Thursday, July 18, 1935 H IL L S B O R O ARGUS, H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Page Nine A Neiv and Greater Washington County Market Place - - Try It This Week! A Heady Market with Bi# Results at Little Cost - - - Classified Columns Close at 10 A. M. Wednesday — Too Late to Classify Accepted Until 5 P. M. Wednesday KHEKIEEH HALE R eal Estate J tiff, and auairist Alphonse Dion ( U .I. FOR WARRANTS NOTICR OF FIN A L ACCOUNT _________ _________ _ and Agnes Dion, defendants, for Notice is hereby given, that by All County Road Fund W arrants] In th« County Court of tho S lat« of Or«- virtue of an Execution. Order and SIX 7-wecks-old pl g» for suie,, $4 50 MARRIED man. with fuinlly of the sum of $17 20 costs and dis- of Washington County, Oregon, en- : »on, fo r W ashington County. th« M atter of th« E state of Hana three, wants to rent equipped i bursem ents and for the further Decree of Sale, issued out of and each (lien II Epier, Ht 1, For- dorsed "not paid for wunt of In L oeffler, First Insertion, per word 2c est Grove. 22p farm for coming year on 50-50 bus- i sum of $485 31 with interest th ere­ under the seal of the C ircuit Court i funds" on or before February 28. ! N otice ia Daceaaed. hereby given th at the under- Koi'h iiddltlonul Insertion, in Have had 15 years of farm and | on from the 13th day of Muy, 1035, of the Slate of Oregon, for the 1935, are now payable at the of- signed, a« A dm inistratrix o f th e Kstat« KIGHT-weeks-old plu» for sale l»i WOM ’c dairy experience Can furnish good at the rate of six per cent per an- County of Washington, dated th< fice of the County Treasurer, in '*( H ans L oeffler, deceased, ha« filed her Be sure to read the classi­ Fred Meyer, neur «olf course p reference an to character and farm- j num, to me directed and delivered, 18t)> day of July, 1935, in favor of | (No service per l»»uo less Hillsboro, Oregon. Interest on such finaI »«'°’*nt in the County Court of the fied and display advertise­ Ing John W Davis, 3000 N E i comm anding me to m ake sale of Equity Finance Company, a Cor- than 25c) u,vr,^ h m ^ <’,ore callc<1 w“ ' “ “* •* S n T d ^ ^ o r h ’x * ” a X I : ments in this week's Argus. 1 S 1 pig» for side Ave , Portland I the real property hereinafter de- poration. plaintiff, and a g a i n s t Cease J u l y 20, 1935. 1935, a t the hour o f 10 o'clock A. M., In this issue ten advertis­ lleutlei». per line 10c 'iil'ii* ' *• ” "dies north of Huber, s : scribed, 1 huve levied upon and Jonathan Smith Coward and Jane MAUD W. BOSCOW, C o u n t y '»nd th« court room of «aid court, has ing treasure tickets to the on Walker road 22 |.'()It SALE by Owner 2 m ountain • pursuant to said Execution and Or- Doe Coward, husband and wife, Treasurer. 2 2 i'*