H IL L S B O R O Page Ten Cattle Group Holds Picnic 4-H Club M ember» J u d g e H olstein D airy Cow» next non-high school board meeting Monday evening. Endorsed w arrants for the b al­ ance of tuition claims were ord er­ ed draw n as follows: Tigard. $3866 - 25; Hillsboro $5818.75; and Beaver- j ton. $6000 Townsend Pension Plan Wins Praise Codling Moth Spray Urged M any E ggs R eported Laid in P ast Few N ights ARGUS, H IL L S B O R O , O K E G O M Postmasters Form Group Here Friday Postm asters of Washington coun­ ty formed an organization Friday at Hillsboro. Following officers were elected: Fred Holznagel, H ills­ boro. president; Thomas R Roe. Gaston, vice-president: Edward Al­ len, Forest Grove, treasurer, and Neta Daly. Beaverton, secretary. Dr. E T. H edlund, postm aster of Portland, assisted in forming the organization and K L Russell, as­ sistant postm aster of Portland, gave an interesting talk A large p er­ centage of W ashington county post­ m asters will attend the state con­ vention at C oquille July 26 and 27. Apple and pear growers in the W illam ette valley should apply a cover spray now for control of codling moth. Following a long period of almost total inaction, the codling moths arc again being ta k ­ en in the bait traps. Many eggs w ere deposited last week and more may be expected. Under ordinary W illam ette valley w eather condi­ tions. these eggs will hatch in six to eight days. The spray should s be applied before the eggs hatch. ’ Recommended spray is powdered lead arsenate used at the rate of th ree pounds to 100 gallons of Application for a $175.000 federal w ater In orchards w here codling grant to be used in the construc­ moth is not a serious problem, two tion of the proposed m unicipal pounds of powdered lead arsenate w ater system is being prepared this to 100 gallons of w ater is sufficient week by George McGee, city m an­ ager. and will be filed im m ediate­ to give control. Calcium arsenate has been used ly. This sum to b e requested successfully in the W illam ette v al­ am ounts to 45 per cent of the $390.- ley for codling moth control. Tests 000 estim ated as necessary for the carried on by the entomology de­ project. partm ent of the Oregon E xperi­ Previous applications subm itted ment station over a period of five by the city w ere for a grant and years indicate that under W illam­ a loan The present plan contem ­ ette valley conditions calcium a r ­ plates raising the balance of the senate is only slightly less effective money needed by bond issue than lead arsenate in codling moth control. Because of the long interval since the last cover spray was applied, and the rapid grow th made by the apples, thoroughness in applica­ Contract for installing oil heating tion is especially essential in this spray. The foliage as w ell as the equipm ent at the W ashington coun­ entire surface of every apple and ty hospital was aw arded to W C pear should be covered thoroughly Gifford of Hillsboro Friday. Cost w ith the spray solution if worm of the equipm ent was $520 That the im provem ent would re ­ injury is to be prevented. Special care should be taken in spraying sult in a reduction of heating costs the upper portion of th e tree, as and provide needed space for in ­ more than half the codling moth m ates was the opinion expressed eggs are laid in the upper third by the county court. of the tree. Second Suit Hits Tax Sale G rand Jury July Term of Court D raw n M onday iContinut't front luttf« on .) route 5; Mae F Via and Allan Rice. (Continued from pere one) Forest Grove. Mike McCullough. new currency that we could not Gaston route 1. Ernest W Lyda only have paid the bonus, but also and C harles A W underlich, C or­ “reduced the interest of the coun­ nelius route 1. Ada Ireland. Forest try fifty per cent.” Grove route 2; George G erm eyer He also quoted W. J. Bryan, and and Pauline Jurgens, Sherwood Woodrow Wilson as well as L in­ route 1; 11 T Koeber, Sherwood coln as prophets of present con­ route 4. Ray Christensen, Tigard: ditions. Answering the argum ent Frank Simmons. Cornelius route 2; that the tw o per cent transaction and F red L. Wohlsehlegel. H ills­ tax would make higher prices on boro route 5. commodities. Mr Bennett, declared Verdict for the plaintiff In the the volume of business would in ­ sum of $326 50 was returned F ri­ crease to such an extent that m er­ day evening by the circuit court chants could run on a small m ar­ jury which heard the suit filed by gin of profit and still reduce prices the Wilkes A bstract 5i T itle com instead of increase them. pany against the Ray-Maling can ­ Next meeting of the Townsend nery. The action to collect fees club of Hillsboro will be July 26. alleged due for the preparation of At that time a play under the d i­ abstracts went to trial May 23 and rection of Mrs. H. H. Stannard is was postponed until Inst Thursday to be presented Definite announce­ Jurors hearing the case w e r e ment will be made next week. Rudolph Nelson. William G Hesse. Grace G. Wahl. C arl H Johnson. Margaret S Weed. Anna Neumann. R F Pomeroy. Eleanor Mundorff. L. E Bamford. Vida Goodman. Mabel McLeod und H erbert W (Continued from pare on«) Fteken. (Continued from page on«) lowing are the awards: Meacham , Washington county included in the Verdict for the state highway route. Ben Layton & Sons of m etropolitan area. commisstion was returned T hurs­ Minimum monthly wage in that day evening in the condemnation Meacham. $1100 this year. $1223 portion of the county classed as suit brought by thut body against last year. Scofield route. Clifford m etropolitan will be $55 and the Charles Bruce und H erbert H Sandy of Banks. $1125 this year. lowest wage in the balance of the Miller. Compensation and damages $1300 last year. Bailey stub route. county $40. Men assigned to pro­ for the .167 acres involved was set George Rosencrans of Bacona. $300 jects w ill not be penalized for loss at $250 by the jury. this year. $350 last year. Mead stub of tim e due to bad w eather or The action, to obtain right-of- route. Albert Heard of the Mead conditions outside of their control way for the Middleton-Newberg district, $495 both years. Four separate divisions will be section of the west Side Pacific Conference with the Tigard un- , established under the new set-up. highway, was started in Yamhill ion high school board will be held namely: W orks progress, social county and transferred to the local at Tigard Friday evening. The dis-1 service, re-em ploym ent and rural circuit court on a change of venue. trict contends that there w ill be settlement and rehabilitation. Def­ The defendants alleged that the considerable increase in the num ­ inite details of the various office property involved was w orth more Brush Fire Sunday ber of students to be transported personnels or of adm inistration are than the $200 offered by the com­ during the coming year and that not available. T h reaten s O ld Barn mission und asked $845 for the Hillsboro relief cannery u n i t changes in bus routes and a new Brush fire near the Sunset dairy property and $1109.20 damages. truck may be necessary. Contract started operations Tuesday at the west of Hillsboro threatened to de­ Nick Bothman Jr.. Hillsboro, and for the district last year was $3690 new Hillsboro Grange hall and the stroy an old barn Sunday afternoon John B. Craig. Portland route 6. cannery at Huber started Wednes­ on tw o routes. Enthusiasm over the success of but was brought under control by w ere excused from jury duty Mon­ C ontract for the Beaverton dis­ day. Forest Grove and Tigard units the Hillsboro ru ral fire truck be­ morning when the July panel trict w ill be considered during the are expected to be ready for op­ the grand opening of his new quar- fore any damage was done. The day reported for duty. Casper Wilson, , ters on East Main street Saturday eration the first of the week. fire was discovered near the ra il­ Banks, and Ray Christianson. T i­ The governm ent i s supplying i was expressed by Jam es W hitelaw .' road tracks about 1 p. m. gard. w ere excused tem porarily. cans, sugar and supervision for the proprietor of the H illsboro Motor company. He estim ated that 500 Motion for a new trial for J. II ork in order to preserve products NIFTY C O U N TR Y PLACE w Hicks of Reedville. recently con­ in relief gardens. The canneries people attended the free picture i R epair o f City H all show in th e evening and s ta te d 1 Modern 5-room house, nice gTove. w ill be open each week day and P roposed in P roject victed on an indictm ent charging that the salesroom and shop were Application for an SERA project the larceny of livestock, was denied Barn, garage, chicken house. I 1-, clients w ill be notified by case crowded all day. w orkers as to th e times assigned to repair and rem odel four rooms Monday morning by R F r a n k m iles to town. 2G acres good land. to each. A pproxim ately $3000 has been on the second floor of the city hall Peters, circuit judge D ate of sen ­ Price $2750. Good terms. Members of the county relief spent in im proving the building was subm itted this week by George l tence was set for Saturday morn- ning. committee met Tuesday evening at and in buying new equipm ent. - McGee, city manager. Pleas of not guilty to indict­ the court house to discuss the can­ W hitelaw stated. Doorways have ■ been widened to provide safe e n ­ ments were made Monday by Mrs. nery projects and the request from Births try and exit, a new greasing hoist Alma Buchanan of Gales City and state relief headquarters to reduce H artram pf—To Mr. and Mrs. Ross 1314 Main Street the adm inistration force. One clerk has been installed, facilities pro- ! H artram pf at Corvallis, Ju ly 14. a Ezedor Kaillis of P ortland Mrs and a case w orker w ill be dro p ­ vided for painting, washing and I boy. Mrs. H artram pf was formerly Buchanan was indicted on charges Hillsboro. Oregon b rake adjustm ent. A ttractive de­ Miss Bertha Mohr. ped by August 1, it was decided. of issuing a forged check and of Funds sufficient to continue d i­ partm ental signs have also been in ­ Hat horn—To Mr. and Mrs. Guy forging an endorsement, while K ail­ stalled. W hitelaw declared that his was charged w ith threatening Losses come without warn­ rect and w ork relief projects in shop and salesroom w ould be sec­ G. H athorn at Bend, July 12, a lis W ashington county for at least an ­ girl. Donna Esther. Mr. and Mrs. the commission of a felony. Trial ing. Protect yourself today , other ond to none in Portland. dates w ere not set. w eek and a half w ere r e ­ H athorn form erly resided here. P ark in g for custom ers has also against fire, theft, or H. F. Zingler, Portlund contrac­ ceived Monday from the state of­ F aber—To Mr and Mrs. B. W accident. fice by R. W. Weil, chairm an of been provided in the re a r of the Faber of Hillsboro, July 14, a girl. tor, entered a plea of not guilty Thursday to a larceny indictm ent the county relief committee. S h o rt­ : new quarters. TU A LA TIN VALLEY Say you saw it in the Argus. Sum of $20.000 for alleged aliena­ age of funds last week led relief INSU R A N C E A GENCY officials to fear a shut-dow n on the program during the balance of July. T hirty county and guest Holstein breeders, their families and friends, and forty 4-H club members and leaders attended the annual Wash­ ington County H o lstein -F riesian picnic at the A. J. Evers’ farm Tuesday. Two classes of Holstein cows w ere judged by the 4-H members in the morning. H. A. Mathiesen, field agent for the Holstem-Frie- sian association, made the official placings in the judging contest At noon the entire group assembled around one long table for a basket lunch. In the afternoon the breeders in ­ spected Evers' irrigation project and listened *o a discussion on herd development by Mr. Mathie- sen. Annual ball game between the breeders and the club boys was the closing event of the picnic. Application Drawn for Federal Funds Non-High Board New Work Plan Signs Contracts Set August 1st Oil Burner Bought at County Hospital Motor Firm Opens Modern Quarters W. G. IDE Thursday, July tion of the affections of his wife is sought by J E Hawkins in a circuit court suit filed Thursday against Joint Seheekla The plain tiff claims that Seheekla induced Ills wife to leuve Ids home. Suit to collect $366 67 alleged due the state for fees and tuxes us a r e ­ sult of tile contract currier opera tlons of the defendant was filed Friday by the state public utilities commission against Qua Relehlow Parole order for Jack Huston of Portlund was signed Thursday by J u s tic e o f th e Peace A. W Havens. Huston was sentenced to 36 days in the county jutl and fined $100 on a drunken driving charge. He hud served 45 days when paroled Robert 11. Sham pine of Portland and W ayne Rood of Hillsboro plead guilty to charges of speeding with trucks Monday and were fined $5 and costs each by Justice of the Peace A W. Havens. H K Zimmerman, circuit Judge at Astoria, w as in Washington coun­ ty Monday to conduct a hearing for a modification of a previous decree in tile Enschede divorce ease Fred E Schlffler of Yamhill wn fined $5 und costs Monday in tile local Justice of the peace court when he plead guilty to a charge of speeding witlt a truck Circuit Judge Peters is holding court at Tillamook this week, but will return Saturday to pass sen­ tence in two cases. He also plans to retu rn to the coast city next week Motions for dem urrers brought by Joint Aho of Portland, charged w ith disorderly conduct, and b seven lum ber mill strikers accused of attem pting to prevent a person from working for another were denied in the local justice of the peace court Wednesday afternoon D em urrers w ere sought on t It <• grounds of insufficiency of the complaints. O rders in the following circuit court cases w ere issued this week: Emma Pitm an vs Kitty M Ellis, order for publication of summons. State of Oregon, acting b y t h e World War V eterans' State z\ld commission, vs. Emil O. Haag et al. confirmation: State of Oregon, acting by the World War Veterans' State Aid commission, vs. John Evans et ux. confirmation: M atter of Liquidation of Bank of B eaver­ ton, authorizing settlement of Gee claim; Union C entral Life Insur­ ance company vs. Sarah G albreath et al. order. Robert T Place vs. Lorena K. Place, decree: Equity Finance company v s Jonathan Sm ith Coward et ux, default, d e ­ cree; George G. Hancock vs. J A O'Dell et ux. satisfying Judgment, Union C entral Life Insurance com ­ pany vs. Otto Erickson et al. d e ­ fault; H A. Browning vs. Laura A. Browning, decree; and Alice Glov­ er vs. Harold A. Glover, order to show cause. Probate orders w ere issued in the estates of Louise E Bacon. A T Hubbard. Sarah A Hoover. J W. Goodin. John Sigrist, Esther L. Adams and George Bell O rders w ere also issuer! in the guardian­ ship of Fred G lenn Hoover, Wil­ liam H. Yost and J. D Shorb DELTA TEN - D A Y SPECIALS Pepsodent Tooth 39c Paste Noxzoma T ria l__ 15c 500-sheet Kleenex 59c Jad Salts ............. 54c Crazy Crystals small ................. 60c Ironized Yeast ..... 89c Syrup Figs, U. D. Co........................ 49c Pierce’s Prescript'n 98c Italian Balm Comb 35c Dare’s Mentho Pepsin ................ 89c Kotex .................... 19c Adlerika ................ 98c Bromo Seltzer ...... 27c Harmony Almond Cream ................ 29c Amazon H a ts ........ 25c Castoria _ 29c Gillette Blades ...... 25c Delta Poison Oak Rem- edy, full guar..... 49c Colgate’s Soaps. 5 for ........... 29c All Bathing Caps Re- duced ............... io f ; 100 Embossed Nan- kins ................... 10c Elkav’s White Shoe C leaner............. 23c All Jasamine Creams ............. 29c Symbol Rubber Gloves ............... 33c Tudor Alarm Clocks ............... 98c All Seventeen Creams ............. 59c Sun Tan Oil ......... 49c Comfort Corn Pads 10c Rainbow Dyes ..... . 5c Elkay’s Cleaning Fluid ....... 19c Gem Razor and Blades ............... 39c Criterion W’atches 98c DELTA DRUG STORE Ide D iscusses W ork o f C ounty P lan n in g Board W. G. Ide, chairm an of the plan­ ning board, discussed th e w ork of the group before the Beaverton Kiwanis club Wednesday noon. He is scheduled to talk on the same subject before the county bankers' association at Forest Hills Country club Saturday afternoon. C edar M ill T ow nsend Club M eets T hursday Powers Grocery Election of officers for the Cedar Mill Townsend club w ill be held i next Thursday evening, according to Mrs. M. E. Jones, secretary. Sev­ eral speakers will be present and the public in invited to attend. M AIN STREET PH O N E 81 G rap e Juice Red & White. Pint bottles. 2 for ^CHEVROLET A Lady S a id ... G rap e Ju ice Red & White. Quart b o ttle ........ P unch F la v o r Wadharn’s. 7-oz. tumbler. 2 for 33c Mt)C P in e a p p le Ju ice 1O„ Dole’s. No. 10 tin Because of these features they demand the ...................... P in e a p p le Ju ice Red & White. No. 2 tins 2 for G r a p e f r u it J u ice Red & White. 11-oz. tins. 3 for ................ Low Cost of Service Fast Freezing Extra Space Food Saving Convenience Quietness Beauty 2vC CROSLE Y Shelvador "I Will Do S o --- Every Saturday please stop at our Main Street Salesroom or Used Car Lot on Second Street and see if you are not offered every hos­ pitality.” All the cars in our big parade last Saturday were of our own large stock. We make prompt delivery of all models. See Jim Calender at Forest Grove and Jack Gilby at St. Helena See Us Today! Easy Terms. Many other items specially priced for Friday and Saturday. These prices good July 19 and 20 only. Estate of J W Goodin, vulued at approxim ately $6000. was filed for probate Monday. Mr Goodin died July 10 of this year, und was a former county Judge. Capitol News Letter 1929 D odge Sedan 1928 C hevrolet C oach 1929 1926 1928 1927 N ew H ouse C onstruction Begun by Local R ealtor Ford R oadster C hevrolet C oupe Nash Sedan D odge C oupe 1933 A ustin P an eled D elivery Cars W ashed and P olished ICottllnusd from p sss nn.l to what he considers excessive e x ­ penditures by t h e commission, which threatens to exhaust the bi­ ennial appropriation of $7500 be­ fore the end of the current year This is the first tune the governor has found occasion to Invoke the new authority conferred upon him by the budgetary control net of 1935. Agent for W illy» and G rah am -P aige G raham -P aige Sedan $ 8 6 9 D elivered H ere W illys 4-door Sedan $579 D elivered H ero Construction o f a new house about G as - Oil - A ccessories two miles east of Hillsboro on Baseline road was started Wednes­ day by W G ide The home i being built for Russell Ide and the work is being done by C. H Himes, 2nd and W ash. P hone 2641 local contractor. Earl Naught started work this Used Car Exchange 5R JULY CLEARANCE SALE 41 NOW IN FULL SWING 39c - 3 $4.95 Men’s and Women’s FA N C Y Bristol Hardware Co. Next door to Venetian theater Hillsboro Open until 9 P. M. Every Saturday Night G oodin E state Filed for P robate M onday 1931 C hevrolet C oach Columbiaknit Sweaters “Mr. Whitelaw: I wish you would have an opening every Saturday.” 3 1 8 East M ain Street 20c Ray Muling cannery here started packing wax beaus this week Tile berry and cherry season is nearly completed and green peas will l>e handled for unolher week Chevrolet and Oldsmobile On Main Street N ext New Postoffice in Washington and Columbia Counties 50 Bought and Sold C annery N ow Packing W ax Beans and Peas H IL L S B O R O M O T O R CO. At Our Grand Opening OLDSM OBILE 118 USED CARS for $1,00 Rummage Fable Coats, Suits, D resses................. $1.00 Women’s White Dress Shoes . . . . 98C BIG TABLE WASH GOODS . . . 9C Kayser Silk Hose 59C- 2 pair $1.00 Boys’ Brown and Black B e lts........ IOC C O R S E T S ................................only 5c Men’s and Boys’ Odd Shirts . . . . 15C Little Boys’ Waist O veralls........... 25C Men’s Work and Dress Socks . . . . 8c All Wool Bathing S u its ............... 98C Child’s Sun and Bathing Suits . . 25C Men’s All Wool S u its ................ $10.00 Infants’ Shoes . . . . ........................ 25c Children’s Union S u its .................... 15c Values to $6.00 Women’s Hats $1.00 Men’s, Boys’ Work S h ir ts .............. 39C Big Assortment Buckles and Buttons 2C Men’s Solid Work S h o e s ........... $1.69 Men’s 79c Dress Shirts, . 2 for $1.45 Men’s Felt H a t s ................................. 69c 36-inch Unbleached M u slin ........... 0C Men’s 69c Work Shirts, . 2 for $1.15 Women’s - Children’s Hats, Tams 10c Men’s, Women’s Stick on Soles . 10c Men’s Rubber Heels 10c, Women’s 5c 49c Women’s Zipper P u rses........ 25c Bathing Belts ................. 15c and 25C Bathing C a p s.................. 10c and 25C WE REPRESENT 35c Many Golf Fans at Exhibition Match Divorces Granted Prompt Service S p ecials for J u ly 19 and 20 week adding to Ills house n iu l barn ut the west end of Jaekson street J E Kolb of Pumpkin Ridge is also making extensive repair! and remodeling his house G G arlhof C, H Kelly of North Plains was ner. residing between S ixth and arrested last Wednesday on a Seventh avenues o n Washington charge of being drunk on the street street, is re-shingling his home Robert I. lliudln of 11111.1",i" was arrested Saturday on u tres­ Marriage I.IrriiMM. passing charge. Jam es l.ee of Dayton was run- Leonard Van pomcleit of Hanks fined in the county Jull Tuesday route I amt Amy Ailchla Hollen­ to serve a 50-duy Jail sentence Im­ beck of Bunks. July 10 posed by the Tigard Justice of the Bernard Roscoe of McMinnville peace on a reckless driving charge und Ini.'lda Heesuckrr of Cornelius, July IS. Alferd E Meyer of Hillsboro route 3 und Audrey I. France of Portland route 2, July IS. Jacob II Friesen und Myra Hoff A large gallery saw Dr O. F inun, both of Portland. July 13 Willing of Portlund and l>r Ralph Milts of Forest Grove beat John Robbins of Portland and B M Goodmun of Hillsboro (wo up on nine holes at Forest Hills July 16 Willing shot a 34. Robbins 33, Mills 35 and Goodman 39 A record crow d attended the fam ­ ily night dinner und entertainm ent ut the d u b house following the match. Club members contest will end July 24 Two Men Arrested During Past Week Place--R obert T from Lorena K Browning H. A. front latura A. Christensen Named Leader New Group W illiam C. Christensen, v i c e - ; president of the Comm ercial N a­ tional bank, was elected secretary- treasu rer of the new ly formed In ­ dependent Bankers of Oregon at the organization m eeting in Salem Saturday night. He was also elected on th e executive committee. C. E. Williamson, cashier of the Bank of I Albany, is president. Fifty independent bankers from 30 different communities w ere pres­ ent at the first meeting. Independ­ ent bankers are those w ho are not branch bankers, and the purpose of the organization is said by the of­ ficers to m eet occasionally and dis- J cuss m atters of peculiar interest to them selves in w hich branch b an k ­ ers would not be interested. It was made clear th at none of the functions of the Oregon B ank­ ers' association would be taken over, but, rather, th at th e in d e­ pendent bankers w ould concern them selves w ith th eir own prob­ lems and would w ork hand in glove with the senior organization. 18, lOAifc BACK ZIPPER S Special purchase! Phone 444 : Day or Night $ 3 .5 0 Brushed W ool Z ipper or BU TTO N SW EA TER S I 0 4 AO I