H IL L S B O R O Page Six ARGUS, H IL L S B O R O . Thursday, July 18, It)36 OREGQN ! Mrs P erry llstchelar and daugh- day Shs and th s children will vis­ i tors. Mr and Mrs Dule Batchelar it h sr mother. Mrs G K sndsll. at : and daughter. Vlctur and Alvin G rants Pass Wayne has a position ; assisting a brother-in-law . C. W 1 w t e TA I • Batchelar. Mrs M argaret Batchelar Sinniger. In h it sheet metal shop llbboro. Dulcy Bush wld and i * I U U I O Mr H gnd Mrg Mrs Mgrrltt Jackaon Miss Clara Shook Is til w ith scat - 1 ___ ! daughter. let fever as Is also Mr and Mrs | . . . r- • ■ r- Miss M artan C ypher of Lewiston, H e lv e tia R ep o rts D a m a g e to Fred Meyer's baby son. D e m o n s tr a tio n F rid a y E ve; Idaho, Is visiting a week with her Mrs Henry Versteeg and son I R eu n io n at J a c k so n H o m e parents. Mr and Mrs 1. R Cypher S p rin g C ro p s, B erries Donald visited her Invalid sum . _____ I She will retu rn to Lewtston Sun- Mrs George Hizely. at M ilwaukie i ' day Sunday (B y Mrs. John M. D avidson) illy N orth r ia lt i. P. T. A ) NORTH PLAINS The C hurch of HELVETIA — The intense heat Mr. and Mrs. Gury Stoutenberg over the w eek-end caused several , and daughter G eraldine visited th e ' Christ at North Plains is holding cases oi heal Drostration among H. Versteeg family Friday. G erald- I a daily - - vacation Bible school with who bad t , b in th8 (B y M r. ¿.II U. B tru th sr.) “ J , d<£ , u ine rem ained till Sunday evening I an attendance betw een thirty and Mr and Mrs C. W Struthers. Mr and Mrs. Earl Shipley and I _T h® . 2 ? d‘' t . ™US!5 , , , s_riM cr* and h.,rric , SPr a " V r n e , X h d r £ son Averv Lee of Forest G ro v e ! r ^*vth,n ^a,n^ Bible drill, m em ory| K enneth S truthers and Gayford Wednesday afternoon |ju , ¿ ushcs ¿ „ urd;nh a(u^ visited E G Heaton Sunday morn- dril1' dram atization, verse finding, missionary study and hand work Oregon City niH)n on th e east ,h of th e c tag. Guest speakers last week were Sophia Olson and daughter £ K orn Diace lt was 105 decrees “ a s? MCan ° f Ti; lT , OOkiT eddy T eu v it't' an d ' M r s '" F.hneZ rs A F b Morrison of Aber Aber- | „ M . " 7 The" The sehotd , chool 'w waa inv,ted "t3 t0 Mr * , (lne ’ * ' and M Mrs a.s''invited Mrs Anderson, Dr Earl An brood sow , ha, di(?d deen. Idaho, were guests of th e ir , glvc , denu,nstraUon a, the c.ales a»d Mr. and Mrs a pen w here there was plenty of 1 slste5 ' * irs ,he Creek C hristian church Tuesday Elmer Anderson and fumlly and F * w eek-end and attended the B ryan ] p r ld a v e v e n in g th e s. ho.,1 M r and Mrs Jergen Anderson, all | reunion and picnic at the Pleasant w |„ c „ d'emonatra",lon in the Portland r - .l.l.—l— n i.th a ,« \ liiu C i'li.i.t l 11 . V t I e » ' » u n . ! lv A I.- « s .. ... j » i eicoraics n in n o a y ytew school house Sunday Mr | local "chureh w ith"« display of the Mr «ml Mrs Lester Robinson of Mr and Mrs. John Pubols en- Jones brother-in-law and sister, handw ork and rew ards (or out- Portland w ere w eek-end guests at ‘‘■rtained w ith a party for their Mr. and Mrs C harles Rees , of Port- .. standing gtanding work (or personal achieve the S ................... truthers home. .. daughter Jean, the occasion being land, attended the the reunion ret and — — me„, Berry picking has been cut short her eighth birthday anniversary w ere later guests at the Jonas _ . here due to the intense heat. Guests were the m em bers of the home. About 60 relatives w ere here Ernest Uunger returned Thurs- Mr and Mrs E D Hite und son ' day from a motor trip up in C an­ Rainbow club. Sunday Ernest visited two days last week Mrs Levernz will entertain the Tom Twig left early Monday i ada. o. ...... w ith *»«• Mr • Hite's brother at Aber- RainbowJC 2 ub_?ni .ihe,.B“ e\ . R'?S‘'r! morning (or the harvest field, in SI“ i, w rekw -n7ut’nL“nnton.Mthe dtfen' W ,sh spent the club Friday at her home at W est' eastern Oregon, b M C w Struthers, of Mr. ScoUv "sUaum . . r" K „ ........... .. o r i o o ’ i th n e e t r . E,1*“baM> tpi, M . .. r u .s n u n d . “ . ni1 Union o u i i v , I Ernest G uenther and fam ily at- guests Stigiini who enneth Struthers Jean Harold Puboll" m** P ortland“ " ' ^ m “**“ V'" hreU*?‘,?n oi ,he has been’ x .siting his’ uncle, return « « GE Yn " R « ,Cd Mf “ " d n a ra ia in r u r u a n a tnis Meyers fam ily at the Albany city home with them Mrs ® R ucker nt Buxton Sun- W ^ a n k K a u fm a n s u ffe r e d fr o m « ' Mr and Mrs. J H Davis, Put- day Mr “nd shgh“^ ^ i k ““ i?fa^ r a Ul v ^ iended, Gu^ ' ther s m other was nek Davis and son Ronald drove t o ; W“‘L ‘ ¡«YKv Gardner. Slignt stroke or paralysis w hile vis- form erly Miss Myers. N o r th B o n n e v ille S a t u r d a y to v i s W l'» fr e d G ardner and Helen Brook tttng in Helvetia Sunday. Lawrence a„ d M , ^ \ ^ h‘“rrd^ v!? of Jennings Lodge spent Friday I;1"®, 111 rie.vewa ounuay. Mr air Lawrence Tatm la tin a an n left left the the ftrat first of ol K aufman accompanied Mr and Mrs last week for Eastern , , , Oregon, J re? ° n' Davis and Pat returned home the ut 1 W Struthers ed in the har- day and Mrs o avig and Ron- I " me London. s ald w iu stay for a wcck s vlslt ---------------------- - accompanied Mr and North Plains baseball team had a Among Leaders oitland on a tu p t o : plcnle at Balm Grove Sunduy be- According to Ralph W Fullerton. served to the honor District Manager of the Equitable Belle Lilly, Mrs. Life of New York for this te rri­ Mrs. John Pidcock. tory, L T M cPheeters of Hillsboro Mrs. V. French, ,as among the leaders in lives In­ the hostess. sured for Ju n e Mrs. Charles . . — ------- - ..... ----- — — ----------------- „ . . . - -----------------_ ------- ---- --- ter Ju n e of Redmond were guests J. H Aten attended Ruby Rebekan o a tu ra a j ana is im proving at this tim ber made into eordwood. Blasser's sister. Mrs. C arl C hrlsten- last week of M rs Wells' mother, lodge at Scholls Ju ly 10. wnUng. XIrs. Lena Meyers and Raymond er. and family Mrs. Joseph Cochran, and family. Mrs. Adams Buried * * ° aI?d " U n te r Hofer. H arry and Norma Meyers accompanied by Mrs Siskapoose of N ewberg v is­ Mr. and Mrs. R. Russell and Mrs. Esther Adams, who was re- , ad^5jSf , r a? d, . Davidson Miss Lillie Brown of Laurel vis- ited Mr and Mrs. S A. Mulkey daughter of California have been ported as very ill, died at her home v u lted Mr- a" d rsj Si^ e r\ ®oren- ded Mr. and Mrs. Leo Sausbauer last week Mr. and Mrs Mulkey guests of Mr. Russell's mother, M rs m Sherwood Thursday and was ®en at , sland Sunday. Mr at Aloha Sunday. celebruted the Fourth at McMinn­ Edna Russell, and his grandm oth- buried from the Methodist church gorensen is helping his father, Ben A rthur Hill s hay baling outfit ville er, Mrs. M. Edson. there Saturday afternoon. A num- borensen. fish for salmon w ith finished this year's run Friday. It Wilma McKnight of Orenco Is Miss Lucille Schultz is employed ber from here attended the services. ncJ? was shorter than usual. visiting at the W J. Troutm an Mrs. Adams was a sister of George . . ' “ r and Mrs. David Tschabold a scavenger hunt was enjoyed in Portland. ,a.n d oIr^ Abr Voungen, Mr by " th 7 M ^ n U in T o p cK ^ ch T h u r 7 1 “J h i . r “ 1'" '1“ ’*' ‘hC Move to County Seat Hawley and Mrs. H attie Lawler. „ „ „ „ of aireetors . and Mrs. Robert \ oungen. Bobbie day evening at the Ernest G uenther '' Mr. and Mrs. John Snyder have Kinton school board Reunion Held moved to Hillsboro. met at the school Friday evening t o 1 a , •'ean * oungen attended the home. Mrs. Hiille Tykeson and A family gathering and picnic Mrs. H Boge of L aurel is a consider m atters s connected with ...... stiver wedding anniversary i „ of Mr. . i George Zeigler's side won firs t was held the M erritt Jackson guest of her daughter, Mrs. Arnold the building repairs. add Mrs. John Boeckli of Brooks K enneth Whitmore returned to home last at Sunday. Present were Gnos, and family. The annual sum mer assembly ol , Sunday. his w ork on the William Neuen- Mr and Mrs. F rank Bush and Miss Phyllis C hristener of North the Oregon-W ashington conference L iaSence v and. ,, arP Bader,schel' schw ander farm Monday m orning daughters Marcella and Mildred of Plains was a guest of Miss Helene of the Evangelical churches, w ill V:^ ed jo h n ^ D a v id s o n 'V0.'! ? “ ,#t hdI? e, helP’ Independence. Independence. Mr Mr and and Mrs Mrs. Ken- Ken Shaw last week. convene at Jennm gs Lodge, from mg his father. Clayton Whitmore. n ethPKca of P errydale. Mr and Dan B arrett and W alter Wilfley July 24 to August 2. Meetings will “ n u u a u g n it r L iuena reiu rn ea from w ith the sum m ers work. | returned last week from an ex- be in charge of Bishop E W. Prae- '' ea? ^ lo rt" ; Mr. and Mrs. Clayton W hitmore MEN HUNGER LOR THIS KIND torius. D. D . of Minneapolis, Minn. enad the beiry picking season. and sons Bruce and Wallace, ac- tended Eastern Oregon trip It is expected a few from the local , , a d , M rs. Ernest Zurcher and companied by Mr. and Mrs. W il-. Just lately three veteran preach- Fern Hill Has Picnic Fern Hill community held Its church will attend some of t h e ' , , r' Elm er Batch- u am N euenschwander and children ®,rs have had their nights on the annual picnic Sunday in A. Dun- meetings All interested in relig- Y d er- ™rs- ,,u da Lonnell and Jean Jerry and Verlaine, visited Mr. and ~ nl0,n Gospel Mission program, calf's woods. ious training at this summer school , n May Hudson a n d Mrs. Bill Hoodenpyle at Arcade Portland Aged fr ° m * ve’1,y ,0 Mrs. Emma B ryant o f Forest are urged to be present Reserva- V0}11*®., Gruzen picnicked at the Sunday. eighty-five years and full of vigor. Grove visited Mrs. Lloyd Shaw tions for tents and meals, can be ¿ d _ii_50nne c°ttag e at Meacham jj r . and Mrs. J R. Haynes and ,o bv koo** insurance and son, John Allan, Wednesday of made through C. P. Gates, district Sunday_ baby son of Banks and h er father, risks in spite of the long pilgrim last week. superintendent, who will be on the , Davidson attended the 4-H John Hutchens, visited Mr. and age One of the men who comes in from off the street tells why these Miss Myra Weidewitsch attended grounds. Slub nje«ung at th e Fred Jossy Mrs. B. F. Deford Sunday, a picnic at Tigard Monday eve- Rev. Virgil Speece, pastor of the flo.n\e y groups are con-1 Miss W anda Finigan left Sunday tbrec and their kind are at the day, 12,000 per year; the m urder | met home. Mrs. A lbert Bunning o f years, the m ercury went to 1051 received a new deck T" / a T ualatin riv er Sunday. rate increased 350 per cent since P ortland entertained t h e Ladies' both days. Showers early Monday making it again safe fo r t r a f f ic I L auren Haynes accompanied his 1890; a crim e rate of 15 billions Aid of the Lutheran church at her cooled the air off and made it a Saturday Elmer and W alter Whit brother- C harles Haynes, on a fish- per year or over $2.00 a week for iiitle more comfortable more t h e ¿ d th e bHdge ^ b ln * triP 16 ™ lcs UP the Wilson every man, woman and child; an home Wednesday. Jack and Je rry VanLom w ere Riffles on F red A m cker s place siashed the brush along t gc rJQad, river Saturday and Sunday. They army of alm ost 500,000 crim inals hosts Thursday . evening to t h e was weB attended during the hot between the "U" tu rn bv the O tto cab8ht three Chinook and three at large, 183,000 divorces (or one young people s club of the St wave and many enjoyed swimming O r n d u ff fa rm an d th 2 ' i ° jack salmon year or one for every five m ar­ A lexander cnurch at the home of in the cool waters of the Tualatin k rm e /lv “'h ? 'C a r l'S k e le to n d ace Mr and Mrs J E- Blazer Mr riages; 50 pet cent of the children their parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. ?,b^ r KaVae .° L the Lord s Supper This st/ ip of road has been a P“ ®«. and Mrs Ira G McCormick. Mrs brought into the courts in one city VanLom. Twelve guests enjoyed re will be held at the services Sunday ance to travel as it is full of blind A F : Fuchs and Patsy Fuchs, Misses from homes of divorced parents. freshm ent and games. The group morning and Rev. Good of Port- turns when the brush is high Gloria Hoffman and Marie and And so America speeds up to plans to hold a picnic at Rippling land w ill be present and conduct There have been a num ber of a c - :JuIia Fuchs. and Hodson McCor- join "the nations that forgot God;' W aters August 11. the meeting. cidents and many narrow escaDt-s mick were Joined bY Mr. and Mrs hopeless unless you and I gird up Miss Frances Gnos and Mrs. Mat- Mr. and Mrs. H. J Valentine there. I J- A. York. Lois Gordon, K enneth and give th e Message out among tie Smith visited Rev. and Mrs. H .! were in Hillsboro Saturday. Mrs. Jam es McMillan and daugh- and Donald York of Reedvllle, Mr. the people R. Scheuerm an and fam ily at V e r-, Ice cream social, w hich was to ter Clarisse of Neskowin spent last and Mrs John York Mr. and Mrs This message—"Believe on the nonia last week. j have been held this Friday evening week with th eir m other and grand- Way and Duncan York of Reed- Lord Jesus C hrist and thou shall Buddy B arnes Celebrates at the church, has been indefinitely mother. Mrs. E. P Sm ith vlUe at 8 P*onic and swimming be saved" and "N either Is there Buddy Barnes celebrated h i s postponed, as m em bers of the aid Prof C. A. H ubbard of P U at Pa rty at H irter's Beach Sunday salvation in any other: for there is eighth birthday anniversary at his are on th eir vacations. The time Forest Grove was "aV the'F F Hnff ! Mrs. Clara Wohlschlegel, who has none other name under heaven home Saturday. Guests w ere Rob- will be announced in this column a man farm j ujv j, , 2 and i3 H been staying at the Finigan home, given among men w hereby we must ert LaFollette. Frank Peabody, little later. ls m akjng a collection of specimen “ iU at the home of her daughter, be saved."—George N. Taylor, Beav- aack and Jerry C artw right Richard Mrs. A lbert Mills and three chil- of fleas h iv in g already ^ e r 10G Mrs. L. I. Hulit, at Newberg , erton. Paid Adv Ringle, Duane Olaney and Donald dren of Tillamook spent a few days different k in d s H e L » « __________________________ ________________ DwyeF last w eek * ith Mr 8dd Bdb« t off o ' f i e W here 8 « * 8 H oh Naomi Turk Honored Pomeroy. They returned home the bard acco m n ^ied h?in b’ L ittle Naomi Turk celebrated her last of the week - cton}Pap ied him Thursday first birthday anniversary at her Mrs. W alter Van Kleek, Mrs. J Miss June ^Fokom »nd home Friday. A family dinner was C. Snider and son Lester, all of M rs D WH McInnis a t ^ e d c o H e enjoyed Beaverton, but form er local rest- (Thursday evening Reedville Miss Myra Weidewitsch attended dents, visited old neighbors and Wayne J a m e s tnnlr » in »d Howard H anns of K am a. City. Kan., have been guests at the George Feldm an home Returns from East Miss Lucille H einrich recently; returned home from two years teaching in North Dakota Psrm ley Station Painted ‘ Dad's Station. ‘ the Shell service C o r n e liu s P e o p le O b s e r v e station owned by J. C. Psrmley. B ir th d a y s D u rin g W e e k was repainted Monday. Porch Added (Ry Mis* Dorothy Cooks) A new porch has been added to Alexander CORNELIUS—Mrs Jack- . . a v .n o v Ashley „-n von at i :t,” irdnt ,be St son entertained Friday afternoon at church „ her home for the birthday a n n i-! Elmer Tilden and children Dor- ven»rlM of M r. la.ura Js ck so n .; othj.• and Dlcky of P or.land spent Mrs. Martha Mann and Mrs. " A las, Monday in L ornelius Goodin. A pink color scheme was Mr and Mrs W R Cooke spent used and a dainty luncheon was par, of the week in Portland, where served. Guests included the hon- Mr Cixike w as u n d e r doctor s care or guests, and Mesdames» K A Kemodcl B ernard More Jones. J Wilfley. George Wilcox The interior of the J. C Bernard A. L. Brick Kay Shaw Mattie grocery store has recently been re- Smith, and the hostess and son modeled. Jimm y. Mrs. Frank Im bne of Hillsboro Woodcraft to Picnic and sister. Mrs. Joe Hunt, of ta l l- Neighbors of Woodcraft have de- fornia visited Mr. and Mrs W A cided on August 4 for their an- Goodin. and Mrs. M D Mann July nual picnic at Rippling Waters. 9 , j r ... Mrs. Gnos Hostess Mrs. A J Oliver and Franklin M r . u r n . s e n te r ta in e d W e d n e s - i Visited Mrs Oliver's sister-in-law dav evenins m honor of the b ir th - 1 “l Portland last Monday. day annh‘e ? J ? y oi' AnUoneHe V an-i Mr and Mrs Russell Dwyer and D arlene and Donald spent oudenhagen. Present were the hon1 children or guest. Mr. and Mrs. J. Vanou- the w eek-end at the coast J C. Parm lcy left Monday for an denhagen and family, and Mr. and indefinite visit w ith his brother. Mrs Arnold Gnos and family. J. Parm ley of Canby. Glen Smith has returned to his home here after being employ ed at Vancouver for sometime. B irthdays Celebrated (Br Mrs. E. L. Coal Mrs. Ray Shaw, president of the epairs are progressing rapidly Ladies' Aid, entertained Wednesday the school house It is being Bible School Heat Causes Prostrations Mrs. Jackson Party Hostess r\n rth Hiilin*» Hiteon Snhsorlhs for Ilia Argus Rites Held Tuesday for Mrs. S. Garber Funeral services for Mrs Sarah Jane Garber. 7t). of Beaverton route 2. who died here Saturday e v e nlng. were conducted at the Donel- son A Sewell chapel Tuesday aft m noon with Km w ii -'u official lug Interm ent was at the Hillsboro I o O F e e iiie to i \ Mrs G arber was born February lt), 1809, In Minnesota She had been III for tw o years prior to her death and had been in the hospital two weeks. She Is survived by the widower. Samuel G arber of Beaverton route 2. by u son. Frank C. White of Hillsboro, and by four daughters. Mrs. Nellie Osborne of Minnesota. Mrs. Lottie Fills of Montana, and Mrs. H arriet Park und Mrs Lida duty, both of Hillsboro Credit Bureaus (lneorporatedl C ollretiuna — C re d it Reports 111 Washington. Tillamook, Yamhill, Polk mid Marlon Counties. Personal Contact on Collections W ash ing ton C ounty O ffice Don't let the extra pound« of heavy clothes get you down Dress to keep comfortable H om e Luundry's Special Cleaning Prove««, at current saving«, make« it possible for all men to be Immneulute and cool In sum mer-weight suits. < Venetian ticket. Adolph Bad- ertscher, Rt 1. Hillsboro) C o m m er cia l B u ild in g Kinton KEEP Comfortable Second and Main Streets PlMine 3071 Hillsboro, Oregon STOM ACH U LC ER S Home Laundry & Dry Cleaners Gns Pains and Indigestion victims, ; why suffer’ For quick relief from ' T c lrp h o ite 47 stomach distress due to excess acid. gel * free sample of the t'dga Treatm ent, a doctor's prescription at the Hillsboro Pharm acy Adv. 1 Hillsboro. Ore. Hillsboro Merchants Join in Extending to James A. Whitelaw and ! Hillsboro M otor Co p « „ c „ S . , , „ Sun- « e n d , * M r. Mnnn ll .n .u .d .n S iV ib T e n iS T h lX ,ly o ? S I ’g ^ l S 2 «i G‘ °r“ bir,h d a-v anniversary of Mrs. itors of Mrs. McCormick's mother. Mr and M rs W -iv n e M n»« and M. D. Mann was observed Sunday Mrs. Lilly M. Bierly. Mrs. Bierly TOns left for Southern O r « n n «t?„ w ith a family dinner at Gales and granddaughter. Miss Grace ronS left for Southe™ Oregon Sun- Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mann ( McCormick, who visited here, r e - — and Barbara Jane of Portland. Mr. turned to Hillsboro w ith Mrs. Me- =ZJ------------ ~ r - - ■ and Mrs. William Mann and Lu- i Cormick Monday m orning for a, cille and Priscilla. Mr and_ Mrs j short stay. Lester Mooberry, Mrs. Mattie Smith and the honor guest, all of Cor­ To Make License Tests nelius, enjoyed the time together. M artin Redding, exam iner of op­ Mrs. Alice Berger and Miss Oleva erators and chauffeurs, will be in and Mrs. Geneva Robinette vis­ Hillsboro Tuesday and Wednesday, ited in McMinnville Wednesday. Ju ly 23 and 24, at the court house Miss Edith Feldm an of Sydney, _____ __ from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. Tuesday, Alaska, a niece of Mr. and Mrs. J and from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Wed- ! George Feldman, and Mr. and Mrs. j nesday. Full Length Full Strength heartiest congratulations on their new quarters at 324 East Main Street. We wish them continued success in F"""c>vCi^ Hillsboro-the Friendly City BRAKE TESTING A FREE TICKET thru Treated Against Destruction by Insects D o n ’t T a k e C h a n ce« W ith F a u lty B rak e« $ Itr your summer trip EAST iT To include California costs n o tlrm o re fare than to #go directly East and back on your summer roundtrip a to most points). Literally a free ticket thru San Fran- A ’ Cisco and Los Angeles! The San Diego Exposition can be W Included as an inexpensive sidetrip. You’ll go in cool com­ fort; all types o f accommodations are air-conditioned on our J leading trains. Examples o f low summer roundtrips Ease fa i- JF cl Roundtrip: Coach CHICAGO . *57.35 NEW YORK *95.75* Tourist Standard • 68.80 *107.20* * 86.00 *124.40* *41-day roturn limit. October 31 lim it slightly higher. Coach/aret good in coaches an J chair cars. I „uristfare! good in Tourist Pullmans tpius berth). Standard fares good in a ll accommodations (plus Pullman c barges). P S J s S o u th e rn P acific / j J w H. D. OLSEN Agent P hone 621 Jr J Let us test them, re-line them a n d make them ' thoroughly dependable. Modern, high-speed traf- f i c demands efficien t brakes for safety. Busch’s Service Garage 126 8. T hird Ave. Busch’s Super Service Station Place Your Twine Order Now order for binder twine, if placed now, will Y OUR greatly help us to give you better service. Come in and tell us how much twine you will need. F’igure your order on the number of acres you expect to har­ vest, estimating that it will take about 2 pounds of twine per acre. This will enable us to get your order into the Har­ vester Company early, and will protect you in case we should order short of the local demand. Also, if we have the binder twine business settled early, we will be able to give you better and faster emergency machine repair service at the busy season if you need it in a hurry. Help yourself to better servic by ordering your twine now 1 C orner T hird and Baseline j (Venetian ticket, F. Abendroth, Hillsboro) i Phone 501 A. H. Busch, Prop. HILLSBORO FEED CO Phone 271 160 W. Main St. Bristol Hardware Co. Hillsboro Meat Co. Busch’s Service Stations Hillsboro Pharmacy Cady Motor Co. Ihle’s Better Shoes The C. C. Store Imperial Cafe J. W. Copeland Yards Kramien’s Palm Drug Store Coslett’s Bar-B-Q Mackenzie Motor Co. Commercial National Bank The Men’s Shop Curry’s Grocery Perfection Bakery The Delta Drug Store Portland Gen. Electric Co. Fairway Market Royal Soda Works Fred’s Superior Market Safeway Store Goar’s Woman’s Shop Sprouse-Reitz Co. Hillsboro Argus Well’s Department Store Hillsboro Cash Grocery Wilma s Confectionery Home Laundry, Dry Cleaners Venetian Theatre ** ” ^ * * < « H r S U c t r i M V V V g j r . '♦ ■y T T V T P F T X W r r y w i l