Heat New Works Tillamook Burn Grove Bank Saturday's Second Suit Breaks Records State Capitol Closed to Entry for Local Area Plan Begins by Forest Board to Conduct N ew s L etter Hits Validity on August 1 Sheep Show o f Tax Sale Stale OHicer Fatally Hurt Saturday's scorching heat, report­ Recent hot weather. which has | ed as 107 degrees at 3 p. m. by A. H Y A. L L I N [I H M I dried out timber and incrcuned the ' W Moore of the local U. S. bio­ fire huzurd, hu« cuun«*d the cloning , logical survey, shattered all exist­ of the Tillumook burn area to en- I ing high temperature records in Large Sum Distributed try except under permit, accord- i Hillsboro. The heat, which serious- ___________ ___________ ing to word received from the ■ • ly Injured county s erry crops and Among Counties for ■fate board of forestry this week drove local people to nearby T r a n s f e r SERA A c tiv itie s R a lp h E p lin g , Les W in n e r G r a n d J u r y f o r J u ly T e r m Entry without obtaining a permit J F i f t y H e a d o f S h e e p to be streams for relief, was unprece- Relief of Needy from one of the nine stipulated dented In the memory of old-time T e n t a t iv e ly S c h e d u le d S h o w n S a t u r d a y b y 2 0 D ie o f in ju r ie s R e c e iv e d D r a w n M o n d a y ; R e p o rts stations Is punishable by law residents. f o r F ir s t o f M o n th The hot wave began Thursday F o u r - H C lu b b e r * T r u c k C ra s h M o n d a y OALEM A total of *2.432.5U 45 O n e In d ic t m e n t qu .n d to hl. WIlh a when Moore's thermometer showed _______ sJ has been distributed among the ........... _ ,. shovel, axe and water pail, accord- a maximum temperature of 91 d e -' counties of the state to date for re- |ng u, thwed while traveling and ,n Friday and then broke all i-NCVV J t [ - U p U J U l l l r l t U the *5.500,000 authorized by the leg- 1 W O v_>O Iil 1)IC IC Cl fire may be built only at i records with 107 degrees Saturday _________ islature to bo diverted to this cause ( _ _ _ _ _ places designated in the permit, afternoon. After an unusually from profits of the state liquor sys- ( Violation of the conditions of the P ro fe s s o r a t S ta te C o lle g e w ’r,r' n,f!h1' th< un canr,e upbrlght A d m in is t r a t io n , P e r s o n n e l L o c a l S a le s m a n H a s N a r r o w mercury ’ stem, according to hgur« . compihd A l i r n a t i o n o f A f f e c t i o n s permit will cause its cancellation, r r o ic s s o r a t o ia ie u o n e g e an(J t.,(.ar Sunday ,, by Secretary of State Snell. Profits N a m e d to J u d g e E v e n t columns up to 105 degrees A cool D e ta ils N o t C o m p le te d E s c a p e in W r e c k F r id a y * ........ ........ , Suit Filed in Court ^ h e ^ a ^ i ^ t T r e ’ ^ S u it F ile d in C o u r t breeze came up during the evening _ have been turned over to the re-1 and showers fell early the next is bounded on the north by the Second annual Forest Grove Na- lief fund total $1,404,772 47 and there Tentative date for the transfer C tlo n attacking the «-iver, Cochran and Tim- llünul bunk 4-H sheep show w ill b,- morning. Mondays ten mperature Ralph Epling. 17-year old Gaston are $1,050,000 In certificate» of In- Second legal actl recent ^Lntv* de* b?r' 7 h e e u 8 ‘ 1,n*; rbn8 «'“ ’ conducted Saturday at Fendall s * as ™ J * 8™ .-es, Tues- of activities of the SERA to the Hugh S. Rogers of Hillsboro nam- outh, was instantly _ kilted and debtedness outstanding ugulnst fu- validity uf thc ■.day at 87 Works Progress administration has ed senior vice-commander of the Leater Winner "””r7***also**o<* ('as flïéd Friday $'k'’;wo,,d a n d * ,jrcst Grove" warehouse across from the Forest daX a‘ »8 and Wednesda lure profits of t h e commission. Un(|ut,n, ,ax United Spanish War Veterans at ton, was fatally injured early Mon­ “ ,ed coni h puny day while ttie south line crosses near Grov„ cltv hall T w t n l , c l u b m e n T h e h e a t s t a r t e o e a r l y Saturday been set for August 1, according Isurtfckt participant in the dtxtribu- • by 1”1' Rrnpire Holding h,'.«"r„.èn'M,’.ïi' KmP're »«Win« company Uu. headwaters of the south and L™ ' “ y * , 7 t.h ih l» an morning and climbed rapidly from to information received this rapidly from to information received this week annual meeting in R o seb u rg day evening when the light gravel tion of relief fund« h . 2 u“" stwre *•* . **••«•- “ ate “f - «•■T.land ..gainst Washington Paiit fork of Tra;,k rlver. The £ « “V Æ an“ taere«« ÔÎ 2 “>« minimum of 56 degrees record- by R. W. Weil, county relief ednesday truck in which they were riding noinnh county w n. *iûl“iù'«tio oT county Bnd Mr and Mrs William wcit boundary zig zags along the n v ^ P'the ro.mhe^ .h o J n «* “t 4:30 a m By 1 p. m. the mittee chairman. All SERA ' " with 10 other young people went hu« «mounted of the “trial Marl- Î T ta." ri,u «‘.m WC8t *l0pe oi ,h e C° " ‘ Range l“ t year, according to I E. Fran temperature was 106 and two hours jects.in Washington county some t ou, 0, contro| and overturned in a nearly on.- th ird of the total. M ari- ' first' suit " p* *ast y»» rivor rnuH »>*,» inmu., -„.I i.. n . . n e s r l y six yours that he hus kept ou*ly since May l are being certi- ■ * z" 1 I [ I internal injuries died at the Guy- on tied to the works progress and na- mon o si.................. mon h hospital about noon — Tuesday. temperature tional re-employment administra- T h a t the truck was traveling at August tions. a high rate of speed at the time de- Deadline for completing the re-j W a t e r C o m p a n y B rin g s S u it uf. thc mlshaP * a s the report of ...uv.» p«..u. o . w i a n m i.c - _ the writing of projects and the certi-. witnesses The machine traveled Logging coni|Miny office at Carlton, imul husbandry iit* Oregon State was de8rees 0,1 Ucation of clients has been set lor f o r H y d r a n t R e n ta ls ..pproximately 135 feet after plung­ 333 38; Morrow. 312.60042; i-oix, .... t,r,„„.riv uin« sold la t h e Fn i" s ■ sm w . • . . . < s - u A I . . . o n , , imai nusoanary State A August , tl in ic f I 15. a a , « ™ a hi » ■ h ■ j o ... > — at uregon * s T Last year August 22 was Saturday. Projects w ill then be for- 341.963 11; U m u t i l la . 362.223 84. , ch(.(^.h „„ ¡¿,iy Qf y(.ar and Meadow Lake patrol station. college and for several years sheep ing into the ditch and overturned. the hottest day with a temperature warded to Washington, D. C. for Oregon-Washington Water Serv- Youn? EP*“nk his skull crushed, Union, *44,612 15, WushlnKton, *77,» • dw > " 'y n e e to disch arg e «>d y • . e d 4.01,shed ab lish e.l high U gh school dis- £ , ub ?nd their parents found ^ c e o l^ p o t near streams or transferred from the SERA to the com^any^s incorporated is incorporated un- and ? eng$ ,.17' buf ‘ been suDDlled w ith th e » .-m e m m to a ,h c l1 , th n t ,h ' com e ie ra tn .n In 'n e t s w e .e -igne.l here Munday w ill be guests of John Thornburgh, under shade trees. w ith th e project. Chen s cer- of the stata of Deta- Sh,ti ,aI ^ gi’ I^ „ ‘ 8; X ^ “ *2 of the »tut© house fire. T hese «ec U.M?. u u s in ad e q u ate ; th a t th e night on “ ‘ c s VAdt' n l . *?“*** p re sid en t of th e F o rest G rove N a ­ titled as being on the relief rolls ware and , hat the ci, of Hillsboro ^ bn«'. 1’ ;„LucU* EpUnft 11; and t io n n r ., ( lo r n thr.-«- t o f o u r f. p la in tiff W • (Mjt n o tifie d of the tile COUIlty non-higil school tional ......, I---- u bank, at ,-----,------ luncheon in a, th<- continuous y since May 1 w ill be is an Q mumcipal corpora- Cb" ord Epbn«; htgi, a'nd win U,r~ ,twl„%Ur wuK P> '‘d.ng sale; and that «he Mulino- board ............. for tuition cos. given employment next and, if ad- tjon Such * diversity The driver of the truck suffered I,, t. . . . . . A n ''b i'iig i/^ iii.h ib ^ k '^ h .^ s p lL ^ - ditioital workers are needed, clients bnngS the action under federid severe aboot, the of c e n tra l O regon w ro te to the E -npire H olding com pany r. . elv e r- ^ h .n . s except l .g a r d and B eaver- « . „ h . p J th c sheep pro ject G i v e n P r n ic e S S w S ‘ * ">■ a— ■ • U S r ^ ' r S S J S f ' i S state department asking that a d*d ,,,ui 8 v® b'“'« to divest _L. j _ . j - durl?.u ‘.¿‘5 Dimina 'han a year ago. Under his encour section of one of the columns be 'b**' court of control of the prop- 6 U agement. the program has grown V J1V C T11 i 1 Labor on new projects approved Claims set forth by the company an(j a possible fracture of the ief* under the works progress adminis- *n c *or. £our months forearm. George Baker's nose wa> shipped to him. but cancelled the e*'y , , . . . . . . I t .. i , i _____ __________ _____ ■ _rapidly with several of the boys i order when he was Informed thul | , Gl,an K< “ >• Evc,>'n Kelly. M ctti ÌI W o u ld • . ~ B r in . g P -w r o s p e r ity assigned will be from the relief Ore8°n - Washington W a t e r hospital Tuesday when thei*- be« man 330. 330 ber, Of the body include Edwin J. rate of 375 .per student. The aver- M . K 7 rolls and not more than i0 per Service company also ? -ks interest jurte« were found to be nol serious. than Maple of Forest Grove, foreman, “He vost lust year, os r i .t s i r t .x l h v Mead- Mildred Mead and Neil Knep- c h » i t »' e m " » rental from the v»— ~ j » S ..V — ................... .. » . S route . S T Ä S T Ä - ith • n « e a - day w-.j. 2B o pcr' llanlu> 1; r i Adelbert Evera. lth o ' first of the month following . »ptertng or H i l l s U b o r o m e v a r i o u s u i k u « c n w i a 1 , ’ w a * s I »7O |)b<.r t p Vs»rK F r in « p, o rc W il lie Ik « d s a w a r m e v e n i n g ' R o b e r t E v e r s F r iin r i« P e e r « UZII1I« W o rk er« w iii H e o e id l ^ i e e e e e h W b iC h t h e r e n ta ‘ a“ r^ EpU"g ““ d T “m D “ * 1™ 0 “ •s F . Herrick of Gales Based on a strictly "cost per nZ*' p»,** the usual '" ‘busiastic Townsend their driving permits revoked or 3' . i . ,ar \ taken home, while Sheila Laughlin, Epler of Tigard student" basis, the cx;.cn*e of edu- / ' ,,u8. “"d club met --------- at the -------- Grange -----_r supporters -------------- W? ikerSj Wlll,u>e eacb and for costs and disbursements. suspended during June, figures re- 1 reck, Edward e. 1 11 suffering a fractured collar bone hall Friday evening in to hoar hear an ad. a d -, month under the new set up in ii _} !»..-.— sher- eating pupil» at Tualatin and Ver- J roiJt<- f ‘ hal1 Fndav pvnnino leased by Secretary of State Snell r°u*® *• Bobvr? ,B iiif o of dress by Commissioner J. E Ben- s‘ead of weekly. Checks w ill be TX ii£ ? ’plaint J?3? ^ F 1,^ by H and head injuries, was taken to m Peters boort high school would have run " Be7ndcnSl‘x', C0™e. lus; revealed. Nineteen of these were * - J n Tuesday Mon.lay having fnihxl to get into court in passed Saturday esi Grove, Tualatin, Beaverton and T * II J T II i? candidate for queen of the big Every effort is being made by the ^eny ]iabiTltv for the balance be- £ve!UJl£ a ^ot day, their effort to oust Governor Mai Juror, reporting for duty for the Verboort. „A verage costs reported “ ,aj £ Z g , com m ^ionmT o T a v “ dan “ i cau^e the company failed to com-1 be 1 ^ 7 n e a r ^ ’ttom tin from office through quo war- July term of court were as follows foi the 1934-35 year were as fol ----- Following the address another solo (Continued on p*g. is. column z> P„'„io?iot. „T«a2 j .J» i!™1,” ...'. The accident which occurred at ranto procetHlingM it is assumed Polly Weil. John W Gardner and lows: Banks, $64,99; Tigard. $55.44, resolution passed by the council . 7. .« T. Richardson Takes Office in was sung by Bob Kelly, accampan- ---------------------- m. was in\ estigated by thut the long rumored recall will Thomas Connell, Hillsboro; E l l a Hillsboro. 369.41; Forest Grove, $.8 - March 8. 1933, and forwarded to the ' ' (C p ontinued on page 4, c o lu m n I) .....aboro ( tab Thursday ?ed by Mrs Fred_Sewell. _ _ now materialize tn a campaign to Lincoln, Hillsboro route 3; Anna 38, and Beaverton, 371.75. company. Commissioner Bennett declared secure enough signatures to force H Young. Aloha. Dewey McNamee. Transportation contracts for For- M11IV oveoivii, sssx . _ , During the O same session, the Beuvertun route 1. lt.-beeca Mnv est Grove and Hillsboro union high C T Richardson took over the *be Townsend plan w ill bring D _ e x o s t , , TT^sz council prepared an ordinance re-1 an election on thc issue council tllO tl j.._,— lu. column lj reported on the convention. A golf few and consequent economic ruin tbe tax collection department of t V l a c E C t l Z l C M o t O F nouncement by the committee in move with Yamhill, Marion, Clack- j Dr R J Nicoi. local veterinarian. 1 match was played in the afternoon. 'Yould foI1° w « e declared that had the sheriffs office. This is prac- : charge. Charles M. Thomas, former amas and Multnomah counties as was elected president of the O r e - ---------------------- Committees were named as fol- l bn.-gkVe^?rnen* P888^ tb e. bonuis tically the same percentage as that v I a v p state public utilities commissioner, the hotbeds o f recall sentiment gon State Veterinary association at 1 F U i r U m 1 r P i r t l i l s J.V1UVU w i„ the principal speaker and lows: T G. Bronleewe, M P. Cady “lU /r, , , tbS “ suing of that much existing on payment of real prop- Reports f r o m southern, central, the annual meeting of the Pacific a U l U O I l d V H t l l l P t r » ■ • ■ 1 (C ontinued on page ’ I), colum n 2) - • f I and E. J. McAlear, aims and ob- erty levies. MacKenzie Motor company will i will talk at 11 a. m. on the devel- and eastern Oregon and the coast' Northwestern Veterinary Medical Receipts to date show 2161 full probably move to new quarters at opment o f hydro-electric poorer counties Indicates little interest In association in Victoria. B C.. July J * u ; R R Easter and R Frank' the propoaal to recall the governor j 8. 9 and 10. O Peters, club service; J. M P e r s o n ! z - w - I I , p o l l Ft M l a t i e payments of $21.020.15. 740 part the southwest corner of Third and in Oregon. ishington County P o m o n a and C H. Nosier, vocational s e r v -p “^ ^ In those sections. Dr and Mrs. Nicol were accom Washington . -------------------- payments of $4849.02 and 17 asses Washington streets on or about | Picnic lunch is planned at noon • • • 1 panted to Victoria by Dr and Mrs Grange will meet with T i g a r d ice; J. H. Garrett, J. M. Person and r i ' l i f x . i^zx-zv«-» sor payments of $139 60. Unpaid August 1, according to an announce-' and will be followed by a pro- levies were reported on 2640 pieces ment this week by H. L. MaeKen- gram of music and speaking. Sports, Thc state supreme court has set H. H Green of Sulcm. Dr. Green Grange Wednesday, according to Orange Phelps, community service; _ _ 1 of property for a total of $29.122.67. zie. proprietor. Remodeling of the ' including races, contests, baseball July 24 as the dato for hearing, is assistant state veterinarian. They ' Frances E. Hudson of Beaverton, j Charles Walker, Fred Sewell and arguments In the suit Involving1 returned Friday. .Pomona secretary. ¡Charles Wells, classification and _« . , _ Current and delinquent taxes on building has been started by Mohr ‘ game and swimming, will start at Next meeting will be in Tacoma, Hillsboro Grange is endeavoring membership; B M. Goodman, Rob- amDer ° ‘ 1 «mmrrce Members personai property totaled $89.258.68 Bros., Hillsboro contractors. the constitutionality of thc Ice 2 p. m. Coffee will be furnished by Luncheon Guéris Monday cream code. Because of thc great Wash. These meetings alternate be- to secure a bus to take as many ert Burlingame and T. G Bron­ at the end of June Delinquencies Partitioning in the building I s !lhe committee and members plan- Interest which attaches to the out­ tween Oregon. Washington and B Hillsboro members as possible to leewe, boys' work; Dr. D. E. Wiley, for years prior to 1935 were as being altered and plans are made ; nin6 to af‘end are asked to bring I the meeting come of this appeal and Its . ff.it 0 . Lester Ireland and W. C. Christen­ Members of the Hillsboro cham- follows: 1927. $1957.28; 1928. $2364 - 1 for an up-to-date sales room an d ' well-filled lunch baskets. upon other marketing agreements sen, fellowship and attendance; R. ber of commerce w ill be guests at 87; 1929, $5173 40; 1930, $11.426.26; service shop. Until recently the Persons wishing to hear Thomaa’ E. Wiley, Al Jannsen, Fred Am- the Dairy Co-operative association 1931, $10.500.61; 1932, $15,309 87; and | quarters were occupied by t h c 'talk are requested to be on hand the court has promised to expedite acher, oratorical; M. H. Stevenson. plant In Portland Monday noon. 1933-34, $13.403.73. Total of unpaid Hillsboro Motor company. consideration of the Issue involved I ea*'Iy 35 the speaker wishes to be and an opinion is expected before Easter service; R. Frank Peters, Invitation to attend a courtesy taxes prior to the current year is I gin at 11 a. m. sharp. the justices take their summer re­ W. C. Christensen. Christmas lig h t-1 luncheon and to inspect the plant $60,136.02 and is levied on 2608 Committee in charge of the event Builders' Club to Meet cess, early in August. includes M. J. Vanderzanden of lhe ing; Charles Reed, W. G. Ide and was received two weeks ago from pieces of property. • • * W. Verne McKinney, program and W. W. Henry, manager, but the Collections during June amounted, Hillsboro 4-H Builders' club will Kansas City local, P. Patton of Members of the Battleship Ore­ I meet ot Hilhi tonight (Thursday) Gaston. Fred Jossy of West Union, Production honors for thc month Of the 576 cows tested. 181 had a publicity, and L. C. Kramien and : date for the event was not set un- to $3366.22. gon commission are to appear be­ O, I,,.,,. ; til this week. Of the total unpaid taxes, $50.- at 6:30 o'clock, according to M. M. N P. Johnson and Harry Hanson, co,,,,.» K ^ X c l . S ’ Burlingame, collection. both of Cedar Mill. fore Governor Martin here Satur­ Bob Stanford of Tulare C a l, and j p ians are now being formulated 817 37 ar®, iec“r? d ,by„ real prop' Romi«- leader' day in an effort to justify their herd improvement association went (hose produclng over 70 pounds of L B. Lewis of Alturas, Cal., were 1 for a delegation of 30 or more local! ?rty' whileul 830054 36 represents expenditures. Budget Director Hood to "Spot," a five-year-old purebred. fat during the month was as fol- visitors at the meeting. 'chamber of commerce members to lev!cs on wbich the county has no has culled thc governor's attention Jersey owned by Mrs. Tom Wil-j )ows wjth the nnmp of the owneri Fred fx»v Amacher will be program' 1 attend. according Moore. r«al property security. of ifsit*»w rszv x zT « M a M sl» v. to (hat a. Ed. L. ZA*. zslzasw aat a a s a r * e as Many (C ontinued on pnu« to, colum n 7j limns of Forest Grove, according ,,amc of (he cow, breed, age, milk chairman next week. . secretary. __ He asks those ex- ’ I ihrtee these loT latter claims charged to the monthly report of Jake and productjon given in order: I peering to make the trip get In a8ai,'st names no longer on the tax Lohrenz, tester. Total of 24 herds,. Buchanan, "Alice," purebred Jer- 1 touch with him so that luncheon ro'Js and represent firms that are including 576 dairy cows, were l y 7 , 4, 9 737; Mrs Robertson * I arrangements may be made. i out ol business or have moved tested In Juno with a total produc- j <-()n Forest Grove. "Rose A. ’ (B y C ollege N ew s Service) bushel, less the necessary deduc- tion of 443,742 pounds of milk and purebred Jersey. 8. 1404, 73; John An increase of four cents a bushel tion ter local cost. Oregon exten­ at the chamber of commerce and 19.261.5 pounds of butterfnt. Avar- Cordes of Forest Grove, "Shorty," That applications ter funds to age production, Including 38 dry grad(, Jerspy 10 I38ff 72.2; Hagg First session of the county board ¡,Save, ,or Portland a* 11:30 a- m allotment benefit pay sion men say the deduction this oil arid rock principal county roads animals, was 770.4 pounds of milk , & Song ..Re]1 , 2 .. grade j ersey, 4. of equalization for the current year i Monday. returning between 1:30 ments ter thc 1935 crop has been year will be somewhat less ’han would have to be broken down in­ and 33.44 pounds of butterfat room ------------- ter August 12, ?nd " *" Persons "• having ................ V i r p - C r t m n - I i i n J n r announced by the Agriculture Ad- last, when the average ter the state 123i) 718; Mr, Williams, "Polly.” has been scheduled according to an announcement th is! for, addl‘‘onal passengers in their to units of not to exceed $25,000 ▼ IV t >111111 < 1 Ilv lt l justment iiiQtmpnt adm inistration, although administration, although Record of the high producing purebred Jersey. 11, 1440. 70.5; C. automobiles are asked to contact each to qualify under the new week by J. E. Carpenter, county Hugh Rogers was elected senior 1016 processing tax on wheat has was 1.3 cents a bushel on allot­ dairy cow, "Spot," was 1440 pounds h . Bamford o f Forest G r o v e , the chamber of commerce. works progress set up was the in­ assessor. Assessment rolls of the vice-commander o f t h e U nited1 been continued at the former flg- ments. formation given members of the of milk and 76.3 pounds of butter- "Ruby,” purebred Jersey. 4. 1188, county may be examined and claims The change In benefit payments Spanish-American War Veterans of ure 30 cents a bushel. fat for the month. Second honors 70.1. county planning commission Fri­ R p S l i l P t l t Oregon at the state convention al The additional adjustment pay- ter 1935 has nothing whatever to went to "Bell II,” a four-year-old Mature cows making over 60 for reductions w ill be heard dur- v V P S t day when they conferred with grade mpnts to farmers are made possi- Jersey owned by David Hagg pounds of fat were: Buchanan, | thereafter0 l,"y f>eliod Immediately vv W0S S _ y *iiv rii a x t - o i u v i l l Roseburg Wednpsday. do with the pending new contracts, heads of the program for the state. Gates of Hillsboro, de- ble through reserves accumulated to be available sometime this sum­ Reduction claims m n v h.> f il e d Belief was also expressed t h a t 8i Sons of Reedville, with a r e c -, ..jjay_.. purebved Jersey, 5, 1275. U I I I IC U 1 l u r e O U IlM clV partment commander of the Grand from the tax on wheat production i ......... the county clerk during thc counties would be required to pro­ ord of 1296 pounds of milk and (gjp. Albert Greener of Hillsboro with Christian Grand, 82 resident of Army of the republic, spoke Mon- by farmers not under allotment mer, the Washington officials em­ ,.oute grade Jersey. 5. 1119. 15 days vide all materials needed on the 75.1 pounds of butterfnt. following the initial meet­ Union for the . past 59 * years day Awll» af,crnoon the rx___• annual contracts, 2. _ according to an explann- High herd in the class ter more 63.7; E. E. Guerber of Hillsboro ing. Members of the body Include West jobs. .. . — ■ _ * nor... »»« xx# before TT_ri_J _._3 I« by «« it,-, $4zx3«x phasize. Farmers from many parts tion received the (4-,-,,. Oregon G State of the country, who were In con­ Applications ter $213,655 to crush than 40 cows was owned by the route 1. "21,” grade Holstein, 6, Donald T. Templeton, county judge, died Thursday morning at Jones convention of the United Spanish college extension service. The in- ference with thc AAA officials re- and haul 100,000 cubic yurds of Hagg dairy. Fifty-four head of 1548. 834; Ruchnnan, “Cutie," grade Edward C. Luce, county clerk, and hospital here after an illness of a War Veterans In Roseburg. He as- sailed the national administration's month. Funeral services were eon grade Jerseys set an average of Jersey, 6. 1197, 62.2; Guerber, “23." made a number ,,f sugg«- rock and for $187,513.88 to oil ap­ Assessor Carpenter. policy with relation to the veteran. any deficit in the wheat budget tions for Inclusion In these new proximately 03.8 miles of county 685 pounds of milk and 38.41 pounds grade Holstein. 6, 1501, 61.5; Mrs. No claims other than thc usual ducted Sunday afternoon at the E. D. Hite of Hiteon is serving since available funds are ample to road were filed recently by the of butterfnt. C B. Buchanan's herd Williams, "Mab,” purebred Jersey, routine requests are anticipated this Donelson A- Sewell chapel with on the resolutions committee at the cover the increase, the Washington contracts. Rev. H. A. Deck officiating. Inter­ county board. County Judge Don­ of 35 purebred and grade Jerseys 6, 1149, 60 9; Mrs. Williams. "Jer- year. It is possible that arrangements announcement stated. ment was at the West Union cem­ convention. ald T. Templeton, Commissioner H. at Gaston was high in the division sey,” purebred Jersey, 965, 60.8. will be made In the new program etery. The increasein payments w i l l for making the entire year’s pay­ Four-year-olds making 45 pounds H ills b o r o R . F . D . T a k e s D. Kerkman, County Engineer J. ter 20 to 40 cows with an average mean more than $370,000 additional ment at one time. However, a pro- Mr. Grand was born at Trimmis. O p e n in g o f P o s to ffic e W Barney and John Thornburgh of 895 pounds of milk and 44 33 oj fa| werp: Mrs. Williams', “Dlnn in A d d it i o n a l 1 5 .9 M ile s Switzerland, March 9, 1853, and to co-operating growers in Oregon. posol was tentatively approved to of Forest Grove represented the pounds butterfat Highest herd in 2 » purebred Jersey, 1146, 641; Mrs. B u ild in g D e la y e d A g a i n The entire benefit payment for Hillsboro route 3 with L. E. Fur­ came to the United States 63 years the class for 12 to 20 cows was Williams', "Daisy," purebred Jer- county. retain a second payment and make Delay In obtaining tile will hold 1935 for Oregon growers will amount it somewhat flexible in amount, Request to have Washington coun­ owned by Mrs. Williams 19 pure- spy t no, 62.7; A. Vanderzanden of row ns carrier has been extended ago. He is survived by the widow, ty classified under the Portland bred Jerseys averaging 841 pounds Forest Grove, “Spot," grade Jer­ 15.9 miles in response to a petition Mrs. Anna Grand, and by five up completion of the new Hills­ to approximately $3,082,000, it is according to changes in the market metropolitan area ter the work of milk and 46.52 pounds butter- sey, 1413, 60 7; Mrs. Williams'. “Peg filed by 60 persons. Service was daughters. Mrs. Theresa Schmidt of boro postoffice until about August estimated. price of wheat during the crop The first 1935 payment w ill again year. The growers also strongly ad­ progress program was also made. fat. Nine grade Jerseys owned by gy 2,” purebred Jersey, 1089, 599; given over the extended route for Hillsboro route 4, Mrs. Anna Han­ 15, according to a statement this Although a definite derision was Amos Watkins of Laurel placed E. E. Burkhalter of Hillsboro, "25," the first rime Tuesday. The route ley and Mrs. Julia Berggren, both week by Fred Holznagel, local p ost-, be 20 cents a bushel cn the allot- vocated giving county committees not given, the belief was expressed first In the small herd division grade Jersey, 924, 56.3; R. B. Mur­ now totals 47 miles and goes seven of Hillsboro route 3, Mrs. Sabina master. He also declared that an ments, while the final payment, more discretion in making local thnt only the southeastern portion with an average of 659 pounds of phy of Forest Grove, "Rose," grade miles beyond Shady Brook to the Whitehead and Miss Mary Grand, official opening of the building was under the present three-year con- adjustments as to base acreage and both of Aloha. milk and 38.63 pounds of butterfat. Columbia county line. being planned. I tract, w ill be at least 13 cents e other details. (Continu«d on pa«« I, colum n 6) of the county could qualify. p in Accident Five Prizes O ffered J ' Ten Others Injured lf*U H p fp n rliin t C l 1 CUCI ctl v_v/vin V I L V C I CI 1U