Thursday, August 1, l'J.'tf» H IL L S B O R O Group» Reunion of Lilly Clan in Patriotic Annual Picnic Held Rippling Waters About 200 Spanish Amerieun War veterans from McMinnville, Port land und Hlllaboro Camps, with their families, met In unnuul pic- I nlc Sunday In Dunculf Grove, Annual reunlun ui tiu- I,Illy dim In-luw, Mm Daniel Ernrlck, w rit ] south of Cornelius Scout Young of Oratfun was held Sunday ut ten from Ardmure, Okluhumu, I n 1 drum corps was in attendance; u Rippling W aters Fnlluwlng u boun­ which she states, "Imagine my sur ] bountiful picnic dinner wus served tiful basket lunch at noon u (hurt prise to find Royal Auric cherries und ruces und other contests for program was given with D. O. packed by Buy Muling cornpuny In ' prizes helped to m ake the picnic Lilly, president of tho clan, as Hillsboro In the little grocery store j a success. m aster of cerem onies Virgil Lilly, next door I notice thut many gro- D epartm ent Commander Jam es reseurch professor ut the University eery stores In the vurlous to w n s' Beach, Senior Vice Hugh Rogers of Wind Virginia, wuu the multi we are In sell Jams made from I J r Vice Sum Hansen, Inspector E speaker He (poke of the history Oregon loganberries und young I It Leedle, A djutant Jam es McCar- and trudlllona of the Lilly d u n In borrlea, and they are delicious. 11 ron, Surgeon Dr. Hamilton, were West Virginia, w here the Oregon Insulted people In Louisiana by tell-j departm ent officer« In attendance, elan orlginuted Italelgh Lilly und lug them thut their straw berries ' and the Auxiliary departm ent wus Mr*. Louranh I Id lord of Lou A n­ didn’t have the fluvor of Oregon ' represented by the junior vice pres- geles. und Nicholas Guughon at herrles, anil they don't They raise j Ident, Irene Cambell, of Portland, Vancouver. W ush. ulso gave tulku a few red pie cherries here In O k -] Past departm ent commanders pres- G ultur music wua furnished by llu- luhomu, but most other fruits are ] «nt were Hubert Cambell und Les- vld lllnes und Lyle Wolford i «hipped in. We have not seen any , He Hale of Portland Present of the relatives were Mr Hoyul Anne cherries since we huve j _____ and Mr» H erb Taylor and family, been in this south country.” Mr Have Family Reunion— Mi and Mrs P eter Jacobsen und Ernrlck works for un oil company Mr ....j m .. WmkVe^and fl’m l i r ^ i i ’''De’l’ilhte “'i l l U* V,!l1 ,hruU“ h lhe *°Uth “nd “nd I-X»«»« Mrs Winifred Selfridge. Lilly Mr and ‘¿ r . P .o i’'. 1^ 1“ '*** Selfridge and son of Cor-’ Paul Lilly, ,, TTT ~ “ 77“? ! nelius und Mrs Edith Gudge and Mr uml Mrs. E. VuiiMnrkel, Mrs Mr and M rs^ J It Holwegc and son of Portland spent the week-end Edith Heisler and (wo daughters, Mr. and Mrs George Hollis drove at a family reunion gathering at all of Purtlund, Mr. a n d Mrs to DeLake Saturday evening to nt- the home of Mr und Mrs. C harles Itulelgh U lly and daughter El mu end the regetta. and later to De Witcher of Tillumuok Mr. und Mrs Belle and Mrs. Lourunie Dellord, Poe Buy They spent Sunday at C. H. Whalley and daughter of ARGUS. H IL L S B O R O , O R E G O N l eddy G ardner to ¡Miss Bean Weds H ead S ta m p Club; Urville Reynolds _ . z-n s Miss Ella Bean, eldest d Plan a N ew Class A n n u a l Picnic of Miss Huff Weds 4-H Club People Wendell Schutt S u n d a y A ttr a c ts M P S E Z »“ ' 2 Good Time Dance At Grange hall every Saturday night. Georgia Hess orchestra. Ad­ mission 25c 21tf h X ™ ..... „ Big „ „ „ (»Id , Time v- Dance , — — and Mrs. J. C Reynolds of Moun- -------- Schutt of Molalla was solemnized Walker’s orchestra Virboort. Provisional officers of the Stam p taindaie. w ere m arried Friday eve- Two hundred 4-H club members ,u ly 21 in the Beaverton Bethel - — _______ _ d M « , U,r!d n U|“der lhC loca! lb?V M the C hristian church, with leaders and their families enjoyed Congregational church. Rev. Charles ------------------ — playground project, were named Rev R L. Putnam perform ing the the annual Washington county 4 -H ' F. Clark read the m arriage 1 ---------------------------------- Tuesday us follows Teddy G ardner, ring ceremony, J«*y. i ; picnic nirnlp at Ralm Civ,.*,.. at Balm Grove Sunday. u H i Th„ k - ia . i. .u . HARRISON 0. HUGGINS president; Richardson, vlce- i t i h S tuart i ./-.i. i. The brld« w»» «*ven in m arriage C. Seymour, state club leader, and M "d u , Pt h wd?»Ugi te r . u < president; Her’bert Christensen sec by her uncle, Fred Vining machln- C D. Minton, president of t h e W. F . Hu" ’ * or the D. retary , and Philip Corwtn, trees- 1st', mate aboard the U S. S Call- Washington county fair board, were 7f ,h ! T o»?',, £r "Y EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT urer «nd historian /„m la She wore a gown of white special guests and principal speak - 1 m ? 7 ? ¿ tW SPECIALIST Other hobby clubs are to be or- taffeta and veil, and carried an ers , ¡j. . « m e m b e r of the ganlzed in the near future A girls arm bouquet of roses and gladioli Ball games in the m om lna were laSa ‘.h“«?1“ " 8 1staf,.„at M° GLASHKA FITTED tum bling class is under considers Her cousins, Misses Violet H arris, featured by the annual til? between their home P*e wi 11 m ak' tlon and if sufficient Interest IsIL eora Williams, a n d Gwendolyn cJub members "nJ? local lead??? Moam > shown activity will be started soon Dumas, were bridesmaid», and wore The afternoon was devoted lanzelv r h . n . . C«mai«rriaJ N ational Bank Annoa The class will meet at Peter Bos frocks of pink, blue and orchid to sporS "S d s w t a r X g “ ! Phon« cow school Wednesday m ornings at organdy. Mis» Vida Bean, sister of A . «•« I Y- * W A uxiliary will hold a Hours Rooidonca 2972 10 Tum bling and pyram id build- the bride, was maid of honor, and Nmon* J i i t events social meeting at the V. F W hall 9 .90 a. m. to 12 m. O f fio» 2971 1 20 p. m to p. m. ing will lx? taught by an experi- wore green organdy. L ittle H a z e l’ tug-of-war. j T hursday evening, August 15, in- enced teacher No personal equip Bean, flower girl, also wore a green ><4V throw ing contest for the older stead of tonight «Thursday). meni aside from regular gymn organdy frock. ** and sack races for the young- ; — ---------------------------------------- clothes will be neceosary. Girls Eugene Mast was best man for and W atermeIonsand taU W g ............. " P '-r t to Miss Dor Mr it,y r ,.d d s 'a n d Iterry" Dumas, i I'll m em b er? w hi? ^om M' ' ' t '" 1 othy Boy on the grounds next Wed- Jam es and Fred Bean were ushers. eve^U. compete 1 I T nesday morning. ” nt of Rth ” ‘‘bride?f sTni“ ! Gvoo»i John Staehle of Rock Creek play- cS solo, accompanied by Miss Mildred “ veral ‘rum P«t *<1« ’ during the j g | 1 James. Mrs. H arris also played plCnlC p r°8ram ° Lohengrin's wedding march, ac- i M . m -. i W I M Three Linkers Meet at Grove Assembly Head I I I Washington County T hree Link on vk»Un. association met Friday evening at The church was beautifully dec- V i s i t i n C T L o d t Z e S Forest Grove. Hillsboro people at- ] orated w ith lighted candles and | ■ _ 6 _ ® at Mrs. Cora E. Heaton, Rebekah ■ tending were Mr. and Mrs E I. flowers. Mrs. Fred Vining had Assembly president, returned home McCormick. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph charge of the decoration. Mohr, C. C. Bannister, Mrs. How- After a short trip to the coast Sunday after a week spent in Linn ell, Mrs George Selfridge, J. N the couple will make their home and Dane counties visiting Rebekah Wiley and children, and Miss Kath- at Mountaindale, w here Mr Key- lodges. Today (Thursday) M r s | b i ’owe ‘si |5 mplOyed W‘th B uckley' Heaton w ill pay an official visit to the Rebekah lodge at Monmouth * y d - plano »election on the - wc mills and Friday w ill visit Sterling Re­ KVY?!?* B e iw rt? n* meetin8 wil1 **' bekah lodge in Portland. e d ln ,R averton i | I Mack r °?irr,l a " ? " 1 Vr,;V“ : . Ml Of Al Craven ut Newberg I VUIte Her, and Mm. Herb Kyle and d au g h ter,1 -- “ Monday afternoon Mr Craven w us' Dailey, form er Hillsboro Jew ell; Virgil Lilly, Morgantown, one of the first acquaintances made resident und now of Newport, was West Virginia; Fred Lilly a n d by the Heatons upon their arrival «’ere Saturday ufternoort on his way Jam es DeLlHIs, Tillamook; Mr and In Oregon 40 years ago i to Laurel to vlult hi» mother, M r i , Mrs. Fred Wolford and four ch il­ ! C allie Dailey. He 1» working on Mr and Mrs Horace Bell of O re -,,, CARD OF THANKS dren, Bunks, Mr and Mrs II S new const , bridge there and A W Hoffman and A. H. Busch M p p t a t C h i t n f l n r s gon Clly und Mrs William S tro h -' Lilly und family, Gaston; Mr und meycr of Multnomah visited Mr We wish to express our apprecia­ ,rs are haX,n5 having '° con- °v•'« Mrs Albert Hurtrumpf anil g |on at Newport. Sunday. ] chiefs are also invited. Phoenicia Mrs Nornuin Lilly und ttwee duugh- Robert Hurtrumpf J r made the Ml CARD OF THANKS Miss Eleanor Bcchen of Bend TcmP1le officers w ill be guests and ters, Mr und Mrs Mutt Hines and Hood loop trip Tuesduy. The wild ,' ,n r Berries Shown— John and Haarby Bechen of Klarn- sl»ecial entertainm ent w ill be pro- We wish to thank our friends son, Ruseua, Melvin und J a c k Bowers were especially beautiful Youngbcrries of e x tr a o rd in a ry ath Falls, und Mr. and Mrs. H. I Vlded ,5?rs J * oraIlce Reynolds will for the sym pathy extended us in I’helps, Mrs. Troy lllnes und two according to Mrs Otto Hurtrumpf size were brought Into the Argus Braman and children of Tacomu, asslst Mrs Chantler. the recent death of our son and Children. Mr and Mrs Tom Hines Joybellc Johnson of .Seattle, «Dice lust w w k by Frunk Rowell Wash , spent the week-end at the brother, Lester Mailer.—Mrs. Cas- and daughter, Mr and Mrs Leon W ash. Is visiting this week w ith ]0* Scholls Marigolds with tw o or J. C. Bechen homc. Mrs. Braman Mrs. VanMoock Honored— Hines, Mr und Mrs. Churles Hun- her uunt, Mrs. D. B Weintz Mrs Biree blossoms and stems grown Mrs Kenneth Biersdorf of near Maller, wife; H. J„ C. C. and R. ley, Mr und Mrs Ted llunley and Peter Johnson, who bus been with were brought in by Putri- and the children rem ained for a vla11 Schefflin entertained Tuesday eve- E. M ailer and families tw o daughters, all of Gales Creek her son in Pennuwawa, Wash., re-1ciu Kroeger. Both are displayed In Mr and Mrs. T. C. Hamilton are ning with a farew ell party for her In addition to this num ber there turned to Hillsboro ,be Argus window. Lost articles w ere eighteen friends p r e s e n t &jr and Mrs C. W H ergert at_ IUl !he w‘f,d°w include gloves, keys, planning to move back to New- sister. Mrs N atalia VanMoock. who , i and a child's cap. Oral G ardner berg this week and the P. C. Ham- is leaving Friday for Coronado, among whom w ere Oliver a n tl tefuled Nlcholaa Oaughen of Vancouver. | « 1 , ^ X n « ° S u m fj; *;tU,,!ht ln “ lar«c cluater °* «*- ilton fam ily will move into the C a l, to make her home w ith her house they vacate, while their own brother, Robert Hilbert. A b o u t W ash. who w ere among the early duy „ the Dllvld Scherubk. homc ‘ b crt’ will undergo some repairs and re- tw enty guests w ere present. Mrs settlers at G ales Creek and at at Vancouver, Wush. Guild Meets Tuesday— modeling. George Biersdorf and Mrs. Gordon tended school there with several Mr and Mrs E C. C rouder spent J Woman’s Missionary Guild of ..... and Mrs C. n A. H arder re- Mr. assisted the hostess. uf the older m em bers ot the Lilly last week at Dvluike und Ocean the M E church will meet Tues-1 turned“sa tu rd a y from s e v e ra l days clan. Iuike with their duughter A n d ] day at 2 p m with Mrs. C harles ] vacation trip to Roseburg, w here Californians Visit— Guests of Mrs Mary Hill Sunday grandson, Mrs Gladys Murrow u n d ' Reed. Mrs Bessie Baker will assist they lived 18 years ago. They re- son Jack of Portland. 'h e hostess Mrs Lucy Holcomb will turned the coast route visiting the were Mrs. Ferdinand Schum ann- Heink and daughter Jeanne of Dr und Mrs W B Chandlee of devotions and Mrs William i beaches along the way. Hollywood. Cal., Mr. and Mrs. H Scholls were called to Portland Bucher, Miss Florence Freeman, Miss C hristine Chalm ers sailed X oshTrn a„rt „ i Wednesday murnintf by the fbomag Connell and Mr.< rJ Wednesday from Vancouver, II C r u S S L F red Engeldinger and fam ily rc den death of her mother. Mrs ,M ar>’ Sab"> w‘«l b»ve charge ot i,,r » io aav . r u i s e i i„ i „ s K v a . „ n . ° *srs n z » s ia . ‘ Ridgefield, Wash., and Mr. and i ir a 12 day cruise ln Alaskan w » v n » ,rom “ 18 ? “y Margnret“ 'p h ^ n ix .! .v ------------- . . . members and their Mrs Wa>ne B r° wn‘ng «nd -Hit,I-..- children the program All waters oni the steiimship. Princess 0 ( Aberdeen, Wash M esdam es fonda trip. They were us far south Mr. and Mrs John Hobbs, who frl‘,n» Portland w ith th eir M ". c b a r l« > ML Reed entertained Mr. and Mrs. George Selfridge sev­ *lncc early in February son-in-law and daughter, Mr and ,w , a d in iu r party Sunday fol- eral days last week. since .a n y in r .o r u a r y Mrs M aurice C oturri. lowing church Guests were An unusually small egg laid by Attend Republican Meet— „ „ « «.... «« Mr and Mr,. H arry Williamson of a Rhode Island Red hen was brought Mr. and Mrs. Paul Patterson and c a l . is visiting h e r'so n 'a n d daug'h- P ortland’ ®nd MI.sses Esther and into the Argus office Monday by Edward Sehulm crlch were among ter-in-law Mr and Mrs Edward f orc75e {"re9 1 ’l " I THIJRS 9 9Kx4\kJ - 2 FRI 2\2 - SAT & 2 Th“ C ' - - 23 R I e - LAUGH your V i W eek ay through the MERRIEST OF ALL MYSTEfìjgg I I Local People Back from South a Party and Play Aloha Saturday Hilhi Alumni to Picnic Sunday W oman’s Shop NEW ! Chalk Stripes ’29 s0 ’35°° ’3 9 50 T H E M E N 'S SH O P Notice to Bank Depositors J U S T A R R IV E D — Pillow Cases Golden Wedding Health is the b irthright of youth, but how beauti­ ful it is when retained to extrem e old age. It 1, a rare sight to see a con­ tented, radiant old couple who have gone hand in hand together down the years. T hat mellow old age may enjoy g o o d health, we must follow the advice of our physi­ cians w hile still ln the prim e of youth. A P re s c rip tio n ^ Fills Rxs Carefully at HILLSBORO PHARMACY Phone 311 Z. J. Riggs, Prop. 243 Main St. Hillsboro Stamped ready to be embroidered. .. > NEW DESIGNS R. J . Scearct, M anager Extra fine quality. Pair And 79c pair air 69c The C. C. Store 270 K. Main St. J. H. GARRETT. Prop. Heretofore the charge on Checking Accounts has been based on an average balance of $50, whereas the new charge will be based on a mini­ mum balance of $50 and the number of free checks allowed will be reduced from ten to five for the balance of $50 or under. Customers will find that with the exercise of care in check writing that no increased cost will result from the change. It is made in the interest of better banking and lowering costs of operation. Phone 2801W * HILLSBORO BRANCH * T he FIRST N A TIO N A L BANK OF PORTLAND WWT Qf 1 I SUN - MON - TUES. Continuous Show Sunday — 2 p. m. to 11 p. THEY CAME! THEY SANS! THEY CONQUERED! Last night America's Sing­ ing Sw eethearts in th is rom antic story o f the nation's fighting heroes turned the Strand’s en­ tire audience into one big cheering section! Join the big parade lurching to see them today in Warner Bros.’ All-Ameri. can h it- ■