Farr H IL L S R O R O R ig h t Hilhi Chairman Hazeldale to Hold Picnic A R G U S , H IL L S B O R O , O R E G O N er business Included the approval ' I of the Fairway M arket's applica­ Lilly z Selected t i o n for a license to sell light wines and Hie denial of a perm it to re- I Mel residence at 247 East Group Leader I'aslungtoii ‘ an old street. Non-Union H ead Thursday, July 11, 1935 son of Kansas, purchased the 10 acre Lee plan in Patton valley Man Injured Mr. and Mrs Fred M Phillips have purchased ami arc moving to the little home of A I. Needles at by Explosion I fine Tigard A Washington family pur and Gladys L McLeod llillsbon, route A. July 9. Henry Frederick llolzineyci Utid Minnie VanDyke, both of Fm, • Grove, July 3. chased II acres near North Plains CARD (H THANKS I from Mis Mary D Pratt for a We wish to thank our fiii-iH| A c c id e n t H e re on F o u rth : future home. and neighbors for their many act* of kindness during our R e p o rt 13 W re c k s j nieiit. the death of our fallu i John Commendation of the activities: (Continued frum p»«* un,) .Sigrist. ami also for the beiuitifui I By Mr». J . C. S m ith ) Prem ature explosion of a giant of chamber* of commerce at Hills- M argaret S Weed. Grace G. Wahl floral offerings Mi ami Mi . Ro| HAZELDALE — Community club firecracker cost Harold Hussell of | boro. Forest Grove. Oregon City and Anna Neumann eit Yungen and Mr and Mi p w ill hold its annual picnic at Balm Hillsboro the first Joint of the in­ and Portland and the assistance of Hearing in the condemnation suit F Grossen. G rove Sunday. Cars will leave the dex finger on his right hand Thurs A 11 Caples. Forest G love bus newspapers in combating the pro-1 brought by the state highway com ­ school house at 11 o’clock. The i day evening Hussell was reported I been appointe d by S. T White, posed Portland ordinance to trans- ' mission against Charles Bruce and com m ittee in charge is Mrs. W A 'to have been attem pting to throw slide director of agriculture, as fer the cost of operating the city 1 H erbert B Miller, venue on which Jones, Mr and Mrs. Clarence W al­ the cracker into the air at the I one of nine district mipervisoi s milk division to the dairy Indus- was changed to the local circuit ker and Mrs. Jean O'Connor. ' time of the accident. | under the depaitinept ami will have try of the state was voted last j court from Yamhill county, opened Mr. and Mrs. E O'Neill, with In addition to blowing off the headquarters at Hillsboro The new week by the Portland Independ- Wednesday morning Right-of-way th eir two children, have returned finger joint, the explosion burned departm ent set up is exp«*ctcd to ent "B” G rade Milk Producers' as- to widen Hie Middleton Newberg to their home at Enterprise after Kussell s right hand and the Hide of .save the state approxim ately >27.- sociation during the annual meet- section of the West Side Pacific a stay of several weeks with Mrs ing at Forest Grove. j highway is sought The defendants I A M Jannsen of Kcedvillc rv his face severely He was treated 000 annually O'Neill's parents. Mr. and Mrs E elected chairm an of the non­ by Dr A O Pitm an and reported According to the new plan, ten D. G. Lilly, Forest Grove, was contend in their answ er that the G rabhorn of Cooper Mountain union high school boaid. for work Friday morning. districts replucc tin* original II elected president of the independ- 167 acres of land involved is w orth Joe B erger is recovering from a cuts for the coming year J J. Van- more than the $2tk) offered by the Total of IS autom obile accidents District offices will be maintained severe attack of mumps. Kleek. Beaverton, was named vice- commission and ask $845 for the Bmll Ospell. Richard Glen Thorn occurring i n Washington county at Medford, Coquille. Eugene. S.i R o u k I i I m id Sold Mrs. Lilly Robertson, who has prsident. L. H McKee. Perrydale. property and $1100.20 in damages I burgh. Hans Loeffler. Erlek Sund July 3 and I were reported at thc lein, Hillsboro, Hood River, Klam been the guest of Mr. and Mrs W. secretary-treasurer, a n d J a c o b Ju ro rs selected for the case In- berg. William Henry Warren. O M sheriff’s office Personal injuries iith Falls. Milton ami Ontario Port P. Brooks for several weeks has Jenne. Beaverton, and Herman Cop. ehlde H erbert W Fieken. Margaret Sanford. Eliza Jane Sewell, l.oren- were sustained in but two of the I land, which forms the tenth district, 1933 C h e v ro le t Sedan returned to her home in Fresno. will be adm inistered as a branch ro rest Grove, directors. 1 ~ ............... » .................. crashes reported. Like new. Cal. office Boss Langlity of Gaston suf I Mr. and Mrs. Dan Newsham of feted lacerations of his hand lute ! 1931 C h e v ro le t Sedan Hillsboro visited Mr. and Mrs. J Thursday evening when Ills m otor­ C. Smith Sunday I9 2 H C h e v ro le t Sedan Mrs M argaret McHenry of Mis­ F. L. Brown of Laurel who was issued in the guardianship of Ann cycle was Involved in a collision i and G race G. W’ahl. elected chairm an of the Hillsboro willi an autom obile driven by J. sion. Texas, is visiting at the Brooks Louise Hinuuclright. 192H Essex Sedan union high school board last S Hall, also of Gaston The acci­ Request for 15 days in which to home. «C ontinued fro m P*V* one) week dent Occurred at tin- intersection of i Tuesday evening H I Putnam. had not been done' at the farm f‘le “ motion for a new trial was Mr and Mrs. Ray Kinchelowe 1929 D o d g e S edas Seventh and Baseline streets in Christian minister and president since that time, leading Coroner “ Bowed J. H. Hicks of Reedville and family and Mrs. Kinchelowe 5 j ames Hanlon, convicted o f Hillsboro. of the Hillsboro Townsend elub ell and Sheriff J. W. Con- JU1-' Ju l-V. 3 •’ and sentence ivtion Fred Sew Sewell sem enee was postponed father, Mr. Nolan, spent last Sun- $ault and battery in connection 1927 D o d g e C ou p e Mis Verna Newman of Portland G N Taggart, vice-president; Rob­ ke in ne“ . who investigated to presume 1,1 “ ,e meantime Hicks was con- day at Monmouth. w ith the longshoremen's strike and her son. Gerald, suffered severe ert Kelly, secretary. .1 F Buck that Sigrist committed suicide late victeii June 27 on an indictment 192t> C h e v ro le t C oupe Couple Return Portland last sum mer “To , t h , Friday evening. charging the theft of horses. Pleading guilty to a charge of cuts and bruises last Thursday as land, treasurer, and Rev Henry Mr. and Mrs. Frank Applegate, fere in these cases would be the a result of a collision between the Young. speaker, and member of The body was discovered at 7 a Pleas of not guilty to two indict drunken driving, Jam es H Dill of who have been at Walla Walla, grossest abuse of the power of my Newman car and a m achine d riv ­ th© extension committee went to W ash. since they left here a few offic C ars W a s h e d and en by George Champlin, also of! Cherrv Grove to organlre a club months ago. have returned here and "Rathe Portland The accident occurred on in that community. Thirty four P olished are looking for a new place of authority the Bend road near Tigard |X‘ople have become members no business. fice should be exercised to uphold Miss G Colby and Zena Kelley, far. but on account of It being a Mr’CSin d Mrs M artin Aarhouse our courts 'and law enforcement ‘he other end of the rope about his 'a“d on which ‘axes had not rested Friday night at Six Corners both of Portland, received cuts and community they ask to be Agent for of Aberdeen. Wash , visited Mr. and agencies in the m aintenance of the .......... rn in Switzerland. Harold Fulghm an of P ortland ar£ a,™ ^ X ’V k ^ W X ? C ham plin suffered broken ribs und small Sigrist was M born affiliated w ith the nearest club, W illy * an d G ra h a m -P a ig e Mrs. W. A. Jones several days here ‘aw of the land, I. and came to the ™u ‘e 5 Plead guilty July 2 a f te r - ' S^n a ^ r u n k « Jd dis bruises in the same crash. Jan u ary 17, 1870, which thc local group are endeavor recently. United States 31 „ _____ _____ ____ ing to make Gaston Already plans ‘’rdvrl.v charge She was fined $t, Beecher Jones of Sacramento. farmed at Helvetia for the past 30 s‘°len property and received a and costs in the local justice $10 G ra h a m -P a ig e Sedan are underway for a Gaston-Cherry of Cal spent last Saturday with his ‘ I W r it l t i l r . l l . l t . years. He is survived by two daugh- postponed sentence. The following the peace court later in the day Grove club $8-19 D e liv e re d H e re sister. Mrs. C P Syverson Mr . »- ters, Mrs. Marie Grossen and Mrs da-v Alvin Wilson, berry picker ai Jones is visiting in Hillsboro Reputed no account was W il ly * 4 -d o o r Sedan Susan Yungen. both of Hillsboro Banks. plead guilty to a charge of „ , „ check u W a re h o u s e nt C an n ery Miss Mary Robertson, who has route 1: ten grandchildren and a stealing a tent and- also received cashed H id ay by E A. Schumann, $ 5 7 9 D e liv e re d H e ro (C o n tin u e l fro m p a r e one) Fourth of July week was the C o m p le te d T h is W e e k been the guest of Mr. and Mrs w ere aw arded and it is ’believed sister, Mrs. M attie Abettlen of Los a Postponed sentence. 1 owner of a grocery on South First New warehouse building at the Paul O'Connor for three weeks, h a s . that many of the children failed Angeles Two prisoners in the Washing- avenue near the ta rn a tio n con- best in the last ten years in the G a t - O il - Accessories returned to her home in Victoria, to turn in th eir slips for prizes. He came to Oregon in 1906 from ton county jail w ere paroled last denser for a man giving the name real estate business, according to Hav-Mating cannery has been com­ b O. Eagon of the Oregon Farms pleted ami will be put in uie some B- C. All entries received tickets from SigriswvL Canton Bern. Switzer- wetflt by Circuit Judge Peters L M>‘lcr. according to u re- company time during the coming week The tre. land, accompanied by his wife and Harold Sappington of Forest Grove p5’r t . ,o ‘he sh eriffs office H u ­ Mr. and Mrs Ernest Jones of the Venetian theatre Mr. and Mrs. George F. Hagen cannery is now operating on ¡ h m s . me of of march march as as two two daughters daughters and and located located in in Hel Hel- was «‘ven a parole last Wednesday ?heek v ", . t h c , ¿ocu2 Portland spent Sunday w ith Mr Entries in the line of Greot Falls. Mont , purchased Roytd Anne cherries and nearly all after serving approxim ately 30 days branch of the First National bank and Mrs. W. A. Jones. follows Color guard and “Uncle vetla. of a six-months sentence for lar- 1 Portland for $24 The man pur- and have moved onto the fine little types of berries but struwbct i les Mason Reed of W arren was visit- Sam," National G uard companv. ceny of farm implements. Frank chased $2 w orth of groceries to be farm of Mr and Mrs Fred M ing friends here Monday. Mr. Reed Goddess of Liberty and attend 2nd and W ash . P hone 2841 .Marriage l.leensea , L. Costley of Sherwood was pa- ’ delivered to a Hillsboro address Phillips, located m a r the wireless was a one-time resident here. .. . and G. A. R. ants, city officials tow er Mr and Mrs H M D ick­ [ roled Saturday on a still possession 1 on “ le following day. Richard II Busch of Hlllsbor« State Commander H. V. Gates, G. ' charge. Lloyd Beard of Banks was ar- A. R fife and drum corps. Daugh­ Pleading guilty to a charge o f 1 rested Wednesday on an assault ters of Union Veterans. American failing to stop before entering a and battery charge He is alleged I C o n tin u ed fro m p«i?e one) Legion and United Spanish War Veterans. Gresham band, unsuc- an ou,rall system and treatm ent highway, C hester V. Sandstone of to have tiad an altercation with cessful Goddess of Liberty candi- P!ant serve the entire city. Portland was fined $5 and costs Fred Schlegel, also of Banks. Sun- Funeral services for L uther J dates. Boy Scout troops. Washing- Cost of constructing the sewer Monda>' in ‘he Hillsboro justice of day. Foster. 64. of Reedville. who died ton county Moose lodge drill team, in that portion of the city lying Peace court. Wednesday morning at St. Vincent's Hillsboro Grange. Buck Heaven east of Fifth avenue was estim ated Several complaints against dog- hospital in Portland, w ill be con- ■ Buckaroos.'' county hospital am- $52,000 and for the areas west of o w nerl ln W ashington county wen- ducted at the Reedville church Fri- bulance. American Legion A uxil- Adams avenue and north of Jack- flled thls week m the local justice day afternoon at 2. Rev T. C Dun- iary. Methodist church S u n d a v sun street at $41,000 Estimate on of the peace court Frank Corey of can will officiate at the church, school group, private automobiles, ‘he outfall system and the treat Mountaindale, Louis Stauss of Hills - (C o n tin u ed fro m pnire one) while the Odd Fellows will have Hillsboro fire departm ent. Com e- n ent plant was $90,000, $50.00) cf boro rou‘e 1 and L. G. Lenon of charge of graveside services at the lius fire departm ent. Bethanv band, which was for the disposal plant Hillsboro route 4 plead guilty Mon- m inistration and if satisfactory to Tualatin Plains Presbyterian church Portland Gas & Cuke company Basing his figures on the basis dav and Tuesday to charges of ' ne interests of the county, to file cemetery. Venetian theatre, dealers cars en- oi obtaining a 45 per cent gran! ia ‘lure ‘° buy licenses for their application for classification in the SALE WASH GOODS Mr. Foster had been ill for some tered bv the Hillsboro Motor com- from the federal governm ent. Cun- dogs and were ilned and costs ' 'o niand m etropolitan area with Prints, Cretonnes, Mar­ I V o te o f T h a n k s A cco rd ed to C h a m b e rs o f C o m m erce A n n u a l C o m m u n ity A f f a i r a t B a lm G ro v e S unday ---- Seven Indictments r* - i < ■ Reported by Jury Caples Represents Ag. Department USED CARS Helvetia Fanner Commits Suicide Townsend Group Planned Gaston Drunken Driver Fined in Court D' D.-,.~»,-L» t r i V'pCllS rOlirtn JllIV Activity in Real Estate Here Cited Used Car Exchange City Wins Point in Water Fight L. J. Foster Rites at Reedville Friday SALE STARTS FRIDAY. JULY 12th New County Rating Plan Now Pending gon in 1911, first settling in Port- commercial automobiles, decorated Jot the same size in im proved A. J Hess from blocking * • Manager land and then moving to Reedville bicycles and pet division. districts. West side system—$52 on a ro®dway across their property ‘ ‘ * 1 Eucker of Sher- in 1917. In 1899 he was married Lack of room at the east entrance a 50xl98-foot lot. near Sherwood is sought in a suit ana w - e Schultz of Forest to Miss Genevieve Kennedy at to Shute park made it necessary to Costs of the outfall line a n d Friday in the circuit court Grove. ent with E J Grif- Plainsville. Kan. Mrs. Foster died divide the parade, part going in- treatm ent plant for the entire city i • $.cy and his w iie Thc - An a appointm PP°intm cnt trato r of the new in 1904 and he m arried Miss Cora side the grounds and part turning were to be retired over a period alleges that two of the nth, state adm inistrât H annan in 1906. w est on Maple street. of 25 years through revenues from ÎÎ -” _ _?irs_ _ a v e . constructed a works progress progra im is now be- - - ^.tem T o’f c b ^ g e s S E T “T T “ ro*dw* ’r established ing sought. Action "to be taken by Mr. Foster is survived by the '^ le A uxiliary float was a a system of charges for use of the id i n patriotic improvement, according to Cun- and usv<^ ^°£. more than 50 years, the county will be determ ined fol- widow, Mrs. Cora Foster of Reed- hay-rack decorated Eugene ningham s plan. X He estim avea ated max that B,g? ey„.ir ° ’? ? r a v e l - Io* ln« „ the conference. ville, and three children. Dale L. colors an2 driven by — o— Hud- .**..»**««.*» 1C esum # Foster o f Seattle Wash Mrs son> Wlth httle bo>’s a n d Sirls there w ere 1000 pos-ible sewer hlS p ace to the highway. He Installation of equipm ent at tw George Im lay and Mrs. G W. Stiff dressed as Red Cross nurses, sol- connections in the city and th at an requiring the of the four county relief cannery units was started Wednesday and both of Reedville. dier?- sailors, etc., riding in it. The annual charge of $5.30 each w o u ld , n /T » hC Hi* wa« a momhur »Ko Methodist Sunday school float was carry the original construction costs and rJ strainiug them from block- the other tw o w ill be organized as Odd 'beautifully decorated w ith flowers and overhead ng roadway Damages total- soon as suitable sites are avail­ •Fellows lodge for the past 26 years. and £ j h members of the “ . " „ .. , J . mg $100 are also sought on the able. Clients w ill be notified by holding m em bership at Beaverton Sund£.. schoo. rid ln „ e Dr 3 O. Robb favored retiring grounds that crop lusses of that case w orkers as to times assigned He was a Past Noble G rand of the parad e started at F irst and Main a . ^® a*e r ot ‘be costs am ount resulted from inability to for canning work. lodge and was president of the streets and Droceeded alone M^in ot the e1tlre lm Pr°vem ent on the use the road. Forest Grove cannery unit will W ashington County Odd FeUows to Fourth so ith ^ u r t h to O ak red “^ < O rders ln ,he b lo w in g circuit be located in the old Oregon F.lee association last year. east to Tenth and then south to Î £?urt c.ases wt>re issued this week. trie depot, w hile the new Hillsboro Funeral arrangem ents are i n Shute park. The event was «Don- 3 P13nj w, d b® more equitable State Industrial Accident commis- Grange hall w ill house the local charge of Young's Funeral home. sored by the local Rotarv club and o U V n P3> i r oP°Ju' sion vs Vlrgil Meycr. default judg- unit. O ther canneries are planned Shorb at Aloha and a t either Tigard or Lt. A rthur Kroeger acted as mar- “ on . to the i benefits yeue.ns received. leee n eo . Robb nooo ment; DeEtte Shorb vs. Ray I | wj t shal. contended. He also pointed out that decree. State Industrial Accident i Metzger. Judges were assigned to each ?. ? °.o",er,SF ‘Ph o i,th V W?t e r ’V ’. T C?mm,s 'on vs Louic F Schultz l ' A dditional funds for relief work iC o n tin u e l fro m p » « one) section of the parade and this ac- s e w e r r e n t a l ‘” e reall2atlon oi the al. judgm ent of voluntary non-suit. ; in the county have not been re the day at Port Orford in C urry coun,ed for the dupUcation o f ' _ , .. ,P C atherine Collins vs. M artin Ber ; ceived as yet, according to R. W county. Earl Snell, secretary of Pr ‘zes which occurred. That the plan proposed did no! nards et al. default; Troutdale State ] Weil, county chairm an If mon- contem plate the use of sew ers in bank vs. John Hinkel, default and money 1, not available, direct and | state, made the principal address the present district to serve new judgm ent; Birdie V. Cady vs Zella work relief programs may be cu r­ at the Salem celebration. Governor areas was the statem ent of Cun- M. Sandvall, confirm ation fo sale; tailed after Monday he said. Charles H M artin spent the day ningham. C harles Brownhill vs. Charles Sea- Inform ation regarding the n e w ' quietly on the McKenzie river, Petition protesting against over- mon et al. decree; Emma Pitman relief set-up in W ashington county leaving the oratory to his pinch- loaded log trucks on First avenue vs. K itty M. Ellis, publication of is anticipated on or about Monday, hitters. w ith his secretary. W L Gosslin SDeakine at A l h a n v a n d iC o n tin u « ) fro m p a r , o n ,) was subm itted to the council by M summons; State of Oregon, acting according to Weil. Word received Frank McCulloch utilitie cnmmi« Miss Billie Jean Riley of Huber is B- Bump and others. The m atter by the World War Veterans' State to date, however, indicates that sioner tw isting the tail of ^ h e assisting in the office was turned over to the city man- Aid commission, vs. Emil G. Haag there will be three separate d epart­ American eagle at Mt Ane.-I T h , H eadquarters for the district in a8er io r investigation. et al, confirmation; and State of m ents of activity—social service, governor had 14 invitation« to sneak which Washington county is in- An SERA project to im prove Oregon, acting by the World War ru ral rehabilitation and w o r k s on the Fourth but turned th e m c‘uded is located in Portland, three rooms on the second floor of V eterans' State Aid commission, progress. all down. . . . . Branch offices are located in the ‘be city hall was discussed by the vs. Jo h n Evans et ux, confirmation. • • , county seats of Multnomah. Col- council and instructions w ere giv- Probate orders were issued in the Divorce Granted Becausp the statute« rtn nnt umbia, Clackamas. Hood River, en to the city manager to prepare estates of Elizabeth Etta Preston, Shorb—DeEtta from Ray Se; for the; sal ’ oi ” 5 year b o ^ C,atsop’ Tillamook and Washington eslim ates for the work. Members vide ior tne sale of 15-year j , of the p ark comm ittee w ere also as had been contem plated by the counties. ------------------------- 1 asked to look into the m atter of a state highway commission in re ­ Divorce Suit Filed 1 sim ilar project for the city park. financing its Coast highway bridge Brown—William E. L. vs. May P R e-instatem ent of the city's con­ bonds, motorists of Oregon will tract w ith the Washington County be stuck for an extra $400.000 or more Tn" interest ¿ h a r g e Z T v T the T o i l T a t r t n C b q r i f v ? ° g C o n „ ? ! F o a r d t0 c o ‘lec‘J ‘cens. 25 years which the new issue will 1 ° ° L 3 I C tO fees in Hillsboro was reported by run. R. H. Baldock. state highway ALL kinds wood, $3 50 per cord P ' L' Patterson' ci‘y attorney. Oth- engineer, had figured to S3Ve ap- and up; no knots. — Telephone proximately $2.000000 by exchang- 1071X. 21-2 MAIN STREET ing the present PWA 30-year rev- ------------------------------------------------- enue bonds ior 15-year general ob- SACRIFICE—$65 3-piece bedroom PHONE 81 ligation bonds. The law provides set’ *1® ice box. good condi- only for the sale of 25 and five-j “ on, $2 50.—407 Lincoln St. 21 p year bonds, but even on the longer 7 7 7---- 77---- :— te.-m paper it is believed there will T " ° cows ior Kale' 5-gallon Jer- bc a saving of approximately «1- sey and 4-KalIon Holstein, second 600,000 in interest due largely to a calv es—A. Rife, 3 4 miles north Specials fo r J u ly 12 an d 13 lower rate. The commission is ad- Shady Brook school. 21p Capitol News Letter C..._| Mate em ploym ent vyillLC IlctL Powers Grocery YUaSSirV Prom pt Service . . . fo T 7 a ? J f n WJ )uW°25i 2n T e a i bOn^S WAXTEb ’ log" w ith gas year bonds covering the rem aining north of Mountaindale._________ 21 $1,200,000 necessary to finance the WANTED Have cash buyer f o r Lnciges, later * good 10-acre chicken ranch. Will _ , T . , also buy chickens and equipm ent Paul Lynch of Mitchell has re- if priced right. Must have elec- signed as state representative from tricity. the 22nd district comprising Gil- FOR SALE—Good home. 87 feet on liam. Morrow, Sherman and Wheel- Main street. 198 feet deep. Won- C0“ nUts ln order to accept a derful location and chance to re- federal position. Thc vacancy wili model Priced to sell. be filled by the county courts of E. A. GRIFFITH the four counties at a meeting to 131 s 2nd Ave Hillsboro, Orc. be called by Secretary of S t a t e _____________ 1 Snell. Governor Martin has no intention of setting himself up as a court of appeals from the supreme court. He m ade this clear in a statem ent this week explaining h.s refusal ?o grant executive clemency to Thorn- as Black, Malcolm Samuelson and HARRISON D. HUGGINS M. 0. ETE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT SPECIALIST GLASSES P IT TE D ( C « » ,r r i,l Phon« 1*71 O ffkw 1S71 N s t lM a l A nno Hour, • 10 * . m. to 11 a . 1 :M ». m. to S ». a M ip q r v rn iiW T D V p i A rtF L L H J pi I K Y r L A L t Modern 5-room house, nice grove. u . , , .. Bi*r "' earl“i''' ch llk en ** miles to town« 25a acres good land, Price $2750. Good terms. W. G. IDE 1314 Main Street Hillsboro, Oregon Losses come without warn­ ing. Protect yourself today against fire, theft, or I accident. TUALATIN VALLEY INSURANCE AGENCY Soaj Palmolive. 118 50 Low Cost of Service Fast Freezing Extra Space Food Saving Convenience Quietness Beauty Because of these features they dem and the CROSLEY Shelvador See Us Today! Easy Terms. Bristol Hardware Co. Next door to Venetian theater Hillsboro Open until 9 P. M. Every Saturday Night 4c S oap , G ra n u la te d Peet’s. Large size Whi te. All green. No. 1 tall. 2 for VV SALE TOWELS And Towel iJz» L L M U S L IN 36-inch. Yard ................... OC C a m p in g B la n k e ts $1.50 Auto and $■< .1 9 Camping ... J. .. 22x44 Heavy Bathroom TURKISH TOWELS Famous Cannon make. 17c 3 50c FOR SALE BUCKLES And buttons. Each .............. a - Oz* V Glass Water Sets T o E very C ustom er P urchasin g $ 1 0 .0 0 o r O v e r. Sets consist of fancy w ater botth filled with hath salts and six glasse- to match. A $1.00 value FREE while they la.-t. Values to ¿3.00 GARMENTS F o r W o m e n and C h ild re n ! W o m ­ e n ’s S ilk Dresses, K n itte d Dress­ es, Blouse, S w eaters, M id d ie s , Princess Slips, P a ja m a s , N ig h t G ow ns, W o m e n ’s and C h ild re n ’s W a s h Dresses, Etc. SALE DRESSES Little girls’ printed dress­ es and panties to match 10c W o m e n ’s F u ll F a s h io n ­ ed S ilk 59c I ,» *1“ SALE ANKLETS ioc CORSETS " A s is. " O d d f- _ JUs/V , O m V .0 0 FOR A n y W o m a n ’s S u m m e r H A T in O u r S tore Take your pick. .00 Values to $6 $4 X SILK DRESS SALE Plain pastels and lovely prints for all occasions. Including— S w a g g e r Suits, C o lu m b ia K n it Suits, Bouc- le tte Suits, and n small lot of W o m ­ e n ’s S u m m e r and W in te r C o at*. lot. Each ............. M a rq u is e tte Sal«. P an el 25c DRESS FABRICS Beautiful summer ma­ terials, values to 70c yard QQn $ 1 .5 0 and $ 1 .7 5 HEAVY SHEETS Size 81x99 and $-9 .00 72x108 ........... X UNION SUITS For boys $ and g irls ..... XcJXz CLO TH T IE S Special shoe for women. Black and tan. While they last. P a ir ........... 25c C h ild 's A ll W o o l BATHING SUITS And Sun Suits, 25c S pecial GREAT SHOE SALE Fo» M e n , W o m e n an d C h ild re n You’ll agree the biggest shoe value Weil’s have offered i n year. Hundreds of pairs to select from and all go. Per pair 89c J ia n t Jim WORK SHIRTS 69c H e a v y W O R K S H IR T S 2 Extra FOR heavy c ham $ 1.50 2 ’1.15 brays. 39c 3ro« 1 “ Famous Blue and grey chambrays Jiant Jim makes. FOR MEN’S OVERALLS Blue denim bibs .............. t>yc BOYS’ OVERALLS .......25c SALE WORK SHIRTS For men and 9Qn boys................. V, U w Crackers Sunshine Krispy. 2-lb. 29c C offee Manning’s. Lb. ........ MEN’S WORK PANTS Cottons and khakis. Ex­ tra .1 9 special ............. 25c SHIRTS Men’s. -f Odd sizes ....... Many other items specially priced for Friday and Saturday. These prices good July 12 and 13 only. 39« ’1 V a lu e s to $ 1 0 .0 0 O ne and T w o -P ie c e HOSIERY SALE RAYON UNDIES 5 bars 1 & TO THE FIRST CUSTOMERS quisettes, Curtainings, Outing Flannel. Yard M u n s in g and K a y s e r S oap , C ry s ta l W h ite X t I V Regular size. A kS pi aragus Red Weil’s July Clearance $4 X XtfL _ z H A TS- | Children's ....... XvV A big value at. 89c each. Buy two for $1.50 a n d save 28c. ..... and heavies. A big value at 69c each. Buy two for •$I 15 and save 23c. M EN’S ALL WOOL SU ITS FEW HART SCHAFFNER & MARX AND CLOTHCRAFT Sport and conservative models in practically all sizes a n d colors. Our greatest July Clearance Special