Vage Eight H IL L S B O R O received a lacerated wrist. Ed in»f in McCook at the time, will tell of the Republican river flood. A special feature will be Frank M Harrington. Henry F o r d 's 'C ham pion F iddler” who is also a .... V ,' k * , v { of rem arkable ability the Mi Kay Radio A- Telegraph contortionist for his 75 yes •ars. Many novelty fea- company tow er cast of Hillsboro is now under way under the direc- program. tion of Ven Why ?a!:fornia. as Lots of shade for the hottest day is available in the natural am phi­ theatre of the Corvallis park. Free coffee will be provided. W. M Ball. Corvallis, formerly of Beaver City, is president of the Nebraska Picnic association, and Miss Bertha Eddy, Corvallis, for­ merly of Clay county, is secretary. Alexander suffered a fractured col­ Painting Wire less Auto Crashes lar bone and a severe cut on his -pi. | |< a knee, while C arl Brown received I ’» ires IS 1 lekllSIl a cut over his eye. The machine j PainHua .,r on ..... . . I . Kill Two Men I was practically demolished H .'t, i t v I1 \\y E d u ard Kortzeborn, employed in F red s Superior Market, suffered a j Lives C laim ed in G l e n w o o d n esh wound in his adbomen Tui - day morning when a knife, lying and R eedville A ccidents ARGUS, • H IL L S B O R O , OREGON parents, air and Mrs J W Hall, Socia/ News of at M yrtle Point Her sister, Mis T E Eaton of South Dakota, and Two Men Get Local hoik and uncle. A Hall of Iowa, who vis- • . r-» • • I ****** h e n ' a week, accompanied her Terms in Pen I heir _____ r r ie n d s ,o Voile Myr,lc Smith underw ent u tonsil Resolution suppiirttlig the atund of Governor Marlin during thu re cent sawmill lum ber strike was adopted Saturday evening by up ,, .............................. I operation at Smith s hospital Tues- proxhnalely 2.7 Washington county Mr ami Mrs G I. Nelson of day morning. Striker D raw s $100 Fine bankers who met at the Forest Redlands, Cal visited her sister, I m 1 s uu > Hills golf course The First Na G rove Ju stice Court Mrs Fred Hnh. i t .m util •Ml onklln and children tlonal bank of Forest Grove was boro ...... a, .he host for the meeting Mrs A rthur Heath of Mollala vis hum ,. . , J H. Illcks of Rvcdvllle and C ircle two of the M E Ladies Lloyd Beard of lluuks received . . . , ,, ited her imrents. Mr and Mrs 1 0 0 I .A tC t O ( . L l S S l i v Robertson from Wednesday to S at­ Aid met I In n , .la v afternoon w ith < term s In the atute penitentiary Sat Mrs Henry Young urday morning when they appeared' urday. Mr. and Mis. U. R Pooley amt 1 before It Frank Peters, circuit FURNISHED uportm ent for rent Wesley Weintz, seaman second- family of Portland s|ient Sunday judge, for sentence. Two term s of Inquire Well's XI class aboard the ll. S. S Omaha, at the II. R Einmott home. 18 months each, to run concurrent- returned to his ship Saturday a ft­ Ira Ingrain and Joe Shelton o f *>• were Impose') upon Heard on JARS ami lids, 47c dozen, Big sis er a 12-day leave at his home here Portland Studebuker motor. >1(1, buttery visited Mr. ami Mrs charges of threatening to commit a felony, while sentence on an in­ radio, >2 Mrs Jam es Armstrong?. ■<“ « T " w i,“'" ' T " " 1 " ' " " " " West Portland Heights, near Itisi dictm ent charging assault and but­ L sissisxc u n c c u n u J N Wl,lntz |ast wcek Mrs Will G renbem er and daugli 23 Mrs. Catherine M oehnke. 84 of the United States j ter of Ashland spent last week with tery was postponed. Illcks was sen ­ Hock tence,! to u tw o-year term on u re ­ widow of Michael Moehnke and ... .... , , Ml " ,,d Mrs Hallie Ireland cent conviction for lurceny of live SACK sew er and combine man form er resident of Hanks, died at , (-h ia ii wi h T . ? r ’”'S stock and a slinllur term for grund I _ wanted Care Box 1, lllltsboro the home of her daughter Mrs 1 b> h a « « h . . spent the week larceny. The sentences will run i Ht L evenings XI Otto (Nellie L ym an' at B e a v e r-i‘¿ "‘L * ’? ’ ’loll,ln concurrently creek July 22 Funeral sei vices Another sister. Mrs A II Injunction to restrain Mr and j GARAGE building and gas pumps were held Wednesday aftern o o n ' i dau«hk;rs m .» W. *” A * H arris and Mr and good location, for rent Inquire at Oregon City. i TBlainook m e house guests this 2J4p Im portance of relief clients tak- ? ,ls J,H' 0,1 ,r “n* diverting watei Cominerrlul Nutlonal bonk She was born in Quebec. Canada. ' at ,be ,{oll|n Deck home. ,WO c,r t* k’1 flowtn« "><' October 28. 1850. came to his sec- Mrs. L. Sherm an and Leonore lug advantage of the opportunity „ ’’uc“ *n*n farm near t.astun was tion 48 years ago. living eight years I and Leonard leave today iThurs- to cun fruits and vegetables at the C U&h‘B iclm n al‘ Si** by at Banks and for 40 at Beaver d £ ) T oT alY s X k s ' X V w U h r 2 - olives in and near Black Duck ,h ’ « '« 'k by R W Weil, county fi.. 1 . , l f f i e ,nt „ i ' " o n ereek. d i v M C h a^ X mSehn V ^ T Mrs Mon" .n ? U'a n d S X , . " ¿I,' ^ o h . T X ^ " „ n S “^ ^ InP^ y | ^ X h f ‘n ^ t on the cutting block, caught m a piece of meat and flipped over, striking him in the stomach. Two w ard Hillsboro and following close- * stitches were " " , ,, the taken ,, , to , close ly behind a third car driven hv by . wound. F rank Myers, Beaverton route 2. i ______________ was the report of witnesses. The first car is said to have swung out into the highway to make a right tu rn onto the Orenco road Mal’er is then reputed to have applied his j brakes and swerved over toward u - - the left side of the road to avoid „ " ,Ol2 b* Ha™ b r,dRe. the collision new hl« h" a> bridge at Farnung- i n e Cl in s io n . ton. Commen,ora,jng the name of > M ailer told investigating officers Philip Harris, who built the first ’ th at Mrs Hughes car struck the bridge at that place, will be held ; tail-gate of his truck at this point, August 4, in connection with the i swinging him around in the road Farm ington reunion. Fred Rood ! so that the heavy machine smashed president of the Farm ington asso- into the tree. Mrs. Hughes stated elation, will preside, and Mrs. L i that she did not strike the truck c . Mooberry of Cornelius h a s I until -fte r it came to a stop. The charge of the program, in which cab of the truck was crushed by David Hill chapter. D. A. R , will a limb. I take p a r t An inquest has been set for 1 p Descendants of P hilip H arris are m. today (Thursday' b y E arl i presenting a bronze plaque to be Donelson. deputy coroner, who in- placed on the bridge, permission to vestigated the mishap with Sher- do so being granted them during iff J. W. Connell. Deputy Harry Leslie Scott's term as highway j ........ .......................- ' S a S S S » ’ S Johnson. State Officer W alter Had- commissioner. D r William B Hare ’ i. I Held a n d District A ttorney G of Portland and Mrs. A. W. Moore Russell Morgan. direct descendants of Harris, will Eagle Creek and Mrs. Otto (Nellie) Sehulmerich. Norma Kreitz. Kreitz, Dor- Dor dei lared j claims that (lie defendants dammed --------- , ----------------- Mrs. Dorothy Wood was the assist in the ceremony. W. G. Hare Lynian of Beavercreek. Nine step- othv Harms and Blanche McCor- most seriously injured of the pas- will make sengers of the Hughes' car, suffer­ ing a laceration on the chin and the loss of some front teeth. M rs.! V ^ O t l l l t V of Woods, Mrs. E. P. Wells and Mrs. rt Fred Hughes were all taken to the j _ _ county Sm ith hospital here for treatm ent. 1‘wel and |¡mb fen on hlm He was c u tting ‘ c* ,n Justice of the peuee courts as u re (Continued from p«»r« one) chief hoister. C harles G rauer stead- Mrs. Bertha Hibbs of Los Angeles, wood on Chehalem Mountain. Dr. First fatal accident of the year suit of labor troubles ut Stlm ion p., Newberg ies the staging on which Newby Public appeal to farm ers and mill recently, was found guilty of in Washington county occurred »-Sc*4 19', ,Gaston T Smth attended hint. ruary 15 when ______ Sever Venes. does the work. others having a surplus of fruits dkorderly conduct Friduy in the February _ ________ ______ 5,68 and '" n o m a $1,.21. 57, of Beaverton route 2 was struck . Taxes collected during the past Three operations are necessary, down by a car and killed as he s*x months, according to the re- scraping the iron rust, applying the walked along the highway near P°rt of Miss Gladys Eisner, tax red lead, and painting w ith alum- ,.j(l Beaverton. On April 8 John E deputy, total $835.012.59. These col- mum paint. Newby completes three conduct Baldwin of Tobias was killed in f e c tio n s w ere distributed over the feet of the w ork before he is mov- . Local Townsend j „ club a sim ilar accident on the highwav : following tax rolls: 1935—>427.484.12, ed and he averages 75 feet an hour r a “ 'i ™ * ’ 1 Episcopal costs near his home. Ralph Epling of 1933-34—$78,835.58. 1932—$48.041 47. N_„. s,vj,_h h .,ird - m d i' rl<’a-v a,_, {* P m- instead of the Eleanor and Caroline, anil Pearl such surplus commodities ure as Gaston was instantly killed and 1931—$24.834 27. 1930—$27.983 08. 19- h ‘ u," „ , " T the ti n a9 nounc« 1 Townsend play. The reg- Taylor attended the grocers' picnic ‘o telephone Hillsboro 3331 eat Grove for sentence. He im ­ iUU<>n U,l’J P™«™™ wil? be followed, coo- at C rystal Lake Mr K alkw arf won Lester Winner, also of Gaston, was '•------- —M3 3.773.73, 1923-$8044 17. 1927- f a m ediately fill'd notice of up|>eui listing of special music and a a foot race at the picnic. ______________ fatally injured July 15 when the $5685.55. 1926—$1566.01 and 1925— und posted bond. Â i à ? h e oUvhV ,,i; i hal1 ° / C E W‘-,b re ‘urn«* Wednesday K , t C S H C , d 1 UC Sday truck in which they w ere riding $640.29. Ten paym ent collections Suit to collect $10H.H7 in con- £ n e d u n td In S T . ,0 »»»« In repair w ent into a ditch east of Gaston T u K ia c iributlons alleged due under Hie poned juntil sometime in Septem ber . wurk on dalnagü to telephone com- and overturned. O utstanding w arrants as of Ju n e n 1 A tr J l l l l l l S Z A S O a i i r w orkm en's conijwusatlou act wu Ä - n ì c a u o n “" th ïrê ' c u r e d by the A seventh fatal accident occurred filed m the , circuit court Wednes- “Un‘c during Mt. Vernon. Wash., Vt Lawrence Crop and Margaret Vancouver and m Hillsboro Tuesday afternoon and find an outside m arket for o^r Haze1' Rober‘s. Buxton. C arpenter “?e ,w ee* of ^ U*?Ust 5 to 10' in " Victoria, B. C. Considerable building activ ity Maher, both of ('o m rh u s route "l interm ent was x , , “ ... T r barley thU r e i o n C r c e t Harrison. Watts. Thatcher. c l m . e s strictly for M„ Roo Mrs. Fred Rood returned Sunday was reported last week by the lo- July 22. cemetery. He is survived bv his barley tbls season Meacham, Pleasant View and Tim- dblldren whose parents are unable {rom fen da . , ... . cal Copeland Lumber yard. Rob- Leslie Robert Peters und Mary w ith father, William R. McLeod of Cen 'A A 1 l>er districts were consoli- to ^ y a surgeons fee. daughter Mi Oscar Humburii at ert McKnight started construction May Friend, both of Portland. July tral Point: tw o brothers. of a new six-room, one-story home 23. and i a . k dated in‘° ° nd application amount- A.n y°ne needing tonsils and ade- Ga7 b a ld i Humburg. at I^ bert and tbree sisters. & r ing to approxim ately $4100 Work n° lds removed, and who is not ' about 2 ‘a miles out of town on — -------------------------- Mrs. Emma H arvey of Hillsboro. f F p r l c r a l I i n o c involved consists mainly of general ? b,e ,o pay the regular surgeon s , “nvd ,Mrs„ 1 G c ruzen left ‘he Cornell road. D. R Holcomb. | Do v „ ur Mrs. Laura T ry of San Diego, Cal.. repairs and painting fee- may have ‘he w ork done free ,ast week for three weeks trip to who lives four miles east of Hills- , ’ , . and Miss H arriet McLeod of Los (Continued h ™ rm .n to -n « .. . J . ., _ any day during the week, the only Spokane, Wash., and the Payette boro on the River road, started Ju i'6e in d en tists ch air' "Do ™ngie™ CaI' He W8S b° rn October nard Sm ith Rev Smith discussed vev the nursery s c h r o lT t Helis’ C° S‘ ^ ing the hosPital expenses. lakes in Idab°- work on a new barn, w hile Fritz you wl11 P 'dl ‘he 3°' 1903 “India." into , rrereaU m T r ^ r a m s and oth accord*ng tou D r C. T. Smith. It Is R. R Easter and Thomas Tongue Meier, who lives two miles further ,uu , h whole w h»le tooth und noth mg but the tooth? Ex T hree Forest Grove residents were Mrs. H. L. Hudson of Beaverton er such projects will be re-w ritten rf2,U„ej teda th a! ,hose contem plating left Monday for ten days’ stay at east on the same road, is re- »nJured early Sunday m o rn in g Pomona secretary, read minutes of and filed by the state departm ent ree s t i r n't J ervlce Gm,eS ? nCh in C entral Oregon modeling his home. Neighborhood news from 30 A r­ when the car in which they the Pomona meeting meeting at at Tigard Tigard July July ______ -____-____ register at the hospital in advance, near Terrebonne ... ----------------------- - were ---- ----------------- gus correspondent« i n d if f e r e n t a . o n u.m P°ki?tr? Cnt ' i 1; h® made' C ircle thrce of ‘he M E. Ladies' H om em ak ers’ M atinee rlid^ 1fi , lnb5 ' be d“ cb south 25. 1900. Moving pictures on auto- \ T f i w-ii r* j «ections of Washington county ap- ** “"Possible to take Aid held a pot luck picnic supper of Dilley, broke off a telephone pole mobile construction were presented n e ts ■ >ig v r o w e l pear in the Argus each w e e k care of all in one day. and overturned in a field. W alter Fifth degree work was given for at Shutc park Tuesday evening. A ttendance of approxim ately 165 Learn w hat your friends are do- Poorm an, driver of the machine, several candidates in the evening Dr. and Mrs George Darland pic­ persons was reported for the I,eK- ing for less than three cent« a nicked w ith friends Sunday near ter Ireland A Company Norge week. The tw elfth annual reunion of Scappoose. hom em aker's m atinee Tuesday aft- form er N ebraskans will be held in Mr and Mrs. Earl Simpson of ernoon at the Venetian theatre the city park in Corvallis Sunday. P ortland visited Mr and Mrs. L Norge electric refrigerators and gas August 4. Last year over 1000 H. V. Gates of Hillsboro, de- I. Davis Friday evening. ranges w ere dem onstrated by Miss Helen K err. Norge home economist o,’ S « S S - T ,I s” and by Miss Betty Reger. Portland 2 2 5 “ 1 i " « e r t r .t i o n , u-ere noted to speak al the Second annual eon- ™ ? k 7 n “ nrdand T ^ sO a , Gas & Coke company demonstra from all parts of Oregon and m any vention of the Oregon Republican P ™ *n P ortland Tuesday, tor. cities in W estern Washington. Clay club in Salem Saturday. His sub- Ru‘h Losh of Portland is spend- county was again the banner coun- ject is “Go Forward." E. B ritt Ned- *ng v!e week w*‘h her cousin. Con- VICTOR BAILEY' ty w ith the largest attendance at ry of Tigard is president of the Re- " Ie P etcrson- ! FOREST G R O V E -V ictor Bailey, tne picnic. publican club. Miss Leonore Sherm an spent the fl9. of Forest Grove route 1. died The 1934 reunion was u n an im o u s-: --------------- —------- w eek-end in Portland with Violet July 13 and funeral services were iy voted the best ever" but prep- Q f a f « P n n 'K e D I - ,„ Anderson. held Saturday from the Christian arations are being made for a lUVA v r r l a l i Mrs Lundgren, knitting instruc- churcb anfl interm ent was in Mt better program this year. A prom - e ri << , . tor at Weil’s returned Monday ^ icw cemetery. He was born Sep inent state official will speak. Mrs 1 i l i k c d a t F lC tllC from her vacation tem ber 9, 1885, in Michigan De- Minnie Bosworth, who was visit- , Mr and M rs R n h ert r . . n ,cased is survived by the widow " S pecialize In Scb®d’" ' Sunday “for ^ an 7 G ^ C r ^ ; m e r c l a l ^ n h n g - A r g ^ s ah ty ^ t f ' S‘ring ®at ’ ¿ " T V 1 R - " k 'yd' 1 Mre George HUI "Bet ter-for-L ess” Delbert 1 FberSrtnri LaH ey" e’ Jiirs‘ : , Ms, H E StaPles returned Sun- San Francisco, C a l, and Mrs Lewis c r y i r ^ ' c o ^ t e s t ^ R o s s ^ F i n d i e y . ^ S p e - 8 WCek * Vl,it K“ Chel ° n ala,k "' Wash (Continiml from pas« one) • L't-UltdllOn lA,»,! iz-af'irtrt num H irrii S Bridge August 4th County Hankers Hack M artin’s Labor Stand Former Resident Banks Succumbs f Importance Relief Canneries Stressed Townsend Club Sets Meeting for 11*^. II I 1 ’ i’ i County Given New Works Plan Rating Grain Market News Spanish War Vets rt* • « Set Picnic Sundav d vs W.A ,I"TI' 11 C an Y ou ¡ macine / I - ir r -“ ( AN YO U IM A G I N E — 4 » tro n x rr »u p p n rtrr for M IS M A Kt- X th an th r m anager o f a South H F N D store w ho could not ra t *oltd food, was pa h trd even by liquidx trie d H ISM A KKV and now «aya. " If th ere are an y skeptic» in thin w o rld as to the m erits of Ills M A K C X . I c e rta in ly w o uld lik e lo ta lk to them!** EX PLA N A TIO N Biama-Rex t> an antacid treatm ent that's different from the many other ineffective treatm ents you have tried It act« four ways to give you a new kind of relief from acid indigestion, heartburn and other acid stomach agonies. (llama- Rex neutralizes acid, re­ lieves stomach of gus. soothes th«* irritatiti stomach m em branes und aids digestion of foods that ure most likely to ferment Bisma-Rex Is sold only at Itexall Drug stores Get a jar today at Delta Drug store Remember Bisma Rex C Smith Hospital tO Hold Tonsil Clinic Ge?rgC Grange Group Asks I0r Federal L,ineS INCDraskatlS PJail On Annual Meet V GateS tO Talk For SALESBOOKS und BUSINESS FORMS R enew Your M AGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS at the $|illsbunj|(&\i gus at Republican Meet ^CHEVROLET July Clearance O. K. SALE NOW ON! Guaranteed NEW VALUES’ NEW LOTS! GREATLY REDUCED! Any Woman’s SUMMER HAT in our store ................................ ’1.00 More Dresses and Suits a t ........ $2.98 A New Rack ^7 to #10 Dresses Six Kinds of GAS Available ft Subscribe Washington Six months cents. Two $3.98 RU M M A G E TABLE, again piled high with bigger values............................... 3 for $1.00 Lucky Purchase 150 All Wool B ought and Sold BATH ING SUITS $4.50 Nationally Advertised. Many high priced BOLTS of WASH GOODS reduced to _______________ 17c Women’s - Misses Hats 59C, 2 for $1 Zipper Mesh Blouses . . ........... 69c Drive in and let us fill your car with y o u r favorite gasoline . . . S h ell • U nion t R ich field B lue G reen - Red Lion G eneral M obilgas FLORSHEIM SHOE SALE NOW ......... 15c COSLETT’S Super Service F irst and Baseline -N O T IC E - See Next Week’s Paper K n ittin g fn stru ctio n s on the B alcony C hevrolet Sedan C hevrolet Sedan D od ge Sedan A ustin D elivery N ash Sedan Essex Sedan Ford 1-ton Truck Ford R oadster Expert Top Painting, Body and Fender Work. W illys and G rah am -P aige G rah am -P aige Sedan $ 8 6 9 D elivered H ere W illys 4-door Sedan $ 5 7 9 D elivered H ere R E A D THE G as - O il - A ccesso ries [CldvfhtiumjULt&S Used Car Exchange THEY RE NEWS Powers Grocery You Know That When We Offer Used Car Values M A IN STREET P H O N E 81 Prompt Service . . . We mean just what we say. Try Saturday for any type of S p ecials for Ju ly 26 and 27 UH PASSENGER CAR or TRUCK C herries 10c Red & White Maraschino. 3-oz. T o ile t P aper Blue & White, 1000-sheet. 3 for 4 L«>C ........... J Salm on Red & White fancy Alaska Sockeye. Pepper Is t a l l l 9 c 1935 PLY M O U TH DE LUXE SE D A N Trunk anti everything 1931 LORD TRUCK with hydraulic hoist dump body, new tires, looks new ‘750 395 Chevrolets Sell T h em selv es, W e D on ’t H ave to A d v ertise T hem Red & White, ground, black. 8-oz. lin 23c Agent for Hillsboro Every Woman in Washington County will be Talking About Our GREAT DRESS SALE 1931 1928 1929 1932 1928 1928 1929 1929 Cars W ash ed and P olished The tim e is alm ost up! C H IL D R E N ’S SUM M ER U N IO N SU ITS C LEA R A N C E now to the Argus. In ! county >1.50 a year 85c. T hree months 50 months 35 cents. tf I USED \\ C A R S QA/» Ot/C USED CARS cial prizes — Mrs. M artha S p ies-1 scheart, first; John Haase, second: | Frank Jackson, third. 2nd and W ash. P h on e 2641 Salm on Silver Rapids I’ink, Is tall. E x tra c ts Red & White, pure. All 2 for flavors. 2- 25c », 23c COME EARLY! T he Best V a lu es in T o w n ! HILL SBORO MOTOR CO. JAMES WHITELAW, Prop Many other item« specially priced for Friday and Saturday. These prices good July 26 and 27 only. NEW LOCATION: Main Street, near New Poatafflee