h Page F o u r H IL L S B O R O many spectators w hile in Banks butchered by a firm in Banks Mothers N It orth was Portland and rendered into lard. Mrs. Ed Paetsch spent Friday and Plan Reunion | i Saturday visiting relatives in Port- A. Most Personality and She W in * Cup I land Saturday evening Mr. and 1 Mrs. Dallas Cook and Miss Hazel T h o r n b u r g h C e le b r a t e * Paetsch brought h er home Mrs. William Joos of North Plains H is 103rd B irth d a y I visited her sister, Mrs. Minnie AR G U S, Helvetia Boys Complete Hike H IL L S B O R O , OREGON T hursday, August I, iy;if, "Flirtation Walk” at Venetian H Pack to Tillam ook; M r*. E. Batchelder Hostes* Schulmerich, at the E. C. Wilson ( B r M rs. W o lfo rd ) (By M r» John M Davidson) Friday. BANKS Annual reunion of the ' home HELVETIA Helvetia Boy Scouts Mr. and Mrs. B W Armer.trout M others' club will be held F r i d a y . , . . . - returned from their cross country afternoon and evening at the home . j -h ,i i r at' hike from Patten valley to Tilla­ of M r s A. C. Wahl All members. *on and ch lld rin at M ountaindah mook on Thursday and Friday. A r­ Sunday. past and present, w ith th eir fam nold l.cppin met part of the group 1 . 4 J t . ...» . . . J A — ,* i Mrs. ’ll ». E Ed .U i Morgan U V I k .t ll I returned V IU IIIV U IIY home U IIV Thursday and Mr and Mrs Fred lies are invited to attend. A po f week«' luck dinner will be sc rie d at ® 301 w ith daugh(er Mrs w s w „ . Wenger of Portland went on a fish­ p. m. in the Wahl picnic grounds. lis, at Thatcher. ing trip to Tillamook and part of Hazel Wolford spent the latter : the group returned with them F ri­ Mr and Mrs. Harold Bennett of p art of last week w ith her cousin, Portland day. The boys were J. P Donald­ visited Mrs. B ennett's par- R uth Lilly, at Gales Creek. son. W alter Hershey. Kenneth Wen­ ents. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Rieben. A boy, G ar)' Paul was born July ger. Jim Davidson. Emil Yurkovich. Wednesday. 36 to Mr and Mrs. Paul Rosen- Fred and Jaek Bauman. Hamilton Don Moore is visiting friends at •rons Mrs. Rosencrons and baby and their scout master. Joseph Troutlake. W ash, this week. are in the care of Mrs. C. Maxwell I Wenzel. Each one packed fishing Mr and Mrs. Fritz K nute and at her home. tackle, a blanket and a share of Mr. and Mrs Raleigh Lilly and ?am,1>' of vYamhi!‘ Mr and the eats and made their bed in the little daughter ElmabeUe of Los M??. F rank , ? in,ck Sunda>' woods Mr and Mrs. Elm er B atch­ Angeles. Cal . and Mrs Belle Lilly L Ml“ Ethelda Lippert returned to elder w ere dinner party guests of of Cornelius visited Mr. and Mrs. h«r home •» b~ ‘ts Mllls Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Glen Epler at Forest Fred Wolford and family several after spending the sum mer with G rove Sunday. days last week. her cousl.n - Marie Rieben. | Mr and Mrs Alex Barclay and Mrs. Stella Kelly, who made her , Mis? Y'",,a , ^?.rk e r' who is em- daughter Jean. Mr and Mrs. Frank home last year with Mrs. N. Ber- PIov^ 1 at ?’ed‘' U s ln Portland is Simpson and son Allen w ere d in ­ dan, is now staving at the Stone ’Pending h£r , '¿aS,a.ti" n wlth„ h,e r ner party guests at the home of Home, west of Banks. »^ter, Mrs. Ralph Wilcox, in Banks Mrs. Elizabeth R itter Sunday. Miss Opal Tucker has returned and w ith other relativ e, near here Jam es Davidson is the only 4-H - _ •» .» I— "t,t^r,,^l! » — . • ■ '.»»»« Rev. I Jack M itchell »■ and Tom home from Portland, w here she club mem ber in the Helvetia dis­ has been employed f o r several Vai l etL °* Portland visited at the trict this year He attended the tt la ooel.iF home I . ' S f/»»»/»'»I, J. I M. Kessler Monday. months. county 4-H club picnic at Balm Miss Marie Rieben spent several Miss M arian M axwell returned Grove Sunday, accompanied bv his home last week from a four w eeks’ days last week w ith h er uncle. Ed parents. Mr. and Mrs J. M D avid­ visit w ith friends at Bacona. She Rieben. east of Banks. son. Attend Convention was accompanied by Miss Wilma Mrs. Batchelder Hostess Mr and Mrs A. C. Wahl and Rosencrons. who is her guest for Mrs. Elmer Batchelder was host­ sons of Banks and Mary Evelyn a few weeks. ess at a luncheon party Friday, Dick Powell and Ruby Keeler, stars of “Flirtation Walk," which will be shown on the Venetian theatre screen Sunday, Monday and Tues Mr. and Mrs. M. H elliard of F or­ Gibson of Forest Grove attended honoring Mrs. Natalia VanMoock. day. est Grove visited Mr. and Mrs E the postmasters' convention at Co- who is leaving for California Mrs. T ucker Sunday. ! quille last week. On the way there VanMoock will visit her brother, Mrs. N. J. G riffin visited her they visited the J L. K ipper fam- Robert Hilbert, near San Diego mother. Mrs. K atherine Keenon. ily at Philomath. R eturning home Mary Beth and Patsy Lou Perry at the Sm ith hospital in Hillsboro i they visited several of the beaches of Seattle are visiting their aunt, Saturday. Mrs Keenon is confined and at Taft they visited Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Batchelder, this week to bed w ith a broken hip w hich re- Mrs. Claud Hutchens and family- Mrs E S. Lassiter and daugh­ S S President Johnson A lexandria wasn't a bad place suited from a fall as she was try - Mr. and Mrs J. M. Kessler and ters Gloria and Lorrane visited Mr Mi»» E u g en i« A b b a y , 2 0 , 1 4 6 7 Bombay to Suez It is full of guides, just as Port ing to close a gate at her home daughters Elsie and G eraldine vis- Fourth and Mrs. David Tschabold Sunday — - aven u«, San D i« f o , becam e June 23. 1935 Said was. Some of them follow near N orth Plains Wednesday. ited Mr and Mrs. W E. Pegg in " T h e S p irit o f San D ie g o '' a t A n je r i- Mrs. Tschabold and Mrs. Lassiter A few hours ago we passed Mt. you around like shadows, and tin B e a v e r t o n la st M n n r f a v evening. e v e n in e c a's E x p o w lio n , B a lb o a P a r k , w b e a Beaverton last Monday ' are sisters. Has 103rd B irthday Sanat. but as there was a light only way to get rid of them is to »he was n am ed fro m a group' o f 3 6 Clara Tschabold returned from dust storm we couldn't see it Night call a cop I wanted to take a poke Ambers T hornburg celebrated his cnoi Longview. Wash., Sunday w h e r e before last we passed Mecca. I had at one. but that would be u bad 103rd birthday Monday. The day com m u nities a ll o v e r the c o u n ty. she had spent three weeks visiting a heck of a tim e trying to sleep ! policy us all of them would be a p t! was passed quietly w ith a few re l­ _ _ . , . , . Tka th re e dozen beauties w e re her sister, Mrs Wallace McCuen. with my head tow ard Mecca. The to mob you. Most of the fellows atives and friends calling. Although The McCuen family brought Mrs country around here is bare, a n d , that went ashore took along blaek- Mr. Thornburg has failed some in Tschabold home and spent the day when 1 say bare I mean bare It jacks nnd canes, just in case the . ... past year . . he is . . still in good - | BEAVERTON—Beaverton Mason- !“ <(«">*■ Is the beginning of the desert, and Worked on storage plans last health considering his great age? ic and S tar annua, plcmc ■ - - ----- — = ------- ! here. Mrs. L. Alplanalp is in Portland nothing growing at all night. It is a lot of fun. Eighty pet­ Mrs. Flora M unford of Banks was held Sunday at Avalon park w cre hosts to the Congregational having medical care. it is beginning to cool off now , cent of the cargo is going to and son K enneth of Corvallis drove with about go ,n attendance Bethal Ladies' Aid and their fam- Otto Schindler is not improving to th e Bonneville dam Sunday Eighteen members of Beaverton ilies Tuesday evening w ith a pot satisfactorily and his son Paul took as we are getting farther north ! New York. It contains Cashew nut« The heat is different, due to t h e 1 from Bombay und rubber from w here they w ere joined by Mr G range w ere in attendance at the (y*ck suPPer served in the attrac- Mr. humidity. Will arrive in Suez in Ponang und Singapore. T here is and Mrs. W ilburt Munford, and the meeting of the Pomona Grange at l*ve grove at their home. A social him to Portland Sunday. Schindler is suffering from heart about six hours, and then start up quite a lot of tin going to Genoa four made the trip around Mt. Tigard Ju lv 24. October meeting of | hour was enjoyed around the out- the big ditch. It was my impres- | Van. the other cadet, and 1 went Hood loop. Mr and Mrs. W ilburt the order will be held in Hillsboro door fireplace. Mrs. M yrtle Haines, trouble. Mrs. Harold Johnston of Mason Munford returned home w ith Mrs. Officers of Beaver chapter, O. E Mrs C. E Mason and Mrs. L. L. Hill visited Mrs. Toge Johnston in sion that the Suez was a modern out to the lighthouse in Alexandria canal with lock*, trees, towns and j It is one of the seven wonders o f Flora Munford for a few days visit. S., and th eir families, the social Myers were each presented w ith a Hillsboro Saturday Mrs. Toge Jo h n ­ E E. Fulgham of Dayton is vis- , .clu b and th eir fam ilies enjoyed a Sift honoring them for th eir many ston and her infant son are doing everything along the side, but I the world, if we went to the right am told that it is just a big ditch i one Would like to have seen thi iting this week w ith his son-in-law , delightful pot luck supper and social calls in behalf of the Ladies’ fine. through the desert sands. I will j Catacombs and Cleopatra's bath and daughter, Mr and Mrs. B. B .¡social evening in the beautiful gar- Aid. A. Anderson of Mason Hill is know more about it in n day or so. I but time prohibited In Port Said Tresham. tx , « . _ » » « » ». dens oi **r - and Mrs. S B L aw r-' ■------------------------ very ill at the Jones hospital. Mr In Bombay I saw the s n a k e Eddie bought a swell camera for Mr- and Mrs. D elbert Hutchens ence at their home at Raleigh Anderson has Had two m inor oper­ charmers, the Gates of India and i $5 30 It was a G erm an make. And . H utchens attended the Thursday, the occasion being i n ations recently. the Towers of Silence. The Towers as there is no duty on cam eras in Wilson fam ily reunion at Rippling celebration of July birthdays. It Threshing is in full swing now. of Silence Is the place w here the Egypt he got u gixxl buy. W aters Sunday. was Mrs. Lawrence's birthdav. Fall crops are pretty good and also dead bodies of men. women and | Hope to have time to see Pompeii Mrs^ F rank G nndle visited Mr Employed in Drug Store early spring planting, but late Assistance of the agricultural ad- spring crops are very poor due to children arc laid in large cisterns tomorrow. I know I will get to and Mrs. Eli G rindle Saturday. The Elm er H am den has been employ- to be devoured by vultures This < see Veshvios, as it is right near latter accompanied her back to ed as druggist in the Dean d ru " justm ent adm inistration in estab lack of rain in May is part of the religion of the P ar- : the city, but probably w on’t have Portland for a few days’ visit. | store. Mr and Mrs Harnden will fishing or re-establishing facilities Mr. and Mrs Sigert Sorensen and sie. and is closely guarded. We i time to make a trip there, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Webb of m ake th eir home in Beaverton for disposing of the Pacific north- family returned from Puget Island Before I forget it, will you buy Tim ber visited friends in Banks Mr and Mrs. W alter R. VanKleek west whea’ surplus w ill depend last week Mr Sorensen resumed were just led along the paths of Monday. and daughter C athryn accompanied u P°n if16 size of the w heat crop work at the sawmill at Linnton, this beautiful park, past the eight up any old geographies that you different Towers, that no one is j think I would he interested in, as Mr. and Mrs Erin Coffey and oy Mrs Gladys Wills and her nationally and the regional distri- which had been closed due to the allowed to touch or enter, e x c e p t: I will w ant them when I get back children of Portland spent the daughter Patsv of Portland lef' bution of such surplus as may oc- strike. the packers that pack the bodies This will give you plenty of time w eek-end w ith Mr. and Mrs. Cass Monday on a two weeks' trip cur- T h‘s was ,he answ er in part on them If you folks have a folder to look for them Anil another Wilson. through Southern and Eastern Ore- irom Secretary Wallace to a special called "Round the World Guide." thing, you can mail your letters Mrs. H attie Davison returned to gon. interstate comm ittee headed by which is about 8'-j by 7 inches, has at a later date, than you have been h er w ork at the Masonic home Mrs. Jessie Davis of Omaha vis- William A. Schoenfeld of Oregon 28 pages and is full of things to doing For instance, letters mailed (B y M r . Zell G S le u tS e r.l Tuesday after a w eek's stay w ith ¡ted Mrs. Rubv Boyd and other s ,a ,e coI]ege which called upon see in each of the ports along with in Hillsboro get to Egypt in about Mr. and Mrs Ray Kuiken and her mother. Mrs. M. A. Dodds, and Beaverton friends this week him in Walla Walla asking the re- other relatives. Mrs. Davison has Miss M argaret West, daughter of sumption of business by the era- children visited relatives at Lyons pictures in the outside columns you 15 days Letters mailed in Hillsboro over the week-end. will get an idea of a few of the I on May 15 got there on May 29 been taking treatm ents in P o rtla n d . Mr and Mrs. H arry West, is at- ergency export corporation. ■ and were there for four weeks bo- Mr. Workman of Riverside, C a l, things I see. for ulcers on the eye and is much tending the international conven- Secretary Wallace told the com- Is Stu eating his spinach Tell fore I get there. This tip won't do improved. tion of the W alter League, Luther- m ittee that he understands the pe- visited Monday at the E. D. Hite home. him he don't know how lucky he much good this trip as your reply Mr. and Mrs. F rank Watson of an young people's organization, at culiar situation confronting the Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Struthers. is to have home cooked things will probably not reach me until P ortland visited Mrs. M. A. Dodds St. Louis. Mo. Miss West is the ora- growers of the Inland empire, and Elizabeth and Kenneth Struthers Sunday. I am getting closer to San Fran- our return to New York from Bos- torical delegate of the T rinity Wal- said that if conditions become M arjorie K erns of Vancouver, ter League of T rinity Lutheran such that price levels are threat- and Gayford Wilson attended the cisco now, and the trip is half over i ton U. S cigarettes are being lim ited ' W ash, is visiting Mr. and Mrs church. Portland. She will retu rn ened in this region he will not be wedding Friday evening of Miss Hurrah! aboard ship now. or rather they P aul Rosencrons by w ay of Denver, w here she w ill1 unsym pathetic tow ard taking such Ella Bean and Orville Reynolds at S. S President Johnson are being put under seal now, be­ Dr. Young lo Preach be met by her father, who will steps in surplus rem oval as may the C hristian church at Hillsboro. A lexandria to Naples cause they will be limited In Italy Ernest Hite Jr. got his leg acci­ Dr. H enry Young of Hillsboro will motor there to attend the G ideons', be necessary. Such operations are June 28, 1935 Cigarettes aboard ship are 55c a : occupy the pulpit of the Banks M. convention. They will retu rn home specifically authorized by the AA dently cut w ith the hoe Monday. A lexandria was the first port carton, as they are free from taxes E church Sunday evening in the together. act. that you didn't receive a letter That makes it eheup to smoke, but absence of Rev. E. Tilton, who will Congregational Ladies' Aid were M eanwhile announce m e n t h a s O p er a to r E x a m in er H e re from me. At Suez we received I haven't started as yet be at the Epworth League Institute guests of Mrs. George Taylor been received from W ashington fo r T w o D ay* N e x t W e e k mail but were unable to mail any at Falls City. Miss C arrie Bam- Thursday in the grove at her home th at the AAA will seek a goal of Who won the G allahad trophy, R. J. Dooley, exam iner of op­ as far as I could find out. Quite a the Barnes cup, etc. ford of Hillside occupied the pulpit A pot luck luncheon was served, some 53.000.000 acres of w heat un- erators and chauffeurs, will be in record for an 18-year-old cadet Sunday evening. Mrs. Spear of West Slope was hon- der contract for the new four-year Hillsboro Tuesday and Wednesday. Got my first glimpse of Italy this Miss Patricia Jensen w ent to or guest. S. S. President Johnson program ju st being launched. August 6 and 7, at the court house morning and also got to see Mt Naples to Genoa Portland Friday w here she has em ­ Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Kennedy and between the hours of 10 a. m. to Aetna, which is an active volcano ployment. Ju n e 30. 1935 sons of LaGrande w ere recent « « „ .I ____ -r 5 p. m. Tuesday, and 8 a. m. and of 14.000 feet height. We could see guests of A. M. K ennedy and friends M e n * th<< letter». T here were two mute», a fathers, mothers und wive«, and radio operator, and the three cadets singing I was sure a scene that i ttial went. We hired a guide and ' g rip p 'd you. and I had n sinking I weld through in about two hour» feeling in my stomach, even though We got to »ee the Forum. Court of I didn't have any Intereat ta the 1 Justice, The House of the Vettu. war. Hall of Appollo, statutes, and many Please save the Argus, Headers’ i thing» that I have seen pictured in Dig» 'Nt for in«* iiny Latin book. The tnuscuiu wus I*. S Just passing Elba Napo­ 1 very interesting, a.s it had dlshr», leon’s* old hangout. St. Helens In 1 spoons, va»e», pans and even form» the background Cun see his home i of men. women and children that und castle, and also tin* m onum ent bad suffocated from ttie heat. I erected to him ' .»ore got »unburned going through J there. On the way back we »topp'd at a sidewalk cafe und had a plate I of spaghetti apiece and I had an (I ncorpora (rd) extra dish of ravlollas. We were C o lIrr U o n a — C r e d it K rp u r ta overcharged, and so we dashed up to the chief of police to get thing • , In settled It took u m about an hour ' to finally get the price .settled and 1 Wuahlnifton. Tfllamouk, Yamhill, Polk and Marlon Countlm back to the ship 1 saw one of the most impressive IVraonal Contact on Gollcotlonz scenes yesterday that 1 have evei | WaahliKton County O ffice I seen. Troops of soldiers going to - war down in Abysinnia We docked Commercial Building right alongside the passenger ship B ccoik I a n d M u lti H L rv c U that was converted into a transport i P lu m e 3071 We watched the men go aboard dur- ' lllllaboru, Orcgoa mg the duy, und ut six o'clock when | Credit Bureaus I a ah ENOUGH EIRE INSURANCE? o Neil Richardson Writes About His Experiences on Around-World Tour Beaverton Lodges Hold Annual Picnic th a t question. Have your loss little Hiteon you enough Insurance to replace fully the loaa at home, property or buaine**? Anything less Is yuar Don't run the risk when Fire Insurance cust* sa per thousand. CHAS. L. WALKER, Agent 116 S. Third Ave. Hillsboro, Oregon Every form of protection Fire. Auto. Casuully, Liability Fidelity, Surely, Life. ¿“ ‘“‘«oF£ Wallace Keeps Tab on Wheat Surplus the New 1 9 3 6 Now ¡g the lime to iinhwer DEEP CUT PRICES A u g u st I’wd. Boric 1st to 10th 29c 59c 98c 89c $£.29 Acid. l-lb. 98c Picture Framed ... Criterion Pocket W att D are’s M Pepsin ........... Pi nk hum's Compound Shinola, W hite Rainbow Dyes Comfort Foot Pads M ar-0 Oil Shampoo Newbro llerpicide S tar Blades Is 10(1 Embossed Napkins Evening in Paris Pow der Klenzo Tooth Past(>. 3 for 10c 5c 10c 79c 39c 10c 10c 89c 50c Seventeen Face ( ’ream s ........ Alka Seltzer Castile Soap 49c 49c 29c l-lb. Colgate's Soaps 29c 6 fo r Sun Tan 49c * *il Hind's H & z\ 39c ( 'rea m Caldwell 98c Syr Pepsin I’ieree’s 89c Prescription Jonteel zllmond Cream 29c 10c Envelopes 15c 2 fo r Cream e Shoe 19c C leaner Jasam ine Face 59c Pow der Lord Baltimore 29c P aper i Venetian ticket. Jay l'lulli|>e. Hillsboro) DELTA DRUG STORE Menkens has received consider- ’ able recognition for his process and j the state has sent H enry Marugg. i a form er Hillsboro boy. to him for three weeks of training. The state I has also purchased equipm ent from I Menkens in order to make the boy self-supporting. Subscribe now to the Argus. In Washington county $1.50 a year, j Six months 85c. T hree months 50 cents. Two months 35 cents. I_ F f ' '■ Pl rT -' ^ O r CIENCE and invention march on! Philco for 1936 reaches new S heights of tone, power and foreign k / reception! Don’t wait—select your new Philco NOW! Csoday < U HIGH-FIDELITY WORLD RECEPTIONI PHILCO 116X (right) Radio’s' finest instrum ent for com­ plete American and Foreign re ­ ception and perfect program re ­ production. Covers every broad­ cast service on the air, including the new U. 8. Government W eath­ er Forecasts: High-Fidelity Audio System. Inclined Sounding Board. Acoustic Clarifiers, etc. Exquisite cabinet of costly, $4 Q .00 hand-rubbed woods. J .O O A C /L c r A iiiio u iic c in c iilj an d In v ita ­ tio n * n e e d n o t b e e x p e n s iv e , b u t t b e y M U S T be a b s o lu te ly correct; «mart . . . rod ern n t . h . o . EVERY BOTTLE ALIKE! With Philco All-wave Aerial $190 SENSATIONAL V A L U E I i'ifil.i O 6I0F (left) A new full-sized floor type model that tunes-in the world — at an amazingly low price. Beautiful satin-finished * /| Q 95 cabinet. > v (With Philco All-wave Aerial $54.95) 1936 PHILCOS— $22.90 up Momingdew G U ER N SEY D A IR Y LIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE SAM HUI.IT & SONS EASY TERMS Phone 2568 1*6 miles south of Hillsboro Selfridge Furniture Company Phone 21X 136 You’ll discover th at every bottle of M om ingdew Milk Is identical in high quality, de­ licious flavor, and healthful, nutritious qualities. Itay in and day out, the perfect ch ar­ acteristics rem ain the same. The vitam in content, the but- terfat content, and the w on­ derful flavor never vary. Try a bottle today. • 8. T h ir d A ve. Gold Medal Diploma W inner ,d in p e r fe c t g o o d taste A r t P o i n t l b e r n . ( . S r a 1. b y is o f h ig h est q u a lity , even a n d sm ooth to th e ton die sh n d in ^ u n ifo rm , th e sty le s co rre c t . . has society s u n q iiah fied 1 njipr ap p ro v al. Tiic season's newest in Socia/fy , or- rect W eJ J /n g Invitations a n d Marriage /nnounrernents, illustrated in this years n ew A rt Point' liooJs m ay ho seen at this gflice. Consult this book w ithout obligation/ the prices are very reasonable. (Venetian ticket, Jam es Say, 152 N Fourth Ave.. Hillsboro) Jffi llsbonitJfcrAr g u s With Which 1* Combined The Hillsboro Independent in 1934 — Score 98.2 Silver Medal Diploma Winner in 1933 — Score 97.8 V is itin g C ard, ..th e n e u ie r s ty le ,