- * ............................ . — ----------------------------------------------.< > Early Copy— Oregon Products— Makes for Fewer Mistakes and Better Service The Argus is Printed on Oregon Made News — ■ 1 " ■ ■■■■■ ■ ■ 4 Section 2, Pages 1 to 4 THE LAST CROSS S tate, Federal B lack cap C rop R igh ts V ie w e d N e a r in g F inish Relation Probably the Most fundamental Problem Mountain Home Club Plans Show; Endeavor Elect« E ditor's Note Due of ii series of dlsi'iixxhinx oii constitutional qties- I lulls pn pai eit by member* of the tl uf D faculty for newspaper use. through co-operation of the college of .oclal sciences a n d school uf Journalism. «By John T. Gunoei The relation of the federul gov- ei nrnent to the stutes is probably Un- m ost fundamental problem of our i (institutional system Nearly • ei y gienl iritern.il coiiflu I Hl uui history bus Involved the clash of stall* unit federal rights Just wliul is tlie legitimate sphere nt fcderul action and wliut basis Is there historically In the ever-re­ curring claim of each generation that the domain of the states Is be­ ing Infringed upon and ttiat the constitutional system ordained by the framers is thus being over­ thrown? Historically, the unswer must be sought in un unulysls uf the con­ stitution and Its evolution over the pust 150 years. When tin* colonies In America declared their Independence they were confronted with the task of forming new governments fur each late as an Independent entity, and (or the United Stutes. The work of the second conti­ nental congress resulted in the first fcderul constitution the ar­ ticles of confederation, approved fi­ nally March 1, 1781 Under this constitution, the United Stutes was merely a league of Independent and sovereign states The federal government consisted of a congress In which each state , enjoyed equal power as Independ­ ent nations There was no division of the government into depart­ ments Tlie congress could declare war. make peace, make treuties. borrow und coin money, fix weights and measures und establish post offices but could not levy tuxes or regulate commerce Sovereignty was vested In the states. The United States upon huving its independence recognized b y Great Britain in 1783 was run fronted with a serious depression which brought demand* for Infla­ tion and finally Shay'» Rebellion uf 1788 Il was apparent that tlie states were in control of the radical debtor element, agrarian*, mechanics and laborer*. The lurge landholders und tlie business interests blamed the Minnesota society ot Oregon will hold a picnic reunion Sunday at Jantzen Beach park. Games, con- 1 tests, and renewing acquaintances i will be the feature of the day. The I Indiana and Maine states societies will also hold their picnic in con- | junction with the Minnesota society. ( H r Mat,el H A llison , Say you saw it in the Argus. MOUNTAIN HOME This week will about complete the harvest of ' blackcaps in this locality. Most of the growers have had a bountiful crop, although a consider a b l e amount of loss caused by the extra­ Milk Egg Mash $<>.00 ordinary hot weather has cut down Per 100 lbs............... «8 the total tonnage. The picking price Best G rade Develop- $<>.30 has been raised from 1‘-2 cents per pound to 2 cents for the later pick­ 100 “ ing The pickers have proven loyal Turkey Developing $<>.30 and steady, staying on the job even Mash. Per 100 lbs..... m through the hottest days. Harry Sehmeltzer and Jerome Waldron Scratch Feed, G rit and Shell have done the blackcap hauling for Dairy Feed most of the growers here. Most of W estern Dairy Feed $ 0 4 the mountain crop has been taken to Bodle and company at Sher­ P e r tori ........................... wood, although a few are hauling O ther feeds in proportion. to the Springbrook association. Others are drying and reports are We w ant your Poultry! that as much as 28 cents a pound Katharine Hepburn and Charles Boyer, who are co-starred in "Break of Hearts." coming to the Venetian screen Sunday, Monday and i for dried blackcaps has been offer­ T u e s d a y . _________________________________________________ ed. Plan Spud Show F eed - S eed - W ool and P ou ltry Ask your attorney to send your Chehalem Mountain Potato club Telephone 3061 legal advertising to the Argus. met at the home of the president, James Allison, Friday evening. L. E. Francis, assistant county agent, was present. Among the topics of The Sons and Daughters of Pio- f discussion at this meeting was that neers of Oregon will hold an all-1 REAL ESTATE of the problem of storage of pota­ day picnic at Laurelhurst park in toes and how to have potatoes Portland Sunday. An invitation is ready for exhibition at the various extended to the general public It fairs. It was decided to hold an­ is open to all. Please come with other potato show in this commun­ well filled lunch baskets for a ! ity later this year. Club members happy day. are making plans to attend the 4-H An interesting program is being club picnic at Balm Grove next prepared, consisting o f old-time Sunday August meeting will be music in which all are expected to Loans for any purpose on improved city held at the I F. Atrop home Aug­ join. or suburban homes. ust 16. A special invitation is extended Endeavor Elects Low interest cost; repaym ent privileges. to pioneer men and women. Come Mountain Home Christian En­ and bring your friends and neigh­ deavor has elected the following of­ bors and everybody that you can Prom pt service— home company. ficers: Helen Sehmeltzer, president; ' Warren Forsythe, vice-president; I think of. Peronice Ego, secretary, and James Neighborhood news from 30 Ar­ Allison, treasurer. Only 45 were present at Sunday gus correspondents in d i f f ere n t ' school last Sunday morning. Plans sections of Washington county ap­ J. M. PER SO N , M anager are being made by some here to at­ pear in the Argus each w e e k . what your friends are do­ H illsboro, O regon Savings A Loan Bldg. tend the camp meeting at Jennings Learn ing for less than three cents a Lodge next week. week. t f ' I Recent guests of Mr and Mrs. Harry Saunders were Mr. and Mrs B. O. Lekas and three children and Muriel Thurston, all of Portland; June and Marjorie Schmid of Glad­ stone and Patrick Ryan of Cascade Locks. Young Ryan, who is a grandson of Mrs. Saunders, is stay­ ing until after harvest. Mrs Howard Shipley of Willam­ ette was a recent house guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Allison, when she returned to her home. Virgil Allison accompanied her. He re­ mained for a few days Mrs. Alex Bruce has been under­ going a series of treatments in a Portland hospital. Club to Resume Mountain Home Bible Study club will resume activities Wednesday. Here is a ear that w ill bring bickering about "Couldn’t yon The club will meet with the lead­ er. Mrs. George Allison. All who you to your feet eheering. It have gotten alongw i thont th is?” are interested are welcome to these meetings. is bigger and room ier than any and "Why did yon bring that?” Hodgen-Brewster OJL Farmers’ Cash Store Sons, Daughters Pioneers Picnic LO ANS Evangelical churches in Jennings tlie states or In the United States. ' Lodge from July 24 to August 2. all members were in agreement i Bible school will convene as usual that the nutiunul authority, what- 1 at 10 o'clock in the morning. All ever the power granted to it, must are invited. with regard to those powers be (H r M rs. K L Cos) The following have been guests supreme over state uuthonty KINTON Mi and Mrs. Roy during the past week of Mr and The constitution which was the Blerly, who are in the chicken Mrs Robert Pomeroy: Mr. and Mrs. product of the deliberations of the convention, in the minds of the business on a large scale, lost 54 of Bert Sparks and son Clement. Mrs frumers established u national gov­ their hens by the extreme heat George Newell. Mrs W A. Kirts ernment with the national govern­ during the hot wave of last week and Evelyn Waite, all of Portland. Mrs Ethel McCormick, Miss ment supreme In those pow ers, There were also other losses re­ Blanche McCormick and Virgil Mc­ specifically delegated to it, und : ported. Builds Barn Addition Cormick of Hillsboro visited Mrs. with uil others remaining to the j W C. Hall is building an addition Lilly Bierly Sunday. states. to his barn. There was a big crowd at "The Tlie principle of the division of i Brotherhood of E v a n g e l i c a l .tepressm n U| miii the radicals and powers between the state and fed- ! churches in this district met July Riffles" on Fred Anickcr's place Sunday. This is a very popular proclaimed the weaknesses of the eral governments would thus seem, 18 with Mr und Mrs Hurry place during the warm days of 111 general terms, extremely simple articles ot confederation Sehmeltzer at Mountain Home. S. Our government," wrote Gen­ The national government could e x ­ H Pomeroy. Everett D. Wright and summer and many take advantage of the nice cool water of the Tual­ eral Knox, "must be braced, chang­ ercise only those powers specifical-1 Edward L. Cox attended from here atin river. ed or altered to secure our lives ly granted to it. all others were George Godfrey und sister. Miss and our property . The men of reserved to the states. In the controversy over the rati­ Amy Godfrey, from McCloud, C a l. property und the men of stution who formerly resided here, are und principle wish for a gen­ fication of the federal constitution I muking an extended visit with eral government of unity, as they in the states the proponents of the! old friends here. They arrived from w e that the local legislatures must constitution, in reality those with California Friday naturally and necessarily tend to national leanings, became known (B y Hazel C h urrh ley ) Rebekah club of Ruby Rebekah as federalists, and those opposed to retard the general government " lodge of Scholls will meet with B. Imlay & Sons The result, ultima.cly, was the it or leaning toward complete state Mrs. Gludys Aten this Friday aft­ arc KEF.DVILLE—J running a night shift for a railing of a constitutional conven­ sovereignty became known as anti- ernoon. week or so. They are cleaning peas tion which met in Philadelphia federalists. Mrs Elizabeth Wright and chil­ grown on the Enschede place at The struggle over ratification did Monday. Muy 14. 1787, to revise the dren. who have been visiting dur­ Orenco. article* of confederation The dele­ not cease with the acceptance of ing the past two weeks with rela­ Mr and Mrs A. Smith of Tigard gates, in the main. Ignored their the constitution The new govern­ tives in Wuldport. returned home and Mr. and Mrs. A Moore of Port­ instruction* und for u period of ment hud yet to go into effect lust Wednesday afternoon. land visited Mr. and Mrs. H. J. four months engaged In drafting Federalists und anti-federalists both Misses Kathryn, Roberta and Churchley. the constitution of t h e United put up candidates with the federal­ Murilee Pomeroy, daughters of Mr Betty Ryan of California is visit­ ists winning uguin. In the admin­ State*. and Mrs Robert Pomeroy, had ton­ uncles. John and Jim Frank. The convention was not concerned istration only federalists were plac­ sil operations last week and all are ing Mr her and Mrs. C. T. Imlay, Mrs primarily with theory. It was com ed into office Christiana Kelly and Miss Margaret "The first government wus thus getting along well. IMwed of practical men interested Mrs Fred Valentine, who has Imlay made a business trip to in no sense u coalition," Professor in a workable government been making her home in Spokane. Castle Rock Friday Luther Martin, delegate f r o m U, ird points out "When the puper Wash., for some time, has been a Mrs. C. Yoe and son of Port Marylund, claimed there were three docuiin nt of Philadelphia became guest the past two weeks of her Huron. Mich., visited her sister- Itarlies In the convention, the na­ a reall.s il lived on in the reason brother-in-law and sister. Mr and in-law. Florence Yoe. last week. tionalists. the federalists, and the und will ol tue men who had con­ Mrs H enry J Valentine. Mrs Val­ Mr and Mrs. Young of Lisbon. im|M-rialists The imperialists and structed and adopted It. It was they entine expects to make her home N D., visited the J. F. Lowe home the nationalist*, combined a n d who enacted the laws, enforced the in California a little later. Mrs this week. agreed that a national government decrees, raised the army, and col­ Valentine wus a neighbor and Mrs. John Kirkwood fell down ought to be established, consisting lected the taxes, and so made the friend of Mr. and Mrs E. L. Cox, her back steps Monday and in­ of a supreme legislative, executive, new constitution an Instrument of when in Portland, and was enter­ jured her leg between her knee power in the direction of national and judiciary. and thigh with a possible fracture tained by them The word "national" was struck economy and In the distribution of Mr. and Mrs J J VanKleek and Avery Milstead and friend. Frank out and "United States" Inserted in wealth In their hands mere words daughter Miss Helen VanKleek. who Dobnikar of the U. S. S. Okla­ Its place, which Luther Martin de­ on purehment were transformed in­ were guests for a week or so of homa are home on a furlough vis­ clared was done because the other to un engine of sovereign com­ Mr und Mrs. Virgil Landess of iting Mr. and Mrs. D Milstead. pulsion that could not be denied Chitwood also took in some of the might create alarm. Several of the Reedville young While there was disagreement ns anywhere throughout t h e length coast resorts and returned home people attended the five-and-ten to whether sovereignty rested In and breadth of the land." carnival sponsored by the Aloha during the pust week. B Y P U. in Kreller's grove Alerting Set Vera Lowe attended a picnic at Business and prayer meeting of the church will be held at the Jantzen Beach Friday for the Port­ Infinite Wisdom church August 8 at 8 o'clock. E v -' land nurses. Your physician is pre­ eryone is invited to be present a t ' Mr. and Mrs. R. Schappert are pared, through years of tlie meeting Rev. Virgil Speece, spending a week at Ocean Park. concentrated study a n d pust or of the church, will have Wash. vast experience in t h e Mr. and Mrs. Jess Churchley and charge of the meeting. field of medicine, to meet Mrs. Gladys Aten attended Re­ daughter have returned from a any emergency. Very often bekahs' Past Noble Grands' meeting few days vacation at Yachats. n serious condition, such in Sherwood last Wednesday after­ us nephritis, is manifested Small llqmr Sold noon. by early mild symptoms Half-acre tract and a small house No preaching service will be held owned by Kuratli A Wismer north which can only be inter­ at the church this Sunday as the preted correctly by your pastor. Rev. Virgil Speece. w ill be of Hillsboro was sold to Mr. and in attendance at the Oregon-Wash­ Mrs William Rollins of Hillsboro physiclnn. ington summer assembly of the last week. A Prescrlptionist Fills Rxs Carefully at Kinton Chickens Killed by the Heat Imlay’s Warehouse Runs Night Shift HILLSBORO PHARMACY Z. J. Riggs, Prop. 243 Mnin St. Hillsboro Phone 311 A New Lettering Glen Epler Named on Dilley Board Glen Epler was re-elected to the Dilley elementary school board Thursday evening during a special district election. The first ballot was contested on the allegation that several aliens had voted. Epler, the incumbent, received 55 votes Thursday while Roy Hiatt received 34. In the previous elec­ tion Epler had won out by a 28 to 24 margin W. L. Marshall was re-elected clerk of the district. Our classified columns may have just what you are looking for— Read them. tf tfuw to Roup th e enTrancY to y»>ur home neat aiwHrim.- Ford sedan o f previous years. It seats six passengers in an* ham pered com fort. There is room to s-t-r-e-t-c-h and relax. A ll p assen g ers are cr a d le d b etw een th e sp r in g s o n & beautifully flexible 1 2 3 -in c h springbase—the superlative o f riding ease. Add to this the total elim ination o f the bag* gage bugaboo and you have the ideal car for touring. A com ­ m odious b u ilt-in trunk, easy to reach, keeps bags and suit cases clean and drv. No m ore I f yonr m otoring plans includ e lon g or short trip s—and this car w ill encourage th em —see the Ford V-8 T ouring Sedan before yon buy. A phon e call w ill bring it to your door. FORDOR TOURING SEDAN f. o. b. D e t r o it . S ta n d a r d a c c e s ­ so ry g rou p in clu d ­ in g b u m p ers an d sp a re tire, ex tra . S a fe ty G lass a ll «rou n d a l no a d d itio n a l ca st. Con­ v e n ie n t t e r m s t h r o u g h U n iv e r s a l C red it C om pany. IbittF y>ur porelx &n.d ¿tcp-z yn Tullir tfereh A- DwR fìtìft- t eMfy tt> apply. l>rte¿ ( a & ! y like ottani wuikutt eia tini V' ■ ■ Tn íwhi <£ ¿raffini ikoti.ynuv «chance viili n W in ne*vV»ul brnn, ¿couy» Kilter ttutûi A k>*’R. àUiwV Kani wmr~ fit » M *orá . ■ " La Bonte" Text B» LXQUISITE MODERME SOCIALLY CORRECT **’ Vo,_. ,'«'<* w, * W e Move Soon -V ,^ '» .r(rrp «°«rf , n ► F í pen*’ eich ***• ’“^ i frL ^ .V l J ? H*h-» w?** is I An advance showing, *oci*lly a step «head . . . so beautiful that it delight* the M O S T D IS C R IM IN A T IN G . F •*» brt* ^ ^ orrr' n *^«ui £ 7 ”^ *£/•»•«* f l The most important innovation for Social Form* in a decade. When planning Wadding or Bridge In­ vitation«, Visiting or Betrothal Card* be. sure to see this very new L etterin g as used on A rt-P o in t to the VTXorv ib d«tX muAxLy Ami eiÀhwl wiVK LESTER IRELAND & CO. TMt watts * . M*wurACTuasw«. rouwoso ns* . a iw ie ik ie w * M OHR BR O S. B U IL D IN G (Former Hillsboro Motor Co. Location) P .v r e k a D e c k TAv.i vt ínaul^ PRICES ara reasonabla. G .n u .n .z g g j ^ - A r v P .I n f FOR A PLEASANT JOURNEY/ “ ¿ti llwt for A L L Social Forms - ®lllsbort||(i^rQU’b Washington Savings & Loan Ass’n SAFE, CLEAN FEELING MAYTAG Forms. Minnesota and Other State Group* Picnic Principals in Romantic Film POOL-GARDNER Lumber Co. F ran ch ised F u ller D ea lers SALES ANO SERVICE WATCH FOR THE DATE