Page Six Thursday, July 11, | 936 HILLSBORO MOTOR CO. Chevrolet Oldsmobile MOVES THIS WEEK FROM THE PRESENT LOCATION AT THIRD AND WASHINGTON TO 324 MAIN STREET IN THE NEW POSTOFFICE BLOCK, AND WILL STAGE A GRAND O PEN IN G Saturday, July 13 - All Day and Evening REFRESHMENTS SERVED TO ADULTS AT NOON AND EVENING; ALSO AT 8:00 P. M. A VERY ENTERTAINING FREE SOUND MOV1NQ PICTURE SHOW YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THE NEW LOCATION We pay tribute to the late Dr. J. P. Tamie- sie, known widely and favorably in this sec­ tion, who promoted the use of his property for this growing dealership in General Mo­ tors Products. We regret he did not live to see the fulfillment of his idea. The T.mlerte Garage. 824 Main Street, nest New Poatoffice. In the rear of thia building is space for free parking of customers’ cars. Jam es Whitelaw, owner of Hillsboro Motor C ompany, who says that the facilities of his new location are double that ot the former one, and invites every one to see for himself next Saturday. "I use newspaper advertising because it gives an opportunity to tell customers and possible cus­ tomers the advantages of dealing with me, and they believe it because it is of public record.” ■ Claude Coomer Service Superintendent, who has the confidence of motor car owners throughout this country. Service Advantages; Easy entrance and exit, freedom from congestion, safety, fac­ tory certified mechanics, ex­ cellent modern equipment, reasonable prices, prompt a n d courteous attention, good parts stock and daily free service from Portland. Special body repair depart­ ment. Two-car paint room. Two-car wash rack. Thor­ ough lubrication at 75c. '•HERE WE COME” W recker service at moderate price. Phone 444, day or ’.ani have access to six phone numbers. ‘ I believe our present service set-up is the most complete and efficient ever offered the public in Washington coun­ ty. We guarantee proper results from every job done in our shop.” (Signed): CLAUDE C. COOMER, Service Superintendent. Bill Davidson Of the “Blue Eagle” Cafe, who runs the Used Car lot on Second street. E. C. Lovelett Office Manager and Parts man, who is leading the three northwestern states in sales against quota of Chev­ rolet parts and accessories. Frank Pauli Geo. Wick C. A . Birch Last month we sold 19 new cars and 30 used ones, the largest number in the ree years history of this business. In May, 14 new ones and 32 used ones. The future seems equally bright for Chevrolet, Oldsmobile and “Better-for-less” Used Cars. We solicit directly on Oldsmobile the patronage of all of Washington and Col­ umbia counties. Please advise us of any such prospective business and keep the profits therefrom for expenditure in this district, as we guarantee prices both for cars and service to be as low as any other. Our “Better-for-Less” USED CARS with the red OK tug are reserviced only with Genuine factory new part». Guaranteed to be as represented, all under fac­ tory audit. HILLSBORO MOTOR CO. New Location: 324 Main St. Telephone 444 Next New Postoffice (Venetian ticket, G H. Morgan, Hillsboro» Chevrolet Oldsmobile Departmental A d v a n- tages; Genuine F a c to r y parts and accessories as far as possible. Prices never excessive, no grafting f o r transportation or commun­ ication charges. Daily serv­ ice from Portland for any item» not in stock. Prompt attention to shipping orders or mail orders. LIBERAL CREDIT POLICY I can conduct the business of this office with satis­ faction and a clear conscience, for Mr. Whitelaw does not aak ° r Wuznt any / ’"H’loye to be unfair or selfish wdh o i small ^ r o f T a n T n ? " in,’roaain* volume of business on small profit, and the accounting here indicates thnt this ,s a successful policy. My instructions are to continue (Signed): EI.ZIE C. LOVELETT, Office Manager and Parts Man Marylou Piper who will accept applications from those young men who want work, and from those who would employ such help. This service is free.