V. III L E S B O R O Thurnuny, July 25, lö3ß A R G U S, H IL L S B O R O , Page Seven OREGON A New and Greater Washington County Market Place - - Try It This Week! A Ready Market with Big Results at Little C o st----Classified Columns Close at 10 A. M. W ednesday— Too Late to Classify Accepted Until 5 P. M. Wednesday KIIERIFF'K KALE NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. D*part- tiff, and against Alphonse Dion raent o f the Interior, (J. 8. Land O ffice and Agnes Dion, defendants, tor Notice is hereby given, that by | I at Roeebiinr. Ore«on. June 26th 1931. the sum of »1720 costs and dis­ j N otice U hereby given that O«c«r Nelson. BIDS wonted by August 1 on four LICENSED stock trailers, 2-Cow FRESH Jersey cow for sale.— bursem ents and for the further virtue of an Execution, O rder and | Count Your Prom » ’ <»f Rt. 1, Srappooee. Oregon, who. on Decree of Sale, issued out of and j George Padgett, Rt. 3. Hillsboro; capacity, rent »I per day Light cords 1« Inch first grow th dry sum of $48531 w ith interest there­ i February 2Sth, 1M1, made Homeeteail en- 2c F lrit laaertlon, por word wood, delivered and piled 111 Mr trailers mude to order Auto parts out Forest Ave to end of rock on from the 13th day of May, 1935, under the seal of the C ircuit C o u rt! ‘ try. Serial, No. 019474, for 8K*<. of the State of Oregon, for the j 22-3p Klnley school Imseinenl F. W ami farm machinery. L. V Hullt, road. Section S3, Tow nship 3 N., R ange 2 W , Each additional Iniertlon, at the rate of six per cent per a n ­ County of Washington, dated the 23tf W illam ette Merulntn. ha* flle»1 notice of Be sure to read the classi­ Berger, clerk, Hillsboro Kt 4 23 152 N Second Ave i wiml **’ DAIRY cows of all kinds for sail­ num. to me directed and delivered 10th day of July, 1935, in favor of | intention to make fin al three year Proof, fied and display advertise­ (No Borvlre por Issue loss commanding rne to m ake sale of or trade. All double-tested Gail to eMtablieh claim to the land above Equity Finance Company, a Cor­ ments in this week’s Argus. BIDS winded for painting Inside TIIREE-horse power gas engine for Karns, Orenco. Telephone 282IX, the real property hereinafter d e­ deaerilMNl. before K. F. Fraaer, U S. timo 25c) poration, plaintiff, and a g a i n s t ; sale Inquire at Gordon Suh- In this issue ten advertis­ and outside of school house, Dis­ Own m U r inner. S26 Devi* Bldg., at Port­ scribed, I have levied upon and 15tf Jonathan Smith Coward and Jane | land. Ore., on the 3rd day of Ai.guat, 22-3p H ill ;boro ing treasure tickets to the trict 33 lllelv etlu i Bills to include now's Gurnge. Reader*, per line 10c pursuant to said Execution and O r­ Doe Coward, husband and wife, 1935. C laim ant name* aa witneeaen: A. O. Venetian theatre are hidden pulni or for labor only Send sealed TWO yearling heifers for sale.— I der of Sale, 1 will on Monday, the defendants, lor the sum of »19 901 Olaen, of Linnton. Oregon ; Albert F. Black Fuco Heading Perm itted in the copy and this might be bills to Tennle Davidson, clerk, NEW u n i used farm machinery J E. West. 2 miles south Hills ! 5th day of August, 1935, at the costs and disbursem ents with in- j Kreuger. of Linnton. Oregon ; John L. Cush should uctuinpuny order. for sale by Ix-ster Ireland & your lucky week. Hillsboro. Kt I Phone 0F23 North B«*rge, o f Rt. 3. H ilbhoro, Ore. ; A. H. 22-3p , East door of the Courthouse In terest thereon from the 13th day lltf boro, Kt. 2 Hanaon, o f Rt 3. H ilbhoro, Ore. W IL­ Read each carefully. If you Plains Bids opened at board m eet­ C o . O ut of (alineas to ull no In- Hillsboro, Washington County, O re­ of July, 1930, at the rate of 6 'i per LIAM H CAN ON . R egbter. 19-23 find your name listed with ing August 2. 28 USED m achinery of ull kinds — JERSEY bull calf for sale, 1 month gon, at the hour of ten o’clock a. annum and the further sum of formation on tho C In t» i n cd the words “Venetian ticket” old, thoroughbred, may be regis­ NOTH E TO CREIHTOR8 Paga will lie given out until rri. of said day, sell at public auc­ Hillsboro Feed Co., 100 W. Main $568 18 with interest thereon from preceding it, clip the adver- No. 4143 the imper Is l»suod. 10. Sale or T rad e— Mis. street. M tered if desired R N. Torbct, Rt tion to the highest bidder for cash the 12th day of April, 1934, at the In th e Circuit Court of the S tate of Ore­ tism ent in which it appears 3, Hillsboro (Venetian ticket, Mrs in hand, all right, title and in ter­ rate of 10 per cent per annum, and gon, for the County of W ashington. and bring it to the Argus of­ Edna Ingles. IB 2, B anks,. 23p est of said defendants In and to In ’he M atter of the E state of August J. | BABY carriage for sale or trade for the further sum of $152.02 de­ S h eep , G oats fice Your free theatre ticket 22. Oherat, deceased. the following described real prop­ linquent interest up to April 12, A nnouncem ent» 445 E Washington St. Phone 701 1. will be ready for you. N otice ie hereby given that th< under­ R eal E state 28. erty. to-wit: 1934, and for the fu rth er sum of GOOD milk gout, »10. C. P Jo h n ­ signed has been appointed adm inistrator GOVERNMENT Jobs Sturt »105 AERO MOTOR windmill. 12-foot The North one-half (NV4> of $75 00 attorney’s fees with in ter­ of the esta te of A u*ust J. Oberat, dw* son, 4 ,-milt: north. H -m ile east KALE TO «LOSE ESTATE »173 Men-women. Prepare now lot num bered nine (9) In the ceased, by the Circuit Court of the State wheel. 30-foot tower, like new, Witch Hazel station est thereon from the 13th day of 23p NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE of Oregon, for W ashington County, and for next Hillsboro exam inations will sell for less than 'A original J. A. Reid’s Five Oak Subdi­ All property Joining the new post- July, 1935, a t the rate of 6 per has qualified. A ll persons having claims No. 9977 vision of the Edward Constable Experience usuully u n n e c e s s a ry cost; also used und new pumps uf SI I EF.l' I- -a Sah I'm i In , H yi at office, 100x200, on Main street, cent per annum, to me directed again st said entate are hereby notified to D. L. C. in Township one (1) Full purtlrulars list positions, free .,11 ili '.i t iplions ta r a le ling Hampshire bucks, ewes and with 5-room house and barn; also A M and delivered, commanding me to In the Circuit Court of the State present the sam e, duly verified as by law North Range tw o (2) West of Write today sure F ranklin Insti­ Jannsen Drilling C o, Reedvllle ewe lambs Frank Schulm erlch. 5-room house and garage on 4th of Oregon, for the County of required, to the undersigned at 616 Couch make sale of the real property the W illamette Meridian, In Washington. Bldg., Portland, Oregon, w ithin six m onths 23tf street with lot 50x100 Inquire 342 tute. Uepl 580U, Rochester, New Mull address Rt. I, Beaverton 23tf Hillsboro. Rt. 5 hereinafter described, I have levied Washington County, State o f 1 J u n , »7th, Main St. 23 upon and pursuant to said Execu­ C atherine H Collins. Plaintiff, ___ ^ 2 ? York. Oregon. 10x28 silo for sale or trade lor hay. 23. tion, O rder and Decree of Sale, I VS. 1936. I^ast publication Ju ly 26th. 1936. Poultry EVERYBODY knows th at our P e r­ BEAUTIFUL b uilding lot on n o rth to satisfy thehereinbefore named Ruy Delsman, Gurlbaldi Ave Ber- A U G U ST OBERST, A dm inistrator. Chas, will on Monday, the 19th day of Martin Bernards and Lena fect Blue While Diamonds u n ­ Phone 2107 First avenue Pavement, sew er all sums and for the cost and e x ­ August, 1935, at the East door of nards, husband and wife; John E- i-«non. A ttorney. 19-23 22tf AUGUST 14 Red chicks, »9. Leg­ priced lower than most Jewelers in and paid for, »500 This is a penses of sale and said writ. the Courthouse in Hillsboro, Wash­ A McGee, B A. M itchell, A O NOTICE OP FIN A L SETTLEMENT horns. $9; Leghorn day-old pul­ price Imperfect stones. - Anderson's 11. Said sale will be made subject ington County, Oregon, at the hour very low price. To Sw ap Pxtman, Agnes Biyant, and Mar- In the County Court of the S tate of Ore- lets, »20 per 100, cockerels, »2 per 7-KOOM m odern plastered house. to redem ption as per statute of of ten o'clock a. m. of said day, Jewelry store tin Bernards. Commissioners of gon, for W ashington County, 100 Chicks hutched now will muke choice location close in; in good Oregon. the City of Orenco of the Tuaia- In «*“ E*ute of L" itia *• sell at public auction to the high- ITALIAN pimío uccordlon. trudc good spring luyers.- Hurt's H atch­ condition Dated at Hillsboro. Oregon, this , est bidder for cash in hand, all of fine home for only 3. Lost and Found tin Valley, Oregon. Ellen Pum an, N*t¡7 ; ¡ . 7 ^ , th>, w for k ( mm 1 milk cow F K Maier, ery, Beaverton. 23-5p »2400, good A te rm s —W G. Ide 23 28th day of June, 1935. 23-4p the following described real prop­ City Recorder of the City Of Or- Bailey, the duly appointed, qualified, and LOST Two fl»h poles, reels, and loot) E Muin St . Route 4 J W CONNELL. Sheriff of Wash­ erty, lying being and situate in enco of the T ualatin Valley, Ore- acting A dm inistrator with the W ill an­ 85 WHITE Leghorn hens, laying, W ANT to ren t farm Ed B ern ard lines neur BatSts between Nurup ington County, Oregon. Everette I. Washington County, Oregon, and gón; City Of Orenco of the Tual- "exed of the E state of L etitia A. Bailey, for sule Mrs Chris G rand, Rt and Morgans Reward Thus It 12. For Sale— M iscellan eou s Forest Grove Rt I; near Vcr- Adcock. 1006 G uardian Building, more a atin t in vauey, V a llp v Oregon. O regon M M K. R uonn J o h n - the County Ct>urt R W of his the fin g al u u aeemnit in described as fol­ I, Hillsboro , Venetian ticket, Olger buort Haynes, c o Miller Lum ber C o, 23tf Portland. Oregon, A ttorney f o r lows, particularly son, and the United States Na- gon. for W ashington County, and that to-wit: 23p Beaver Creek. Oregon 23p CRAWFISH for sale, from th e T u al­ Penne, Rt 4, Sherwood) Plaintiff 20-4 tional Bank OÍ Portland n- "f. ll^ tim * and Plac* h«er- W O GALAWAY, Hillsboro Anna Frykm an, Plaintiff, Manley, Hillsboro Phone 2321 23 radio, office desk, churn ♦ itlf*d court r n n r t in in t tne h o a aoove h n v e e entitled n t i t l e d *n< • ,,<1 and f,n al for • « « th< » ’>< final objections Box ( '"I lu-llUS. West from the Northwest cor­ 40tf titled thereto of vs. 53D. lit 4. Hillsboro, mile east WILL trade equity in 40 acres. ner of Lot Two H undred T hir­ cause, to me directed and dated »aid Esute. WANT to leuse or operate filling Sewell station on rallriaid Gust Frykm an, Defendant. 23p buildings, creek, on gravel road, ty-four (234) in Johnson Estate P igs 24. the 20th day of July, 1935, upon a Dated th is 27th day of Juna. A. D. IMS. station on rental or percentage To Gust Frykm an, the above named for good home north of Main St. Addition to Beaverton-Reedville judgm ent rendered and entered in w bailey . Adm inistrator of the defendant: Argua ’iu 150 F E E T 2 nu ll th rea d ed pipe. 8 TWENTY little p ig s—4 A. Van- in Hillsboro. Will pay cash d if­ Acreage, according to the duly said court on the 13th day of July, In the Name of the State of O re­ cents fool 7.inu Wood. H ills­ recorded plat thereof, a point Domelen. Hillsboro Rt 3; near fe re n c e —E A. G riffith, 131 Second gon: You are hereby required to WALNUT m eats wanted Perfee boro. 1935, in favor of C atherine H. Col- A ttorney for A dm inistrator. 20-4 22-3 North Plains in Section Seven (7) Town­ 23-4 A ve, South. lins, plaintiff, and against M artin ---------------------------- -------------------- I ion Bukery. Hillsboro 23 appear and answ er the complaint ship One (1) South, Range One Bernards and Lena Bernards, hus- notice to creditors filed against you In the above en­ WANT to buy livestock, chickens, N O T ie p i " Fm S ale. F ol K ent, WEANLING pigs for sale - Ernest FARM for sale or rent If rented. titled suit on or before the expira­ (1) West of t h e W illam ette band and wife, for the sum Of Eight N otice ie hereby given that by virtue etc., signs, for sale at Argus tf farm m achinery, and household Meridian, and running thence Meyer, 1 mile south Forest Hills ,for Thousand Two H undred Eighty- ord" ,m5d* ,»“<* -»«•r-l <« d - of four weeks from the date 24 Alex McPherson, Cornelius. 23-4p tion goods -J . W Thomas, Rt. I, Box WASHERS, used, »15 and up — Golf course four '$8284 00) Dollars w ith inter- of the first publication of this sum ­ .South No degrees 4 minutes West 292.6 feet to an iron pipe; 147. Beaverton. 20,t est thereon at the rate of 54% per the undereiyned h e . been eppointed ed- I.ester Ireland & Co. I9tf June 27, 1935; if you so fail EIGHT-weeks-old pigs for sale — 40 or 80 acres, cheap land, house mons, thence South 82 degrees 42 annum from the 31st day Of Octo- m inletretor o f th e estate o f Emil Ospelt. to appear and answ er plaintiff will and w ater, lots wood tim ber.— William Smith, Forest Grove. Rt. m inutes East 150.8 feet to an H elp W anted O L D n e w s p a p e rs , ldc b u n d le A r­ ber. 1930, the further sum of One dece**-i: Now' d - r e f o r ., ell persone kav- apply to the Court for the relief «a. ^ b im s again st the estate of Emil 2 Phone 1710M 23p 1134 E Main St., Hillsboro (Vene­ prayed for in her complaint, to-wit: iron pipe; thence North No de­ gus. I8tf $150-00) Dollars as o spe|t deceased, are hereby notified to tian ticket, O H Stowell, B ux­ grees 4 m inutes East 289.6 feet FOUR to six woodcutters wanted attorney’s fees, and for the costs ‘ present the sam e together w ith proper For a decree of divorce, for the ton 1 23 p FOR SALE Five weanling p ig s— to an iron pipe on the South­ Run dragsaw and spilt. Tools ad ­ FENCE p o sts fo r sa le W ill deliver and disbursem ents of said suit in vouchers therefor U) the undersigned at right to resume the use of her for­ Frank Bailey. Buxton. 22-3 Ray Delsman. Phone 2107. 44tf ern Pacific Railway Company’s vanced Year-round Job — F. F the sum of $27.65. and the costs of Banks, Oregon. R. F. D. No. 1, or at WANT to trade Portland property. m er name, Anna Burton, and for law offic e of E. B. Tongue. Com­ right of way; thence N orth 81 and upon said Writ of Execution, the 5-room house with bathroom, such other and fu rth er relief as Ka‘........ . ................... ' ' 14. Cara, T r u c k ., T ir e . 25 WEANLING pigs for s a l e — m ercial B uilding. Hillsboro, Oregon, w ith­ degrees 37 m inutes West t o commanding me to m ake sale of pantry and basement, 2-car gar­ in six m onths from th e date of thia way to the Court may seem Just and Henry Whitcomb, 5 miles south place of beginning, containing the following described real prop­ notice. I FOR SALE- Model T Ford louring. of Cornelius. (V enetian ticket. Dr age. near school. 2 street car lines, equitable. Dated this 2nd day of July. 1935. one (1) acre, m ore or less, ex ­ erty situated in the County o f This summons is published by W ork W anted 23p lor Hillsboro property—Mrs M yrtle 8 _ self s ta rte r , good tire s a n d hat R J Nicol. Hillsboro) T O N E OSPELT. A dm inistrator o f cepting therefrom a strip of Washington, State of Oregon, to- the A N esta Corbett. 3512 N Borthw ick A ve, order of Hon. R F rank Peters, te of Emil Ospelt. E. B. Tongue. WASH' «. ,k f anv kind by '•'ll ' »••'•'P <’ J S '" " land 50 feet in w idth off the wit: A ttorney for A dm inistrator. 20-4 Portland. 22-4 Judge of the above entitled Court. H orses 25. Hl, , . 1 m to l outh near G N orth side thereof for road p u r­ Beginning at a stone at the The order is dated Ju n e 12, 1935. NOTICE OF PIN A L ACCOUNT poses. in Washington County, LARGE modern house, well located. southwest corner of the Caleb Date of first publication Ju n e 27, HORSE fill sale 1500 lbs. 10 years W en d t 3 m iles n o rth w e s t B ills TUDOR Utixtcll. (or sale. »30 In the C ounty Court of th e S ta te of Ore­ State of Oregon Wilkins and wife DLC No. 49 old G uaranteed work anyw here j In college town, w here there Is 1935 Date of last publication July boro “ - Phone 2181X 23 gon, for W ashington County. to satisfy the hereinbefore named T 1 N R 2 W of W illamette — Bob Holt, 4 -mile north Witch a good demand for rooms a n d 25 1935 In th e M atter of the E state of Hana sums and for the cost and expenses Meridian, in W ashington Coun­ YOUMO man. neat, capable, wants y y j,; | )Uy |U)(j s , . || u s v ,| c a r s Huzel school; Beaverton, Rt. 2. 23tf apartm ents, could be m ade into 4 " BUTLER A JACK. A ttorneys for L oeffler. Deceased. apartm ents. Priced very reasonable. Plaintiff. Address: 200 B utler build­ of sale and said writ. N otice is hereby given th a t the under­ ty, Oregon; and running thence ....... — L 'se.l f a r E x, h a iig c . 4 8 tf Said sale will be made subject signed. as A dm inistratrix of the E state 115 N. B St , Forest Grove. 16tf ing, Oregon City, Oregon. Old Horses Wanted N POO’ W on West boundary 19-23 of Hans L oeffler, deceased, has filed her to redem ption as per statute of of claim 29.15 chs. <1923.9 ft.) Cheap old horses for fox feed — WILL take Into my home and care fin al aocount in the County Court of the Argus 2814. 18-28p BOUSE and lot for sale —Inquire NOTICE OF SH ER IFFS SALE Oregon. to a pipe 2" dia., thence S. 79’ Fuel for elderly people Phone 1194 17 S tate of Oregon for W ashington County, Used Car Exchange. 17tf Dated at Hillsboro. Oregon, this Notice is hereby given th at by 51' E. 27.97V4 chs. «1846. 2 ft.) and that Monday, the 12th day o f A ugust, or call ul 533 8 10th Ave., Hills­ 22-6 1935. at the hour o f 10 o'clock A. M., virtue of an Execution, Judgm ent, 16th day of July, 1935. to a pipe 2" dia.. thence S 1* boro. foi reservations Mrs Marie i il D gro.vth fn 12 a n d 16-ineh MARE and gelding. 1400 pounds, $5000 and th e court room o f said court, has to trade for cows, young stock. J W. CONNELL. Sheriff of Wash­ 00' E 29 15 chs. to a pipe cor­ Wick 23 «P j $3 50 per cord, and up Phone 1 wheal or barley.—F. W. Walch, FOR SALE—The MacKay proper­ Order, Decree and O rder of Sale ington been appointed by aaid Court as the tim e County, Oregon. By M issued out of and under the seal of 1071X 23-4p ner on south boundary of said and place for the hearing of objections ty, Washington street near First, the C ircuit C ourt of the State of Schmidt, Deputy. Joseph, Haney south Newton station 23-4p DLC set by J. C. Hall, in 1893. thereto and th e settlem ent thereof. MAN with wife and family wants WOOD for sale $2 and up S a w ­ 1500 ■ feet »5000 Terms reasonable.—Apply M Oregon, — — & Veatch, Yeon Building. Portland, D ate o f fir st publication Ju ly 11. 1936. for W ashington County, on thence N 79 51' W 27.97V« chs. job on farm, house, milk, and It B um p a tto rn ey Hit the 25th day of June, 1935, in a Oregon, A ttorney for Plaintiff. D ate of last publication A ugust 6. 1936. mill foot of T hird avenue. 23-7p 26. C attle to the place of beginning, con­ some wages —R F Price. Grenco ELIZABETH LOEFFLER, as Admin- cause therein pending in which taining 80 acres of land. b tra trix of the E state of Hana Loeffler, 1 Venetian ticket, Henry Jacobson. WANT large cordage of old g ro w th FRESH Jersey - G u e rn s e y c o w, 32. M usical Instrum ents NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR'S Laura A nn M iller is plaintiff and Now. therefore, by virtue Of said deceased. Beckman A Galey, A ttorneys Rt 1, Hillsboro) 23 wood, K L. Pugh. Rt 4. Hills­ SALE OF REAL PROPERTY double-tested, second calf.—G ib's W. E. Rice and Helena S. Rice, execution, judgm ent order, decree {0T A dm inistratrix. 21-5 HAVE YOUR PIANO boro. 23p No. 4163 camp ground; mile west Hillsboro husband and wife, are defendants, and order of sale, and in com­ MARRIED man. with family of NOTICE OP FIN A L ACCOUNT tuned, cleaned, demothed and re ­ In the County Court of the State on highway 23p in favor of the plaintiff and against three, wants to rent equipped ! WANTED To buy oak wood.— pliance with ,, the commands of said N otice is hereby given that th e under­ paired.—George Roberts. Telephone the defendants in the sum of »4635.- of Oregon, for the County of writ, . I Will, on Monday, the 26th signed, as E xecutrix of the estate of farm for coming year on 50-50 bas­ Ray Delsman. G aribaldi Avenue PUREBRED Guernsey b u l l , 15 1282 20p 00 together w ith interest thereon Washington. day of August, 1935. at 10 o’clock Erick Sundberg. deceased, has filed her is Have hud 15 year of farm and Phone 2107. 22tf months old; 2 Guernsey heifers, from the 23rd day of August, 1931, In the M atter of the Estate Of A M . at the door of the County " " of. Cour- dairy experience Can furnish good 12 months and 14 months, good 34. R oom s, A partm ents Louise E. Bacon. Deceased at the rate of 6% per annum and reference as to character und farm ­ ¡FIR ST class wood for sale — Ray | stock; 2 cows, 1 Jersey a n d 1 Notice is hereby given that the C° “ rt Hou?? at H»l,sboro. Oregon, »„d th,t Thu™d.,. ,',he ist'h' dL oPTu! ing John W Davis, 3800 N E. Delsman, G aribaldi Ave. Phone Guernsey, coming fresh 0 weeks, WANTED — By gentleman, room the fu rth er sum of »300.00 a tto r­ P d w id P r X ad sel1 at public auction (subject to x u .t, 1935. a t t h . hour o f Ten A . M. neys fees and the costs and dis­ undersigned, Edward K Bacon, ad , redem ptio n i to the highest bidder in th* forenoon o f » i d day, in the Cir- 2107 «»tf IT B and abortion tested, sell for 81st Ave., Portland and board in plain home Widow's bursem ents herein taxed at »17.70 m im strator w ith the w ill annexed f cash in hand all the rieht cuit Court room of aaid Court h a , been 1 cash or trade for beef.—D Lazuck. home preferred —P O. Box 37. and commanding me to make sale Of the estate of Louise E. Bacon. appointed by » i d Court th e tim e end HAVE your old well cleaned out «»««■« »' obwtion. there- Hillsboro ____ p ' l 1» miles north Ju n io r high school; or new one dug.— E C. Bennett. of th e following described real M ale Ko ( h . ln named M artin B ernards and to end the M ttiem ent thereof, Rt. 1, Hillsboro. 23, D*t*d *»d f ir ,t published Ju ly n t h . property situate in Washington authority of an order made by the Ix;na Bernar(j s husband and wife, D ennis A ve, Hillsboro p jja LED oil and vetch hay (01 all 38. Farm Loans d those claiming or to claim bv 1,S5- L“ ‘ publication A n n a sth . 1935. County, Oregon, particularly de­ Hon. D. T. Templeton. Judge of ---------_ ■1 Mi-. Hann Kriabal, at Mlntei JERSEY cow. fresh soon, $35. and the above entitled Court. On th e ETHEL L. ING ERRSOLL. Executrix Hoase M orin« 7 23p scribed as follows, to-wit: Holstein, fresh In October. »40 — 11th day of July. 1935, in the above or under them, had on of E ju t. of Erick Sundber,. d - MONEY TO LOAN Moving, resilling, raising, base- , The Southw est q u rter of the e n t i t l e d P s tn tp w i l l o f f p r f o r s a l e October» 1929, the ceased. E. J. Noble, address Masonic C K Goodrich. Rt. 1. Banks 23-4p on im proved productive farms, low m e n u e tc . shingling; 27 years M .A in .r v N orthwest quarter, and t h e ‘ e l u at t h f nf date ° f the m ort8age herein fore- Oregon City, Oregon. A ttorney interest rate, prom pt service, no experience In Wanhington county r a r m IV ia c n in e ry XiK ± i n i J r t l ^ ^ h i ClOSed' ° r Since ,ha* date had in fO T N orthw est q u arter of the South­ THOROUGHBRED double - tested delay.—Hubbs & Hammond, 310 the said adm inistrator on t h e __ j j T ____ j ---------------------------------------- --------------------------------— • F. L Hewitt. 230 N. Dennis A v e . west quarter of Section 28, T. dehorned and ringed, gentle Hol­ G uaranty T rust Co. Bldg, 623 Oak XT’ONAI. H arvester com­ premises to be sold at Post Office a"^. ° Pr?P’ r s . ,N0T,CEr. To cre »> tors Hillsboro lltf INTE'IN 2 N. R. 2 W. W illam ette M eridi­ stein bull. WO — C arl Dick, phone j bine f t : sale reasonable.—Jam es St.. Portland. Oregon. 21tf an, excepting therefrom a cer­ We speelallze in quality com ­ Lewis. Inquire county court, Hills­ 2522 North Plains; mile n o rth w e st; S S To " “ . K J , PK 3 tain f.ve-acre tract deeded by West Union church. 23-4 MONEY to loan on good dairy boro. 23 m ercial printing.—A rgua tf Harmon W. M iller and L aura A. te n : u ntdh,cos^ has d acfc T ? g • ■ - T « '^ 'h^ i.v7 » thhX„th. ; x dS herds —E. A. G riffith, 131 S. 2nd estate situated in W ashington Coun­ M iller to O. J. Tompkins, un­ ï « t jx jx jx X x jx jx jE jn Dated this 20th day of July. 1935 adm inistrator of the esta te John avenue. 7tf rn -x -K T rx -K T tT T X ty, Oregon: der date of Jan u ary 26th, 1891. J. W. CONNELL. Sheriff Of Wash- Sigriat, deceased, by the County Court An undivided tw o thirds of which was recorded on June ington County. Oregon. the State Oregon, for W ashington FARM money to loan—The Fed­ T ract U and th e West 168 feet 24th. 1891, in Book 31 at page First publication July 25. 1935. S ’ c U im s ^ .^ ^ ^ d eral Land bank now has ample of T ract 12 and that part of 368, Records of Deeds for Wash­ funds in bonds to loan to farmers Last publication August 22. 1935 hereby n otified to present the same, duly the vacated road adjoining the ington County, Oregon; a l s o at 4%. O ver $1,000.000 has been Chas. W Redding. Attorney. Mead v«" fied . as by law required, to the un­ said tracts on the north side commencing at the qu arter sec­ building. Portland. Ore. 23-7 '¡errigned at Hillsboro. Oregon. R. F. D. loaned to Washington county farm ­ thereof in Chehalem M ountain ____________ _____________________________ L w ithin six m onths from the date tion stake on the South line of ers by th e bank. W rite or call for hereof. O rchards according to the duly the N orthw est q u arter of Sec­ particulars. — W ashington C o u n ty NOTICE TO CREDITORS Dated and first published Ju ly I t, 1936. recorded plat thereof, in Wash­ tion 28, T. 2 N. R 2 W. of the National Farm Loan Association. In the C ounty Court o f the S ta te o f Ore- D ate la!,t Publication A ugust 8. 1936. ington County, Oregon. W illam ette M eridian; running gon. for W ashington County. ” • **• GROSSEN, A dm inistrator. 21-5 J. M. Person, secretary, Hillsbo­ Said property to be sold from and In the M atter of th e E state o f J. W — ________ ___________ _____________ ____ __ thence N orth 35 rods; thence ro. »tf Goodin. Deceased. NOTICE OF FIN A L SETTLEM ENT after the 15th day of August, 1935, East 23 rods and 14 feet; thence N otice is hereby given that th e under- In the C ounty Court of th e S ta te of Ore- at private sale in one parcel or in signed South 35 rods; thence West 23 ha* been duly confirm ed by the T * O1*’ W ashington County, separate parcels to the highest and above entitled rods and 14 feet to the place of court as Executor o f the ,n th e M»‘ t report as m eh . and the ington. For a few pennies anyon e can m ake H illsboro A rgus therefor, to the undersigned at the law h*’ the 21th «¡»V of August. front door of th e Court House in gust 15, 1935. J. L. Ford. Plaintiff, al 'h e hour of 10 o’clock A. M a t e o f E. J. M cAlesr. in th e First EDWARD E. BACON. Adminis­ o N ffic Hillsboro, W ashington County, O re­ vs. ational Bank building in Hillsboro Orc- ’ t '« d ar- and lh e court room of the C la ssified A d s bring real results. Cora M. Bass and John Doe Bass, gon, sell at public auction to the trato r w ith the Will annexed of the m onths from the date i »"titled court In Hillsboro. Oregon, the tim e and place for hearing ob­ her husband; H attie E. Welch; H. highest bidder for cash in hand Estate of Louise E. Bacon, Deceased. hereof. jections to said Final A ccount, r.nd for Dated thia 16th day o f July. 1985, W. Schoen and Ida May Schoen, all of the right, title and interest David E. Lofgren, A ttorney for Ad­ E- J. Me AL EAR. Executor o f the Last ot « ta te. 22-6 S ’*11. his wife; A. M Staples and the w hich the w ithin named defendants m inistrator. *L d Of said Deceased' Dated this 18th day of Ju ly 1916 United States N ational Bank of and each or either of them had on MRS. JE N N Y A ND ER SO N. A dm inls- r. J. Me Alear. A ttorney for Executor. OF FIN A L SETTLEM ENT No. W ords .......... the 26th day of May, 1919, or have In NOTICE tra tn x of tho E state of J T. Anderson. Newberg, Defendants. the County Court o f th e S ta te o f Ore- Deceased. Bagley 4 Hare. A ttorn ey, for To Cora M. Bass and John Doe acquired since said date in and to iron. for W arhinxton County. NOTICE TO CREDITORS A dm inistratrix. 23-7 Bass, her husband; H attie E. said real property or any portion In the M atter o f the E atate o f F A. In the C ounty Court o f the S ta te o f Ore- T im es to run Bailey. Deceased. gon. for W ashington County. Welch; H. W Schoen and Ida May thereof to satisfy said Execution, N o tice I, hereby y iven. that Eva Elnora In the M atter o f the Estate o f Catherine Schoen, his wife; A. M. Staples Judgm ent, O rder and Decree, In ­ Railey Lynch. A dm inistratrix, and J. W. (P le a s e W rite P la in ly ) M Payne, D e c « ,s o t and the United States National terest, Costs and Accrued Cost, said Hailey, A dm inistrator w ith th e W ill an ­ DR. R. J. NICOL A m t. E nclosed $ N otice is hereby g iven, that an order Bank of Newberg, the a b o v e sale to be subject to redem ption as nexed. of the E sta te o f F. A. Bailey. De­ was made in the County Court o f the ceased, have filext their fin a l account in per the statutes of the State of named defendants: DR. E. W . A LM Q U IST «aid estate in the County Court o f the j on Uie°f »th’^day ^ f Vn^thi In the Name of the State of Ore­ Oregon. ta le o f Oregon for W ashington C ounty m atter of th e E state of Catherine M V eterin arian s D ated this 27th day of June, 1935. S ,nd that said court h a . fixed Monday I P . y „ . De.-m.xed a X l n t „ g the u n d ” gon: You are hereby required to J. W. CONNELL, Sheriff of W ash­ t h . 6th day o f A ugust. A. D _ I 9 I 5 a t sig n « , p e titio n « ’ J .” u ¡ K J , .d m lrtL appear and answ er the complaint . _. . . , — Searcy adm inis­ Telephone 643 and 642 filed against you In the above en­ ington County, Oregon. E. J. Mc- 1« o'clock A. M. o f xnid liny in the tra to r thereof. and that said J. I.. Court room o f the C ounty Court Searcy has duly qualified as such ad- ! titled suit on or before the expira­ Alear, A ttorney for Plaintiff. 19-23 County Itouxc in th e C ity o f Hillxboro, W axhing- m im strator. WILL PAY CASH tion of four weeks from the date ! ton C ounty, Oregon, as th e tim e and N ow , therefore, all persons having ' BOARD OF EQUALIZATION of the first publication of this sum ­ | place t for tor hearing nearing xaid saio fin u n a al , account arcounx and ano I : claim s again st said e s t a t e s - e for your mons, Ju n e 27, 1935; If you so fail To the T axpayers of Washington all objeetions thereto and for the fin a l notified and required u p r e s e n t ^ h Ì n Hairy Vetch and Austrian County, Oregon: ttlem ent o f »aid rotate. with the proper voucher» to t h e u n H o r to appear and answ er plaintiff will Dateti thia 27th day o f June. A. D. IOTS. »iKned at The C o m m erd ii NatÌoZa! S in k Pea Crop Notice is hereby given that the apply to the C ourt for the relief EVA ELNORA BA ILEY LYNCH. Ad- . o f Hillaboro. in th e C ky of' H H l . S i , Secure our prices before selling ...... .. —o k th tk., e W wm ...ss.xe^l -xF o r H ills b o r o , prayed for In his complaint, to-wit: Board of Equalization of W ashing­ minifltratrix w ith ill annexed o f ih the . f>_____ Oregon, or a t the law office o f Thus. H For Judgm ent against defendants ton County, Oregon, w ill meet on E state o f F. A. Bailey, Deeeaeekl J. W ?Cnir?ve. ,