Of '»/-V mills b on Circulation— Your Horne P aper Large«! Audited Oregon Weekly W ith Volume 42, No. 24 N e w s L etter Changes Set Makes for Fewer Mistakes and Better Service W h ic h is C o m b in e d th e H ills b o r o Independent Hillsboro, Oregon, T hursday, August 1, 1935 HUIahoru llHÍ»p«ini»»it Katabltahwl 1873 'State¿¿¡tol¡¡V oting Area Early Copy— Annual Livestock Tour Slated for Coming Week H/Jlaboro Argua Established Federal Building to be Completed Here This Week Cut in Debt for School Group Plans to Preserve Hillshoro's $45.900 federal build­ ■ V a . I* L 1 N D B B O K ing and postofficc is now a reality Nearly three years have elapsed since the first notice of an appro­ Solon« May be Asked to priation for the purpose was re­ ceived, but W Riippa. construction ; E nact Code« Into engineer, declared this week that W a rr a n ts Slashed the structure would be ready for C o u n ty H is to ric a l, M u seu m Laws As Aid (Numbers to R e p la c e f o r m e r oMer c,ub #I)d men ,(.ad„ „ «cupancy Saturday. Postal func . - . A ssociatio n O rg a n iz e d tions. however, will not be trans- The tour will include judging, $ 4 1 ,0 7 0 .0 2 ; Bonds R e tire d P re c in c t N a m e s ; L im its , ferred to the new building until feeding, management and fitting I on M o n d a y N ig h t A m o u n t to $ 3 2 ,2 5 0 ALEM It the supreme c o u r t about August 13 due to the fact for exhibit purposes of hogs, sheep,, o f N in e A lte r e d hold« thu ugrlcullural agreement ! i that the necessary furniture and j 1 dairy and beef cattle Considerable I •cl to be unconstitutional, as la , fixtures have not arrived. time will be devoted to discussing Final arrangement« (or the an­ nual three-day 4-H club Willamette valley Uventock tour have been ■nude, according to word received from the state club office by L E Francis, assistant county agent. The tour, which Is to be held Monday, * Tuesday and Wednesday, is for D is tric t Areas Cited Early Relics Four Areas Abolished rSI\™ r,S S ,.«;,ie"d:uK l Annual Report Given Programs Proposed for C ounty S " S 'S Two Sections, Twelve Pages Cornelius Bank Depositors Get Big Part Claims SERA Plan to Continue Ten per cent dividend for all de- I posit claimants in the Cornelius State bank liquidation will be paid, i Saturday through the local Com - J mercial National bank, according i , to W. C, Christensen, liquidator ' This payment will bring the total realized by depositors to 90 per I n a h ilitv to O r o a n u » W P A cent, one of the largest recoveries ,n a D ,“ ,y *° o r g a n iz e w r A made in the Pacific northwest by j S et-up Causes C h an g e depositors in banks closing during T ra n s fe r D a te the banking holiday in 1933. Depositors in the bank received five per cent of their claims at i Thirty Days Future Program Cited ably be asked to validate existing ________ Detail«! program is as follows: ------------- (Riippa stated that considerable ------------- nelius institution was consolidated ________ codes by enacting them Into law August 5—9 a. m . meet city park,. .»«.» , remained cu u, i work in leveling s*»»™ ground with the „„„„ Commercial National bank as congress is doing with the na F iv e N ew n i . t r i e t . E ffe c t o f th e S E R A P ro je c ts around the building and in clean T o z ie r M a t e r ia l W il l F o rm in June 1933 F e d e ra l A id in R e lie f fo r r i v e n e w D is tr ic ts S e t u p ,or Cruickshanks farm, 10 a m 1 I . lng _ up the premises. ’ - expects _ . _ ----- tlonal codes. He Basis fo r C o lle c tio n The remaining 40 per cent of the In d ic a te d in F ig u re s to 12 noon. Cruickshanks isheep Judge Winters of the Multnomah I this to be completed by August 15. U n e m p lo y a b le « E xpected Forest G ro v e V ic in ity bank assets were placed in liquida­ and ti.,r . , , 12 1 j p m to 1 :«) county circuit court in holding the j The new building is one-story tion by a depositors’ committee in , lunch und swim, city park. Mc­ ice crestn code to be invalid de- 1 Warranted indebtedness of Wash- * llb. baw'ment and *» 68 by 52 feet Washington County Historical and consisting of P L. LaFollette, Art to complete eluted that tile act represented un Washington county voting pre Minnville; 2 p. m. to 4 p, m , Frank ington county's 104 elementary and . dln,en8lon8 The outside of the Museum association was organized Spiesschaert and F. H. Sholes, a ll:. Inability , . organiza- Brown's (beef cattle); 4:30 p. m., five union high school districts was bulldlng **. a" d rtone ,AJ*.0' here Monday night at the city hall, of Cornelius Since that time three iX inistrM km “^ ! un°m f t S t o attempt to delegate legislative SU- designated bv thority to un administrative body c,n' “ w,1‘ 1,1 aeaignutea py num- j foot Hills farm—camp over night reduced »41.070.02 during the past h<‘ lock’- ‘‘«ht fixtures, postoffice The organization has for its pur- dividends, two of 15 per cent and " ( T h u r ^ ^ i ^ e t i ^ o?iizbZ August 8 8 a in. to 10:30 a. m , year and the bonded debt was boxes, etc are in place and the pose the bringing of the historical one of 10 per cent, have been re- While there has been muh op-, b« r ln8»eod oi by nam' ln fu J P jo , VriJrfE? of position to some of the codes, p a r-! lure, according to an order signed f.°?» Hllla farm (Hampshiresheep); slashed »32,250 in the same period Uck,.°,fl T ? “ " "1e t‘ “ ary furniture collection of Albert Tozier and Mrs. leased The present 10 per cent 3l’y « u ^ n r S i a m ilm w 2.lt Ocularly the restaurant code and Monday by the county court. The ' nl »“ » 11 nc“' cdy according to the annual report re- is a11 ,hat is bolding up actual oc- Edith Tozier Weatherred to Hills- payment brings the total realized l o n t m ^ a t i o ^ o r .h ^ 'sK R A * In leased Monday by the county «ihool cupsney. boro and the assc-mbling and the I to 80 per cent. ^ sh .n irto ^ c o u n ty for a the Ice cream code, agricultural , actlon, taken to simplify voter .j *p 'IT) ¡j, b wVrren's i Irrigation tor.-kts a r e known to strongly favor ___..................... ..a • J? ■ “ • ■ ’" “ W arrens < Irrigation!. tereets ure A large amount of notes and other 30 days AnnoLncenSmt registration und elections, not only 4 30 ,, c over n( ht swim; superintendent's office. Total re- First notice that the building was preservation of other historical the codes us a protection of their substituted numbers for the old |jairn Grove ceipts listed for all districts was to be constructed was received Oc- material. bonds still remain to be liquidated, this change in Diana was received interests and are said to be pre­ precinct names, but also abolished W38,332.67, w h i l e disbursements tober 6. 1932, in_a telegram from „ ^ f l e e r s named were.W. Verne Christensen stated. by‘ couUt? iS ie f otticYab Tuesday August paring to carry their fight f o r four old voting areas, creating five to 11 a m amounted to *560,498.68. leaving a Senator Steiwer. The appropriation McKinney, president; Mrs. noon from Elmer R. Goudy, state validation of the marketing agree­ relief administrator. ments to the lawmakers themselvca • • • As a result all projects operat­ ing under the SERA program in A postal card mulled at Astorlu the county will be continued dur- on August 20, 1929, reached the ;;; .----- 7” ”j7 •— ’— • “ . , c » Cu . inK the month of August, provided stute department here this week, of Aloha, will rantain the same 280 22 ln outstanding vouchers were sites offered in Hillsboro on March ‘F- , „ , T I l V C S L l P t l l c L I sufficient _ 6 » , » « s funds ’ are available . '« x s R s after being nearly six years ln Under the new set-up the num -; transit. The curd mailed by J. D. ber of polling places will be in ­ Ilullberg was addressed to Hal K. I loss, secretary of stote Since thut creased from 48 to 49 • » s r-s-i • « term loan vouchers, leaving the tract for the construction work was . . . . _ . Changes Made time lions hus died, I' J. Stadel- warranted debt for all districts at let to Joseph H. Anderson of Port- P ^ P 1« D thf, K c,ourt. u house; A? workers will continue on the bud­ N o t P laced in V e rd ic t mun of The Dalles has served out That part of old Southwest For- s is 2 1 I 1 U X. l i c i t ; *120,310.83. The figure at the close land on October 9, 1934. and actual m° ? euy ia available the material get hour program. the uncxplred portion of Hoes' eat Grove situated outside of the _____ ( of the 1932-33 year was »225,619.05 work was begun December 7 of last wi!* be placed in glass cases, Plana Cited term und Earl Snell of Arlington city limits of Forest Grove will be year. I Association dues j have been i set . at ' Verdict that Lester Mailer o f , n . . . Fatare — . . . . .. . iccordm , ‘?o J h e o r d ^ t t H e a rin g ^ e S ^ W ^ . t ^ has succeeded to the office. Committee to make preparations 50 Cei ? 3 ’T L ’ "*1 “a f° r Hayncs- Alberta. Canada, died of Bel!ef that tbe of the f o r a pubU^ d a t i o n oM he new ^ b e r s * * “ be conducted. Money interna) injuries sustained when w o r k s progress ad m in istratio n Salem any restaurant a r e number 24 Was S created building a ^ u t A u î ù r t 15 X ap- necded,, a‘ . onc® t0 br‘ng.uthe the truck in which he was riding would ■’educe the relief load by “agin” provision owners for a res,su- s ^ rt^ f p^ in trf l X week by H L M m - ’ T collection here and those crashed into a tree on th g approxim ately?^ per cent was the rant or cafeteria In the new cupl- Northwest Forest Grove lying out- um »’ñd Mas lain *310’' puinieu last weea oy n. i.. m at wi,hing to participate and become nf fh. Tualatin Vail.v hi.h «pinion expressed Tuesday evening tol building In a protest signed side of the city lexcept u small Divided four to two for acquittal, w 1 ,or sojaauu. Kenzie, chamber of commerce pres- members are urged to leave their way near Reed v ille Julv 22 ^wa. by Ivan White, field administrator ident. Members of the committee in- dues at t h e A r e u s o f f ic e o r w it h y n, L.Needville July 22 was re- . SFRA , , hj district in by all of the operators of eating strip lying on each side of North jurors hearing the trial of John Detail of total receipts, as listed elude E. L Johnson, L. T McPheet- McAlear or Wilkes. ” tu r n e d T h u r s d a y e evening v e n in a b v th e f.o SERA turned Thursday by the . r _ . . in this , district, in places in the » capital city, filed with Multi street), all ... of — the old Purdin Ano »h f i Portland one oí of a a numoer number ¡ in _.,hc Sch°?1 8UPeri“» e“ den»’8 r*7 v j J „ . coroner ’s jury summoned to hear f u s s i n g future plans during a - ---• ,UI...... —b 1, ----- ,— .... ortiana, one was as follows: Cash on hand, ers, W. Verne McKinney, Rev. the board of control this week, it urea located in section 22 TIN Tozif,r Weatherred met evidence in the fatal accident. Re- fel‘^ committee meeting Federal is pointed out that there are now R4W and a small part of the old at ,trlke pickets arrested on dis- »46,385 43; district taxes. »260.796.40 T. Costello and Postmaster Fred ire d with the group Monday night and sponslbihty ior the crash was not funds anticipated from the social adequate facilities for feeding state Verboort precinct In section 32 TIN orderly conduct charges during re- county school fund, (96,290 10; ele- Holznagel. explained that she and her brother piaCed jn the report security act now pending before employes I n privately operated R.3W Polling place for this dis- cent labor troubles at Stimaon mill, "H'litary school fund »55.792 38; wanted the collection in Hillsboro, H , congress were also cited as a prob- restaurants conveniently located. trlct will be the Watts school i wer„ d|«m 1Med Tuesday evening ! t a ,e 1schM l ,und- »»U 0054; voca- because this is where their parents: . ” 1 called «>' the coroner able aid in caring for indigents. were dismissed Tuesday evening Uonal education, »1102 50; other An eating place in the slate build­ house : came behind a yoke of oxen, where *hc’«ded Harry Mailer of Banks, Future rem relationship w e e e e n n c..c, cr^-tcct comhcr m I b> A. W Havens. Hillsboro justice counties, »8973.97; tuition andtrans- she was born where thev lived and brother ^ e deceased and driver r^iiure M m iup o b e e i t w ing. its is argued, would present W « c r cd e lt« ! toPi i k e in alT ^ f o\d of thc Guy C Holey alao oi P°rtaUon short t e r m „ f T I V e the™'7amUv wasllV^ d oi Aebischer ot of the the' truck; truck? Fred Fred" Aebischer" of colV,nty re b e i/uA‘ts and the WPA unfair competition. N . ^ t h e X r T o ^ e oubdde 13 <'«rtl“nd “,ld facing similar charges, loans. »68.380; tuition and trans-1 • • • cited the importance of Wash- Beaverton route 2, R. B. Denney * iU. eon?5? of the certification of cited the importance of Wash J f q{ BeavertQO and K th T < employable persons on relief to r ’a X n f r X w“s convicted at Forest Grove Fri- portation ior pupils below high Truck operators over the state ih^ " ington county in the early history lor of West Slope, eye witness«»; old Northwiid r J X i 1 r iiii^ /a n d day and wa* flncd ,10° and co«U I school. »1818 70; special functions," work!i progress set-up. The •re pretty generally solisfled with of the Oregon country and of how Mrs Howard Hughes of Hillsboro. W?A “ w wlH ,l urn ca2 7 ’“ 'A . the new regulations and their ad­ former S lu t? ” ,« F<^ I b y th e jU,tlC' ot tbe O< th*’ S ot ^ i _________ _ — it is truly - — the ____ historical center - of canneries and tne ministration in the opinion of E - Tucsduvl - ' .„„—. c o fo r'th e year, ¿ »22.-' “ t‘ I L o w e r In te re s t R a te S la te d the state. Mrs Weatherred told of driver of the second car Involved L” !3 ail t|if\m Jy«4«,Tjth Trial ot Aho standing warrants the accident; Mrs Dorothy Woods A. Landis, superintendent of the art a also contains all of the South inornltlJi in tbc county court room 830 20. the expressions of co-operation in of Hillsboro, passenger in Mrs. to W^ e„ ^ er ^ P temb?*' motor traffic division of the util­ Uon"^*!X fo r N e w $ 6 4 ,0 9 5 Issue ' voiced and others in Hughes' car; and State Officer Wal- 1 '" r a w X J d tM r i^ f and ,hc case wenl to ,ho lury at 5 Disbursements were reported as ■ t'h T b n n by 7 in grangers /‘of‘?he"coii^-tm‘ n here rcsponsibiUty for the works ities department. 1-undls has Just tne Dnnging oi tne collection nere. „ ¡.-« « „ ih c r program will be entirely transfer- B ± m mL area Ivlnc m set” P m A,‘cr hoUr delibera-1 follows, the figure for elementary completed a tour of central and h ke n *17 Tis* R3W Polling olacc “ ° " lhe Juror* WCre hopelessly districts, union high schools and j southern Oregon contacting truck lion 17 TIS R3W, Polling place ^ „¿lo ck ed and were dismissed , (ConUnu«i on p .« . s. column l) owners, shippers und others inter­ i®r this ing bonds at a reduced rate of in (Cootlnucd on p « « 8. column 3) ------------------------ precinct was e s t a b l i s h e d tl[neg during the tria l the] ested in transportation problems at the Masonic home. were authorized in ------------ two ordt- t • o s deienw attorney asked for ais- I terest --------------------------------- a i The area lying within the city missal of the charge, arising from LaOCHl r C O p IC T T l lt * t nances adopted by the Hillsboro l n d C p C f l C l C n t S O C C K that the Mailer truck and t h e resl<^ue o f, pers?“ “nabl eD ‘° get Kirby post of the American, Le- hm itj ro rw t Grove wrp divided the alleged resisting of a state of- . A • J I eity council during a special ses- *? . Hughes" car were following behipd employment under the WPA, for age pensions, for dependent ? '°n » Is* J ' h w ranttnl ,nto three new precincts Number fleer, but the motions were denied Tuesday evening Discussion automobile driven b v /‘î a dwi‘i h now m tnli « *111 Include all of the city lying crippled children, for the blind Jurors drawn for the case were was also conducted concerning sug- & Frank Myers, Beaverton route 2. S , pl S,U.‘^ïxn• fUnd ,O‘“1’ w uth of First avenue North and J N Wiley. A M. Carlile. R. E Witnesses reported that the truck ,nd'*enU , gested local works progress a d -. , .. um. me . t u c k and . ior . COunly j . . . . _ aftCT ».84 83 . . . ¡east of Second street Number 45 Wiley. F E Hartrampf. L E Mac- Three Suffer Minor Injuries ln ministration projects and the pro- Support Pledged to Any Group turned out to the middle of the J,ounty funds are exhausted. These a .„ ,„ Z X ,„ „ i,.d ’ ¡ n .h - » . ¡¡J ¡ S ? _ _ , . . . ... i. takes ln the area south of First Dowd, .n a F « C . ™ „ n , . „ n. I J “ ï i ryv avcnue Nor‘h *"d West of Second Hillsboro. I ----- 1 Park bonds amounting to »12,500 ___ I right on the Orenco road. Mrs. - the - works program to the WPA, years old today tT ^ u ^ a y r Created Number 46 was created to Rcv- J - T Costelloe of Hillsboro ““ d general obligation funding se- Resolution offering the assistance Hughes stated that she was at- of according to White b.y * n S? lhe °L include all of Forest Grove lying during'the^reeent strike'' luive now the UMUtuUon opened its doors on F N<)rth Çh(s faced*the court Dan O’Brien o t, ‘,uffcre<1 a bruised face Sunday eve- cunties totaling »22.000 were called of the Portland Independent "B ‘he truck wbe" Small percentage of persons who August that biennial year and Holey <>f p Portland be ' njn8 nin« when he drove came m contact cannot placed at the time on Fgrnm 1 it« of first report « it • I ’y,rt,'n’ wll> Permit Forest Grove Kerry KcrTy and Roiey of ort|and be- when he drove his his car car into into {°r payment on August 10 of this Grade Milk Producers" association X ‘A “ lia i ~ convicted and » « £ ditch d»»ch east of Reedville in ■" tJ ^ u_ ^ ds. t0 any ^°U P desiring to secure be^ ru' k *£“ 7** ?b™p“ y WPA projects will be aided from is lea?neit that the " I b ia r y X the *° conduct city" city .lections at the mg eonvietad and fined fined at at Forest Forest:»1 in an Grove w h ile Aho annealed here a,»empt to avoid a boy on a » « ' to mature in 1947 and carried separate state legislation beneficial »° tne teft and crashed into the state iiquor fund9 according to & The first t w T h ^ fU ^ (bicycle. The automobile was badly «ve per cent interest Deducting t0 the market milk group was tr“ al?cpc°r & £» ceived a cut nose and J. Pecren- s“e at three and a half per cent. Grove chamber of commerce. The Templeton, county judge. The peti- through its traveling library sys­ Walter Ashley of Portland an- ako of Hillsboro, a lacerated The bonds are to be issued in de- organization opposed such legisla- ti°n stated that the estate con- tem. other faces a I charge Friday evening ° when a car . nominations $500 each and as an amendment to or a oart listed a cause legal action J O C rtV C iX O il J D O IlQ 8« of ABM the M« 1 M pickets, 4». a AA.4 ••• I 4.4 A .• S in of numerical • order « from a will j tion • - aga»“ - - * 8» * of Mr. _1 w Mrs. e for _ *« Hughes Last year the libray, now boast­ of # a. attempting the destruction of ( dri7en by Gardner was "involved in I 1 be . retired ¿f the present milk control and as a ing .350.000 well selected volumes personal property and I h will Prob* i a . collision with a machine oper- September 1, 1936, to September 1, Action was taken as a result resu^ Mailer’s death. — n h l.i n rv rv n s a a . lu .f n r n o . . . ___ __ ___ " Ir t C r t A 1 - J a served 856 communities through its First Payments on 1935 Contraéis ably appear before the circuit atcd by Irvln w Turner accl. 1950. of a recent court decision declar- . Accident report mailed to Sher- In County Total »5782.50 traveling libraries and supplied in­ court within a short time^ Trial dent occurred on Main street in Connell last week indicated that ' Six issues of street improvement ing the state agricultural adjust- dividual borrowers w i t h 143.000 of eight Cherry Grove strikers on fron, of u ,e c c gtore LaRowe of Lebanon route 2 Ballots Challenged in Election for totaling *29.595.90 were also :nent act unconstitutional and in- Cheeks for the first payment on charges of attempting to prevent: Pearl Valentine of Buxton suf- bonds books. d ^ver of the car involved New Bnildinr Laat Wednesday for payment on the next in­ validating codes. Producers and was • • • the 1935 corn-hog production con- a person from working for another fered cut£ about the head Thurs- called accident which caused th e . ___ terest dates. These refunding bonds dealers operating under the codes in Attorney General VanWinkle has i trol contracts are now available at is now pending before the local; day morning in an automobile ac- will also be issued in $500 de­ have been formulating voluntary death of William McLeod of Glen- advised the state boxing and wrest- the county agent’s office for farm- justice of the peace court. | cident north of Buxton. W. S. Val- nominations at three and a half agreements to preserve stability w? I T T i in Auto Accidents ' Slon StatC Legislation a third Vouchers Received Vote Fncis in Tie 4-H H og Feeding Contest Planned TlbLTSKT! ^ et Monday Nigh. Location Change Adjustment Programs, Drought Realtor Forecasts Rt*1Cirr Ttlf*t*<*aCP<4 F'lt’fll R p fllfll Harris Bridge Dedication at Farmington Scheduled Sunday Townsend Group Forms at Gaston Erickson Garage Wolf Creek and Wilson Viet runas * i