H IL L S B O R O Page Six Hillsboro Wins Sixth Straight Cornelius Defeated 9 to in Local Pennant Drive W a a b in g io n (S e co n d i'«M intv H a lf! W L P e t’ 7 0 1.000 G len w o o d 6 I .895 B ank» 4 2 .00 7 A lo h a 4 2 .667 G aaton w 2 .’ 1 t I. 4 5 6 6 I'. t .334 2 m .143 .143 H IL L S B O R O , O R E G O Dalles and P rairie City, have w rit­ ten board of control members of­ fering to donate all the state might need if Oregon will install the m achinéis for quarrying the m a­ terial. Locai Sunset Team to Play Tigard Roy Wins Title for Second H a lf of County Loop ARGUS. Errors Costly to Bear Team a a Bridal Shower for Miss Bean Thursday, July 2ft. 192ft RAY L. SMITH r K W TVM a Traffic fatalities on Oregon high­ ways this year show a decrease Mountnindnlc Woman Goes over the 1934 record Figures com ­ East for Automobile piled by Secretary of State S n e ll, show that 114 persons lost their ( B y M t*» M a r g a r e t M a th le a e n ) lives in traffic mishaps the first * Verboort Trounces Locals s i x months of this year com pared ¡ MOUNTAINDALE Mrs C I to 14ti traffic fatalities for the Williams and daughter l.eora were 6 to 1 Here Sunday hoatesses Wednesday afternoon at same period of 1934 a s h o w e r e o in p ln n e n tm g M iss E lla X ?1" ™ ? , ' T a a la ttn V a il« ? ’» « Play-“« noon in their clash with Verboort • . • K o lih a h a et u x , Jo acre« »’tio n 8.1 T l S K2W M S T a u n to n to C I I H a ll. S i a «rea in H o l l o n I I I S 1(2 W h ,' h. II. ' et ux. 2 111 acre» John»o u I d a t e A ddi lio n , Bint vert on. i o . Muri rlg u s.M rs G Hauler and daugh Viaieriu Dully ’rrl|>N to Portland Hillaboro Auto Freight Donde»! and Iiwured Onrrlrr H _ . * ... I Bean, bride-elect of O rville lley- Miss Estella M C arter o f Canyon „old». Each guest hemmed a dlsli S « n » H le a g u e (S e co n d H a l f ! ... i r-i Ll1' ') as, seeietary-treas- towel for the bride-eleet Garda t Second H a l f » W L P e ll . ' u ier of tlie Oregon county school1 wel-,> u)so played 111 which Mrs. W I . l ’et A m ity V erb»x»rt Roy clinched the second half • - suiH im tendents associatliMi at the Harold Reynold« and Mildred ller- ft 0 1.006 W illa m e tte H ills b o r o H illa b o ro 4 2 ood 2 4 .332 title 5 1 .899 C o rn e lin a in the Washington County S P herw T u a lut in am aial m et ting here tins week 1 gert received honors, Present were t) 4 V e r n o n ia er. G ro v e 4 2 1 4 .2p o f Boy S o u l » . .89 o f L o t I llh n ’k 3 F ir s t A d d itio n . H ank« J W . C o n n e ll ( S h e r if f i to A llie r t (• S m ith et a l. L o ta ti, 7, Block 15 W est P o r tla n d IL d g h l» S k y lin e L a n d Cu, t o G o m e r W Itn w e « . p a rt o f NE»« o f S ec tion 17 T 8 N ICJW B e rt Jera rd ( G u a r d ia n ) l o U la n A D o a n e , p a rt S ec tio n 21 T 2 S I t l W G e o rg e R o b e rt IG lte n h o u » « to H e n ry Ilo»-k e r e< UK. P art Tract UQ llo n n y S lo pe |h»ra Ilo tta a n (o J H W « v et u k , 5 u v .' a c re * in S ec tio n 23 T I N I t l W J u lia A C ooper (o E la in e C m -p er. Lot 71 Sl«'ol'g A iid llto u , B e av e rto n C W . M a -o u el u k to H e le n D l i-h e r, L o t 27 W itc h lla s e l L u lie F a rm » T»'w n o f B e a v e rto n t»‘ A lic e Adain< p a r t Block 1. B e a v e rto n H e rm an O B u n n e ll to I-re tle rlc k J 1.0«»*. c l U K . L i l t 18 L i t t l e F r u it P a rin » I' J C h ris te n s e n e t uk to M ilto n I I S io x e h « o n . 20 acre« T lS R 2 W Dcaey C G e a rin g e< uk io W W I L — et UK. 21 acre« T 2 S R lW M e te r A F r a n k C o M » k W L<>rwus et u k . L o t» 2. 4 and 5 Block tl M e is g e r A c re T r a c i■ U n io n C e n tr a l L i f e In s u ra n c e Co. to M » k L o re n » et u x . 13»» acre» S ec tion 14 T 2 S IC IW D D S age (o N D S age. 4 10 100 « » ie « K o lie rl T u p p e r I» L. C G e r tr u d e M C a le f to K e n n e th It W il cox et u x . I a. te F in n e y '« A d d itio n . H ill Nerving llenvertim, Aloha, K re i­ ville, lllll.horo, ( ornelliM and Fore«! Grove riekup and Delivery Servire at Corkage llaleo Hillaboro Pilone 542 Kiut Hide Termlnul l’ortlund i ’hone KA,it 9131 WE CAN HELP YOU bv defeating Cornelius !series starting Sunday leaders of th e second half Tualatin A survey of farming activities ter Irene. Harold tteynolds. and t o 3 This Sundav the H illsboro' North Plains took the measure Valley league schedule The locals ut the Hoys' Training school by Miss Mildred Hergert, the honor sauad w ill clash with Tigard on I of Banks 9 to 6 Sunday, while were charged w ith nine m iscue s agricultural experts at the state guests. Ella Bean, and ttie hostesses the Shute park diamond and a Glenw ood swamped th e Aloha team .und tost to Verboort 8 to t college recommends a num ber o( Here for Wedding I<. Siidth tin« been ttinde Both outstand- in prospect. Home won from ~ hurlers turned in “ ......... *......... changes at the institution, indud-1 Those from distant places who n Ray good game is ... r - - - r — Slang. --------- | 15 to 2. . G arden . , fiill-dnio prtdesnor nt W illam­ ing perform ances on the mound. ing installation of a drainage sys-1 pitcher for the locals during the Gaston by default ette t'nlverslty College of l«nw, R H first half of the season, will be on; « 2 2 I Sahnow nfier nerving n-< pnri-tlm e In s trn o dow the mound for Tigard and is de- M'j'.i»»,„i to r for nineteen year», lie hold« term ined to defeat his former team- jat.-en » 1 Stores l.udi end thtish»»» 1 allow «legree« from W illam ette ami walk: Vour buildings iin* n n “ le S ' • - • —la i n . ! pla; W u ih in g tim c o u n ty to M e th o d is t L |.t . Yale, lie ha« practiced In Salem Cornelius was handicapped b\ I No big investment. Protect « «•Pal c h u n h o f P o r tla n d . i« art Lot Ba 1 lowed six scattered hits. year Sim ilar surveys will be con- ■Ince 191(1, during which tim e the absence of several players S un­ all of Portland, Mrs W alter Kirck- he served a« city attorney for a N n ) io | . A d d it io n . G a rd e n H o m e Var Two errors on a long fly ball by ducted at other state institutions. them with a film of M o rri» knudt<»vn I.» f.uyni-..» I I M itc h * day and the contest was cut to five . Wi wood. Mrs Arlte Hagström. Mr> LaBountv to center field gave the • • • S e d h m ,7 Tk'S I t l W R H E. GOOD PAINT. innings due to the heat. Dick S u th ­ Joe Batty, all of Salem. Mr and nnm lter of >enr«. ( \ M . Inman, , e ll. F. J K acre» Bears" th eir lone run in the third P e te r» r t uk I». L u m ia A l i r i t ­ 15 14 1 It costs $40.000 a year to main- erland turned in a (me game for Hart Robison and daughtei another Salem attorney, ha« a I mo k in W u f L o t U Johnso n E s ta te A d ­ inning Verboort scored two runs in tain the yellow center strip«!along Mrs the locals as did Harold Voelker, Mildred of Rickreall Many friend been made a full-tim e Instructor« d itio n . Ile a v r i to u -R e e d v ille the first inning, one each in the p u rsu an t to carrying out the re­ Thom as B E dw ar»! et uk t» J I M ay regon s highway s le n gallons of nluj neighbors from Ibis eonunu- catcher. Inaide or Outside third and sixth and two in the paint are required to each mile of nlty also attend«! the wedding cent reorganisation plan adopted et UK. p a rt L o t J ItliH k . N a ylo r*» A d * Hopes for a Hillsboro second-half eighth. «ht»«.n. T«iicet G rove. by tho trustees of (lie university. title took a jum p this week w ith , . , Miss Jos« i ¡one Hutchens of Foi \ A. Sehraiuni. » u iw rin te n d Sherwood turned in an 11 to 2 ••f the announcem announce ent that “Bun H u -1 lin k » , to H a r r y N F lu k e e t a l, 5o a c re . . . , _ . . . cst Grove spent several days with victory over Vernonia. R Heiser. S. , t i . n m p j N M iW son, ex-big leaguer, would coach Members of G overnor M artin s ¡M r and Mrs. Arelue Thompson Sherwood pitcher, won his own l ia n a J. Iltd iu h e rg et ux to Joh state planning board are now con- the squad during the balance of week ball game with a home ru n in centratm g their efforts largely on last the season. Bill Joos w ill still be S a ftb a ll le a g u e Mr. and Mrs. William M aurer \Ye have it g in irn n - - filth fram e w ith tw o men on the gathering of data to support an manager, but Huson will take over (S e c o e d H a l f ) and family of Portland, Chris Maui teed <|Uttlity p n in t fo r w t ~ . __ , , . * application for a federal grant to- er, Louise and H erbert M aurer of the direction of the players on the W L P et! A reunion of the Sam uel and i 1 5 v 1‘ w ard financing the new capitol. Ireland. 2 0 1.000 A rg u s j»ny purpose. field and selection of lineups. USED CARS , , 5l„, to 1. Result of the Carlton-N ewberg it ls generally adm itted, is Hillsboro visited at the home ot Robert Kinney deuccndunt* was 1 1 .5 tW F a ir w a y Aloha, winners of the first half Mr. and Mis. Frank Corey S un­ Safeway I 1 .50 0 G u a r d * o 2 .oeo game was not repotted the new move ¡n t be capitol con- day. held nt the Ewing Young school 1930 F O R D R O A D S T E R — S p e cia l title, is the only first division team Games scheduled for this Sunday struction program «port job Most be Keen Irelands grabbed the lead in the near N ewberg Sunday rem aining between Hillsboro and Goes East for Car ( ie t o u r est im itte on are as follows: Hillsboro at Ver- State T reasurer Holman s pay-as- to be appreciated local softball league Thursday night The lust Kinney reunion was the last half pennant The local; Mrs W arren Corey left Sunday held in 1865, Dr Alfred C K in­ , plan fur financlng , h7 ' new have been handicapped by a short- by taking a hard fought, ex tra-in ­ noma. Newberg at Carlton. Forest y o u r reiiuirem en tH . 1929 Plymouth Coach age of funds and the players a s k ; ning game 4 to 2 from the Argus Grove at Amity and Sherwood at state house was presented to the via train for Michigan, to get ney. 85-yeor-old physlcluii, is- the Good condition board “f control this week and re ­ a new C hevrolet from the factory only surviving mem ber of tliut that Hillsboro fans give their sup- squad. The printers took a 2 to 1 she will drive out here. She meeting, und it is through his e f­ 193« Oakland ! advantage in the first inning, but last in the second half schedule ceived immediate approval although and port by attending the games. R. H E intends to be gone tw enty days forts Dial this reunion wus mude Coach W illamette staged a surprise Sun- Irelands tied the score with a tally V e rb o o rt consideration of a bond issue has 6 6 3 and en route home will visit rela­ , pussiblc. He is one of the first day by turning back Aloha 10 to 8. in the fifth. In the second extra H i 11» boro I 5 5 not been altogether abandoned yet. tives at different places. 1 M D odir S ah n o w a n d H e in r ir k . D on in and Dea- At a conference here Friday at- I surgeons to practice in l ’ortlund. Laurel shut out Gaston 9 to 0, Tual- frame, the w inners bunched four Coupe Mrs. R. Mathiesen and Mrs. N v ille . i tended by the governor and several atin swamped Tigard 15 to ♦. while hits to take the game. A pproxim ately 125 people a t- R. H . E . Skow of Astoria visited at the 1924 Chevrolet Sherwood had little trouble dis 11 10 4 Staging a slugging spree in the Sherwtx«d the Jam es Mathiesen home T hurs­ tended the gathering, coming from Delivery posing of Orenco 16 to 4 « 1 all parts of the northwest. opening innings of th eir game with V e R r n . o n H ia e is e r a n d B. M c G u i r e ; D 2 a y 8 and day Schedule for next Sunday is as I A fter a picnic dinner everyone the Royal Soda Works T u r p le . Mrs D O W ebster of Portland 1935 lludnon Huili T rrraplatir. follows: Tigard at Hillsboro. W il-' ture This narrow s the choice of spent Friduy at the Eart Hollen­ gathered at an organ and sang old R. H . E delivered here. $73M and up I additional ground for state house lam ette at Gaston, Aloha at Sher- team chalked up a 12 to 7 win I 1 3 4 favorite songs of their pioneer beck home Thursday evening. The w inners wood. Cornelius at Orenco and F o re a t G ro v e 12 16 0 purposes down to the W illam ette grandparents, w ith Rev Charles Mr. and Mrs. O liver Wescott and scored seven runs in the first in­ T H O M A S S. SHOLES w’ood», Petersen. Kimmieki a n d H u t c h - ! university campus and two blocks Tualatin at LaureL Mrs. Fuller of Pasudena. Cal . R. H . E . ning and built th eir advantage to i n s ; S to u te n b e rs a n d F r y e r . of residential property on Court family of Hillsboro and Mrs A. and rtio n r 2IW 152 N. 3rd Ave. in charge Dr. Riley of Linfield Wescott and son Paul of Forest ______ » 15 0 12 to 0 in the final frame. Safe­ H ill» b o r o -------------------------street ju st north of the state prop- .. .... a 7 J way started hitting the ball at the C o rn e liu s Grove spent Sunday at the Archie college read some interesting pio­ _pn p f . ‘-ro W illamette university trustees Thompson home. Rcwky a n d B r a n d a w ; V a n L o o and F in e - neer letters and incidents from the end of the game, bringing in seven are understood to favor sale of the K»n. Billy Ervin of San Francisco, ! lives of the early Oregon people tallies in the seventh. R. H - E (C o n tin u e d fr o m p a r e o n e i school property to th e state, but C a l. is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Gabe i IJr. Kinney also added much to 10 15 4 W illa m e tte ......... National Guards, w inners of the , the afternoon's program by telling I 12 6 first half schedule, dropped the serting title to the bed of M alheur slate officials are frankly doubtful Essner. lake and the irreducible school | as t0 *be ability to pay a price F o x a n d D a via o n ; B ohn »on. B a r r o n a n d A rleta Raffety visited several ' several tales of his early life und second consecutive game last week, fund has been tapped for more than which will enable the school to re- M e B reen. i experience with the Indians. One days last week with her aunt. Miss R. H . E. losing a close game to Fairw ay 1 $12.500 in paying attorney's fees build on a larger and m ore suit- Vernita Raffety of Forest Grove. ; incident which was especially in- 9 11 0 to 0. The only score of the game and other litigation expenses. There ablc location. L a u r e l ____ __ ____ 0 4 4 Chris M aurer and Louise and ‘ teresting was an account of his G aaton With architects busy sketching H erbert M aurer of Hillsboro and acquaintance with Capt Hembree N e u e n s c h w a n - came in the fourth inning. Sched­ still rem ains $5581 of the $18,000 S e h re in e r a n d Z e ig le r ule for tonight iT hursday) is as authorized by the session of 1933 tentative designs, engineers making Mrs. Frank Corey spent several and his participation in the Indian will never harm the homes Her a n d A lly n . and buildings made of our R . H . E . I follows: Irelands vs. N a t i o n a l for defense of th e M alheur lake a study of the needs of the state days last week at Silverton wars. T u a la tin ' s ' ? 6 I Guards, north Junior high diamond; suit which will be applied tow ard as ,o space in the new building, Concrete Building Tile. They Mrs Wilbur Dillon and daugh­ Tigard Among those present from this figuring ters Bernice and Verna are cam p­ Sw™pe .D d R e b e r; s im » . sum « and Fairw ay vs. Safeway, south Junior the m aster's claim and the n e x t; financial experts busily vicinity w ere Ml and Mrs Thom ­ improve with age and the I high field; and Argus vs. Soda legislature w ill be asked to pro- out details of both the pay-as-you- ing at the W. D. Fowles home for as W Shuck and son Stanley Mr first and only cost is within ' go and bond plans and Secretary several days. R . H . E . Works, Hilhi vide the rem aining $5248 Shuck's m aternal grandm other was I O re n c o « s « I Ickes dangling $1.500,000 under the your reach. We try to be S herw ood Sunday dinner guests at the C 16 16 3 ! a Kinney. Press reports from the national nose of state officials as a con­ S Reynolds home were Mr and B liae, G a r fie ld a n d S e r o f fo r d ; P o d b ie ia n f I M _ 34 T P • honest and we make an hon­ a n d W e n n e r. capitol to the effect that President tribution from Uncle Sam tow ard Mrs George Hauser. Mr and Mrs est product. Roosevelt has approved a program the new building talk of a special George Connolly, Mr. and Mrs under which the federal power session now has it that the law ­ Harold Reynolds, Ella Bean and C it y «»f Foeoat G ro « « to F r a n k I t G o ff, commission w ill construct the trans- m akers w ill be on the job again O rville Reynolds. p a r t <»f H loeka 4 a n d • W a lk e r * » Ad­ T. r?* L . t VZ Tolerance" will be the general mission lines from Bonneville were in the “early faU." While some in ­ d itio n . F o re s t G n n « . terp ret this to mean early Sep­ O il l l S E l g n t n I e a r discussion topic of all the clubs ; received by Governor M artin as J. W C o n n e ll ( S h e r if f ) to H e r m a n «mc u , affiliated writh Hillsboro C hristian complete vindication of his stand tem ber others, less optimistic. iiis h o p . L o t I illo r k 10. |leu»ont>' H e te h ta H i l l « o n if nnnr«» I Council during the coming season. ! against state owned transmission the date for the session as the F. L . B o r th w ic k «t u< t o A lo n to L . » H ^ l a d « ' g^ o u n T « A n ^ n h l i i* has been decided by ,he counc” I In his gubernatorial cam- last of Septem ber or early October | N eedle« et u « . I « e re in T r a c t . p a r t o f S ec tion 9 T I N R 9 W With few er than 50 per cent of Pen’eS from $249.85 to $1700 byterian church Council also au ­ his senate seat because he was a F lo re n c e E. B each to F G . P atte rs o n Each ........... Following have served as presi­ thorized the form ation of a Dads' mem ber of the state bonus com ­ e t u x , 8 .8 0 acre» in Johnso n E « ta te A d d i- state's automobile d r i v e r s _ dents: Morris Weil. 1927-28; J. H club as an auxiliary organization. the equipped w ith the new licenses More than 96.000 full tim e work- mission, has resigned from the com­ • G arrett, 1928-29: Dick Fendall, 19- No. 1 Second Wheat Sacks— n S la te m e t ux to F ra n c is New members of the clubs, 35 police were expected to begin now e!P,?’oyed *n Ore8°n mission in order to again qualify C o A rn le e x liu « M ilto 29-30; Dr. S Todd. 1930-31: K ent boys and 39 girls of high school state W e a t e t u x . p a r t o f S ection checking up on the delinquents to- "IV f’L103 have accepted the for the senate post Each 17 T 2 N R 4 W . Price, 1931-32: G arrett, 1932-33; Carl age. will be selected and initiated day .Thursday). The state depart- protectlon • • • ‘he W orkm ens Com­ E m m a S y lv e s te r to F re d W S y lv e s te r Miller, 1933-34, and Carl Johnson. during the first tw o weeks of ment e t a l. L o t 4 E ric k so n *» A d d itio n . B e a v e r­ has been digging out frorn ^ ' ™ , ac' ' a“ “rd ln « to record* One of the oldest documents in B IN D E R T W IN E 1934-35 ton. school, according to the plans of under the eleventh hour deluge o f !oi ‘he Industrial Accident com m a- the official archives of the state 500 feet to pound— The golf course has done much the presidents. Many of the clubs A lo n s o L . N eedlea e t u x t o F re d M at the rate of about ” ° nh 7 ? 's c° r"Pares v" y favorably is a commission signed by John to prom ote good fellowship be­ w ill begin m eeting before the be­ applications Bale ......................... 10.000 a day and has now reach ed !w lth the ,81'630 w orkers on the W. Davis, territorial governor, a p ­ tw een Hillsboro and Forest Grove ginning of the school year. the bottom of the pile. * records a year a«° pointing Noah Huber as prosecut­ 650 feet to pound— • • • ana tne 69,973 employes who were ing attorney for the second ju d i­ Sherwood Farm er Sets T T • | Governor M artin in granting a d ° 7 n. J obJ same cial district. The commission which Bale hearing into the fairness of the *” d “f t n at ^ pt^, the de‘ is done in longhand throughout, ,r ‘al which resulted in the convic- J*!e“ i° " ln 1932-33 Peak of in- bears the territorial seal and is C harles Anderson, S h e r w o o d ' We will also have a limited amouht of storage room farm er, set a new record for the «enerally eT plo, p o in t m en t Telephone 2325 RUBBER STAMPS GEORGE T. McGRATH RUY YOiTR C n n n tv IN S U R A N C E P in t WANT-ADS D. P. CORRIBRI t INSURANCE Phona OREGON M O N U M E N T W ORKS hy COLLECTION Garbage Collection Dentist 144 For N a tio n a l 2211 In fo r m a tio n A v m r lM RUBBER STAMPS HRR V1CB II.n k from n o lld ln , HILLSBORO ARGUS H l l l .b n r o »boat T » IZ R c ld o n r o 2681 GARBAGE DR. RALPH DRESSER T e le p h o n e 8261 O ffin g 2682 DENTISTS W a a h ln v l m B ld g T a lephnnea S rh e n d e l R undn ya Bank Wells Building T e le p h o n e 1471 W E II/f l A P A R T M E N T S E v e n in g » , N o t io n a l Telophonoo lld d o o r o Physician and Surgeon Commercial Building A SURGEON P h n lo - T h o r a p , DR. D. E. WILEY, M. D. a p e r ia lty M abel ond and 1381X PERMANENTS G U ER N SEY D A IR Y SAM HULIT * SONS Phone 2568 1*4 miles aouth of Hillsboro Gold Medal Diploma W inner In 1934 — Score 98.2 Silver Medal Diploma Winner in 1933 — Score 97.8 X -R .y Sanitary Beauty Shop Morningdew Sack Twine and McCormick- Deering Binder Twine. P H Y S IC IA N of at Hillaboro Pharm acy k in d » AND SURGEON A. 0. PITMAN, M. D. Oeneral Beauty Work A ll TWINE PHYSICIAN D ir e c to ry or It« A d « « r1 l»c r» c a ll Tb» A rm -1 1 01