H IL L S B O R O Page Four XHilsboni^fcArt) us W ith Which I» Combined Ihe HllUhera lndependcnl ■Utoboro A rsu e estah. lb M HNIehom Independent « M b . 18'S M rKINNBY « MrKINNKY. I'ekllehera Published Thurada? Entered u »econd-claaa m atter In the puetoffiee at Hilleboro. Oreyun MRS V E R N E MrKINNKY Editor O FFICIAL N E W SPA PER OF K C. M cM N N EY AMtx*i«te Editor WASHINGTON COUNT» Saharrlption Ratea S u it t i? Ca«h In A drante O u tsid e W a e h in g to n C o u n ty W ithin W aahington County IT. S-. p e r y^'ar — S1.OJ Par rear S ir Faretra countries - 3.50 riix month« .................. - ......... I MEMBER Oregon S u ite Editorial AMoeiatfcm and N ational Editorial A**»> lion. F irst Audited Paper Larueat Audite»! Week­ ly Circulation in Ore* n large m easure to good and efficient stead of Saturday morning as was he told me all about the Ma>oh m anagem ent and the assistance of loyal scheduled because we had to make one. After this he invited me down Officers and the hundreds Ot loyal mem- a rubber quota or something. While I to his house to set» his furniture b e rs. “ ‘ I HO we w ere there I got fitted for an j This was his one hobby, ami of Irish linen suit and it’s plenty nice course he was very proud of it, double*breasted bi-swing, with and after 1 saw it I should say pleats in the pockets and e v e ry -¡th a t he had a right to be. , business people Ot tills community were happy to visit the plant and see the progress made. They are happv to have tbl,,'K t! 'lt,.one .""“L't i lt in, the, Must of tits things were <»»»•« .too i i i . i l -.i , i j . states I also got a khaki uniform years old and very few under 100 been able to help With the advancem ent and thc whole thing came to $13.80li le had manv, many cabinets .out Of this great industry that m eans SO much Singapore money or about $9 U chests finished in gold It is leal to every individual in this countv. Thev s K"ld Everyone here w ears e it h - 1 gold. too. because the Chinese have •ii * .• a . a » Thursday, July 2ft, 1 ¡»35 * i a Will c o n tin u e to assist It to r th e g o o d of t»r w h ite p o p lin , lin e n , duck, o r , a s u p e r s titio n th a t e v il s t u n t s m- Miss G. Comils (iiven a Surprise 111 I'llANY CEDAR M il.’ . Ml aibl M u Otto Sellili/ gave a sm prise parly honoring Mh» G la d ,, Cornili, on Iin liitti birthday Mon day night Those present were Mr Magda lasing. Miss Evelyn Wat tels, Mis . Eli/atielli Allenimeli. Me I.nettle Coi nils of Portland. Wat le i J a s t i e of Portland. C arl Cornlls Elvin Cornila. Eleslon Knight ,,r Portlund. Joe C ahrrtl, und the g u e s t o f honor. Miss Gladys Cornila, and the tinsi nini host,'ss, Mr. and Mi Otto Sellili/ Mi und Mrs Cleve Owens eu tertulned a group of friends Kutur- duy night Present were M, amt Mesdames Glen Carr. Juhu Meiner, N P Johnson, Wallace and the host und hostess, Mt und Mis Cleve Owens, und Mis Owen cousin, Mi Wilson, from l.lncoln county. Mr unit Mrs G Holt of Hillsboro unit faintly visited M C lausen und fiiinlly Sunday. Visitors of Mr und Mrs Arvid Sundström were Mrs. Maude John son und liuby Beulah, Miss I,unite Johnson of Reedsport und Mrs A Stuvin. Mr und Mrs Normiin Strut ton und son Raymond of Portlund Mr und Mrs Arvid Sundström Esther und Miss Patríela Johnson Willi Mr und Mrs N Struttoli ul the Muceubeea piente ut In this stirrin g bit of rodeo action, from a Rocky Mountain I tendisi Blue l.uke “ dudo" ranch, tho cowboy was a little too tough for lit* mount. Mi und Mrs Sum Kunz of Port A fter a stiff tussle, tho rid er tilings on grluily while bis unruly land n , l i c i t M i and M r s Qlenn brouc, bew ildered, spraw ls In tho dust. I C arr Sunday. Mr und Mrs Albert Keene of Births Portlund visited friends und relu Hamel To Mr and Mrs Ered lives Sunday at Bethany I Hamel of Orenco. July 10. u girl Cornelius To Mr and Mrs Vir- 1 git Cornelius of Dilley. July 20. i girl. Herb To Mr and Mrs William ' Madam, do you know that 1 Herb of Forest Grove. July 22. a It’s clever to be a clipper?” ' girl To become a clipper at one (Oun(lnu»d fmm i-«a» on,) llennetl -To Mr und Mrs I. O portance of good breeding and M- clip, so to speak. Just see that Bennett of Hillsboro, July 22. a iectlon In building up flocks. the shears are handy when boy you sit down to read your Following the Judging. Profes­ Johnson To Mr and Mrs. Toge sor Nelson gave the 4-H club new spaper As you spot an Johnson of Mason Hill. July 2». a members a dem onstration of fit advertisem ent or something boy that Interests you, clip it out ting sheep for show H e ss-T o Mr and Mrs George and take It w ith you. Exhibitors In the show were Ray Hess of North Plains. July 24. a and Nell Knepper. llllly and Evelyn M erchants w h o advertise w ith us are glad to have you * lr l _________________ Kelly and Mildred Mead. Banks ask for specific merchandise route 1; Adelbert. Robert. Francis. Francis Attends Meeting And sometimes It's helpful Ignatius and Peter Evers L. E Francis, assistant county Willis, to refer to the advertisem ent Fornd Grove route 3, Marvin agent, left Wednesday for Corvallis Heynderlckx. C ornelius route 1. when you're right In the to attend a three-day 4-H club con­ Merle Pennington. Tualatin; Jim store ference at Oregon State college At all events, a clipping Davidson. Hillsboro route 1; Nolan pinned to your shopping list VsnlXxnelrn. Mountalndale. Billy helps you to rem em ber this AN AFTKR-THOI'GHT Cyrus. Hillsboro; Donald and Wal particular errand. It sim pli­ Th« n ich t I« e l « r will» full »hlnin« ter Hergert. Banka route 1; and bricht. fies and shortens a shopping Haymond Dlerlckx. Forest Grove Ur to «preed un p in c buueh« *u/t trip so much to know what route 1 and dw p. you want and w here to get Wh• * here we fed the tional recognition as one of the leading ana ” • v - tn risie n se n on nis selection as , animals. Mos, of thc animaU can I'll bet we looked plenty funny. 1 S S President Johnson l a n d g r a n t colleges in the nation. secretary-treasurer o f t h e Independent be seen in u . s. zoos except some Colombo to Bombay | T h / h n a r d expressed the wishes of Kankers of Oregon, both of whom are of the birds and anim als that live Ju n e 13, 1B3S ; I he board expressed tn e visnes oi regarded a n d r e s t a r t e d lo c a l H ti only ln ‘he tropics. We got to see Here's the letter from this port , thousands of friends throughout the state nigni> regarded ana respected local c i t i - a mouae deer and a M alayan Colombo w as a grand place even I f ! when it said. “ We wish fo r him, in his zens- boar, zebras and some funny look- I didn’t get to sec so much of it. I retirem ent. many years of continued use- ---------- *--------- ^ 'U ^ i e p h a “" ^ A rrived at 6 a. m. amid a drizzle rain and anchored out in the fulness crowned by the personal satisfac- Forest Grove N ational bank is doing a ‘here and we fed her most of the of of the bay. As soon as the tions and the response of public recogni- fine work fo r the youth of W ashington h®"8"®8 we had left, it was very middle rain stopped I w ent ashore w ith tion th a t his record so abundantly de- county / m m t v in 1 FY F V l a X F A ? ■ < X F W Y z - x 8 i\ W x / " V ♦ In e x « X « 1 ' . ftA X X . some fellows that are in the crew, the promotion of the annual there we drove back to town, serves.’’ sheep show. By creating the desire among We passed rubber plantations and too. We bought some post cards and looked at Jewelry. Colombo Is youth to excel in farm or any other kind c°Soaniii, p 1®'“®“ «*1»- ° ne ®“ er an- the home of amethysts, sapphires, of w ork the bank is giving th a t boy or girl narive store,°Pl^ d * bought ° iom' rubles, emeralds, opals and other a boost on the road to success. Mangosteens and R ubertus. They precious and sem l-prec'ous stones. every other store Is selling' are a tropical fruit and very good. Almost W hat promised to be a pleasure party O ur d river stopped at one of the them. I am just beginning to get onto! fo r a group of young people last week homes of a w ealthy Chinese in turned out to be one of the g reatest tra g ­ Singapore and we w ere allowed to the value of money I spent my I go through it as it was open to the money rather foolishly In the firs t) edies ever to happen in this county when public. One room was as beauti- few ports. As we get to more ports It. thnmifh lh« nicht two young men were killed and nine oth- ful or more beautiful, than the I am beginning to get wise to m y­ Civil Nervier Teat Anneanced Oh t I *«li f>*r nu Setter t» «teep ers injured. Only one escaped without m- i t L i b e r t y L e a g u e one Dad and I saw in Los An- self. and to pay only a half to a The United States Civil Service third of what they ask. and then ju ry and the shock to her of seeing her * geies. Talk about pounded s ilv e r1 ”'.*•,*••“ •••*'" . „ . in » i.mi (i.w mu.» t commission Ims announced o p e n I n m n a n M n s 1 /illad a n d i n i u r o d w ill n r n h Those who have followed activities of the Lib- vases and things, they sure had ° uy on*y what I want, instead uf|C«uaiy ( s i n t c.»,ri ! ,, tu n ih , hl, * » I „ f u, he « In « « he (u rttu«l competitive exam inations as fol C o m panions k ille d a n d i n j u r e ! ill p ro b - erty League find no reason for surprise in its latest | them After thc visit there we buying a lot of junk, because I th in k 1 H uum in ih , c n y of Huiabor,,. W uk- M anr h„., I wa • - Agent A ntlnarm tir Act. $2800 ably tak e years to overcome. The grief in move to defeat am endm ents to the A gricultural | went to the botanical gardens and L anl Ke“ ln8 ® bargain All thi msw« Count?, Oru«», „ th, Unw and ,,"w *“ ,h,"k •i year, llu ieau of Narcotics. Trees the seven homes represented will be deep A djustm ent Act. In fact, the AAA itself must be fed the monkeys with the Man-1 u“ n es* men »r c shrewd salesmen p i,.- » f . . r honrim, „id final a/rount and T h e r iv e t le u . « it i* * , •« It fLaw • alun* ury DeiMirtnirnt Applicants must -dt ahsare. A p e a c e fu l liill*t>> and lasting, as well as the rem orse of the anathem a to such a representative group of reac- ®"d R ubertus that we had ,-,Jr ^ e ce'nU / “u ’veii n> h- *-iuid alti« J - :..« - /4/x.rt. nl tionanes as is to be found in the list of those ad- left They are tam e like the squir- - _ IT c »« very a n ie r tn i I>BUd lhw experience In poaitiona or occupu •o n * — driver of the death car, for th ere Will al- n ettin g mem bership in this parody on L iberty—the rels are in some of the U. S. parks. the U S., w here most all tiona the duties of which required Mr cup to full I 1 n • ways be the thought th a t it m ight have Liberty League. They come right up. or drop d o w n 1 £ T ♦ fe lhe7 prlCt?1 m w . kn kffie hkcker H a rris ah - the investigation of m ajor crim inal w ith *uch wealth been avoided with a little more care as to Coincident w ith the statem ent of the Liberty Z-a'tnZ,uthof vm Tr h a n d Sk and want a n d h o p ^ ’ andlnu” ue fiV lh i- " t>~~^.t ' Th'..li*H*''r.‘,n,.Ln jr " " t And wunder activities Poultry aida, $1440 to w hy: turner f « A dm inistrât ri«. $2000 a year. B ureau of Animal speed and condition Of the highway. League that "No more dishonest piece of legislation best A t one la rtre nian«l<>n wh«* Industry. D epartm ent of Agr cul bread. All who were in the accident are to be amendment” °w e ^ n d ^ T series of6 s u ^ r ^ h a li^ n e ^ ‘ellinK which a r e 'th e 'm o n k e y s There wa« •s rd r.-ii in th, mairtm's turn. Full inform ation may be ob New Hidrwalk I-ald pitied, for it will leave a lasting im pres- ing the validity of processing taxes, h a v ^ b e e n f l k d Jahch Ba n le“ ,.rve U 7 a ^ d Uth Ulh nd A ” '*■. ,. . . . . lam ed from Miss Angle H arrington New sidewalk was laid this week r„ ri »«•‘ »•‘ary of «he U S. Civil Set vice sion on their lives, and will sadden the by—whom would you think?—m illing companies labeled although we d i d n l h a v e on the Ireland corner at Third H oM h.lt II T ill ILS I IS I» n i„ t.u ,, ’ Hoard of Examiners, at the post T4- ru. r* a rk p rg nd m anv ho o r m in e / h i r h r t r in r * t r i . .. homes of their parents. It should K be a n P® ck^r8 a and many ° f t ,he groups u which prior to inuch ’t im e to w alk around. . _ The and Main streets. « hw a?. h J»USt j h?rB l u*y w an,od J111?: or M. I got a great kick out ot When our prim itive forefathers control 01 tne car ana elim inate t n e W here he could be forced to sell his wheat, hts w alking down through the native roamed singly or in small groups chance for an accident if the car strikes cotton and his pork, and everything else he could quarters and looking at the stores over the land, they had no need loose gravel. raise- at ,he Price the J°bbe r and wholesaler chose Many limes you will not see an- to w orry about sanitation But as ________________ “ » pay him. w ith a minim um of profit during the other w hite man all m orning and the need of companionship and "fat” years and at an actual loss in "lean” year, I feel very glad that I have eaten m utual protection developed, they ** R p p n rd i but w ith Prof“ s alw ays assured to the jobber and my spinach and grown as big in gathered into tribes, so family life U C LU IU S L / e a u u j c U w holesaler any kind of a year. These predatory , comparison w ith the chinks, Sykes began Even then they could pick tx i-v , . . » j u . groups are th e authors of the oft-repeated adage: land Malays that live here, because up their possessions when the camp D eliberate destruction of records by a -We who have invested our capital to help the it seems to m e that they are just site unbearable and move Utility employe on new spaper reports th a t farm er to m arket his produce are entitled to a fair as likely to knock you over the to a became new location But as the tribes Congress would investigate lobby activities return," but in too many instances "fair retu rn " rep- I head at any mom ent if they became larger this was no longer i " , ? e. i ° . l<' ‘,n, ? c0,n " , a n y a h o “ '’ t h e , e r r i , i c i S R S U a K J » I f f “ * " ’ ,B" “ “ ““ feasible. They conceived a desire for perm anent homes and posses­ OauS t h a t o ffic ia ls a re u p a g a in s t in m a n y hard and sometimes fruitless work, was told th at Van and I hired some bikes one sions. In tim e cities w ere built. cases when legislating on big business, the law of supply and dem and had ordained th at night and rode around, which was Then w ater supplies and sewage- there was no profit, and, sometimes, not even any ® 1°‘ ° t iun disposal became a serious prob­ Testimony brought out th a t the utility retu rn for him. The Sultan of Johore is on board lem With enormous labor, w ater paid for more than 1000 telegram s dis­ It was the AAA which threatened to change the with us. He is going to Colombo systems and canals w ere construct­ patched to congressmen from W arren, Pa„ setup, for wise members of the governm ent, who had ! w*‘h us. We have a special flag for ed. Baths were dedicated to the learned th at many of the middlemen are of parasitic b*m and he is the main topic of Gods, and became the meeting and additional telegram s of unknown growth, had devised ways and means to provide for ! conversation I have heard that he places for the patricians. num ber from other points, protesting their control, if not complete eradication and at the *s °F1® r *chest men in the T urning back the pages of hls-j against the utilities bill. W arren telegram s ___ ___ e _____ same tim planned __ to ____ force big operators in food i w^ j di , and * wou‘ ‘ doubt, it. tory, we find efforts to improve w ere signed with names tak en from the and other produce to take a share o H h e loss if they . Frank ,Bu£k and his w‘,e are sanitation closely follow on the fricn ds of the captain and were heels of civilization. Human excre­ city directory because the utilities em­ desired to take all th e profit. For these reasons, it down to lunch. T here is so much m ent and urine are the deadliest, easy to see why the L iberty League and its ploye “took it for granted the people is to tell that I could take all night. enemies known to m ankind; when w ealthy sponsors are now m aking a combined a t­ were against the bill.” the natural laws of sanitation are tack on various sections of the AAA, in the hope S. S Pres. Johnson not observed, scourges and pesti­ — ■ that the same supreme court which took th e heart Penang to Colombo lence follow. The Black Death of, rp, ___r- , . out of NRA and left the little business man at the Ju n e 9, ¡935 London and the amoebic d y sen tery . The state convention Of the Eagles at mercy of the big fellows, might again put the farm - Heavy, bulky mailings require extra strrtng envelopes. Well we are ju st about to the epidem ic of Chicago are sisters un­ G rants Pass recently took an adm irable ers "w here they belong" in relation to Big Business. supposed "G arden Spot of the der the skin. We offer the new Mail-Well SILVER FIBRE CLASP and Stand regarding old age pensions, when Truly a noble spectacle!—Hood River News, World.” As yet we haven't sighted The Panam a canal would never it held th a t “it is our belief th a t old age _____________ land but we probably will w ithin have been completed had not the Mail-Well BANKERS’ FLAP Envelopes. the n ext six hours. It is nice and U. S governm ent sent in their pensions are not to be classified as relief warm up on deck, although there is sanitary engineers to clean u p or charitable m easures, but ra th e r to be quite a wind blowing and every Fever and disease defeated the T h e Silver Fibre Clasp envelope ie one o f the regarded as a ju st rew ard fo r a life of once in a while a spray will break French governm ent, not the lack of M a il-W e ll specizltiei. Made o f a distinctive, high- A new spaper carrier boy at Eugene was killed over the deck. The ship’s orchestra engineering ability. Now the P an­ wervice well done, dedicated to the up­ a few days ago when his bicycle was struck by a quality, tough lilver-grey stock it ptrsenu a rich is playing for the crew today, the ama zone is a vacation center. I building and grow th of this country, es­ car being driven at high speed. first tim e they have played for Cross connections in the water appearance. tablishing therein a better and finer dw ell­ The district attorney could find no grounds suf- p be crcw gjnce we left San F ran-j supply system of some hotels in ing place for present and future genera- H dent for action against the d river of th e death cisco. I stood my tw o-hour w a tc h ! ‘he Loop district of Chicago caused I I t prints well and lends itself to either band or tions.” Security provisions for old atre »ar«Jr ^ e CI^CU1‘ when ‘h® district attornej/ re- today, as I do every Saturday and pollution of the w ater system, bring- ty p e rrite r addressing. H . u i j 8. , . r , ag fused to act, put his court m achinery to w ork and an Sunday About a half an hour to ing illness and death to many of It seems to US should be divorced from investigation was held, w ith the result th at blam e tak e the position slips and charts . the . . fair . . . visitors. . T h e M a il-W e ll clasp is made o f brase, which does was placed upon the boy who was no longer here around, then a half an hour stand­ the idea of a pau p er’s oath. The past tw enty-five years have to tell his story. by, then an hour a t the wheel. witnessed a great change in t h e '1 not tarnish or mar the face o f adjoining envelopae. Thc Sentinel does not attem pt to place the blame, This watch the course was 288 plum bing industry. Now the co m -! T h e clasp it securely fastened at eight points but it does call attention to the fact th at bicycle­ m inutes and if you look th at up) paratively low cost of fixtures and through double thicknesses o f paper. riding boys and girls in Cottage G rove are every som ewhere you will find It is ai- j installations have placed g o o d day escaping death only through the efforts of m otor most due west. plum bing w ithin the reach of all Y o u w ill find service, quality, and beauty at their car operators. Children every day on bicycles tu rn While in Penang I had a funny | There is hardly a farm house that in the middle of blocks in the business section, ride experience. I had gone ashore and cannot boast of a m odern bath Fifteen Years Ago «tmost in this envelope. Argus, July 15. 192J Hillsboro auto stage turns on the wrong side of the street in the business sec­ bought a Chinese Coolie hat and room, kitchen and laundry. Less I was talking to Van about it before than tw enty years ago, a bathroom ;, tion. cut corners on the wrong side of the street in over three times and lands 10 feet below Terw illigcr front of oncoming cars, swing around corners and in I turned in (Van was at the gang­ mentioned in a for-rent add In th e 1 highway Monday. These two envelopes are built for heavy duty — to w ay). A nother fellow, who was just city new spaper was considered a I The heavy rains of Monday and Monday night front of cars w ithout w arning of any kind. draw ing card. I standing there, said something Some day a mangled boy or girl is going to be withstand rough handling. They .insure safe and proper did a world of good, which was some compensa- Plum bing is essentially a h e a lth ! tion, but also did considerable damage to w inter picked out ot ‘he w reckage of his or her bicycle about it and we got to talking. We delivery of the contents. grain, flattening many fields so that it will be nec- and the co ro n ers Jury is goin to say th at the girl talked and talked and he told me measure, but unless it is installed' all about himself. He had lived in ' by skilled men with a thorough essary to cut the crop "one way.” or b° y waa at ia u lt George Blersdorf, who raises registered Jersey h “ 11 P®?s,n« strange that parents, who can't help Penang for about 2*6 yeras, was I * ¡ club o’f ^ ^ ’^ c k rtln g . cJercton to tim id .“ layan and so directed the ricksha years, died W ednewiay « result of stings from flecker, Oereeaed. h° ° C o ^ i i u . State bank w ith T. H. Adams. J. C U° n' eVC" violence.-C fregon City E n i e ^ r i « N otice la hereby «Ivan, th at Helen d riv er in Chinese. The place we w ent to was run by Chinese, and Kffie Heeker Harrla. the duly appointed, , qualified and a t l n ? Admin iatratrla o f Woods and N e llie Woods Adam s as incorporators, _________________ true to th eir custom they brought th e C elate o f K ffie Becker, Dereaaad, haa file articles of incorporation w ith C ounty Clerk W ith W hich I> C am bino! Thc HU la Imre Independent us a small tray with six little filed her fin al a c e r i nt In Ihe Count? Qodm an. _ _ _ "M artin's Enemies Active," reads a headline And j dishes on it and tw o small fork's Court ot the S ta te o f Oreyon fo r Waeh- Incton C ounty, and that raid Court haa ! H op house of C ounty C om m issioner C. B. Buch- Oregonians who believe in fair play are not en- I One dish contained peanuts an the 26th da? o f Auquat, anan burned near C ornelius w ith 48 bales of hops tirely som nolent—Hood River News I other white beans (he g a v e ' the f A ile d D Monday, l»3f>, at ten o ’clock A. M . In the I Chancellor Emeritus It’s Clever to Be a Clipper A Tragedy Many Sheep Shown at Grove Exhibit And They Call New Deal for Sanitation fll C A W E q u ip m e n t fo r HEAVY W o rk Bicycling Boy Killed Insincere Protest XTillsboi^jP^ruus