m _ per ed o on at the this bride’s cap of pleated satin, eounty Johnson great-! T“ bn.ni. . c . ja il «*p 9*A 60. eourt hou»e eap g ra n d d a u g h te r w e re h o rn on t h e ¿ o n v ! ' hospital morning ti were born on the ’ «.„¡¡i n Saturday . u r. 1,"’rn'" with lace-edge tulle veil, which 9107.0A. relief Irene A ltm a n 91. total Cannery units at Huber, Forest Southeast Hillsboro, and 49—South- Wells. Judge Donald T Templeton, granddaughter, 1 929 F o rd T ru c k boro. Mr. and Mrs W. G. Ide. Mr. and old Johnson homestead near Farm- . '»’“«old by Dr. H D Huggins Grove and Hillsboro are now run­ west Hillsboro. will grace many an enchanting 9104 AA. IDIIaboro Argu«. c«uw m iaaloner«' - Mr and Mrs. George Burbank June bride as ahe marches down prixeesling» (June. I0S&) 99A. eounty 1929 F o rd C oupe Boundaries of all county prec- Mrs. McKinney. Mr. and Mrs. tngton. ning full blast. Weil announced, treeaurer eap 99 9t». d l-tr lc t . attorney and son of Newberg Orchards vls- the aisle to strains of Loti' n- eap and the Tualatin unit is expected inets were checked and re-written Wilkes. J H. Garrett. Mr. and Mrs. 19.91. teacher«* eaama eap 19-t l . 1931 A u s tin r )„ » .:i >ted Mr and Mrs I* C. Hamilton euunty «urveyor*» eap 99. t«Ual 99ft 67; to start operations Monday. He by J. W. Barney, county engineer. L . C Kramien. George McGee and A«rr.v grtn. Rosalind Russell, Olin /Arm y rxecrum ng u e ta tl Sunday D r It J Nicol and F. W Alm uutat, county 2 F o rd D e liv e rie s stressed the importance of relief and were included in the county Mrs. E C. McKinney. player, models the gown. herd iuapector. 969 71; B W Gent, dam L. C. Kramien. chairman of the ,n H illsboro M onday Mr and Mrs. P. P. Weik and clients taking advantage of the court order. ..<• .h e m k tiic i by d««a. 919. Bristol 1931 C h e v ro le t ----------------------- Rotary club committee which start- An army recruiting detail was In ■ Johnnie Corrieri spent the week- canning facilities. H a rd w are company, court house eap 914 - _ - - - «d this movement several months Hillsboro and Beaverton Monday ; end at Tillamook 19. county Jail eap 46e. county sheriff*» Sedan Total of 13 Washington county- eap 91 36. county hoapital eap 9llB Mr. and Mrs. Frank Challacombe Oregon outside of Multnomah coun­ man Kodak Store«. Inc., euunty sheriff*» ning. general repairs at the Hills­ charge. C ars W a s h e d and . . . . . . . em newspapers to inform Pacific reached. ! and daughter Dorothy spent the ty. is off the press and is available eap, 912.S3; Conoiy grocery, relief Dan boro union high school, park grad­ Orders in the following circuit roast motorists that Standard Penn A«lam». 99 . I M t n Drug »tore, relief cap. j week-end at Bandon. P olished to all Interested parties, according •6 ing at Gaston, landscaping at For­ court cases were issued this week. is now available everywhere at Bagley J r ., r«»unty aher- Edwards of Muncie. to Jerrold Owen, secretary to the iff*» 4 0 . eap. George B aseline P a v in g Jo b , . Miss Deborah , est Grove, supervision in Wash­ A G Beattie vs Fag-O-San Sales standard Oil dealers III.N A . Ferdinand (tchmtdi. re­ Sf«r4»rl W ».» IVIn n rl . . , Indiana, is visiting her sister, Mrs. commission lief Mra D ally. 910. A M Jannsett ington county relief garden pro­ company et al, order; Liquidation Besides supporting its dealers Agent for Wnrk b *a r t e d H * r e M o n d a y J A Kramien. for several weeks Detailed information is g i v e n D rillin g Ctk. etnirt h*»u«« eap. 91 IN . Mtate ject. building repair and prepara­ of , Ban1 » of Beaverton, compromise with an — advertising campaign in o . - ,, I ----- — ..........R .....p ..,.. Work of paving Baseline street; M r ,, , . In d u strial A ccblent e«Mnmia»lun. c«mnty I W illy s and G ra h a m -P a ig e about the individual state-owned tion of athletic field at Banks union of Buchanan asset order to sell four hundred newspapers on the ‘n Hillsboro from Fifth avenue , H Car‘cr “nd «fandaugh- farms and no doubt there are a h. e a p 'a « ’ . r « l i r f ea|> f t 4.'. lOMkl high school, repair and grading at real property; United States Fidel- Pacific coast. the company is of- ‘o the railroad crossing near the {T ,No" a * ere ®un^ay vl»“ ors at OS; J a n ie If Davta. «telimjuent taa number of the readers of the Ar­ 92 foreclosure eap. 9l-«O. Portland General the Manning school, rug projects lty & Guaranty company vs. Union ering its dealers point-of-sale tie- Ray-M«ling cannery was started the L P »tranahan home G ra h a m -P a ig e Sedan gus who are interested in the pur- j E lectric Co., eounty fcaapltai eap. 9IN IN . at Aloha and Tigard, clearing ditch high school district number three. Upg jn form of window posters Monday. Curbs and gutters along Mrs. J. Johnson of Portland and chase of farms und homes. The | W in F Cyru». commander Am erican l e ­ $ 8 6 9 D e liv e re d H e re nrtrt.ctiif- E. P H. M White Whits» v»e IK . . . . . . . . tk . ____ 1_________ . . M >«« rr..«.«» ___a- a aa > in Beaverton drainage district, and non-suit; vs. T T. * M the proposed improvement have Mlss Gray guests of Mrs. L brochures are free for the asking ] gion poet N«>. A . Millsboro. Oregon. In ­ island-display racks. cannery projects at Hillsboro, Aloha | Crawford, order; Johanna Englund and smart _______________ W illy s 4 -d o o r Sedan aoldlerw fund eap. SI4S.4O; Mr» been completed and the paving is Stranahan Monday, and can be obtained by contacting1 digent A I I Christopher. Indigent «oldters* fund and Forest Grove. vs. Multnomah Realty company et D r-.; . . . D $ 5 7 9 D e liv e re d H e re expected to be finished within a Miss Velma Abendroth returned Me < ■ ( Hillsboro, who is the eap, 1.10. Y am h ill F le rtrtr Co., indigent al. confirming sale: Union Centra] P ° w e r D is tr ic t P r o g r a m . Two projects sponsored by the short time. Sunday from Goldendale, Wash., Washington county representative soldier»' fund eap. 9*.07 . Bchubrtng A to be Discussed F rid a y state were also approved. These Life Insurance company vs. Sarah Riederm an. indigent a«>idiers* fund eap. i where she visited last week. of the commission, or by writing 934.00. Galbreath et al, order for addi-| Washington county people inter- State Industrial Accident ro m m ls ! Gas * O il - Accessories include the kindergarten program Mrs. B Mitchell and Mrs C E direct to the Salem office a ion. euunty h«epital eap 91 IOS. relief in Hillsboro and the county "Bet­ tional time; and Union Central ested in the organization of the A lb e rt H e a rd O pens Compilers of the pamphlet have eap 17 00. total 91N-0S. Alice M ary Ila«- N e w Business in B anks Dyer of Portland visited Mrs W. F endeavored ter Housing” survey. It was also Life Insurance company vs. Otto super peoples’ power district in to condense the duta comb, relief eap. 96: H F Thompson, believed that the combined applica­ Erickson et al. overruling demur- northwestern Oregon will meet at Albert Heard has opened a real Aldinger Monday. much as possible Sale prices eounty InaspBal eap, 122; W ill« M >nd«t Mrs. Harry Wright and Miss Lot­ as the Hillsboro city hall at 8 p. m estate business in Banks with farms w W ow i' pension. 111. Hr» ley tion including 11 school districts rer. from $125 for a Baker coun- G beugh, raham .Inc., relief eap. 92<»&; lt«»y L Probate orders were issued in Friday. Plans for circulation of and acreage as a specialty. tie Norblad of Vancouver, B. C., range had also been approved, but of­ lv liulding to $101)00 for a farm m K«>l>erta«>n. taa refund. | l N| ; R.-y L Hub­ 2nd and W a s h . P hone 2641 the estates of Joseph Oester, Les- petitions to organize the proposed are visiting Mrs. D. H Bailey ficial confirmation had not been Harney county, but the average ert xm , taa refund. 9 0 e . K« y L K«d»ert»«n, 5 ter V. Mailer. Sarah A. Hoover, district will be discussed All per- received. Mr and Mrs Charles Allen and according to Sergeant Earl R. Good­ Catherine M Payne a n d Jacob sons interested are urged to attend. • son Verne spent the week-end at win, assistant secretary of the eom-1 i Crotzer. Orders were also issued | ------------------------ mission, is approximately $2515. Mrs. Fred Youngen. who is car- _ in the guardianship of Lester C o u n ty P la n n in g B od y The commission also has listings - . ing for her daughter. Mrs. A. N y -! R‘'V L' harles Reed returned Wed- Gumm and William H. Yost. 1 —- P lans M e e tin g T o n ig h t ( degger at Milwaukie, spent the nesday fr°tn the ministerial school of city located holdings which are available to the public and every Meeting of the Washington coun- week-end at home, returning Sun- at Tacoma, Wash. (Continued fro m p a re on«) ty planning commission has been day. Miss Anita Claire Weik returned effort is being made to return the grand total given in order: Gen­ called for 8 o’clock tonight iThurs- Lily Youngen Is visiting h e r Monday from a week's trip to Ya- state-owned property to the tax rolls by placing it in the hands of eral control. $11.080 37. $3659 39. county court room, ac- brother, Will Youngen. at the C chats and other southern beaches parties In making in c* cording to t W. G. Ide, $14,739.76: instruction supervision. . u?.ht irTnJ ,n E Reilin< home near Forest Grove Robert Patterson, Steve Pirie and responsible $18,146.20, $4207.19, $22.353 39; teach­ IContinucd fro m p « e on«) County works projects will be dis- --------------------- G eorse Fischer are snendino «ever quiry please designate the county tween September 1. 1936, and Sep- cussed. e is - _ .iv v . . _ . v » e o r g e riscncr are spending sever or city desired and also please ers and supplies. $155.845 84. $54.- c.. . »epalred | ,( days „ Rockawa? 1945 ............ Interest on i 341.25, $210.187 09; operation o f tember — t - . 1, - ......... ——- rates ---- - — --------------------- | ______ Sidewalk in front of the Portland ' Captain and Mrs. Toby Smith mention the Argus Attractive terms _ ______ _____ can be arranged. plants. $30,620 05. $9313 61. $39.933 - the old issues ranged from five to I Preventing Diphtheria In Oregon Gas & Coke company and the 66; maintenance and repair. $12,- «x p*r cent, ' ( ¿ / o r o « . n Stete H«ite>~ Washington’ hotei” on*~Third""itr^t ¡ ¡ { „ ^ 627.36, $2386.56, $15.013 92; auxiliary Macadamizing and paving of un- The children of Oregon who have is being taken up this week and Mrs Floyd Rlce July 24 L o c a l Boy W in s P riz e agencies. $16.107.42. $33.980 95. $50.- improved streets in the city w as, fallen victims to diphtheria will not a new one laid. N. E W. F. meets tonight (Thurs- “ S oapbox D e rb y ” E vent day) at the old Grange hall 088.37; fixed charges. $4567.99. $1105.- discussed by councilmen as a pos-. have died in vain if their fate 43, $567342: capital outlay, $10,- able local works progress project leads to a wider knowledge of the Hauling Permit Given R ic h a rd H l l l i . F n r— « t. Vernon Schoen of Hillsboro, en­ 620 78, $2617 90, $13.238 68; d e b t Reconstruction of sidewalks was fact that this disease is preventable. Log hauling permit was Issued visiting Deloss Anderson this week try of the Hillsboro Motor company *un« y e 1“ » Anderson this week in the Oregonian-Chevrolet "Soap­ service, $51.344.24. $137.786 13. $189,- also suggested. Labor for these Parents who fail to observe a pre- Tuesday to Mrs Thelma Kniss by Mrs. M. B Bump and daughters box Derby’’ in Portland Wednes­ 130.37; emergency fund, elementary jobs might be obtained through caution which may prevent a fatal the county court. Bond of $1000 was the WPA and the materials pro- illness are taking a heavy respon- required. are vacationing at Rockaway. districts $140.02. day. received a prize for winning _________________ ’ ----- ------------------ Teachers’ salaries during the year vided through the assessment of sibility. The records of the state his preliminary heat In the class Divorce Suit Filed N e w C a n n in g Business totaled $201.344 51, $148,400.26 be­ property owners. Improvement of show that to immunize children for 11-year-old boys. The competi­ Oswald — Laura D. vs. Homer E x p a n d in g in H ills b o ro tion was for coaster automobiles ing paid by elementary districts' the city hall and park was also, between the ages of six months and ten years is to save human Charles. and $52.944 25 by union high school considered. Mrs. Grace Harvey is conduct­ built and driven by boys. General discussion of the pro- lives. The once dreaded diphtheria districts. Transportation of pupils ing a business in fruit canning. posed construction of a $380.000 which for many * ' Births amounted to $14 929 20 in elemen­ municipal water system was con- this state as one tary districts and $32.412.67 for ducted Miller -To Mr and Mrs. Arthur with John W Cunningham, rible of the diseases of Infancy EXPERIENCED, dependable man ^ i n r e Mdr T CHai?«vS° ^ hX 7 ,L iHl!L5‘ union high schools, a total of $47.- Portland consulting engineer No and early childhood has been con- wants steady wortt on farm - ^ eM“ C t yew a n d ^ M ^ ii n d ^ d Miller of Cornelius, July 27, a boy 341 87. was taken on the matter. quered. Box 112, Aloha. £ k * i yea^ .and nas extended Capital outlays reported were J action Regular council meeting will be The possibility of diphtheria con- ________ her business and products consid- principally for local contributions held Tuesday evening. tro ljm X ^ F i r r t ^ i t ^ n ru p tX rriX ^ triX rrt^ ^ a ^ rtc o U in connection with SERA projects (Continued from page 4) New sites were listed at $100, new R a ilro a d Seeks R ig h t to P ^ yed lta vey important part for T. Murphy'5 mllVnorth oil Forest j“ ! ^ ^ b o ttY e l ^"farg e* » X lM officer»’ c«>nl ribution. 102 99 . J H B ar­ buildings at $1254.40, alteration of ber. justice emart «ap. 9A3.06. years as an effective curative a $ ? e n t' n r o v « * . t v Qn . Q, 94 < J a r ® a ? a A .large special A b a n d o n L in e in C o u n ty L1“! 11,™ ,age?‘ ! Grove: a‘ Kan“ s City. W'ittte»«4R Justice Court State vs. buildings $3095 46, new furniture if given early and in sufficiently ----------------------------------- ----------- pack for diner service was pre- (A sblcyi L A Sr heel. 99.AO ; J F and equipment $5281.53 and other SALEM—The Willamette Valley large doses. Prevention rather TWO brown mares, extra good, Kar , ,or the Unlon Paciiic ’tream- A«hlla M ille r, 93 . Sherman F. Roberteon. 99 AO. outlays $3507.29. and Coast railroad has applied to than cure of disease has gone on 1450-1600 lbs., for sale or trade llnc traln A W Havens, justice court eap. 947.« Debt service items for elemen­ Frank C. McColloch. state utilities in 30; In d u strial P a in t W orks, 92A 06. coun­ P ra c tic a lly E v e ry advance of antitoxin. A com- for good cows as part payment. ty ja il eap ; West Coast P rin tin g A tary districts included the follow­ commissioner, for permission to bi nation Ask your attorney to send your the toxin of diphtheria Phone Forest Grove 15F251. 24-5 R inding Co., county treasurer eap 9 4 9 - ing: Principal payments on bonds abandon its six miles of rail line and the of antitoxin Dreaa in O u r S to re I legal advertiaing to the Argus. was found to ______________ 16. county clerk eap 0Oc. county sheriff'« between Patton and Cherry Grove give excellent protection against in Washington county. The peti­ diphtheria. It was later found that M a n y you h a v e seen tion declares that all business In, the toxin ____ __ could of _r____ diphtheria the territory served by the road rendered non tox’ic and stili'be WE KNOW and w a n te d b e fo re and has been taken over by truck and fectfve in producing immunity no doubt tried on at bus lines. The company wants per- This toxoid, as it Is called has been mission to take up its rails. - - improved " and - today we have the A tourist who smokes is safe $ 1 9 .8 5 - $ 2 2 .7 5 - $ 2 4 .9 5 alum precipitated toxoid which has from New Hebrides cannibals. —YOU KNOW US! Subscribe for the Argus. h ^ „ Z u Undi e,fectlye ,n Producing It’s . . . v.al,„c„, claimed, since they dislike » a J " ° ne d«°8e. Rcacti° ns nicotine flaror. This, however, ¡fated toxoid nò» * / m « iT P1 doesn’t apply to actors, the na- M A IN S T R E E T severity to limit its ft h to- Ì '™ belDg partl“ t0 ,moked P H O N E 81 day recognized as the most effec- nam’ . . . live agent in rendering children ’ _ . . . Has Prize Sheep at Grove Show SERA Plan to C o n tin u e !> Social News of Local Folk and Their F rie n d s Bridal Charm Precinct Changes O rdered in County Adjustment Plan, U roucnt c Aid Farmer I Z5% Discount G roup to Preserve - Bridge Dedication istonca e ics Scheduled Sunday USED CARS Mr£ Faye,,a AUen «‘turned sun ’250 Listing State Aid Lands Available “ urors Disagree in Picket H earing W a Used Car Exchange Reduction Debts of Schools Shown Helvetia IT ’S T H E TALK of the TOW N! Council to Issue Refunding Bonds day' at ,he of TR EM EN D O U S o7’t?er» e i Too Late to Classify ^ . X a i S X i i S County Court 300 to Select From ! Powers Grocery CH EVR O LETS Your Choice Right Now! Crisp, Tasty immune. With this agency it is SA N D W IC H ES One Bure way to check « now possible to say without rese r-; “careless driver” is to substl- vation that diphtheria is a prevent- ■ t ut* a hyphen for th at first "a.” Prom pt Service . . . S pecials fo r A u g u s t 2 an d 3 T im e ly T ip fo r H om e SETTLING the QUESTION He; ’’Has the exterminator called at your home yet?" She: ’’No. drop around any time, you'll be perfectly safe." TF IT'S just a between-meal- * snack or a come'- ’ " or dinner—d- lunch -v p In at Coslett's worn* Chevrolet re­ Bar.p - —-U You're assured of pair question now by letting | ^u'ck, unhurried service and modern method« at this shou ’ better f o o d a t reasonable locate your troubles an?. put an end to theip. L atest equipment, factory »tand- . .» rtis of service, and exper­ ienced mechanics combine here to guarantee definite results. Our specialized «kill means that all work is done to split-hair accuracy with a consequently high stand­ ard of perfection. Hillsboro MotorCo. JAMES WHITELAW. Prop. C h e v ro le t and O ld sm o b ile M a in St. Phone 4 44 prices. We Also Feature Siberrian Cream By the Dish or to Take Home. C O SL E T T ’S B A R -B -Q 1st and Baseline : Phone 1263 O w ners Pool-Gardner Lumber Co. is headquarters for Barn Flooring, Silo Staves, Dry Flooring for Chicken houses, Screen Wire, Glass Cloth, All Grades of Cedar Shingles, Roof Paint, Shingle Stains, Poultry Netting, Hardware Cloth. Cement, Sand, Gravel, Chimney Pipe and Thimbles, Galvanized Ridge Roll, Eave Troughs, etc., Wood Gutter, Door and Win­ dows. Cedar Posts, Fuller House Paints, Var­ nishes, Glass, Putty, Deadening Felt, Roll Roofings, Berry Crates and Hallocks, Screen Doors, Adjustable Screens. It will pay you to see us first for all kinds of BUILDING NEEDS P ua uffed W heat Q ker ..................... Soap 5c C a m a y ........... Soap Phone 2691 151 Baseline St. FABBRICS See Our Windows Soap 4 fo r M ilk Red & White. Tall cans. 2 for W a x R olls Red & White, heavy. 1 2 5 -fo o t ro ll Pool-Gardner Lumber Co. S IZ E S STYLES 23c O x y d o l G ra n u la te d IVORY. Regular size. 7c 19c lie « Ax> 1«7V Many other items specially priced for Fridny and Saturday. These prices good August 2 and 3 only. SALE STARTS T H U R S. M O R N IN G WOMEN’S FINE SHOES White«, Black«, Browns, Grey«, Biege, Two-ToneH High, medium and low heels. Pumps, straps a n d ties. Higher priced shoes ¡n « big selling event! ..... $1.98 “Catmot” White Shoe« deiner the Beet 25c