H IL L S B O R O Page Eight Bears Meet Verboort Here S u n d a y Roy D efeats L o c a ls L e a d L ocals D e fe a t G aston N ine S u n se t L o o p S h erw o o d N in e by Big Score ARG U S. H IL L S B O R O . ! at 9:45 a. m., T. B H art ia, superin­ tendent. Communion service fol­ lowed by pleaching. 11 a nt Young People's meeting. 7 p. nt Prcach- i ing. 8 p ill. Midweek service, Wed- ' itesday, 8 p. in. Sisterhood meets every Wednesday during the day , for work. You are invited to all these services.- M. Putm an, pastor. O ld M rs. B ry an t to P o r tla n d R e s id e n t o f O r e n c o M a k e H o n te in C ity Pentecostal Tabernacle Sunday: Sunday school, 10 a n t ; morning worship. 11; young peo­ H ills b o r o S q u a d N o s e s O u t ple’s service, 8:45 p. n t . , evangelistic i service. 8 p in. Tuesday, a p. nt., S h e r w o o d H e r e 6 to 5 j prayer meeting Thursday. 8 p. n t . Bible study. Saturday. 8 p. nt., S en sei L eag u e j evangelistic service Harry Dow- (Second H alf! ! ney, pastor. (B y Mi* to H u g h B u rd e tte I ORENCO M i s Agnes Bryunt, an W a .h in r le n C ounty old resulent of Orenco. moved to Three Home Runs and High Portland last week She will come tS econd H a lf) Score Inning Featured out to Orenco every Thursday to W L P e t| W I. P et Roy 6 0 t . 000! G lenw ood 2 8 .4<»0 give music lessons M aplewood 4 0 1.606 Hank# 2 4 .333 Tealalin Valla, Mr. and Mrs Tom P en n and chil­ G ar. Home 3 2 . 6 0 0 A loha I S .167 (Sacond H a lf) dren ot Helvetia visited Mrs P e r­ W l. IV« No. P lain# 2 2 0 G aston 1 6 .167 W L I’d i i W L r e t1 W L Pet & 0 1.000 C ornelius m s parents, Mr and Mrs S W Roy continued its second half T H u illaboro Christian Church V erb o o rt 4 0 l.OOOil'arlton 8 S .600 a la tin 4 I S60 W llla m e tla 1 3 .236 Beginning this lo rd 's day we ! Baughman. Sunday. Amity ...3 1 .667. H illaboro 2 8 .406 championship drive in the Wash­ Sherw .nxi 3 2 .600 T ig a rd I 3 .260 Mr. and Mrs Frank Hathaway Sherwo..! 8 2 .600! V ern o n ia 0 8 .000 ington County league Sunday by t a u r y l 3 2 .61)0 Orvncu 1 3 .260 offer for balance of the sum mer F o r. G rove 3 2 .600, N ew bern 0 4 .666 swamping Gaston 20 to 0. The w in­ A loha 2 2 .600 G asto n 0 3 .060 months a combined w orship-study and children of Portland are v is ­ Hillsboro “Bears" w ill clash with ners collected 15 hits from four Staving off a ninth inning rally, and communion service every Lord's iting at the George Goodman home th e Verboort nine, leaders of the Gaston hurlers and played e rro r­ the local Sunset leaguers nosed day morning. The schedule is as this week. T ualatin Valley league, on t h e less ball. The losers w ere held to out Sherw cod 6 to 5 Sunday a fter­ follows: Worship. 9:45 to 10: church Mr and Mrs. C harles Rogers ami Shutc park diamond Sunday after­ two hits by F. Meeuwsen and were noon on the Shute park diamond school class period. 10 Io 10:30; re ­ i family attended the wedding of The victory was the sixth straight assembly and devotional talk by Mrs. Rogers' niece, Miss Gladys noon. Inspired by a 12 to 10 vic­ charged w ith 10 errors. Banks came through in the ninth for the Hillsboro squad and gave pastor, 10:30 to 11; w orship at the Robertson, to C urtis Hurpcr at the tory over the second place S her­ wood team last Sunday, the "Bears” inning to clinch a 3 to 1 victory the team a strong hold on the sec­ Lord's table. 11 to 11:15. We do Ml Tabor Presbyterian church S un­ over Aloha. Glenwood defeated ond half Sunset league cham pion­ this in order that m em bers and day They also attended the recep­ are determ ined to upset the vis­ North Plains 10 to 2, while Maple- ship. itors if possible. j friends desiring to go elsewhere tion afterw ards ut the home of Hillsboro-Sherwood game w a s I wood turned back G arden Home Hillsboro opened the scoring in during the day may enjoy the Mr Charles Clew ley. 15 to 7. featured by a Wild eighth inning the second when successive singles ' morning service and still have Mr. und Mrs G. A. Robson and R. H K. Sunday, each team scoring six runs 1 Roy by Hanna. Matson and Sutherland j plenty of tim e to go some distance daughters Virginia and Lois spent M IS o during the frame. The locals held Gaston and a triple by Roy Brandaw n et­ | the week end m K elsi. W ash. at I before noon We urge that the sue- ..... « 1 10 F . M eeuw sen a n d S to r e y ; J o h n sto n , ted th ree runs. A "squeeze play" ! cess of such a program depends (he Georgi- Ford home, Mrs. Ford a 6 to 4 advantage at the start of the inning Pouncing on Reisback s S chultz, S haw . H edin a n d Davis. scored Brandaw and gave the home 1 upon prom ptness in follow ing the ! is Mr. Robson s sister. R. H. E. deliveries. Hillsboro batsmen crack­ Glenw ,xxl __________ 10 IS 3 team a four-run advantage. Two ! schedule. Let everyone be prom pt- I Lawrence Rose nnd Elmo and ed out six hits, one a home run North Plain« ................. 3 6 5 more tallies came in the fifth when ! ly on tim e to begin our worship. Allison Gibb have returned home by Rightfielder Rogers. Sherwood N elson a n d Davi* ; G r o f tn , Reynolds Clyde Brandaw cracked out a C hristian Endeavor. 7 p. n t. In ter- from the harvest fields ill Eastern came right back w ith a vengeance an d V anderzanden. double w ith two on base. I mediate and young people. Union ■ Oregon, w here they have been cm- R. H E. and scored six tallies on four hits, R an k s --------- ---------------------- ___ 3 4 0 Sherwood scored three runs in worship service at M. E church, ! ployed Mr. and Mrs Ernest W ilfert vis- tw o walks and an error. 1 0 I the fifth. Two successive errors by 8 p nt. Owing to the fact that the A loha G ra n t an d Hillsboro players in the ninth gave M. E. pastor will he away two Lord's I ited at the H. L. Houtson home in M arsh. Je n s e n a n d ilst Hillsboro opened the scoring in the second inning w ith two runs. M ason. H agg. Sherwood two more runs. The days in August the schedule is j Portland Thursday. R- H E z\ picnic dinner was greatly en- Sherwood tied the score w ith runs M aplewood ........................... 15 16 2 game ended with a Sherwixxi ru n ­ - changed so that he may still gel in the second and third frames. G ard en H om e 7 10 4 ner being throw n out at home in : his sum m er series of sermons in; i joyed m W ilfert's Grove Sunday. < Attending were Mr and Mrs Grunt I he will preach this week. Mid-week Ludi an d B in g h a m ; Ha W erchakull T hree runs in the fourth, two of an attem pt to score from first base service, Thursday, 7:45 p. nt. We ; Bailey. Mr und Mrs. Erw in Bailey w hich w ere scored on a four-base a n d D aim ler. on a single. daughter M arilyn of Forest hit by LaBounty. first baseman Art Hanna of the locals turned I welcome friends and strangers to and Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Herman and a home run in the sixth by in a good game, getting two hits the services R. L. Putnam , pastor. T urner of St. Helens. Jean and J e r ­ Shortstop Reeves put the locals and m aking a shoe-string catch of Whosoever Will ry A lexander und the W ilfert fum- perm anently in the lead. Sherwood a Texas leaguer to start a double (Above N orth Plains) ! Ry- scored two in the sixth. play. Joes and Roy Brandaw got Sunday school. 10 a. n t The Mr. and Mrs Richard Neff of Verboort continued a clean slate three hits each out of four trips ! superintendent wants any new ideas S o ftb all L eag u e Portland are moving m the Anna Sunday by downing Vernonia 13 to the plate, w hile Hanna and anyone has for the Sunday school. Galich (S econd H a lf) house Mr. Neff is George to 9 at Verboort. Carlton nosed out W L Pc< W L P ci Clyde Brandaw each got two. i The word w ill be Holy Spirit. Ser- Goodman's nephew. Forest Grove 9 to 8, while Amity Irelan d s 1 1) l.OOOjSod* W orks 0 1 .006 Hillsboro will trav el to Cornelius ( mon by the pastor. 11 a. n t., pro­ Mr. and Mrs. Louie Madden and won from Newberg by fo rfeit 1 0 1.660 N at l G u ard 0 1 .000 Sunday in w hat is expected to be Argus phetic Bible study and tarry, 3 p. ! daughters Mary Lee and Patricia 1 0 1.000 F a irw a y 0 1 .000 Games scheduled in the league S afew ay another good game. The locals have m., evangelistic service. 8 p. m. The I Ann of Portland spent Sunday Irelands. Safeway and the Argus this Sunday are as follows: Ver­ a good chance for the second half , Lord is blessing in service and at- ! with Mrs. Madden's parents. Floyd boort at Hillsboro, Sherwood at came through w ith victories T h u rs­ title and ask the w hole-hearted sup­ ' tendance. You are welcome. P rayer Karnes. Vernonia, Amity at Forest Grove day evening to open the second port of local fans. and praise service. Tuesday. 8 p. nt. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Anderson half of the local softball league and Carlton at Newberg. Aloha swamped Laurel 13 to 1 Services at the Shady Brook church, j and children of P ortland visited schedule. Irelands-Soda Works and R. H. E. and T ualatin snowed Cornelius u n ­ Thursday. 8 p. nt. Young People'« ; his parents. Mr. and Mrs O. F Hillsboro ------------ --------------------- 12 IS 3 A rgus-Fairw ay games w ere featu r­ der 23 to 3 in the only other games | meeting. Friday, 7:30. Several ques- ! Anderson. Sunday. S herw ood — — ............................. 10 14 2 ed by close scores, while Safeway played in the league Sunday. The ! tions from the question box have Mr and Mis. Cannipacker. Mr Don in a n d P e a v ille ; Reis beck. H ushes. walloped the G uardsm en 7 to 1. Gaston-Orenco and W illam ette-Ti­ | been assigned to several young H oes a n d Beekiei. ! and Mrs. L. T. Woodward and son Soda Works and Irelands w ere R. H. E. forced to tw o ex tra innings to gard games w ere postponed be­ : people to be answered, and w ill be Kenneth und Robert McCulloch of V erb oort ... 13 14 3 I discussed. Anyone ntay drop a ques- Orenco spent Sunday ut Avulon settle th eir diamond battle. The cause of hot w eather. V e rn o n ia » S 3 Games scheduled for this Sunday j tion in the box and the m eeting is park. S ah n o w a n d H e in r ic h ; Day an d T u r- hardw are company squad held a are as follows: Aloha at Willamette. open to everyone. Everyone is ask­ ple. Mr and Mrs J Haynes of P o rt­ 2 to 0 lead in the first half of the R. H. E. sixth frame, but the Soda Works L aurel at Gaston. T ualatin at T i­ ed to take part. W atch for date land visited at the L. T. Wood­ Carlton _____ — 9 11 3 gard and Orenco at Sherwood. of fellowship meeting. ward home Saturday F o re s t G rove — ------- ----- - 6 11 1 tallied three counters in its half of R. H E. Mr and Mrs Max May of Van- L y da, Z im m erm an a n d O 'L e a r y ; S to u t­ Baptist Church 0 i\,i- 1 !C \ isiti i Mr and Mi en h ere a n d F ry er. in the seventh, both squads scored Shvrwtxxl 5 4 Regular preaching services at the in the eighth and then Irelands ! C. B ra n d a n , Husky and R. B ran d a n . Pi-Hl- Sunday. 11 a. m. and 8 p. July 24. St. C hristopher; July 25. put over th e w inning ru n in the b ielan a n d W en n er. E. ¡church Ì R. H m. Don't forget the special m eet­ St Jam es tile G reater. Apostle and ninth. \ .4 IS 14 2 i ings beginning July 28. A group of Martyr; July 26. St. Anne, M oth­ Scoring rally in th e last half of I L a u rel ..................... 1 6 4 J u b itz a n d M cBreen . S c h rein er. Mejrer*#J Gideons from P ortland will have er o f the Virgin Mary. The Holy the final inning gave the A rgus a charge of the meetings. Everyone I Communion w ill be adm inistered j I’add'X'k a n d Zeigler. Headaches caused by constipation 12 to 11 victory over F airw ay in R. H. E. w elcom e—M. S Woodworth, pas­ : on Transfiguration Day. August 6; are gone after one dose of Adlerika an erratic game. The P rin ters took .......... 23 20 | preparatory service Sunday m urn- tor. This cleans poisons out of BOTH an early lead, but at the start of . 3 10 5 * ing. August 4 M o n tag u e a n d R eb e r; V an L o o and F in e- upper and lower bowels. Ends bad the last fram e Fairw ay led 7 to 6. Pilgrim House sleep, nervousness. — Delta Drug The grocers scored four runs in can. Methodist Episcopal Church Ju ly 21: Reception of rad io b ro ad ­ store.—Adv. th eir half of the inning. Seven hits cast of Dr. Frederick K Stamm, Church school, 9:45, Miss Rose and a w alk gave the A rgus six pastor of Clinton Avenue Congrega­ Cave, superintendent; divine w or­ tallies and the game. tional church. Brooklyn. N. Y . at ship. 11, “The Unchanging Christ;" Schedule for tonight (Thursday) M. E. Church (Bcihany) 9:30 a. m., followed by chapel evening service at 8. subject, "What is as follows: Irelands vs. Argus. On G erm antown road. Sunday south Ju n io r diamond; F airw ay v s., school every Sunday, 10 a. m.; Ger- service of worship. "Religion in the We Owe to Christ." You will re ­ National Guards. Hilhi field: and man service, 11 a. m., first a n d News" topics: "The L utheran Broth­ ceive a welcome at the Methodist Safeway vs. Soda Works, north th ird Sundays; English service. 11 erhood Indicts the Church," "Will church next Sunday. O ur church a. m., second and fourth S undays Lewis Browne's New Book Shock school has classes for all age groups. Ju n io r high diamond. —E. Ju liu s Traglio, pastor. tf You?,” "Was Fritz K reisler's Lie The services of worship at 11 and Justifiable?." Pastor Henry S. H al­ 8 will be held in this church. Rev First Church of Christ (Scientist) ler will speak on the topic. "The R. L. Putnam will lead the sing­ Services are held every Sunday Bishop's Candlesticks." a review ing next Sunday evening and con­ at 11 a. m.; Wednesday evening of the motion picture and Victor duct the opening part of the serv­ services at 8 o'clock; Sunday school Hugo's novel. "Les Miserables.” No ice. Rev. Reed will bring the mes­ F arm U nion at 11 a. m. Pupils up to the age evening chapel service until Sep­ sage. This arrangem ent has been (S econd H alf) of 20 years are welcomed. F r e e , tem ber. Ju ly 22: A nniversary of effected because of the absence of w L P et W L Pet reading room open on Wednesday» the sailing of the Pilgrim Fathers, the pastor of the church for the 2 2 .500 . C edar Mill . 3 1 .750, C arlto n K an. C ity -3 1 .760 V erb o o rt 1 3 .250 and Saturdays from 2 until 4 p. m. in 1620, in the Mayflower, f o r two following Sundays. — Charles America. O ther commemorations: M. Reed, pastor. L a u rel 2 2 .500 B u x to n - ......1 3 .250 Sunday's topic, “Life.” Cedar Mill and Kansas City con- tinued in a tie for th e leadershiD Tualatin Plains Presbyterian Church Delicious - Vitalizing of the Farm Union league Sunday • (Four m iles north of Hillsboro) Sunday services; Bible school at by defeating Carlton and Buxton, respectively. Kansas City was host 10:15; preaching at 11 a. m.; junior C. E. a t 11:20; C. E. at 8 p. m. to Buxton and took the visitors in- ; ORANGEADE to camp 7 to 6 C edar Mill trounced Women’s Missionary society, last C arlton 11 to 6. Laurel pulled u p , W ednesday of each m onth at 2 p From tree-ripened F ruit into a tie for second place by de- i m. Subject for next Sunday, " R e -. Ju st the thing for ligious Frontiers."—Rev. A. C ar­ feating V erboort 7 to 3. these w arm days. Games scheduled for this com- J rick. pastor. ing Sunday are as follows: Buxton Pint 5c - Quart 15c Banks M. E. Church at Verboort, L aurel at Carlton and 1 Sunday school every Sunday, Kansas City at C edar Mill. The Gallon 55c la tter contest is expected to be a j 9:45 a. m.. Mrs. H. Jensen, superin­ th riller as it brings together the I tendent. Preaching services b y Ellsworth Tilton, pastor, e v e r y two league leaders. CALL 4RX1 Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. Ladies' Aid meets first and th ird W ednes­ and have a bottle Officer Irus Well# of days at 2 p. m. a tf delivered to your Hillsboro Given Boost doorstep. Beaverton Church of Christ Sergeant A rt Tuck, head of the The young people combined their C entral Oregon division of the state 7 o'clock service w ith the 8 o'clock police, in a story appearing in the Redmond Spokesman, says ttyit an last Sunday evening and the serv ­ aw ard of m erit should go to Irus ice was enjoyed by all. We urge a Wells, the state policeman who full attendance at the Bible school controlled the vast C entral Oregon during the sum mer months and ask area alone, in th e absence of his all to not forget our attendance DAIRY brother officers on strike duty and goal. Services will be regular next Grade A kept crime at a negligible quantity Sunday with preaching morning Milk and Cream during those four weeks of solitary and evening by pastor. Bible school patrol. State Officer Wells is a Phone 4RX1 son of Mr. and Mrs. C harles E. Wells of Hillsboro and is a g rad ­ uate of Hillsboro schools. Second H a lf Local Ball League O p en s Dull Headaches Gone, Simple Remedy Does It CHURCHES 'anqc U IŒ Thurtulay, July OREGO F am i L oop Leaders to Clash on S u n d ay W. E Hunter Tuesday Mr. mid this week mid the outfit was m ov­ on Sutiriuy. Mont of the youngoi Mrs May w ere on their honey- ed to the llvhrmun farm Saturday propio of the community «pent »« moon Mrs May is u cousin of Mis Arlo McRoberts bought u Ford lorti«* part of the day nt J r n w n 't Nwiinnthifti pool. Hunter. coupe lust week The old horse burn on the Henry Miss Itertha Buford of Eddyville Itehrmmi farm is lieing lorn down visited her uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs, I. T Woodward Miss Buford in preparation for Hie election of a Stock Spray«, l.mglit school in D n - i i c o ( o r five modern new burn. Forms for mi a d ­ yeurs und is now teaching at Clul dition to the m udline shed have II ouhc Spray. been finished skanie. Bill Reuter, was quite ill Mon­ John Holniason. form er resident Spray« and Dn«t for of Orenco, is attending the Am- day, caused hy too much swimming (■arden Crop«. em ail Association of Nurserym en I at Cincinnati. Ohio He is giving I Sprayer«. an address on "The G rowing of F ruit Tree Fiddlings" July 17 Lawn Morcrop Rev George T P ratt of Spokane! Phone 963 : llillaboro Lawn Ammonia Sul­ and Mr and Mrs. C. G riffin of FUNERAL DlltECTOltS Vancouver. W ash, visited Mr und phate. «11(1 Mrs. I. T. Woodward lust week 1 LICKNSKD LMIIAl.Mni.S Poultry Salta. Mr and Mrs G riffin w ere former teachers al the Orenco school. Poultry Remedie«. Mr and Mrs George 1) G arratt [ of Portland and Mrs llarre lta An-i derson of South Pasadena. Cal . vis I ited Mrs Anderson's sister, Mrs. S. (Venetian ticket, John S in ­ L. Carlyle. Sunday alternoon and clair. Iti 3. Hillsboro) then went to Forest Grove, w here Feed • «reti - Wool anil Poultry Mrs. Anderson will visit this week K very thing in ln»ur»ii<'« Mr and Mrs l.iehert. M A Alt- Telephone 3061 Phene 17tl ISS2 WaxhlnKton stadt und Mr. and Mrs E Altstndt ♦ of Portland visited Mr. and Mrs 4- Gail Karns Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Tom Williams of Portland visited at the Lome Csei gei home Sunday. Mr and Mrs Louie Madden and daughters Mary Lee and Putrlclu a A B O R T IO N in y o u r cow s and o th e r live d to ck Ann of Portland visited Mrs Mad den's parents, Mr. and Mrs Floyd can be p re v e n te d by re m o v in g the cause Karns. Sunday. Mr and Mrs Eugene Anderson • S U P R E M E M IN E R A L F O O D C O M P O U N D w ill and children of Portland spent Sunday at the () E Anderson rem ove th e p rim a ry cause o f n in e ty p e r c e n t o f home. A b o rtio n in d a iry c a ttle and o th e r live sto ck. Mr. and Mrs B A Mitchell spent the week-end with friends in • S U P R E M E M IN E R A L E O O D C O M P O U N D w ill the Mt Hood area a id m e ta b o lis m and d ig e stio n , increase m ilk flo w W C. Wilcox from Ontario. C an. A. E Wilcox from Bryicelyn. Minn . a m i decrease fe e d in g costs w hen used re g u la rly . spent a week with their cousin. M O. Anderson They w ere eluted • S U P R E M E P O U L T R Y M ASIIE-S. o r D a iry Feeds w ith the scenery of Oregon containini SUPREME MINERAL FOOD COM Richard l.aysen of Portland Is helping as a clerk at Beck's gro­ P O U N D , w ill increase egg p ro d u c tio n , g ive it c le a re r, cery und gus station for a few fir m e r w h ite , a b e tte r co lo re d y o lk and add a t least weeks. a y e a r to th e p ro d u c tio n life o f y o u r flo c k . Mrs. Georgi1 Person attended a postmasters' dinner and meeting at • S U P R E M E M IN E R A L F O O D C O M P O U N D and the basement of the Hillsboro M eth­ odist church Maahea containing si PREME MINERAL FOOD Mr and Mrs. Walluee Person and C O M P O U N D a rt1 d is trib u te d by In d e p e n d e n t daughter M arjorie and Mrs. Jake B atch M ix e rs w ho are m em bers o f y o u r c o m m u n ity . Miller of Pum pkin Ridge visited at the George Person home Mon- He gives you m ore va lu e fo r y o u r feed d o lla r th a n it da) is possible to secure fro m feeds sh ip p e d fro m outside K atherine and Camille Goodman. p oints. A lso— his feeds ¡ire a lw a y s fre s h ly g ro u n d Dorothy mid Louise Parks, Mr. und Mrs D G o o d n i u n , Mrs Jack llamel. a m i fre s h ly m ixe d w h ic h adds to th e fe e d in g va lu e Mrs. Ered Hamel and daughter o f a n y m ash. Bonnie of Orenco. Mr mid Mrs. Frank Hathaway of Portland spent m sTH inuT oas Sunday at Halm Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Peterson and E. B. ANDERSON & SON children spent one day last week H ills b o r o W a r e h o u s e E le c tr ic D e p o t P h oae 1942 at the George Person home. D onelson Ö0 Sewell RUSH LOW STOP A B O R T IO N LOSSES! BETHANY STORE S o u th T p alatin to H o ld Picnic Sunday FARMERS FEED A SUPPLY CO. TorrM Grove Johnson Picnic meeting of the South Tualatin club scheduled for Sunday at the Emil Brock farm promises to he quite interesting for those attending Games, including baseball, horseshoe* pitching and races are on the list, besides the m ajor interest, the basket lunch dinner at noon. Friends of the club are invited and a full basket is the only admission. Emil Brock and Newt Johnson completed their barley threshing ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a Corwin Hardware FISH DERBY Prize Winner for I. a nt Week Longest Trout caught by J W. ROZELLE of Hillsboro 15-niclt 'I'l’init Watch This Spare for the Week's Derby Winner! ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a FIR G R O V E Just a o ld Turkish custom "H a v e you had y o u r w a te r to d a y ? " i t a fa m ilia r chant in C onstantinople w here ven­ dors m ake a livin g b y selling w a te r on the city streets. This instance is a striking e xa m p le o f the d iffe re n c e b etw een w a te r and w afer service. In re n d e rin g w a te r service, yo ur com pany spares no e ffo rt to see th a t you have w a te r a t the turn o f the fa u c e t— w henever you w a n t it, a t sufficient pressure, and in w h a t­ ever q u a n tity you desire. O R E G O N -W A SH IN G T O N WATER SERVICE COMPANY R. E. Wiley, local m anager No, It isn’t a shipwreck— it ’s a HILLSBORO BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY B O R R O W IN G U n d e r the N ational H o u sin g A ct BEAUTY SHOPS I S G O O D B U S IN E S S NORGE HOMEMAKERS' MATINEE U nder the term s of the National Housing Act your repaym ents of the loan are spread over a long period and you are able to repay your loan out of your income. oney so spent makes your home more rable, and your property more valuable. C o-operating with the Governm ent this bank is accepting applications for loans under this act. C om m ercial N ational Bank ‘"ITie Largest Independent Bank in Washington County” Hillsboro Oregoa PHYSICIAN EVE’S BEAUTY SHOP Oeneral Beauty Work Borrowing money under the National Housing A ct with which to m ake needed repairs on your home and m odern im provem ents th a t will add to the comfort and happiness of your fam ily, is a good investment. The money you spend fo r repairs a n d im­ provem ents on y o u r home adds to your cap­ ital and protects your capital in v e s tm e n t— which is good business. F arm ers’ C ash S tore I GREEN SPO T / Irt, 1938 d ic t io n a r y with an all-talking Moving Picture and a Cooking School . . « sa y s: Prescription "A physician’s form ula for compounding and adm inistering a m edi­ cine.” Your physician’s pres­ cription receives t h e most cautious attention by our pharm acal ex­ perts. KRAMIFN'S Palm D ru g S tore Prescription Druggists Phone 266 Recipe« Meal Planning Inferior Decorating Diets. . . Etiquette One day only! FREE M a ti­ nee, featuring an unusual cooking school and a short course in Interior Decorat­ ing. Special recipe cards fo r all who attend. Infor­ mation on diets, etiquette, meal planning and other phases of homemaking. We Invite everyone to attend this instructive and entertain­ ing show. at Hillsboro Pharmacy Sanitnry Beauty Shop DR. D. E. WILEY, M. D. All kinds of neauty Work Physician and Surgeon PERMANENT8 a specialty Telephone 1471 W E II/g APARTMENTS Mabel Schendel Wells Building Telephonea Renldenre 2«R1 Office 2fiR2 D E N T IS T S GARBAGE DR. RALPH DRESSER Dentist COLLECTION G arbage Collection AND CANS Commercial Building Telephone 144 Evenings, flundera hr Appointment D. P. CORRIERI INSURANCE RURItER STAMPS GEORGE T. McGRATH Waehlnsten Conner Arenrlaa INSURANCE HKRVICE Telephone 2325 nilY Phone t i l l Per Informellen from Hlll.horo ekent Dlrerterr YOUR RUBBER STAMPS P in t National Rank Rnlldlns Lester Ire la n d & Company and SURKKON X-Rer end Phr.lo Th.repr Commerdal National Hank (lids. Telephonea Office 3291 Kceldrare TS17. Telephone 13R1X 2 P.M. - Tuesday, July 23 * Venetian Theater A. O. PITMAN. M. D. PHYSICIAN Permanente end ell kind, of beauty work. Helen Kerr, noted lecturer, rsdio broedcaiter and author of arti­ cles on home decoration, will conduct the Matinee. AND SURGEON er HILLSBORO ARGUS lie ASrerlliere »11 The Arane lit i