Page T w o H IL L S B O R O ARGUS. Thursday, July 25, 193:, H IL L S B O R O , O R E G O N siderably Some spring grain will Charles. Vesta and G ertrude; M Hillsboro Argus c a n ta li» all the for a furnace room and furnace for not be w orth cutting. Watson, llarry Simonton, and Ered news "f llillsh o rn Mid the sm hcutlng the building Watson. Mis Mollie Tallman. Mrs rounding communities. Read j t Little black fleas are menacing Mr and Mrs S A (Jotter and i P errie Retherford. Lucille a n d and keep Inform««! on what i the fall and w inter green feed for children Mis» Arlene. Stanford and happening at home. t, 'J u a n ita Retherford. Russell a n d dairy stock by eating the leaves Sammy returned Saturday from a (Ily ('. K. Trat’h**l| Gerald Powell, Robert Place. Ilda of the turnips as soon as they come month's trip to Iowa. Wisconsin. t j Powell and Mr and Mrs. It. Hilli- KLMONICA A family reunion II) up and of the kale Powder and Illinois and Ohio via California and have been used to little ef­ E ven t W e d n e s d a y ; F a m ily ker. returned by the northern route the form of a picnic wiw held for B irth d a y C e le b ra te d ; Y ie ld spray Scholls A id G ives Events They Billy Tolke Honored the Traehsel family at IbMimen»’ fect. report that no part of the A birthday party was given Billy R e u n io n a t Robsons C u t by H o t W e a th e r country they visited could compar Best Sunday Present w ere Mr and Mr. and Mrs. W 11 McNay and M rs. Bisch H o n o red Phono 953 : H illa b o ro ; Tolke Ju ly 16 honoring his fourth Edward of ¡w ith Oregon for living conditions K B ai k e i an d son i I* .» Billy visited at the B. G . McNay birthday. Present were Mr. and I I N I I t V I . 1)11(1.(T O Its E. E Lovegren is at the Good Finnton Mi an d Mi C ar I Traeh- i Ry Mr». Hugh Runlettet home in Forest Grove Sunday < R y M r * . F. L. Brown) (By L. It. IWntniln) Mrs Ed Schlegel and sons. Mr sel amt Itichnrd. Mr. amt Mis Hoy and Sam aritan hospital following LAUREL—A family re-union was Lillie Brown spent the week-end ORENCO— Comm unity c h u r c h A benefit old fashion* m ajor operation. Rocks amt Shirley, and M ism Anna I K ENNED EMIIAI.MEHS enjoyed at the Henry Reese home at DeLakt- with Miss Billy Jean will hold its annual Sunday school and Mrs. I. P Bledsoe and Lyle. cd SCHOLLS ice cream social, sponsored by George Bledsoe, Ed. l.ouise and Sunday. Present w ere Mr. and Mrs Riley of Aloha ________ park. ___ ________ About 30 attended the League Heisler, all of Salem; Mr and Mr». picnic in Columbia Portland. the Scholls Ladies Aid. will be Theodore S altier Mr. and Mrs Mrs Adolph Schmidt and Helen next Wednesday. Transportation ar Marie Tolke and Mr. and Mrs. held a, .I,.- church pallor ÈŸidav ! S h e / m , f m ? "“ T “ T' 'om L. C. Glaske ami Darlene of O ren­ Ruuben Kelly. Clarence Rockstnd and daughter. Rutschman spent from Tuesday un- rangem ents are being made for ull evem ne »irvw nei anti Muijorie Johans anson co; Mr and Mrs John Trachsel S r. ning Mrs. D. B Edwards went to F o r­ M won prizes for wearing the most H erbert ami Clara. Dave. George. Mr and Mrs. Charles Brandaw and til Thursday in Tillamook county : m em bers of the Sunday school and C é lébrait Hlrthdsy Bernice. Esther and John! Miss Ruth Liebenow of Portland; They visited the form er's niece. the congregation Cars will be leav­ est Grove last week appropriate boy and girl costumes Mr and Mrs. Laurel Frost of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Kingston and Mrs. Bertha Demmin. Walter Dem- Mrs. Chris Hoffman, and family ing the church from 9:30 to 10 a. m Earmm gton Sunday school was of Klmonica. Dean Graham of Til Forest Grove visited his mother. Katherine. Mr and Mrs Karl Ed- min and Mr. and Mrs Herman and the Mike Alplinalp family and closed July 21 but will convene lamook. Mr and Mrs. John Heisler ilbur Galie left Friday morning Mrs. Jessie Tillman. Sunday. wards and tw o children of Paao- ' again Sunday and Lillian of Portland. Mrs Hel- Liebenow and children of Bloom- spent one day at Oceanside. They for W California w here he is employ­ Everything In Inaurance Ju n e G arvin and Elsie Meyers, vleii.i and Ray Versl of Seattle, Mrs E W ........ - ...... ing; Mr. and Mrs. Victor Lewis returned home by way of Seaside ed to play In an orchestra. Sandy und daughter en Eriezer of The Dalle G ertrude who are working in Hillsboro, were W ash, w ere Sunday dinner party (Donna l.ea of M ountaindale spent Merrit of Beaverton. Harry Kurtz and son of Kansas City: Mr and and Astoria Ptieaae IM I 1131 W u hln gton at home from Saturday until Tues­ f ‘Tv* ' t ,C u Reunion Held H a,la,” al1 home the w eek end with Mr and Mrs of Portland, und Mr and Mrs Mrs. Lester Jones and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W alter Larsen and - ♦ in Dilley in honor of Mrs King- Ed Demmin and with them at- Charles W Trachsel and Jo Anne i ♦ Hillsboro; Mrs. Wesley Sandy and four children of Corvallis visited _ A fam ily reunion was held at the day. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Powell and fam ! ston's birthday. and ChurlcN of Toledo. daughter of Mountaindale; Mr. and at the Amos Watkins nd A Nader- G. A. Robson home. Attending were tended a family Chansen Coe and : Henry Reese luime in"1 ! .aure' ü " and Mrs. Mark Blodgett and ily. Mr and Mrs. H arry Simonton. I Ml . “" ‘j Mrs. Loren Jackson of Carlton, er homes Saturday. They were en , Mr. , — e ---- Effective Picnic Held The J M Stretcher family and Mr and Mrs. Ed Demmin. Lorraine route to Portland to attend the , , ,and , , s, " illia m Kenyon and M iss Bda Powell, Robert Place two children Dorothy and Jennie Sunday school of the Bethany and Earl Demmin of Scholls, Mr wedding of Mrs. 1-arsens brother , . Y?” , ? a,ld Donald "f Dal- spent Sunday afternoon at Balm | 1 eterson. all of Portland, visited at Mr. and Mrs Bill Edwards of Slier Baptist church picnicked Thursday th? .H r , Hesse home Sunday. wood spent Sunday at Roamers ut Columbia tank About 125 were and Mrs. Albin Olson and children Saturday evening They spent Sun- *as> “nd "fames Middleton Grove Mrs. D. C ornuti itt and Stanton and Mr. u,'d Mrs A II Schw artz and Rest on a picnic picnic and Mr and Mr: Mrs. Emil Olson and day at Bonneville dam. Mr. Lar- of Newberg. Mr and Mrs. Bob present. A short program followed Patty and Mrs George Patty of Pl»R> Rhea spent last week at family of Portland visited ut the children of Gaston Mr. and Mrs. sen. who was injured in an auto- Earl Demmin und Louie Hatfield the busket dinner after which Q u ic k ly and e ffe c tiv e ly , Amity. Woodland, Wash Martin Bonfigt home Sunday. Henry Reese and Walter Reese. A mobile accident some tim e ago, al- went on a vacation trip to 1’urcu, swimming and baseball were the o fte n w ith in IH hour«, W il­ Rev Mark Rich and family have Mrs. Lloyd Murray went to Mt. G reen Mountain G range met at pot luck dinner and supper were though not fully recovered, is able W ash, last week w here they visit­ principal diversions Angel Monday for an indefinite ed the Dave Hatfield home. served. to attend to his work as road en ­ gone to Los Angeles, C a l. to visit ar,’nls- Mr “lid Mrs Sum Netarts, visited hia grandfather, club was entertained with a picnic Brown visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs Mrs. Jessie Tillm an. O ren Frost. and lu m b a g o , n e u riti« , and amt daughter of Bonneville spent I Penne, for several days vacation families are planning to John Trachsel Sr and swimming party at the H M Gipson, last week. H arry Webb. George Fisher, M r several days visiting relatives here Miss Gloria Coe of Portland Is Sam and Edward Smith went on n e u ra lg ia pain«. T he S a lic y ­ Whisnand home Saturday to cele­ spend the week-end at Othello. Mr and Mrs. C hris Rich. Amos ;»'d Mrs Ered Benefici und Mr Mr- “nd Mrs Ernest Hansen. Will- guest this week at the II. T. a fishing trip lust week-end to Lost late tre a tm e n t o ffe re d brate the eleventh birthday an n i­ Wash., w here a reunion of the and Miss Helen Rich spent the a,'d Mrs. Jesse Meyers picnicked n,ur and Lennie Hanson went to Hesse in home and lu r broth ., Son* Lake I L- _ »»tv at n» Seaside. -it • the ks.» Cummings .... place . » Sunday. -» , X f t ll,..„ - versary of Dorothy Whisnand. Mrs. "Little" family, relatives of Mrs. V Mt Hood 1 L Sunday week-end at W illia m « R. U. X . C om ­ nie Coe, Brown and Mrs. Rosevear, is to be at the W C Heaton Ml Helen FtlezenWlf The D a lle L. A. Whittle assisted Mi’s. Whis­ Mrs B A. Mitchell attended a Elsie Meyers, Harold Fisher und Mrs._Clarence Dean und six boys home. pound is o f re co g n ize d v a l­ visited friend» and relatives In this nand in serving refreshments. P res­ held. birthday luncheon at the Mrs F Ray Roberts visited Eugenia Q uier fr°m Spokane. Wash are visiting Practice for Play Mrs Carl K rettm ger of Portland community last week ent were the honor guest, the club ue. and m any are fin d in g • - Sunday - _ | her parents, Mr, ” * and Mrs. John “Pent The Laurel Lights class of the D. W arner home in Portland Tues- at - - Salem Sunday with Mr and Mrs Helen Mariner, daughter of Mr w o n d e rfu l leader, Miss Irene Stevens. Julia Sunday day. Mr. and Mrs. D elmar Davis of I Berge. They will also visit the r e lie f fro m it« school is practicing a play J S H erd and family and Mrs M ariner of Hillsboro, Is and Ruth Eastman. Viola and Ber­ Lawrence Hill Honored Estacada were Buxton visitors Sun- home.- of her sisters. Mrs Jam es Mr and Mrs Curl Wohlsehlegel spending a few w eeks w ith Mrs uae. Marjorie J???;? at the S un‘ nice Stoller. M arjorie Will. Will, Jean Mrs. Law rence G. Hill entertain- day The Davis fam ily form erly Best al H»lm Grove and Mrs. Wil- and three g ir ls a n d - .............. M e lh o r » v ___ and -.J T Dorothy Y___au.. O .U.. day school under the supervision , , Albert Schulz while her parents Watkins, Evelyn Schu­ G et a b o ttle fro m th e ™ . , i—. „-„ Ilia m G arrison of N orth Plains. ‘ m n o u rn -eig- ¿1 ed i .< at h k » er k home lived ,s here. last M o n d a .. y i ii,.«a ler visited M r. and Mrs. George arc taking a trip to California macher. Betty Jean Davis, Mavie of their teacher. Miss Irene Stevens for Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Rose. D e lta d ru g «tore to d a y . I f ,d \ ¿ " s d .,?ho R,r Ä a ,d and ial’“ 'y “< óeeánlake M r. and Mrs. N Moen and Lester Teddy Watkins, who spent the Smith, Veryl Frost. Doris Whittle. last ten days visiting relatives in Laurence Rose. Mr and Mrs. Rob- returned recently from her moth- ant* Mrs John Schmeltzer. Misses Sunday. Let the advertisem ents help you (lit* v e ry fir s t b o ttle do«1« not Norma Meyers. Patricia Whisnand Portland, rt Vanderver. the occasion being er's home at Banks. Her father, i Mar> and Helen Schm eltzer and M rs’ Fred Wohlsehleeel and i...e make returned home Sunday e Mr your shopping plans. s a tis fy , y o u r m oney b ack. and Patricia Rookledgc. Hill’s birthday. *«.>— • ----- — j aw ay — -----. I h hl,us»' .» o « .. ....... 1 Helen m ............. ,.u " » Brown » x iiu m i ano ner Ed Morgan, passed last week guest. Glenn, w ith Mr mother. Mrs o f N ..w l...r u Hood, who had been at the ....... , an d rs Cl M 11.11................. .............. •'•ow n u. on wot I g M r nod M r. pa The S. E Stoller family joined David Mr. and Mrs. H arry W _________ arren and Mr and Mrs. Ed Stocker and 1and M Mrs 0 M Heaton of Hills Watkins home, returned to Port- are visiting ut Oceanside this week relatives from Portland and spent ," “j family of Portland visited Mr. and sons of White Salmon. Wash., were boro- Mr a " d Mrs. I.eRoy Moore D I ..- , T LI John H unter of Waldport spent Sunday at Blue Lake. Others from I d 11 Millieent and Junior Dunsmoor J Irs F rank W arren and family overnight guests of Mrs. S to ck ers a,ld ,w o children. Mrs Will Hurt Sunday with Jnek Russell here who picnicked there were El­ returned Sunday from a sev reral Su" da-' mother, Mrs. Jessie Tillman, Sat- a'>d mother. Mrs M argareta Emil. About 20 attended llie neighbor bert and Irene Stevens and their Mr. and spent Mrs. Friday C am bridge Los "rdnv urday en route the beach 0 . -------- lo f M ilw a n k .a a ...... n d Mr Mrs hood picnic at Ine the j Hugh Kellogg ««.c to . .«.«• uswai. Milwaukie, ..... and mr5 „l)(K, p,cn,c , ug,, Kelloai cousin. Dorothy Stevens of Ace Aee- oV'portland ^ 'h e y went An«cles night of with F 1 >v tv t -1 I 1.1 b t .s l.J ! I « . . - - . .. - fa fa Otto Stowell, who was injured in l}j> 'nn Orober of McMinnville held home 1 in honor of the July birth ^ R o t h s t r o i , 1^ 8nd £ W Hunter o n jh e ir a fall from a bridge at New'port, is their annual get-to-gether picnic at days. the " ” Vinne Vincent home in New-i The Earl Russell baling crew is reported improving. *u Mi's. W. L. Stevens and Dorothy eraWr" ll k e " 0 ^ 0 a" d retUrned by re tu rn from Vancouver. B. C. j berg Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Gross and one of the three outfits that are Stevens went to Vernonia Monday children of P ortland visited Mr Franris Rowells Entertain baling hay ut the large hay ranch w here Miss Dorothy will spend and Mrs. Calvin Gross Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Frances Rowell en- i °P®r**«d by F a‘ Kelly at Reedville the week with her cousin. Ina Mr. and Mrs R. E. Crosby of j tertained with a picnic party at Mrs Ed Holeom with Buford De- Stevens. Los Angeles visited at the F. W Guild’s landing Sunday Present ^ord and ^ une Holeom visited her Bob Williams of Hillsboro spent H unter home. Mr and Mrs. Crosbv I were Mr and Mrs. Vic Foeller and ,nother. Mrs E E Dodge in Port- the week-end at the W. L. Stevens (By Mr». J . A. McCoy) were retu rn in g from a honeymoon K i N d i e z - r r v II , t ! daughter Reta of Milwaukie. Mr land Sunday evening Wednesday home L. Anderson, secretary of the tr ‘P to Banff and Lake Louise. n g i j _ ITY~ H armony club and Mrs. John Hitchcock Mr and kuests at Holeom home w ere Mr Alfred Mulloy of Seattle visited local Rotary club, reported on the Canada. Mr. Crosby is Mrs. Hunt- will hold its picnic August 4 at Mrs. Chad Haynes. Albert Davis of a,,d M rs W,H Hooglund and daugli- his great-uncle, E. C Mulloy. Satur- Rotary International convention at e r * nephew. Rippling w aters. They w ill also j Walla Walla. Gladys Sohler of Al- ,er Ru,h and grandson, Kieth Wiide Laurel Folk Hold Reunion Orenco Church Plans a Picnic Tradisci Family I lokls a Reunion Plan Benefit Social Friday Donelson & Sewell RUSH LOW Rheumatic Relief! Kansas City Club Arranging Picnic Joint Session of Clubs Gets Report tend the Shriners’ picnic Thursday He planned to return Friday Cole's landing was a favorite spot Sunday where folks enjoyed swimming. A num ber from here were present. Tom Smith went to Eastern Ore gon last week to help with grain harvest on a farm near Shaniko, Mr and Mrs Ernest G uenther and four children were Sunday dinner party guests of her mother. Mrs. A. Naderer. Several folks from n this vicinitv plan to attend Evangelical camp meeting at Jennings Lodge next week. Patricia Rockledge of Portland was the guest of her cousin. Mar- jorie W ilt several days last week She and her brother Chester are visiting their aunt. Mrs. Fred Schmidt, this week. Harold Haase is ill at his home. Re# bad with the Reddig baler until recently. Yield Cut by Heat Grain cutting - is .. in full , , . swing . - this week. The continued hot, dry weather has lessened the yield con- Grove group He said that Mexico Tm, 7 7 .. i ^ rove welcomes tourists and has much T hursda>' to attend the annual pic- me m eeting of the missionary so- to show them vxaa Reties of the M ethodist church Local Rotarians defeated ♦ t h e there. Grove club in the annual golf tour- Born, to Mr and Mrs. Fred Ham S nam ent and received the cup. Hills- ej j ujy 19, a seven and a half I-,.,»-.'. » C* *_ * — bor0 had an average score of 45 for pound girl. iv k i , ten players and the Grove aver- le h iid Mr r » ^ and Mrs c Hugh Wabl and “ged 46 4 for 12 players. Dr Ralph L Mills was low medal- Mrs^ Ruby“b ^ y o f G ^ v i s , “^ .« the Lawrence H ill home at m e Har- Kingston home ry Riggs home at C edar Canyon Mr. and Mrs. Jess Wiggenton and Monday. | Mr. and Mrs B artell of Portland a n d M r and Mrs. Dick Taylor were ren and M erlin and Miss Frances picnic supper guests of Mr and Ä L . S i / ’ H ? ? i ° Ve * « » « * M r.. Jess"snyd er a, the” grove th eir m other, Mrs Louis Stroh- near the river. mayer, Monday M r and M r. v . . i iv u j l Mr and Mrs' L1°yd M urray w ith M l and M r., Earl W aldron and Mr. and Mrs. Condeuax and daugh- . ^ ldrrH e" ? erA ^ _ le" far Louise of N ewberg made a tour f a T ^ e r n Oregon ‘ W 3 “L n t h e / ^ t e ™ c . o . n c u o caneci las. visit w ith M rs Raines with W McCready Mr and Mrs S T Settles and _ and _______________ _ ___ - . ? ettIe.s . .a n d Edwin G raham ----------- runners-up. Raines Mr and Mrs. E. i A. Settles o f Vam received a prize for the highest couver. W ash, visited Mr. and Mrs score on any hole. O ther honors Calvin Gross Sunday w ent to George B aum an w ith the e Mr and Mrs. John McGee and most fives. G raham the most sevens s Lucille visited the A. L indgren and H arry G iltner. Dick Fendall and home in Forest Grove Sunday Jack Person tied for the most sixes | Dr. M O. Anderson visited his Local R otarians have been in- son. Charles Anderson, of "Tacoma . - annual •— vited to participate in the He m ade a trip to see Mt Rainier inter-city R otary golf tournam ent also. at the Columbia C ountry club this Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Beck visited afternoon Mr Beck's father, G. J. Beck, in Portland Sunday Mr. --------------------- and Mrs. George O ur classified columns may h a v e ---- -- • Persons and ju st w hat you are looking f o r - Medford. H E. Scheldt and fam ily Read them. tf and W E Brown and fam ily and G ertrude L indgren spent Sunday at the beach. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kemzey and son Gene w ere visitors from T illa­ mook Sunday at the M. J. M cEntec j home. Richard Layson retu rn ed to his home in P ortland Sunday after spending ten days w ith C. P Beck. , his uncle. WMwir, Buxton Bible school directed by Rev R. E verett of P o r t l a n - f C i.n z t-,., school w orker, opened ai the school house Monday and will continue for two weeks. Everybody is in- vited to attend. 1 Sornrise P artv llelrl A surprise party was given Miss Frances Fickas Ju ly 15 Present w ere H a r r v a n d T>pb C harlotte Sullivan. Ju an ita^ V rih -’ erford. Doris Whiteside. Dolly and Jean n e LaZott, Bonnie Manley Evelvn Rinck Rav Roberts R,5i Loll, C l a r i c e steckfem Me^vm Powell. M erlin Watson, G ilbert Frost. Harold Fisher? R usselfpow -1 W aldron’s p are n t* gon’ ited M r. and Mrs. I. P Brady Sun- j h n ^ .“ y home. day evening, ° tn‘’ Mr. and Mrs. M artin V anderzan­ den and little son W ayne visited brother ana and i Mrs. v Vanderzanden'» a o u e r z a n o e n s orotner ,an d ly ' Mr.,.and Mrs- Joe Vandehey a*« Sai 'i rdi?y ' _ ««and c h a i;lle McCoy of the Masonic Home is spending a few days w ith Mr. McCoy s brother, Hamilton McCoy, and daughter and husband: **r. and Mrs. Lester Hunt- er' o t North Yamhill. E1‘ p °e of fo r e s t Grove spent the h '. l Fred Poe’ ’ "Raich’ s / ° h N o i A P a ‘. ns ~ . Ralph V anderzanden of Fairview Spent Sunday w i,h his unclc and derzan” F a" d ” ” Wdllam Van- d<’-r-Z andcn' ° f Roy Miss Bonny Fritzh of Hillside visited Miss Una B rady Friday. O tto Strohm ayer of Portland call­ ed at the J. A. McCoy home S un­ day evening. So confident is Norge that Roll ato r Refrigeration w ill please y o u th a t you are asked to p ro ve i t to y o u r s e lf. A nd if , a fte r giving the Norge a thorough test in yo u r o w n h o m e , you find th a t it hasn’t perform ed a t le a s t as well as we promised, you can return the Norge and i t w ill n ot cost you a cent. A n d even th a t isn’t all. W hile this plan is in effect, you have a fa ir chance to get y o u r Norge fre e thC A lire d Bcndic*son Sunday callers at the Dick Tay­ lor home w ere Dr. and Mrs. J. A Good of Portland. Nancy and Jane Deacon of P o rt­ land spent a few days last week w ith Annlce Chandlee. Glenn Lytsell went last week to visit his sister, Mrs. A lbert A nder­ son, of Skamokawa for a month to help in the hay harvest. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Bozorth re ­ turned to their home W ednesday1 after several weeks in Portland w here Mrs Bozorth was confined in the hospital. II M Reynolds and son Roy went to Glenwood Sunday to work on a contract for log hauling by truck. : This a m a z in g o ff e r applies to N o rg e refrigerators, ranges and washers. I t is the Norge challenge. I t is the Norge w ay o f answering any questions you may have in your mind about the satisfactory per- formanceof Norge home appliances. Act now. G et in touch w ith the Norge dealer near you. Ask about the new, easier terms. A nd get the d eta ils o f the m o s t sensational "moncy-back” offer ever made. BEALL LESTER IRELAND & CO HILLSBORO. OREGON ‘ TANK Commercial National Bank •T he Largest Independent Bank In Washington County’’ llillnhoro BUILD IT T O D A Y . LET YOUR RENT PAY FOR IT ASK ABOUT IT COOLv'’ayi°l CALIFORNL \> SAN FRANCISCO I n - s . - e r , Es p20°° $3O°° SOPH PUMP', S(»IK TANKS OMWMI SUPFtIFS IRRICX ti ON SUDlltS Hill HOISTS AND DUMP BODIES KISCHAM TRAIKAS AND S emitrailers T iftc i Venetian ticket, Frank Erickson, Hillsboro, Ht Ji School Improved w « Though you buy for the present, rem em ­ b er the future. A BEALL Tank will serve better and last longer, yet, it coits no more. Beell Modern Fuel Tanks are made with flanged heads and lap-welded teams, and are treated with the finest rustproof paint obtainable. Let BEALL furnish you with all metal products. z U / A i i e FOR . INFORM ATION NO R G E ,00k " L a e m .r m .n a n d T h e fa m ily lo u k i'd fo rw a rd a ll y e a r to F a ir tim e , w hen th e ir p ro du ce and liv e ­ sto ck w o u ld he e x h ib ite d and so ld . T he n a m a n ’s e n tire life was d evoted to hia soil, and it was an event fo r h im to leave it. N o w th e buainus« m an has b ro a d e r in ­ terests. lie tra v e ls fre e ly , lie kn ow s th e «■ntire w o rld a bo ut him . V et w hen he faces a new fin a n c ia l end ea vor he con- M ilts his b an ker. W. J. Sohler of Hillsboro h a s ' charge of the w ork at the Midway school w here 16 feet has been add­ ed to the building for a two room school. A brick foundation was built and plans are being made STORE YOUR FUEL IN A o f charge. F ifty Norge refrigera­ tors, fifty ranges and fifty washers will be given as prizes to those who report on home tests. a new pUce M r , PL i l l i . „ •IS THE C0C3 Oil DHZS’ PLANNING TO DIESEL • Factory tests— laboratory inves­ tigations— owner surveys— all go to prove th a t a refrigerator m u s t have s u rp lu s cooling power to pro­ vide proper refrigeration under all conditions. And they prove that the Norge is the surplus-powered refrigerator. m oved reiatives * ' ‘ a" d ° ‘her Te,tle~ ake and cam Ped a‘ three bJ' S isters T a.ivjr ine e le a i l visited ...... . Mr a n d .Mrs G e o r g K e L aern- H ♦ O tS° S tr,o hm a>’er Oregon I O O. F. picnic at Lost T h u rsd a y afternoon P ortland spent a few days at the Creek Sunday andIreuiroed bv w av' Mrs R eth aE 1 w in g of Buxton vis T ...... O . L _ I * * ** - j v i l i n «4» U I 1 U I V k U I I H ' t l I ) v w a v . H U I ) , Wg I J U A l l . Louis Strohm aver ranch Mr «>-.,1, 3 unaa> unrlYCiiter of Glenwood visited Mrs s. Clifford Trask and Mrs. Joe Mr. and Mrs. J. B Vanderzan- Twigg igg were hostesses who enter- ??cdnesday al the Frilz Stegm ann den faH Tuesday m orning for Broot- home: on Springs near C loverdale to spend tained in honor of Mrs Virgil | Messrs, and Mesdamcs Joe and Bisch The program: Mrs. C. E a rl) the week. solo; Rena Wen- Chet Frydendall of Manning visited Robert Vanderzanden accompan- --------- ------------------- ----- ...K„..- Stretcher, „„„„ piano _ at the Fritz Stegm ann homo Wed­ lcd William Easley and son Vern strom. p r T ' sang, u K’ accomDanied acco,r'Pa m ed by b Miss nesday evening. t0 Stim son’s mill Thursday morn-1 a A . " * n5-SSe;,_ a n d , JeaI1.‘e Trask. Mr. and Mrs Willis Hiatt of Amy Alice Howard and R e n a ‘n 8 to sel< I - aemerman T hursday morning. ' 1 *“ n ,n 8 contest. Say you saw It in the Argus. Louis Strohm ayer had a crew of I ¿A,1? ,and Mrs. J ?SSKT SnytJer »Sr. men and women hoeing straw spent last week at Nehalem and berries the past week. Mr S troh­ M anzanita visiting old neighbors m ayer has been cutting grain for and friends Mr. and Mrs. Amel Bendickson several of his neighbors. Miss Irma B rady of P ortland vis I and tw o sons of Hood River spent ell, Billy Best, Lucille Pederson, Ina Hugely, Mr and Mrs Earl Locke. Mr and Mrs. C. A. M or­ gan. and Miss Frances Fickas. Mrs. John W agner is visiting relatives in Portland. A boy, R ichard Alan, was born Im p e r ia l F eed R ep o rts to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Morgan, F irs t W h e a t o f Season Ju ly 21. Im perial Feed & G rain company Ilillik e r Honored reports J. V andersehuere of South A surprise birthday p arty was T ualatin as being the first to bring given Robert H illiker at his home in wheat, which averaged 36.7 Ju ly 17. Present w ere Messrs, and bushels to the acre on a seven- Mesdames H arry H illiker a n d | acre cutting. ARE vian Hudaon) and Clarence Up- their m other’s fumi* ture to a new location in Portland Monday. Mrs. George l-aemerman railed orl on Hunger Brothers of Orchiir- da ile the Wednesday morning. Fritz Phiser. who w orked for Ge°rge l.aem crm nn for two months, completed his work there and left f° ' Portland Wednemtoy to lo o k for dike AND 'J /U t k CORPORATION 1945 N. COLUMBIA BLVD K E N T O N STATION, P ortland . O regon ' ROUNDTRIP hv By tr a in —and only by tra in — you can travel in cool, clean air- cAnditioncd com fort.The air is filte re d , alw ays fresh, alw ays pleasantly cool. N o dust. N o drafts. Sounds are quieted. This grand comfort costs noth­ ing extra. At the low fares shown above you can go in air-condi­ tioned chair cars on our crack Caicadt— chair cars with deep, aoft, reclining seats.These fares, plus small berth charge, arc good also in improved air-conditioned T ourist Pullmans on theCascadt or our popular Wist Coat/. S o u th e rn P a c ific H. D OLSEN, Agent Phone 621 DON'T W AIT TOO LONG - - CIRCUMSTANCES ARE JUST RIGHT FOR MOST ECONOMIC NEW BUILDING - - - FLOOR PLAN ■ , . . U te the tam e dollar« which have prev­ iously paid your rent A N D PAY FO R Y O U R O W N H O M E . . . it'« ea»y today. . . . The United States G overnm ent i» anxious to help prospective home owners— the result is th a t long-term (twenty-yoar) loans are available through the Federal Housing Adm inistration a t rates which make the pur- chaso o f a homo no more than the cost of ront — and sometimes much less. , The best way to g et the kind of a homo you want whoro you want it is to build d — LET US HELP Y O U . " -i l !"0^ T* oxP'a 'n ^ a easy financing plans available, show you home dosiqns, suggest the quickest and oasiest moans ot getting tho house built. * j« W . COPELAND YARDS