The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, July 25, 1935, Image 1

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Your Home Paper I,argent
Audited Oregon Weekly
Early Copy—
Makes for Fewer Mistakes
and Better Service
With Which is Combined the Hillsboro Independent
Volume 42, No. 28
lili laboro Arit_
FXubltaheuI 1MW4
S ta te C apitol
County Cuts
N e w s L etter
W arranted
h^tabllshml I »73
Robert Dinsmore
Gets Appointment
to U. S. Academy
Hillsboro, Oregon, Thursday, July 25, 1935
Many Sheep
Exhibited at
Change Planned
for Boundaries
County Precincts
Robert Dinsmore, »on of Dr. J
It Dinsmore, H un been admitted
to the United State» Naval academy
at Annapolis, according to word
received by hlN father Monday
| morning He left here on the ‘ P o rt­
land Rose" July 16 to take his
R e p o rt S h o w s
<’Xi*niination at Washing M a r v i n
Two Sections, Twelve Pages
County Gets
~S7a<e Prgsi'den< T w o L iv es
New Rating
Claim ed in
Revision of boundary line, of 14
B Y A. L. L 1 N D B B 0 K
Washington county voting p r e ­
cinct«, 11 of which are In the
vicinity of Forest Grove and three
Organization of House
at Aloha, is being considered this
by the county court. L im it,
Interests as Time
of the areas involved are being
C o u n ty C le r k
H e y n d e r ic k x W in s altered to conform with section E a s te r n A r e a C la s s ifie d
Session Nears
W i l l i a m M c L e o d , G le n w o o d ,
lines, county roads and other well-
Young Dinsmore is a form er Hil-
$ 4 5 ,0 3 9 .7 6 R e d u c tio n
T h r e e o f F o u r F ir s t s
M e t r o p o lit a n D is t r ic t ;
known landm arks in order t J
F a t a l l y H u r t in C ra s h
hi football star and in 1933 was
simplify the location of proper
ALKM A m the zero hour a p ­
in S h o w S a t u r d a y
awarded the Rotary cup, having
D u r in g S ix M o n th s
H ig h e r W a g e Set
polling places.
on F r id a y E v e n in g
proaches when the lawmuker»
been selected by the m em bers o f ,
Area lying w ithin the city limits I
will again invade the state capital
the football squad as being t h e .
of Forest Grove is to be divided
ut the call of G overnor Martin to rp
1 I ’ I greatest inspiration to his team ­ D em o n stra tio n G iv en into
three precincts, according to P r n i p r f * .
Pz* . W r i t t e n
consider the m utter of a new capl- 1 «IX I\( C ( 1 J,IS
I llSMl mates He ranked first among the
V isitor K illed H e r e
plans That part of the 1
« t
W r itte n
tol building interest tu rn s to the
19 honor graduates in the *34 llilhi
city situated north of First avenue
house Npcuker»hlp Who will get
class and was co-w inner w i t h
will be placed in one district and
the g iv •! wii i'iim: Job' W ill It O f f ic e r s
F ile
R e p o rts
on Claud!., Ingr..... of the B W Barnes N in e te e n 4 - H C lu b M e m b e r , the southern portion of the town B a la n c e o f C o u n ty R e c e iv e s
scholarship c u p. IDs fo u r-y e a r,
L e s te r M a i l e r o f C a n a d a
I m * John Cooter, the gentlem an from
w.ll be divided into two precincts
Lincoln county, or some other am-I
( hol.r tic average was 96*t He en-
E n t e r A n n u a l E x h ib it
In c o m e a n d P a y m e n ts
‘ .
H i g h e r C la s s ific a tio n
D ie s R e e d v ille M is h a p
Other changes proposed in the
tered the University of Oregon '
bitiou.i democrat? For the demo­
vicinity will include the addition
last year and ranked high in schol-
crats will »till control the house In
of the old Southw est For-
tu -.
, ,,, u .
»pite of tin* loss of a few member*
Marvin Heynderickx, Cornelius of part
Reduction of >45,039 76 in the
Grove precinct to Dilley, trans- lv
h‘ngto" coun/
Traffic accidents claimed t w o
through appointm ent of republicans w arranted indebtednesi
f w .
Telegram indicating that he had route 1, won th ree of the four first est
2*V.ber and ?°Lth
, more lives in Washington county
as i- bee,) admitted to Annapolis was prem ium s aw arded Saturday in
to fill vacancies.
during the past week, bringing the
Cooter, it should b e remem- ington county during the first six received Munday. Verification from tin* second annual Forest Grove west corner of P urdin to a new gard has been classified in the Port-
i total since the first of the year to
very nearly conforming UnS
beied, forfeited his seat in the months of the current year is in the academy has not been received National bank sheep show at For precinct
31, oi
of Ulen-
i six William McLeod,
•vivi.eoa, di,
est Grove. A total of 42 head of w un m e oia in arm west r orest
huu»u unit also the speakership, d irated In the sem i-annual report but |g ®«P®®tod
1 w or*s progress ad- Dr. R J Nicol of Hillsboro recent- wo<x‘ was fatally injured Friday
when he accepted a federul Job. At .
. ...
. .
■ sheep was exhibited by 19 club Grove area, loss of a small portion _ lnl
• least . Attorney
a ..
G eneral VanWinkle
members, a m aterial increase over
D°.nald T
gon State V eterinary association,
motorcycle at his home town
has so held Cooter is confident Luce, county clerk
’ the 29 anim al, shown last year by Cornelius, addition of a corner of
the old Verboort precinct to North c sjbrieh’t a«dxtL2»U w p s ^ s " • J ' studio and died Monday morning at the
that he cun secure the appointm ent w arrants on
January 1 totaled
. 15 clubbers
Guymon hospital in Forest Grove.
rp i I a
The Heynderickx youth won first Cornelius, deduction from Bloom- ¡et ratzir.
„« . u_
h is e n m ity c u l l I.. su,-,w ,l him- $215 1 54 37 ........... i. l m r to th e i . - |„ .1!
eieht igtrat° r The balance of the county ■ f f t t
t t
On Monday evening, Lester Mailer,
places w ith anim als entered in the inK
a small area in section ei
self unit feel, pretty sure uf the w|„|,. on June 30 the figure win,
39, of Haynes. Alberta, CanadB,
has fourth
been ralsed
,rom the fi,th to ' * * “ t v l
1 J I t 1 il
A < 1 1 fv v. H aged ewe yearling ewe and ew e' ®^d a small loss in Section 23
'■lieukemhtp ns well. However there $170,114 01
u of
° ‘ the
1 1 i 1 f 1 1 y 7
was instantly killed when the truck
William Cyrus Jr. of Verboort to N ortheast Forest Grove.
nre tlione, uinong h l. own p artisan,
Principal resuIt
result of
of the
the ruling
in which he was riding was In-
who believe that .. the honor
Hillsboro won first place with hi
Changes contem plated near Aloha
garding the
the eastern
eastern part
Uoha garding
part of
of the
/ \ S 3 c A L ..7 c A H I p C O d f l i l r l i l f V T volved
in an accident on the high-
pass to .wine other m em ber Jack
. . .
en trF >» the fat lam b claM- Last >viI1 include the shifting of the county will be that the minimum
way west of Reedville and crashed
.. ...... ><83.039
und . . disbursem
ents , T,
>668.- L a r g e A tte n d a n c e R e c o rd e d year
H eynderickx placed first w ith J boundary line betw een N o r t h montWy^wage^ orT w orks "croTects
t aufield o f , •
1111a n u><>k I. county,
u ......
, ....
. ,
- 849
34, leaving
a balance
of >114 • -
democratic floor leader in the reg- 118)28. according
. $ ? . . • to $ » the reports
a ewe lainb and second in the ’ Aloha, Southwest Aloha and Reed- will be set at $55 The lowest waee
, ,
, _
Glenwood Man Dies
ular session. is said to be ambitious ,$..............
. of
aged ew e class.
ville one^juarter mile east.
scheduled in the rem ainder of the „
Details of the McLeod mishap are
to preside
Under the new set-up the pres- county will be $45 Under the orig r r o p o s e d L o c a l O r d in a n c e
. . . .. ,,
i Urer. Receipts totui include $80
Belief that the government has
n r a n m /siinnuiu
J c
meager. A report to Sheriff J. W
ford new.uiiuermu'ii’ lT 'also 'lo o k ed
t,“ n<* “* ,h ‘‘ f11’’ * of never intended to furnish electric . Winners of the first five places ent total of 48 precincts will be in- inal set-up all of W ashington coun-
to be A r g u e d Soon
: Connell by George McLeod o f
the year and $30.859 in tran sfer, power io t h e rural population to , * h
lhe fOUr clasa<;s * * * creased to 49 Descriptions of all ty would have been classified in
Strassel, brother of the deceased,
upon as likely speakership material.
_ .... , ,
areas are being re-w ritten by J. the fifth and lowest division with
through taxation was expressed “s follow».
k«n- ^
Both were in their ,rom one fund
Sunday murning by C harles M
A,Jed Ewe class—Marvin Heyn- W Barney, county engineer. The a minim um m onthly wage of $40.
leadership abilities in the regular
R e p o r t Details Given
Many Affected
utilities commissioner on the' pro- ' bv a‘n‘
°i- P'
.......... .......................
former state public util- derickx- firgt • Raymond
Haymond Dierickx.
Dierickx court also proposes to abolish pre-
session, the first, incidentally, f u r 1 Hrc
Break-down of the receipt fig- ,ty comlnlagloner ln addressing the »ccond: Merle Pennington, third, cinct names, designating the areas
A pproxim ately 150 relief clients Pused Hillsboro city ordinance re- The car 1«
T »,U knO.W" '
both of them.
1 ures
by numbers
will receive advantage of the high- ducing the rental on fire hydrant,
t h i four
rs given by the county treas ? H e J s ^ h o , Union
. t U n d members
£ n E " .n n a S n a d l ®\erA Knepper, fourth;
. and Adelbert
Then there ure at least two mem- ure
er classification for the eastern from $3 50 to 87-, cents a month
the annual
bers of the Multnomah delegation 10. miscellaneous receipts $24.207 40. cuunty picnic attended
portion of the county, according to was requested last week by the injured man and
at Rippling Waters
who could be persuudrd to accept transfers $38,859 and balance $80. park.
Heynderickx. first; Donald Hergert. C i m n c p r s A < s L
w . j I & Mllls-
This Oregon-W ashington W
in~ that the accident w o t d d ^ ^ I Z
Job William
w ithout rants
250 Detail
of disbursem
ents on
is: War-
, coim ty , m anager
, ater Service
b >
nueli gavel
19, interest
war- tu n n u u i** of "dndrw ts “for^bonding Kncpper.R fourth;1 a ^ ’ B iil^ C jfrw J g r a n g e r s a m
niueli difficulty, namely
¡~ ‘On~
G Iraham B nd H ow .rd L atouretie . ra n t. »I0.M 312. bond. _.nd Inter- S u c t i o n o u r ™
o f t h e m o n t h f o e t h o o n . I . . ____ . . .
o a a s o o e i.l o n ,m o ll
s lo n
, not o ftain the driv er’s
the month for the entire county, i ing
a special council meeting
F ri- n name
or license number, Connell
All of winch will add spice to est $24.940 03 and transfers $38.659 that ** he w a' * c'unfidcnl * lh 'it1U'ihc
Ewe l 'aml> class—Marvin Heyn-
*• s - V I C 1 i t 1 A ^ l l l v » Mills stated.
day noon. The hearing h a, been declared.
I * ri«hl ° rf “nJ ^ ? n a “" “ W,.‘ih
D‘»<’’“ >utioii of tax receipts to power would be provided through der1ckx- ,lr8t; Haymond Dierickx.
That W ashington county relief set for August 13 and both the city
McLeod was taken to Forest
e right of certain democratic t),e various county funds was listed a bond Issue secured by earning swon<L J ' ,n Davidson, third; Wal-
officials would retain adm inistra- and the w ater company w ill pre- G rove
by Clifford Johnson and
...emijers to a seat in spite of the
f „ ||ow, by the county treasurer: capacity and physical value of the ter H cr«er t- fourth; and Merle T ig a r d H o s t f o r O u a r t e r l v tive contro1 ovcr tha t part of the sent briefs of th eir contentions.
Bateman At the hospital it
c o n i ,./ ? ’
g W rB ‘“ l 0 0 “®1* ,f und »2"3 307 33. rounty project and w^uld be retired from PeJ n.‘n gton, flfU«.
’ county classified in the P ortland
The ordinance was read for the was disclosed that McLeod had
o u tru n
roads $77,152 55. district roads $6,- revenues
f a t Uamb class — Billy Cyrus
m etropolitan area was the opinion first tim e Ju ly 2 and forwarded been injured internally. An opera­
P om ona G ra n g e M e e t
expressed by Judge Templeton. A to the public utilities commission- tion
i,«ids $v i
durini the oust 12 years !
aecond; Willis
was performed in an attem pt
Governor M artin expects to have ket roads $3871 55, county school In tin- development of hydro-elec- Evers- ,h ird . Jim Davidson, fourth
request to have the entire county cr. At that time Frank C. Mc- to save
the man’s life, but he died
he application for federal funds for $01.800 39. district schools $86.685 in c power in Or. gon was reviewed and Robert Evers, fifth.
A resolution endorsing action
of classified as a m etropolitan area Colloch, utilities commissioner, in- at 8 a. m. Monday.
the new cnpllol ready to send 57. union high schools $84 318 44. by Thomas lie paid tribute to the
Prem ium r money was paid ' for
the mayors of Oregon and Wash- was made recently by the county dicated that he would w ithhold ob-
Canadian Killed
hai k to Washington
about Au- high school tuition $10.768.19. non- lute Oeorge Joseph, to W alter M th* first five places in each event ■ ington
ii^ io ii 111
w aning the
l i l t federal
IVUVIUl gov- planning commission.
iiiiiao^i v u .
tAatldlH C ! v
in asking
jections and asswa
that vs the
L , At b ^ i >On 3’ .¿ hCIWi fU" d " hl<h "<'h<>o1 d *8*rict $44.183. fire Pierce and others for then cduca- Flrst Plac*' w inners received $4 ernm ent to build transmission lines
Total of 23 form er Washington could be passed after the 90-day
Lester Mailer died instantly oi
< a rm * rk<id a n d
'H® t e r m s | r------
patrol -----------
$3081 83. .. w a ...............
te r
second $3.
...... . work.
’ thl
third and fourth >2 and carrying electricity from the Bon- county SERA projects, rew ritten period provided by law. A definite i”5erna,. . in jyr,e? Monday evening
of the federal
, grant ‘e definitely >5892 96, cities and towns >45.428 43.
He concluded his talk by advo-
O ran M Nelson, professor neville dam to the rural districts under the new federal works prog- decision w ill be made following the ? 7? lh V. truck, driven by hs
Known ne w ill be ready to c all the drainage district num ber seven eating public ow nership of truns-
anim al husbandry at Oregon vas passed at the Washington Coun- ress program, w ere filed in Port- hearing. If the w-ater company’s , r? xn55’ Ha,j y M ailer of Banks
sw eiai session In the* m eantim e >224 43 and building fund >7G3 74
mission lines through co-operation Stale college, was judge.
ty Pomona G range session at Ti- land Monday morning. All ap- claims are sustained, the city may i***.1" * r.o ad and crashed into i
h. plunning b. m i anil various
W arranU draw n against the vari- wilh government plans Washing-
Club members and their parents gard Wednesday afternoon.
plications filed subsequent to that »till call a special election and
S n ,,lhe ?”uih s,dc °
• aic d. partm en,, rushing work
fu n d " b / t h e couniy cle k were '->» a “d California have accepted
“ “ F^ « » ‘ G «"®
Announcement of another utilitv da,(‘ *¡11 have to be sent to Wash- pas, the ordinance over the
Vall®y »“ « h w a, op-
' lu ^
“ «‘• d « i o l X ^ b u i W t o « tonSs 'hl* method, he said, and
,»*«>k- « P a r i n g organ d l ^ m ^ n g in
° C to r approval And it lection of t h . public utilities com- i g ^ ^
tuu. To ihat U i ' i e » 1 1 1.0 J 'd T fin to M1U77’
u n 550 61,
Rl forging ahead of Oregon because t*>tion.
h e I | tw
, wo
(Contl.ued on
s. column».
H . airy
MaUar e escaped
. rteedvilie
---- —
77, ®®~*®’
general tond
fund t $193,550
“ ■•ion, at noon. Nelson was t the
o wceks
weeks was made
made. Thp
The „ power
Works progress applications to
injuries, while the five
,ty road $87.(101 29. county school ,h<' P1“» *■■ rejected at the last P’’,nc,P“ * speaker, complim enting question was discussed by State
' ‘ tu the leglsla-
program to present
remodel the second tloor of the j£ opl7 / ,dlnS !? « car.
the boys on the fine showing at
a ; , Master Ray W
w Gill
Glll of Portland D
8.140, druinage district num ber
of the legislature He con- J™
I? ; J ,.p c H p l r l
tors wlien tin y do meet possibly
city hall and to extend the m uni- ' . T s' Ho'*ard Hughes of Hillsboro,
the event
and 1. J g a J o h n _i j E —w
LeWton of Forest
G rove and K , t e S F i C I U 1 l l C S a a y
fire pillU
patrol t $246240.
In- >*’nded
that .....
the public was not »Fft»,.-—
, ,a ,s $300, 111«
141, IIJ-
vra v av S-SSV/VC . O I
rYl 11
“if rt U-
riiknlr neiik’izlonl
cv».-4 1
••• . svsa va a —
in Septem ber
inventory and survey w e r e '? 540 .l? vol.v ed in . the accident* «*<-
stltut«* fund >56 50. dog fund >1323 - sufficiently informed and urged Fnornburgh, bank president, and q w Thiessen of Oregon City.
for Julius A sb a h r thv
by th<* council Friday and fvSS?atbriL,Se5M ,i? CU.tS .
71. mm kef road >448 27, high school that |X’<»l>lv be enlightened to take
_ 5 _ L r_5/f? ts_ lr!
Mrs Edith Tozier W eatherred
filed this week,
’ lruc^ and the
sponsoring the sheep project and Oregon historian, told of the plans
lass over the d ,\k “ th i sU te pur
«■n,c fund »“ 75- clem ent- »«I'anlage of th eir opportunities
The latter work proposes
planning Hughes car were proceeding to-
im- of herself and her brother
c ^ l n 7 a a ^ t ~ c h v « i ^ o v e rtn a " r r
«7.733 86. law library
G®orge W Potts, stale president, show He also outlined the im
8, column 1)
(Continued on p«*« 4, column 8)
Tozier, to bring their historical
of ( om m unity for .Many for the future grow th of the city
every conceivable item from urns *212-70- G arden Home w ater district 8tY’kc bn ®fly following Thomas'
every conceivable item from pins >1#fl093 Metzger w ater district ,alk and ,hcn a P^«“ ® l“ "d> *■»
picpuidiiuii of
tji a u master
m aster
t j * i
and pap«*r clips at a few cents a
ing topography, property lM on-Illgn A rea DOdV
box to snow plows at >10.000 each $18(M> IMi, West Slope w ater district hcld During the afternoun a sports D airy C lub s S eek
ership and land uses A d -
$1424 24. district roads $6355 30. p n ’Kram was conducted Music was
ty grangers to attend the Multno-
Julius Asbahr. 84. retired Hills- p ^ m a l d y ^ U " o p ’k ^ o ’S d
C o m p letes
’ ’ ’
$1379 45, cities and Provided by th e Helvetia band
C , ' i r » n f i r v t v T e n n h i , mah County Pomona picnic at boro farmer, died Sunday morning
Reports current here indicate towns $44.752 08, district schools
Special guests for the picnic in-
v a m a tio n ir o p n y Jantzen Beath Sunday was ex- at the Jones hospital here after a
£ e»n X
.2 ?
Ihat a num ber of changes may be $79,243 85. non-high school fund «-’ludod S tate Secretary and Mrs
tended by T. J. Trueder. Multno- short illness Funeral services were contribution am ounting to a h , t
expicled In the employed per- $41.948 58. Ban$s irtiion high school S B HoH of Salem and son. Mr
mah m as,er
conducted at the Donelson & Sewell r5 0 0 a n d X X “» X e ^ 3 0 0
A greemrnta Reached Monday With
sound of lhe state liquor control $1337 Tigard union high school " ,d Mr" *• H McBee of Dallas t , l f Manna Award to tr a tu r r
Beaverton. Tigard Boards
W ashington county grange pic-
That the application for a $175,
organization soon "in the interest $12.348 12, Hillsboro union h i g h Senator and Mrs. Peter Zimmer-
4-H Events at County Fair
w ill be held at Avalon park 71
D*^k ° ffl®lab n ^, ®“ ” al, was 000 federal grant tow ard construc-
of P®ac® and harm ony.” Governor school $38.985.82. Scappoose $2214 ,nan of Y»mhlll. Henry Thompson. ‘
Tl<ard August 18. Comm ittee at the local L
F cemetery
tlon of a m uniCip ,, w ater system
M artin In denying any intent on Forest Grove union high school ’nctnber of the state executive ,nr L E. Franei, Aaat. Count» Axant)
Contracts for transportation of
” Addie
A aal-I ’
* “ X 5 ^ * A ^ ! m em bers are Mrs. Gladys Meyers
Mr. Asbahr was born in Den- in Hillsboro had been file d 'w ith students from the non-high school
his i>art to replace either of the
bo.ird from Clatskanie, and
(Continued on t>«Ke 8, column S|
,r “ Pb> - ®warded of Tigard. Mrs. A. B. Flint of m ark. December 11. 1850, and came C. C. Hocklev. acting state public district to Tigard union and Beav­
liquor commissioners also made it
McAdams and family, Columbia k
by the Carnation Milk Products Scholls and Frank Fluke of Kin- to the United States 67 years ago. works adm inistration engineer was erton high schools w ere approved
plain that he did not propose to tv • ,.
. . .
I county secretary.
, W
V • • •
V champion
, , , I L,, OI I
s 4-H
a* ¡ ton
He had w resided near Hillsboro for
report of George McGee, city here Monday night following a
interfere in the Internul affairs oi K U •**•••*’
L / - C
'V d M l C i v a u t l i O
i v I i l i
Winners in the sports events were h ,,r v r lu h n t t h »» Wn«hin$riitn
— ----------
tlie liquor control organization. R u­
reported as follows: Race for boys county fair will be presented ig ,in
O ther f a k e r s included Charles ¡he Past 60 years. He lived in the manager. Councllmen also d i s- conference between members of the
mor has it that Jealousy has crept
P o sto ffice r Plannprl
under «to Bobby B urkhalter, first. ,tu- year This Donhv which was Dickason of Oswego Grange, Yam- Sacram ento valley in California for cussed a public w orks project to non-hign school district board and
i . i l l l H U Norman Toellc, second Girls u n d e r.
fl>r , h ? f i r T .h n c Us! v™ ? ‘•¡R County Pomona Master Daven seven years and on January 1. repair sidewalks in the city.
directors of the tw o schools. An
into the ranks ot the liquor set
I offered for the first time last year, por, and ‘Mrs7 Davenport? County 1875- he came <° Oregon by w ater
O ther m atters considered' during agreem ent was also reached to al­
up because of the promotion of
■ six — K athryn Herb, first;
m e 4-M C1UD IlidK- a „„^* i«y f
_________» w __ v .__ a n d la n d e d in A sto r ia In Mav of »ftix*
_a *u _ low Banks union high school $60
Eugene Kelly to the post of assist I.<M4| Committee of Five Named
for the Strassel stub bus route.
ant adm inistrator a n d
Wood to the post of purchasing
Arrange for Program
C ontract price for five bus routes
agent. It Is not believed, however,
out of Tigard was fixed at $5330.
that either Kclty or W cmx I will
’ * * paentlofis for the public dedi* utivs in io k __ainimt**
u v •*
mu u
» at
according to O. B. Kraus, county
£*LuJ-b ed, ‘n V * Pendln« »h-ke up
flrs t G irls 10 to 14- Jean Conkl!«: a w £ d " u ° t o i l ^ : ^ e r ^ t * . f
Anna K rahm er w ere m arried Oc- M atter of rem oving the Rehse slab- school superintendent and secre-
P l C H l C S l i n d a V tober
*• I®84- at Blooming. wood yard on N orth Adams street to r / of ,he board. The arrangem ent
Neither is A dm inistrator Atlerfs
building have been placed first; Irene Plass second
* •/
He is survived by the widow, between Main and Lincoln was also ! al®0 provided for the transporta-
job believed to be In jeopardy
" ,hp hands of a comm ittee of free-for-all W illis' Schook ' Worn- ;est‘"^ o V es'ex h ib it‘Dia/rn“C7
* * *
" ve ,““ ' 1 residents appointed this en's free-for-all Vida M a rln w F .,t . »cores, exniou platings.
Mrs Anna A sbahr of Hillsboro: discussed. McGee was instructed to tion ot certain students in the Mul-
Considerable surprise was occn- * <'ek
H L MacKenzIe. preal-1 ladles’ ra re Minnie Wvffells. first: ?hip placing*? terd m an sh to
B asrhall Game. Competitive Events seven a0" 8' H arry of Corvallis, Al- investigate the m atter.
*oy district, who wished to attend
f e .h ~ i.i Z Z . a Z ._ I n
bert. Carl, William. Theodore. Er-
T ualatin high school.
atoned among members of the Slate dent of the cham ber of commerce Martha Haase, second Swimming and fttU n a M o re l“
on Annual Program
win and Lester, all of Portland; C a rs F r o m M a n y S ta te s
Reduction of $400 in transporta-
Land board by receipt of a claim T lc new »tructure is expected to
---- ------------ .....
and tilling scores.
Finul showing ot clubs for the
from the special m aster who took h** comPl®<®d about August 15.
and iour daughters, Mrs. M argaret
D __- »
, ti-n ,
tion costs in the B eaverton con-
“Calf Manna" trophy is one of the
A nnual Washington county 4-H A. Denny of Beaverton, Mrs. K a th -:
> e g lM e re d a t H ills b o r o tract was made Monday evening.
Hie testimony in the M alheur Lake
Members of the comm ittee t„ p i - n c
main features and the closing event club picnic will be held at Balm erine G ilbert of Minnesota, and
O ut-of-state perm its have been Final figure for the 1935 36 year
litigation for $10,877, representing prepare the dedication program a r e ,
» J lIx Y L J Illi I I J I
Grove park Sunday, according to Mrs. Estella K roeger and Miss Helen ¡»sued to
motorists from seven was $6800 as compared with $7200
the state's portion of the m aster’s K- U. Johnson. L. T. McPheeters, f
A n n i l ' l l G m i n t v F - l i r At this time competing clubs lead
L. E.
Francis, assistant county Asbabr. both of Hillsboro. Twcntv states since the first of the month last year The district also agreed
fee and expenses In the case The W. V erne McKinney. Rev. J. T.
cham ber of commerce, to refund $200 of the am ount paid
state’s general fund is already out I Costelloe and Postmaster Fred Holz-
Free admission for the
annual r*n8 and compete as groups. They start at 10 a. m. w ith a baseb all1 child as well as two brothers a n d ' according to Ed. L.
Moore, secre- for 1934-35, re-paym ent being made
$25,s) in defending the suit brought nngel Ed. L. Moore, cham ber of
by the federal governm ent in ns- commerce secretary, is ex-officio county fair August 29. 30 and 31 are sc<>red as a club and the win- game betw een club membeic and sisters in G ermany also survive. I tary ' Automobiles registered were in the form of a deduction from
w ill be continued again this year, ,lcrs receive the trophy,
leaders. A picnic lunch will be
He was a staunch advocate and from Ohio, California. C o lo r a d o .__
the __ paym
ent ______
for the first half „ of
<,n a»K»s column at______i mem ber of the committee.
according to C. D. Minton fair
Interest in this event is running served after the game and a short participant in comm unity develop-1 IHiHois. Kansas, W ashington and j the year. Six or seven busses w ill
board president and manager This hlgh among club members. Last musical program conducted.
m ent and co-operation. For ex am p le! ° ou“ * Dakota.
I be operated under the contract.
is being continued because of its -v car 11 was responsible for a m ark-
Tug-of-w ar and other com petitive > he served his district school as I
successful operation last year
I ed im provem ent in the appearance events are planned during the aft- clerk for a continuous period of
A colt show is being added as a and n >in’hec of dairy exhibits. This ernoon. Prizes w ill be aw arded u years and as director for many
feature for Saturday because of in- ir°phy will be on display in the w inners in the various contests, years. He was active in road d e­
creased interest in the county
in windows of the Hillsboro Argus All club leaders, m em bers and velopment and was foremost In the
and lhe Forest Grove News-Times their fam ilies and friends are in- introduction o f ru ra l telephone
Appreciation of the co operation I Ing Io Henry, who said production horse raising.
Four-H club day has been set for u n til the lair.
; vited to a t t e n d . ______ service and the establishm ent of
given the Oregon Dairy Co-opera- wns the largest of any plant in the
Thursday, August 29, Farm ers' Un-
ru ral mail service. Mr. Asbahr was
(By Wm. F. Cyrux. County Axent)
I vested it is difficult to get the
tive association and the dairying « . J - .
interests of this aren by the Hills-
i„ n - con,ro*
- —
—, and ..........
C leaning up garden pea patches, crop refuse covered deeolv hv
lon —
dny - on
Grange ....
day j
plowing im m ediately after bar- : piowing D .sktog apparTnUy ae^
boro chamber of comm erce indl-1 ¡Z.f ii* J i . ? ‘>K2n .2Tfs !i vc? i redlt I on Saturday Both farm groups will
vldunls Agent W F "
and E? ¡ ?'V, He?vry
’’'« ¡"'« i" 1 hold programs and a piimïé din,w.'
vesting prom
else of can,
very little. Peas with
A vmiHnviiir*
vaudeville nrtniAct
contest /«»»•
for granges i More than thirty loyal carres- have your loyal help in m aking served as an appraiser for* it for : done-
pt nothing
fum igation
weevil in them
»A,, a i................»
en i
* " * : s lc
iin y price*
r k e t.
J. i McAlcar.
and 4L
the s Hillsboro
Pr ‘ce in th
‘he e m
m a arket,
...ill L
. ....
. . iM in d r n t v
t h rcti I a b o u t
W n e h ln tr tn n
v m ir
n tim
bom »
___ . . ........... .
• tvlvii m m i n i
can be covered
prompt grinding of screenings and ; several inches but the
was voiced by officials of the co-
hales work of the Interstate As- will be a feature of Thursday night , Pondents throughout Washington : your own home
operative at a luncheon given for ?i’c
Creameries, according to
forty members of the cham ber of ” Allan Brown, manager, makes
commerce at the Campbell Court
<,r<i<’rly m arketing. This
hotel In Portland Monday noon Kr,,l|P ¡» the sales organization for
Bend—Mrs. O. H. Peterson.
and served as its secretary and Sl'ed b*‘a c r°Ps- Consistent practice solved the seriousness of the wee-
Prior Io the luncheon the entire rlKh’ «’o-operntives (including the the milking contest for dairy maids has be?n bu ilt in tbe Ia8t twelve
years from a few occasional con-
B uxton—Mrs. Jesse Meyers.
\ treasurer for some years. L ater he °* these m easures w here they are vil problem. Burning the stubble
group was taken through the co-
Co-operative), c o m p risin g Friday night
Beaverton—Miss Carter,
Farm ers’ Union exhibits will be ,r ' bl'’nrs and their services are
gave his tim e and money in help- aPPlivable to farm conditions is and w hatever straw is on t h e
operative plnnt and had the various 111)0 m e» 'b®®»-
Bethany-C edar Mills — D o ro th y
proving effective,
(Continued on page 8, column 6)
phases of the work explained Io
A spirit of co-operation nnd a in the second agriculture building K^'atly appreciated by the readers
ground generates enough heat to
Pea weevil control in garden kill the weevil in the peas that
them by officials.
desire to help in the problems of nnd the grange booths will be in Iand ,h e A rK,,s Publishers. Their Boy.
the first building
work is of m aterial benefit in in-
cannery peas can be aided by have shattered out. T here are a l­
Louis Mlnoggi of Sauvies Island, I i he d,“iry Industry was voiced by
Bnnd music will be featured each I crt'a s ln ® t h e r ‘,»d®r interest of this
Chehalem Mountain Mrs. Bird J r O r t l i i r i G C r r U l C Q
destroying the old pea vines left ways a few weevil in the crop but
association president, expressed a p - ! ‘>r<‘sldcnt
*' MacKenzIe of the
in the garden. These should be prom pt harvesting followed by just
of the fair with the Helvetia newspaper.
predation for the co-operation al-1 L'ham ber, Mayor J. H. G arrett, day
Elmonica—Miss C lara Trachsel
and Iast
fed o( to the
as as prom pt fum igation eliminate«
band playing Thursday nnd Friday
rlu ’-\ nre ,at ,be service of read-
as up the
peas are
ways given by the local civic or V.""."/5’ AK,','t w F Cyrus. E. 1. and
G re e n M o u n ta in — Mrs. I. R
the Forest Grove band Sat nr- < , s and ready *° serve them *n the
most of the weevil damage.
ganizalion and the people of th is ; McAlem and W. Verne M cK inney:® ""
reporting of news items of im- Strubb.
The wheels of justice moved rap- picked. Where the peas are mowed
community, saying that It w a s !,,f the Argus. G arrett averred that ,,,,y
M anager Minton reports t h a t) P°rlance, the renew al of subscrip-
H ayw ard—Vivian Hudson.
idly in th e arrest and conviction and there is some loss of pods,
probably greater than that received " ," 1" ‘." '„ o ,s nue m e co-op oi- p ) a u n d '™ ,™
1 tions. securing new subscribers arid
Hiteon—Zell Struthers.
' of A rthur E. K endall of Portland about the most effective m eans of C o u n ty B r id g e D r o p s
from any other group
flclals for the success of the plant
underw ay m r plenty o
orders f o r » H v e r tis in a
Hazeldale- Mrs. J. C. Smith.
entertainm ent
Tuesday evening on a still opera­ control is to pasture hogs on the
Progress of the c o o p erativ e and nn<1 the ‘»'8»niMrtlon and Cyrus ¡entertainm
ent for children and
,,,-inting O rders given them
U n d e r L o g g in g T r u c k
A n
v iz liim v )
1 n o l a a z l I w I
Helvetia—Mrs. J. M. Davidson. tion charge. K endall was arrested pea patch. Pasturing is generally
its hl»n(
. I M . anager .„
f<„- others on Ine
y im r s given them
plant was cited I by
W gave
{'•*'* lhe e co-onerntive
o o p irau v c credit
c le a n ioi
i help Prlnllnk
your neighbors.
County bridge above Shermaafs
W Henry, who said "from what being a lug influence in stabilizing llrtls
anit members
Kinton—Mrs. E. L. Cox.
O ther
of ent
the fair board „Rfm em ber in order to chronicle
a 35-gallon distillery, five barrels may be no hogs on the farm or mill collapsed Tuesday afternoon
you have seen you will agree t h a l ; ,h *' m arkc'
are Robert Banks of Banks and '
the u®'?8 of ,h e lr communities
Kansas City -Mr... J. A. McCoy, of mash and two gallons of alleged more frequently the pea patch is and dropped a heavily loaded log­
we have advanced."
The luncheon nnd plnnt Inspec- Henry Hesse of Scholls.
L aurel—Mrs. F. L. Brown.
: ( whiskey
- - —
they must have the co-operation of
w ere confiscated.
He was not fenced so that livestock, partic­ ging truck and trailer into Roetr
Operutors, he said, are entitled to tion were arranged in appreciation
every reader. Contributed items
L aurel Ridge—Miss Helen Asbahr. | taken im m ediately to the Tigard ularly hogs, can be turned onto it. creek, aecording to a report re ­
a profit but not to an exorbitant of lhe co-operation given In dairy
should be of news value and all
Leisyville—Ruth Gates.
justice of the peace court and
This leaves a good, clean job of ceived by the county c o u rt The
one. Henry held that prices h a v e 1 problems in recent years,
C o u n ty G ets Share
should rem em ber that the Inter­
M ountaindale — M i s s M a rg a re t, fined $250
harvesting as about the only really vehicle did not turn over and th<-
been maintain,',I and lhe producer
Those m aking up the Hillsboro
community visits and travel of a Mathiesen.
Charged with the possession o f ! effective control measure. If there driver and passengers w ere not
o f U l f / I l W ' l v L l l t l r l c short distance by autom obile now
is receiving a more fair share of party w ere It L. MacKenzIe, I.. E.
Mountain Home—Mrs. Mabie Al- stolen property. Lloyd Cline and is no loss of peas or pods, it is injured.
the consumer dollar through the Francis. Lester Ireland, W. Verne
j Guy C. Wood, both of Multnomah, ’ not necessary to practice weevil
fact that the co-operative has its McKinney. W. C. Christensen. Dr
First half of Washington county’s j interest for all readers, unless there
Fire Threatens Garage
North P lain»-M rs. Henry Cyph-j were taken Into custody Friday, control measures. Usually, however,
own plant. Aim of the co-operative. ( J. O. Robb, O. O Freeman. V. W share of state highway funds f o r ' is something really im portant back
Fire, which startl'd ln a pile of
The tw o men are alleged to have there are sem e pods left on the
he declared, was to secure as G ardner, H A K uratll, J. H Mur the year wns received last week, j of it. Provide them w ith all the
Oreneo Mrs. H. Burdette.
j sold farm m achinery reported stol­ ground.
dried grass, scorched the back wall
much of the consum er dollar for ton. A. I,. Amacher, Howard Had- Total amount of the payment was details. If it Is an election of of-
O rchardale—Mrs. R. Hunger.
en from Sherwood recently.
Plow ing is of doubtful benefit of the garage at the C. H. M iller
the producer ns possible. M anu­ ley, Dr. R J Nicol, W O. Ide, P $24.425 9!) Cost of oiling county ' fleer» of the ladies' aid. the grange
Rock Creek—Mrs. Frank Pezoldt.
Loss of a tw o-year-old G uern­ If the w aste on the ground could home on Fast Lincoln street a t
facture of cheese and other prod­ A. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. George roads with state highway depart- or the lodge give the names of
Roy - Miss Martha Vanderzanden. sey heifer from his pasture last be plowed under deeply a good 10:15 a. m. T hursday The local
ucts is progressing in order to in ­ Selfridge. W. J. Mills, Ed. L. Moore. m ent crews and equipm ent, am ount- those elected, etc.
Scholls—Miss L orraine Demmin. week was reported to the sheriff I many of the weevil might be killed, fire departm ent was called and the
crease the price received by the Jak e Well, W. F. Cyrus, J, H, ing to $2900, was deducted, leaving
These loyal people help to make
Thatcher—Mrs. Lou Wright.
by Dwight H ullt of Linnton route Under conditions that usually pre- blaze was extinguished before ser­
dairym en for the surplus, accord-
the net amount $21,525.99.
a more interesting Argus, may they
(Continued on pass «. rolumn t)
T igard—C urtis Tigard.
' vail at the tim e the peas are har- ious damage resulted.
Debt Totals
Grove Event
Works Plan
C o llis io n s
State Power
y y
to“,,'y '''J1’
v m i
Dairy Co-op Officials Voice
Appreciation of Local Group
Methods of Pea Weevil Control
Outlined by County Agent Cyrus
y 0Ur ArgUS Correspondents