Thurnriay, August 1, 1935 h il l s b o r o A r g u s , h il l s b o r o , O r e g o n Page Sevofa If You W ant To Rent, Trade, Swap or Hire .. Place a W ant A d Here Today A Ready Market with Big Results at Little C ost----Classified Columns Close at 10 A. M. Wednesday— Too Late to Classify Accepted Until 5 P. M. Wednesday scribed, I have levied upon and SIIERIFF’K MALE NOTH K o r FIN A L SETTI.KMXNT __ pursuant to said Execution and Or- In the C ounty Court ot the S tate o t Ore- Notice is hereby given, that by C m m I Y o u Freflta IDF.AI. COUNTRY HOME der of Sale, I will on Monday, the virtue of an Execution, Order and Son. for Waehlntrton Counts. CALIFORNIA Perfume Company AUGUST 14 Red chicks, *9, Leg­ In tho M atter of tho Ratato of Rttlo products for sale by local rep­ horns, *U, Leghorn day-old pul­ 23 ACRES, 19 In cultivation, 8 A 19th day of August. 1935, at the Decree of Sale, issued out of and Flrot la*crtlon. per w ord.... »c Hecker. Deceeaerl. young filberts, also peaches, bal East door of the Courthouse in under the seal of the Circuit Court resentative Miss Cura Ware 24-5p lets, *20 per 100; cockerels, *2 per N otice la hereby riven, that Helen Barb additional Inwrtlun, Hillsboro, Washington County, Ore- 100 Chicks hutched now will make ance timber with creek; 5-rootn E ffie Hecker Harrie. the duly appointed, of the State of Oregon, for the l»r word ,c qualified and a c t it r A dm iniatratrlx of lf n ot Ju|y. 193!>. in favor of etc., signs, for sale ut Argus. tf ery, Heuverton 23-9p nace, electric water system, barn, Bo„ , filed her fin al account In tho County fied and display advertise­ chicken house, fine garden, horse, i "t. a,h e„h >! ! ! o o der i° r tluin 29c) Equity Finance Company, a Cor- Court of the S tate of Oreson for Waeh- ments in this week's Argus. in ston C ounty, and that taid Court hae WASHERS, used. *19 and up — WANTED Poultry of all kinds. cow. chickens, tool.s and equipment, in hand, all right,_ title and Inter-! poraUon, plaintiff, and a g a i n s t In this issue ten advertis­ Kaadvr* par line 10c r / i |5a «d d afendai2ia " iand tO Jonathan Smith Coward and Jane fixed Monday, tho 24th day o f A usuat. 1 .eater Ireland Ht Co. Write, will cull, or bring Friday, 2 miles to Hillsboro. Everything lBtf ing treasure tickets to the A. D. 1434, at ten o’clock A. M . In the Saturday or Monday before noon' «««»• Immediate posH-ssion, *3800. . “ describ®d real Pf ° P -, Doe Coward, husband and wife, llluek Face Heading I’ornilttod County Court Room in the C ounty Court Venetian theatre are hidden •rty^ to-wit. , defendant* for the of |] g 90 Cash »Mould accompany ordor. OLD newapaiMTS, 10c bundle Ar­ Portland prices. — F. It. Harden, J,,J ® ca,1>. 1 hone Hillsboro 841. Houee in the C ity o f Hlllahoro. Waah- in the copy and this might be The North one-half (N(4) of 24 4g(, Sundays, phone 988 Cornelius. ’ costs and disbursements with in­ • nr ton C ounty. O reron, na the tim e and gus. Hilf your lucky week. lot numbered nine (9) In the Out •! fulrnea* to all no In­ place for heerlnr keld fln el account and terest thereon from the 13th day MALE TO (LOME EMTATE Read each carefully. If you J A. Reid's Five Oak Subdi­ all objection* thereto and for tho final formation on the C la s s if ie d i of July, 1930, at the rate of 6% per Pigs FENCE posts for sale Will deliver 24. All property Joining the new post- aettlem ent of raid estate. find your name listed with vision of the Edward Constable I annum and the further sum of Page will be given out until Ray Delsmun. Phone 2107. 44tf Dated th is 25th iley o f J oly. A. D. office, 100x200, on Main street, the words "Venetian ticket" D. L. C. in Township one (1) the pui«r la Issued. 1335. *568.18 with interest thereon from SIX 7-weeks-old pigs for sale - with 5-room house and bam; also preceding It. clip the adver- North Range two *2) West of H ELEN KFTIE HECKER HARRIS. Ad­ the 12th day of April, 1934, at the John Meier. Itt. 4, Hillsboro; near , 5-room house and garage on 4th -F 14. C ara, T ru c k s , T ire s tisment in which it appears the Willamette Meridian, 1 n j rate of 10 per cent per annum, and m inistratrix o f tho E state of E ffie Beck­ Bethany store and bring it to the Argus of­ ! street with lot 50x100.— Inquire 342 er, Deceased. Thoa. H. Ton ru e Jr., A t­ Washington County, State o f A n n o ______________ u n cem en ts ' for the further sum of *152.02 de- 1. torney for A dm inistratrix. 23-7 STAR sedun for nule cheup, good fice. Your free theatre ticket Orego*. Main St. 24 ..11., v , u . . i Iinquent interest up to April 12, running condition IJox 87, Rt TWELVE 8-weeks-old pigs for sale I w ill be ready for you. to satisfy thehorelnbefore named ,934 and , or , he fPurther * um of EVERYBODY knows that our Per­ NOTICE OS FIN A L SETTLEM ENT —George Hermens, Rt. 2 Forest j LOOK! LOOK! 24p fect Blue White Diamonds are 4, Hillsboro; cast of town. and for the coat and ex- , 7500 attorney's fees with inter In tho County Court of the S ta te of Ore­ «• lo v e , M U V o boort. M 120 ACHES on ra c k road, 30 A sums penses of sale and »aid writ. , . est thereon from the 13th day of gon, for W ashington County. priced lower thun most J iw il.iv ——— —— cultivated, 20 A. second growth In the M atter o f the L a u te of le t l t i e A. NOTICE OF MHERIFF'M MALE urine Imperfect stones—Anderson's WE buy and Hull used cars. £ i Wln h® ,*u.bJect. July, 1935, at the rate of 8 per B ailey, Deceesod. pigs for sale L. E (timber, balance pasture; family , to redemption as per statute of cen{ per annum, to me directed Jewelry store. M No. 9977 —Used Cur Exchange. 48tf WEANLING N otice la hereby ____ riven , ___ th at J . W. Furrow. N. First Ave. 24p fruit, 4-room house, water piped to Oregon. r,„, . . u n i u ! af>d delivered, commanding me to In the Circuit Court of the State th* <•“! / appointed, qualified, and — house and garden, large barn full Dated at Hillsboro. Oregon. thl> make Mle o£ the real „ron4,rtv Lost an d Found o f O n - y o n f o r t h o C n u n t v o f “ t,n » A dm inistrator w ith the Will aa- 3. 16. F u rn itu re , Pianos, R adios TWENTY little p ig s.-J . A Van of hay; mower, rake, disc, spring 28th th day ( la v of nf J June, ..n < a maKe salt oi m e re al property or Oregon, for the County of .„ „ j th. f>taU BiUw 1935 i hereinafter described, 1 have levied Domelen, Hillsboro Rt. 3; near tooth and peg-tooth harrow, fan­ Washington. Deceased, has filed his fin al account in J W CONNELL, Sheriff of Wash­ LOST Open face watch, Rippling PIANO for sale cheap. — H e n r y North Plains. '!>• C ounty Court of tho S u u o f O r » 23-4 ning mill, 600 cream separator, ington County, Oregon. Everette I. upon and pursuant to said Execu- Catherine H. Collins, Plaintiff, Waters, Farmers' Union picnic VS xon, for W ashington C ounty, and that ! tion, Order and Decree of Sale, I Jurobsmiihlrn, (« -m ile n o r t h farm wagon, spring wagon, set Ä .» j » “ X »' Martin Bernards and Lena Ber- Reward -John Davidson. Hillsboro Union Oil tanks, Cornelius. «Vene­ YOUNG Duroc boar. *15; or wllL double •S'Turu^ a ^’ d . harness, 4 good Jersey cows, Rt 1. (Venetian ticket, Mrs. E. I. tian ticket, (tail Kurna, Orenco) August, 1935, at the East door of nards, husband and wife; John a . m of .a id day, in the C ounty Court trade for young O. I. C. boar.— 3 heifers, all for *3000. Plaintiff. 20-4 C o x . l l c u v e r o u HI I' 24p _____________________________ the Courthouse in Hillsboro. Wash- A McGee, B. A. Mitchell, A. O. ™ of the C ounty Court H ouse in tho R A Wltliycoint«-, H illsboio. Rt B I 240 ACHES, 120 A c u ltiv a te d bot- ADMINIMTRATOR'S MAI.E OF mgton County, Oregon, at the hour Pitman, Agnes Bryant, and Mar- i'.l,y a{ Hilbhoru. W a.h in rton County, 17 Fuel tom land, balance timber, 6-room ■ ---------------------------------------- 6. W a n te d — M iscellan eo u s REAL PROPERTY ' ten ° cl°c*c a. m. of said day, tin Bernards, Commissioners of ? nd jplaiT CHESTER White weanling pigs house, new modern barn, cost the City of O renco of the Tuala- .'„‘S*‘,o“ ^ u '^ t OLD growth fir, 12 und 18-lnch, Notice is hereby given that p u r-1 a* public auction to the high and breeding stock for sale, both > $3000, holds 30 head cows; a real WANT to lease or operate filling *3 90 per cord, and up.—Phone sexes, new blood lin es—R Horn dairy farm. A good buy at *10,500 suant to order and license of the I tin Valley, Oregon; Ellen Pitman, «»id E a u u . bidder for cash in hand all of stutlon on rental or percentage 1071X. City Recorder of the City of Or- '’’j" 21th d*r ot J'"1«- *• D ns*, 23-4p ceker, near wireless. Phone 4R7 19 ACRES, all cultivated level bot­ County Court of the State of Ore- the toU o»1"« deaenbed real prop- basis. Argus 3194 23-4p enco of the Tualatin Valley, Ore- «t the gon for Washington County, duly . ^ lnH being and situate in tom soil, creek. 8-room bouse, gon; City of Orenco of the Tual- b X * ” d ^ . ““- ^ 1* h . ° t . X j ?' WOOD for sale, *2 and up Saw­ 25. made and rendered on the 29th Washington County, Oregon, and Horses barn, fruit. A real home. Only mill foot of Third avenue Phone WANT to buy livestock, chickens, _ atin Valley. Oregon; M R. John- A ttorney for A dm inistrator. ao-4 day of July, 1935, the undersigned P101-® described as fol- *2800 - See 24-7p farm machinery, and household ' *!l1 ( *8 evenings son; and the United States N a -1------------------— —— ------------------ to-wtL TEAM of horses, weight 3400 lbs , ALBERT HEARD, BANKS, ORE administrator of the estate of> ow8- Beginning at an iron pipe on tional Bank of Portland (Ore- notice to creditors goods. -J. W. Thomas, Rt. 1, Hox W ANTED To buy oak wood Joseph Oester, deceased, with th e ' harness; 8 tons hay, for sale Will gon). Defendants. N olle« b hereby riven th at by virtu« the South boundary line of the 147, Beaverton. 20tf Ray Delsmun. Garibaldi Avenue take 20 pu: in Undo Ti li p h o tu - WANT to rent 3 to 20-acre farm Will of said deceased annexed, will' Southern Pacific Railway Com­ D . .. , an <>r<^er m*de and entered on th« weat of Hillsboro or near Forest from and after Saturday the 31st By Virtue of an execution, judg- 2nd day o f Ju ly. 1935. by the County 24tf P hone 2107, 221f 33EX5 pany’s right of way, 798 7 feet Grove. — A J Oliver, C orn eliu s day of August, 1935, proceed to WANT place to board 7-year-old ment order, decree, and order of W «*hinrton County. Oregon, North 81 degrees 37 minutes boy after September 1, must be FIRST elaas wood tor sale. — Ray HORSE for sale—1500 lb s. 10 years 1 Venetian ticket, Henry F u e g y, sell at private sale to the highest sale issued out of the above en- i X i U.ndTr’i|rwed* beelt' .r e hereby n otified to i Hazel school; Beaverton, Rt. 2. 23tf Forest G rove Rt. 1; near Ver- Addition to Beaverton-Reedville County, Oregon, to-wit: H e lp W a n te d judgment rendered and entered in pr**Tlt *?”** lo*nh*r with proper 7. 18. Seeds, P la n t* rouehera therefor to the undersigned s t boort. 23tf Acreage, according to the duly _______________________________ I Old Horses Wanted Being bounded and particu­ said court on the 13th day of July, Banka, Oregon. R. F. D. N o. 1 lar described thus: Commenc- I recorded plat thereof, a point 1935, in favor of Catherine H. Col­ the law offic e o f E. B. Tongue, Com­ RAILWAY poatal clerks Men 18- GREEN broccoli und kale plant* I Cheap old horses for fox feed FARM for sale or rent. If rented, in Section Seven (7) Town­ ing at a point 13.10 chs. S at Argus 2814. lins, plaintiff, and against Martin m ercial B uilding. Hillsboro. Oregon, w ith­ 16-28p S A. Becker. Reedville. Phone 35 *1900 first year regular. Pre- stock and equipment for sale.— ship One (1) South, Range One six m onths from the date of thia the S. E. corner of the Dona­ Bernards and Lena Bernard* hus­ in 3715 Beaverton. 24p l>arc Immediately for next examin­ Alex McPherson. Cornelius. 23-4p notice. (1) West of t h e Willamette MARE and gelding. 1400 pounds. tion Land Claim of D. B. Dus­ band and wife, for the sum of Eight ations Full partlculara free Write Dated this 2nd day of July. 1935. Meridian, and running thence to trade for cows, young stock, WANT to trade Portland property, tin in T 1 N. R. 1 W. Will. Thousand Two Hundred Eighty- F a rm M a c h in e ry immediately. — Franklin Institute. 21. A N TO NE OSPELT. A dm inistrator of wheat or barley. -F. W. Walch, Mer and running thence W. j South No degrees 4 minutes four ($8284 00) Dollars with inter­ the « . u u of Em il Oapelt. E. B. Tongue Dept. 980E Rochester, N Y. 25-8 5-room house with bathroom, West 292.6 feet to an iron pipe; A ttorney fo r A dm inistrator. 20.« 1500 feet south Newton station 23-4p 10.00 chs.; thence S. 5.00 chs.; est thereon at the rate of 5(4% per LICENSED stock trailer* 2-cow pantry and basement, 2-car gar­ thence South 82 degrees 42 thence E 10 chs., thence N. annum from the 31st day of Octo- cupaclty, rent *1 per day Light, age. near school, 2 street car lines, WANTED- Six budders und wrap- minutes East 150.8 feet to an C a ttle 5 00 chs. to the place of begin­ ber, 1930, the further sum of One ,o the „T2 S“ ? '™ " 8 „ p*TS—W J Enschede Telephone trailers made to order Auto parts 26. for Hillsboro property—Mrs. Myrtle iron pipe; thence North No de­ Hundred Fifty ($150.00) Dollars a s 1 X (o7nX h , X n C^„fy * ning. containing five acres of ;i4F2 2ltf and farm m ach in ery I. V Unlit. * ----------------------------------------------------- Corbett, 3512 N. Borthwick A ve, grees 4 minutes East 289.6 feet 152 N Second Ave 23tf i GOOD year-old Jersey bull for Portland. land, reserving a strip of land attorney’s fee* and for the costs 1" «•>« M«tt«r of the of Eather 22-4 to an iron pipe oh the South­ ___ __________________ _________ sale. — Arthur Salzwedel, m i l e and disbursements of said suit in I k ^4*"“ . D«c«M«d. described as follows: Commenc­ CAPABLE girl or woman for gen­ NEW and used farm machinery j south Forest Grove. ern Pacific Railway Company's 24p LARGE modern house, well located. the sum of $27.65, and the costs of . » ¡ •itn X « ' t has , ? been du|y confirm ll? t ed by u" * the r- ing at above commencing point eral housework and care of chll- right of way; thence North 81 for sale by Lester Ireland A ' ------- ;------ :— --------------------- and running thence W. 20 feet, and upon said Writ of Execution, î ‘X>Tew'^'.t'tleÎ college town, where there is ** « « “W x of the ■ n. ii 4M8 East Oak St. M C0- j m FOUR registered Guernsey cows, a In good degrees 37 minutes West t o thence S. 5.00 chs., thence East commanding me to make sale of Leat Wiil and T estam en t o f said deceaaed demand for rooms a n d ____________________________ 2 have had second calf, others apartments, could be made into 4 place of beginning, containing 20 feet and thence N. 5.00 chs. the following described real prop­ and has duly qualified aa such. 8. W o r k W a n te d USED machinery of all kinds.— one calf, splendid breeding, fine apartments. Priced very reasonable. N ow . therefore, all persona for a roadway for the use of I one (1) acre, more or less, ex­ havinar erty situated in the County o f claim Hillsboro Feed Co., 160 W. Main types, double-tested, heavy butter —115 N. B St., Forest Grove. . . . . s . axainat « t a t « are herebr cepting therefrom a strip of Albert F Keehn a n d Anna 16tf Washington, State of Oregon, to- n otified and required to p r « e n t the WILL luke Into my home and care street, 4tf fat producers; 2 heifer calves. 0 land 50 feet in width off the wit: Keehn. their heirs and assigns ; •a m . tuKrtber w ith proper »oueher, for elderly Phone 1194; . people . ---- months old. and 1 bull calf, 3 HOUSE and lot for sale.—Inquire North side thereof for road pur­ th e r e fo r to the u n d en ixn ed a t the law forever. Beginning at a stone at the or call al 533 S 10th A ve, Hills- W1DE-TIRE wooden wheel farm months; all purebred and extra poses, in Washington County, Used Car Exchange. 17tf Bids for said real property will be McAla* 1'' 'n th« Fir»t southwest comer of the Caleb ' boro, for reservations. Mrs. Marie wagon with hay rack. 1 sin gle. good. The above are from the best 1 ^ - nk ■ buildi"«' in Hillaboro. State of Oregon received by the undersigned at Wilkins and wife DLC No. 49 Oregon, w ith in xix m onths from the date S5000 Wick. 23 tip hors»- cultivator, almost new, ex- i herds in Oregon Cows will fresh- the office of Bagley & Hare in i g to the hereinbefore o w. named hereof. T I N R 2 W of Willamette . ' _ > « im g y fx a-k c i 24 22-6 deceased, with the Will of said 16,Th,?.a£ ,? iTi'i!,y; 192u • In th e C ounty C oart o f the S la te of Ore- to a pipe 2" ilia., thence S 1’ ment* e tc , shingling; 27 years' BOSTON terrier pups. 2-months deceased Sheriff of Wash- iron. for th e C ounty o f W ashington d e c e a s e d a annexed. n n exed R a e l e v & Hare. H are J- ” - C O N N E L L , S h e r i Bagley (XT E 2915 chs. to a pipe cor­ r*|>erlniirv In Washington county.— SHEEI For Sale-Purebred year­ FOR SALE -Jersey cow, first calf, old. blue ribbon, for sale; also fe­ Probate D epartm ent. 24?g ington County, Oregon. By M for Administrator. ner on south boundary of said F L. Hewitt, 230 N Dennis A v e . N otice is hereby elven that the under­ fresh July 22. 5 grade Hamp male to place in good home.—435 Attorneys ling Hampshire bucks, ewes and ------------------------------- ------------------- Schmidt, Deputy. Joseph, Haney DLC set by J. C. Hall, in 1893, signed. P. F. Groeeen, has been appointed Hillsboro llt f ewe lambs. — Frank Schulmerieh, ewes 804 W Baseline (Venetian S A dam s St Phone 1143 24p NOTICE OF BOND CALLING & Veatch, Yeon Building, Portland. adm inistrator o f the eetate o f John thence N 79’ 51’ W. 27.97(4 chs. Hillsboro, Rt. 5. 23tt ticket, Fritz Eisner. Rt. 4 Sherwood) Notice is hereby given. That pur- Oregon, Attorney for Plaintiff. n e t , deceased, by the C ounty Court to the place of beginning, con­ i o s ig 10. Sale o r T ra c k -M i* . 30. S tove*, H e a te r * f the S ta te o f Oregon, for W ashington suant to Ordinance of the C i t v -------------------------------------------------- taining 80 acres of land, JERSEY cew. fresh soon, *35; and C ounty, and has qualified 23. P o u ltry of Hillsboro, Oregon, the city of ADMLNISTRATOR S Now. therefore, by virtue Of said having claim s aga1nat'r'aaid A ' m ll t a n u ereoe. ^ sre AERO • MOTOR windmill. 12-foot Holstein, fresh in October, $40 — SMITH convection heater for sale. Hillsboro hereby calls the follow- MALE OI REAL PROPERTY execution, judgment order, decree ber«bir notified to present the sam e, duly wheel. 30 foot tower, like new. | GOLDEN Buff Minorcas, Rusks C K Goodrich, Rt. 1. Banks 23-4p -Mrs. Faith Christensen, clerk, ing bonds on the following dates. ‘ , .. _ . 4163 . . . order of sale, and in com- , bL .,!*’ . ™ s“ir«d. to the un- will sell for less Ilian (4 original j i Wlnsor Mo i Prize AAA grade, Midway school. 24 to-wit- In the County Court of the State and ?‘!a.nCT the m a n t i s of said " S ^ t S T ^ V 'd a ii cost; also used amt new pumps of j |urge white eggs Breeding coeker- THOROUGHBRED double - tested 1 Sixth Street Supplemental tOT th® County of writ, I will, on Monday, the 26th h«reof. all descriptions for sale. — A M els for quick sale. *1 F. E Rus- dehorned and ringed gentle Hoi- 3 2 . M u *ic a l In .tr u m e n t* Street Improvement Bond 1929. - Washington. stein bull. $60 — Carl Dick, p h o n e ______________________________ Dated and first published July 11. 1936. day of August, 1935, at 10 o’clock Jsnnsen Drilling Co, Reedville. sell. Forest Grove Rt 1. 24p dated March 1, 1930, numbered ' In the Matter of the Estate of A. M., at the door of the County D ate o f last publication A um u t 8 1935. 2522 North Plains; mile northwest HAVE YOUR PIANO Mail address Rt. 1, Beaverton. 23tf Louise E. Bacon. Deceased. P. F. GROSSEN. A dm inistrator. 21-6 1 only, is called for redemption 24 YEAR-OLD R. I R hens, lay­ W. st Union church. tuned, cleaned, demothed and re- Notice is hereby given that the Court House at Hillsboro, Oregon, September 1, 1935. 10x28 silo for sale or trade for hay. ing about 50%, (1 each.—B A DAIRY cows of all kinds for sale I sell at public auction «subject to, notice of fina i sftti fmkxtt undersigned, Edward E. Bacon, ad­ redemption) to the highest bidder in , h . C onn® Court of" t t —George Roberts. Telephone 2. Street Improvement Bonds. Ray Delsmun. Garibaldi Ave Jack, Reedville. ® 24p ministrator with the Will annexed 20p or trade AU double-tested.—Gall 1282. Series 1930. dated September 1, Phone 2107 22tf gon. fo r W ashington County, i of the estate of Louise E. Bacon, for cash in hand, all the right, 1931, numbered 1 to 12, inclu­ 150 FINE R I. R pullets, from non­ Karn* Orenco. Telephone 262 IX, deceased, by virtue of and under title, and interest which the with- In tbe Matter o f th e Estat« o f J. T. F o r R e n t— M ise. 15tf 33. sive, are called for redemption setting strain, fine healthy birds; Hillsboro. T o S w ap 11. *"<*«’ >>!>• . D^ e"*d- authority of an order made by the in named Martin Bernards and September 1, 1935. no disease; should start laying in aLneHa, hBernai dS- hUSba"d WLfe’ A ^ n ^ ,^ GARAGE building and gas pump* Hon. D. T. Templeton, Judge of ITALIAN piano accordion. It: d> about m onth—A. A Fisher, Rt I, 28. 3. West Washington Street R e a l E state and those claiming or to claim by, the above named « t a t e . ha.6 filed in th« good location, for rent.—Inquire the above entitled Court, on the for good milk cow.—F. R. Maier,, Rox 339. Beaverton Improvement Bonds. S e r i e s 24 or under them, had on entitled court and cau»« her fin al 23-4p 11th day of July, 1935, in the above through, day 21-ACRE farm. I1« miles west of Commercial National bank. 1006 E. Main St.; Route 4 23 (p 1932. dated March 1, 1932, num­ of October 1929 the Bccoun.t an ? - ® - > - e - ^ . ‘T t ^ 'S T .iK k V r ^ Rooms, A p a r tm e n t* at private sale at the residence of prices 75c 100; 2-year-oId laying or trade. Modern 7-room house, 3 4 . 12. F o r Sale— M iscellaneo u s ed for redemption September 1, Closed. O r since that date had in said day. and th e court room of the the said administrator on t h e 60 , Going east, business got to water, electricity. Good fdFm build­ 1935 and to the above described prop- »i>ove entitled court In Hillsboro. Oregon, FOR SALE 1000 good sacks. 8c — sell And you are further notified that P1?™15*3 ** “ ld at Po8t ° « 1®® F 1 Mason. Aloha. (Ven­ ings. Fruit, berries, 6 acres Beaver FURNISHED apartment for rent part thereof, to satis- “ tbe ti,ne *nd place tor h<*r'"« °*>- soon at Hotel Washington. 24p the City of Hillsboro will not be ,Address’ Sberw?°dj Or®K°n. »» the erty, or . “ any R. E Herman. 2 miles north Cor­ etian ticket. James Walters. Port­ dam, 4 acres alfalfa. Will divide.— e LU?.iO5 j - U d 8 n ?®n .t Ord.®r ^ t ' h n . r ^ “ ^ n . « n*<; , m T 'm L « : '’'1 for or m anv interest unon b lo w in g described real property h C .™ . 7 wJU order th* ^tlems nelius 24 land. Rt. 2* 24p E L. Owen, Hillsboro Rt. 4. 24p TWO front office rooms for rent, l i able a b l e for or pa> any interest upon t0 the at,Ove entitled decree- interest, attorneys fees, in- D .ted th is is th _ day of _____ July. ______ MR-s. jenny anderson . 1938, Admin» reasonable; available August 1.— any of the above bonds after the estategsitguated in Washington C ou^ ! ,erne3' a n d c “ t3’ a"d accruing costs dates herein specified for the re­ Hotel Washington. 24p tv Oregon- Dated this 20th day of July, 1935 f o 01 J T A n d en on . ty. Oregon. J W. CONNELL. Sheriff of Wash- & S r .« r S " * y * H*r*’ demption of the same. An undivided two thirds of ____________________ ÍS-7 WILLIAM C CHRISTENSEN. HOUSEKEEPING room* n e w l y ington County, Oregon. Tract 11 and the West 168 feet 24-5 papered and painted.—550 East City Treasurer. First publication July 25. 1935. NOTICE TO CREB1TORS of Tract 12 and that part of Cedar St. 24p Last publication August 22. 1935. In the Cminty . Court _____________ o f the S ta te o f Ore- the vacated road adjoining the BOA RD O F EQ U A LIZA TIO N Chas. W. Redding. Attorney. Mead ,o r w *»hington County, said tracts on the north side To the Taxpayers of Washington 38. F a rm L o a n * building. Portland, Ore. 23-7 i th* Est,t* of ( «“««r V. thereof in Chehalem Mountain County, Oregon: N otice is hereby given, that th e under- Orchards according to the duly Notice is hereby given that the MONEY TO LOAN NOTICE TO CREDITORS signed has been duly appointed by the recorded plat thereof, in Wash­ on improved productive farm* low Board of Equalization of Washing­ In the C onnty Court o f th e S ta te o f Ore- en tit,«d Court, as A dm inistrator ington County, Oregon. - interest rate, prompt service, no ton County, Oregon, w ill meet on gon. for W ashington C ounty o f the « rt» t e o f said deceased, and has Monday, August 12, 1935, at the 581(1 property to be sold from and In the M atter o f the E state o f J. W ! du x qualified aa such. delay.—Hubbs A Hammond. 310 Goodin, Deceased. ! N ow , therefore. a ll persons having Guaranty Trust Co. Bldg. 623 Oak court house in Hillsboro, in Wash- after the 15th day of August, 1935. N otice is hereby given tlm t th e under- e ■?*. **•'"■< »•<* ee te te are hereby St., Portland, Oregon. 21tf ington County, that being the sec- at Private sale In one parcel or in signed has been duly confirm ed by the nesl bidder for cash, Last WUI and Testam ent o f said de- ' dr' tb* undersigned a t th e law * H* r» the First herds—E. A. Griffith, 131 S. 2nd publicly examine the assessment I Dated at Hillsboro. Oregon, this •-eased, and has duly qualified as such ; „ '$** ?f N ow . therefore, all persons having g * “ 0"*1 .Bank building, in Hillaboro, avenue. 7tf rolls of said county for 1935, andp®th daF °( JulF. 1935. claims a gain st said esta te are hereby (>reK“"' Within tlx m onths from the data correct all errors in valuation and Date of first publication, July 18, notifi«d «nd reqnired to prevent t h e FARM money to loan—The Fed description or quantities of land. *935. Date of last publication. Au- **m«, to celb er w ith proper vouchers V**’ ¿ 9th d,5r o t 19S5* F o r a fe w pennies anyone can m ake H ills b o ro A rgus eral Land bank now has ample lots or other properties, and it i s ; F“51 therefor, to th« u n d en ix p ed at th« law WALLER. Admin let rat or of 1935. « ' d D«eai»ed B arley « funds in bonds to loan to farmers the duty of all persons interested1 EDWARD E. BACON. Adminis- office o f E. J. McAlear. in the K im I j * C lassified A ds b rin g re a l results. at 4%. Over $1,000.000 has been to appear at the time and place trator with the Will annexed of the N ation«) Bank building in Hillsboro, Ore- I Hare* A tto n w f« for A dm inistrator. 24-8 »on. w ithin aix m onths from the date --------------------------— --------------— -------- loaned to Washington county farm­ appointed and if It shall appear Estate of Louise E. Bacon. Deceased NOTICE TO CREDITORS ers by the bank. Write or call for to the Board of Equalization that David E Lofgren. Attorney for Ad­ Dated th is 16th day o f Ju ly, 1935. . _ N o. 4340 WeALRAR, Executor o f th e Last C ounty Court of the S ta te of Oro- particulars. — Washington C ounty there are lands, lots or other prop­ ministrator. 22-6 Will and T w u m e n t o f said Deroaaed , t °J1, I f r lh< County of W ashington. National Farm Loan Association, erty assessed twice or in the name E. J. McAlear. A ttorney for Executor Ma? ter o t Eatat« of Luther J. No. W o r d . .......... NOTICB OF F IN A L 3BTTLEM EN T J. M Person, secretary, Hillsbo­ of a person or persons not the own­ ____ ______________ ____ _______ ______________ Foster. Deceased. the C ounty Court o f the S ta te o f Ore­ ro. 9tf er of the same or assessed under In gon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS C o r .^ for W ashington County. or beyond its value, or any lots, In the M atter o f the E state o f F A. Ì" , C ounty Court o f the S ta te o f Orc- Pointed A dm inistratrix o f the Eatats of T im e * to ru n ...... Flai ley, Deceaaed. lands or other properties not as­ ; x - L W ashington C ounty. I Luther J. Foster. D roeased. by the Conn- N otice is hereby given, that Eva Blnora f Mh*Psvn'.CT ' bf Catherine £ Court o f the S ta te of Ormron for ( P lease W r it e P la in ly ) sessed, said Board of Equalization Bailey Lynch. A dm inistratrix, and J. W, ? T ~ ed- W ashington C ounty and has qualified A m t. Enclosed $ shall make the proper correction. Bailey. A dm inistrator with the W ill an ­ w No‘ * 7 Í * ,T » 5 « '»en. that ( an I A II ll persons having claim s again st said o ' t k ' L O1J* . ' 1 ,8 . h" iy*n - tb* »" order u rd eriA NOTICE OF ROND CALLING AH claims for reduction pre­ eoassd. nexed. o f the E sta te o f F. A. Bailey. Do- have filed their ount In In S t a t e c i O r ^ m h* f o f ‘ w lt)L CV“ rt “f tb* J ? '* * ' ? 7 hereby notified to pr«««nt present the the Notice is hereby given. That pur­ sented to the Board of Equalization reared, have filed their fin fin al al am account esta te In th e County Court o f the o 7 the »th d « C ounty ’*'"«• dulx v*r if>»d “ •>» law required. suant to Ordinance of the City must be filed in the office of the S said ta le o f Oregon for W sshlngton C ounty m .ttm o f t l j Eem ta r 'S ' w ithm “n d er,i« " « 1 R em ivi»., Om gon. of Hillsboro, Oregon, the city of County Clerk within fifteen days D ecroL l . 0 C atherine M w ,‘ bl" •»« m on th , from the d ate hamof. and .......................................fixed that aaid eourt has Monday I p .vn* Hillsboro hereby calls the follow­ from the 13th day of August. n 1116 (t ii l>e,e"»*d. appointing the under- Dated and fir st published A usuat I the 6th day o f Auguat, A Y-’- ‘ i - ' .* ! tw 'ifo n e r J. L. Scarry sdm inls- ! IM F Last publication Augurt 29. IMS. .V , ” . — Searcy adm inis- _ ing bonds on the following dates, J. E. CARPENTER, Assessor of 10 o ’ehtek A. M. o f aaid day in the trator thereof and that said J. L. CORA M. FO STER. "Ädm inbtratH x to-wit: Court room o f the C o u n t/ Court Washington County. Oregon, Hills­ County *• auch ad- Klepper * Im lay, Attorney« 2«.g House in th« C ity o f Hillaboro. W ashing­ uUntatrator’ dU ’ 1. All Park Refunding Bonds boro, Oregon, July 15, 1935. 22-5 ton County. Oregon, as the tim e and N ow , therefore, all persona having ! NOTICE OF F IN A L SETTLEM ENT issued February 10, 1927, num­ place for heuring aaid fin al account and claim« againxt «aid bered 1 to 27, are called for • • U t e are hereby i In the C ounty Court o f the S tate of Oro- NOTICB OF FIN A L ACCOUNT all objections th ereto and for the fin al ¡¡£ notified h t h - and 'n i to present th«m ' . »<;«. W ashington County. In the C ounty Court o f th e S ta te o f Orw- settlem ent o f aaid « ta te . redemption August 10, 1935. X n L t to th e under- ’ " J -h e M atter of th e E sU te of so n , for W ashington County. Datetl this 27th day of June. A. D. 1935. o signed 2. General Funding Bonds Is­ at Th« Commercial N a tio n .i ! Treadwell Treadwell, Deceased. mma W. f Wl»uu..Th* 1 ComT errUI ational Bank in th e M etter of the E state of Hans EVA ELNORA BAILEY LY NC H . Ad- o f Hillebon», in the C ity o f Hillsboro. sue of 1927, dated September «a w «insD oro. . .N otice ia hereby given, that Bernice L'iefflsr. Deronsed. ________ _____ ___ I ___ m iniatratrix w ith ____ th« W ill _________ annexed o f the OiMMznn ° f ThoB- H. | I J "den’*n. the duly appointed, qualified 1, 1927, numbered 1 to 60, in­ N otice Is hereby given th a t the under- Fatate '¿f F. A. B ailey. "Derweed" ‘ J ‘ W "“ • s r - s i . “’ ’£ £ £ • i - i s s s : ¡ u £ . - c aign«d, aa A dm inistratrix o f th e Eatat« BA ILEY , A dm inistrator w ith the W ill » clusive, are called for redemp­ o f Hana L oeffler, deceaaed. haa filed her annexed o f th e E s U te o f F. A. Bailey, tion September 1, 1935. In the County Court o f th« Deceased. Thos. H. Tongue J r., A ttor­ publication o f thia notice, t o - w it : With- And you are further notified that S fin ta al te aorount o f Oregon for W ashington County, ney for A dm inistrator. 20-4 ln n i t L m»K"th*oBfr >m J u ,y 25th- 1M8 »on for W aahlnxton C ounty, and that I the City of Hillsboro will not be and th at Monday, the 12th day o f Anguat. Dated thia 26th day o f July, 1986 d»y o r u m í " J ' ’ " 1 Tu" ‘d*»' ,b « 3rd liable for or pay any Interest upon 1985, a t the hour o f 10 o ’clock A. M.. NOTICE TO CREDITORS J. L. SEARCY, A dm inistrator of the day o f Septem ber. A. D. 1935 at ten and th« court room o f aaid court, has In the C ounty C nirt o f the S u t e o f Ore­ any of the above bonds after the been appointed by aaid Court aa th« tin»« ^ U Hf ioath*Hn*i * S ' ™ Coirtk R M i°f l*,d day ,n th* gon. for W ashington County. dates herein specified for the re- and plac« for the hearing o f objectiooa In th e M atter o f th e Eetate o f Sarah A. n tha C ounty Court House Jr- Alu,rn" * * £ Conn,7 Hillaboro. W a « h l n X i demption of the same. thereto and th« aettlem ent thereof. Hoover, Deceased. "‘£ _ O'-««0 ". th e tim e and plaea D ate « f fir st publication J u ly 11. 1995. I WILLIAM C. CHRISTENSEN N otice is hereby given that an order b*,r i n » » i d fin al account and all NOTICE TO CREDITORS D ate o f last publication Anguat 8, 1935. was made in th e C ounty Court o f the City Treasurer. 24-5 t i ^ r ' o f ^ a T - u t i . ,o r " " ,,n *' C u n t Wartto—Nen<> Money 12. F o r S ale— M iscellaneous 23. P o u ltry 28. R eal E state Ten Free Movie Tickets Offered If You Don’t Need It'Sell It! and if you W ant Something - Say So! Write Your Ad Below- SHERIFF'S SALE INSTRUCTIONS: Write the ad plainly, print or typewrite. Count the number of words. If the ad is to run but one week the cost is two cents per word. For the aecond and each consecutive insertion of the same ad, the cost is hut one cent a word. Minimum charge per issue 25 cents, TO GET RESULTS, state plainly what you want or have to sell. Cross out needless words, then copy the result and mail or bring it to the HILLSBORO ARGUS, Hillsboro, Oregon. Notic* is hereby given, that by virtue of an Attachment Execu­ tion, and Order of Sale, Issued out of and under the Real of the Cir­ cuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Washington, dated the 13th day of June, 1935, in favor of O. E. Serverson, plain­ tiff. and against Alphonse Dion and Agnes Dion, defendants, for the sum of $17.20 cotta and dis­ bursements and for the further sum of $485.31 with interest there­ on from the 13th day of May, 1935, at the rate of six per cent per an­ num, to me directed and delivered, commanding me . to . make .. . . w. sale , of the real property hereinafter de- ELIZABETH LOKVTLER. aa Adm ia- iatratrix o f th« E state o f H ans L oeffler, deceaaed. Beckman A G aley, Attorney« for A dm inistratrix. t l- 5 S U te o f Oregon on th e 12th day o f July. A. D. 1935. in th e m atter o f the E-state o f Sarah A. Hoover. Deceased, adm itting to probate the Last W ill and Testam ent o f Sarah A. Hoover. Deceased, and ap­ NOTICE OF FIN A L ACCOUNT proving the appointm ent o f A lvin Leach, N otice ia hereby given th at the under­ aa Executor o f aaid Last W ill and Testa­ signed. aa Executrix o f the « t a t e of m ent. and th at th e said Alvin Leach has Erick Sundberg. deceased, has filed her duly qualified as such executor. fin a l account in th e o ffic e o f the Coun­ Now therefore, all persons having claim* ty Clerk o f W aahlugton County, Oregon, again st aaid « U t e are hereby n otified and th at Thursday, th e 15th day o f Au­ and required to preeent them w ith the gu st. 1985. a t the hour o f Ten A. M. proper vouchers to the undersigned at In th e forenoon o f ««id day, In the Cir­ his residence at D illey. Oregon, or a t the cuit Court room o f said Court haa been law o ffic e o f Thoa. H. T ongue Jr., in appointed by aaid Court aa the tim e and the Commercial Block, in the C ity of place for th e hearing of objection* there­ Hillsboro, Oregon, w ithin six m onths from to and th e aettlem ent thereof. the d ate o f the fir st publication o f thia Dated and first published J u ly Utfc. notice, to - w it : W ithin six m onths from 1986. Last publication A uguat 8th, 1986. J u ly 18th, 1986 ETHEL L. INGKRRSOLL. Executrix Dated thia 18th day o f Ju ly. A. D. 1986. o f th e R aU te of Erick Sundberg, de­ A L V IN LEACH , Executor o f the Laat ceased. E. J. Noble, address Masonic W ill and T estam en t o f Sarah A. Hoover. Tem ple, Oregon C ity, Oregon, A ttorney Deceased. Thos. H. Tongue Jr., A ttor­ for Executrix. U 4 ney for Executor. g>.< N a 432« In the C ounty Court o t tho S ta te of Oro- ■ . . r w “ t'lnxton County. clmt^ n .tOTD ^ . F>t,t' *’ i ’ " by « ,v m th* ‘ th e under- • ixned h a , haon appointed xdm lnlatratrtx Martha J. Campbell deceased, by th e County Court o f the S tate " VP ° W *!; » 1»?5,U