Page Four H IL L S B O R O Better Times XBWsbortjj^Ar Q u s Willi Which U ('MiklnM thc H ill»hore Independent ■Biabo re A m i «at ah 1K84 H ills bore Independent «atab. 1871 M c K IN K K Y A M c K IN K K Y . P v U ta b e n Thureday. Hntered «a rerend claaa m atter In the p u e tofiire at Hillabono, Oregon Fubllehed sirs VBBNR McKINNKY Edlter O F F IC IA L NKW SPAFKR a c. M c K in n e y Associate Editor OF W A S H IN G T O N CO UNTY Subscription R a l e S tric tly Gash in Advance O uUidc W ashington County W ith in W ashington County S . tier year ...—.... 82.00 Per year 81 80 II Foreign c o u n tr ie s ---- 3.80 Six month« __________ — .88 F ir«t Audited Papar Largeat Auditad Waek- ly C irculation in O re ­ gon. M E M B E R -O rego n State Ed itorial Association and N a tio n al E d ito rial Aaao Utm. T h . Bilteboro A r » u . o . » ™ . no f in .n c i* i rw p o n .ib illty fo r • r m n publuh^J i . ' l u ooium n. but In « h « r. ih i. p .p M Is s t fa u lt wiU rs p rin t th a t p a rt of an ad rartiM rao n t in which iba typographical m iataka oocura. A n lndapandant Nawapapar. whoaa rervirea and poUeia« are baaad on th« principle of tha Golden Rula. - " A n d a« ye would that m«n should do to yon. do ye also to them ltkewue. —8Uttb«w 7:11. _ Help a Good Cause — proving. A r e n ’t * in i- Carnation Milk Products company is » e.,*-».i.., in ' . u , performing a worth » while sem ce in the awarding of the “Calf Manna"' trophy to J .J J c lu b m a k in g th e best H IL L S B O R O , O R EG O N Conflict Between State Rights, Nationalism Before Civil War s h o w in g in all phases of • club activities at the *L fair. i No finer service can be performed than that of stimulating the youth of our coun- try to do their work well, resulting in better citizenship and the desire to im prove. j An organization has been formed in Congratulations are due Robert the county to preserve to posterity the his- more and his father. Dr. J. B. Dinsmore torical collection gathered through many on Robert's appointment to Annapolis, painstaking years by Albert Tozier and This is an honor and achievement of L’ ’ his sister. Mrs. Edith Tozier Weatherred. any boy can well be proud. This collection is coming to Hillsboro threugh the desire of the Toziers, due to their early associations in this county, which was their home and that of their people. This collection is one of the best in Perhaps They Know the country and contains many valuable To those among us who confess we may not relics of our fore- know all the facts w hich ted up to the conviction --------- — . pioneer days, - - when . fathers created their homes in this Virgin of Medford's Banks for the m urder of an officer, it land. Already promises have come from seems strange that men of Oregon who put them - Dioneer families that if the Tozier collec- should !ve.® forwaI d, Ka? Ieaders of law -abiding groups p i u u c c i z o u iiiic o v, . . . . . . , append th eir names to petitions asking Gov- tion was brought to Hillsboro ana proper- ern o r M artin to investigate details of the form er ly housed that many other articles Of his- trial of this cold-blooded m urderer, who is now torical interest would be added. ,h e pentitentiary, beyond the pow er to raise any > 4 are __ being made to house m ore trouble in an leaders Oregon We have Arrangements talked with many of community. the Rogue r[ver this exhibit in the court house, Where It men and women who played no part on either side Will be a more truly county affair and of the controversy which brought violence into a be available to all. This county abounds in historical inter­ est and with the kindly and helpful operation of the Toziers and others will take on the prominence as an Oregon historical center that it rightly deserves. The organization is not limited to the man and Dr. A lbert S laughter Is it to be wondered ----------- that ------ ------------------ . southern v K part r - few pioneers are left or ------------------------ to sons and at . th at G rangers , in the of Oregon. A n u n k ln r . n io n o o r u I f in c lu d e « a ll w h o who are ln a P°sltlon to know th e facts, are now daughters Ol pioneers. It includes aU \ ho denianding the resignation of th e two men from may be interested and that should mean the executive comm ittee of the State Grange, in the everyone desirous of making the county following resolution: "We consider it a_ disgrace to a more Thursday, August I, John Flora. M t »« . F. K alley, » » » - « I l B a rth . A Nhavar. «1». Jennie Y J W illiam M . W illia m ,. I t , ..........- J ; » ' - ! ' / “ • " » > ■- 224 HI,..,....... » 1 ,. M a r , I ........... M l . J < - H . ....., , 6 . I... M ark l i . i l . , , '»raywn Itltfhw - — » ÍT I Fruii I , S t a S l tale e Highw s ay eon, ni tee lun. ' s »t» . j„ ||. V s n S llph .ail »»»; W .airm e, 17 ................... N ä ille <1 wens, |.i Amy 1U. Ueonte T Gan»>a W all M o . Mre J l ‘ W a lrra . I l l l l l . Headei •»•i. • ♦ P a tric k J«««|»h m . , , MU | C la ra Kllaabelh WaeleuM, Ml. J D.uiald, 16 Fraalarlck llrak«bu«h III, Editor's Note One of a .senes of might well be summarized by three c* R u»**ii M organ, d istrict a tto rn e y , sy|«ta Keen. »ft. Anna Wilke«, lift John Schaar, I»' M.«a HI im w , | r , . K c C S W p tw - discussion» on constitutional ques- closely related propositions , K • * ! • . »21 , i G ra n t K nm w ali. m , Jail »«a, M »« S Hohe. | A . 1: I. H u lc h e ru ft, 17 ¿ F rank /.»»la I-' M organ. »1*1 MUN p« II a It »II « X |> , W Miao G ram i Ju ry W itn II Cleveland. |& . Alonao K n lg h l. |r. tions prepared by m em bers of the <1> The denial to the «tutes of . 76c. K urat li a W Ismer. court house Joe Delicti. 88 M a rtin Glana. | h I I h I i I m A n n W i|a,.n a7 of o faculty for new spaper use. any rights as against the constitu *"»’ ♦•‘».;s. cuumy j.,l »„> Issi. ...,,i,iy Archie E l.ockntan, court house osp. l.lo|H>M. M , M a r . A h . . H. I,„ ^ | 8 T Alt« Haiti*» W illiam s, county )sil II. J miiiw Mll«.»n 85 It | | rm M tl}rou« h co-operation of the college tlonal powers of the United States; .7 “*,‘.'„¿‘ mii.f «rm a«. •»P . I I I . Hilldbon» Meat t o . county jail 37. W illia m A (¡»««Iman. |8 . t2> The right of the United State«, r a Twias. juaticN court exp. •a p , 841.18, F J S an«II, county cor­ ¡journalism . Phyatctana A llu a p lla l Supply I n . c*mn. in pursuance of its constitutional eonatabi« fres. |& to It Ubarti Husch. onet'« Inquest fee. W illia m Potw in, de — * 1 into _A . * the 1 A .a 1 I .^..a aa la f » ' e re — t By John T Ganoe) power», to — enter »tatea, C0M* tF . . » L b . u .4 riff’« p . »60; H a rry John* c«a«««l. 3« 2 n . h r G F Via. coronar*« ly boapllal eap. | | | 5 A . W aal Ouaat Tela- physician inqueat f«*e, W illiam I'o tw ln . phona C o . county hiwpltal aap, | lu .mi. The meaning of the constitution regardless of the states’ wishes 1 • b s r l f f « nap. i m . SiHB’ial heput y N h ariffa C o unty Shat deceased. | m . F J Sowell. cor*m«r*« In* “ rv‘iards tht; respective powers of ,;|| The suprem e court «.nt 'not *in is 7 7 , ' ,’ i i i . w T i l m “ X Iff'« Eap M aynard Guy, IMS 7M Al MUwl fee II A llu h b ert, « I oreaa«* I. |8 H enry H*uHt. 1.10 M the •u J e and the federal govern- the states is the final arb iter of M r havis. 32 o m Hummer. treasurer,*». Pr c K Mason. coroner’« physician Ahlgren. |.1J «o ment has not been deduced by what is the sphere of action Of W llln ire tto Valley P lan n in g «amntlaahm, inquest fre. 11 A llu b h ret, deceased, Charlea K tear, 1.1.1 so. Pat hua n a Iin 61; It T h rn a r. »3.1 WO . (¡a ,.rM< Jettnlng. abstract reasoning over the wor- both the federal and state gov ern -1 • lu 0 * M w t n L G raham , do* 81». f j s « w * i i . «kroner*« inquest fee * llnquowt la x foreclosure fund rep . | s u . I.o l. M * i » i u n , .leceeaed, 81»; h r F T 810.17. W W Moody, |S.1 s o . M a rrin ay Each report of the county financial condition is further indication of improved conditions over that . period and . . of two . three years ago when scrip was in cir- dilation to prevent discount rates on coun- iU. tv warrants front going too high. Now the interest rate on warrants has been cut from six to three per cent and instead of increasing the warrant debt in six months time Shows a decrease of >45.089.76. Then s n m o w n n lri < *v t h a t rn n r iitio v w ‘ * A R G U S , ,s •• ° . !•" 111,. V Carlson 'm “ i? - ... . I an exam ination of the Intent of; Kiom 1837 on. while Taney was tr*»ners. Rather, it has been ¡chief Justice, the theories of the 'd eriv ed by a process of rattonaliza- court may be sum m arised in thrice it| on o t political parties and aeon- different *1 ” U lllt I* III | propositions J lt » LH 11 l l ) | l > . d- 11) T h a t s o v e r e ig n t y i n Ih«» I ¡omic interests to justify their post U 11» in ai sosereigniy m the u n ite .1 *>0118 Upon poitical issues of the he States is divided between two een day. ters, the states and the national When the new governm ent went government, neither of w hich is m to effect the conflicting economic “ supreme over the other; (2) The national governm ent is interests still struggled for control »i ?°«v^in* / h *! ’* ieneral w elfare clause was all-inclusive. A liberal interpretation of the constitution would give the governm ent aU thc •spokes- who op- ■iff and ¡Hamilton:s financial* meaTdies ires gen- erally. To him such m easures controversy involved the state and federal government. Taney tended to uphold thc rig h u of ‘s, X s and jim it the powers of the fed- eral governm ent as in the Dred Scott decision; M arshall consis- tently upheld the authority of the national government. Taney regarded the interests of •• * '»"•« .ireulk cuuri: ¿5.,; I K„. k,r7^.m .,;?.-,;i;^U . . . .„«u-! fw M.» ii.rti.m i.r i,.ihtr rirrult .»..rt, M . l- .i. M .t.u u r. , i ....».« i no J, 11 i'si,,'.r.i. bailiff c i m I jury. |s Relief v'!w «l'vuii ««,« m „ lla lla Hertha A rm airoit«. Ili) Irene Luca, county clerk. 3180. * H Altm an, | 6 . W m I I Boulin M r r* .I hiih I u r ...,,,. , i a » .. » l r * i» n i« i» . » » » v it i it iiu t iiiu * M . < » m « « ‘• l t * ‘M »uty county « |«rk 3KH> J« treasurer, . . flu I • Matul «n» W Buacow, ,b. , . . e . l.rn a U elplam h * clerk c u n t y treaaurer. •t»u. Jam «« I I Pavla, county recorder. *tlH‘ ■ Ophelia Wiamer. deputy m uiity r a u - „ m u. 1 £“4,? 70’ * * >1 J w "»unty .h c r if f 1 dr«n. 116 Caiher'in« r »., * *" ”»‘1 ( ^ job. »i»t?o' it.chTr / b "*°kn ¡«undeer». 110, H a ttie l « w i.r , »; &o M n .’¡ftiS: 5 ^ ," * x“ ^ , , M .„ b .i, >->•'- J*»l«« Ms »¿. * i . i » ¿ 70 «¿, j i t " m ,,,„ m m 2ilLTJ?Uwl; wi! ° M*rle ,'“r‘Jr Mr’ M«ry k Neiiaon. 8«; dept «¿ p ' i i n J4 H*“r> Nun. »a. s a e X , , ‘’e.Zl” V X ’ ‘u '' „ X ','? , ^ m . , , V » ' V .’ ' ’.io**? ; w L“ ” r * — X u « " « « . »»“ «“ tn i.k '»¡X M h {ii , ! ' i ,X 'L W,7*l*• '•»«»•'k. no M r. c j v'*'"8.n'.h.'.«. , i ‘: , •» R ."h D a iry . R r lv U b a n . » 4 . 1'»; Mel fridge Brother«, «-«»wrt H.»u«« •» ., «6*- Pltfgly W iggly, relief M m E K G i £ • *•»«. »1 W ile y s grocery, relief Mylei» » 11 111, I o n la tt.l ( la , a r . * a r..n ,|.a ii, “ ■urt a .p » 1 (0 . c u n t , ( ,..,.„ .1 a .|. »1» 70. 1,4.1 »17 10; H I . i . tria l A rc L Im l <*«»nttnlaai«»u, county h i e i * i t * l • M. 318 6J. c .^ r t h.H*se re p 82 i s c i n i y JT**!?’? • B,‘ |UU‘ lion Bakery, rounty Jell e«p ly ho«|.il«| e»P |J , | , F Siiperi«»r Wilk’ Mark««, n-u n ly „w Vettr. »?•/ 2«. roun r e . 1 h*«i»ltal " . •»,. ~h-f J-1.'. I «‘Were gr«>rery. . | | 1« 1 | . Flw yn W ('.■»„ c u„ So sincerciy dld he believe in «»'ernm ent as protecting individual ",u~ »--»inU. »«».to. M r /'i„ 'h „ ': I'.lm « "■i^i^. ’,l i his ideals that, in 17SM he resigned and Private rights; the pow er of X » " “?* “ 'un'’' *«»>“•'. »-aw M r . M . r , ! , . w , , , r . i i . M ary W alker. |& ‘J . 5"r2 ••••Wrt.Hr. »4X90; llotei »« U . hrepll.l M..».p|y U , county Am erican |lru«h 120 «N county hrepltal re p . tr national governm ent ,s found in ,he Virginia and K entucky reso- lutions growing out of t h e o n flict o v e r th e a lie n a n d s e d itio n acts Sedll'° n , statps the final . t h c si, cun l, t c u r r »i w ‘X J , ” ’* ” " or determ ination by dZ 7 re » H X X * C° Urt'. the line ° f '> * rk h ' » l . X i T t dernarcation betw een state and fed !‘ »»■’•• •n-trk-i «.i c(r. e ra act*ons h°d not us yet b e e n 1 ‘ , “ M - 1,r J *' ¿-aw n although federal action had t’™’" «— »»'- ........... • ~ unt, nun». »IM .SO „ M.W‘u L .. „ .« « « » < * «»».»” . . . WI,"*T ,c *rt*ur. a X ft . „ j,, m .jo . A Glaser ltr<« Wsahii..-..,, < nunty N rw a T h n « . teacher«* e i a m « e i (. • i 6( rh e EI-John company, eounty h<. P ilal exp, 8«. 47. W It Coon, c m n ty her»l < «•pertn r. » 4 1 1 0 . W E F ln re r A (*.» Inc . <**>unly school aupt'a re p , 87 State In d u e tria l Accident commiaehwt. |w«*. (Continued *»a page a column 8) Id e al Country Hom « A]*)w *»• »■••••i«« j’"' ’¿ ' u , h,-p<«l »0 68. |>.»hrm«.,n K ..p tt« | r i ,. rtH4h, , A * •«* — rr 23 A.. 15 in cult!., 8 A. young fil­ berts. bnl tim ber w ith creek 5- room modern house, full basement hav programs hundreds history as all benefit of the community. Here in brief was not only the th°?- Vida Goodman, | y , W m (¡ H«««e 86 j rhom a« Hh<»rb. | . John Thomas V an- Dues have been set at 50 cents. Don't chan£e °n the p art of th eir big competitors. resolutions 8 d Kcntucky (Continued fro m page on«) C a rl H Johnson. 88.80; W m I I Jo»» * ",arn* * ** W ilson, f l u . Ham del tles on turnip and k a l e (C L A IM S A L L O W E D FO R M O N T H O F 88.80 ; Eleanor w a it t o b e a^ked to d o v o n r h it 1 e n v o The thought brings to our mind just how far- | - . M u n d o rff, »f. Mabel 88 . M ichael Am ato, |»| ___ |6 . hH- asK ea . ° ° , , y 0 U .r D ir' 17®a \ e sighted small tow n m erchants are in protecting The w ar and th e admission of JULY, i m plants use Calcium Arsen­ 87 . Mrs Isabel Ileal. 37 I Mrl^,«|. »«40; R<„i..l’ph N.taóiìT ’ , I I 1»* B ahlllln» Hi«h«»p. |1 U . Am y L Bruwn. |7 . your dues money With the Argus, E. J . themselves. Recently a radio station was licensed new states were contrary to the „ R . *"crirti'£ »«* Th.miL c ^ 2 ! ’ 8r»,tt. 86.80, M arya ret H W red « 4 . 7 17 ; Th o m a . If Caaey. ||Z . M ary A ahl. 1 * 6 0 . N ye G Hriatol »• ’ ,a r k * 87 •' *»*»»*«• C urry. 37; O liver poisons kill every time. We be available to transport this excellent the a ir is a lready crowded with wesik and trouble- ! ventioL SU whTe8h CL°n' i i IH„ z‘«n >r »" ’« A Muie’h u L ; O ra re U G n^ W rur G allow ay, 88; Akmxo G " arrison ........... - .................................... .. J c o lle c tio n to H illsb o ro and nrovid f. f o r it.. some ones enou8h. The first step in exploiting the ¡ « u ‘ October, js-’J: J H j„hn H .rb. »6.6«; Bun C ro ‘' tn l, »6 « 0 . E W C a rn a­ Madison Ford, 8 6 . F ra n k lin L it (her Fra nei«. 87; can supply you with a spray collection IO MllISDOro and provide for its new station, of course, is to go to the sm all tow n 8 4 il j'Z ’Vrrd' ’.2L” »; ; K ,27- han. »7.40; Floyd E D a ria . »T.»0 j^ C lrd e Jarnoa A Johneon, |7 ; k rancia A lva Jonse. proper care. and induce m erchants to aid in sponsoring pro- The convention held that con- Sl».»S; E C ¿¿7* 88; Ella M Ladd. 37 . Juatln G r if fith for everything. 17 60 • M y rtle F el.h er, »«20 grams. The idea back of it is patent, for only by 1 .|„ w H .h w ,l¿ John Em m ett Parsons, 8 8 . M a r y a m Ann »7 «0; J a a r t H Sen,. ,2 .7 0 . W m F ra n k - flo a rtley. 810; J M Per.«»n«, f i t . J.»hn , ‘he j ud« « of infrac- w A ^ p w i." “» ^ ; 7 k ' w Y . i M athew Kennedy. 88. M ary A rm lnda Un Youny, 86.60. might take take Chari»» ChariM Au»tin, Ai.atm »53.42; e&i . ns, , and the states might John W » i Sfto- * M 11 ¡ÎJS'hLntl*i' «"'"‘E >»n>ltal asp. Sia«, 310; Everett L P a r «on. |6 n le Fred . Heed - Wool and ro n llry w hatever actions w ere deemed nee- os; Art P alm «-. »45.59; Oeor»» Pi»h»r -eons Robinson. 810; M arth a Jan« 1 ... "’f****” ’ f<,un,7 hn«pltal e ip . Telephone 3061 essary to protect its citizens from J74 *5 - Aib»n »22 32; Ed Kelley. ' • • Ellxabath Todd, probation o ffir e r á I ?,UClloW4. ' * officeni* contribution. í ¿ hr“ n*,» , L; Charleo G«8e« W h ite 88; SL“ 1' 1.'ed^ L « ° » v*r 2 T eî i î ; J W * S Ä S Ä T . 7 Peace Fayram . county n u rre exp V ‘»»«n«. »6. Joseph Boyi. 88; Farmers’ Cash Store Large processing interests are making a battle on the Agricultural Adjustment rcoUn^at7nnr ,our m.idst, 11 ** very Administration. They are taking it into g r a m a n d “ id T ’S l e n t ‘tha't w î l i T M v t » c a r C a m e J ° u a n t n d b e , o r e o’ 30' M « » « In D illm an, n “ » « ‘ 0. ' pru b a tl.m *’’^ ^ ^ - ^ ^ ¡7™ ' u « l ,!'.*?•. ! ‘ O " ' , r A h l", r '" " . «’ Ma'rtln N " lb . came of their suggestions. ® Rre» 837 48 m henefiei. 3 7 1 4 1 . ,«*«!»• exp t»»t«i — »20.«6. ... ., ,, . . - Clark. --------- »7 ■ Eiixahe -.Ilia b e lh the courts to test its constitutionality. Ag- duce th eir customers to listen in for Salem ad- anything J 1 1 M i Hanjam ln fr a n k lin D,al- The second political incident was J** *u?***r 818.68; John B e n a fM , »1.69. I . . Witnei Witn«a«oa C ircu it C M r t (K ta la va riculturai interests in many places natural- vertisin<-—Dallas Item izer-O bserver .. --------------------------- „ --------- C’aaeaJ—-O acar Han. ! * i a * mu* 1 *’ «¡Upln. »5. W illiam the attem pted' nullification on the I c**’ <8taU m r t rtf C n n t k . « ’T:. » • • • • * T M A lien, »66 7.7. | , <’ ®3 2O; Cassie York. »7 2«) Thu m ». | Sherman N elheryer, |7 . H enry (' Rchoetir I d u o ia r u S|°U »h C a r o lin a . T h is w a s J2*-*»: Don Butt», » io .ii; S u lllra n , »3.50. j.,h n c Lea ,.121, Mr. ! 7; Harriaon, »5; Hobart d ly take issue with efforts to break down _ ____________ due largely rt to the grow th of pro- ¡f,’llna««'1. » John, »54.»». A l J " hn c >•<». »3 2». ' M' * ,'*n««n. »«; O a o r ^ I , Nnwm an. »12 ! this agency which has been of benefit to a t < >ne 8 M«T * il I j tection as a national policy. ' ” , 7S- A F W arh'ner, C r and J u ry W iln a a .a . A d .lln a C r..v r ' f ',1," “ 7'1 N aw lon E lrr.< ..,,a. ,1 0 ; M ai them as attested by the large vote in this The "Tariff of A bom inations" ? t2 D Aii i , V»nde«oe»erln«. M .1 » . " « £ • » ’ « « ; h u e lll. Oroaanor. »».»0; Hana * “ <■• M * abell« I Would You Scrap It? D assed in I «9« a planche. »«.97; L D alplanrbe. » ' • Paul II™ « ,. »4 J f f t t o r a L n \ 1 h" r " » ■ Don Carina O aUa. , 7 ; ; A Iyer- | county for continuance of the wheat pro­ passed in 1828. affected adversely 79; N M ann. ,i.« > j. j„ h n lb »». »17 45 »<; c J S b lv a l, »440 ........ < L S I . . , N a a d o n Ja.-..k«., t barlaa .» .» a “Four and tw enty tailors w ent to kill a snail t the h e economic e e n n n m .e interests I n , of --------------- -- a e u r . . a . _ . . . . . ................... ™ - I « , . M u r r , y tb ^ a ra . , 6 . L . . l „ . H l « , I . , , , » / , “ «— - w ra .o . , „ -------- . . . ^ - = . . - k - »-W the south, A F W arhnar. » 9 .7 *. / c ' R u ^ . ’ i l ': » '; ; 1- ' * " “ gram. They attack tariffs for manufactur­ The bravest man amongst them durst not and as a consequence an ordinance E W Liverm ore. 174.08, (itw.rge ««her* fin . »4 8 0 . M r . M aym a A lfo rd , «5 lb ,b -I ? ?'w . , , ' nr)' ’ ’»■''■'n. ,« ; A m alia A P a rk in , 1929 Plymouth Coach. Good ers, holding that if through breakdown of touch his tail.” a rt SimpMon. »3 2 0 . G aoraa F Gordon i f " J ~ o E rta .il» ,, , Ada Nal- lin y . 364^83; Fred Barnum . 318.06; F ra n k I oim paon. »3 2 0 . Gaore« E Gordon 7” n ' - of nullification was passed by a » •rv in , »44 .84; W Hany, »44.64 . (>eor«* > S .M ; O tto W ohlauf. »4.40. mechanical ' I M M«HL»berta. »44 - I O reyon-W ashington W a te r Service Co W a,,Ä r*- * 7 <«randville Harvey Deal; those who w ill not have any say and are ber, 1832. ket they should be able to buy in the open not likely to cut any figure politically. T here has ? i: ll« .7 4 ; L I I Sm ith. » 6 .- | *>‘» » a aap (34.66. rallat Ethai T r" * k ' J 7' H - * * a a t <■ Kaatman, »10; 8 5 . A n n ie K ilta Jonea, |ft ■ During the controversy, 1828 to market. not y et come forw ard one front ranking man in 1833, the W ebster-Hayne debate ■‘ V r . r c Ä 1926 O a klan d A Stable, prosperous and contented the political arena who positively states th at he is took place. This was notable in Kelot ua I>owna, |7 ; Coach agriculture and on a parity with other g° ing t0 the P ^ P 'e on th e platform th at he will that for the first tim e the compact George M o rtlm u r theory of the constitution was chal­ — - - — W illia m M arants, • uwu. priNtaiinn orrirer industry is necessary for the welfare of w,pe the slate cIean' furd. »2.79, Ban Dlckay. »9.0«; R Ttiom p- • ¿‘ n *" H H u irh lw .n , , 5 ; M ary H olt. axp »33.30, O A P exp »10.0». relief T here are few higher ranking men in the n a­ lenged by a definitely national •on, »13.96; R Nelann. »45 23 . T tm r »5 . Meiiaaa Kay Richard. | 5 ; H a ttie G 1926 Dodge the country. tion than Oregon's own Senator McNary. Not alone philosophy. m Uef J h The C C Kem per, »27.01 ; Fran k Duyck, »22 72 USED CARS h * t o * » 4 is t e * n« e a e a A te .^ * » •» _ V ■ »1 rtaw*< Mavaari aa or •<» K» aaa a I CT» . • <■> , . . k . iw > a p ,l Mmaeataaaa fc*l M* ‘185 •60 bn The time la ripe for an alliance of all forces In­ te n t upon recovery: Business and banking, agricul­ ture arid industry, labor and capital. W hat an all- American team th a t is."—President Roosevelt. v r IIteen Years Ago Argus, July 22, 1020—Earl Stauss 6-year-old son of Henry Stauss trf Shady Brook, died Tuesday as the result of a horse dragging the lad nearly a qu arter of a mile. Percy Long has dism antled the old wooden building between his store and the Lamkin brick, and w ill soon start his new building. Movement started by Hillsboro and Forest Grove medical men for erection of a county hospital at C ornelius on eight acres donated by the city. C. C. Haynes elected by Scout Harrington camp, United Spanish War Veterans, as delegate to na- tional meeting In St. Louis. Garfield G arthofner is altem ate. O thers planning to go from here are Dr. L. W. Hyde, national surgeon-general, and Lou Shirley. Dr. L. W. Hyde Installed as chancellor com- m ander K nights of Pythias lodge. " N athan Weil, head of the Weil's D epartm ent store, starts east on buying trip. Thirty Years Ago Argus, July 27, 1905 Tompkins Brothers of Glen- coe preparing to ship two thousand pieces of cedar piling to C alifornia and Southern Oregon points All rig h t of way for the Portland Nehalem & Tillam ook railroad has been secured as far as Banks and contract for clearing has been let. C ontracts for bridge Umbers and ties also let. L. V Trullinger and B lshup B rothers w ith mills at Glencoe and Loui« Carsten» of M anning also given contracts for bridge Umbers and tie». Isaac A llen of Reedville robbed of »1145 V erne McKinney, 7-yeer-old son of Mrs. E. C. M cK inney of the Argua. fell from a picket fence F riday and sustained an arm fractu re Alec Chalm er» of n o rth of tow n will be elected captain of the S tanford football team when he re- tu rn s to school thia year. The S tanford coach says C halm ers is the best halfback th a t Stanford ever had on its team in his party, but in th e nation. He has not told the nation th at th e whole new deal policies are v/rong. A few days ago he w ired G overnor M artin that he was in favor and would w ork and vote for the processing taxes to m aintain the agricultural -•idjustment program. Most of th e balance of the New Deal program is not distasteful to Senator McNary and it is doubtful th at he Is going to tell the country that the president’s plans are wrong. Senator Borah, white hope of the republican party, out-socialists the president on v ital policies and outside of some m inor differences he has not an- nounced his leadership of a crusade against the president. M eanwhile the president is a bad man but there is no one yet who w ould like to be president, bold enough to run on a platform to discard all of the New Deal policies —Sheridan Sun. ------------------------- N o th in C tf) InV P^ficfatp -k s v v iiin ^ w lllV C h llg d lV T here is demand upon Governor M artin to "ln- vestigate" the case of L. A. Banks, serving sentence in the Oregon state prison for the m urder of an of- ficer in Jackson county. The governor, as is permis- sable, has called a hearing on th e m atter. B ut there seems little to Investigate. The facts concerning Banks are still poignantly fresh in the public mind. He conducted a long rabble- rousing campaign in Jackson county, through a new spaper th at he controlled, against everybody and everything sane and orderly. He conspired with others in the stealing and burning of ballots from the county courthouse When an officer sought to serve him with a summons, Banks shot down the officer and killed him. Relatives furnished him with a heavy defense flJnd and Banks had every advantage that one guilty a c r' me so terrib le as his could ask. To remove any «round for claim of prejudice, he was granted chang,e uof ven“ e Lane county, w here a Jury con- v,cted ,a n? dlc7ated, his sentence. Only by rea­ son the fact th at capital punishm ent properly Is I S ^ IIanJt, j ‘2 most people’ ‘" clutUn< Jurors, It 1» hkely, did he escape a worse fate. ha„„?L U,a,nks behalf every legal recourse was e x - hausted. If ever a prisoner deserved to be w here J* a,Yj s2®y . wht r e he is, it would seem to be Banks nian. -----------------------— A nickel Isn't supposed to be as good aa a dollar, but it goe» to church more often.—Ex. re lie f John fe h e y »9.64. M rs A C Cham- w A K "“ " ; . » L ., E McNabb. ,1 0 ; Ocy The constitution, held Webster, Oreffon-W anhinfrVm W ater .Hervire Co M « ? 7 n ’ » T Y Sv “ O r* * n , I 2 M ' , " ' * 1 W illia m F ra n k lin Hm lth. | 6 ; David Rich- Coupe .......................... L E O M ara. »112 H 9. G W allin «; »5; A n n ie M a rla N e ff, «8; J .m o , is not a league between severai 7J.. R" *ih Dresser. D M II, relief ard, J Richards, »51.96; J O ’M ara M«, r»*,,w. 810; Em m a Yeoumana. »r, states, but a document accepted by t »84.17; n’ f ' j ' h ’ Cl « ii V , n K "««h n e t Co., re­ tili' L 2 lue- * 4 4 * » : >< H o lsn .«ei; lie “ “ " J i 24 ■ •’ « « I * M Holt, «7 ; f John Heine. «3 76; M ay Brothers the people of the United States «18.44; C hevrolet Delitrery — f rederlrk G H a rcourt, «7 ; John W Curl, 1924 H E Hu«bauer, 8122.87; U G M ercan tile Co., re lie f M aunie Hoover. (10 Obviously, then, no state can dis­ O a H n a r. »36.31; H .r.s R a a m ta a « . »11».. O 22J A ' ~ 22 W n d .ll, «7; C h arlo . I . S ta le , H Reeves, d istrict sealer, «16.36 Very low mileage solve federal relations for this is 26 ; K W illiam s. »49.70; R I, Cham bar- C u r r y , n r.3 -.ry , relief A n n . II S c h u lt. » I » ; John tra n c ia Oillaapie. »7; Alonxo »36.23; Jack Haas. »71.62; Joe »6 87. Joaephine Am ato 81 I’crfect shape ......... M r . P e te r. «2.60, to ta l «7.60; R I, Clapahaw, secession and secession is revolu­ t tain. r l, »94.2«; A rt Shepherd. »66 61; Cham berlain, re lie f exp. «6 93 ; Jack Mesa a7y,n" J * * 1!* ; Norm an A F u lle r’ tion. Any attem pt on the part of a * o r r E ia * t* . »12.71; H L Sushaner. »120.64; . ."■»rlon Hie« ui n re Hutrhlaon 17 . --------Hutrhlaon. »7 : n n«*?f’ Clief . . . . . . state to nullify must be considered Don Butts, »33.93 ; N o rm an M an n , »10.. - exp. »5,49; Donelaon 4 Sewell, relief J Daniel Perry Earn, «10. Hally Franca. 1929 In d ia n “ 4 5 ” M o to r­ 17; Wm Varidecoeverinir, 120.67. O A B ttaynolda, deceased «22 6.1, relief John L i '" « ' ’ h li A ‘h* rt. , ' T 0 " ll«'n, »T; Edwin a violation of the constitution. »63.13. F J Saunders. »66.10; A ll M r ” d *■•>»»1. »’ ; John Again, the question was settled McLeod. cycle. New rubber, very Ik , < ,e* ,**ae’* 922 60- Hfi; V e rl Salee, »37.28; John Garda, »1.9»; « n * !'' 2 4 1. C atherine M orris. «8; A rth u r ln r • reB* f w K Perry not upon abstract reasoning but by •Six C o rn e r» tiara« », Ryron H tea m s. I ’ nm .. . . . r.« Ui.k . A Beniam in H o lt, »6; Jasper A M orris, »6; good condition, V l w*’uRa * Kh A,<,r,ch •f>. 816.8’.» conceding to the south a revision ™ Me* ch* 'n . »79.30 ; H t. Funk, R• S no,,,*• 27 ■ ’ ■o’ 11"» A All the extras .... X J . V a h w ew ;"''»^;«* •ourt " p >> l K t , irk, 86; Sahnow Broa., »16.98; Portland G en­ !c ..A i i K ir M ' r " 21 ' O '<■••’ k. Delivered here....... United States and from the newly eral E lectric Co.. »7.60; H illsboro C.,n- AS ' j n i . l i ? r“' .* /' ■ M r ’ A ” eor«e w ' fcb- 2 4 1 formed states? Again it was a ques­ crete Brick 4 T ile Co., »31.20; Chem l- ? u o . R .h ’'' 24 • w E H a ll, »6; Oscar tion of the power of congress to ral F ire A pparatu« company, |3 , i'a r ific H ehlffer, » 6 , M rs Ire n e Morse, «6- C I, «Ío"yn ím ''l'»"'IP' H N i - i ’ u , • » . u ^ • & % M p Z . S " « r ; . r^ SiMÍít” - nery A P rin tin g Co., »10.03. A C 8yverson, »6. determ ine the social and economic Statio i’ “ * ' O 0 4 .1 0 ; H e n ry T y m e r Co.. W a lte r E Hutrhinaon . clerk d istrict structure of a great section of the iSSn u,*28. 93 ■ y,n,hl11 Electric company, a tto rn n -, «100; Eatber P lrle . court house » V Ä : . „ wr 7 ? ^ 4 .^ r ;! L r i7“ ,F country. < • l n t< r,,n4lnl H arvester company, »’ o ' D r 'j AR “ni“ " ’ C,’r " M H -il, 192 Third Ave. Phone 21W By the w ar which ensued as a t ! / ’?,' T r ,n k ' <. ward i . i Î WBsex. »8; W illia m Bd- 7 r? D .V Ä T " * ' î 7 : t " " » Hutehlaon, « . * ,, , - W ldowa’ Penalon ernm ent has been, through i t s a™ ajC° " r.*?9 '*'* • M ,c K e n ile M oto r Cta. J " 1»” * '' M otor Hales can p an y. K m ille P Am ato, »25 Ruth RiwitFir.. • 7 , David Comm«»dore Zenor, | 7 ; Jeane courts, the final judge of Its own »14.42; M arshall-W eHa (>>., »17.60; P o rt­ (>?reTi’nh .,3H n M .M r y K 9 ” powers. land Blue P rin t Co.. »6.30, Shell O il In the field of jurisprudence a ¡•»""»•nx. »674.40; Co rw in H a rd w are. »1.. no less rem arkable evolution oc­ 35; H illcrest Service station, » 1 6 0 ; Georye 80; Laster Ire lan d A curred in the pre-Clvil war period. L Hendricks, ’ ,176 8 ; Standard O il Co. o f L o u ie Cm w a. „ 0 ; H r n ^ y i t u M ¿u, This development was largely due t n H i i ” o '0/ ’ : , Con366 ex a Concrete , , Pllw, lM ’’mduetn C o. • n « . J Newton. R* n ’ «29 olph. « 9 ; Hu',d*.yT i î t w't’ é . U ' ‘ «•'“ '•“ »n Salee emnpeny. R v .: F r * n: r Uce. I’hone 271 Î Î 2; F; . 7' t 40 2» ! J«i>n Herb. «67 - S t-i* % h *„ ■ \ Mr* M «h«"" «15 160 W . M a in S t M arshall’s constitutional doctrines 4 »O ff OtJ »-f -f ft $* a 7Q Q OC R Thomas S. Sholes SACKS - sacks T W IN E --- 4 HILLSBORO FEED CO 38; A Heard. 16.58; A ite e a a c k e r . «3».. S te li. S h affer. „5. M |n n |< E