H IL L S B O R O Page Four A RGU S, H IL L S B O R O , Thursday, July 11, 1935 OREGON IJ.'J." I "Ay.' In te re a lin g P a p e r YO U N G ’S "His daughter, perhaps?" Found by Local M a n A shrew d twinkle came into the Flfty-ftve years ago Walla Walla Scotsman's eyes "Watchman," published January 31, "I hae me doots," was all he "Thoughtful. Bympathetls 1880. In the Washington territory vouchsafed. Hervtoe" and carrying u news Item of the Vance seemed in better spirits. P hone »71 HUlsbero marriage of hla parents, the late "In any event. Van." he said, "we M rs . M a r y E. Reeves L ived Mr and Mrs. R M Wood, was F. K a rn s J r. on F u rlo u g h can now go ahead with a certain found here last week by It II in C o u n ty 8 3 Y e a rs assurance of success. If only Pren­ fro m U . S. N a v y Wood The paper also carried the tice had taken the owner's name following Hillsboro story: "An aged and address, how simple everything (B y Mrs. Hugh Burdatta) I, Mary E Reeves, a resident of farmer, named Swanger. living near would have been." Washington county for 88 years and Hillsboro, O rg. wus murdered In ORENCO- Friendly Circle club S. S. Van Dina llnrorporaled) Returning to his apartment, he will J a pioneer of 1852. died at her home his house last week Object, rob­ meet with Mrs. C. P. Beck telephoned to the American Ken­ July at Cedar Mill July 2 She wus born Colin tiens — Credit R*»wria 18. bery The 'Standard.' which gives • nel club and obtained the names ( in Pettis county. Mo, October IB, a quite lengthy account, suys the In Karns on Furlough of the Scottish terrier judges in i 1848. and married George H Reeves murder Is shrouded In mystery." Oapvrlght by W. H Wright the six shows he had selected as Floyd Karns Jr., who is on a Wsshlngton. THlsrnook, TlnmhlH. at Hillsboro. Oregon, November 28. the most likely ones where the furlough from the U S S. Simp- Polk and Marlon Countlea. 1885 (C o n tin WNU u e d fr Sarvtoa o m la»t w x . l l U seless bitch might have been exhibited. son, arrived from Honolulu last CHAPTER IX Her parents, Josiah and Mary Personal Contact on Collections "Say. waller, cull Ihe manager I The six judges turned out to be week for a visit with his parents. Hall, came to Oregon by ox team here. I can't eat this terrible stuff ” Marguerite Kirmse. Karl B Smith. Mr and Mrs. Floyd Karns, and Washington County Office The Six Judges from Missouri in 1852 and estab­ "Sorry, sir. he won't eat It. eith­ Edwin Megargee, William MacBain. other relatives. He will sail from Vance rose early that morning lished themselves with their four er, so there's no use culling him " J C o m m u rc ia l B u ild in g t . . ,♦ at nine n'clnck Morgan Stinemetz. and Robert D Seattle July 18 for Alaska. Floyd I myself was around at mneoclock • hAr_ . has been in the _avv ' children. Luther, John. Alfred and Beccnid and M ain Streets has navy three years. _____________ and was surprised to find him in Hartshorne Mary, on a donation land claim at Phone W l I Mrs. S. L. Carlyle and grandson Vance glanced down the list of street clothes and on the point of names he had made. Cedar Mill, seven miles west of HUIsburw Oregon Ask your attorney to send your Vernon Garratt of Portland spent leaving the hotise. , Portland, the same year They left legal sdvartislng to the Argus "Now. let us see what we can Tuesday and Wednesday in the "I'll be back in half an hour, Missouri April 27 und arrived at Thatcher district w ith Mr and Mrs out.” Van." he said, as he went out. but find j Fort Hall July 3 and at Portland He turned to the telephone and C. M. Alexander and family They : July 30 Her parents lived, until 8a' e, , no explana.., i.. Kept it busy for the best part of all spent the Fourth at the home of their death, at Cedar Mill, both a r ^ S " n d ‘he had waited bun ten half an hour Then he rose and E G. Mill, for a picnic dinner and I dying in 1888. to welcome the A. E Mills fanuly minutes when Vance came in. He “ * * * « d"? d T r 'r v Mrs. Reeves was the last mem­ was ' an' ° ur itiner ry be- from Caldwell. Idaho, who came was carrying carrying the Scotch terrier gins. ber of the family Four of her chil­ over for a ten days' visit. Mrs. A. bitch in his arms. There was a dren survive her; George M of .___ ,__„„ Mr. Hartshorne. Vance's first se- E. Mills and Mrs S. L. Carlyle are Frederick March and Charles Laughton. who head an all-star cast i Salem, Burton B. of Cedar Mill, hm nm ew dJ she she >«*«»«. showed a keen interest in sisters. When In need of Masonry or Concrete materials, on by adhesive tape, but othewise tor "Les Miserablcs" at the Venetian theatre Sunday, Monday und i Frank H of Portland and Hose R the dog and went over her care- Mr. and Mrs A E Mills of seemed alert and well. Tuesday. the following grounds: Young of Portland fully. But he could not remember Caldwell. Idaho, visited Mrs. S L. "Morning, Markham." V a n c e having judged her in the show at Carlyle and Mrs. Mary Beach Fri- Her sickness was brief, she hav- greeted the district attorney. Real- which* he H had officiated He o said day. We Are a Washington County Manufacturer 1 «. T x4v.-4.,’e n v t x o o f » » A lt e r t " «It- SU V iltk VU IX t. oi U UO’ . j ing been about her home as usual Mrs. W H. Ring Miss Mason is a W e s t U n io n Local M eets We Employ Washington County labor until June 22. She was stricken earlv I've just toddled ever to Doc- he would have been sure to have Miss Margaret Taylor of Mason teacher in the high school at Mason tor Blimey* to sX hew the intie remembered her because of her out- City. Iowa, is visithmg her aunt. City. She visited in Vancouver and N o rth P lain s T o n ig h t shortly after her morning meal and We Help Pay Wsshlngton County Taxes standing qualities; but he was un West Union local of the Farmers' never regained consciousness Scotch lassie was getting along able to give us any help. ¡S S -JS K »“ S . “ ? « 2 Union will meet at the K. P hall. She was buriari m Our materials are equal to the best offered and uur prices and here she is.” Mr. MacBain was not in his of- uP°n him to remain at the Coe a n d sj,e ¡s a r ,.a ,i v ela ted o v e r th e North Plains tonight (Thursday) tery at Cedar Mill Friday and aerv- Markham looked at him skep- five as low as the lowest that day and Mr. Karl Smith residence until some light h a d beautiful scenery of Oregon and at 8 o clock The date of the an-1 ices were at Cedar Mill Methodist tically. was unable to help us. He was f1 ??red, *n‘° ‘**e case, and Grass! ,be pacific coast m.al county picnic was changed church at 2 p. m W E Pegg of "You sti)’ think you can trace Quite sure that the dog had not had reluctantly agreed to do so. will be July 21 at Rippling j Beaverton wus In charge of ar- the pers" A’e w '» n /th r m T v - h t h “ \ t been Miss Pearl Lowe of Reedville and shown under him; so w e went Wrede had remained Indoors all Waters. rangements dog day and had telephoned to Mark- 'isited Rose Marie Bella Sunday. "It's our only hope." Vance told ‘° Rca11 ° n Mr Megargee Mrs. Frank E Kenyon and little But here again we met with ham twice and offered to give what- him seriously. "The case is far too N eon S ig n In s tille d 1 grandson Frankie of Portland spent P la n t at S ch olia, O r e g o n for he was not able ever assistance he could complicated as it stands—there are disappointment. New electric neon »ign was In­ to identify the dog as having been Hilda Lake had gone out about the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Our Motto—"Friendly Service . . Fair Prlcea" (By M i m Martha V andariandan) too many contradictions. I am sure entered in the show at which he ‘en o'clock in the morning, dressed ' L. T Woodward. stalled last week by the Perfection Washington HUeet between lsi and Ind Miss Rena Duyck left Sunday for | Bakery that you. as a prosecuting attor­ in sports clothes. When Heath h a d > Mr and Mrs. L T Woodward Oceanside, judged. where she will be em -' J ney. could pin the various crimes Things began to appear discour- asked her where she was going.; and son Kenneth and Robert Mc- ployed for the summer on any one of three or four pec- aging "and y ance not” in the she had told him nonchalantly that Culloch spent the Fourth of July at Born, to Mr and Mrs. Walter i ple. But until I have rracea me , best humor as we drove to the sh* was going to take a drive in I Battle Ground Lake with friends. Vanderzanden, July 6. a boy. ownership and ^ t peregrinations S e Y ' ^ Ü S S d " * easu.de studio at Mrs. Mar- ‘he country. Mr and Mrs W D Clark of Miss Ma-y Moore, who is em -[ this Scottie. I shant be satisfied ----- --------------- „ , ,, ... 1 The den window-sill had been Portland visited the Ernest Wilfert M a rk h a m fr n w n e d " J u st h o w do Suerite Kirmse Cole. But to no ployed in Portland, spent the week-1 you mtend m go about it?" d avai1 ¥ « • Cole wa* Positive the «onc < " « carefully for finger-j I home Sunday end visiting her parents, Mr and vmi M arkham th is d °8 had not been an entry under prints, but without results. A gen- Mr. and Mrs. J C. Stuart J A Moore "As I mid1 told you, Markham, this K judgeship. eral routine investigation had been , son of Portland visited the W. aIi. F ! Mrs - her Miss Ethel Soderwal of Portland I little bitch is in perfect show con It was past four in the afternoon Pu‘ in operation by the sergeant.' Hunter home Sunday and Mrs. William Hemsworth spent dition. She's been trimmed and when we arrived at Mr. William hut, aside from this, nothing had Mr and Mrs. James Hanes. Mrs. Sunday in McMinnville conditioned by an expert, and it , , _ . . . . . . . , . S P. Stevens, Mr ... and . . Mrs. Art seems pretty certain that she's been ----------------------------------------------- MacBains Diehard kennels — in -------- Clos been done. , . . . . . . ! -e 1 j j Mr. and Mrs. William Hemsworth case has me sadlF bogged. M ark-1 Taylor daughter. Mrs Ellen « wel1 And there's with the Ernest Wilfert family Lady Customer: "I see this medi­ chair he began running ms finger faut could un(joubtedly be found nothing to take hold of. All the Mrs. Wilfert remained for the rest cine is advertised as good for man down the calendar of official dog ordinary avenues of investigation | uf the week. at his country home. and beast." shows. __ are closed. Heaven knows there Miss Helen Bella of Portland "This is almost our last chance.' Druggist." "Yes." "Now, let's see," he murmured are enough might have with Bella. her parents. K nheldh ™ d mNeX lo r k t £ ^ " h e ^ d o g I J ^ n ^ ^ o w n -un- "in done it- a n d people .here who are enough mO: spent Mr and Sunday Mrs Adam Customer: "Gimme a bottle I believe it’s the right combination show vracu ^ -m ak e a a note of Ne* En8iaod the South m Vernon Garratt returned to his to help my husband.”—Ex. show at at S Syracuse—make note o: wpre {he or case why But if lives ,.Sad for a dozen .. urders' „ Vance. ----- hnm„ ln home in Portland Friday after a sad." sighed these, will you. Van? Then came _________ My heart bleeds for you, don't y' visit with his grandmother. Mrs in New York now?" the Cornwall show; and after that. here He was downcast; I realized for know. Still, there's some simple S. L. Carlyle. Tuxedo. And a week later was the followed tRe iirst t*mc how muctl he had exPlana‘*°n. It's a deucedly compii- bvn u>stbQr0v^ andKa’so ^he^Encle^ counted on thls stray Scottish ter- cated puzzle — a cryptogram with wood s h o w ^ T hat hrinys u s ! r ic r to helP hlm in the solution of apparently meaningless words B u t . ^ O r t n H lH lI lS 1 O ik That brings us Drettv well ira to date and they the crime which was perplexing once we have the key letter, the S T l i l rad b iU U « This dog is t S him But “ was j yst at ‘he rest oi “ wiU fal1 into P‘ace And young to have won any important ment when things seemed darkest ‘he key letter may be the Scottie (By North Plains P. T. A .) b l T r i b t e and th ereto « my that a ot ll«h‘ was introduced I’m hopin' tor the best. You might NORTH PLAINS—Charles Koontz guess w that entries It was ______ Mr. Stine- guess w ould ould ’ be De tn a t her n e r en tries into 0,6 «‘‘nation. ]QC, ____ confide Cno d o in m e me i u the exact condition and Miss Etta Young surprised Coe domicile tonight. would have been in the puppy and metz—the last of the judges we There's little to confide," Mark­ their friends last Wednesday by novice classes. . . . It's not an im­ consulted—who gave Vance the in­ ham told him acerbitously. "Heath going to Vancouver to be married. formation he was seeking. portant matter, although it limits Vance showed him the little lost has done the usual things and gone After a short wedding trip to the and facilitates m y investigation bitch and asked him if he had home. However, he's left two men beaches they returned home Friday somewhat. on guard, one in the street and one evening. A large crowd of their "It sounds like shooting into the ever judged her. Mr. Stinemtez gathered and charivaried dark." Markham was far from con­ looked at her closely for a mo- a‘ the rear of the house Grassi friends ment. took her in his arms and has remained in his room all day— them Friday evening. 2 0 7 East M ain Street vinced. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Davis of “You’re right, to a certain ex­ stood her on the show table in his Heath's last report to me was that North Bonneville. Miss Elnora main kennel. the gentleman had gone to bed tent," Vance agreed. “But there's The lock on his door, by the way. Sandford and Glen Sandford went 1 "Yes,” he said slowly, after a simpler way of determining the to Manzanita Beaeh the evening of dog's ownership—and I shall try minute's inspection; “I had not only has been fixed; so he'll probaly the Fourth, returning Sunday White for t h e judged her, but I put her up, three live the night through. Miss Lake that first.” Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mead and | fashion-wise! z\nd Vance stood looking down at the weeks ago at Englewood. She won came in just as the sergeant was daughter of Nehalem spent the I the puppy bitch class, and I would going. . . . By the way, she took bandaged Scottie. for comfort . . . Fourth and the week-end with his ) "The more I see of her. Mark­ have given her a first instead of the news of Grassi's stabbing rath- sister, cool re­ Mrs J. R Sandford, and ham. the more I’m convinced that a second in the novice class, if she er hard family and other relatives in this freshing comfort And when there are only about five men in had shown properly. But, as I re­ Vance looked up quickly. vicinity. "I say. that’s most interestin'." this part of the country who could member, some young woman with we say white clothes stay Henry Cypher and Robert John­ "The Chinaman did not leave the little or no experience brought her have done such a perfect job of white longer cleaned by Home stone rturned home Sunday from into the ring. Naturally, she could house,' Markham continued, "and trimming. William Prentice could Laundry's Special Process, tovT done it;* and G«wge Wimb«“ | response from the dog. I told Heath he preferred to remain a trip to Eastern Washington and They visited with Mr. Cy- j you can't help but welcome ly, and Jimmy McNab, and Ellery tried to help her out. but it was until the guilty persons had been Idaho pher's sister, Mrs. A A. Wormel. j hopeless; and I had to give the brought to justice." Burke, and Steve Parton. balmy summer days and the a niece at Lewiston. Idaho. Vance walked round the dog sev­ blue to a bitch that had the style "I d° hope he hasn't too long to and demand of this fashion dic­ and the ring manners, but who wait," Vance sighed. "But it’s just They also visited Miss Marian Cy­ eral times, studying her. tate "Wimberly is in Boston, so we wasn't quite this one's equal in as well if Liang stays with us. I pher, who is employed in Lewiston. I Mr and Mrs Earl Babcock of i There was one slight feci that he's going to be most help- may eliminate him on the grounds anatomy. ful to us anon. And you, Mark- Amity spent the week-end with of distance. McNab is working in fault in the mouth, however. Mr. Stinem eu held back the dog's ham. old dear, what have you been Mrs. Dorothy Miller Mr. and Mrs. a private capacity for a kennel on doing9 Milk investigations. I sup Miller visited Mrs. Dorothy Miller Long Island, and I hardly think he exposing her teeth, would qualify. Both Burke a n d ! You see this upper incisor: it’s pose—and committees of eminent Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Tom Stigum spent out of place. But It's not a serious citizens who wish to uplift the Parton are fairly distant from New York, although they are certainly fault. There's many a champion drama—and interviews with alder- the Fouth at the beach. Merritt Jackson and Clark Inkley men. with a much worse mouth." possibilities." "That's about all,” Markham con- of Portland spent Sunday fishing Vance thanked him for his help He knelt down and ran his hand over the contour of the dog's neck and added: “Do you happen to fessed "What would you have sug- on the Wilson river. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Walters at­ and lifted hair along the spine.! llnow bitch this is, or who gested? . . the . • ntvne " D II owns hor" her?1 Really, Markham, I hadn't a tended the rodeo at Molalla Sun­ Then he stood up day. suggestion today." Vance leaned Mr. Stinemetz shook his head. "William Prentice! That’s t h e HiUnboro, Ore. Telephone 47 "No, I never saw her before back in his chair “But tomorrow—” chap. That outline of the neck and If you change your address kind- 1 "You're so helpful and satisfy- she must be a newcomer. I didn't , the back has been achieved by a ly notify the Argus direct and at master hand, and there’s no great- a catalogue of the show and ing, Markham snapped once. tf ITa b« continued) er master at that in this country : there were no postmortems at the than Prentice. Furthermore, he’s . judge's table after the show.' only a short distance from New ! Vance left Mr Stinemetz's ken- York. . . . I think I'll try him first. , ne.ls ‘n a much happier frame of If he did trim this dog he may be n'a,i},d' able to give us some information as i "Tomorrow,” he said, as we drove home through the gathering dusk, to her ownership." As soon as Markham had left us "we will know the owner's name." Immediately upon our arrival in that morning, we drove to Mr. Prentice's famous Barlae kennels New York. Vance telephoned to , at Haworth, N. J. Mr. Prentice took Markham at his home, and learned I one look at the dog in Vance's that there had been no develop­ ments in the case during the day. arms. “How d’ ye do, Mr. Var.ce," was Grassi had returned to the Coe his greeting. (Vance had known house at eleven o’clock that m orn-: him for years.) “A good one, yon ing, evidently very little the w orse' tor his experience of the previous bitch.” "You know her, then?” a s k e d night. He had wished to go to a Vance eagerly. “Ay." "And you trimmed her?" "Ay.” "And about how long ago might that be?” “I couldna say exactly, but it Everything io Insurance was after the first of September.” "Whose bitch is it?” Ph« I7«l 1132 Washington "That 1 couldna say. A lady and a gentleman drove up one after- | T". noon and asked me if I could trim Dally Trips to Portland the dog at once. I said 'ay,' and I trimmed It.” H ills b o ro A u to F re ig h t Vance seemed disappointed Bonded and Insured Carrier "What sort of man brought the dog to you? Could you describe Serving Beaverton, Aloha, Reed- yille, Hillsboro, Cornelius and him?” Forest Grove “Ay. He was a large man, around Pickup and Delivery Service at fifty, and he had little enough to say " Package Rates "And the woman?" Hillsboro Phone 542 "She was young and not difficult East Side Terminal Portland to look at.” Phone EAst 9131 “A blonde?” Î THE KENNEL MURDER CASE Orenco Circle Meet July 18 Starred in Victor Hugo Film Pioneer Dies at Cedar Mill Funeral Home Credit Bureaus W e bid fo r you patronage SCHOLLS TILE CO. YARD Roy Congratulations to Lyman Howe and James Wells Married July 3rd Fashion Says and to ‘The Men’s Shop’ H ILLSBO RO Merchants extend hearty congratula­ tions to Lyman Howe and James Wells on their new, up-to-date quarters in the Wells’ building. Howe has been active in local merchandising and civic affairs for the past two years, while Wells is a member of the well-known Wells family. We wish them every success in their venture to con­ Home Laundry & Dry Cleaners a o tinue and expand the service provided by "Howe’s Cloth­ ing Store,” predecessor to "The Men’s Shop.’ don't send me auiau Hillsboro Cash Grocery Blue Eagle Cafe Bristol Hardware Co. Hillsboro* Meat Co. Hillsboro Motor Co. Busch’s Service Stations Cady Motor Co. The Hillsboro Pharmacy Ihle’s Better Shoes The C. C. Store J. W. Copeland Yards The Imperial Cafe Coslett’s Bar-B-Q Kramien’s Palm Drug Store Commercial National Bank MacKenzie Motor Co. Curry’s Grocery J. C. Penney Co., Inc. The Delta Drug Store Perfection Bakery Ed’s Market Portland General Electric Co. Elry’s Chateau, East of Park Royal Soda Works Fairway Market Safeway Stores S. E. Fayram, Printer Sprouse-Reitz Co., Inc. Fred’s Superior Market Weil’s Department Store Goar’s Woman’s Shop Wilma’s Confectionery Hillsboro Argus Venetian Theatre RUSHLOW A L IF E --- th a t has been spent honestly and earnestly certainly has earned some recognition; some record to keep its memory alive. A properly plan­ ned G ranite M emorial is the only lasting guardian against loss and forgetfulness. OREGON MONUMENT WORKS H. H. Stannard, Mgr. 4th at Main, Hillsboro I Lester Ire la n d & Com pany T H I M ATTA! COMPANY M A N I H AC T U A I A l F O U N O K B li lt N IW T O N , Again We Join in Making Hillsboro the Friendly City IO W A