H IL L S B O R O Page Four A Good Citizen Passes inUsbonj^Argus With Which la Coaabiac4 tha Hldahoro Independent ■IU Former Teacher Y it»— Social Neivs of Dr. W iley Takes Special Bet'dar of Seaside Mrs Wright tin v J ilS tO Il D O y S 1 xlC Mrs Clark Jones < Rather Chase) Medical Study at U. of W. derw ent • tonsil operation white • W -a o li I V I . . l,f Long H.-ueli, Cat., win n guert i n uz,, . Local Folk and her daughter was here, with Dr H 1,1 A X s lM l IV lO IH l« l\ -.lav ol Mi Kll/abeth Abraham. „ ’ „W1 y . ‘t1* I D. Huggins operating. I (C.wU.wd fox. w '¡ M i s s Tennessee W entherred amt ‘ • » ‘•"■Ion course Ill the way of leotunw at clinics Their Friends Mrs. G ertrude Ray Harper. her s ,“’r,ff J w Connell, Deputy other friends. Mrs Jones was n al the University of Washington I n The death of Judge J. W Goodin ended an active public career of a man, who probably had as much to do with the building and developm ent of this county as it ever falls to the lot of any individual man. He served his community and coun­ try well and through his public service and personal qualities m ade hosts o f friends throughout the county, who m ourn llis loss " _ . . . Judge Good.n was a pioneer in the good roads movement and is credited With having much to do with developing the present system of graveled roads. A fen- ture w riter in the Argus of March 11. 1926, has the following to Say in this re- spect: “On the road question Judge Good- 111 has alw avs been j progressive enough to • i y .it i ' c r n w u y ii u keep a mere pace or SO ahead Ot the de- velopment. In all probability this farsight- edness is a t le a s t n a r ti- illv " re s p o n sib le f o r v d l B s s is . II R . 1st p a r t i a l l y ItS p o n s lD lf XOt the pre>dlt system ot good roads ill \\ ash- iugton county. Continually he used every ounce of influence his office and personal­ ity bore to impress the need of better roads on the taxpayer. He says himself, th at back in 1906 he saw the dav when the horse-draw n vehicle would practically H i s q n n a i r trom f e n n , the t h o roads. e.r-iria And i „ , l in its ita place disappeat would come the autom obile, which would mean a hard surfaced or m acadam road. file -------- daughter and Mrs. Alonzo C revk-j l,u,‘r-v Johnson. State Officer Wal ' mem ber of tile high school faculty this work II»' left Sunday and will Mi and Mrs O Phelps and eons I“ “«» l,f P»rtland. and Mrs John I ‘f Jl»df“-ld uiul Coroner Fred several years ago Mi and Mrs return Saturday Hud and Vince have been vacation- Rosene of Seattle w eie calling on i *“ *•" .. , . Jones and little son Clink J r . who mg . at Nelseott part of the • past two Hillsboro friends. Thursday after- . ' i l i l 11 0“ A " ll's “ ! M’ltng " t a ' . v s l i . the son of a Mr have M been visiting i f her pair ids, f i . t Ih d iv o r c e Null H ie d . . . .. . as . «.. .lillttt li .,. . .t . . . I n a ta l i. I 'It is .l I 1 I > ■ >. I Mrs. C reekpaum and Mrs ' an,i M rs Jo h n It E pllng of G astón and Mis Chase . of P ortland, for - a weeks. O thers in the party wert tlUIcnwatci Neva vn William II Mr and Mrs Leonard Barber and Rosene were formerly M isses Vera | ^ H e Leshu- Winner tpis the son of| month. left this morning for Long David lluii I VN Orville iitul. al,J LaVerne Tipton of this city. i Mr. n,ld Mrs II It Winner, also of Beach Froat Ina M vn Sam. Miss Dorothy Smith of 1‘ortlane I.ipton M L. vu G. W. »nd Miss Chloris Fayram. Mr. and m ™ a w it,,ft.,,.,., I. v l.in .. . . . . . . , M trml N lstrr'i F uneral— Mrs Shelby Forney spent a nevk- ‘‘ a H Buseh amiP sons a ti h v t h ^ E du and W, ...... I »lover Alice vn Humid A. >'■"< "’•'«>' All returned home Sun- sum mer home on the Metolius riv- cording Io statem . nl» m i.lv t v the " ,,h- l," " ‘«,’u'1' and Mrs ^ h“L'f vorii.,, d“ ‘A m u u n ^ w o k Mrs. Buseh und sons e o ro u * a m i7 ^ ■» Anderson attended the fu Monday wdh ih v ir r e i a t , ^ ^ " USED CARS and Mrs. S. E hayram Miss Gladys McLeod ilnd „ X r d probably be filed X * D river ,on M,!' u “ ’' 31 V,'“,N N ational Mrs. May Hughes of Salem was Busch. Ober l ot *«•*• ,,ad *’•*“ 1,1 1,1 ” ** s ahiii IR.I0 l'«»rd N ihi tl» 11* r. New sport tion. paint jor. re uphobtered In red viailing friends in Hillsboro the Mr and Mrs S W Melhuish and fu n e ra l services for Ralph Epllng she died She is sui t ived by her leather, new top The WUaboro Argus aaaumna no fin an cial ratpoaaibility for , her son °‘ ‘ A drian , is She re,por,‘* that children and Mr and Mrs Charles " l" *”• conducted at the Gaston Motor A-i vhildien Mis now m Wyom- Dou dass and M irv Ann si>vnt Sun Congregational ehuieh at 10 a m , husband , and , two . , , errors published in its column«. but in cases w here thia paper I'rjtl Oakland Coach $ iui la at fault w ill reprint that part of an advertisem ent in which mg. w here he IS employed on the dav w.th Mr and Mrs H E La- |,’rlda-' Holmes officiating I “ ,S h“,‘‘ ' ,K'r‘' ' " ‘lucidly the typographical m istake occurs. 1020 Dodge Coupe >75 railroad. He recently completed a ,t si Helens I'ollv Melhuish ■hlerment « ill be at Hill cemetcrv. B ille rs' Club In 1‘lenle— ‘“ 'ch-hiking tu p to Los Angeles rem ained for a visit w ith her The boy was born June ID th e Writers e lu b w illh iiv e u p le 1023 Ford Coupe >'5 An Independent N ew spaper, *h<*e services and policies are ami San Diego, Cal.; then to Flori- , o e n s ' 1D 1H . at G , Ion He had four broth su Visited Washington. D. C.. and Ml and Mrs John Hobbs of Glen brothers injured in the aeeulenl. Mrs. Ilarnes Improving— the Dakotas before locating ( „ dale. C al. arrived Sunday for sev- John. Howard. George and Wood Mi- Ethel M Baines, who has THOMAS S. SHOLES Wyoming. cral weeks' visit with Mr. and Mrs row ____ liven ill for several weeks. Phone 21W 182 M. 3rd Ave. Mr and Mrs. C arl Wolfe. Miss m« V J l i n g c r e « 8 ■ ^ M o r e ^ u f f k " ' - SerV‘C’'1' iur yoU,>“ Wi,uu‘r w il1 *’ cotwal. seing be held at 2 p. m. Friday In the O rlcthia and Robert Wolfe of Thc iullü|ies arc old friends State T reasurer Holman hits the nail ! same church. Buriat » 111 also be I I W IS F IA M E K O B FK T S Columbus, Neb., and Dr. and Mrs on the head when he says th at Oregon Verne C urry and Mrs A at Hill cemetery LOHESI- G itovi-: L ew is E lw . c Ammeter and daughter Mar- Mrs Verm George Wick. Hillsboro automo Rol.'erts.' liil di'ed at Ills home nem l l i t v I n k o « ’p H i e v n l l ' d i M t should retaliate against states which dis­ ’;arct of Portland dinner guests " Havens « s spent Saturday at Mc- Tuesd;l>. t,veIuns _ were of M l. and‘ Mrr M.nnv.iie Gaston and funeral ___ _____ ith Mrs. Paul Junes.. bile salesman, narrowly escapeti . _____ _ - July ..., . B .......... . . . . . . . nervlccs h l y n i i c l t i i i t i p J U M t « M l« l I f i t t i crim inate against firm s of this state in Fred Ainaeher. On Wednesday the Mis Jones' son. William Hunt sctious . liijury his « e re » i„ held from tiiv the vuiij I ’ongregall,mnl ■ . , Friday , when , •« »»»»in . ii h'111 placing orders for m aterials and equip­ crashed into a ............. telephone “ pole ..................... church Julv III «HI, Hev A i. Amucher and Wolfe fam ilies made Jones, observed his first birthday ear ‘ on the MeMinnville-Tlllam.mk high Bennett officiating Final service, ment. California, he points out, refuses to a trip to Bonneville and w ere din- Saturday, f i o . i l .v t a Wny l ','R‘'v*cw . Thomas Weis- «•,.,,. nt the Portland Crematorium ner guests that evening of Dr. and entertain any bids from out-of-state firm s w . I, o - , . i" . **' mu < >>at,an<*;Ka- Tcnn . a hitch Mr was bom In Coh.n, Mrs. A m m eter in Portland. Wash , a im e d by plane Thursday hiker riding with Wick, received i„„ City, In d . November tl. 1871 for state supplies. K. W. Ovcrsby and daughters ^or a short visit with his sister, .were head injuries and was ta k ­ and was in it m e t Io Olive Lane In If California finds this to be good busi­ Janet and Roberta, and Marv Peer- Mrs W R. Manley, and mother. en to the hospital at McMinnville The Dalles December 24. IHlMi De ness it should prove the sm art thing for enboom left Monday via C rater Mre. Hattie Hill Brownhill. He Wick stated thul a ear. coming ceased is survived by the widow Lake for tw o weeks' vacation in relum ed to Seattle Saturday Oregon. W e can easily agree w ith the from the other direction, cut across mid four children: Gladys V Drn.i.1 i California. They will visit friends j j r nnd yirs G j Conley of ln. ' ronl ,,lnl n*’d ,h a* he crash I,age. Portland. Agnes Hildebrand state tre a su re r when he expresses himself and relatives in Berkc -ley, O akland. northeast of town, who were in * ' l? ,l> ,,n' I’” '*’ *P 1,11 attem pt Io T |u. Dalles. G rover Lums u n tl It was a foregone conclusion that, w ith the ; and 1’alo Alto. Mrs. Ov as favoring greater protection to Oregon « h o Hillsboro Tuesday, report 11 ‘"'’Bision He escaped with Huliv Huberts. Gaston A brothel por that the U nited States suprem e court declaring the NRA in ' left last week, will Dyersby, retu rn with intense heat over the industries, products and labor against out­ violation week-end minor cuts on his face und hands. D J Roberts, lives at Hood River of the principles of the constitution, judges 1 them. body bruises. The car wa side competition. killed a num ber of turkeys owned and of m inor courts in various states would refer to the demolished W. G Hare returned Sunday It is the local concern th a t helps with suprem e court decision for guidance if and when ibu il v»>uv tau v h arvi «dwptf wVih Electric light and telephone serv-f the pavm ents th at keep the wheels of gov- state A gricultural A djustm ent Acts were challenged from a few day;s' fishing vacation Mr. and Mrs. J J Wismer nnd ice Ui • section of Forest Grove FuIIvv lbr«X ¿ ¿ V K lk»»d U > at Ked- „ „ „ ... by groups or individuals not w illing to conform to with the Wells brothers < M. y fcb Apply** D ricX S't r» * Mr nnd Mrs. M. Putnam spent ! was stopped tem porarily Thursday em m ent and industry m oung a t home. a^vfcor a'u of the principles contai^ therem. There. mond and Prineville. . Wi??. ac‘ the week-end and Monday a n d evening when a heavily luaded It should alw ays have every possible con- I, re. it is not su rp risin g th a t a n Oregon circuit comparned by Charles O. Wells. Tuesday at Nelseott and other near- ' truck went off the Banks highway «¡deration from public groups and indi- judge has given an adverse decision against our who joined his wife and daughter bv beaches. near thc north Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Weils i city limits and cU(" viduals. Rem ember th a t the dollar shipped stat.e .AA; \ and- , lf upheld by- the supreme court, it here. and daughter June and Eddie Wells v Mls °,r?n D aret>' nnd daughters P“ * ‘,n ■* P ''1’- carrying power and to Pacific City Monday for r n 2 'U Sr,P W' an<* Sandra M ar“ ' oI . .. '‘ a , k . ’ i"’ '" “‘I.’‘" ‘i i ' away seldom retu rn s to circulate 111 jo u r ¡( JS conceded by all except violators and others went few weeks vacation ? North Plains are visiting at the ‘ “ '•'“ d to K nule Lien. 1 ortland Own community, but th a t the one spent a t not willing to conform to them, have been produc- a R„I,I,. tt-.il. ____ . home of her parents. Mr and Mrs a n d . ‘ «rryini: a large ealerpHlar Bobby Wells of Sheridan, grand- f ji \ v h u home goes through many hands to in- tiv e of much good, especially to farm ers, dairym en tractor, slid down a small em ­ son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wells and other producers. bankm ent but did not overturn The eresse the opportunities for all. It is not to be accepted as a m ere coincidence an d Mr. and Mrs. L this city is also g o i n g V X i S ° ^ V ^ S n of Buxton th at the decision of this circuit court judge follows, 1 “rtland' and Mrs' H“'hard >uff,-red leg injuries Friday eve- in its interpretation, th e wording of the recent NRA the National Jam boree of Boy as “ re,u lt uf " n «“ «‘''mobile decision of the U. S. suprem e court, nor is it a Scouts at Washington. D. C.. from M r” Emm a''Dierdorff1,'V m ere coincidence th at the cause, in w hich the chal­ *° 3d' David Wiley is ’ ‘ accident on the Buxton-Baconu road s representative. Jack Goodman spent last week ; Cars involved in the collision were Governor M artin is a governor of all lenge to the state AAA is outlined, bears much Hillsboro Mr. and Mrs. C arleton Hande ?-1,l.,.,L„PuAr.a? dnP >t*!‘.’r' 'i\ L ‘lr‘v,'n by George P Kirk of Bux- ilarity, as to code violation, to th at w hich fi­ Li cCxMl tHd «•»)»«! the people and no p articu lar set of m inor­ sim and children left Tuesday for Sil- '- “ n,lin8hain. in Portland. Mrs ~un-. C ton and Clarence Petcraon of the v/'ll itiRMHi iw-aV inul li itu, Jx.'AUjt “ I nally brought the suprem e court decision. In thc lu m i WCMFw I ities. A governor like th a t with courage Oregon case, a w ell-known cut rate m erchant sold verton after a few days' visit w ith làiU 1 Huuli À ite. k ----- P sp‘'ndln8 «bis weel k at U. S. Geological Survey. I will give this state a good adm inistration. ice cream at 29 cents, 11 cents per quart below the Mr and Mrs. Thomas Connell They 1U’ 1 M Goodman home. Tracy W Manley, just graduated !,» av with her parents. Mr and code price, and when an injunction was tak- were returning from tw o weeks' Any recall vote will prove surprising to agreed frs P< i ry Gurdn» r from Redlands University. Calif,>r en against him, his attorneys countered with a de- vacat m at the coast. Alma Daniels of Yamhill under­ discontented groups or individuals f o r m urrer, which the circuit court has upheld. an indefinite visit M. Eleanor Beehen arrived by .Uh his making went a tonsil operation ul Smith's únele- W It M an ley an d Governor M artin will be sustained by those The main object in view in th e adoption of the plane Thursday fii.ni Sail Fran- hospital Wednesday moi nil,g. Dr I If 0Q H A. J Manley. state AAA was to secure more equitable retu rn s for cisco. C al. and visited until Sun- interested in good governm ent and those Miss Jane Milhollnnd. Robert C T Smith operating farm er and dairym an, who had been ruthlessly day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. you’ve Ktìlfie»: Mr. and Mrs Tom Shuck and son thousands in Oregon who still believe the or savings exploited, both in Oregon and elsewhere, by mer- J C. Beehen She returned to her atts and Mr and Mrs. John F o r­ Stanley. iing to Mr and Mrs. Will Ziegler thoroughly in law and order and consti­ chants who w ere w-illing to sell produce at cost home at Bend Sunday. ken of Portland spent Sunday at protected frot and family and Miss Wanda Fine- the E. B. Watts home. or even less, in an effort to attract business. As Robert Edwin G erth of Seattle, tuted governm ent. gan are siM-mling the week v a e a -, Mr. and Mrs. W S A lexander tiuning at East laike. always, the loss was passed on to the farm er, be- Wash., w ill spend the sum m er va- Insurance in your only safe­ cause. also as always, he is at th e far end of the cation w ith his grandparents. Mr and J - N Dickey spent the week-1 Mr and Mrx A W W alker spent guard against fire damage A While many of Oregon m erchants w ere per- and Mrs. George W. H andsaker of end at Newport and reported thc the week-end at Hood River gue ' few dollars will give full cov­ Promises m ade and not fulfilled are a line fectly willing to abide by the AAA codes, w hich Hillsboro. He wiU arrive Satur- W‘ ather there as excellent. j ,,f Mr Walker's cousin V A 'C row erage blot on the record of the one who m ade assured both them selves and the producer of a la ir day morning. Mr. and Mrs Ralph Ireland and ' <*nd family They also visit«! their the promises. T reatm ent of children in retu rn there w ere a relative few who ran tru e to ____ „. j Y 3w n li- (kilk n,u.t.ty * , . l w ,lt , Dr. ____ and _____ Mrs. ____________________________________________ George D arland Mr- and ^*rs Wallace Ardine of ________ relatives ____ Rev - and Mrs T re/ren, at ■ ,lu|if * i t . t \.l i« r B a r d , A ir-ck I this m anner may m ake its m ark on them ^crnl , arLd WOLdd not conform to code requirem ents, « e re guests the evening of July P °rtland visited Mr. and Mrs. Hal- Bonneville, I J«u,t- klsi^ty >*rutSA’sJ At.1 1 f n r 1,-fo F n r if o K the recent Oregon circuit court decision is 10 of Mr. Cooms and daughter of lie Ireland Sunday evening Mrs. Mary An Vnn Dooher and Miss * Z » |a .P I fo r life F o r instance if a person hires upheld in the higher court of this state, it may be Iowa, who stopped over ,n. Port- Mr and Mrs. R D _Simpson Simpson of of ' Agent I tv Ev‘d>n e iy n Do«h' 1Joont‘r Cornelius arc boys With a promise to . pay - so m uch and possible to continue to afford some degree of pro- land on their way to Canada Twin Falls. Idaho. _ ____ _ and ............ ... .„aho. are guests this : gucsts this week of their relatives. Every Form of P, Section Fire. w hen payoff time comes actual paym ent to the fa_rm er by enlisting among m erchants Alaska. week of Mrs Sim psons brother Mrs' Fred Caldwell and family, Automobile. 1 i illty. Surety m ade is less than h alf of w hat was Drom- ° f itlUS StaLe' voIuntary co n f« m an ce to codes, such Miss Madge Richmond of Wood- J w Crooks, and family. ,Gle«? G ray- " b o has been em- Bonds mid Life. ■ , ' as P [°m as is now being arranged in California. To our way burn was a week-end guest of Miss Mr and M r s u.„,v a P1"* « 1 at Bristol H ardw are for (Venetian ticket. Joe Baker. 1MC- It may do som ething to these boys of thinking there is dire need for a Golden Rule. Josephine S tuart and other HU “ children Car” and D ,Ha, o P ^ i ' <,,me Un,e' lcft t,,,s w tek forS herl- Rt. 1, Cornelius! »!«♦ even tim e will have difficulty in fa‘r Pla y f o r a11- instead of profit for a I boroP friends. M,ss Richmond left landI were Su„2ay Q uests of Mr he W‘" at the Safeway store. erasing. A promise m ade should be car- ieW H0Od Rlver News. , Monday for Portland, w here she Weik s sisters and brothers here Phone 1732 118 H. 3rd Ave Judge Donald K Long and lit-! | has employment. , Mr and Mrs „ enry Petcrson anrf ried out in good faith. tie daughter of Portland w e r e I Messrs, and Mesdames V. W. s°n spent the week-end with Mr guests Wednesday afternoon of his I G ardner, T. G. Bronleewe, a n d and Mrs. Vencil R ichter at Gari- parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. A Long I Franrhlwrd F aller Dealer« The propaganda of preparation for th e presi- A rnie Dickason were among Hills- baldi. The average m an’s idea of com fortable dent s tax on great wealth, gifts and inheritances, ^am nP^ X ^ T nL S?aní a?L ?, ' Friday and NOTICE TO CKKPITOKS circum stances would be to have enough been ««ccessfuUy put over by the B arbara Hut- Camp M eriw ether at Sand Lake Saturday at Rockaway and return" In the Du,lr,rl < ’«rt of tW United Sutaa. tons. Doris Dukes. Tommy Manvilles Leeds. Mar- wth a lo‘ °< 'r o m : 1/ r h. ,i . X ' ^ o ,. ^ T J . , n rwinie. money to be ia.i_ scared to death n about a au. • » » shall Fields and hundreds of other heirs of great guvs is or Mr and M rs F ln v d Mil Hrichtnn B a n k ru p t. Ni» 1110162 in Bankruptcy Share-the-U ealth p ro g ra m .--- Springfield fortunes and parasitic in-laws. Their conduct has ler of Portland Sunday Mr w- „ N olle« te Herí«.y all creditor» Smith of Vis- Union. Righto! Much criticism is being asked ior >'• both for the salvation of the w orth- Mrs. Roy M iller of McMinnviÌìe alia. alia C z? C al. spent the first' of 'the , t ^ - T V ' i Í*’ A ” *” 5’ . . - - - - - - I »/wwo j v-ii g hiilipä of Tigard. <»ra- aJso guests m ade th a t it will cut too deep, but m any les?,scioni and sciones^ of great fortune and the were Lal 1“ “” ,h ‘ Mrx R UZ r* . . c With their niece, Mrs. J L rm, the bankrupt above namad, wa« ,,o i ; i , „ P •? w elfare of the nation. They have successfully served K w - Cox an»3&. •> P ark avenue. Reno and Palm Beach, Sarato­ SACK TW INE - BINDER TWINH • Walter Nickols at Bethany | •• M.. a t which tim e «aid creditor« ga, Belmont and Louisville, ashore in the night GRAIN SACKS C ongratulations are due our own Dr. R. Mrs W arren B. Barnes of Cor-¡ Alma Eslinger’ and " her cousin. I 1 clubs and pubs, afloat in big fat boats, racing nelius and her c o u . i n M iu wiinL «»uiiacr ana ner cousin, » n-u»ww aum in. i h . bankrupt, ana J. Nicol for being elected president of the stables of thoroughbred plugs which feed on G7 'P Bo«se.' Idaho, were ^ ^ r T d a y for“ a v i . W . h 0 ^ ~ The last word in seed and finger-picked oats while babies pick at parb- Oregon State V eterinary association at the Grain Cleaning. guests of Mrs B. W Barnes Tues- tiv e. at The Dalles and Moro .u l^ b , age cans. A polo string for P rince Mdivani, plus m eeting of the northw est group in Vic­ a palace in Venice and a racing cruiser, while I -- . . Missionary guild of the M E ** FREE D E L IV E R Y toria, B. C., last week. Dr. Nicol is highly the Canadian m anager of the five-and-ten chain Mr. and Mrs Joseph H untley of church will hold a food sale at I Th" Kh“ ,“,e f«1-* 'iiari™>»« S4u«s.M as- is explaining to a parliam entary commission why reg ard ed as a citizen and friend in this it was th at he reduced by ten per cent the comm unity and he brings it honor by this wages of the girls w hb were m aking from 27 to election. 1 are cousins Bankruptcy, R U bhoro, Oregon $10.80 a week and the stock of tb$ firm was 22 m eeting will be a picnic. Millers of q nallty Freds retu rn in g a profit of 20 per cent. He reduced Mr and Mrs W. L. Cady of Hillsboro Warehouse—Oregon Kleetrle Depot Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Rees spent NOTICB TO < KKDITONH Pilone 1M2 wages because the girls in the United States Beaverton and Dr. and Mrs. George stores had been sim ilarly reduced. An offer of Bethany Store— Phone Hillsboro lit« Ethiopia is hollering fo r aid from Darland visited Bonneville d a m Sunday^ p ,, c in_ p „ Portland u , with Drs O Io tha C ounty Court o f tha fltata o f Ore­ gon. for W ashington County. Sunday and returned home on the F d S Ett Helsley- a thousand dollars a month to the fourth wife Uncle Sam in its quarrel w ith Italy. They o f the Eatata o f J W of Mr. ijan v ille, who never did a lick of work Evergreen highway. Mrs. Theresa Abendroth left In (P tha in, M atter Daoeaawi all come to him for aid, b ut with the ex­ in all his days—“the same,” he explains, "as I N otice la hereby «Ivan that th«* under- Mr and Mrs. C. H. Nosier are ? visit with her son •iynad baa l-aen duly confirm ed by thc offered all my wives. ception of little Finland on the w ar debts ! spending a few weeks- vacation at A do,ph Abendroth, in Portland. £ ' “2 ™ ot Mrs V- L W_ A uxillary^w lll hold a ; S Ï T . £ they all have defaulted. grown up, frivoled, m arried, begotten more off Carl Rickson, and family of near business meeting this evening | r«i«ed. ami baa Suiy qaaiifiad aa su rh : spring and “died in the luxury of kings at the ex ­ Taft. | (Thursday) at the V. F. W. hall I 8™. th erefo r., all per».,na b avin s pense of the people,” m any of them cynically ab- Mrs. H attie HUI BrownhiU of Me- ¡ ¡ ^ T n ' d " * *" Holman’s Idea Good 235 OAAA Unconstitutional INSURE J A Governor for All Own Anything VALUABLE? I CHAS. L. WALKER POOL-GARDNER Lumber Co. They Ask for It W ill P a y T o p M a rk e t m w .S r ' S r '“ ; « t “ “ “ ........- ■±' 2SS!? “ * They are the perfect fru it of the flower of plu- tocra£y- F ifteen Y ears Ago Argus, Ju ly 8, 1920 Fifteen thousand spent Ju ly 4th here. Miss Olive T rullinger was Goddess of L iberty and her attendants were Eva Emmott, Vio- lett Webber, G race M cFadden and H elen Gunton. Miss Verena Shutc was crow n bearer. Mrs W. O. G ala way of Banks won first prize for decorated automobiles. Ex-C onfederate J. C. Lam kin carried the flag. S. B. Huston gave the patriotic address. John E. Bissner of South T ualatin died Ju ly 6. William Wansbrough, Civil w ar veteran and resident of Oregon since 1872. died Ju n e 27. Mrs. Edward K rahm er, resident of Blooming com- m unity m any years died Ju ly 7. Neils P eter Neilson died near Hillsboro Ju ly 3. D r L. W. Hyde arid Lou Shirley w ill attend U nited Spanish War V eterans' m eeting in St. Louis as delegates of Scout H arrington camp. Chief Q uarterm aster E. L. M iller of N orth Plains, w ith U. S. navy recruiting station at Missoula, M ont, in ju red in autom obile accident. L. A. Jackson Pharm acy at C ornelius robbed and Jackson's autom obile stolen. T hirty Years Ago Argus, Ju ly 13, 1605--A ugust Luhmann, 22, em- ploye of the Conzelman mill at M iddleton drow ned Saturday. J. W. Goodin, who has Jackson Bottom bridge a n d fill contract, w ill break ground for th e fill and b ent w ork by Saturday. C om m ittee of Hillsboro and Banks citizens ap- pointed to get the right of way has done good w ork and nearly all the rights have been secured. Hop grow ers everyw here report excellent crop conditions, barring the Bttacks of the lice. H illsboro will have a Catholic school for boys and girls in the not distant future. R ecorder K uratli is busily engaged these days In recording about 200 deeds for lands, bought in by the county at delinquent tax sales. H illsboro is to be m etropolitan and have street signs. City council votes $25 to help the Civic Im- provem ent society purchase the signs H illsboro ladies’ band elects following officers: Mrs. W. J. Wall, president; Mrs. George Schulm erich, vice-president; Miss Ona Ford, secretary; Miss Susie M cKinney, treasurer, and Miss Lucy H umphreys, business m anager. Miss Etta Schulm erich, w ho has been deputy postm istress at Sum pter, retu rn ed home for a va- cation G ranting th at the man who creates a real for- Mrs. Fayram 's sister, Mrs. A B daughter, Mrs. W. R. Manley ' therefor, - - - e u njem ientvl a t the law to th ltfre r T Rob»- ae. ae I °t(«'-0 °« K- J M rAlear, in th e F ir,t Oberlee, at Rhododendron, ... , . M£?' .**• L' Il ak,T and Miss Mar- N ational Hank bullrtins In Hllleboro, Ore- Warren w arren, Jo Joyce and Jean Barnes lnn »» Baker of Portland were guests | , hereof. *on* within «1« month« from iho »lute «>e " S S S 'e ." " - “' w B“ " " , h i rwS,a, having cornered the stock m arket, built a railroad or w atered and unloaded securities on investors’ T here should be an end to the debt some tim e especially as repudiation is the fashion of nations ' Of them all B arbara Hutton has been the most successful propagandist, for, as Pegler says h er in- come and nam e are associated with female drudgery —under hard conditions long hours low wages nickels and dimes and m erchandise m ade by foreign' labor, principally Japanese, which unjobs Ameri- can labor. And she squanders the money thus made in buying and swapping foreign noblemen and liv- ing abroad and at sea in the lap of luxury —Salem C apital Journal. ________________ Mrs. L. S. Campbell and son Bar- r £ M k 7 r i s i t Sw \ta^^^ and Tacoma Wash E lm a; E. B. Anderson & Son «•-- « ,c„ ' wS ‘b" S , ^ h ated this lftth day o f Ju ly. 108R. B. J. M eALBAR, K«e«'utor o f the leant Will and Te«tamrnt o f »«id D«< e«'r.l K. J. M cAiear, A ttorney for Executor. kos Angeles, Cal. Mrs A ° Pitm an and children Ask your attorney to send your spending a few days at Rock- legal advertising to the Argus Mr. and Mrs. J. - P. -........... M errill - of Anamosa- Iowa, arrived Friday foi a vlsIt here with their son- G’hes 1 ter MerriU- Earl Victor of Pullman, Wash, visited o his j aunt, Mrs. ------------------- Helen Deich man Sunday on his way to Cen- tral OrcU™ 1 Mrs. J. B. Dinsmore and so n ’ Tommy returned last week from a ! stay at Camp Sherman on t h e Metolius river. We ha_ye heard much of late about the Public ' H l ^ t h V " f " " t h e "past week*?, Enemies. The U nited States governm ent is p u rsu ­ improving and able to be out ing certain conspicuous characters whom it declares again. to be Public Enemies, and it has disposed of sev- Mrs. Dora Webber and Mr. and eral conspicuous figures in that class. There is a w hole arm y of Public Enemies w ith whom the Mrs. Robert Davis and daughter of Fortuna, Cal., were week-end guests country has to contend, and many of them have of Mr. and Mrs. J K. Webber. never seen the inside of any prison. M v M eanwhile we should recognize th at we also T j T urner and Mr. and re a t m any an y public nubile Friends, F rie n d s as a« well «,.11 as . . Pub d ,, k _ M rs- . D u rald H orine of Portland I have 5 a g reat lie Enemies, and warm tributes should be paid them, spent the week-end at Bay Ocean Mr. and Mrs. John Laurs visited and people should be encouraged to qualify for this class. What are the characteristics of the Public friends In Aberdeen, Wash., from Thursday until Sunday. Friend? The Public Friend believes he m ust take some C. E. Wells returned Sunday share of the labors of carrying on com m unity work from a few weeks’ vacation in in his home town. If he is asked to take some of- C entral Oregon. fice in some good comm unity organization, he does Wednesday bridge club picnicked not say, "O, no, I could not possibly do anything like Wednesday a t the grove near the that. You find him taking up tasks th at are m ore or Robb farm north of Hillsboro. less distasteful. You will probably see him at your Mr. and Mrs J. L. Anderson and door some night, offering you an opportunity to give i sons picnicked "at^SlTv'e'rton’^ u n '1 money to some good home town cause. day. The Public Friend m akes his purchases at home i,„„ a h i »™, i „ „ j j w henever he can, which is practically always. several da»«' hiM U «. f£F The Public Friend alw ays speaks good words | anon ° CM ” P *° Leb for his home town. He does not thin k it sm art or funny to take a superior attitude and point out its Mlss Edlth Wright of Oakland, friendly spirit, and the public institutions built up C a l> who has visiting her over years of labor. We have many of these Public j parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Wright Friends in Royal Oak —Tribune, Royal Oak, Mich I for about a month, left last week H. Why Not Investigate? the New 1935 DODGE with its big, new Red Ram Engine? New Economy - Larger Steel Bodies New Colors - Floating Power See and ride in it today! GENUINE The Public Friend SIBERIAN CREAM T reat yourself to a refresh­ ing lunch today . . . crisp sandwiches with tangy re l­ ishes . . . pies and cakes Sibcrianized. Try a long, Ice-beaded drink In the cool atm osphere of our fountain room. It's the sensible thing these hot days COSLETT’S BAR-B-Q First and Baseline Hlllnhoro CADY MOTOR CO. If You Want a Building th a t is an asset and not a A L IF E --- th a t has been spent honestly and j earnestly certainly has earned some recognition; Home record to keep ita memory alive. A properly plan­ ned G ranite Memorial is the only j lasting guardian against loss and I forgetfulness. liability you w ant to u«c Concrete. Hillsboro Concrete Brick Si Tile Co. OREGON MONUMENT WORKS H. Stannard, Mgr. 4th a t Main, Hillsboro North of C o n o r ,, .o r o .. W. W ..hio,I«m St., Phone 1341