Page Four H IL L S B O RO A R G U S . H IL L S B O R O , O R E G O N from Thursday Hillsboro July 15 Mr Rosencrons turned Sunday. was aw arded the contract for tran s­ Mr and Mrs Joe Brooks and porting the high school pupils from i fam ily of Brooks Hill and Ray this district. I K rueger of Linnton retu rn ed July Mrs, Joe Smejkul returned Thurs- 11 from a two weeks' trip to Sait j day from a two weeks’ visit at Diego. Mexico. Arizona, G rand Can­ | Lakeview w ith her sister, Mrs. F. yon. Salt Lake City. Utah, and i 1. Smith i B oy» R e tu rn fro m S ou th ern Yellowstone park They traveled M is Theresa Smejkal enjoyed a C . B. B ro w n o f P o rtla n d 4.200 miles. T r ip ; G ir l in South lew days' visit from a sister and 1 4 .» M J Ruth W right of Portland visited niece from Texas last week B u rie d H e re M o n d a y Mrs. Lue Davis July 14 Miss Ruth Bailey is assisting w ith' s with her brother. Joe Smejkal. and Susan Blown, pioneers, he Several people from this com­ Agate Beach last week. They re ­ last week. 'studied dentistry ut Haskell's school m unity attended the lectures and turned by way of Corvallis. ltev R D Everett of Portland "> Chicago He practiced m the pictures by Rev. W. H Pope in M arjorie Siedow of Brooks Hill visited here Sunday Dekiini building for many years Hillsboro Tuesday night spent several days with Mr. and Ml and Mrs Alltone Sm ejkal ami in the Morgan building since B o y s R e tu r n I Mrs. William Luethe at Newport and son and Mr. and Mrs Charles before it was fully completed John Berger Jr., Ted Zuercher. recently. H er parents. Mr. and Mrs. Schmidlin of Vernonia visited Mrs An early autom obile enlhu-aast Dan Basich and Walter Allenbach William Siedow. visited Mr. and !, u " d ' ,v 1)1 B low n was one of seven , liar returned Monday from their trip ! Mrs, Luethe at Newport last week. M ,s. Rose Newhatiser an,I Mis ter m em bers X)f the P o rtlan d \u to co. When Mrs. William Raincoski of San to San Diego and Mexico Emma Shultz of I urtland visited mobile club, one of its 01 - ,1*1, traveling through Bakersfield they Diego. Cal., visited her sister. Mrs. Thio-s? ' M'S- Joe Smejkul and first treasurers With J C report the heat was intense. They H. J. Getty, and family Wednesday T huisday and Iinta.v. Ainsworth mid II Weinme he also visited C rater Lake and the and Thursday. Rudolph Sm ejkal visited M en,II served on a club eomm itlee k h h Oregon Caves and Mt. Hood loop. a t . B _“ ld .M oun,ed the first highw ay in the _ ... In They traveled about 3100 miles. Saturduy night and Sutiday J state " ’— ‘ ---- Linnton road. This was in W alter Allenbach is a Bethany M Larsen. C arl Larsen. Mr May 1905. and wus u historical boy. George O B nen and Irene Hervey, featured players in “Hard Rock Sandström. Mrs Jack Wyss wet event in P ortland autom obile clr- Mrs. Lue Davis visited Mrs. Fred H arrigan,” which comes to the Venetian theatre tonight. Friday and daughter Jacqueline of Elmonien were recent ‘ c a lle r s it,., v r- I .iT- Thi‘. elub 8»K'" ‘ ,IH3° "> '*»’ C arpenter in Portland July 10. Saturday. 1------ Strubb home. “ “ ‘ rS “ “ “ V 1 ^ ’V ? n r.lL Wci •Ve“,'S; i903 U,*d (B y M rs. Lou W rig h t) W. T. club met w ith Mrs. Nich­ THATCHER Mrs. Ed Adams and olas Kies July 10. S t r a « b e r r ie s c i . . . . « . . . ’ was 1,1 charge of the club’s ! e . Ko , V * ?"' " I “ ' - “ »' |r a c in g program , sponsoring e v e n , Mr. and Mrs. A rthur East of 300 Ralph and Mrs. Lena Elbing of I .tt Kirk has been delivering at the ohl Irvington track m il o n San Francisco spent a week with Belleville. 111. are visiting their h , o | ••«svline road Ills other int Mr. and Mrs, Frank East recently. brother. Otto Pannier, and family. The sisters and brother had not Miss Peterson on Trip seen each other for 23 years. Mrs. (By Kd Comsn) Ram Greenwood's blacksm ith shop Journal „„a”.,» ! h,'.’* n ,*7 Miss Elsie Peterson left Saturday P annier and children and Mrs. Mrs. Earl Genzer and baby daugh-1 Walton league ' **» uk night by train to visit her brother Adams and son and Mrs. Elbing a i ^ / V ig h at f a a point in the mid- This tree had to be located with fe w days d u e s this th is week d and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. are spending a a few , le o f th J e ,o a d W o p p * u » s u * e " m ,y y fa ia r rm i,i respect to governm ent corners be­ ter Donna spent a few days last ! " Dr ' B row n' is survived i,.. H arry Peterson, in New Mexico. at the coast the town could placed on I w tvk with her parents. Mr and widow. Bessie Brown a son Dr housc and PC ^eeding north along fore .......................... - ...... be - .................. ¡Hoyt Brown and * SOI>' 1)1 W illard ...i,.. _____ . ■ a ,he middle of the road to the new the map A sim ilar situation existed j Mrs- Kneppev of Bald M ountain Mr. Peterson is general manager a grandson, and of R. G. Dunn, incorporated, in his cous.n Wxliabell Greip. m her fe.n^ ,h c" ce, T ' ’ sou,h at old C enterville l.i brother. John M Brown, of near Alberque, N. M. home last Wednesday in R«i«e and " est *° ,he P0" 1’ of beginning | Buxton His first wife. Mrs Clark enough to contain 10 acres ’ Mrs. R. C. Hanson of Streeter, Idaho, returnw T'sim dav ^ 1 1 ^ - I B Brown, died in 1909 N D., is visiting her father, Rob­ tied with this country. T hls <««c»*iption was clear and I Funeral services were held in ert Moses, and other relatives She definite when the pioneer owner I Portland Monday morning and In- C elcbrate B irthday was delayed for several hours on of the donation land claim con- 1 term ent was in Hillsboro cemetery Mr and Mrs. C arl K eller cTn»d ' ’eyed that particular tract of prop- Funeral services for Lester L. her way here on account of floods. ifoii^r i R r M r , H in i M .-C.,rn,jekI ( . . . u , v ia s io n , w n o ( t ie d v »• A ntoinette P erry of P ortland is daughter and Sam ^ k e r o f V a l i ' " ‘ y i n , h e d a -VS b e f O r t -' t h e C i ' d i t HEHAI.EM MOUNTAIN— Mrs. July 111 at the Guymon hospital in 1 P ilC t ' o spending part of her vacation with Susbauer (Mildred Meyers) of Forest Grove from injuries sustain-! * « v v ii h er aunt, Mrs. H. J Getty, and son Ralnh and Mr« I ona r i h im of ,be present day abstractor who Leo family. Leonard Towhill of P o rt­ son Ralph and Mrs. Lena Elbing o f , - .. clear Aloha was honored with a miscel- i vd the previous day in an auto- f Bellville. 111., and Mr. and Mrs f ' r t h e c u r ^ e T ^ land spent several days at the H. ™ « o ...... proprietor laneous shower July 16 when the mobile accident, w ere conducted! Johnson and family’ helped n m t h t o n l ; " ™ roatj J. G etty home recently. has been abandoned and F ir Grove Ladies’ Social club met Friday afternoon at the G asto n ! G StrMtker.) « " " j ' h S ' S " ? “ • l a . . . BP . „ 0 1 . i w a . ,» . at the home of her mother. M rs Congregational church Dr O. H .............................. Ladies’ Aid to Meet HITEON The tw enty-acre tract Lena Meyers. Many beautiful and Holmes officiated and interm ent b« - ’ l<>nging to John Munson has bei en Phillips and Helvetia Ladies' Aid Jerry .Alexander sDent last week bous£ has. Probably been torn down useful gifts w ere received. On a c - , was at the Hill cemetery i « I d to C onrad Hansen, will meet with Mrs. John Boeckli w ith his grandm other. Mrs. Carlyle. f> e nr e U which 3nd th 6 " 'T a boar5 Young W inner was born at M ar-! A num ber from here attended on Brooks Hill August 7. in Orenco fence w hlch was the pride and count of the busy season the club Mrs K atherine M arshall l e f t 1 glory of its ow ner was dismantled has dispensed with the second m e e t-1 QUette. Kansas. Septem ber 28. 1817. the Rebekah lodge picnic at Fls- Mr and Mre i ^ nv ^ - d -g o n e n -v ë a "sV g V ing in July and will meet a g a in ' He is survived by his father und ''> « ”» park on the T ualatin river Monday for C alifornia to visit a ily spent last Monday in V ancouver., .„ i__ .« August 13. , mother. Mr. and Mrs. H K. W inner Sunday. friend Mr and Mrs Ernest Yergen and ut Gaston, und the following broth- Mrs Alice Willoughby and sons Mrs M cIntire of California is family X n “ ^ u „ d a y w o T the"r ” ble U sk' her mother. Mrs. George Winger, of and sister Mrs M Cook. Frank 'i’ urris ««d Dean spent the week- visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs daughter. Mrs. W ’ Barnes, and W H ^ B r m t « Champoeg visited the Lena Meyers j Walter. Clifford, Clinton and Vir- * ’nd with relatives at Skamokawa L. H. Loar, and with Ted and Beth fam ily in Cornelius. home Sunday evening gil Winner, all of Gaston, and Ralph Mr “»d Mrs Chris Restorff and McIntire. A bstract company, have spent 47 Orval Haney and Cecil Tower Mr and Mrs J P. Jones visited Winner. Conway. Kansas. * «* daughter of Washougal. W ash, Mrs Lue Davis has had word Strassel. El'va Fritch of Kansas í r,*í?rlng ,he ° n,ly co,m ' her uncle. Frank Bryan, at Moun- Funeral arrangem ents were spent the week-end with her par­ from Mis. Jerry Williams (V ir­ of — píete set of ‘ indexes in existence for City and Nellie Haney spent Sat- . tain Home Sunday afternoon charge of Robert E Burns ents and attended the I O o F ginia B enter, that she had made urdav a n d S u n d a v at r h . r.«,«, ashington county Every trans- Hodges is sawing the b ill! ------------------------ - dance at Tigard Saturday a trip to Australia and is now liv­ urday and Sunday at the coast action, from the original govern­ of Nell John Paulsen stayed nights with lum ber to rebuild the barn on ing in San Francisco. Mr and Mrs Wellington Cook ( ROW TURNS ERRAND BOY m ent grant to the present time, Mrs Frieda Berger is spending Bin Purdin of P urdin last week that has affected the title of every the old Otto place. The old barn Listen now as Dr Maria White the summer with her sister, Mrs. while the Purdins were at the foot of land in the county is noted was smashed in by snow last w in­ tells of the big, black crow that coast. ter. John Berger. saved the day for a family of three. in these records. Mr and Mrs D. M McInnis vis- | Dr. White furloughs on a ranch Florence Wiegand of Glenview, I In addition the firm has w hat is ited a daughter. Mrs. J. ■ear Chicago, III., visited Mrs. E rn ­ uppar an d l o w , r bow ,!«, allo w « pou ta believed to be the only certified îîli-t W“ '«k . th ,.r o u ta est Stahle last week. »■■lion. r«l a ñ l l r a l y " ««o(i«*în¿"«Lf.'’** copy of the governm ent records , d \ ? " d ^ d ? lr_ has J * ™ P «**"« d o * " out of Dr. and Mrs. Stoller of Chicago (By Asnea Kelly) of Washington county of patented “ d heaven't h V . ^ ^ V f o r T e " ' ^ ^ , tai visited Miss Mary Trachsel a n d ' Mr and Mrs R. M. Nielson of and unpatented claims outside of Herman Thachsel of Bethany and Portland and son. Russell Nielson, the federal land office. These rec- were entertained with a dinner by and orphanage into which »he has " e P1CWS a‘ Ne* - ^ceiV(4l hundreds of widows In“ w ith other relatives They visited from Stanford University, Cal., and ords were prepared in 1885 and are S trg ’ su n d lv Delta D rug Store at Walla Walla, Wash., en route. Mrs. L. E. Cook of San Francisco, highly valued bv the abstract part- * F iek in w I n r f . T h i n r i. Ilttle oncs““and rem em ber—“In In- P ukin g Ends This Week rtla bl.„ ,.r a do„ |han a wi(|l)w Dr. Stoller recently graduated from Cal., visited Mrs. Cook's daughter, ners. X W .w ■ , ■ . . . firddrry P1C»kii!g ***1*’ in« 3,1 the So Dr w h ‘*e'» care is for the ones a dental college in Chicago. Mrs. O. H. Peterson, and fam ily Although the first abstract rec- fields except those along the top of deep in woe Mr. and Mrs John Schneider of evening. Ords w ere prepared by Thomas D. the mountain, will be finished this But to this big. black c r o w Shady Brook visited Mr. and Mrs Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Don Booth and Humphreys in the early days of C arl Schneider on Sauvie’s Island Mrs Anderson of O ntario visited Washington county pioneer history “ g° ° t . The p «-‘ hed on a nearby tree he must c e m 8 ran«ed. f,ron' ° nc be watched lest he swoop down Mr and Mrs. Amos Henderson last the Wilkes brothers, L. E and T. c a e n n d t « a 3 T h h a lf V P°und to threc and grab from off the platter a « „a ru, ■ j .. S ’ Uy claim t0 d a rtin g the second cents. The latter price was given tid bit when dinner is set out Mr. and Mrs. Dewies and Mrs. abstract office in the county and after the hot w eather d rie d ' the ¿¡fe "ü P¿ r g a ì ì e ^ '< ¿ ’rc~'î during Pointer of Middleton visited at to starting the first complete ab beMri e*.n°rfn J he . u the hcaled «Pell. And onc day (Incorporated 1 Mr. and Mrs, Amos Henderson and „tract records in 1888 Two of the Mr and Mrs. Henry Versteeg and did just this he certainly did in Bert Meyer homes Friday ev en in g ., present owners of the Wilkes Ab- Collections Credit Reports V ^ U e g ^ fa iiu h ? H arters h eaci SpHe ° f aH watchfu^ e « . But Mrs. Helen U ay and Mr. and stract & Title company. E L John- v e r s ie e g ia m u y at M irter s b e a c h in s te a d o f f lv i m , b a c k in « h .. to° c . w ^ b ^ d e r i X . Mr' Ra7 t l 2 t H„ fKp a hP andwMrh' Will?,“J5 son and M H Stevensin. purchased Sunday About 55 attended Washington, Tillamook. Y-amhiU. Fishers, Wash., visited | the business in 1909. À. W. Hoff­ Mr and Mrs. Ray Ego and family Crow did a new thing He flew Polk and Marion Counties er r B artlett 8 granddaughters' Mrs , man, the third partner, entered the attended a funeral of a relative at out of sight carrying the Personal Contact on Collections H. L. Eisner, and family, and Mrs firm in 1927. Junction City Sunday m eat Wilber. Tom and B arky Jones i Scene Two Off on a aiH» na,h f rx tL j c Torn Wi,ke*. county surveyor in Washington Coonty Office M?« Hy rr m 500 Columb‘a county, and mem ber of Commercial Building ST C Mnd I ” W rv ‘hy ! Second and Mam Streets Phone 3071 William Scott and son at Donald Hillsboro. Oregon Sunday. on, E. Wilkes, in 1888 The brothers n e Murvin w T o u s e WhitmstM a C iaT o f w •• in? • * u j « starvation, nk«J d° " n ” unable ‘d * » « to • »“ go e cry Picnic July 28 started business in the Schulm erich Mr and Mrs F F Hoffman desperate — '‘White man's The Danis Danish Brotherhood building, just above the present and Sisterhood will hold th eir an ­ abstract office, and in 1891 were daughter M erribell visited Mr and re^ d ie “ nual picnic at the Eisner park July joined by another brother. J. B S MurnSd a ^ n e,ngCOUld " Gas Pains and Indigestion victims, 28. A dance pavilion was p u t up Wilkes. why suffer? For quick relief from for the occasion. In 1892 the business was tran s­ stomach distress due to excess acid, ferred to the present Wells’ build­ Pl«fe Sunday More than Ju st Uke in the Blb,e a happens get a free sample of tbe I'dga Our classified columns may have ing and shortiy th ereafter to the ^ ^ f r o m here enjoyed H irter s X 7 rX ^ n ^ s w o o ^ ^ n Treatment, a doctor's prescription just what you are looking for— space now occupied by K uratli & Mi«« Alio» __ ■ «. , and drop8 ® piece of m eat at the at the Hillsboro Pharmacy.—Adv. Read them. tf Wismer, realtors. The brothers ” ' » ' « " n , ---------- ’,de ° f thia wornan and «"d in the ---- woman shifted location again in a few P ainter joined the J A Voeir of Reedville and Mr« I I stren«th o t ,h e morsel she moves years to the Schulm erich building ily M u J y ^ X * d r e a„ nd„ f ^ w here and then, in 1903, purchased the a picnic and w ater sports at Roam- " undertook for her present K uratli & Wismer site. ™ S,Ory ° f hoW Here they rem ained until 1909. ers Rest Sunday Miss Clara Shook has recovered he momenT“ n’r W hh’ ™ when Johnson. Stevenson and John R Hollister bought the business. fr" m - - Johnson and Stevenson bought out Mr and Mrs A rthur MeT-ormlei, ‘f** OCean gives us th ‘" to declare Hollister the following year and in Mr. and Mrs. A rth u r McCormick Portland h,..h 1917 changed location to the back of Portland, both c„-___ form er mountain ,hat Gi >d Stl11 lives and ht'a rs and is m ighty to save “Faith cometh Main street corner of th e Schul­ residents, w e e k s ’S,rinodatyo ^ " m * ' a" d ¿m«'rlng by the merich building. When t h e o l d a two weeeks trip to old Mexico. word of God •■ th,.r,.fnri therefore, “Go ye TÍÜ 2 Ï Î Î 2 îî? _ a /1 ' at. Sa,î ln‘0 -H the world .„ d preach the the Hillsboro National in Ï927, the I Diego and other points of interest g^T C ? to 'T v w ^ 'c r e a m r J ’“'!!!?’» i partners moved into the o office f f ic e ■ en route. Kyspe' to every creature. -G e o rg e ! route, ! N. Taylor, Beaverton, O re.—Adv. space at the corner of Main and Glenn M iller’s new barn is rapid- Second streets, now occupied by j ly nearing completion. Located in a Mr. and the Fairw ay Market. **" — ' Mrs. ~ George Gorman of IcMl“ a d v e r t ii n T ’t'o t h e a ™ y ° U f Disaster very nearly overtook the Lebanon visited her father, Ferd : advertising to the Argus, business when t h e Commercial j Deidricks. Ju ly 16. building was swept by a $75.000 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Finigan and ' ........ =~~ == fire early on the morning of Jan - [ th ree children of Portland visited uary 29, 1933. Many of the ab-1 L. T. Finigan home Sunday 207 East Main Street Howe and Wells, Prop. stract records were damaged by morning. Phone 1412 w ater and some of the maps were destroyed, but practically all of the valuable papers and records were preserved. f B r I. R. Strubb) I Offices of the firm w ere tran s­ A boy, Laird LeRoy, was born ferred to the old Independent to Mr. and Mrs. Francis Smith of building at Second and W ashing­ Lakeview Ju ly 1. Mrs. Sm ith was ton streets w hile the Commercial form erly Miss G race Morris of this building was being rebuilt. In De- place. The highly commercialized development of the dairy cember ot 1933 th« business was Mr. and Mrs. Henry C ellar of Portland visited a few days with industry in recent years has emphasized the need of re- Detaiil of surveys1 t< T ? w !u George I-awrcnce and the Genzer ducing breeding losses. old towns of Centerville, about fam ilies last week. Sunday t h e ABORTION exists in America wherever cattle are thrC€ miles north of the present Frank Genzer fam ily took them to Portland. raised. As dairymen, breeders, beef cattle producers, and east ^ * '1 !,"’^ ® ’' ^ ^ of Mr. and Mrs C arl Yazzolino and farmers well know, one of the serious difficulties is the Tualatin, were interesting recollec- baby daughter Joan were week-end visitors at the V. C. Strubb home breeding losses through barreness slinking, retained aft- tions L- E Wilkes in regard to Frank Bailey, V. C. S trubb and erbirth—big neck abortion and scours—all of which are ^rip't^a “f ^ 'B r i d g e t liir?^ George Thin, worn-out oil invites Rosencrons attended the related. from a maple tree in front of Wil- non-high school board meeting at costly repair bills. Church Folk Hold Picnic Starred in Venetian Thriller Native Son of Hillsboro Dies r - , and children of Portland visited out berry picking one day a few Thursday evening at the Campbell weeks ago when he run Into u home. whole den of young coyotes In u The Grace and Mahle lilltii ! hollow log Four were killed unii and Ethel North returned home [ one was taken ullve. Thursday from Brelteiihush hoi ■ n — — — springs, w here they »pent a two } advertisem ents help you , weeks vacation. make your »hopping plan*. Miss Fleanoie Paddock, who has .......I visiting her sister. Mrs Carl W g P K A I. IN K K A I. KNTATR Olson, returned to her home at VrMe Oak Ridge Mt ss Hazel Olson a c ­ Klr» anti A iitom ohll« lin u n n o « companied her home M aka l.i>ana a ml l u u i H u n tti H*>mla Miss Klizaheth Struthers, Keniwth Struthers and (layford Wilson w ei” KUB \ I I I A W ISMER 1111.IN H O K O , OKhXJON among a party from the Orange Talaphona IBVI 1X3« Nwon0 expensive to play. That’s when the Audit Bureau of Circulations (A. B. C.) came to the front and said: We 11 do the seeking-and finding.” In spite of the fact that four-fifths of the total daily newspaper circulation in the United States is now audited and verified by the Audit Bureau of Cir­ culations, some newspapers continue to play hide and seek with circulation figures. It’s no trouble to hide fÍ ^ í e¿s and? a]rnoist without exception, it’s impo^- sible for the advertiser to find proof thnt supports these figures unless the newspaper is an A. B. C. mem- BUSCH’S ONE-STOP SUPER SERVICE features an oil change with the proper grade of high quality oil. An A. B. C. audit may be compared with a de­ tailed map or chart. Such an audit shows size of circu­ lation and where i t ’s located. Complete explanatory notes show how this circulation was secured-explains what part of it may be in arrears or whether copies of the newspaper were distributed free or as samples. |Lvery merchant or manufacturer who invests a doHar for advertising can thereby know how many times his advertisements will be circulated-wher'e these advertisements will be distributed. To risk ad vertising dollars on uncharted circulation is to invite iailure of profits ever to return to home port. THE MEN'S SHOP Green Mountain REDUCE YOUR CALF LOSSES! The losses are the greatest in dairy breeds, but ap­ pear to be increasing among beef cattle. The owner of a herd not effected by abortion is un­ likely to worry about prevention—because it seems to be human nature to wait until the stream is reached before figuring on a way to cross it. Such attitude is not warranted in view of many noted authorities that as high as 80% OP ALL DAIRY HERDS show some infection and that 20% OF ALL DAIRY HERDS show positive blood reactions to this disease. INSURE YOURSELF against ABORTION losses by feeding SUPREME DAIRY Feed or Dairy Feed contain­ ing SUPREME MINERAL FOOD COMPOUND. DISTRIBUTORS E. B. ANDERSON & SON Hillsboro W arehouse Electric Depot BETHANY STORE Phone 1942 FARMERS FEED A SUPPLY CO. Forest Orore Will Pay Top Market prices on Hairy Vetch, Austrian Peas and Grain of all kinds. SACK TWINE - BINDER TWIN1 GRAIN SACKS The last word in seed and Grain Cleaning. FRBH D E L IV E R Y Busch’s Service Garage 12« 8. Third Are. Busch’s Super Service Station E. B. Anderson ÔC Son Hillsboro Hillers of Qasllty FmOi Warehouse—Oregon Electric Depot Bethaoy Store—Phone Hillsboro IR4 Pisene IM I ( w n et Third »nd B w lln r Phone 901 A. tt Busch. Prop. rgus . Wilb IVSM, „ , A Z*