the Increased activity In this field Mr and Mrs F F Hoffman and j 1 T ? If The F u m i (.'redit adm inistration Glorin and M iii'lt'cll Hoffman Join- | 1 l f P l I'O IK . und the AAA have emphasized Hie i'd Saturday. They all attended the I importunée of more und lietler regetta at Oeeanlake I I 1 J 11 • farm records. lluane Haynes of Hillsboro, who I l / l |f | l\ ('lltlltltl More Oregon farm ers cun loll you had b een at th e h o m e of an aunt., * ‘ » 'V U lU V M l accurately this year whut the cost Ask your attorney to send your Mr». B. F. Deford, since school - of a crop is In comparison Io re ­ legal advertising to the Argus closed, left for home Friday. , ... , . ... turns than have ever been utile Io I Ml and Mrs F C Wohlschlegel J o u r n e y to W a s h in g t o n ; B ig do It before The reason Is that X / o r t s n t H d N i n o md Phyllta, Brnice and Vincent Yield W heat Reported more farm records m e being kept V V I 11 W i l l s t 1 ” 11IV I Wohlschlegel attended a dinner par this year In practically every O re­ ty Sunday at the L. V Hull! home (Bv Mn, gon county than at any time In in Hillsboro. LAUREL A Tigard F o rfeitsto Hillsboro: 1 « * £ , £ £ X h ^ C o u n H Verboort Squad Trounced the past, records of the extension Mr. and Mis. L I Hulit and Mrs Cendant» of A A. Little was held agricultural economics section ut Hamond of Newberg visited the F at the E. K Reynolds home In b y S h e rw o o d S u n d a y O 8. C. show. T u a l a t i n S to n s L a u r e l 'eague championship series Sunday C. Wohlschlegel family Friday eve­ Othello. W ash. July 27 mid 28 The l u a l a t i n Stops L a u r e l af,e rnoon bv defeating G a r d e n ning A pproxim ately 15M L m s m two squads will clash in th e second iS w t'n d H a lf ) and Hodson McCormick visited M t lived here mid on Chehulem Moun­ tributed during the 12 months end iSecon.t H a lf ! mt Banks and Roy. champion and Mrs. Allan Comber at Portland tain from 1893 until I906. Seven of W L l'c t W L Pet ing June 30. In uddition hundreds w I. M l w L p£ i ! of the second half schedule, is Verboort 5 I .833 C arlton 4 3 .571 Ju ly 23. Mrs. Jessie Dezure and of AAA failli record books are in H illsboro 1 t i.soo|Conisll«s favored to win th e title In two For. Grove 5 2 .714 H illsboro 3 4 .429 Miss Ivy Peterson of Vancouver the eight children and a half-broth­ use, especially In localities where 6 1 .85$! W illa m a tta - - — Tu a latin er were present They were R. V. Sherwood 5 2 .714 V ern onia 4 5 .044 4 3 .5?2,ureueo 1 5 2$« straight games huge number« of wheat and corn- Aloha 3 2 .tOC>Newber* 0 6 .000 Visited the McCormick family that Delano of Marysville. Wash . Floyd 4 s 572 Tigard ...l 5 .167 Fred Meeuwsen and Jensen. Koy A m ity Laurel evening hog contracts were signed by farm ­ Hillsboro "Bears" ran wild in the _______ « s .572 No. Pistes 1 « .1« hurlers, easily held G arden Home Sherw<*Hl Buford Deford and Ju n e Holcorn L ittle and Mrs Roy lAzzie) Shreve ers. Hopes of the local Sunset leagu- to seven scattered hits Sunday final game of the T ualatin Valley spent Thursday at Eugene Miss of Alberta. Canada. Mrs John I., Encouragement und truliilug In ers for undisputed claim to the Storey. Meeuwsen and Jensen star- league schedule Sunday afternoon Beryl Deford, who had been there i Edna» Pugh of Tensed. Idaho: Mrs record keeping given by county second half title will be at stake red at the bat for Roy. Storey to slaughter V ernonia 23 to 2. recuperating from a major opera­ F. L. (Christie) Brown and Mrs. agents. Smith-Hughes touchers und Heavy hitting at the plate by the George (Vera) Rosevear of Laurel; Sunday afternoon when th e Hills- turned in four doubles. agricultural committee» of farm und local players and num erous errors tion. returned home w ith them. Mrs E K (Sara) Reynolds of boro squad travels to Aloha for a *• “ • Miss Helen Tompson, who had by th e V ernonia squad accounted bank organizations ure factors In clash w ith the champions of the *?•’>' „ s 7 2 been staying at the W I. Jones Othello, Wash . and Mrs. Cres (S tel­ first half schedule. Tigard for- ■ y MaeuwwB jmM« ,n W er- for seven runs in the first inning, home picking berries for W. R la) Berg of Usk. Wash The other six in the second, five in the fourth brother. Albert Little, of Enterprise feited to the locals Sunday after- ,ku) Hall ,„ d p »im l«r. U P TO A and five in the sixth. Vernonia Davis, returned to her home in was unable to be present Children noon, giving the home team its ------------------- —— I scored one run in th e first and one Newberg Sunday. und grandchildren of the sisters a t­ seventh consecutive victory Mr and Mrs D A. Otto and i in the ninth. Shattuck connected tending made the total attendance A loss to Aloha Sunday will prob- I j O l l V J l l D I l t l l U a WE CAN HELP YOU for a homer in the second w ith tw o family attended a L utheran picnic forty-three. O thers from this vicin­ ably mean that the locals w ill have . . , at Rippling W aters Sunday ity besides Mrs Brown and Mrs to meet Tualatin in another game A n i l t V C r S a r V ’ M e e t I on. Mr. and Mrs. Litt Hoffman of The league leading Verboort squad OF C A 3 O 1 I N Z w ere Mr and Mrs. B. G. to decide the second half champion- ' Portland visited Mr and Mrs. D. Rosevear McNay and daughters Patricia and ship. This, however, is contingent A nniversary meeting in tht eye- tum bled 6 to 2 before a determ ined A. Otto Sunday. Sherwood team Sunday and now- on T ualatin taking the m easure of ning and a noise tournam ent dur- Jack Brighouse of Newberg and B arbara of Forest Grove. Mr and Mrs le e Brown. F I. and Lillie t h p r w i m d the following week. Gas- ing the afternoon attracted a good hold a narrow half-gam e m argin Fon h a T llie a d l f ^ i e u V ^ e Aug- crowd to the Forest Hills golf club over Forest G rove and Sherwood his sister and niece from Fayette. Brown. George Rosevear and Al­ Idaho, v is ite d Mr and M rs C o r ­ last Wednesday D inner was served i Verboort m eets Amity in a post- den and Velma Rosevear They ust 11 game to Hillsboro nelius Ott l Thursday and Friday 8 p. m on the putting green poned game this Sunday and will 5?ll“ s lJ” ",ursaai made the trip Friday up the Colum ­ You often step on the storter 15 W hole-hearted support of local at north of the club house. have to tu rn in a w in to cinch the ^ t ^ M i u h a H I l l e s t i d o f Port ’ bia river highway to Umutllla fans at the Aloha game is asked by , times a day . . . without your motor »Hi* «lv.v rtin d w a s th p lp a m ip t i t l p H p r h S a h n o w . a c e V e r - i n d M is s J u l i a H i l k s t u r i »1 l i f t Feature of the evening was the I league title Herb Sahnow. aceV er- the Hillsboro squad. A good game land, old friends of Otts. visited then through Pasco, returning Mon­ Your buildings «re a ( really warming up between stops. day through the Goldendale coun­ is on tap and the local team w ants announcem ent th at the Mrs. R. W. I boort hurler. was absent for the them Saturday try and down the Evergreen high­ big investment. Protect Super-Shell can save you up to everybody possible on hand to root W eil-Frank Miller team had de- j Sherw ood game and his place was Mrs. Otlo Given Surprise way. The yield of fall grain was for them. If Hillsboro, enters the feated the Mrs R. I. Mills-B. M taken by Day. them with « film of a cupful of fuel on each cold F ir Grove Ladies' Social club met light in the Othello section and Goodman team 1740 to 1610 in the j Amity served notice on t h e play-off series, the first game will with Mrs Sam Otto Thursday as spring grain would not be cut Lee GOOD l’AINT. »tart. It worms up 5 0 # falter than be set at Aloha August 11. the sec­ point tournam ent. Points w ere giv- , league leaders that Amity-Verboort ordinary gasolines. ond at Hillsboro August 18 and the en during a two-m onths' period for I game would not be a set-up. Amity a surprise and presented her with . jjrow n killed a rattlesnake with a crib quilt for her baby d au g h ter.' rattles. Rubbit hunting and: obtaining new members and partic- piled up 16 hits to score a 12 to 1 third, if necessary, probably’ a ' ipating in various club activities, victory over Carlton Sunday. The Elsie Louise. The club, of which swimming was enjoyed bv the Super-Shell saves gasoline on Inaide or Outside Hillsboro. Otto is a member, had made | young folks •teep hills, too. And on the level T ualatin was forced to 14 innings The w inners w ill be treated to a Newberg team forfeited to Forest Mrs. th e quilt at a meeting at Mrs. i ’ .... ' Grove. Sundav before it could defeat dinner by the losers. run. Try it. Start cutting the cost of Raleigh W hitmore's home July 18 ® . c v v n s . “ ’.’ i1 ,, ! ls c o u s ' n - Short talks w ere given by sev- ------------------------- Laurel 6 to 5 and m aintain its posi­ The A rthur Hill threshing ma- ®ob ' ' *la'na’ of Hillsboro «pent F ig u rativ ely speaking. Sally (your around-town diiv 'g l I I n ,'n n T p i t l K tion one game behind Hillsboro. eral form er presidents of the club | chine began this year's run Monday from W ednesdtty until Saturday at O 'n rlen . above, of Chicago, Is iv n u ia Tualatin led up to the sixth 3 to 0 during the anniversary program *■ u l l t l afternoon at the John Spiering . ,’e Stevens cottage at Oceanside excellent a t flgurea. This s ta te ­ We have a guaran­ and then Laurel pushed over five Past presidents present w ere Mor­ farm at Laurel 1 Xhey wSre the co«»«® «' m ent refers both to her own and , runs on an error and four hits. ris Weil and Carl Miller. Hillsboro; Mr and Mrs D M McInnis a n d ! Oceanside They were painting the to those num erals revealing the < teed quality paint for Tualatin tied the score in the Dick Fendall. Forest Grove; and Farm I ’ nlon K enneth McInnis attended a re- collage until Elbert cut his leg any purpose. splendid m easurem ents which ninth and then scored the winning K ent Price. Portland. (Second H a lf ) union of the McInnis family Sun- '6'hlle trim m ing vines and had to The following m em bers w e r e won fo r th e young lady first ru n in the fourteenth on a single, day at the J A York home at 1 bavc medical attention The wound W L Pet W L Pet p rtie In a city-w ide beauty con- an error, a sacrifice and a single aw arded prizes: Mrs. F ran k Miller Cedar M ill 3 2 6tre) which is taking G astons place, noise tournam ent: Mrs. J. Enschede 9 to 8 in a hard fought game. Ver- Busch's Super Service ty in the evening. were accompanied by their gi and- FARMINGTON C aptain Nelson and Dr. R. I. Mills, both of Forest hoort defeated Kansas City and nosed out W illam ette 7 to 6 Mr and Mrs John Thomas and daughter, Del-auriee Cady, of Hills- suffered head and face injuries In llillsbaro Motor Ce. Banks, also of the W ashington Grove, runners-up for low medal: Carlton downed Buxton. Cedar M ill-Laurel game was a two daughters of Portland visited j boro, who is spending the sum mer an autom obile accident near Hazel- County league, will replace Tigard Mr. and Mrs George Patterson. Coslett's Super Service Forest Grove. Mrs Weil, and Kent th riller from start to finish. C edar Mrs Thomas aunt. Mrs. J. E B laz-' with them Mr and Mrs. William ___ dale July 24. His car was badly for the balance of the season. H olwrge’s Service Station ’K err and tw o children and Mrs j damaged Schedule for this Sunday is as Price, making the most noise in jjjjj took the lead w ith two runs in er. and family Saturday. Rock Creek Service Station Hodson McCormick and L auren gda Matney of Beaverton. The par- \ j r and Mrs. Marlon Boge and follows: Hillsboro at Aloha. North the tournam ent Prizes w ere also the firs, in n ing and then Laurel Plains at Tualatin. Laurel at Wil­ given for high and low scores on came from behind in the seventh Haynes accompanied by Miss M arie!,y was when Jean Teagarden [ Mr and Mrs Frank Tum a of Port- — FOREST GROVE — ! to knot th e score 8-8. Hanson of Fuchs of Newberg went to Ione and her father w ere drow ned in land visited at the Ed Boge home lamette. Orenco at Banks, S her­ each hole. Bailey's Service Stalion July 23. w here they w ere guests o f , the sur( at Seaview , Sunday Mrs. G. A. Cate and Richard Laurel hit safely to score Waibel in wood at Cornelius. Phelps' Service Station tTmU nn Sunday evening dinner p a r ty ' Annual Adams reunion was held R. H. E. Fendall w-on the putting contest the ninth and bring in the w inning T im b lin ---------------------------------------- f ! i that was held after the anniversary run Highway Service Station. Gaston y ± X . J S ^ ‘ests at the E C. Mulloy home at Champocg July 21 Lau rel i / • meeting. , L aurel w ill trav el to Vancouver H arrv French M l» and Me- werc Mr and Mrs Edward Stl,es Mrs J T Andcrson ‘s havln« he Swope and Reber ; Schreiner and Zeig­ Ladies free group lessons will Barrac)jS Sunday to plav the U. S C o ^ i c k r returned“ s u X - Haynes “ d U n ci. Alfred Mulloy o fT u .l- house repainted ler R. H. E. be continued through the month of Army Regim ental team. Regular Mrs Joe Jack is im proving fro m ' W illa m e tte 1® 2 August and w in be_ held at l.30 ieague games will find Buxton at rem ained to help w ith the harvest ann illness. on his aunt’s farm. ’ Mr. and Mrs Marion Boge of her Mr recent N o rth Plains » H 1 p. m. each Wednesday. Mrs William R Withy-; Verboort and K ansas City at Cedar Fox and Davideon : Grogan and Vander- Mr and Mrs Caleb C lark and Portland visited her parents. Mr combe and and son of Gaston visited at Mill. “ Dd” R. H E. son Alma and Mr and Mrs Lesley and Mrs Calvin Whitmore. Sunday the H. H Boge home Saturday. Stannard and daughter Bessie o f’ Mrs Rhoda Cady and son Murl A lo h a ____________________ 16 1» 8 Webster Dalby spent last Tuesday Silverton. Mr and Mrs. A rthur | of Chehalem Mountain visited at Sherwood ....... ............................ — « 5 prices on Hairy Vetch, Austrian I’eas und w ith his parents. Mr. and Mrs S S. Brow n and M cB reen ; Podbielan, j C lark of Beaverton and Miss Ina the George Rosevear home July 24 H Dalby. W in ters and Chrtxtenaen. W estfall. Grain of nil kinds. Mrs. Rosevear resided when a girl Ttrt rxerxizz>rl d a r k of P ortland attended a din- Mr and Mrs John Kanina Jr. Cornelius ~ ~ ----------------------------- ---- 9 9 1 YWdU!) A llip r o v e u ner party at the J. E Blazer home w here Mrs. Cady now lives. Softball Lea»»» O re n c o ........ 0 3 8 and sons are vacationing at the SACK TWINE - HINDER TWINE V a n L o o and Finegan ; G arfield and (B y Mr«. B ird M cCnrm ieto ! Sunday. In the afternoon they made Captain and Mrs A. Johnson of beach this week. 1 Second H a lf ) GRAIN SACKS S taffo rd . W L Pet! w L Pet CHEHALEM MOUNTAIN— The a trip along the top of the moun- Portland and their daughter. Mrs. Mr and Mrs. George Biersdorf 1 2 .888 j road from th e U tu rn by O tto ! tain from the Pleasant View rock Alice Muzzy of Tillamook visited and Mr and Mrs W T Putnam Suda W ’k ! 3 0 1.000 Anrus The last word in seed and Hauling Perm it Issued Ireland« 2 1 .667 Safew ay 1 2 .833 ! O rn d u ffs farm to the Heintz place j quarry, from w here they could see at the F L. Brown home Monday. Jr. and daughters attended the mis­ 2 I .6<7| Guard« Log hauling perm it was issued F airw ay Grain Cleaning. ® 3 •#0® is being widened by Yamhill coun- ' the smoke from the Silverton saw- The Johnsons lived here from 1903 sion festival at Sherwood Sunday Monday to J. A. Lindow & Sons ---------- Soda Works climbed to the top ty A small barn on the Click mill. The visitors w ere delighted till 1915. by the county court The usual rung of the local softball league p'iaCe. above Bill Nobe's farm. ■ w ith this marvelous view but not- FREE D E L IV E R Y Mrs Howard Rice and Miss Marie $1000 bond was required. second-half schedule Tuesday night makes a blind tu rn and several ed the absence of any sign board of Hillsboro visited at the ------------------------ - by defeating Irelands 12 to 8 in trucks have gone over the b a n k 1 at Bald Peak Some tourist came Schmidt We specialize in quality com- the second playing of a protested here It is hoped this hazard can b e : there and asked w here the park Adolph Schmidt home Sunday. A. Lincoln Y o u n r et ux to Mr and Mrs W alter Schmidt vis­ G ra n irr No. 339. Tract In Jamea M cGill m ercial p rin tin g —Argus. tf game. The Soda Works took an rem oved. Ray Newby and F r a n k ! was. P L. C. 66. ited her grandm other. Mrs. Kincaid, early lead and staved off a last g^e are running the tracto r and Miller» of Quality Fred» M ountain Top people camped at H a rry H Schult et ux to J. A <’«»rne*. inning rally by Irelands. The vie- grader on this job and Elm er Whit- Jennings Lodge and attending the of C orbett Sunday. Hlllsbaro W srrhouse—Oregon E lrctrir Depot Phone IM I Daily T rip , to Portland I/<>ta I and 2 Block 3 Nkh«4a Addition. tory gives the Soda Works a clean more and Fred M attem are doing Evangelical church camp meeting Sidney Rothstrom and family Garden Home. Bethany Store—Phone Hlllaboro 1R4 Hillsboro Auto Freight record for the second half and the slashing are Ernestine and Helen Mae Gun went to Toledo Monday for an In- M a rie H indm an et ux to I.ew i« fl. Bonded and Insured Carrier drops Irelands into a tie w ith Fair- ’ Mr and Mrs o tto O rnduff and th er and Vivian Zeigler, who went definite stay, while he is employed po in ter. 16.93 acre« T1S I ll W Serving Beaverton. Aloha, Reed- way for second place. | son Robert visited Mr and Mrs. Ju ly 24. and Mrs. E. I. H avem an1 there. His mother. Mrs Mary Roth- A n na V io let Ba tea W alt« et al to R-taa rille, Hillsboro. Cornelius and joined them Sunday. They will rc- strom of Portland, is staying at the J. Bate«. 10 arrea Section I T l S B lW ’ . Ireland trounced the faltering Oscar Hagg at Reedville Sunday. Haro ld Kam|»etin to H a rtv l« An iler- Forest Grove National Guardsm en 23 to 9 Thurs- j Russell Rodges, who is w orking main until Saturday. Mr and Mrs : home here while the family is ab- aon. Lota 14. 15 and 16 Block I Garden day evening. The hardw are team at Laurelwood. was home last week Ernest G unther and sons Mrs. H sent. Pickup and Delivery Service a t Home piled up a big advantage in th e from Wednesday till Friday, Tykeson and children. Iva Mae House guests of Miss Irene Stev- M a ria n n a Schmid et al to Franria J Package Rates initial innings of the game and it I Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ego and fam- S tew art and George Zeigler attend- ens from Tuesday until Thursday S ta tte r et ux. p a rt Section 11 and 14 Hillsboro Phone 542 T lS I t lW was not until th e final fram e t h a t , ily attended the cam p m eeting at cd the meeting Sunday. were the Misses Laura Ahlstrom East Side Terminal Portland W Connell (S h eriff» to Rdward the G uards got under w ay and Jennings Lodge Sunday, Mrs. Iva G S tew art entertained and M ildred Merz of Portland By J part B h x li 1 N o rth Hiltoboro Acre« Phone EAst 9131 scored six of th eir nine tallies. ! Work has been resum ed on the yilth 2. dlJ2neA Sunda/ ! ? r.,Mr aPd M i» Merz and Irene went to Seat- Ixm h I. Cox to Geortre C. <’hri«tian> will never harm the homes Soda Works came through w ith 1 new house on th e C arl Wohlschleg- Mrs. T. M Major of McMinnville tie S aturday to spend a week or *en et ux. 2 acre« T l S H lW . E tta Koontx et e ir to Fred Sewell et : and buildings made of our an 11 to 9 victory over the Argus el farm on top of the m ountain and Mr and Mrs. A lbert Beckman ten days w ith the latter’s aunt. Mrs al. 4'» acrea Section 2 T 3 N R3W . squad. The w inners took an early C arl Hanson of G arden Home and and fam ily of Woodburn. Clifton Bagley. O tho C H a rt et ux to (»rare K. H«»hha. ( Concrete Building Tile. They lead and held an 11 to 5 advantage Jim Herd of Scholls, who have been . Mrs. J. L. Lawrence and daugh- M r s . Raleigh Whitmore a n d 1 acre A n th o n y W . H a r t claim 60 T lS i improve with age and the at the start of the last h alf of the building G lenn M iller's barn, a r e ; ter Thelm a of Tillamook visited Gas Pains and Indigestion victims, R1W M u ra Belle B aker Seara et al to first and only cost is within I Mrs. L aw rence’s sister, Mrs. Rufus daughters Irene and Elaine and w hy suffer? For quick relief from sixth. The P rinters scored one ru n the carpenters. of the trees in [ Ornduff. and family from Saturday her mother, Mrs. E. Haveman and (ieo rye E. Bauman et ux. 3 46 acraa S 6 ’your reach. stomach distress due to excess acid. in the sixth and three in the ninth. About one th ird We try to be T l S R3W Amos W atkins and daughter Jean Safew ay finished strong in its Elery McDougal’s young apricot till Wednesday. They w ere on their get a free sample of the Udga E. J. Maaon et ux to Oacar H. Zey-« honest and we make an hon­ are attending camp meeting at Treatm ent, a doctor's prescription game w ith Fairway, but was un orchard have died. According t o , way home from a visit w ith rela- et ux. part L o t 10 Kinneaawood Acre- Jenning's Lodge Mr and Mrs. H er­ are. est product. a t the Hillsboro Pharm acy.—Adv. able to overcome th e 6 to 0 lead O. S. C., w here sam ples of the dead j tives at Pendleton, man W hitmore and daughter and M a ry E. Ilp p en kam p to P. M a ry a ret trees w ere sent, it is afflicted w ith Mr. and Mrs. J. E Blazer visited of Fairw ay, losing out 6 to 4. All Raleigh W hitmore attended the I, i>»rt Utoek 7, Hillsboro. of th e Safeway tallies came in the several kinds of blight, in c lu d in g ' th eir daughter. Mrs. H arry Cook, Brotherhood . W E I /E A L IN R E A L E S T A T E banquet there Monday Frank T. Cooks et us to tlo w n n i F. the California blight. j and fam ily at West Linn Friday. e v e n i n o sixth and seventh innings. ! Sltim m s et us. » 60 srres < tietislem W r ite _ __®’ _ a • • _zi j . M ountain Orchard«. G lenn M iller retu rn ed home from | A granddaughter. Carol Cook, re- Schedule of games for tonight F ire and A atum obile Insurance C. W Brown of Portland was at | T B Edward, et ux to B A . K iik« tu rn ed home w ith them for a few the coast Saturday w here he had 'T hursday) is as follows: Irelands M ake Loans and Isane Surety Bonds the F. L. Brown home for a week et ux. Lot 3H. 39. 44 Block 13 Garden vs. Fairway, north Ju n io r high d ia­ gone to take his aunt home, who w eek's visit. Hlllaboro. KURATLI & WISMER Miss Ann O rnduff and a friend I S,arlnX ^°,r P*ace while the fam- T ract«. mond: Soda Works vs. National had been visiting him for the past I^m iae Rlorden to Edna M ay Riordan, H IL L S B O R O . O R E G O N ^ a s m Washington His grand- part Block 4 Naylor*« Addition, Eoreat North of Cannery, across W. W ashington St., Phone 1341 Guards. Hilhi field; and S afew ay , two weeks. His little daughter, Miss Louise Kalisch, both of the Telephone 1381 123« Second St. vs. Argus, south Ju n io r high dia- [ Glenas retu rn ed home w ith him. St. Vincent hospital staff, spent j ®on Dickie Brown was with him a Grove. E. R. F'iahhurn et ux to Hilaa G. W in k ­ Friday night w ith the form er’s par-1 ‘c* da5!’ . mond. Mrs. M iller is at Newport. Lota In Garden Home. ents, Mr. and Mrs. P eter O rnduff T hreshing was started Monday ler M et W ux. PenninKton ------------------------- Buy M aynard Place et ux to Oacar W . O ur classified columns may have Mr. and Mrs A lfred H utchens They w ent to Tim ber Saturday | morning on the John Speiring N ordell. 6 acre« Section 36 T2S R lW . II K. P h ilp o tt et ux to Jaaper S just w hat you are looking for— has bought the J. A. M aynard 13 and rem ained until Sunday evening place hy A D. Hill Ed Boge of Farm ington was In this vicinity a H a ll et ux. p a rt 1 / 4 12 Block 1 Gaat<»n. Read them. tf acres on top of the mountain. They w ith the latter ’s parents. i. W Connell (S h e r iff) to Bert C. Miss M arjorie Lewis of Newberg ^cw days also. Reports on yield of H auen, and th eir children are camping Lot 6 Block I H u n t Club Tract«. th ere but will move up after they has been substituting as teacher of grain have not been received at J W Connell (S h eriff» t<, G. M ary have harvested the peaches and the high school age class at Moun- i this w riting, except S. E Stoller's Pynn, Lota 6, 6. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. 14. garden on the farm they have re n t­ tain Top Sunday school while the I wheat, which averaged 55 bushels 15. 1« V a lley Viata. T. H . Llttlehalea (A d m .) to A R W a l­ regular teacher, Miss Mazie B urt (Pcr a c r e . ________ __ ed on Ribbon ridge. lace et ux, S 1^ of Ix jt 4 Block 27 Forest Hoffmans E ntertain is away on a m onth's vacation. I. . .. . ' ' ‘7" . . Grove. Mrs. Mary Wood and Clarence birthday surprise party honoring Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Hoffman en ­ Ida B randt to Springbrook Packing Co., tertained th eir crew of berry pick­ Wood visited Mr. and Mrs. Clar Jarncs Rach|n at PorUand Saturday Lota 1 and 2 Block 6 Fpler'a Addition, evening. They rem ained until Sun- Sherwood. ers at the close of the season ence O rnduff at Laurel Sunday. George Felea et ux to W alter H. H ll- Mr. and Mrs Otto O rnduff and I day iYen‘n« O th" «uestH Y*re Mur T hursday afternoon w ith ice cream p a rt o f A. W. H a rt I). L . C. Sec­ son Robert and Misses Wanda Fini and “ ra ° “ ar Ha“ „and da\!«h- l»era, and wafers. About 25 attended. tion 11 T 1 8 R lW . Reedville and Mr. and Mrs Ida M W oodworth to John A. Strouae, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wohlschlegel of gan and Nadyne Wohlschlegel vis- ‘cr p a rt of M ik e Moore claim T l S R2W . Scholls visited the Finigan home ited th eir grandm other, Mrs Clara ’Tom bhuck ,,f Hillsboro, Ju ly 24. i Wohlschlegel. Friday. She has been Mr. and Mrs. Mervin W hitmore! ill but is im proving at the L. I and Leonard and W alter W hitmore Hulit home in Newberg. Q ____ _____ __ _______________ __ • WW Good at Figures Farmers of State Local Face Crucial Qame Sunday Keep Farm Record Roy Takes First Bears Defeat Sunset Squad Game in County Retains Lead __ Loop Title Series a, d llh Hillfk Save Money CUPFUL SAVED! PAINT Tied for Loop Lead SUPJKR- Farmington Man Hurt in Accident BRISTOL S hell HARDWARE CO M PANY Will Pay Top Market Soda Works Leaders Chehalem Having Local Softball Loop Real Estate Transfers E. B. Anderson & Son Fire, Flood, Storm and Decay REITER âüâ HOMES*: STOMACH ULCERS Hillsboro Concrete Brick & Tile Co. "Keep Your Credit Good” le ft lo r th e b e a c h rem ained until T h u rs d a y Monday and! L T d ic t io n a r y P U B L IC sa y s: Prescription “A physician’s formula for compounding and adm inistering a m edi­ cine.” Your physician’s pres­ cription receives t h e most cautious attention hy our pharmacal ex­ perts. K RA M ILN S Palm Drug Store Prescription Druggists Phone 266 Have You Tried Green S p o t O RANGEADE? It’s the popular hot- weather drink! % pt. 5c Qt. 15c G allon 55c Call 4RX1 and have a bottle delivered tonight! FIR GROVE DAIRY Grade A MILK and CREAM Phone 4RX1 IS F in ig a n . M iss W an d a F in i- evening. ’ gan and Stanley Shuck attended a SALE I Will Sell at Public Sale on Tuesday, August 6th at 1 P. M. on the late Christ Grand farm, 1 mile north of West Union, the following personal prop­ erty: One horse, 65 hens, 30 pullets, 25 chicks, wagon and rack, mower, hay rake, 14-inch plow, garden plow, harrow, cultivator, set harness, hay­ fork with rope, three 10-gallon milk cans, 7 tons hay, kitchen cabinet, sewing machine, Brunswick phonograph, box heater, lot of household furni­ ture, some barnyard fertilizer, and all small tools usually found on a farm. TERMS: CASH. MRS. CHRIST GRAND, Owner II. A. KURATLI, Auctioneer. We are headquarters for Binder Twine, Grain Bags, and Sacking Twine. We are cash buyers of Wheat, Oats, Barley, Hairy Vetch, Common Vetch, Hungarian Vetch and Clover Seeds. GRAIN BAGS Good Oat Sacks— E a c h ............................................. No. 1 Second Wheat Sacks— Each .............................................. 5 ic 7c BINDER TW INE 500 feet to pound— $ ^ .0 0 Bale .............................................. 650 feet to pound— $ ^ .0 0 Bale ............................ We will also have a limited amount of storage room for all grains. Tf you desire to store your grain kindly let us know at once. "Don’t Be a Credit Cast-away!” CREDIT is more than a mittler of money. It is mat­ ter of character. Good credit, is a progressive asset. Poor credit is a progressive handicap. What is more forlorn than the man without credit—the man who has been trusted by his fellows and has flunked that trust? By the same reasoning, what is more beneficial than good credit? The man with good credit looks to the future unafraid. Opportunities are his. Credit, his advantage. The man alert to his own interest__pays up and keepB his credit good! Pay Cash and Save — Trade with Imperial Imperial Feed & Grain Co. Phone 01 Millers of Quality Feeds Houth Second Ave. PIONEER SERVICE COM PANY State Office Eugene, Oregon W atch for (he Liets with Accounts For Sale!