H IL L S B O R O Page Two A R G U S, H IL L S B O R O . Thursday, Auguat I, 193ft OREGON picnic held by the Dania Danish Brotherhood and Sisterhood of P o rt­ land and many other Dunlsh people from different places VanTassell and family Subacilbe now to the Argus In York, gave a program at ••"'¡NJ d w Y i t r L W i t t , l i l t Bethany Baptist church Monday Ir in I U I K W tH IH I Il Washington county *150 u year Mrs. John Heisler of Portland i I • ..„ .ill— Mr and Mrs A C. Thomus of j I .( IS \ V lllC V lhltO F Six montila 85c T hraa montili 50 cents Two months 35 rents. if Salem. Rev. Theo Leger and Mrs LEISYVII.I.K Miss U rsula L ittle Kummel! of Bethany visited Mrs _____ Mrs O. J. Tollefson and son Don- j _____ Hulda T radisci Friday Mrs T radì I of White Plains. N Y arrived Mrs. Raffety Honored: Man ,1L.He"'uid D»,n*ld Tower of Port Sesaion Monday! Teacher* sel is ill and is being taken care of Iuesday morning from San Ira n FOR FARM S Reed ville Folk Injured in by her mother. Mrs Stuckt o f)1'1’“’0 *“ v*,lt N rs Lily Hanley Whosoever Will land, formerly of here, visited at j Mr und Mr«. John Q atrs Sr ut Buys Shop and House Bethany LARGE or -SMALL for Year Selected (Above N orth Plains) Accident* During W eek the Alfred Groer home Wednesday. tended the G ordon-Steward elan Sunday school, 10 a. m. The Lord Sec Albert Heard Mr und Mrs. C harles Devere’ll picnic ut Mt Tubor purk In P o rt­ is blessing, the scripture word is i h r M in M n r v a r d M ath ie I By M r«. J. C. Sm ith I (B y Hasel C hurrh le? ) Banks, Oregon MOttNTAINDAI k vfr« r i i visited Mr. Deverell s sister-in-law, land Sunday. to pertain to the Lord's second HAZEl.DAl.Et Annual budget MOUNTAINDALB- Floyd Mrs dan- REEDVIELE—Doris and Dorothy coming. The pastor will bring a Raffety celebrated h e Mrs r birthday J - X u Bertha s lv tU Deverell, •at the iv who rtla n d is Sal," (Coatlnuml f r a . mur. „ n .l I C o r n c lu b " w l F l ld # -v w “ h K'»»“ 1 meeting of the school district has McBreen gave a birthday lunch­ message to the church at 11 a m with a picnic in the Raffety grove. ’ th 1 1 d San' been called for 8 p m Monday in three representatives In the state [ G ardner They planned a wiener eon for their mother. Mrs. George Prophetical study and tarry. 3 p m Swimming and games w ere enjoy- ¿ ^ L u c i l l e Peters.,., w h , I. the school house legislature French, publisher o f , roait for Wednesday evening McBreen, at their home Monday. Regular evangelistic service. 8 p m ed Present were Mr and Mrs “ loved 1 the A n p i . , s f I,,, Sherm 11«« 4 an - f County ,i i,,t Journal. I. ti I,.,, ,, I Is , u ,« the Teachers Named Present were Mesdames Jean Mann The sermon will be ‘ The Devil as William Whitten and daughter Ma- H'Pyiyed at the A B H int home, Mis Pat Davis, who Is home republican The other new spaper­ from Craw ford Porter o f Beaverton of Portland. H Johnson. Berdie a Backslider " Also special message rion Mrs Dell Elliot Mr and Mrs >p,\n l l n d i'y,i" 'A' ber lK,,ents. Mr the state tuberculosis hospital Johnson, W. Blough of Falrvale. D. in song Come and worship w.?h Tom Elhot Mr and Mrs. W dham ?lv ° “ ‘ e,erSO11' 8nd f“n” ano Miss Thelma Davies of T rout­ men in the house are Moore Ham for a month, spent Wednesday eve­ dale will be the teachers for next ilton. youthful publisher of the ning with her stater. Mrs John L. Sullivan. W. Holt of Portland. us, we love new faces and k n o w . Tiffany and daughter Emma and Medford News, and Clint "Want Gates J r Mrs. Davis shows much year. N. Johnson. L R Boit, W Hicken­ th e L o rd w ill b less yo u P r a y e r a n d E sth e r, M r a n d M rs A lb e rt Bolma “ “ Mr. and Mrs Frank Kelly of to-go-home" Haight of t h e Blue improvement looper, Mary Olinger. H J Church- praise service. Tuesday. 8 p. m Mr and Mrs Al Rigart. Mabel Me- A t m i v p r s L i r v P 'lrfv z Mountain Eagle al Cunyon City. Summer activity and re- Tillamook stayed the week-end with ley. E. Campbell of Hillsboro. Lee Shady Brook church. Thursday 8 Guire. Margaret Guv. C harlie Hew- tr u u l l v l I S ‘, I 7 A » Illy Mr and Mrs It W. Loveland left Mrs Rebecca Ellerson Richie and Mrs Jane Rodrob. Mrs. p. m Don't forget the young people's ston and Robert Richland, all of I I J 1 \ 7 „ J j Although m em ber, of the state I,^ d‘.hve‘r ho,’U‘ *n Curv“ Ul* w ««- aiatancu against heat are Mrs R C. Doty and Mrs Esther McBreen received many lovely gifts. meeting Friday. 7:30 p m S o m e1 Portland. Mr and Mrs J Nerrio A l t 111 V ¿ U lU C rZ iin U C flS teata of your child's atam- Heil took their Sunday school board of control have practically ' Mr and Mrs. S A Becker and “real " questions have been put in of Boone. Iowa. Mrs Chester Mer- m ™ J * u r ina! The child whose sum­ classes to L aurelhurst purk last abandoned any idea of changing A wiener roust was enjoyed at fam ily attended the Evangelical th e box to be discussed Anyone rill and son Jack. Mrs M ana Jack- s m o rrv ,i , .. Friday A picnic dinner was en­ the location of the cupltol building R 'l’l’nhg Waters ivtrk Thursday camp meeting at Jennings Lodge can take part, put questions in box son. Johnny Jackson. Mr and Mrs. w .l k h i m u riV mer diet is for the major a m le U », 1 '(> M' S joyed. negotiations still continue between bT Joyce Bino. Emmett Sunday. and answer some too. All young Clyde Lincoln and son Wesley. Mr. U ^ u ta S d at S, * f part our pure milk, is a Mrs. Ray Klnchelowe and family the committee recently mimed by i, u,h Arl 1,UI,1>'V' C yril Lorenz, Mrs R Goforth, daughter of are especially invited here and Mrs. Joe Baker. Mr and Mrs evening Mr and M r s ,I healthy child. Mr. and Mrs. Finch, and her hus­ people -M elv in E. Jam es pastor Stanley Hahn. H erm w Scholer. Ed £ £ £ * £ ' and M ^ J ^ v i X : spent several days last week in Governor M artin und trustees of I ¡’Jr and Mrs John Gates J r and Portland visiting her sister. Mrs W illamette university for purchase' ’ ’‘. ‘‘Ji; Mr and Mrs. Ray Loveland band, R. Goforth, have returned VanDerzanden, A. Moonen. V iv ian ! £anden and se of the 14-acre university campus i 111 Warren, and Mr. and Mrs to Cincinnati, Ohio, after a few and Vernon Jossy. Mr and M rs., “ View sons Robert and Ralph Manuel Hoffman Baptist Church ! Price Adams Mr and Mrs Paul O’Connor spent for capitol purposes w eek's stay. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Quart Meeting each night, except S at-I H oyd Raffety and family. V ander/anrten „„rt — the week-end at Tim ber as guests Mrs Mary Olinger and Mrs. W. A rchitects continue to press then , Ml,,s Waiuta Newland returned urdays, this and next week These Sunday dinner party guests at i.ouin Hillsboro, w here she was ill for, vti— „ „ _ , „ her parents. Mr and Mrs. J A the event the present campus Is Mrs. John Kirkwood was very m. Sunday's subject. "The Golden some time. Her sister. Almira Scott c r.,v . °l Black. severely injured by a fall down Bowl of Life."—Rev A C .rrick , of Madison. Wis.. is staying w ith | sold to the state c “y M A L T E D M IL K C H O C O LA TE C A K E A m arriage of interest to friends her. school, took the fourth, fifth and her backstairs last Monday. She pastor. Governor Martin conferred with I sixth grade girls to Lee Falls near b c rt was thal ot Dorothy Hallock, has a fractured leg and other p o s-' his planning b«vird in Portland r e l- ' —::— Hollenbecks E ntertain Thev — all '■ dall8hter of Mr and Mrs. Leonard ative to plans for the new capitol sible injuries are feared She is Trinity Lutheran Church Mr and Mrs Earl Hollenbeck en- Gaston Monday afternoon. —- ------ in the Good Sam aritan hospital. Public worship at 10:30 a. m.; tertained w ith a dinner Wednes- en{1° - ed a lon8 hike into the woods Hallock of Portland, to E A Jones Friday and It ts expected thut the of Portland July 14. Dorothv is the formal application for a fed eral; Alvin Broker H urt Sunday school at 9:45. "Blessed are day evening in honor of the birth- a° S . MOCHA Alvin Becker, oldest son of Mr. they that hear the Word of God. day of their daughter. Mrs. Hubert * ran h Vanderzanden of the Tidc- granddaughter of Mr and Mrs. C grant for 45 per cent of the $3,-j V . / A I Y L CREAM and Mrs S. A Becker, fell Wed­ and keep it.” You are cordially Smith. Guests w ere Mr and Mrs w ater Tim ber company of Astoria P Syverson. 500.000 estim ated us needed for th e ' Mr and Mrs William Heil and nesday and broke his arm near the welcomed to worship with us. new building will be ready to fo r-, Leonard VanDomelen Mr and Mrs apTnt w eek-end w ith his par- w rist when he fell from a tree Hubert Sm ith and son Earl. Helen V.? a Mr and Mrs J P V ander- family and Mr and Mrs L C Tay- w ard to Washington. I). C„ w ith -' Honey Cream ____ >or and family picnicked at Bon- Methodist Episcopal Church Hollenbeck and the host and host “anden- in u few d ay s As soon us the fe d -' ■Archie Mattoon Honored Eli Poe of Forest Grove is spend- ne.',ilIe Sunday SPICE CAKE C hurch school. 9:45. Miss Rose ess. eral grant is approved, the grant J A birthday dinner was given in - - -- ----- Mrs. Mabel Almin of Manhattan. money earm arked and the te rm s! honor of Archie Mattoon. Mr. and the guest of Mr and Mrs of the grant made known the g o v -, M rs H. J. Churchley w ere guests. aldele A N G EL ernor has said that he would Issue [ Mr. and Mrs R Schappert have ____________ ______________ __ _ _____ _________________ nd Mrs. Tom M iller and the call for the special session of FOOD. 13-egg returned from a w eek's stay at Young‘preaching. Union service at d a u g h te r“ M ra^A rehl* *Thomp«BL a n d M r Newman of Portland. w hliu u i.n d tO Ocean Park, Wash. the legislature to authorize con­ Ed£ar Davis and brother John of island and Sand Lake Sun- struction of the new building and Mrs Jean Mann of Portland is 8 p. m. at our church with Rev. R. and children spent several days L. Putnam bringing the message last week at Oceanside. Portland called at the J. A. McCoy G' „„ . , visiting Mrs Mary Olinger. make provision for the state's share I young people of the Epworth Thursday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. hor? e Friday afternoon Miss Gladys , . ” r -? nd \ ,rs u p Brooks and of the cost. Florence Ulrich of California vis­ The League trill Iea7e eari>' S a ^ r d ^ H aroH R^ynoTds w e „ ” m ?« . j X ind E‘^ l McCoy r e t u r n ^ h o m Z M ar> ‘ McHenry attended the ited Mr and Mrs. S. A. Becker and morning for th eir institute at Falls Mullov and daughter Thelma Mrs WIth them to sPcnd a w«ck visiting M 'nntsota picnic at Jantzen Beach family. First of the federal grant money i THE K ^ndparents. Mr and Mrs I a u Mr and Mrs W M Snipes enter­ City for a week of classes and re- Amelia Campbell and Mrs E C i for the Coast highway bridges was creation. Rev. C harles M. Reed will Mulloy of Laurel and Mrs. Rey- J Da\ is Portland. ,h” « 1 " ? * 7 « ’L8" tained with a dinner party Wednes­ t h e pi « « i Mr .« a received by the highway rom m is- i H „ Mc" sl" n ‘b‘s week in the amount of Mr and Mrs J A McCoy ac- H a rd v ^ f B e iv e r to n day evening. July 24 Guests were act as recreational director on the nolds' mother. Mrs W N Hathorn . . Char8l‘ * ,50'0°0 The federal governm ent | oontpanied Mr a and Mrs. J. P. Van- at ^he farm Messrs and Mesdames J. S. Young faculty. Dorothy Havens will act of Hillsboro. Buys Shop, House derzanden and son Frank to Port- M . has agreed to contribute 30 per and Verne Burge of Orenco, Mrs as chaperone to the group includ- Doris Weber. a alkwarf. „ --------- J Q N orthrup of Portland has ’and Saturday evening to visit d ™;h ’ " d C hester Rambo and cent of the total c u t of the five P h o n , 451 COE and CONQDON, Prop w- Rose Bruce and Mr and Mrs Ralph ing Eleanor K W e D e liv e r S S eei ' ~!anche P 'u eg an an d purchased the blacksm ith shop and ,rl®nds . . Rambo^ ( r ’in * ,r i ? ,,Mr? brid«*s as outright gift to the Snipes and daughter Geraldine. Mildred Rock. They desire to thank house recently vacated bv Fred M l> s M arjorie V anderzanden , ,." e r' aU lo rtlan d . state The levin of $4.200(HM) made all who participated in any way to Toelle. Mrs Northrup, who is re- spent Iast weck at Yachats. d™ted ,be Miller home T h u n - by th«' PWA to finance the slates th eir lawn social last Friday eve- maining in Portland for awhile. B irthday Celebrated " m . and Mr« i o t , . u ■■ v I 't“*re of ,hc bridk<' oust is being ning. Tuesday Mr and Mrs. Ira Brown. - d Ar,hUr Mllls' ‘ IL «’ll llIlUUK*l spent the week-end here. through sale of generili ___ __ _____ _____ n«»tH Yflll i ’rS 4 ILfl $4 Z-s Ke" _a ' 1 refinanced v 11114II M. E. Chnrch I Bethany I J C. Raffety and Miss M arie Mrs- Zoe Quick and son Dean w ere Aloha - i w m ' l , ' i t \ v . J k ^ . , G r a n d bonds at a much lower On Germantown road. Sunday c!!Jnm?in,nnCh“d " h ' E |,iicopa‘’ ' ¡ s i w Mr“ and . “Mrs. _ Fran- d *nne7“^ irty u e tti ¿T’kir u n i . . . ‘?he‘X V<* k at “ various intaragl rate than that carried by . . ------. ------------- . . . g ---------------- Aiona X spent last s i week school every Sunday. 10 a. m.; G er­ Communion and sermon at 11 a cis B randenburg of Orenco Sun- C harles Waddle of Dilley. The din- I the federal loan man service. 11 a. m., first a n d m.—Rev. U. H. Gibs, celebrant. J day- — --------------- ner was in honor of Dean's birth-1 th ird Sundays; English service. 11 Mr. and Mrs. B. W. A rm entrout j day anniversary. A decided im provem ent In busl a. m., second and fourth Sundays. Christian Chnrch t ««a « a , „ .------ v . j oI Banks visited at the Archie Mr and Mrs C harles Waddle —E. Julius Traglio, pastor. tf neas conditions throughout Oregon — se r v ir l lu p fliy v i-ix worshR>-study Thompson home Sunday. visited Mrs. Waddle's m other, Mrs (By C. K Track««!) _______ of _______ is indicated by collections th. F irst Chnrch of C hrist .Scientist! ^ - i n e la « ^0°^«' M r' and Mrs H u b tr' Smith and Z w Quick. Friday - 1 Jeff Dapp of Helvetia visited World War Veterans' State Aid Services a are held everv S „ u n n d dav cldss - i o : j u ; son re h e ld c v „ rv s «» ' . elass 5luay study P preparatory to the holy communion. aress I "Saves time and work.” Will Not Hurt m eets w ith Mrs. M. E. Smith of ’ w ith the Litany. Pastor will speak Large pkg. Bertha Station. Sisterhood meets on on “Leaving the Tem porary Old." the Hands. Wednesday for work. Midweek This will be the final service at DOUBLE-SIZE services Wednesday. 8 p. m., fol- 354 East Jackson street. Tuesday: L IF E B U O Y . "Fresh- BARS k J « - '* « * ens dull skin.” for Mrs. McBreen H onor Guest lowed by choir practice Se for Sunday: Bible school, m.; Communion, 11 a. m„ followed ollowed by preaching; Young People's meeting. 7 p. m.; preaching. 8 p. m We cordially invite you to all these assemblies.—M. Putm an, minister. ‘o 45 ; Party / H eld at Budget Meet ay • < | at Hazeldale v lVlOlintaillCiale iv u t u a u iu iu v o{ M n rs ear Fern Tr„utrfale viglted Mr and Capitol News Letter M others 10c McFall Jersey D.niry 20c 20c «„a 39c C A VC f \ k' I C A VC BREAD ¿i,°JCH P erfectio n B a k e r y CHURCHES PIGGLY WIGGLY Eimonica ’1.59 ’1.75 FLOUR Bend FLOUR L T BU,,V' 27c 53c F a ir w a y M a r k e t fcU R R Y ’S I I 1 1 1 1 ££ ’1.49 1 I I 1 I 2 29c I I I 1 IV 4 19c 1 1 1 5C .... ISC I 1 GROCERY Fr~ Delivery Phone 771 Special* for Friday and Saturday, Aug. 2 and 3 I CAK ES FLOUR Again This W eek! T H E DALLES A* 50c Cake for Sorry we didn’t have enough of these Cakes last week. We will have plenty this week. Bar Cakes A I large assortment. A generous Cake < OV Lim it one sack to each customer. SA L M O N Columbia River. Spring Catch. * a i *■ " PUFFED W HEAT Quaker. IV O R Y SO A P Per pkg. b .r . Tomato Soup Red & White. C ATSUP Red & White. Per can Large bottle SH R IM P Fancy. | 2c™ . 25c Jar Rubbers 3 for IOC WILEY’S GROCERY Corner 3rd Main and Street* Phone 1001 FREE D E L IV E R Y WE C A N N O T REGULATE the weather conditions, but we h a v e fresh, wholesome food that will be suitable for any emergency, quick lunch or an elaborate dinner. Cold Meats, Mayonnaise, Cottage Cheese, F ru its for Salad, Cold Drinks, Ice Cold Melon*. SA LA D OI Gallon ..... 98c 25c (Your own container) Quart .............. NAPTHA SOAP M A Y O N N A IS E K IPPE R E D lunch. ICE C R EA M M IX . 3 pkg*. 17c 29c 25c Fresh Vegetable* D aily. Cots for Canning. Buy them now! Highest Price Paid for Farm Produce. FLOUR ,sj:tRRpï.,‘ANCAKE "MAKES FINE WAFFLES, TOO" M USTARD i rARDEN | W eek-End Powdered Special PU G ’S JU M B O GUM S C & H Quality. Fresh, clean stock C & H Quality. I-lb. pkg........... 4 21c 20c Pound* 19c ...... ................. 5 p?i£D 39c THE MASTER 16c po w d ’ er 1 BLEACHER. H A L F -G A L L O N JU G C O M PLETE M ASO N 59C PINTS. DOZEN F R U IT S 3 Æ -lb. Bag Pounds and JA R S VEGETABLES W A TER M ELO N S S . S : T O M A T O E S or X 0îîu.Î!«R yOWN' Crystal White J.WV Crystal White Vacation Contest is now on! Cus­ tomer tells in not more than 25 words: “I Like Crystal White Soap Be­ cause . . “Mail with 5 Crystal White Soap wrappers t o Crystal White. Details ask us." BAKERS HREAKANT COCOA— H* BAKER'S PREMIUM SHREDDED COCONUT— 71 • ........................ ........... CKRTO— For Jams and Jelly CARRY dog FOOD VELVET TOILET TISSUE— 1000 sheets UNDERWOOD'S WHOLE CLAMS— FBIDA y aonnd ,¿ ATI“ DAY ........... lie ..... 4 n». 10c 10c 15c 2 for 45c 2 for 15c 3 for 14c 2 for 23c 3 bars 14c 2 quart* 27c CAMAY SOAP— “Ask about Camay contest." C'LOROX— "Pure, safe. Bleaches, removes stains, destroys odors, kills germs W IT H LIDS 69c QUARTS. DOZEN ‘Fresh.” 19c 17c 23c 5c 5 & 17c Candy SU G A R For d a in ty Large pkg............. B IS Q U IC K — Pkg................... Seedless «J R A IS IN S PUR EX SNACKS — Packed on Columbia River. CAN .............. 15c 15c 10c Q CO AD SU G A R M ARSHM ALLOW S — 1.1b...................... RELISH SPREAD— Always fresh. P IN T SA LM O N Brown D ASH cellophane bag. or MACKEREL T N IN o S 1 TALL CORN FLAKES or POST TO A STIES— 2 pkg*............ . 15c In 15c 6 ,, k 25 R IN SO V A N IL L A O T S PICKLES ; ... 1« ...... C O R N E D BEEF V IN E G A R 4° ?r,in’ for pickling. Gallon Thjs Is not a weak vinegar. Fri., Sat. and Mon. Specials, Aog. 2,